An Arkansas I ndex Shannon J. Henderson Russel 1 vl 1 1 ... - Library

An Arkansas I ndex Shannon J. Henderson Russel 1 vl 1 1 ... - Library

An Arkansas I ndex Shannon J. Henderson Russel 1 vl 1 1 ... - Library

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A R K A N S A S G A Z E T T E I M D E X<strong>An</strong><strong>Arkansas</strong> I <strong>ndex</strong>BY<strong>Shannon</strong> J. <strong>Henderson</strong>'Copyright 1986<strong>Arkansas</strong> Tech Unf vers l ty ti brary<strong>Russel</strong> 1 <strong>vl</strong> 1 1 e, <strong>Arkansas</strong>

Atten* to werave Democratic Wheelers (ed)%at r e@y to the Whed demands (ed)That suppressed &amtent (ed)E D &gland pr eserrted the s e essed doarment to Whed mnvE D Ragland says Agri Whed aonv was not aware of &me&Whed at man objects to arq being dragged into pliticsWhed in Qrai*md surrenders darter to avoid politicsUnion Grwe Whed in Qmay Cbunty endorses Dem ticketWheel in Crai#ad Co loses manbers wer politicsWalnut Hill Whed gives up charter to potest politicsClarksville Ebmist suspends puhZication to avoid ULP aidGazette armments on Qarksville Eaonwnist decisionPolitical newsResolutions pssed by Ota&ita (bunty WheelersMiddlebrook Whed in Randolfi Qmty dishmdsWte Oounty Whed works with DmocratsJanes K Jones speaks in US Sen on Wheders and politicsCharles E Cunninqhzn responds to spech Q€ Janes K JonesMonroe Qrnty Wheel errsdorses C R Breckinridge, Dgn, for CongHmard County Wheel to byaott m e stores in Na&villeRescrindr; endorment a€ C R Breckinridge for CongressPeytonsville Whed ers hoyoott teaher who voted Democratic~radley QunQ Whed deGmms efforts to make org plitid. l0/2l/88 02Bradlq Q Whed asserts it is agricultural, not politid 10/3l/88 06-Disnissal af R B CarlLee f ran psi tion deman&dR H CarlLee declines to resi~l his positionRemlWions pssed by Wheel in White CbuntyBradlq County Wheel dmxmes R B GrlLee and State WhedBuilding large tannery near Mineral SpringsPLantersville Whed in Drew reEuses to deal with R B QrlLeePGRICILTJRELetter on farming in ArkanwsTax for wei*ingootton being chdllmged in suit at HdmaL D Fbrd, of Fope Co. has used same mule and plw 30 yrsHdera has shipped over 49,000 cotton hles this seasonHeavy rains have seriously haged wtt on cropFlax success€ully grwn in Sebastian Cbmty<strong>Arkansas</strong> Agricul turd Asm hears talk ky Go1 Zeb WardHdem wharves have 2,000 bales of atton awaiting shippingCotton picking mahine is in use in St Francis Qtnty%oto af Jeff Fletaer @antation near Little RockA m . mCKsee also Mmde s and AttmFed MurdersALCOHOLIC BEVERAGESRiley bros arrested for operating Floating Saloon on riverCorrection of report on mmnhiners in Stone QuntyALC13WQIC BWEIW:Esee alsr, Cburts - Ark - Circuit (burt Rist 06see alsD Murders and Attensed MurdersMrs Hart delivers ternprance lecture a t LomkeJ D Vick pardoned after Rp Go sent 60Wname ptitionWs Hart makes Tenperam spech at WvernJulius Rilq arrested for rmning blind tigerJulius Simpson, Jchn Rilq get term in illegal sales

