Graphic Standards Manual and Style Guide - Campbell University

Graphic Standards Manual and Style Guide - Campbell University

Graphic Standards Manual and Style Guide - Campbell University

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<strong>Graphic</strong> <strong>St<strong>and</strong>ards</strong> <strong>Manual</strong><strong>and</strong> <strong>Style</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>Rev. 03/24/06

AN INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT FROM THE PRESIDENTConsistency in the way we present our university to the public is importantfor a thriving institution that is growing in both quality <strong>and</strong> stature.A consistent visual identity program shapes the way key constituents view<strong>Campbell</strong>, both now <strong>and</strong> in the future. Therefore, I am delighted to present<strong>Campbell</strong> <strong>University</strong>’s <strong>Graphic</strong> <strong>St<strong>and</strong>ards</strong> <strong>Manual</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Style</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>.The process leading to the formal adoption of this <strong>Graphic</strong> <strong>St<strong>and</strong>ards</strong> <strong>Manual</strong> <strong>and</strong><strong>Style</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> was begun by a cross-functional committee – the IntegratedMarketing Committee – representing academic, athletic, <strong>and</strong> administrativeareas of the <strong>University</strong>, <strong>and</strong> it has been formally approved by the President <strong>and</strong>the Executive Cabinet. I am confident you join me in thanking our colleagueswho have invested many hours in this process.The transition to the new st<strong>and</strong>ards set forth in this manual is to beginimmediately. I fully underst<strong>and</strong> there are numerous publications <strong>and</strong> projectsin the pipeline <strong>and</strong> changes would be too costly. As supplies of stationary,calling cards, brochures, etc. are depleted; they should be replaced withsupplies adhering to these st<strong>and</strong>ards.Thank you for your cooperation.Sincerely,Jerry M. WallacePresident

TABLE OF CONTENTS ______________________________________________________________INTRODUCTION........................................................................................1CAMPBELL UNIVERSITY’S WORDMARK AND SEAL ...................................2The Wordmark ..................................................................................2The Seal.............................................................................................2Co-br<strong>and</strong>ing With the Wordmark .....................................................3STATIONERY..............................................................................................4Letterhead..........................................................................................4Envelopes.........................................................................................10Calling Cards ...................................................................................12Publications .....................................................................................14OTHER APPLICATIONS............................................................................15Vehicles ............................................................................................15Signage.............................................................................................15Other ...............................................................................................15CAMPBELL UNIVERSITY’S MASCOT AND ATHLETIC LOGO ....................16STYLE GUIDE FOR CAMPUS REFERENCES ...............................................17<strong>Campbell</strong> <strong>University</strong> ........................................................................17Schools Within the <strong>University</strong>..........................................................17EXCEPTIONS ............................................................................................18

