Spring 2007 - Milton Academy

Spring 2007 - Milton Academy Spring 2007 - Milton Academy


Catharine MacLaren ’87 married Eric Baldwin on September 16, 2006, at Tyrone Farm in Pomfret, Connecticut. In attendanceat the celebration were Milton alumni Tom Clayton ’85, Cassie Robbins ’87, Chloe Breyer ’87 and daughter ClaraScholl, Stewart McDowell ’87, Anne Davis ’85, Melissa Coleman ’87, Ian MacLaren ’93, Catharine MacLaren ’87, AnneBridges ’86, Lori (Dandridge) Cunningham ’87, Connie Pendleton ’88, Alethia Jones ’87, Kate Zilla-Ba ’87, WilliamMacLaren ’63 and Nicholas Burger ’93.Bitter Ocean: The Battle of theAtlantic, 1939–45, David F.White’s second book, has justgone into a second printing inBritain and continues to sell wellin the United States. His daughter,Margaret, is a senior atBrearley School preparing forcollege. David would love to seeany classmates passing throughNew York.1971Congratulations to Lorna Role,Ph.D., professor of anatomy andcell biology at Columbia University,who was the recipient ofthe Sidney R. Baer Jr. Prize fromthe Mental Health ResearchAssociation for her significantcontribution to the field of psychiatricresearch. The $40,000prize honors a psychiatric investigatorwho is conducting particularlypromising research. Lorna’sresearch is on the mechanisms ofcentral nervous system developmentand synaptic plasticity relatedto neuropsychiatric disorders.1972Thomas Exton has joinedWildlife Trust as the ExecutiveVice President for ExternalRelations. Wildlife Trust, based inNew York City, is a conservationorganization that empowers localconservation scientists worldwideto protect nature and safeguardecosystems and human health.In his new role, Thomas will leadthe development and communicationsinitiatives as well asimplement the organization’smultimillion-dollar major giftsfor endowment building and programsupport. He directs anyoneinterested in learning more aboutWildlife Trust to its Web site,www.wildlifetrust.org.1973Amanda Cannell is teaching artto seventh- and eighth-graders atNorwood School in Bethesda,Maryland. She also notes,“Miranda Wheeler ’08, whosebeautiful design is on the coverof this fall’s Milton Magazine,was a student of mine.”1974Sarah Smith Ferguson writesthat she is still in the Chicagoarea working as a clinical nursespecialist in diabetes, and herhusband, Rick, is still flying forUnited Airlines. Her older son,James (21), is serving in theArmy and is currently stationedin South Baghdad. Her youngerson, Brian (18), is going to collegeand playing bass guitar. Sheurges folks to, “come and visitus—we’re on the train line toChicago.”1975Foerd Ames is working with theOcean Wave Energy Company.The group’s Web site iswww.owec.com, for those interestedin learning more.1976Margaret Davis reports that shehas been appointed the AssociateDean for Advancement at theWashington National Cathedral.She writes, “I have merged myhead, heart and skill set to workon global justice and reconciliation,and I proclaim a tolerant,intellectually probing, generousspiritedChristianity and interfaithmission. It all started atMilton.”1978Steve Heckscher continues toenjoy running his own business—sellinggrocery storereceipt tape advertising—whilehis wife, Oksana, has just startedworking at Monegram Internationalas a bilingual rep. Steve isstudying Russian in order to beready for his next conversationwith Oksana’s mom and pop.1979Bryan Austin writes, “…went tothe Patriots/Dolphins game withTad Walker and his five boys…allthe boys are Miami fans.”1980James Scullin shares, “I enjoyedthe 25th reunion. We are nowwith our fourth child, workingand enjoying life in Geneva,Switzerland.”1981Anne Myers Brandt is living inCambridge with her husband,Cameron, daughter, Charlotte(3-), and son, Sebastian, whoturned two in January. Anne ispracticing residential architecturepart-time in Boston.1982All is well for Chris Papageorge,wife, Marianne, and theirtwo sons, Stephen (3) andNicholas (8).Wrenn Flemer Compere recentlyopened a “Music Together” centernear her home in the MadRiver Valley of Vermont—“It’s somuch fun, and I actually get paidfor it!” She also started chippingaway at a degree in music therapy.Her family is well, and herchildren, Anna (13) and Pierre(11), are growing fast.58 Milton Magazine

