Ecology and Development Series No. 10, 2003 - ZEF

Ecology and Development Series No. 10, 2003 - ZEF

Ecology and Development Series No. 10, 2003 - ZEF

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AppendicesSapotaceaeAningeria altissima (A. Chev.) Aubrév. &Pellegr. [T] [GC/n-e (-SZfr)]Mimusops kummel A. DC., [T] [AfrM-SZfr]SimaroubaceaeBrucea antidysenterica J. F. Mill., [T]AfrM/eSolanaceaePhysalis peruviana L., [S]Solanum incanum L., [H]S nigrum L., [H]TaccaceaeTacca leontopetaloides (L.) O. Ktze., [H]TiliaceaeGrewia ferruginea A. Rich., [T]UlmaceaeCeltis Africana Burm. f. [T] [GC-AfrM-SZ-CP]C. philippensis Blanco, [T] [GC-ZI-SZfr-Mad-Asia]C. toka (Forssk.) Hepper & Wood, [T][SZfr/n-e (-Arab)]C. zenkeri Engl., [T], [GC-ZI-SZfr]Trema orientalis (L.) Blume, [T] [GC-ZI-TP-AfrM-Mad-Asia]UrticaceaeUrera hypselodendron (Steud.) Wedd.,[C]Urera trinervis (Hochst. ex Krauss) Friis& Immelman, [C]VitaceaeCissus quadrangularis L., [C]Cyphostemma adenocaule (Steud.)Descoings. [C]Rhoicissus tridentata (L. f.) Wild &Drummond, [C]ZingebraceaeAframomum corrorima (Pereira) Engl.,[H]147

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