INTRODUCTION ___________________________________________________________________________________<strong>Campbell</strong> <strong>University</strong> is one of the nation’s largest Baptist universities of theliberal arts, sciences <strong>and</strong> professions. The <strong>University</strong> is comprised of the Collegeof Arts <strong>and</strong> Sciences, the Lundy-Fetterman School of Business, the School ofEducation, the Norman Adrian Wiggins School of Law, the School of Pharmacy<strong>and</strong> the Divinity School. By many measures, <strong>Campbell</strong> rates high among itscompetition <strong>and</strong> provides superior service to over 8000 students. For thesereasons, it is important the <strong>University</strong> project one clear image through acoordinated identification program. A coordinated graphics look has acumulative impact on various audiences <strong>and</strong> highlights the fact that <strong>Campbell</strong><strong>University</strong> is a multifaceted, yet unified organization.The objectives of an integrated style are:• to achieve a unified look producing a higher awareness of the<strong>University</strong> <strong>and</strong> a clearer underst<strong>and</strong>ing of its many functions amongkey audiences;• to form a more favorable <strong>and</strong> accurate impression of the <strong>University</strong>;• to project the progressive nature of the <strong>University</strong> while maintainingits traditional academic stature;• <strong>and</strong>, to improve efficiency <strong>and</strong> reduce the cost of communications.To achieve a consistent impression, many institutions use a logo or wordmark(words used as a logo). A logo or wordmark provides a strong, distinctive <strong>and</strong>versatile graphic symbol unique to the institution. A wordmark was chosen asthe primary element to represent <strong>Campbell</strong> <strong>University</strong> because it can be easilyread <strong>and</strong> understood at a glance. The name is also the one clearly commoncharacteristic for all the schools, divisions, centers, institutes <strong>and</strong> otherorganizational parts of the <strong>University</strong>.The name, marks <strong>and</strong> image of <strong>Campbell</strong> <strong>University</strong> cannot be used to implyor suggest endorsement of any product or service not provided by the <strong>University</strong>.The <strong>University</strong>’s wordmark, seal, <strong>and</strong> other marks are registered with the UnitedStates Patent <strong>and</strong> Trademark Office <strong>and</strong> protected by law. Schools, divisions,offices, centers <strong>and</strong> other units of the <strong>University</strong> do not need approval to usethe <strong>University</strong>’s registered marks for official use. Individuals <strong>and</strong> organizationsoutside the <strong>University</strong> who wish to use any of the official marks must first obtainwritten permission to use the official marks by contacting the <strong>University</strong>’s VicePresident for Marketing <strong>and</strong> Planning at 910-893-1224.1.

CAMPBELL UNIVERSITY’S WORDMARK AND SEAL _________THE WORDMARK<strong>Campbell</strong> <strong>University</strong>’s visual identity system is centered on the <strong>University</strong>’swordmark.The <strong>Campbell</strong> <strong>University</strong> wordmark must be used on all <strong>University</strong> publications(this does not include course syllabi, student h<strong>and</strong>outs, course materials, etc.).The <strong>University</strong>’s mark is to be reproduced only from an authorized original<strong>and</strong> cannot be redrawn or modified in any way.The wordmark provides a strong, distinctive <strong>and</strong> versatile graphic symbol uniqueto <strong>Campbell</strong> <strong>University</strong>. The <strong>University</strong>’s name is the one element which all partsof the <strong>University</strong> share in common. The name, used as a wordmark, is simple,straight forward <strong>and</strong> immediately identifiable.CAMPBELL dominates the wordmark to symbolize the<strong>University</strong>’s st<strong>and</strong>ing as a most comprehensive <strong>University</strong>.CAMPBELL is the one-word identifier for the <strong>University</strong><strong>and</strong> the underlying UNIVERSITY ensures reference <strong>and</strong>foundation to the <strong>University</strong>.Because of its academic nature, timeless dignity <strong>and</strong> ability toreflect that the <strong>University</strong> is both traditional <strong>and</strong> progressive, theletters <strong>and</strong> words are carefully kerned <strong>and</strong> spaced to provide avisual balance <strong>and</strong> a cohesive unit.The university wordmark must never be stretched or manipulatedin any fashion to fit a column or any space. The preferred placement of thewordmark is at the top of newspaper related ad formats. Appropriate white space(breathing room) around the workmark is to be considered in any design forall mediums. There should be no question in the mind of the reader that thewordmark is in the prominent position. The wordmark should never bescreened back on newsprint <strong>and</strong> should remain a solid color or reverse fromanother solid color.THE SEALThe <strong>Campbell</strong> <strong>University</strong> seal is the <strong>University</strong>’s official corporate signature.Documents displaying the <strong>University</strong> seal convey that they are officiallysanctioned by the Board of Trustees or the Office of the President. Only<strong>Campbell</strong> <strong>University</strong>’s Board of Trustees <strong>and</strong> the Office of the Presidentmay authorize its use.Therefore, the <strong>University</strong>’s seal is not to be used on stationery (including notecards), programs, clothing, interior/exterior signage, advertising, etc. except asauthorized by the Board of Trustees or the Office of the President.2.