Taylor Clayton, age 4, son of Tom ’85and Cassie Clayton ’871985David Schore and his familyhave moved from Manhattan toOld Westbury, New York, onLong Island. He and his wiferecently welcomed their daughter,Summer, who joins Hunter(6-) and Tyler (4-). David hasalso moved his company fromManhattan to Jericho, New York.Tom Trigg and his wife, Sara,welcomed a baby boy in August.Tobias Reid Trigg, born onAugust 18, joins big brother,Tucker.1988Mike Kobb recently returnedfrom a business trip to China,which he hopes will not be hislast. Pictures of the trip, includinga brief vacation in Tokyo, canbe found at www.mjkobb.com.Mike reports that he is “neckdeepin home renovation projects”after buying a house in2004. He writes, “I can see thelight at the end of the tunnel, butI’m still wondering whether thismight be an oncoming train…”He is looking forward to the20th reunion and hopes to seesome folks who have beenunable to make it to previousreunions. (“This means you,Sam Prud’homme, EthanDeSilvey and John Pierce!”)Mark and Shannon McGlame Pinson’89 welcomed Tyler Bray Pinson intothe world on January 4, 2006.Congratulations to JennaMoskowitz and Jacob Farmer,who were married this pastOctober in Cambridge,Massachusetts.1989Louise Armstrong Barton andher husband welcomed theirthird child on Christmas Eve of2005 and named her Katharine,after her grandmother, KatharineCortesi Armstrong ’63.Abbott Fenn writes in: “Havingearned a Ph.D. in economics ontop of his law degree, both fromthe University of Chicago, EthanFenn has opened a law practicein Burlington, Vermont, which,according to www.fennlaw.com,maintains a widely varied generalpractice, but is most distinctivefor service in the field of lawand economics.”Emily Fenster reports, “I am livingin Oakland, California, withmy partner and our 3-year-olddaughter who really, objectively,is the most amazing humanbeing.” Emily works part-time asa clinical supervisor at SenecaCenter, a nonprofit that serveschildren and families.Zachary Meisel writes, “Myfamily and I moved back toPhiladelphia last year whereI have returned to Penn asAssistant Professor ofEmergency Medicine. In additionto conducting research inreducing errors in care forambulance patients, I have beenwriting for Slate on contemporaryissues in medicine.”1990Ellen Casey Boyd and her husband,Stephen, welcomed a son,Bronley Stephen Boyd III, onNovember 3, 2006.Sean Nagle and Sachie Kozawaare happy to announce their marriageon September 10, 2005, inPalos Verdes, California. Theylive in Sherman Oaks, and Seanwill complete his master’s incomputer science at CaliforniaState University, Northridge,this year.Amy Saltonstall Isaac and herhusband, Johnathan, welcome adaughter, Georgia SaltonstallIsaac, born on August 6, 2006.Rudolph Reyes just had histhree-year anniversary workingas a regulatory policy lawyer forVerizon and loves it. He and hispartner, Brody, bought a turn-ofthe-centuryVictorian house inthe Potrero Hill district of SanFrancisco and are in the longprocess of renovating. Rudy isalso singing in the San FranciscoCity Chorus and its smallerchamber group “Vox Dilecti.”Sandra and Henry Morales ’91 welcomedtheir baby girl, Madison TaylorMorales-Warken, on October 5, 2006.He also reports that he andAdam Wolff recently formed aMountain Biking Club, whichallows them “to explore theunbelievable wonders of the BayArea while getting some muchneededexercise.”1991Brad Critchell continues as aninvestment banker at CreditSuisse in New York City. Histwin boys are about to turn oneyear old.Henry Morales and his wife,Sandra, welcomed a baby girl onOctober 5, 2006. Madison TaylorMorales-Warken was born 8 lbs,1 oz, and 21 inches long. Henryand his family live in Carlsbad,California.With his fiance Martha Noel, Peter Kellner '87 visited Galen Chase '87, atGalen's Wyoming ranch. Martha is a medical student at Stanford; she and Peterwill marry in Carmel, California, this August.59 Milton Magazine

