Gymnastics timetable Aug - Nov 2013 (pdf) - East Dunbartonshire ...

Gymnastics timetable Aug - Nov 2013 (pdf) - East Dunbartonshire ...

Gymnastics timetable Aug - Nov 2013 (pdf) - East Dunbartonshire ...

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GYMNASTICS & TRAMPOLININGDEVELOPMENTPre schoolclasses nowfrom 18 monthsin all centres!19 AUGUST /9 NOVEMBERwww.edlc.co.uk

EDLCGYMNASTICS & TRAMPOLINING DEVELOPMENT19 AUGUST – 9 NOVEMBER <strong>2013</strong>2Dear Parent/Guardian,Please find enclosed applicationforms and class lists for the nextblock of lessons commencingMonday 19 <strong>Aug</strong>ust <strong>2013</strong>.Please fill in the attachedapplication form(s) indicatingyour choice of class(es), quotingthe relevant code(s), and returnwith payment to <strong>Gymnastics</strong>Development at the followingaddress:<strong>Gymnastics</strong> Development,Kirkintilloch Leisure Centre,Woodhead Park, Kirkintilloch,Glasgow G66 3DD.If your child has passed theirbadge and you wish to purchasethe badge and certificate, pleasereturn your child’s assessmentsheet along with payment. Do notenclose payment if your child hasnot yet passed. If you are unsureyou can ask the class teacher orgive us a call.Cheques should be made payableto <strong>East</strong> <strong>Dunbartonshire</strong> Leisureand Culture Trust.Please ensure your child’s detailsare on back of cheque.While every effort is made togive you the class of your choice,we cannot guarantee a place inany class. Applications are dealtwith on a strictly ‘first come,first served’ basis, thereforecare must be taken to ensurethe application form is filled outcorrectly and that the appropriatepayment has been enclosed.Please enclose a separatecheque for each application form.No refunds will be given unless<strong>East</strong> <strong>Dunbartonshire</strong> Leisure andCulture Trust cancels the course.If you are a ‘Passport to Leisure’holder please quote your cardnumber on the application formand make your cheque payablefor half the amount listed. Notethat ‘Passport to Leisure’ is notthe same as membership tothe Leisure Centre and is onlyavailable to those in receipt ofBenefits.Once your application has beenaccepted, you will receive a letterof confirmation detailing classdates and times.Please retain this for your owninformation. Due to the volumeof applications, it may take up totwo weeks for applications to beprocessed.Contact Caroline Maxwell orDenise Devlin, <strong>Gymnastics</strong>Development, on 0141 578 8441if you have any queries orquestions.

3GYMNASTICS & TRAMPOLININGDEVELOPMENTAll of the classes contained in this booklet are colour coded tohelp you quickly find the relevant class for your child/children:GYMNASTICSPre-school18 months - 3 year old class - parent and child.3 - 5 year old class – children only, no parents.Level 1Beginners classes for primary 1, 2 & 3 children.Level 2For children in primary 4 upwards.Level 3Invite only.TRAMPOLININGLevel 1/2Beginners/recreational classes for children aged 5 years and over.

