Ecology and Development Series No. 10, 2003 - ZEF

Ecology and Development Series No. 10, 2003 - ZEF Ecology and Development Series No. 10, 2003 - ZEF


Conservation of the wild Coffea arabica populations in situcan be used to predict distribution patterns of species and diversity (Reyers et al. 2002). Anumber of techniques are used for prediction and mapping of plant species distributionwithin a landscape. Three most often used methods: (1) mosaic or block diagrams, (2)regression models, and (3) geostatistical techniques like kriging and co-kiriging.The digital elevation model (DEM) provides topographic information such aselevation, slope, landform, aspect, etc. Such terrain-derived data can be used to map actual orpotential vegetation across the landscape. Bolstad et al. (1998) used a terrain-based linearregression to predict and map overstorey tree species in a mountainous region. Several otherresearchers also similarly used terrain based data for vegetating mapping (e.g., Meentemeyeret al. 2001; Guisan et al. 1999; Ostendorf and Reynolds 1998). This study aims to find outthe spatial distribution patterns of the abundance of coffee and diversity index, and to classifythe forest into different reserve zones based suitability of the forest areas for conservation ofthe wild coffee population and plant species of the forest.6.2 Materials and methods6.2.1 Data sourcesForest vegetation data and terrain data were used in this analysis. For prediction of thedistribution patterns of the abundances of coffee and species diversity index, vegetation datafrom undisturbed forest were used. The forest vegetation data were those described inChapter 4.2.1 of this thesis and have been collected from 58 sample plots. However, the dataof one sample plot (Plot68), which was an outlier in the cluster analysis described in Chapter4.2.2, was excluded. Hence, only the vegetation survey data of 57 sample plots were used.The types of vegetation data used in the analysis were species abundances, species diversityindex and the site scores of the Principal Component analysis (PCA) axes I and II.Abundance refers to the number of stems per sample plot, while the species diversity indexused in this analysis is the Shannon diversity index, since it crystallizes both species richnessand evenness into one figure (Magurran 1988). The site scores of axes I and II of the PCAwere obtained from the results of the analysis presented in Chapter 4.3.3 of this thesis. Theterrain data were derived from a digital elevation model (DEM), which in turn was developedfrom topographic maps. The area of topographic map used in DEM development includes theundisturbed forest and the surrounding managed forests and farm lands (793870-830490 m E101

Conservation of the wild Coffea arabica populations in situand 923320-934340 m N UTM). The procedures used to develop DEM and evaluationcriterion maps are presented in the next sections.6.2.2 Digital elevation model developmentThe DEM was developed from a topographic map of 1:50,000 scale obtained from theEthiopian Mapping Agency. The topographic map of the study area was scanned, and thengeo-referenced to the UTM coordinate system using the software ERDAS IMAGINE 8.5(ERDAS, Inc., Atlanta, GA, USA). The vertical interval between the contour lines of the mapis 20 m. All contour lines, peak points, depressions, and streams were digitized in ArcViewGIS (ESRI Inc., Redlands, CA, USA). The ArcView shape files of the contour lines, peakpoints, depressions and streams were converted to Arc coverage files of the same mapprojection. The DEM was prepared from the coverage files using TOPOGRID, a DEMbuilding module built-in ARC/INFO GIS program (ESRI Inc., Redlands, CA, USA), whichis based on the procedure developed by Hutchinson (1989). To develop the DEM, aresolution of 20 m pixel size was used. Occasionally, DEMs contain minor errors, such assinks or peaks. Sinks and peaks are errors in data due to resolution of the data or rounding ofelevations to the nearest integer value. Research has indicated that, for 30 meter resolutionDEM, 0.9 to 4.7 percent of the cells in a DEM are sinks (Eastman 2001). To improve theaccuracy of the DEM, it was made depressionless by filling the sinks using the hydrologicalmodeling extension in ArcView. By filling the sinks, the cells contained in depressions areraised to the lowest elevation value on the rim of the depression (Eastman 2001).Different data layers were generated from the DEM using the surface analysismodule in the ArcView GIS software. These include elevation, slope angle, aspect angle, andhillshade. The ArcView extension called SINMAP (Pack et al. 1998) was used to deriveslope stability and wetness indices. The aspect angle was converted to continuous variablesof northness and eastness by using cosine and sine transformations, respectively. Aspect isthe direction that a slope faces, and is normally measured in degrees. Transformationconverts the aspect angle in continuous data ranging between values –1 and 1. The slopeangle was also converted to percent slope using tangent transformations and multiplying by100.102

Conservation of the wild Coffea arabica populations in situcan be used to predict distribution patterns of species <strong>and</strong> diversity (Reyers et al. 2002). Anumber of techniques are used for prediction <strong>and</strong> mapping of plant species distributionwithin a l<strong>and</strong>scape. Three most often used methods: (1) mosaic or block diagrams, (2)regression models, <strong>and</strong> (3) geostatistical techniques like kriging <strong>and</strong> co-kiriging.The digital elevation model (DEM) provides topographic information such aselevation, slope, l<strong>and</strong>form, aspect, etc. Such terrain-derived data can be used to map actual orpotential vegetation across the l<strong>and</strong>scape. Bolstad et al. (1998) used a terrain-based linearregression to predict <strong>and</strong> map overstorey tree species in a mountainous region. Several otherresearchers also similarly used terrain based data for vegetating mapping (e.g., Meentemeyeret al. 2001; Guisan et al. 1999; Ostendorf <strong>and</strong> Reynolds 1998). This study aims to find outthe spatial distribution patterns of the abundance of coffee <strong>and</strong> diversity index, <strong>and</strong> to classifythe forest into different reserve zones based suitability of the forest areas for conservation ofthe wild coffee population <strong>and</strong> plant species of the forest.6.2 Materials <strong>and</strong> methods6.2.1 Data sourcesForest vegetation data <strong>and</strong> terrain data were used in this analysis. For prediction of thedistribution patterns of the abundances of coffee <strong>and</strong> species diversity index, vegetation datafrom undisturbed forest were used. The forest vegetation data were those described inChapter 4.2.1 of this thesis <strong>and</strong> have been collected from 58 sample plots. However, the dataof one sample plot (Plot68), which was an outlier in the cluster analysis described in Chapter4.2.2, was excluded. Hence, only the vegetation survey data of 57 sample plots were used.The types of vegetation data used in the analysis were species abundances, species diversityindex <strong>and</strong> the site scores of the Principal Component analysis (PCA) axes I <strong>and</strong> II.Abundance refers to the number of stems per sample plot, while the species diversity indexused in this analysis is the Shannon diversity index, since it crystallizes both species richness<strong>and</strong> evenness into one figure (Magurran 1988). The site scores of axes I <strong>and</strong> II of the PCAwere obtained from the results of the analysis presented in Chapter 4.3.3 of this thesis. Theterrain data were derived from a digital elevation model (DEM), which in turn was developedfrom topographic maps. The area of topographic map used in DEM development includes theundisturbed forest <strong>and</strong> the surrounding managed forests <strong>and</strong> farm l<strong>and</strong>s (793870-830490 m E<strong>10</strong>1

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