CO-BRANDING WITH THE WORDMARKCo-br<strong>and</strong>ing is the concept of combining an icon or logo with the wordmark ina process of “sharing the br<strong>and</strong>.” In this instance, it is more precisely, combiningthe wordmark with another specified college, school or athletic icon or logo.Co-br<strong>and</strong>ing is of benefit to both parties as each shares the strength of the other.To facilitate the best possible utilization of co-br<strong>and</strong>ing, the <strong>University</strong> wordmarkhas been approved for use with the icon representing the College of Arts<strong>and</strong> Sciences, the School of Education, the Lundy-Fetterman School of Business,the Norman Adrian Wiggins School of Law, the School of Pharmacy, theDivinity School, or the Athletic Department. These are the only co-br<strong>and</strong>ingconcepts that have been approved.Departments or units within or outside of these major organizational unitsshould not use other unique identifiers (icon) with the wordmark. Instead,departments or units within or outside of these major organizational unitsshould place their respective department or unit name to the left of thewordmark as illustrated on the stationery template on page 5.COLORSAll <strong>Campbell</strong> logos print 2 colors: PMS 158 <strong>and</strong> black.The following logos are exceptions, printing 3 colors, as illustrated below.87Divinity School logo:PMS 259 (Purple)PMS 873 (Gold Metallic)BlackCollege of Arts <strong>and</strong> Sciences logo:PMS 158 (Orange)PMS 111 (Green/Gold)Black3.

STATIONERY ________________________________________________________________________________________Stationery is one of the most visible <strong>and</strong> most frequently used forms ofcommunication. Stationery provides an introduction, an impression <strong>and</strong> acontinuing point of contact.All <strong>University</strong> letterhead, envelopes <strong>and</strong> business cards are to be st<strong>and</strong>ardizedbearing the <strong>Campbell</strong> <strong>University</strong> wordmark to provide consistent institutionalidentity.LETTERHEADWordmark: The <strong>University</strong> wordmark is to be reproduced from anauthorized original.Co-br<strong>and</strong>ing: When used in conjuction with an icon or athletic mark,the icon or athletic mark should be positioned on the left side of thewordmark.Information to be included on letterhead: The primary purpose of printedinformation on letterhead is to provide information for responses.The letterhead template will allow for the inclusion of the following:• Academic department/administrative unit name• Post Office Box number• Telephone number(s)• E-mail address for the department or administrative unit• Fax numbersNames <strong>and</strong> titles: Printed stationery is not to be personalized. Business cards arethe appropriate place for such personalized information.Color: Black or Black plus PMS 158 laser-compatible inkPaper: Uncoated, smooth, white laser-compatible paper 20 or 24 lb. st<strong>and</strong>ard #1bond is acceptable, but quality cannot exceed 25% rag. Recycled paper should begiven consideration when cost is not prohibitive <strong>and</strong> when quality is assured foruse in laser <strong>and</strong> other high-speed office printers.Engraving or Embossing: Engraved or embossed stationery requires permissionof the president of the <strong>University</strong> or the president’s designee.Letter style: For typing letters, the block style is preferred. Left justification ispreferred. The preference is for proportionally spaced type. Preferred typestylefor the body of letters is Times New Roman, Garamond, or Adobe Garamondwhen available.Monarch size: For more informal correspondence, a monarch-size stationerycould be approved.4.

.75" or3/4"6.5" or6 1/2".5" or1/2"1.5" or1 1/2"Office of the President10.25" or10 1/4"PO Box 158 • Buies Creek, North Carolina 27506 • (910) 893-1200 • www.campbell.edu5.

.75" or3/4".5" or1/2"10.25" or10 1/4"PO Box 158 • Buies Creek, North Carolina 27506 • (910) 893-1200 • www.campbell.edu6.

.75" or3/4"6.5" or6 1/2".5" or1/2"1.5" or1 1/2"Department NameGoes Here10.0 or10"PO Box 158 • Buies Creek, North Carolina 27506 • (910) 893-1200 • fax (910) 000-0000emailaddress@campbell.edu • www.campbell.edu7.

.75" or3/4"6.375" or6 3/8".5" or1/2"1.5" or1 1/2"Career Services Office10.25" or10 1/4"PO Box 158 • Buies Creek, North Carolina 27506 • (910) 893-1200 • www.campbell.edu8.