EDLCGYMNASTICS & TRAMPOLINING DEVELOPMENT19 AUGUST – 9 NOVEMBER <strong>2013</strong>4ALLANDER LEISURE CENTREGYMNASTICS (For a description of each level, please see page 3)Please note: There will be no classes from Monday 1 – Saturday13 April due to the <strong>East</strong>er holiday.PRE SCHOOLCode Day Dates Time Age CostPSA 1 Tue 20 <strong>Aug</strong> - 5 <strong>Nov</strong> 1pm - 1.45pm 1½ - 3 yrs £36.60PSA 2 Tue 20 <strong>Aug</strong> - 5 <strong>Nov</strong> 2pm - 2.45pm 3 - 5 yrs £36.60PSA 3 Wed 21 <strong>Aug</strong> - 6 <strong>Nov</strong> 10am - 10.45am 1½ - 3 yrs £36.60PSA 4 Wed 21 <strong>Aug</strong> - 6 <strong>Nov</strong> 11am - 11.45am 1½ - 3 yrs £36.60PSA 5 Wed 21 <strong>Aug</strong> - 6 <strong>Nov</strong> 1pm - 1.45pm 3 - 5 yrs £36.60PSA 6 Wed 21 <strong>Aug</strong> - 6 <strong>Nov</strong> 2pm - 2.45pm 3 - 5 yrs £36.60PSA 7 Fri 23 <strong>Aug</strong> - 8 <strong>Nov</strong> 10am - 10.45am 3 - 5 yrs £36.60PSA 8 Fri 23 <strong>Aug</strong> - 8 <strong>Nov</strong> 11am - 11.45am 1½ - 3 yrs £36.60PSA 9 Fri 23 <strong>Aug</strong> - 8 <strong>Nov</strong> 1pm - 1.45pm 3 - 5 yrs £36.60PSA 10 Fri 23 <strong>Aug</strong> - 8 <strong>Nov</strong> 2pm - 2.45pm 3 - 5 yrs £36.60PSA 11 Sat 24 <strong>Aug</strong> - 9 <strong>Nov</strong> 10am - 10.45am 3 - 5 yrs £36.60PSA 12 Sat 24 <strong>Aug</strong> - 9 <strong>Nov</strong> 11am - 11.45am 3 - 5 yrs £36.60LEVEL 1Code Day Dates Time Age CostGA1 1 Tue 20 <strong>Aug</strong> - 5 <strong>Nov</strong> 3.30pm - 4.30pm P1/2/3 £40.80GA1 2 Wed 21 <strong>Aug</strong> - 6 <strong>Nov</strong> 3.30pm - 4.30pm P1/2/3 £40.80GA1 3 Thur 22 <strong>Aug</strong> - 7 <strong>Nov</strong> 3.30pm - 4.30pm P1/2/3 £40.80GA1 4 Fri 23 <strong>Aug</strong> - 8 <strong>Nov</strong> 3.30pm - 4.30pm P1/2/3 £40.80

5LEVEL 2Code Day Dates Time Age CostGA2 1 Tue 20 <strong>Aug</strong> - 5 <strong>Nov</strong> 4.30pm - 5.30pm P4+ £40.80GA2 2 Wed 21 <strong>Aug</strong> - 6 <strong>Nov</strong> 4.30pm - 5.30pm P4+ £40.80GA2 3 Thur 22 <strong>Aug</strong> - 7 <strong>Nov</strong> 4.30pm - 5.30pm P4+ £40.80LEVEL 3Code Day Dates Time Age CostGA3 1 Thur 22 <strong>Aug</strong> - 7 <strong>Nov</strong> 5.30pm - 7pm Invite only £48.00GA3 2 Fri 23 <strong>Aug</strong> - 8 <strong>Nov</strong> 4.30pm - 6pm Invite only £48.00TRAMPOLINING (For a description of level 1/2, please see page 3)LEVEL 1/2Code Day Dates Time Age CostTA1 1 Tue 20 <strong>Aug</strong> - 5 <strong>Nov</strong> 4.30pm - 5.30pm 5 - 9 yrs £36.60TA1 2 Tue 20 <strong>Aug</strong> - 5 <strong>Nov</strong> 5.30pm - 6.30pm 5 - 9 yrs £36.60TA2 1 Sat 24 <strong>Aug</strong> - 9 <strong>Nov</strong> 9.30am - 11am 9 yrs+ £46.80

EDLCGYMNASTICS & TRAMPOLINING DEVELOPMENT19 AUGUST – 9 NOVEMBER <strong>2013</strong>6ALLANDER LEISURE CENTREAdditional support needsGYMNASTICS (For a description of each level, please see page 3)LEVEL 1/2Code Day Dates Time CostSA1 2 Sat 24 <strong>Aug</strong> - 9 <strong>Nov</strong> 12noon - 12.45pm £40.80SA2 1 Sat 24 <strong>Aug</strong> - 9 <strong>Nov</strong> 12.45pm - 1.30pm £40.80Allander classes additional support needs:Level 1 and level 2 classes:50% discount for Passport to Leisure holders.Apply for Passport to Leisure at any leisure centre.

