Nepal Elephant TB Control and Mgt Action Plan.pdf - Elephant Care ...

Nepal Elephant TB Control and Mgt Action Plan.pdf - Elephant Care ...

Nepal Elephant TB Control and Mgt Action Plan.pdf - Elephant Care ...

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Mul angen print immunoassay (MAPIA): A lab-based confirmatory test for the <strong>Elephant</strong> <strong>TB</strong> Stat-Pak,currently available only in the USA (Lyashchenko et al. 2000, Lyashchenko et al. 2006, Greenwald et al.2009).Mycobacterium: A genus of bacteria in the family Mycobacteriaceae.Mycobacterium avium (M. avium): A non-tuberculous mycobacteria that causes <strong>TB</strong> in birds <strong>and</strong> occasionallyhumans <strong>and</strong> other species. M. avium may be isolated from non-clinically affected elephants <strong>and</strong>is usually considered as an environmental contaminant.Mycobacterium bovis (M. bovis): The primary causa"ve agent of <strong>TB</strong> in ca#le, bison, <strong>and</strong> deer; may alsoinfect other mammals including pigs, humans, primates, elephants, <strong>and</strong> non-cap"ve ungulates.Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tuberculosis): The primary causa"ve agent of tuberculosis in humans;may also affect a variety of animals, including primates, pigs, ca#le, dogs, parrots, elephants, <strong>and</strong> rhinos.Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (M. tb complex): A group of mycobacteria which includes M. tuberculosis,M. bovis, M. africanum, M. micro!, M. cane", M. caprae, <strong>and</strong> M. pinnipedii. A vaccine strainderived from M. bovis (M. bovis BCG) is some"mes included in this group.N-95 mask: A mask that is cer"fied to protect against <strong>TB</strong> when properly fi#ed.Necropsy: A postmortem (a$er death) examina"on to determine the cause of death.No isolaon: Absence of growth of M. tuberculosis complex organisms from trunk wash, feces, "ssue, orother samples using st<strong>and</strong>ard mycobacterial culture methods. Failure to isolate organisms may be due tothe following reasons:i. the animal is not infectedii. the animal may be infected but <strong>TB</strong> organisms were not present in the sample submi#ed for analysisiii. sampling error (culture overgrowth by contamina"ng organisms, inadequate sample, laboratory error)iv. improperly h<strong>and</strong>led or shipped sampleNon-reacve: A nega"ve finding on a test.Non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM): Mycobacteria that do not generally cause granulomas. MostNTM are saprophytes found in soil or water. They are typically non-pathogenic but may occasionallycause disease in humans <strong>and</strong> animals including elephants. It is also referred to as “atypical” mycobacteriaor “Mycobacteria other Than <strong>TB</strong>” (MOTT).Nucleic acid amplificaon test: A technique that amplifies en""es such as DNA or RNA.PCR (polymerase-chain reacon): A nucleic acid amplifica"on technique in which specific sequences of

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