WinTrac™ 5.X

WinTrac™ 5.X WinTrac™ 5.X


Chapter 6Viewing your Data GraphicallyRe-scaling a WinTrac graphWinTrac provides a special feature to allow you to re-scale graphs easily. Re-scaling of a graph is performedsimply by dragging the scale using the mouse.Note: You can also re-scale graphs using the Display Properties window.1. Position the mouse pointer over the scale. The mouse pointer will change to indicate that you can rescalethe graph. The action of the scale varies depending on the position of the mouse pointer.(a) Adjust the Upper Limit of ScaleTo change the Upper Limit positions the mouse pointer in the upper section of thescale. This locks the scales Lower Limit and allows you to adjust the Upper Limit.(b) Adjust the Lower Limit of the ScaleTo change the Lower Limit positions the mouse pointer in the lower section of thescale. This locks the scales Upper Limit and allows you to adjust the Lower Limit.(c) Move the ScaleTo move the position of the graph, position the mouse pointer in the middle section ofthe scale. This locks the scales range but and allows you to adjust the extents of thescale.2. Click the left mouse button, hold the button depressed and drag the scale.3. Release the mouse button to update the graph.It is also possible to re-scale a WinTrac graph using the Display Properties window. Using the DisplayProperties window is covered in Chapter 7.62

Chapter 6Viewing your Data GraphicallyTime of DataTo determine the exact date and time occurrence of a record or event simply position the cross-like cursor onthe data - the date and time corresponding to the location of the cursor is displayed in the status bar.Symbol IdentificationWinTrac marks certain important events/occurrences using symbols. To identify a symbol simply position themouse pointer over it.Note: If symbols overlap then the text explanation is listed in order of symbol occurrence.Viewing Data from Multi-Temperature UnitsWinTrac graphs the data pertaining to the different zones of the Multi-Temperature unit on separateworksheets. The data from zone 1 (or compartment 1) is graphed on worksheet entitled Zone 1. The datafrom zone 2 is graphed on worksheet entitled Zone 2 and similarly for zone 3. To switch between worksheets,simply click the relevant worksheet tab located at the lower left corner of graph window.63

Chapter 6Viewing your Data GraphicallyRe-scaling a WinTrac graphWinTrac provides a special feature to allow you to re-scale graphs easily. Re-scaling of a graph is performedsimply by dragging the scale using the mouse.Note: You can also re-scale graphs using the Display Properties window.1. Position the mouse pointer over the scale. The mouse pointer will change to indicate that you can rescalethe graph. The action of the scale varies depending on the position of the mouse pointer.(a) Adjust the Upper Limit of ScaleTo change the Upper Limit positions the mouse pointer in the upper section of thescale. This locks the scales Lower Limit and allows you to adjust the Upper Limit.(b) Adjust the Lower Limit of the ScaleTo change the Lower Limit positions the mouse pointer in the lower section of thescale. This locks the scales Upper Limit and allows you to adjust the Lower Limit.(c) Move the ScaleTo move the position of the graph, position the mouse pointer in the middle section ofthe scale. This locks the scales range but and allows you to adjust the extents of thescale.2. Click the left mouse button, hold the button depressed and drag the scale.3. Release the mouse button to update the graph.It is also possible to re-scale a WinTrac graph using the Display Properties window. Using the DisplayProperties window is covered in Chapter 7.62

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