The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

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112 THE FAITH OF OUR FATHERS.God forbid that any <strong>of</strong> my readers should betempted to conclude, from what I have said, thatthe Catholic Church isopposed to the reading <strong>of</strong> theScriptures, or that she is the enemy <strong>of</strong> the Bible.<strong>The</strong> Catholic Church the enemy <strong>of</strong> the Bible IGood God, what monstrous ingratitude, what basecalumnyis contained in that assertion! As wellmight you accuse the Virgin Mother <strong>of</strong> trying tocrush the Infant Savi<strong>our</strong> at her breast, as to accusethe Church, <strong>our</strong> Mother, <strong>of</strong> attempting to crush out<strong>of</strong> existence the Word <strong>of</strong> God. As well might youcharge the patriotic statesman with attempting todestroy the constitution <strong>of</strong> his country, while hestrove to protect it from being mutilated by unprincipled demagogues.For fifteen centuries, the Church was the soleguardian and depository <strong>of</strong> the Bible ;and if shereally feared that sacred Book, who was to preventher, during that long period, from tearing it inshreds and scattering it to the winds ? She couldhave thrown it into the sea, as the unnatural motherwould throw away her <strong>of</strong>fspring, and who wouldhave been the wiser for it ?What has become <strong>of</strong> those millions <strong>of</strong> once famousbooks which were written in past ages?<strong>The</strong>y havenearly all perished. But amid this wreck <strong>of</strong>ancient literature the Bible stands almost a solitarymonument, like the Pyramids <strong>of</strong> Egypt amid thesurrounding wastes. That venerable Volume hassurvived the wars and revolutions and the barbaric

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