GYMNASTICS & TRAMPOLININGDEVELOPMENTAPPLICATION FORM &LEOTARD ORDER FORMName of childClass CodePlease complete this Booking Form,pull it out from the booklet and return it to:<strong>Gymnastics</strong> DevelopmentKirkintilloch Leisure CentreWoodhead ParkKirkintillochGlasgow G66 3DDTelephone enquiries: 0141 578 8441

Section A: Child’s detailsNameAddressE MailPostcodeDOBTel No. (day)Tel No. (eve)Emergency contact nameTel No. (during class times)Section B: Class code1st choice2nd choice3rd choiceLast badge achievedDate passedIf your child has passed a badge and you wish to purchase the badge andcertificate, please send the assessment sheet (which will be returned toyou) along with payment. All badges cost £2.50If you’re an existing customer, please rate the overall service:Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor UnsatisfactoryComments:Section C: Emergency contact details (if different from earlier)NameContact Tel No.

GYMNASTICS & TRAMPOLININGDEVELOPMENTAPPLICATION FORM &LEOTARD ORDER FORMName of childClass CodePlease complete this Booking Form,pull it out from the booklet and return it to:<strong>Gymnastics</strong> DevelopmentKirkintilloch Leisure CentreWoodhead ParkKirkintillochGlasgow G66 3DDTelephone enquiries: 0141 578 8441

Section A: Child’s detailsNameAddressE MailPostcodeDOBTel No. (day)Tel No. (eve)Emergency contact nameTel No. (during class times)Section B: Class code1st choice2nd choice3rd choiceLast badge achievedDate passedIf your child has passed a badge and you wish to purchase the badge andcertificate, please send the assessment sheet (which will be returned toyou) along with payment. All badges cost £2.50If you’re an existing customer, please rate the overall service:Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor UnsatisfactoryComments:Section C: Emergency contact details (if different from earlier)NameContact Tel No.

Section D: Medical Informationa) Does your child suffer from anymedical condition or any conditionsrequiring medical treatment,including medication? Yes NoIf YES, please give details:b) To the best of your knowledge, hasyour son/daughter been in contact withany contagious or infectious diseasesor suffered from anything in the lastfour weeks that may be or becomecontagious or infectious? Yes NoIf YES, please give details:c) Is your son/daughter allergicto any medication? Yes NoIf YES please give details:d) Has your son/daughter received atetanus injection in the last 10 years?Yes NoIf YES please give details:e) Does your child have any intimatecare needs (such as help withtoileting, feeding)? Yes NoIf YES please give details:f) Please outline any special dietaryrequirements of your child:Section E: ConsentAt the end of session, do you givepermission for your son/daughterto leave the gym hall without Parent /Guardian collection? Yes NoSection F: PublicityPhotographs and/or video footagemay be taken for publicity (for use inprinted material and/or website orarchival reasons). Do you consent toyour child being photographed/filmedduring the activity?Yes NoSection G: DeclarationI agree to the child named in section Areceiving emergency medical treatment,including anaesthetic, as considerednecessary by the medical authoritiespresent. I understand that individualworkers do not administer emergencymedication and understand the extentand limitations of the insurance coverprovided. I undertake to inform theleader-in-charge as soon as possible ofany change in the medical circumstancesbetween the dates on which this form issigned and the commencement of the visit/activity. I also understand that, in orderto meet my child’s intimate care needs,it may be necessary for me to attend theactivity or nominate a responsible carer tosupport my child. I may be contacted onthe telephone numbers given in SectionsA and C.Signature (parent/carer)DatePlease return this form to the addressgiven on the front of the form.Please note that the details you give inthis form will be stored in a manual/computerised file in accordance withthe requirements of the Data ProtectionAct 1998. Your details will be held withinLeisure Services and may be used tosend information on other activitieson offer. If you do not wish to receiveinformation on other activities/promotions, please tick this box.Unsigned forms will be returned

