Ecology and Development Series No. 10, 2003 - ZEF

Ecology and Development Series No. 10, 2003 - ZEF Ecology and Development Series No. 10, 2003 - ZEF


ReferencesBatisse M. 1986 Developing and focusing the biosphere reserve concept. Nature Resour.22: 2-11Bedward M., Pressey R.L., and Keith D.A. 1992. A new approach for selecting fullyrepresentative reserve networks: addressing efficiency, reserve design and landsuitability with an iterative analysis. Biol. Conserv. 62: 115–125.Berthaud J. and Charrier A. 1988 Genetic resources of Coffea. In: Clarke R.J. and MacraeR. (Eds.) Coffee. Vol. 4. Elsevier Applied Science, London, UK, pp. 1-42.Bertrand B., Aguilar G., Santacreo R., Anthony F., Etienne H., Eskes A.B. and Charrier A.1997. Comportement d’hybrides F1 de Coffea arabica pour la production et lafertilité en Amérique Centrale. 17th International scientific colloquium on coffeeASIC, Nairobi, Kenya, pp. 415–423.Bibby C.J., Crosby M.J., Johnson T.H., Long A.J., Statterfield A.J. and Thirgood S.J. 1992.Putting biodiversity on the map: global priorities for conservation. ICBP,Cambridge.Biondini M.E., Bonham C.E. and Redente E.F. 1985. Secondary successional patterns in asagebrush (Artemisia tridentata) community as they relate to soil disturbance andsoil biological activity. Vegetatio 60: 25-36.Blouin M.S. and Connor E.F. 1985. Is there a best shape for nature reserves? Biol. Conserv.32: 277-288.Bolstad P.V., Swank W. and Vose J. 1998. Predicting southern Appalachian overstoryvegetation with digital terrain data. Landscape Ecol. 13: 271-283Bonnefille R., Buchet G., Friis I, Ensermu Kelbessa and Mohammed M.U. 1993. Modernpollen rain on an altitudinal range of forests and woodlands in southwest Ethiopia.Opera Bot. 121: 71-84.Braun-Blanquet J. 1932. Plant Sociology: The study of plant communities. McGraw HillBook Company, New York.Bridson D.M. 1994. Additional notes on Coffea (Rubiaceae) from tropical East Africa.Kew Bull. 49: 331-342.Bridson D. 1982. Studies on Coffea and Psilanthus (Rubiaceae sub fam. Cinchonoideae).Kew Bull. 36: 817-59.Bridson D. and Verdcourt B. 1988. Rubiaceae, Part 2. In: Polhill R.M. (Ed.). Flora ofTropical East Africa. A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 703-723.Brooks T., Balmford A., Burgess N., Hansen L.A., Moore J., Rahbek C., Williams P.,Bennun L.A., Byaruhanga A., Kasoma P., Njoroge P., Pomeroy D. and MengistuWondafrash. 1998. Conservation priorities for birds and biodiversity: do EastAfrican Important Bird Areas represent species diversity in other terrestrialvertebrate groups? Ostrich S15: 3-12.Brush S.B. 2000. Genes in the field: On-farm conservation of crop diversity. LewisPublishers, Boca Raton.Buckley R. 1982. The habitat-unit model of island biogeography. J. Biogeogr. 9: 334-344.Byron N. and Arnold M. 1999. What futures for the people of the tropical forests? WorldDev. 27: 789-805.Callaway R.M. 1997. Positive interactions in plant communities and the individualisticcontinuumconcept. Oecologia 112:143-149129

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ReferencesBatisse M. 1986 Developing <strong>and</strong> focusing the biosphere reserve concept. Nature Resour.22: 2-11Bedward M., Pressey R.L., <strong>and</strong> Keith D.A. 1992. A new approach for selecting fullyrepresentative reserve networks: addressing efficiency, reserve design <strong>and</strong> l<strong>and</strong>suitability with an iterative analysis. Biol. Conserv. 62: 115–125.Berthaud J. <strong>and</strong> Charrier A. 1988 Genetic resources of Coffea. In: Clarke R.J. <strong>and</strong> MacraeR. (Eds.) Coffee. Vol. 4. Elsevier Applied Science, London, UK, pp. 1-42.Bertr<strong>and</strong> B., Aguilar G., Santacreo R., Anthony F., Etienne H., Eskes A.B. <strong>and</strong> Charrier A.1997. Comportement d’hybrides F1 de Coffea arabica pour la production et lafertilité en Amérique Centrale. 17th International scientific colloquium on coffeeASIC, Nairobi, Kenya, pp. 415–423.Bibby C.J., Crosby M.J., Johnson T.H., Long A.J., Statterfield A.J. <strong>and</strong> Thirgood S.J. 1992.Putting biodiversity on the map: global priorities for conservation. ICBP,Cambridge.Biondini M.E., Bonham C.E. <strong>and</strong> Redente E.F. 1985. Secondary successional patterns in asagebrush (Artemisia tridentata) community as they relate to soil disturbance <strong>and</strong>soil biological activity. Vegetatio 60: 25-36.Blouin M.S. <strong>and</strong> Connor E.F. 1985. Is there a best shape for nature reserves? Biol. Conserv.32: 277-288.Bolstad P.V., Swank W. <strong>and</strong> Vose J. 1998. Predicting southern Appalachian overstoryvegetation with digital terrain data. L<strong>and</strong>scape Ecol. 13: 271-283Bonnefille R., Buchet G., Friis I, Ensermu Kelbessa <strong>and</strong> Mohammed M.U. 1993. Modernpollen rain on an altitudinal range of forests <strong>and</strong> woodl<strong>and</strong>s in southwest Ethiopia.Opera Bot. 121: 71-84.Braun-Blanquet J. 1932. Plant Sociology: The study of plant communities. McGraw HillBook Company, New York.Bridson D.M. 1994. Additional notes on Coffea (Rubiaceae) from tropical East Africa.Kew Bull. 49: 331-342.Bridson D. 1982. Studies on Coffea <strong>and</strong> Psilanthus (Rubiaceae sub fam. Cinchonoideae).Kew Bull. 36: 817-59.Bridson D. <strong>and</strong> Verdcourt B. 1988. Rubiaceae, Part 2. In: Polhill R.M. (Ed.). Flora ofTropical East Africa. A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam, The Netherl<strong>and</strong>s, pp. 703-723.Brooks T., Balmford A., Burgess N., Hansen L.A., Moore J., Rahbek C., Williams P.,Bennun L.A., Byaruhanga A., Kasoma P., Njoroge P., Pomeroy D. <strong>and</strong> MengistuWondafrash. 1998. Conservation priorities for birds <strong>and</strong> biodiversity: do EastAfrican Important Bird Areas represent species diversity in other terrestrialvertebrate groups? Ostrich S15: 3-12.Brush S.B. 2000. Genes in the field: On-farm conservation of crop diversity. LewisPublishers, Boca Raton.Buckley R. 1982. The habitat-unit model of isl<strong>and</strong> biogeography. J. Biogeogr. 9: 334-344.Byron N. <strong>and</strong> Arnold M. 1999. What futures for the people of the tropical forests? WorldDev. 27: 789-805.Callaway R.M. 1997. Positive interactions in plant communities <strong>and</strong> the individualisticcontinuumconcept. Oecologia 112:143-149129

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