Ecology and Development Series No. 10, 2003 - ZEF

Ecology and Development Series No. 10, 2003 - ZEF Ecology and Development Series No. 10, 2003 - ZEF


ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSI am very grateful to my supervisors Professor Wilhelm Barthlott, director at the BotanicalInstitute, and Professor Paul L.G. Vlek, director at ZEF, University of Bonn, for acceptingme as student, and their continuous guidance during my study. Professor Vlek has alsosupported to secure the necessary funding for my study.I would like to extend my heartfelt appreciation to my mentors Dr. ManfredDenich of ZEF, Dr. Thomas Borsch of the Botanical Institute, and Dr. Demel Teketay,Director General of EARO, for their close supervision of my research, and for visiting meduring the fieldwork in Ethiopia. Constructive comments from Dr. Denich and Dr. Borschon the draft dissertation were very helpful to improve it. I am especially thankful to Dr.Demel Teketay, who has continuously supported my work, beginning with inception of theresearch idea, research site selection, and a number of field visits during the progress of theresearch.I would like to thank Ms. Margaret Jend for checking the English of this thesis,and Dr Günther Maske and Ms. Hanna Peters, for their support and excellent coordinationat ZEF. I very much appreciate the assistance and friendship of Tewodros Tsegaye, AdefresWorku, Teshome Eshete, Shiferaw Alem, Yonas Yohannes and Dinka Amante during thefieldwork. I also would like to thank Dr. Eyilachew Zewdie for his help in soil sampling,Dr. Soojin Park of ZEF and Dr. Matthias Braun of Center for Remote Sensing on LandApplications (ZFL) for helpful discussions regarding GIS-related analysis, and Mr. GirmaTaye of EARO for discussion on sampling design. Prof. Sebsebe Demissew, and DrEnsermu Kelbessa of Addis Ababa University allowed me to use the facilities of theNational Herbarium; Dr. Sileshi Nemomsa, Getachew Tesfaye, Feyera Senbeta, DagneDuguma and Melaku Wondafrash helped in identification of the plant specimens.I am very grateful for the support and friendship of the Ethiopian students andFamilies, especially Dr. Abay Asfaw and his family, Dawit Tesfaye and his family,Edilegnaw Wale, Kassahun Tesfaye, Mekuria Argaw and his family, Samson Kassahun,Tameru Alemu, Tsegaye Yilma and his family, for their hospitality and good friendshipwhich made me feel home during my stay in Bonn. Many friends, both back home and

overseas were encouraging and supporting me in different ways, especially Bekele Debele,Dejene Abdissa Merga, Dr. Tilahun Muleta, Fekadu Abrham, Jemal Ibrahim, and WorkuBedhane.I am grateful to many of the colleagues at ZEF, who come from different parts ofthe world with different cultural backgrounds, for sharing their ideas and creating a goodworking atmosphere, just to name few of them: Bart Wickel (the Netherlands), Dr.Crammer Kayuki Kaizzi (Uganda), Daniel Tsegai (Eritrea), Lubica Paparcíková (Slovakia),Luna Bharati (Nepal), Dr. Maria Andrea De Macale (Philippines), Dr. Mercy Gichora(Kenya), Dr. Muhammad Mohsin Hafeez (Pakistan), Dr. Pooja Sawhney (India), Dr.Rahayu Widyastuti (Indonesia), Dr. Rolf Sommer (Germany), Roukayatou Zimmermann(Cameroon), Sanaa Ashour (Palestine) and Dr. Zhaohua Li (China).I am very much indebted to my brothers Gedefa Woldemariam and ZenebeKebede, and their families, especially Tsigie Adugna and Geremu Negat, for theirhospitality, moral support and kindness at all times. I thank Kefyalew Adugna, LijalemAsrat and their families, who supported me in all means they could. Many more friends andrelatives have supported me in different ways during my study. I am, indeed, thankful fortheir support.This research would not have been possible without my sponsors, the CatholicAcademic Exchange Service (KAAD), the Center for Development Research (ZEF), theGottlieb Daimler and Karl Benz Foundation, and the Ethiopian Agricultural ResearchOrganization (EARO). I would like to thank them for their kind assistance both financiallyand in helping with materials and logistics. The Illubabor Zone and the Yayu Districtdepartment of agriculture and the District administration were very collaborative tofacilitate my fieldwork.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSI am very grateful to my supervisors Professor Wilhelm Barthlott, director at the BotanicalInstitute, <strong>and</strong> Professor Paul L.G. Vlek, director at <strong>ZEF</strong>, University of Bonn, for acceptingme as student, <strong>and</strong> their continuous guidance during my study. Professor Vlek has alsosupported to secure the necessary funding for my study.I would like to extend my heartfelt appreciation to my mentors Dr. ManfredDenich of <strong>ZEF</strong>, Dr. Thomas Borsch of the Botanical Institute, <strong>and</strong> Dr. Demel Teketay,Director General of EARO, for their close supervision of my research, <strong>and</strong> for visiting meduring the fieldwork in Ethiopia. Constructive comments from Dr. Denich <strong>and</strong> Dr. Borschon the draft dissertation were very helpful to improve it. I am especially thankful to Dr.Demel Teketay, who has continuously supported my work, beginning with inception of theresearch idea, research site selection, <strong>and</strong> a number of field visits during the progress of theresearch.I would like to thank Ms. Margaret Jend for checking the English of this thesis,<strong>and</strong> Dr Günther Maske <strong>and</strong> Ms. Hanna Peters, for their support <strong>and</strong> excellent coordinationat <strong>ZEF</strong>. I very much appreciate the assistance <strong>and</strong> friendship of Tewodros Tsegaye, AdefresWorku, Teshome Eshete, Shiferaw Alem, Yonas Yohannes <strong>and</strong> Dinka Amante during thefieldwork. I also would like to thank Dr. Eyilachew Zewdie for his help in soil sampling,Dr. Soojin Park of <strong>ZEF</strong> <strong>and</strong> Dr. Matthias Braun of Center for Remote Sensing on L<strong>and</strong>Applications (ZFL) for helpful discussions regarding GIS-related analysis, <strong>and</strong> Mr. GirmaTaye of EARO for discussion on sampling design. Prof. Sebsebe Demissew, <strong>and</strong> DrEnsermu Kelbessa of Addis Ababa University allowed me to use the facilities of theNational Herbarium; Dr. Sileshi Nemomsa, Getachew Tesfaye, Feyera Senbeta, DagneDuguma <strong>and</strong> Melaku Wondafrash helped in identification of the plant specimens.I am very grateful for the support <strong>and</strong> friendship of the Ethiopian students <strong>and</strong>Families, especially Dr. Abay Asfaw <strong>and</strong> his family, Dawit Tesfaye <strong>and</strong> his family,Edilegnaw Wale, Kassahun Tesfaye, Mekuria Argaw <strong>and</strong> his family, Samson Kassahun,Tameru Alemu, Tsegaye Yilma <strong>and</strong> his family, for their hospitality <strong>and</strong> good friendshipwhich made me feel home during my stay in Bonn. Many friends, both back home <strong>and</strong>

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