Ecology and Development Series No. 10, 2003 - ZEF

Ecology and Development Series No. 10, 2003 - ZEF Ecology and Development Series No. 10, 2003 - ZEF


Conservation of the wild Coffea arabica populations in situa) Reliefb) SlopeFigure 6.2. Terrain characteristics of the study area113

Conservation of the wild Coffea arabica populations in situ6.3.2 Relationship of coffee occurrence and species diversity index with theenvironmental variablesSlope, the site scores of the first and second PCA axes, PCA I and PCA II, show strongrelationship to the response variables. The PCA axes are gradients in environmentalvariables. PCA I is strongly negatively correlated with slope, silt content, CEC and soil pH,and positively with altitude and sand content and distance from river (Chapter 4.3.4). PCAII is strongly positively correlated with altitude, C:N ratio, silt content and distance fromriver, and negatively correlated with sand content and soil pH (Chapter 4.3.4). The loglinearregression of the abundance of coffee with PCA I and slope were significant (P 0.1)and Shannon diversity index (P > 0.1) at the sample plots.114

Conservation of the wild Coffea arabica populations in situa) Reliefb) SlopeFigure 6.2. Terrain characteristics of the study area113

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