WinTrac™ 5.X

WinTrac™ 5.X WinTrac™ 5.X


Chapter 4Communicating with your Thermo King UnitsHourmetersYour DMS data logger stores the readings for eight hourmeters in data logger memory. These Hourmetersare:Flag 1 MeterFlag 2 MeterFlag 3 MeterFlag 4 Meter[Generic meter][Generic meter][Generic meter][Generic meter]Defrost MeterHeat MeterHigh-speed MeterCool MeterYou can reset an individual Hourmeter by clicking on the Reset… button located on the Hourmeter tab of theAdvanced DMS Settings window.Software RevisionWinTrac displays the software revision of the DMS unit currently connected to your PC.Sensor ReadingsWinTrac displays the current readings of the Sensors on your DMS, including the four digital inputs. By clickingon the Continuous Refresh checkbox, WinTrac will update the sensor readings every second.24

Chapter 4Communicating with your Thermo King UnitsDAS SettingsDAS Settings WindowThe DAS Settings window gives you access to the operating parameters of the DAS data logger. You canview/alter the Logger ID, Clock, Sensor labels, Logging Interval, and many other parameters on the DAS. Inaddition, you may also send a Text Header or Start-of-Trip [SOT] Header to the DAS data logger. A full list ofparameters accessible from the DAS Settings window is provided below.ParameterTrailer/Container IDUnit IDDAS Date and TimeText HeaderStart-Of-Trip HeaderSensor AcronymsSensor LoggingSensor ReadingsLogging IntervalPrinter optionsSerial NumberSoftware RevisionAccessRead/WriteRead/WriteRead/WriteWriteWriteRead/WriteRead/WriteRead OnlyRead/WriteRead/WriteRead OnlyRead Only25

Chapter 4Communicating with your Thermo King UnitsDAS SettingsDAS Settings WindowThe DAS Settings window gives you access to the operating parameters of the DAS data logger. You canview/alter the Logger ID, Clock, Sensor labels, Logging Interval, and many other parameters on the DAS. Inaddition, you may also send a Text Header or Start-of-Trip [SOT] Header to the DAS data logger. A full list ofparameters accessible from the DAS Settings window is provided below.ParameterTrailer/Container IDUnit IDDAS Date and TimeText HeaderStart-Of-Trip HeaderSensor AcronymsSensor LoggingSensor ReadingsLogging IntervalPrinter optionsSerial NumberSoftware RevisionAccessRead/WriteRead/WriteRead/WriteWriteWriteRead/WriteRead/WriteRead OnlyRead/WriteRead/WriteRead OnlyRead Only25

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