Spring 2007 - Milton Academy

Spring 2007 - Milton Academy Spring 2007 - Milton Academy


Darren Ross, Jon Cope and André Heard, all class of 1993, are pictured here with their daughters Phoebe Ross, AdelaideCope and Zöe Heard after a raucous 4th of July barbeque in Manchester, Massachusetts, at the Ross homestead.1992Sharon Sears writes, “Greetingsfrom Durango, Colorado! I am inthe thick of my first year as a facultymember in the Departmentof Psychology at Fort LewisCollege. Durango is a really cooltown surrounded by the RockyMountains with excellent art,music, food and outdoor activities.Fort Lewis is a small, liberalarts college. I am excited to beteaching courses includinghealth psychology and researchmethods. In addition, I am experiencingthe joys of studentadvising, committees, and makingresearch connections in thecommunity. My appreciation formy own teachers grows each dayas I experience all of the thingsthat go into this academic adventure.If any alumni or facultyhave the opportunity to visitDurango, let me know!”1993C. Dana Critchell continues herresidency at Thomas JeffersonHospital in Philadelphia.Graham Goodkin and his wife,Laura, recently welcomed a babygirl named Emma Livingston.Gigi Saltonstall writes, “Ali(Burnes) Balster’s baby, Katie, isabout to turn one. I see them aswell as Ali’s husband, Nick,often. Kate (McGuinn) Motley isliving in Louisville, Kentucky,with her husband, Matt. I amheading down for a visit laterthis month. My sister Amy(Saltonstall) Isaac ’90 is enjoyingthe latest addition to her family,Georgia, born in August.Darren Ross reports that he, JonCope and André Heard havesomehow found women tomarry them and bear them children.This past summer thegroup got together for a raucous4th of July party at the Rosshomestead in Manchester,Massachusetts.1995Brad Anderson received hisPh.D. from Yale in 2005. He isnow teaching at the TrinitySchool in Manhattan and at Yalein the summer. In December, hejudged a poetry competitionorganized by another Miltonian.Laura Snydman will finish herresidency in internal medicine atTufts-New England MedicalCenter this spring. She will bestaying on another year at T-NEMC as the Teaching andResearch Scholar in Medicine.1998Monica McKenney, mother ofCara McKenney, passed alongthe good news that Cara’sboyfriend Tze Chun’s film,Windbreaker, was recently selectedfor the Sundance FilmFestival. The film is somewhatautobiographical, 11 minuteslong, and was created on a $600budget.Greg Marsh was married to hiswife, Julie, on September 16,2006, on Cape Cod. He recentlyaccepted a position at Google asa University Programs Specialist.This past fall, Jessica Resnick-Ault married Peter Gimbel,whom she met while at BrownUniversity. Jessica and Pete weremarried at Endicott House inDedham, Massachusetts. It was afabulous celebration with manyfriends and family members.The couple is living in Houston,Texas, where Jessica is astaff reporter for Dow JonesNewswires/the Wall StreetJournal, covering energy, andPeter is a graduate student.Jessica would love to hear fromany classmates visiting Houston.2000Will Connors writes in, “Despitedaily heckling, a night in jail,torrential rains, and frequentfailed attempts to talk to beautifulEthiopian women in Amharic,I am thoroughly enjoying livingin Ethiopia as a freelance writer/editor. If anyone is in the area,look me up. I’ll be the awkward,balding white guy in jeans.”2001Hayden Jaques is living andworking in Kansas City,Missouri. He works at LouisDreyfuss Commodities, tradingwheat and corn. Hayden wasable to take some time off beforehe started work to attend hisMilton five-year reunion, as wellas to travel to Brazil with hisfour-year Milton roommate,Gates Sanford.2003Congratulations to TomColeman, who was crownedTemple University’s 2006–2007Homecoming King.2004Colleen Leth reports that she isin her third year at BarnardCollege, where she’s majoring inart history with a minor in architecture.She is busy participatingin a lot of campus and New YorkCity art initiatives, as well as rowingcrew at Columbia and workingpart-time for the curator atthe Whitney Museum. Thisspring she is headed to Paris tostudy abroad.60 Milton Magazine

