Ecology and Development Series No. 10, 2003 - ZEF

Ecology and Development Series No. 10, 2003 - ZEF

Ecology and Development Series No. 10, 2003 - ZEF

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Floristic analysis of the undisturbed forestRO Species Family N %N. LN F %F BA GF Distribution type34 Bersama abyssinica Melianthaceae 9 0.25 16 30 51.7 0.12 T AfrM/e35 Ritchiea albersii Capparidaceae 7 0.2 <strong>10</strong> 37 63.8 0.27 T AfrM/e36 Canthium sp1. Rubiaceae 6 0.17 1<strong>10</strong> 3 5.2 S37 Elaeodendron buchananii Celastraceae 6 0.17 16 21 36.2 1.58 T Sub-AfrM/n-e (-SZfr)38 Senna petersiana Fabaceae 6 0.17 36 9 15.5 0.02 T Sub-AfrM/n-e (-SZfr-Mad)39 Millettia ferruginea Fabaceae 5 0.15 12 24 41.4 1.54 T AfrM/e40 Celtis toka Ulmaceae 5 0.15 22 13 22.4 0.03 T SZfr/n-e (-Arab)41 Maesa lanceolata Myrsinaceae 5 0.15 19 15 25.9 0.02 T GC-ZI-Mad42 Olea capensis ssp. Oleaceae 5 0.14 11 25 43.1 1.61 T AfrM/n-ewelwitschii43 Acalypha acrogyna Euphorbiaceae 5 0.14 273 1 1.7 0.03 S44 Gouania longispicata Rhamnaceae 5 0.14 89 3 5.2 0.00 C45 Scutia myrtina Rhamnaceae 4 0.11 13 16 27.6 0.03 C46 Genus2 sp. Family 2 4 0.1 17 12 20.7 0.00 T47 Capparis micrantha Capparidaceae 3 0.1 17 11 19 0.00 C48 Abutilon cecilli Malvaceae 3 0.09 34 5 8.6 0.00 S49 Dracaena steudneri Dracaenaceae 3 0.08 6 25 43.1 1.16 T Sub-AfrM/n-e (-SZfr)50 Cissus quadrangularis Vitaceae 3 0.08 13 12 20.7 0.02 C51 Hibiscus ludwigii Malvaceae 3 0.07 47 3 5.2 1.17 S52 Ekebergia capensis Meliaceae 2 0.07 9 16 27.6 0.01 T GC-SZ-AfrM-CP53 Oxyanthus speciosus Rubiaceae 2 0.07 43 3 5.2 0.00 T GC/n-e54 Genus3 sp. Celastraceae 2 0.06 15 8 13.8 0.00 C55 Urera trinervis Urticaceae 2 0.06 14 8 13.8 0.04 C56 Capparis tomentosa Capparidaceae 2 0.05 33 3 5.2 0.00 C57 Vernonia sp 1. Asteraceae 2 0.05 98 1 1.7 0.00 S58 Pavonia urens Malvaceae 1 0.04 16 5 8.6 0.00 S59 Vernonia sp 2. Asteraceae 1 0.04 20 4 6.9 0.00 S60 Canthium sp2. Rubiaceae 1 0.04 27 3 5.2 0.00 S61 Sapium ellipticum Euphorbiaceae 1 0.04 4 20 34.5 1.23 T GC-ZI-SZfr.62 Morus mesozygia Moraceae 1 0.03 3 22 37.9 0.69 T GC-ZI-SZfr.63 Dalbergia lactea Fabaceae 1 0.03 13 5 8.6 0.00 S64 Acanthus eminens Acanthaceae 1 0.03 53 1 1.7 0.00 S65 Jasminum abyssinicum Oleaceae 1 0.03 53 1 1.7 0.00 S66 Ficus thonningii Moraceae 1 0.02 8 6 <strong>10</strong>.3 0.08 T GC-AfrM-ZI-SZfr67 Galiniera saxifraga Rubiaceae 1 0.02 9 5 8.6 0.03 T AfrM/e68 Ficus exasperata Moraceae 1 0.02 5 9 15.5 0.98 T GC-ZI-SZfr69 Phoenix reclinata Arecaceae 1 0.02 12 3 5.2 0.00 T GC-ZI-SMfr-SZfr-Mad.70 Oncinotis tenuiloba Apocynaceae 1 0.02 18 2 3.4 0.01 C71 Pavetta abyssinica Rubiaceae 1 0.02 18 2 3.4 0.01 S72 Ficus vallis-choudae Moraceae 1 0.02 36 1 1.7 0.15 T GC-SZfr-ZI-AfrM-ZI73 Cordia africana Boraginaceae 1 0.01 2 17 29.3 2.39 T AfrM-SZfr-Arab74 Croton macrostachyus Euphorbiaceae 1 0.01 2 14 24.1 0.53 T GC-AfrM-SZfr-ZI44

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