Ecology and Development Series No. 10, 2003 - ZEF

Ecology and Development Series No. 10, 2003 - ZEF Ecology and Development Series No. 10, 2003 - ZEF


Conservation of the wild Coffea arabica populations in situ(Malckzewski 1999). Linear scale transformation is the most frequently used method oftransforming input data into criterion maps of a common numeric range.In this study, all the criteria map layers were transformed by a linear scaletransformation method to index values ranging between 0 and 1 (Jiang and Eastman 2000).The two most often used linear transformation methods are maximum score and range scoreprocedures (Malckzewski 1999). The range score procedure of transformation is given by theformula:'xijxx jx jxmin−ij= Equation 6.1max min−jThis formula was used to transform the coffee and diversity index criteria attributevalues to criterion scores, where X´ij is the standardized score for the i th object (alternative)and the j th attribute, X ij is the raw score, X max j is the maximum score for the j th attribute, andX min j is the minimum score for the j th attribute. The elevation criterion attribute values weretransformed by the formula:'xijxx jx jxmin−ij= 1−Equation 6.2max min−jin order to give more weight to sites at lower altitude. Hence, a point at lowest elevationreceives the highest criterion score, 1, and a point at highest elevation receives 0.ConstraintsThe constraint map is a qualitative criterion and defines the social suitability of the reserve. Itdetermines the areas that are used by the local people, which can then be excluded from theprotected reserve zones. If, for example, a forest area is used by the local people as a semiforestor plantation coffee production system, it is no longer available for a reserve core zoneand has to be excluded. The index of the constraint criterion map layer is Boolean (Jiang andEastman 2000); i.e., the values are either 1 for suitable or 0 for unsuitable areas. Theconstraint map is based on a map demarcating the undisturbed forest from the forestsmanaged for coffee production and agriculture, provided by Yayu District Department ofAgriculture (unpublished map) and the topographic map of the area obtained from the105

Conservation of the wild Coffea arabica populations in situEthiopian Mapping Agency. The district department of agriculture performed thedemarcation of undisturbed and managed forests in agreement with the members of the localcommunity. The forest areas currently managed for coffee production, and the farmlands andsettlement areas in the surroundings were assigned a value 0 and the undisturbed forest areaswere assigned a value 1. The forest area is surrounded by large areas of farmlands andsettlement. However, only part of farmlands and settlements closer to the forest falling withUTM coordinates of 793870-830490 m E and 923320-934340 m N, zone Reserve zoning: the multi-criteria evaluation methodMulti-criteria evaluation (MCE) deals with the allocation of land to suit a specific objectivebased on a variety of attributes that the selected area should possess. The MCE methodmakes it possible to combine the information from different evaluation criteria and to form asingle index evaluation or map. The IDRISI GIS software has a special MCE module(Eastman 2001). In GIS, two procedures are commonly used for MCE: the Boolean overlayand the index overlay techniques (Jiang and Eastman 2000). In the Boolean overlay, allcriteria are assessed by thresholds of suitability to produce Boolean maps, which are thencombined by logical operators such as intersection (AND) and union (OR). The indexoverlay method uses continuous criteria, which are standardized to a common numeric range,and then combined by weights. There are two commonly used index overlay techniques:weighted linear combination (WLC) and order-weighted average (OWA). Since criteria varyin importance for decision-making, the importance of the criteria used in the evaluation isachieved by assigning a weight to each criterion.106

Conservation of the wild Coffea arabica populations in situ(Malckzewski 1999). Linear scale transformation is the most frequently used method oftransforming input data into criterion maps of a common numeric range.In this study, all the criteria map layers were transformed by a linear scaletransformation method to index values ranging between 0 <strong>and</strong> 1 (Jiang <strong>and</strong> Eastman 2000).The two most often used linear transformation methods are maximum score <strong>and</strong> range scoreprocedures (Malckzewski 1999). The range score procedure of transformation is given by theformula:'xijxx jx jxmin−ij= Equation 6.1max min−jThis formula was used to transform the coffee <strong>and</strong> diversity index criteria attributevalues to criterion scores, where X´ij is the st<strong>and</strong>ardized score for the i th object (alternative)<strong>and</strong> the j th attribute, X ij is the raw score, X max j is the maximum score for the j th attribute, <strong>and</strong>X min j is the minimum score for the j th attribute. The elevation criterion attribute values weretransformed by the formula:'xijxx jx jxmin−ij= 1−Equation 6.2max min−jin order to give more weight to sites at lower altitude. Hence, a point at lowest elevationreceives the highest criterion score, 1, <strong>and</strong> a point at highest elevation receives 0.ConstraintsThe constraint map is a qualitative criterion <strong>and</strong> defines the social suitability of the reserve. Itdetermines the areas that are used by the local people, which can then be excluded from theprotected reserve zones. If, for example, a forest area is used by the local people as a semiforestor plantation coffee production system, it is no longer available for a reserve core zone<strong>and</strong> has to be excluded. The index of the constraint criterion map layer is Boolean (Jiang <strong>and</strong>Eastman 2000); i.e., the values are either 1 for suitable or 0 for unsuitable areas. Theconstraint map is based on a map demarcating the undisturbed forest from the forestsmanaged for coffee production <strong>and</strong> agriculture, provided by Yayu District Department ofAgriculture (unpublished map) <strong>and</strong> the topographic map of the area obtained from the<strong>10</strong>5

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