WinTrac™ 5.X

WinTrac™ 5.X WinTrac™ 5.X


Chapter 4Communicating with your Thermo King UnitsContainer IDThe ID is an 11 character string, used to identify the Thermo King unit. The ID is normally set to theRegistration Number of the Container, for easy identification.Unit IDThe Unit ID is a 10 character text field, normally used to store the Unit Serial ID number.Date and TimeWinTrac allows you to view the current Date and Time of the MPA+ controller. It is important that the clock isset to the correct Date and Time (normally GMT) since this will affect the validity of the data stored in the datalogger. You can change the Date and Time using WinTrac software, if it is incorrect.Text HeaderYou can send a Text Header to your MPA(+) Controller using WinTrac software. A Text Header consists of aseries of text fields containing useful information about a particular Trip. Once you send a header, WinTrac willremember your settings and will automatically fill in the fields for you the next time you choose to send a TextHeader to your MPA(+).Start-of-Trip [SOT] HeaderYou can send a Start-of-Trip Header to your controller using WinTrac software. Simply select the SOT optionon the Header Tab, and click on the ‘Send SOT Header’ button.Logging IntervalThe MPA(+) logs the readings for each probe each Logging Interval. The logging interval may be set to 30mins or 1 hour.Logging ModeMPA(+) controllers can be configured to store just two sensors (return air and discharge air) and the setpoint,or six sensors including coil temperature. If your controller can change from 6 sensor logging to 2 sensorlogging, you can use WinTrac to change this setting.Software RevisionWinTrac displays the software revision of the MPA(+) controller currently connected to your PC.Sensor ReadingsWinTrac displays the current readings of the Sensors on your MPA(+). By clicking on the ContinuousRefresh checkbox, WinTrac will update the sensor readings every second.40

Chapter 4Communicating with your Thermo King UnitsMPCR SettingsMPCR Settings WindowThe MPCR Settings window gives you access to the operating parameters of the MPCR controller. You canview/alter the Trailer ID, Unit Clock, Logging Interval, and many other parameters on the TK controller. Inaddition, you may also send a Text Header or Start of Trip [SOT] Header to your Thermo King controller. A fulllist of parameters accessible from the MPCR Settings window is provided below.ParameterTrailer IDUnit IDController Date and TimeText HeaderStart-of-Trip [SOT] HeaderLogging IntervalSoftware RevisionSensor ReadingsAccessRead/WriteRead/WriteRead/WriteWriteWriteRead/WriteRead OnlyRead OnlyTrailer IDThe Trailer ID is a 10 character text field, used to identify the Controller. The Trailer ID is normally set to theRegistration Number of the Trailer, for easy identification.41

Chapter 4Communicating with your Thermo King UnitsMPCR SettingsMPCR Settings WindowThe MPCR Settings window gives you access to the operating parameters of the MPCR controller. You canview/alter the Trailer ID, Unit Clock, Logging Interval, and many other parameters on the TK controller. Inaddition, you may also send a Text Header or Start of Trip [SOT] Header to your Thermo King controller. A fulllist of parameters accessible from the MPCR Settings window is provided below.ParameterTrailer IDUnit IDController Date and TimeText HeaderStart-of-Trip [SOT] HeaderLogging IntervalSoftware RevisionSensor ReadingsAccessRead/WriteRead/WriteRead/WriteWriteWriteRead/WriteRead OnlyRead OnlyTrailer IDThe Trailer ID is a 10 character text field, used to identify the Controller. The Trailer ID is normally set to theRegistration Number of the Trailer, for easy identification.41

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