.75" or3/4"6.5" or6 1/2".5" or1/2"1.5" or1 1/2"Department NameGoes Here10.0" or10 "PO Box 158 • Buies Creek, North Carolina 27506 • (910) 893-1200 • fax (910) 000-0000emailaddress@campbell.edu • www.campbell.edu9.

ENVELOPESWordmark: The <strong>University</strong> wordmark is to be reproduced from anauthorized original.Co-br<strong>and</strong>ing: When used in conjuction with an icon or athletic mark, the iconor athletic mark should be positioned on the left side of the wordmark.Information to be included on envelopes: The primary purpose of printedinformation on envelopes is to provide address <strong>and</strong> return address details.The envelope template will allow for the inclusion of the following:• Academic department/administrative unit name• Post Office Box numberNames <strong>and</strong> titles: Printed envelopes are not to be personalized. Business cardsare the appropriate place for such personalized information.Color: Black or Black plus PMS 158 laser-compatible inkFonts: Academic department/administrative unit name: Garamond Semibold, 8ptPost Office Box number: Garamond Semibold, 8ptPaper: Uncoated, smooth white, laser-compatible envelopes. St<strong>and</strong>ard wove20 lb. or 24 lb., but quality cannot exceed 25% rag. Recycled paper should begiven consideration when cost is not prohibitive <strong>and</strong> when quality is assuredfor use in laser <strong>and</strong> other high-speed office printers.Engraving or Embossing: Engraved or embossed stationery requires permissionof the president of the <strong>University</strong> or the president’s designee.Special Note: The st<strong>and</strong>ards for envelopes with the return address printed arelargely dictated by requirements from the U.S. Postal Service. Should you havequestions, please contact the <strong>University</strong>’s mail center..375" or3/8".5" or1/2"1.25" or1 1/4"PO Box 127 • Buies Creek, North Carolina 2750610.

.375" or3/8".5" or1/2"1.25" or1 1/4"PO Box 127 • Buies Creek, North Carolina 27506.375" or3/8"1.0625" or1 1/16".312" or5/16"1.25" or1 1/4"Career Services OfficePO Box 158Buies Creek, North Carolina 2750611.

.1875" or3/16".625" or5/8"CALLING CARDSWhile the design <strong>and</strong> appearance of business cards are important in providinga consistent visual identity for the <strong>University</strong>, they also provide the mostpersonal touch.Mark: The <strong>University</strong> wordmark is to be reproduced from an authorizedoriginal.Co-br<strong>and</strong>ing: When used in conjunction with an icon or athletic mark, theicon or athletic mark should be positioned on the left side of the wordmark.Information to be included on Calling Cards: The primary purpose ofprinted information on the calling card is to provide to provide your personalprofessional contact informationThe calling card template will allow for the inclusion of the following:.1875" or3/16"Jonathan A. WellingtonAssociate Dean of Admissions / Second Title Line Here(910)893-1753 • (800)334-4111 ext.1753Fax: (910)893-1780 • jwellington@mailcenter.campbell.eduPO Box 158 • Buies Creek, NC 27506www.campbell.edu• Name• Department (if applicable)• Title/Position• Post Office Box• Phone number (Direct dial or extension)• Personal e-mail address• Departmental <strong>and</strong>/or Non-departmental fax number• Web siteColor: Black or Black plus PMS 158 laser-compatible inkFonts: • Name: Garamond Semibold, 8pt, 9pt leading• Department (if applicable): Garamond Semibold, 8pt• Title/Position: Garamond Italic, 8pt, 9pt leading, p6 space after• Post Office Box, Phone number (Direct dial or extension),Personal e-mail address, Departmental <strong>and</strong>/or Non-departmental faxnumber, Web site: Garamond Roman, 8pt, 9pt leadingPaper: Uncoated, white 80 lb. card stock.Engraving or Embossing: Engraved or embossed calling cards require permissionof the president of the <strong>University</strong> or the president’s designee.12.