LEOTARD ORDER FORMIf you would like to purchase a leotard,please complete the size chart belowand send a cheque of £25 made payableto <strong>East</strong> <strong>Dunbartonshire</strong> Leisure & CultureTrust to:<strong>Gymnastics</strong> DevelopmentKirkintilloch Leisure CentreWoodhead ParkKirkintillochGlasgow G66 3DDSIZE CHART: (PLEASE TICK THE CORRECT SIZE)28 30 32 34 36NameAddressPostcodeChild’s NameClass Code

Section D: Medical Informationa) Does your child suffer from anymedical condition or any conditionsrequiring medical treatment,including medication? Yes NoIf YES, please give details:b) To the best of your knowledge, hasyour son/daughter been in contact withany contagious or infectious diseasesor suffered from anything in the lastfour weeks that may be or becomecontagious or infectious? Yes NoIf YES, please give details:c) Is your son/daughter allergicto any medication? Yes NoIf YES please give details:d) Has your son/daughter received atetanus injection in the last 10 years?Yes NoIf YES please give details:e) Does your child have any intimatecare needs (such as help withtoileting, feeding)? Yes NoIf YES please give details:f) Please outline any special dietaryrequirements of your child:Section E: ConsentAt the end of session, do you givepermission for your son/daughterto leave the gym hall without Parent /Guardian collection? Yes NoSection F: PublicityPhotographs and/or video footagemay be taken for publicity (for use inprinted material and/or website orarchival reasons). Do you consent toyour child being photographed/filmedduring the activity?Yes NoSection G: DeclarationI agree to the child named in section Areceiving emergency medical treatment,including anaesthetic, as considerednecessary by the medical authoritiespresent. I understand that individualworkers do not administer emergencymedication and understand the extentand limitations of the insurance coverprovided. I undertake to inform theleader-in-charge as soon as possible ofany change in the medical circumstancesbetween the dates on which this form issigned and the commencement of the visit/activity. I also understand that, in orderto meet my child’s intimate care needs,it may be necessary for me to attend theactivity or nominate a responsible carer tosupport my child. I may be contacted onthe telephone numbers given in SectionsA and C.Signature (parent/carer)DatePlease return this form to the addressgiven on the front of the form.Please note that the details you give inthis form will be stored in a manual/computerised file in accordance withthe requirements of the Data ProtectionAct 1998. Your details will be held withinLeisure Services and may be used tosend information on other activitieson offer. If you do not wish to receiveinformation on other activities/promotions, please tick this box.Unsigned forms will be returned

LEOTARD ORDER FORMIf you would like to purchase a leotard,please complete the size chart belowand send a cheque of £25 made payableto <strong>East</strong> <strong>Dunbartonshire</strong> Leisure & CultureTrust to:<strong>Gymnastics</strong> DevelopmentKirkintilloch Leisure CentreWoodhead ParkKirkintillochGlasgow G66 3DDSIZE CHART: (PLEASE TICK THE CORRECT SIZE)28 30 32 34 36NameAddressPostcodeChild’s NameClass Code

