WinTrac™ 5.X

WinTrac™ 5.X WinTrac™ 5.X


Chapter 4Communicating with your Thermo King UnitsIn case of all options selected, WinTrac shall create the following folders and subfolders in theUSB Flash Drive:♦ DOWNLOAD SERVICE WATCH CARGO WATCH DAS♦ FLASHLOAD SR3 SINGLE TEMP SR3 MULTI TEMP HMI REB DAS♦ OPTISET PLUS After the appropriate directory and subdirectory structure has been created in USBFlash Drive, WinTrac shall append this information in the TKConfig.ini file that it hadearlier created.i. If user selects No:WinTrac shall abort the process notifying the user with the followingmessage ‘The USB Flash Drive has not been configured.’ (Optionprovided: OK)b. In case a valid TKConfig.ini file and valid folder structures are already present inthe USB Flash Drive, then WinTrac shall display the following message to theuser ‘The USB Flash Drive has previously been configured. Do you want tocontinue?’ (Options provided: Yes and No)i. If user selects Yes: If user selects Yes:WinTrac shall display the previous configuration values for the user toview. In the same window as it displays the previous configuration, thefollowing message shall be prompted; ‘Are you sure you want toreconfigure the USB Flash Drive?’(Options provided: Yes and No)Go back to the “Configuration of USB Flash Drive using WinTrac”section. Yes condition shall be followed for creating TKConfig.iniconfiguration file and the folder structure.If TKConfig.ini file is missing, then WinTrac shall recreate theconfiguration file.If any of the user selected directories are missing in the USB Flash Drive,then WinTrac shall recreate them appropriately.50

Chapter 4Communicating with your Thermo King Units If user selects No:WinTrac shall abort the process notifying the user with the followingmessage ‘The USB Flash Drive has not been re-configured.’ (Optionprovided: OK)4. WinTrac detects multiple USB Flash Drive devices plugged into PC / laptop:In case WinTrac detects multiple USB Flash Drive plugged in the PC / laptop it shall displaythe following message to the user; ‘Multiple USB Flash Drive devices detected. Pleasemake sure that only one USB Flash Drive device is connected to the PC and retry.’Once the user remedies the scenario by making sure only one USB Flash Drive is connected,the user shall need to restart the operation by selecting ‘Tools > Configure and Manage USBFlash Drive > Configure new USB Flash Drive’.51

Chapter 4Communicating with your Thermo King Units If user selects No:WinTrac shall abort the process notifying the user with the followingmessage ‘The USB Flash Drive has not been re-configured.’ (Optionprovided: OK)4. WinTrac detects multiple USB Flash Drive devices plugged into PC / laptop:In case WinTrac detects multiple USB Flash Drive plugged in the PC / laptop it shall displaythe following message to the user; ‘Multiple USB Flash Drive devices detected. Pleasemake sure that only one USB Flash Drive device is connected to the PC and retry.’Once the user remedies the scenario by making sure only one USB Flash Drive is connected,the user shall need to restart the operation by selecting ‘Tools > Configure and Manage USBFlash Drive > Configure new USB Flash Drive’.51

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