Jonathan A. WellingtonAssociate Dean of Admissions / Second Title Line Here(910)893-1753 • (800)334-4111 ext.1753Fax: (910)893-1780 • jwellington@law.campbell.eduPO Box 158 • Buies Creek, NC 27506www.campbell.eduJonathan A. WellingtonAssociate Dean of Admissions / Second Title Line Here(910)893-1753 • (800)334-4111 ext.1753Fax: (910)893-1780jwellington@mailcenter.campbell.eduPO Box 158 • Buies Creek, NC 27506www.campbell.edu87Jonathan A. WellingtonAssociate Dean of Admissions / Second Title Line Here(910)893-1753 • (800)334-4111 ext.1753Fax: (910)893-1780 • jwellington@mailcenter.campbell.eduPO Box 158 • Buies Creek, NC 27506www.campbell.eduJonathan A. WellingtonAssociate Dean of Admissions / Second Title Line Here(910)893-1753 • (800)334-4111 ext.1753Fax: (910)893-1780 • jwellington@mailcenter.campbell.eduPO Box 158 • Buies Creek, NC 27506www.campbell.eduJonathan A. WellingtonAssociate Dean of Admissions / Second Title Line Here(910)893-1753 • (800)334-4111 ext.1753Fax: (910)893-1780 • jwellington@mailcenter.campbell.eduPO Box 158 • Buies Creek, NC 27506www.campbell.eduJonathan A. WellingtonAssociate Dean of Admissions / Second Title Line Here(910)893-1753 • (800)334-4111 ext.1753Fax: (910)893-1780 • jwellington@mailcenter.campbell.eduPO Box 158 • Buies Creek, NC 27506www.campbell.edu13.

PUBLICATIONS _______________________________________________The <strong>University</strong> <strong>and</strong> its college, schools, departments, offices, etc., producehundreds of publications every year. Individually <strong>and</strong> collectively, thesepublications create an impression. To provide a consistent visual image,it is important that all publications appear as a member of a family, sharingcommon graphic elements. The identity <strong>and</strong> graphics st<strong>and</strong>ards, which havebeen developed, provide a visual consistency while also providing maximumcreative freedom for those designing individual publications.To provide a consistent visual image, all <strong>Campbell</strong> <strong>University</strong> publications mustadhere to the following:The <strong>University</strong> wordmark, from authorized originals, must be conspicuouslyplaced on the front cover of all printed materials. TheCollege, Schools <strong>and</strong> Athletic Department may use their respectiveicon to co-br<strong>and</strong> with the <strong>University</strong>’s wordmark on the front cover.The <strong>University</strong> wordmark must st<strong>and</strong> alone on the back cover <strong>and</strong> must beaccompanied with the following copy beneath:Buies Creek, North CarolinaJerry M. Wallace, presidentWhile the mark generally requires a buffer zone, no buffer is required to separatethe mark from a background such as a photograph on the front or back cover.On those occasions when it is necessary to separate the wordmark from abackground, the wordmark may be placed within an oval of solid color.Exceptions are made for existing newsletters <strong>and</strong> magazines that have anestablished masthead. For those publications, the <strong>University</strong> mark need onlyappear on the back as part of the return address when the <strong>University</strong>’s name isconspicuously on the front of the publication.Independent logos which depict schools, divisions, departments or organizationsshould not be used.Color: If not using PMS 158, then Black, White or Black plus PMS 158 mustbe used.14.

OTHER APPLICATIONS _VEHICLESAll <strong>Campbell</strong> <strong>University</strong> vehicles that display a logo or other signage mustconform to the <strong>University</strong>’s graphic st<strong>and</strong>ards program. Vehicles include,but are not limited to, trucks, cars, vans, <strong>and</strong> motorized carts.To have the wordmark installed on a vehicle contact the <strong>University</strong>Physical Plant.SIGNAGESignage is part of the <strong>Campbell</strong> <strong>University</strong> identity program. While considerationis given to such factors as donor recognition, special applications, architecturalenvironment <strong>and</strong> l<strong>and</strong>scape, the outdoor/directional signage program is to beconsistent throughout the <strong>University</strong>, (including on-<strong>and</strong> off-campus sites).Consistency is maintained with the <strong>University</strong>’s identity program by usingthe <strong>University</strong> wordmark, typeface <strong>and</strong> defined colors.OTHEROccasionally there will be opportunities to display the wordmark that are notdescribed in this manual. When appropriate, the wordmark should be usedas is with the correct colors <strong>and</strong> typeface. These applications may includebanners, exhibits, displays, plaques, clothing <strong>and</strong> specialty items. Do not usethe wordmark in conjunction with any other logo(s) without permissionfrom the President’s Office.15.