Janes Brinkley arrested on liqmr charges in Haward CountyTtvo Rmibl& Qmty men arrested on mooeine d-mgesStandhrd Wine Cb of Little Rock seeks to dwelop bsinessList aE liquor liw violators prdoned ty Gav S P Hu#esZ T Bennett polls Dm candidates for Gw on liqmr questionFederal agents aaeure moonaine still near KingtonFederal agents forced by med men to rdease ReynoldsFt Reynolds was arrested at Kingston moonshine operationsee alsf, Wanen's Christian Temperance UnionJeff Grant. a mted moomhiner. capured in Cblunbia QmtyFranklin D atterson. Qlunbia Q moomhiner. o@uredMontgomery Cbunty merchants my for selling brandy cherriesJanes P Eagle pxxnises to erforoe liqmr lw as GovernorMoonshiner arrested in Qw Cbunty<strong>Arkansas</strong> laws and tenprance (ed)Corway petitions to ban licensing of whiskey in cityJeff Grant gets prison term and f he for moon&ine activityLetter says voters have power to weep out all saloonsLidie Merriweathtx makes ternprance lectures at BeebeMon&iners arrested in Montgomery QmtySelling of alooholic beverages petitioned out of QmcyZack Ross arrested for rming blind tiger at BatesvilleGage A Hjlton addresses large tangeranae audienceHot Sp-ings liquor: cases being h-rd at BWonGarland County votes to 1 icense liqux sal esVote on IQmr lioense siven for 57 corntiesSd.lenes of whiskey pan6ters at Hot Spings discussedM S Bates of Black S~ings, arrested on whiskey chargeNa&ville pzaibition f ic&t heginning -Harrimn votes for wchihition-HEmt being ma& to overturn Jonesboro pahibition voteBentomille residents petition against liqmr sale6Indians destroy ljgmr in warehouse near Siloam SgringsFbther cf Gen Lew Wallace makes WCKJ lecture at Eureka Spgs10-yr-dd kames unmnsciom after drinking 1 iqmr he f omdFrank Co#xrn arrested as alleged Montgmery Go moomihinet-<strong>Arkansas</strong> Prchiktion Lewe organizedPraibi tionists may t q to dose He1 em' s thirteen saloonsEkpress office at Lmar entered, 103 jugs of whiskey mashedAGMANDERsee also Hressee aJ.so News Briefs - KlewnderALLEN. JCHNsee also Murders and Attanpted Mwdersmm. R Csee also Murders and Attemged Murders - Luster&LEN.m#ES (MRS)see also Murders and Atteqted MurdersALLIS. B Gsee also <strong>Arkansas</strong> - Rrvermrsee alsr, Risons - <strong>Arkansas</strong>ALMAsee also Bankruptciessee also Fires and Firenen

see also News Briefs - Almasee aim Riverssee a1 so Robberies and TheftsKcJ'FI m3NG IWD NrnrnD3K Q3see Ormpnies and FactoriesALrnEIMWEhysicians seek estab of a drug store in townZVI'IUSsee also Oltholic ChurchP!LvIScN, J Nsee also Qime and CriminalsA m I m LEmN OF HamGrand comcil meets in secxet session in Little RockIulERIW CNYX COsee Marblemmm, GmEEsee also Robberies and Thdtsmmm, JAMESsee also Murders and Attemged MurdersANIMALSsee also WiltllifeSPG4 &a@er in Ark seeks to pmtect animalsSPCR holds mass meeting at Little RockANIrnS. FOSSIL,see FossilsWTEHGE CANsm, m N Asee aim Cbngr ess - House - At k Dist 03ANmmPOLOGYsee Ard~ealoqy and <strong>An</strong>thropologyANT4 UIEWalking cane amed ty m i d d Clark is 216 yrs old 09/26/8802 2APHJESeFruit andvegetablesARCIlmOGY AND ANmRC)EDLOGYCetail ed description of Tbltec Mounds in Maski Qunty 03/28/88 05 1ARCHJT'ECKIRE AND ARamE@rSThanas Harding desicping severd Little Rock r esidenaes 07/2l/88 06 2AE ENTAsee also Fires and firenensee also News Briefs - Argentasee also Mewspperssee a1 so Sex CrimesJudge Hill to ded& qwskion of harpration of Argenta 10/23/88 03 2ZRGENTA maDmsee NewspqersARfQIrnRIAsee also Assaults and Disorderly Oon&ctsee a1 so Beessee also Cbmpnies and E'actoriessee alm Disease and Illnesssee also Edmtion and S&ooLssee also Hotelssee alsr, News Briefs - ArkadelghiaResults of nuniupl dection