15KIRKINTILLOCH LEISURE CENTREGYMNASTICS (For a description of each level, please see page 3)PRE SCHOOLCode Day Dates Time Age CostPSK 1 Mon 19 <strong>Aug</strong> - 4 <strong>Nov</strong> 10am - 10.45am 1½ - 3 yrs £36.60PSK 2 Mon 19 <strong>Aug</strong> - 4 <strong>Nov</strong> 11am - 11.45am 3 - 5 yrs £36.60PSK 3 Mon 19 <strong>Aug</strong> - 4 <strong>Nov</strong> 1pm - 1.45pm 3 - 5 yrs £36.60PSK 4 Mon 19 <strong>Aug</strong> - 4 <strong>Nov</strong> 2pm - 2.45pm 3 - 5 yrs £36.60PSK 5 Thur 22 <strong>Aug</strong> - 7 <strong>Nov</strong> 10am - 10.45am 1½ - 3 yrs £36.60PSK 6 Thur 22 <strong>Aug</strong> - 7 <strong>Nov</strong> 11am - 11.45am 1½ - 3 yrs £36.60PSK 7 Thur 22 <strong>Aug</strong> - 7 <strong>Nov</strong> 1pm - 1.45pm 3 - 5 yrs £36.60PSK 8 Thur 22 <strong>Aug</strong> - 7 <strong>Nov</strong> 2pm - 2.45pm 3 - 5 yrs £36.60LEVEL 1Code Day Dates Time Age CostGK1 1 Mon 19 <strong>Aug</strong> - 4 <strong>Nov</strong> 3.30pm - 4.30pm P1/2/3 £40.80GK1 2 Thur 22 <strong>Aug</strong> - 7 <strong>Nov</strong> 3.30pm - 4.30pm P1/2/3 £40.80GK1 3 Fri 23 <strong>Aug</strong> - 8 <strong>Nov</strong> 3.30pm - 4.30pm P1/2/3 £40.80

EDLCGYMNASTICS & TRAMPOLINING DEVELOPMENT19 AUGUST – 9 NOVEMBER <strong>2013</strong>16KIRKINTILLOCH LEISURE CENTRE (cont)LEVEL 2Code Day Dates Time Age CostGK21 Mon 19 <strong>Aug</strong> - 4 <strong>Nov</strong> 4.30pm - 5.30pm P4 + £40.80GKD1 Thur 22 <strong>Aug</strong> - 7 <strong>Nov</strong> 4.30pm - 6pm P4 + £40.80LEVEL 3Code Day Dates Time Age CostGK31 Fri 23 <strong>Aug</strong> - 8 <strong>Nov</strong> 4.30pm - 6pm Invite only £48.00TRAMPOLINING - NEW CLASSESCode Day Dates Time Age CostTK11 Wed 21 <strong>Aug</strong> - 6 <strong>Nov</strong> 3.30pm - 4.30pm 5 - 9 yrs £40.80

17LEISUREDROMEGYMNASTICS (For a description of each level, please see page 3)PRE SCHOOLCode Day Dates Time Age CostPSL 2 Mon 19 <strong>Aug</strong> - 4 <strong>Nov</strong> 2pm - 2.45pm 3 - 5 yrs £36.60PSL 3 Tue 20 <strong>Aug</strong> - 5 <strong>Nov</strong> 10am - 10.45am 1½ - 3 yrs £36.60PSL 4 Tue 20 <strong>Aug</strong> - 5 <strong>Nov</strong> 11am - 11.45am 3 - 5 yrs £36.60PSL 5 Tue 20 <strong>Aug</strong> - 5 <strong>Nov</strong> 2pm - 2.45pm 3 - 5 yrs £36.60PSL 6 Thur 22 <strong>Aug</strong> - 7 <strong>Nov</strong> 10am - 10.45am 1½ - 3 yrs £36.60PSL 7 Thur 22 <strong>Aug</strong> - 7 <strong>Nov</strong> 11am - 11.45am 3 - 5 yrs £36.60PSL 8 Thur 22 <strong>Aug</strong> - 7 <strong>Nov</strong> 2pm - 2.45pm 3 - 5 yrs £36.60PSL 9 Fri 23 <strong>Aug</strong> - 8 <strong>Nov</strong> 1pm - 1.45pm 3 - 5 yrs £36.60PSL 10 Fri 23 <strong>Aug</strong> - 8 <strong>Nov</strong> 2pm - 2.45pm 3 - 5 yrs £36.60LEVEL 1Code Day Dates Time Age CostGL1 1A Mon 19 <strong>Aug</strong> - 4 <strong>Nov</strong> 3.30pm - 4.30pm P1/2/3 £40.80GL1 1 Tue 20 <strong>Aug</strong> - 5 <strong>Nov</strong> 3.30pm - 4.30pm P1/2/3 £40.80GL1 2 Fri 23 <strong>Aug</strong> - 8 <strong>Nov</strong> 3.30pm - 4.30pm P1/2/3 £40.80GL1 3 Sat 24 <strong>Aug</strong> - 9 <strong>Nov</strong> 10am - 11am P1/2/3 £40.80