C AMPBELL U NIVERSITY ’ S M ASCOT AND ATHLETIC LOGO<strong>Campbell</strong> <strong>University</strong>’s official mascot is “Fighting Camels.”<strong>Campbell</strong> <strong>University</strong>’s official athletic logo is the “Running Camel.”The Department of Athletics may, however, design <strong>and</strong> use other camels in thedevelopment of their programming.When athletic or spirit marks are used inconjunction with the <strong>University</strong>’s wordmarkas a co-br<strong>and</strong>, the athletic or spirit mark mayonly appear to the left of the wordmark.For use of Official <strong>Campbell</strong> <strong>University</strong> Markson merch<strong>and</strong>ise such as shirts, hats or otherarticles of clothing <strong>and</strong>/or novelty items, producers of merch<strong>and</strong>ise must contactLicensing Resource Group out of Winston-Salem, NC. Approved <strong>Campbell</strong>marks can be accessed through the “Trademarx” system located online atwww.trademarxonline.com. Simply do a search on the main page for <strong>Campbell</strong><strong>University</strong> to see the available marks. For any other questions about the use oflogos for merch<strong>and</strong>ise, please contact the Assistant Athletic Director forMarketing <strong>and</strong> Promotions at extension 4392.16.

STYLE GUIDE FOR CAMPUS REFERENCES _CAMPBELL UNIVERSITYIn subsequent references, “<strong>Campbell</strong>” or the “<strong>University</strong>” may be used.Capitalize “<strong>University</strong>” only when referring specifically to the <strong>Campbell</strong><strong>University</strong>. Never capitalize “the” before <strong>Campbell</strong> <strong>University</strong> because itis not part of the official name.Example:<strong>Campbell</strong> <strong>University</strong> was founded in 1887. This year,the <strong>University</strong> is celebrating its 119th academic year.When referring to the <strong>Campbell</strong> <strong>University</strong>, avoid the abbreviation CU unless itsusage is limited to an internal audience or it is the name of a specific program.SCHOOLS WITHIN THE UNIVERSITYSix individual schools comprise the <strong>Campbell</strong> <strong>University</strong>; each school has its ownname <strong>and</strong> identity. Therefore, it is important to refer to these separate schools bytheir specific names.Formal names are used in most <strong>University</strong> catalogs, commencement programs<strong>and</strong> other similar publications. Informal names may be used on subsequent reference.Informal names may be used on first reference in alumni magazine articles,brochures <strong>and</strong> internal publications.Please note that “the” is not capitalized in reference to any of our schools ineither formal or informal usage; however, it is acceptable to use a lower case“the” when using a school’s name in textual matter.FormalLundy-Fetterman School of BusinessNorman Adrian Wiggins School of Law<strong>Campbell</strong> <strong>University</strong> School of Education<strong>Campbell</strong> <strong>University</strong> School of Pharmacy<strong>Campbell</strong> <strong>University</strong> Divinity SchoolCollege of Arts <strong>and</strong> SciencesInformalBusiness SchoolWiggins School of Law or Law SchoolSchool of EducationPharmacy SchoolDivinity SchoolCollege of Arts <strong>and</strong> Sciences17.

EXCEPTIONS ________________________________________________________________________________________Exceptions to the policies listed in this document may only be approved by thepresident of the <strong>University</strong> or the president’s designee(s). The president hasdesignated the following to grant exceptions: John Roberson, Vice-President,Marketing <strong>and</strong> Planning.18.

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