The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

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PR/MACY OF PETER.12 j<strong>The</strong> absence from the Protestant communions <strong>of</strong>is to them an enda divinely-appointed, visible head,less s<strong>our</strong>ce <strong>of</strong> weakness and dissensions.It is an inseparable barrier against any hope <strong>of</strong> a permanentreunion among themselves, because they are leftwithout a common rallying centre or basis <strong>of</strong> union,and are placed in an unhappy state <strong>of</strong> schism.<strong>The</strong> existence, on the contrary, <strong>of</strong> a supreme judge<strong>of</strong> controversy in the Catholic Church, is the secret<strong>of</strong> her admirable unity. This is the key-stone thatbinds together and strengthens the imperishable arch<strong>of</strong> <strong>faith</strong>.From the very fact, then, <strong>of</strong> the existence <strong>of</strong> asupreme head in the Jewish Church from;the factthat a head isalways necessary for civil govern^ments, for families, and corporations from;the fact,especially, that a visible Head is essential to themaintenance <strong>of</strong> unity in the Church, while theabsence <strong>of</strong> a Plead necessarily leads to anarchy, weare forced to conclude, even though positive evidence were wanting, that, in the establishment <strong>of</strong>His Church, it must have entered into the mind <strong>of</strong>the divine Lawgiver to place over it a Primate invested with superior judicial powers.But have we any positive pro<strong>of</strong> that Christ didappoint a supreme Ruler over His Church? Tothose, indeed, who read the Scriptures with the single eye <strong>of</strong> pure intention, the most abundant evidence <strong>of</strong> this fact is furnished. To my mind, the NewTestament establishes no doctrine, u/Jess it satisfies11

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