EDLCGYMNASTICS & TRAMPOLINING DEVELOPMENT19 AUGUST – 9 NOVEMBER <strong>2013</strong>18LEISUREDROME (cont)LEVEL 2Code Day Dates Time Age CostGL2 4 Sat 24 <strong>Aug</strong> - 9 <strong>Nov</strong> 11am - 12noon P4+ £40.80DISPLAY CLASSGLD 1 Mon 19 <strong>Aug</strong> - 4 <strong>Nov</strong> 4.00pm - 5.30pm P4 + £48.00LEVEL 3Code Day Dates Time Age CostGL3 1 Fri 23 <strong>Aug</strong> - 8 <strong>Nov</strong> 4.30pm - 6pm Invite only £48.00GL3 2 Sat 24 <strong>Aug</strong> - 9 <strong>Nov</strong> 12.15pm - 1.45pm Invite only £48.00TRAMPOLINING (For a description of level 1/2, please see page 3)LEVEL 1/2Code Day Dates Time Age CostT1 1 Wed 21 <strong>Aug</strong> - 6 <strong>Nov</strong> 4pm - 5pm 5 - 9 yrs £36.60T1 2 Wed 21 <strong>Aug</strong> - 6 <strong>Nov</strong> 5pm - 6.30pm 9 yrs+ £46.80T2 3 Thur 22 <strong>Aug</strong> - 7 <strong>Nov</strong> 5pm - 6.30pm 9 yrs+ £46.80

19FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONSQ. What should my son/daughter wear?A. Children should come dressedin shorts/joggers/leggings anda t-shirt. No dresses, long topsor jeans. Children should be inbare feet with all jewelleryremoved and long hair tiedback. If you would like topurchase a leotard pleasesee page 10.Q. How do I fill out theapplication form?A. Please ensure sectionsA-G are filled out and sentalong with the correctpayment. Please make sureyour child’s details are onthe back of any cheques.Q. I have been trying to phone theoffice but I haven’t been able tospeak to anyone?A. Please note that staff workingin the office are also outcoaching. Please leave amessage and someone willreturn your call.Q. Can my child start mid-waythrough a block?A. Yes, depending on the classavailability.Q. Should I stay in the hallduring the class?A. We ask that once your childhas settled into their classthat you leave the sportshall but remain within theleisure centre.Q. How will I know how mychild is progressing?A. You are more than welcometo speak to one of the classcoaches at the end of yourchild’s session. Children willbe encouraged to participate inbadgework activities and willhave the opportunity to gain abadge and certificate. This isan incentive for the childrenand, as our classes arerecreation level, badgeworkis not compulsory.

FURTHER INFORMATIONFor further information on gymnastics and trampoliningclasses in <strong>East</strong> <strong>Dunbartonshire</strong>, please call the<strong>Gymnastics</strong> Development Team. Tel: 0141 578 8441Other formatsThis document can be provided in large print, Braille or on audiocassette and can be translated into different community languages.Please contact the Corporate Communications team at:<strong>East</strong> <strong>Dunbartonshire</strong> CouncilTom Johnston HouseCivic WayKirkintillochGlasgow G66 4TJTel: 0300 123 4510

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