WinTrac™ 5.X

WinTrac™ 5.X WinTrac™ 5.X


Chapter 9Advanced WinTrac FeaturesChapter 9Advanced WinTrac FeaturesThis section covers some of the more advanced features of WinTrac software. Topics covered includefeatures new to WinTrac 5 including Exception Reporting features, Flash-loading TK devices, Re-starting TKdevices, as well as previous WinTrac features such as sensor calibration.Exception ReportingThe Exception Reporting features of WinTrac software allow you to search a file (or a group of files) for a setof pre-defined exceptions such as unit alarms, temperatures outside a certain range, etc. You can definethese queries yourself, and even store them so that you can use them again.WinTrac will search all the files you have selected for any occurrence of the exceptions that you have defined.WinTrac will then report back all the occurrences in each file. You can even launch a file that contains anexception and WinTrac will show you exactly where the exception occurred.You can print out the exception reporting in the form of a summary report. The exception reporting featurescan save you from having to check each file individually for any alarms or other exceptions, freeing up more ofyour valuable time!Running a typical Exception Report1. Select Run Exception Report... option from the File menu2. The Exception Reporting Wizard appears3. Select the files or Folders you wish to query.Note: WinTrac only allows you to run a report on similar types of WinTrac files, e.g. MPIV-type files,DAS-type files, SR-2/SR-3 type files, etc. This restriction is necessary because various TK devices logdifferent information and alarms, so queries must be defined for a particular type of TK device.4. Select the type of TK device that want to use as the filter for your exception report. Any other files thatyou accidentally select that do not belong to this type are automatically excluded from the exceptionreport.5. Click on the Next> button74

Chapter 9Advanced WinTrac Features6. You can now build the queries you wish to use, or load any previously defined queries that you mayhave saved already. To make a new query, click the Make Query button. Select the query type and fillin the details of the query. Click the Add query button. The query appears in the query list.7. You can save this query by clicking on the Save Query button8. You can load a previously saved query by clicking on the Load Query button.9. Next, you can select the date range that you want to use for the queries you have added to your querylist.10. Once you are happy with your query setup, just click on the Run Query Set button to run the querieson the files you have selected. If you want to change any part of the query set you have defined,simply click on the

Chapter 9Advanced WinTrac FeaturesChapter 9Advanced WinTrac FeaturesThis section covers some of the more advanced features of WinTrac software. Topics covered includefeatures new to WinTrac 5 including Exception Reporting features, Flash-loading TK devices, Re-starting TKdevices, as well as previous WinTrac features such as sensor calibration.Exception ReportingThe Exception Reporting features of WinTrac software allow you to search a file (or a group of files) for a setof pre-defined exceptions such as unit alarms, temperatures outside a certain range, etc. You can definethese queries yourself, and even store them so that you can use them again.WinTrac will search all the files you have selected for any occurrence of the exceptions that you have defined.WinTrac will then report back all the occurrences in each file. You can even launch a file that contains anexception and WinTrac will show you exactly where the exception occurred.You can print out the exception reporting in the form of a summary report. The exception reporting featurescan save you from having to check each file individually for any alarms or other exceptions, freeing up more ofyour valuable time!Running a typical Exception Report1. Select Run Exception Report... option from the File menu2. The Exception Reporting Wizard appears3. Select the files or Folders you wish to query.Note: WinTrac only allows you to run a report on similar types of WinTrac files, e.g. MPIV-type files,DAS-type files, SR-2/SR-3 type files, etc. This restriction is necessary because various TK devices logdifferent information and alarms, so queries must be defined for a particular type of TK device.4. Select the type of TK device that want to use as the filter for your exception report. Any other files thatyou accidentally select that do not belong to this type are automatically excluded from the exceptionreport.5. Click on the Next> button74

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