2005William Faulkner writes, “I absolutelylove Tulane and could notimagine a better place to go tocollege than New Orleans, post-Katrina and all.” Will is a linguisticsand Latin American studiesmajor with an architectureminor. He is looking forward tospending his senior year atPontifícia Universidade Católicado Rio de Janeiro in Brazil.2006Alice Minkoff, mother of SamMinkoff, reports that Sam isattending Boston University,where he is majoring in engineering.He is currently thepresident of his residence hallof over 400 students.Daniel Charness is enjoying hisfreshman year at Wesleyan,where he plays varsity squash andis continuing his cello studies.Deaths1927 Eleanor Snelling1929 David Howland1928 Charles Mason, Jr.1934 Morris Earle1935 John R. BemisPeter Greenough1936 P. Hickox BeallJean Richmond Stone1937 Elizabeth Hurd1940 C. Snelling Robinson IIFrancis Houston1941 John T. Potter1943 Margaret SkinnerArmistead1945 Charlotte CrockerCleveland1946 William W. Worcester1948 Joseph W. Powell III1950 Leslie Jones Jackson1952 Giancarlo Uzielli1953 Conrad NobiliHerbert Parker II1955 Edward W. Weld1956 Ruth Baker Ursul1962 Joseph Mattison III1968 Marion Cajori1971 Jay W. Tracey IIIDavid Howland ’29Milton alumnus DavidHowland, Class of 1929,passed away February 27,2006, following a lengthy illness.In his time at Milton,David was a boarder inRobbins House and a recipientof the Robert Saltonstall Medal.Coached by Milton’s belovedand departed Herbert G.Stokinger ’24, David wouldvisit “Stoky” and his wife,Esther, at every chance. Davidwas the son of former Miltontrustee Charles P. Howland.He is survived by his wife,Nancy (Moller) Howland ’33,and two children, FaithHowland ’61 and Charles P.Howland ’63.From Concord Journal,March 16, 2006[David Howland] was born inNew York City on Jan. 13, 1911,the son of the late Charles P. andVirginia (Lazarus) Howland.Mr. Howland was raised in NewYork, New Haven, Conn., andWalpole N.H. He graduatedfrom Milton Academy and YaleUniversity. A talented schoolboyand college athlete, he was amember of the Yale varsity footballteam.Mr. Howland enlisted in theU.S. Navy in 1941 and served asa lieutenant commander duringWorld War II. He marriedNancy in 1937, and after the warthey settled in New Canaan,Conn., where they raised theirtwo children. In 1993 they movedto Carleton-Willard Village inBedford.He worked as business managerfor a small plastics company inStamford, Conn. As an avocationhe was an active old-book dealer,continually adding to his fine collectionof early children’s booksand jigsaw puzzles and delightedin finding out-of-print books forothers.ErrataMilton Magazine regrets errors in captions printed in the2006 fall Milton Magazine. Correct captions appear below.Class of 1961; row 1 (left to right): George Cushing, Steven White, CharlesHowland, Gorham Brigham; row 2 (left to right): Dan Bergfeld, Paul Harrison,John Cooper, Peter Wilder, Bill McKenna; row 3 (left to right): Nat Barbour, PeterTalbot, David LewisGraduates’ Weekend 2006; (left to right) Paul Harrison '61, Nat Barbour '61,and Claudette Harrison, Paul's wife61 Milton Magazine

2005William Faulkner writes, “I absolutelylove Tulane and could notimagine a better place to go tocollege than New Orleans, post-Katrina and all.” Will is a linguisticsand Latin American studiesmajor with an architectureminor. He is looking forward tospending his senior year atPontifícia Universidade Católicado Rio de Janeiro in Brazil.2006Alice Minkoff, mother of SamMinkoff, reports that Sam isattending Boston University,where he is majoring in engineering.He is currently thepresident of his residence hallof over 400 students.Daniel Charness is enjoying hisfreshman year at Wesleyan,where he plays varsity squash andis continuing his cello studies.Deaths1927 Eleanor Snelling1929 David Howland1928 Charles Mason, Jr.1934 Morris Earle1935 John R. BemisPeter Greenough1936 P. Hickox BeallJean Richmond Stone1937 Elizabeth Hurd1940 C. Snelling Robinson IIFrancis Houston1941 John T. Potter1943 Margaret SkinnerArmistead1945 Charlotte CrockerCleveland1946 William W. Worcester1948 Joseph W. Powell III1950 Leslie Jones Jackson1952 Giancarlo Uzielli1953 Conrad NobiliHerbert Parker II1955 Edward W. Weld1956 Ruth Baker Ursul1962 Joseph Mattison III1968 Marion Cajori1971 Jay W. Tracey IIIDavid Howland ’29<strong>Milton</strong> alumnus DavidHowland, Class of 1929,passed away February 27,2006, following a lengthy illness.In his time at <strong>Milton</strong>,David was a boarder inRobbins House and a recipientof the Robert Saltonstall Medal.Coached by <strong>Milton</strong>’s belovedand departed Herbert G.Stokinger ’24, David wouldvisit “Stoky” and his wife,Esther, at every chance. Davidwas the son of former <strong>Milton</strong>trustee Charles P. Howland.He is survived by his wife,Nancy (Moller) Howland ’33,and two children, FaithHowland ’61 and Charles P.Howland ’63.From Concord Journal,March 16, 2006[David Howland] was born inNew York City on Jan. 13, 1911,the son of the late Charles P. andVirginia (Lazarus) Howland.Mr. Howland was raised in NewYork, New Haven, Conn., andWalpole N.H. He graduatedfrom <strong>Milton</strong> <strong>Academy</strong> and YaleUniversity. A talented schoolboyand college athlete, he was amember of the Yale varsity footballteam.Mr. Howland enlisted in theU.S. Navy in 1941 and served asa lieutenant commander duringWorld War II. He marriedNancy in 1937, and after the warthey settled in New Canaan,Conn., where they raised theirtwo children. In 1993 they movedto Carleton-Willard Village inBedford.He worked as business managerfor a small plastics company inStamford, Conn. As an avocationhe was an active old-book dealer,continually adding to his fine collectionof early children’s booksand jigsaw puzzles and delightedin finding out-of-print books forothers.Errata<strong>Milton</strong> Magazine regrets errors in captions printed in the2006 fall <strong>Milton</strong> Magazine. Correct captions appear below.Class of 1961; row 1 (left to right): George Cushing, Steven White, CharlesHowland, Gorham Brigham; row 2 (left to right): Dan Bergfeld, Paul Harrison,John Cooper, Peter Wilder, Bill McKenna; row 3 (left to right): Nat Barbour, PeterTalbot, David LewisGraduates’ Weekend 2006; (left to right) Paul Harrison '61, Nat Barbour '61,and Claudette Harrison, Paul's wife61 <strong>Milton</strong> Magazine

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