Taylor Clayton, age 4, son of Tom ’85and Cassie Clayton ’871985David Schore and his familyhave moved from Manhattan toOld Westbury, New York, onLong Island. He and his wiferecently welcomed their daughter,Summer, who joins Hunter(6-) and Tyler (4-). David hasalso moved his company fromManhattan to Jericho, New York.Tom Trigg and his wife, Sara,welcomed a baby boy in August.Tobias Reid Trigg, born onAugust 18, joins big brother,Tucker.1988Mike Kobb recently returnedfrom a business trip to China,which he hopes will not be hislast. Pictures of the trip, includinga brief vacation in Tokyo, canbe found at www.mjkobb.com.Mike reports that he is “neckdeepin home renovation projects”after buying a house in2004. He writes, “I can see thelight at the end of the tunnel, butI’m still wondering whether thismight be an oncoming train…”He is looking forward to the20th reunion and hopes to seesome folks who have beenunable to make it to previousreunions. (“This means you,Sam Prud’homme, EthanDeSilvey and John Pierce!”)Mark and Shannon McGlame Pinson’89 welcomed Tyler Bray Pinson intothe world on January 4, 2006.Congratulations to JennaMoskowitz and Jacob Farmer,who were married this pastOctober in Cambridge,Massachusetts.1989Louise Armstrong Barton andher husband welcomed theirthird child on Christmas Eve of2005 and named her Katharine,after her grandmother, KatharineCortesi Armstrong ’63.Abbott Fenn writes in: “Havingearned a Ph.D. in economics ontop of his law degree, both fromthe University of Chicago, EthanFenn has opened a law practicein Burlington, Vermont, which,according to www.fennlaw.com,maintains a widely varied generalpractice, but is most distinctivefor service in the field of lawand economics.”Emily Fenster reports, “I am livingin Oakland, California, withmy partner and our 3-year-olddaughter who really, objectively,is the most amazing humanbeing.” Emily works part-time asa clinical supervisor at SenecaCenter, a nonprofit that serveschildren and families.Zachary Meisel writes, “Myfamily and I moved back toPhiladelphia last year whereI have returned to Penn asAssistant Professor ofEmergency Medicine. In additionto conducting research inreducing errors in care forambulance patients, I have beenwriting for Slate on contemporaryissues in medicine.”1990Ellen Casey Boyd and her husband,Stephen, welcomed a son,Bronley Stephen Boyd III, onNovember 3, 2006.Sean Nagle and Sachie Kozawaare happy to announce their marriageon September 10, 2005, inPalos Verdes, California. Theylive in Sherman Oaks, and Seanwill complete his master’s incomputer science at CaliforniaState University, Northridge,this year.Amy Saltonstall Isaac and herhusband, Johnathan, welcome adaughter, Georgia SaltonstallIsaac, born on August 6, 2006.Rudolph Reyes just had histhree-year anniversary workingas a regulatory policy lawyer forVerizon and loves it. He and hispartner, Brody, bought a turn-ofthe-centuryVictorian house inthe Potrero Hill district of SanFrancisco and are in the longprocess of renovating. Rudy isalso singing in the San FranciscoCity Chorus and its smallerchamber group “Vox Dilecti.”Sandra and Henry Morales ’91 welcomedtheir baby girl, Madison TaylorMorales-Warken, on October 5, 2006.He also reports that he andAdam Wolff recently formed aMountain Biking Club, whichallows them “to explore theunbelievable wonders of the BayArea while getting some muchneededexercise.”1991Brad Critchell continues as aninvestment banker at CreditSuisse in New York City. Histwin boys are about to turn oneyear old.Henry Morales and his wife,Sandra, welcomed a baby girl onOctober 5, 2006. Madison TaylorMorales-Warken was born 8 lbs,1 oz, and 21 inches long. Henryand his family live in Carlsbad,California.With his fiance Martha Noel, Peter Kellner '87 visited Galen Chase '87, atGalen's Wyoming ranch. Martha is a medical student at Stanford; she and Peterwill marry in Carmel, California, this August.59 <strong>Milton</strong> Magazine

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