Land som krever IBAN - Swedbank

Land som krever IBAN - Swedbank Land som krever IBAN - Swedbank


Land som krever IBANHer finner du informasjon om land som krever IBAN, og eksempler på IBAN-oppbygging i deulike landene.Iso Navn LengdeAL Albania 28AD Andorra 24AE United Arab Emirates 23AT Austria 20AZ Republic of Azerbaijan 28BA Bosnia og Herzegovina 20BE Belgium 16BG Bulgaria 22BH Kingdom of Bahrain 22BV Bouvet Island (NO) 6 00CH Switzerland 21CR Costa Rica 21CY Cyprus 28CZ Czech Republic 24DO Dominican Republic 28DE Germany 22DK Denmark (FO/GL) 7 18EE Estonia 20ES Spain (Include Canary Islands/Ceuta/Melilla) 24FI Finland 18FO Faroe Islands (DK) 4 18FR France 27

<strong>Land</strong> <strong>som</strong> <strong>krever</strong> <strong>IBAN</strong>Her finner du informasjon om land <strong>som</strong> <strong>krever</strong> <strong>IBAN</strong>, og eksempler på <strong>IBAN</strong>-oppbygging i deulike landene.Iso Navn LengdeAL Albania 28AD Andorra 24AE United Arab Emirates 23AT Austria 20AZ Republic of Azerbaijan 28BA Bosnia og Herzegovina 20BE Belgium 16BG Bulgaria 22BH Kingdom of Bahrain 22BV Bouvet Island (NO) 6 00CH Switzerland 21CR Costa Rica 21CY Cyprus 28CZ Czech Republic 24DO Dominican Republic 28DE Germany 22DK Denmark (FO/GL) 7 18EE Estonia 20ES Spain (Include Canary Islands/Ceuta/Melilla) 24FI Finland 18FO Faroe Islands (DK) 4 18FR France 27

GB United Kingdom (Include Northern Ireland) 22GE Georgia 22GF French Guiana (FR) 5 27GG Guernsey (FR/GB) 5 27/22GI Gibraltar 23GL Greenland (DK) 4 18GP Guadeloupe (FR) 5 27GR Greece 27GT Guatemala 28HU Hungary 28HR Croatia 21IE Ireland 22IL Israel 23IM Isle of Man (GB) 5 22IS Iceland 26JE Jersey (FR/GB) 5 27/22IT Italy 27LB Lebanon 28LI Liechtenstein 21LT Lithuania 20LU Luxembourg 20LV Latvia 21KW Kuwait 30KZ Kazakhstan 20MC Monaco 27MD Republic of Moldova 24ME Montenegro 22

MK Macedonia 19MQ Martinique (FR) 5 27MR Mauritania 27MT Malta 31MU Mauritius 30NC New Caledonia (FR) 4 27NL Netherlands 18NO Norway 15PF French Polynesia (FR) 4 27PK Pakistan 24PL Poland 28PM Saint Pierre and Miquelon (FR) 4 27PT Portugal (Include Azores/Madeira) 25PS Palestinian territory, occupied 29RE Reunion (FR) 5 27RO Romania 24RS Serbia 22SA Saudi Arabia 24SE Sweden 24SI Slovenia 19SJ Svalbard og Jan Mayen 6 00SK Slovak Republic 24SM San Marino 27TN Tunisia 24TR Turkey 26TF French Southern Territories (FR) 4 27VA Vatican City State 6 00

VG Virgin islands (GB) 1 24WF Wallis and Futuna (FR) 4 27YT Mayotte (FR) 4 271) Belongs to country2) Uses same validation as country3) No validation decided, length validation skipped4) Can also use <strong>IBAN</strong> from country who it belongs to5) Can only use <strong>IBAN</strong> from country who it belongs to6) Removed, not longer valid7) Can also receive <strong>IBAN</strong> from country who it “owns”

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