WinTrac™ 5.X

WinTrac™ 5.X WinTrac™ 5.X


Chapter 9Advanced WinTrac FeaturesiBox Third Party CommunicationsWinTrac now supports sending iBox Third Party Communications. Select “iBox third-party communications…”from the Tools menu to bring up a window that will allow you to query various settings on the unit.NOTE: Make sure the communication cable is connected to the ‘3 rd Party’ RS232 port before attempting thesecommands.86

Chapter 10Troubleshooting your WinTrac SoftwareChapter 10Troubleshooting your WinTrac SoftwareThis section addresses some common WinTrac issues and provides the answers to frequently askedquestions.Logging WinTrac ActivityWinTrac communicates with many types of hardware, some of which may have newer versions underdevelopment. It may be possible to come across a rare problem which the manufacturers would like additionalinformation on. This is not normally necessary for most problems. If you want WinTrac to log additionalinformation on a problem:1. Click on Help: Debugging options.2. Click on Start Debug Logging.A DOS prompt window should open up in the background. Leave it open and repeat the process in WinTracthat causes the problem. If needed, you can exit and restart WinTrac; the logging part continues independentof whether WinTrac is running or not. When finished, you can close the DOS prompt window, and a log file willhave been created in your Program Files\Thermo King\WinTrac 5\Logs directory with a filename beginningwith “wtdbmon-“ followed by the days date, and an identifying number. Email this file to your TK Dealer alongwith details of the problem.Windows XP Service Pack 2 Database IssuesIf WinTrac has problems accessing the WinTrac Database on Windows XP Service Pack 2 and declares it tobe corrupt or invalid, then this may be resolved by the following:1. Browse to the folder containing the database, right click and select “Properties”. In the propertiesdialog, there should be a "Security" tab that allows you to change file permissions.2. In Windows XP SP2 this "Security" tab might be missing. If it is present, you can skip on to step 4.3. Open the “My Computer” folder. Click on the menu option "Tools" and select "Folder Options". The tab"View" will have an option at the bottom that says "Use simple file sharing (Recommended)". Deselectthat feature and click "Ok". The security tab should now be available.4. In the security tab, grant the current user full access to the database file, directory and subdirectories.Unspecified Database ErrorYou may receive this error if you have corrupted a database by moving data incorrectly between twodatabases. If you copy WinTrac Raw Download files (.wtd) files from one database to another, you mayreceive this error. To fix this, delete or move the .wtd files from your current databases ‘\Download’ directory.87

Chapter 10Troubleshooting your WinTrac SoftwareChapter 10Troubleshooting your WinTrac SoftwareThis section addresses some common WinTrac issues and provides the answers to frequently askedquestions.Logging WinTrac ActivityWinTrac communicates with many types of hardware, some of which may have newer versions underdevelopment. It may be possible to come across a rare problem which the manufacturers would like additionalinformation on. This is not normally necessary for most problems. If you want WinTrac to log additionalinformation on a problem:1. Click on Help: Debugging options.2. Click on Start Debug Logging.A DOS prompt window should open up in the background. Leave it open and repeat the process in WinTracthat causes the problem. If needed, you can exit and restart WinTrac; the logging part continues independentof whether WinTrac is running or not. When finished, you can close the DOS prompt window, and a log file willhave been created in your Program Files\Thermo King\WinTrac 5\Logs directory with a filename beginningwith “wtdbmon-“ followed by the days date, and an identifying number. Email this file to your TK Dealer alongwith details of the problem.Windows XP Service Pack 2 Database IssuesIf WinTrac has problems accessing the WinTrac Database on Windows XP Service Pack 2 and declares it tobe corrupt or invalid, then this may be resolved by the following:1. Browse to the folder containing the database, right click and select “Properties”. In the propertiesdialog, there should be a "Security" tab that allows you to change file permissions.2. In Windows XP SP2 this "Security" tab might be missing. If it is present, you can skip on to step 4.3. Open the “My Computer” folder. Click on the menu option "Tools" and select "Folder Options". The tab"View" will have an option at the bottom that says "Use simple file sharing (Recommended)". Deselectthat feature and click "Ok". The security tab should now be available.4. In the security tab, grant the current user full access to the database file, directory and subdirectories.Unspecified Database ErrorYou may receive this error if you have corrupted a database by moving data incorrectly between twodatabases. If you copy WinTrac Raw Download files (.wtd) files from one database to another, you mayreceive this error. To fix this, delete or move the .wtd files from your current databases ‘\Download’ directory.87

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