Mu& tuilding going on in cityWestern out skirts of tam hmn as NegrwilleARmwNane af state rnie~omunced in US Home QERe~sAFWWSPS - mmEY GENWALsee a1 so Atkinson. W E%mas B hrtin seeks Cem rxmhtionW E Atkinson seeks Dan mhtionWon W E Atkinson (editorial)George Sibl y, Union Labor Brly minee. has not acegtedWilliam J UVd is nminee a€ Union Labx artyGeorge Siblq declined nmhtion by Union Lator RrtyThanas B Eirtin withdraws fran raoe for Dem minationTable &ows mmty instructions for sad candihteDemocrats nmimte W E AtkinsonBrieE biog sket& af Demo minee Williao E AtkinsonWilliam J mVal charges election fraud widesp ead in ArkW E Atkinson addresses voters at Shwer SpingsW E Atkinson spks to immense crwd at For &ceWillian E Atkinson anavers questions of R B GalLeeW E Atkinson addresses immense cravd at Pine BluffCandidates address Fayetteville mwdW E Atkinson discusses the canvassWillian J R I V ~ discusses his involvemcimt with ULPmI(ANSPS - WMTORAW files, Web H Stone. W S rXlnlop seek Dem mirationA W Bird is Union Labor Egrw minee for &fieTable &aus mmty instructions for sad candidateW S Emlop is nminee aE BmocratsW S bdop r e@lyto questions of R B Carl Lee suppr essedJWZNSAS - CAPITOL BU'DLIGArtide on prtrait af Robert Qittenden in QpLtol &fieCharles D~dLcy Warner describes <strong>Arkansas</strong> epitdlQEfidals stu* feasibility OE installing eledxic li*tingPhotogram cd: mgitcil Udg sharing gromds, fenoe. atmnPicture clearly &ows metal momted atop tuildingARMSAS - a)NSTlTUTDNGazette urges vate against calling mnstitutoml aonv&ionRepublimns favor calling a conventionOur safe state mnstitution (ed)Voters turn h n calling of mnstitutioml aomentionm S P S - CUNTRAQIS AND PVmPSwState kinting Board awards severd antractsPrinting and kinding contracts awardedPIRMSAS - mm - SVERm mmIBnouats nominate Sterling R Cbckrill Jr far Chi& JusticeSterling R Cbckrill Jr gives eulogy far Judge W W 3nithARFANSPS - DESCRIFTIDN WD IMWESIONSRev T C Barret writes abut Ark peoae, pmkcts and climateLetter refutes por image of Ark in northezn pessNatur weel th described for Tennessee R ess AsnBill Arp describes <strong>Arkansas</strong> as he finds itWillian M &vanauc& discusses Ark while in Rankfort. yl

Char1 es IXldlqr Warner dispells notion of ' bowieknif et stateCharles IXzdlqr Warner writes abut <strong>Arkansas</strong>Artide on natural riches of <strong>Arkansas</strong>ARKWSPS - EXDNOMIC WEOH'4ENTsee Eoomic DevdopnentMMNSH - FINH!NX PND BUDGE!BUS Suprene Ct rdes railraads not l iue for state aid bondsETEect o£ the railroad decision (editorial)AREAT!dSAS - FOREIGN IESCENT GRCUESsee Fbr ebp Descent GroupsARKAN% - GENERAL ASSEM3LYsee LegislatureARKANSAS - GEDLOGISTsee also GeoloqyARM% - mmmsee a1 so Hu*esr Simon Psee also Risons - <strong>Arkansas</strong>Elias W Rector mentioned as possihle candidateJ&n G Fletcher to seek Democratic nominationWillian M fi&l=ack annomes candidxy for Lkm mimtionFaulkner Qmty DEms not enthusiastic abut John G Elet&erJanes P Eagle not mitted to making race for off iceJanes P Eagle is candidtab for Ikm minationJ P Eagle enters the raoeJmes P Eagle receives endorsementS m q af hprtant events in life a€ Jmes P EagleCampgin for Den miration formally opens at Little RockText aE spe& of Jchn G Fletcher in campigl-opnerText uf opning campig speech ky Chv Sjmon P Hu#wsText uf syzech cb WiPlian M fi&hck in opening campig.1E W Rector for Gwermr (editorid)Cornprison of stand of ondi&tes on imprtant issuesW M Fi&hck explains his stand on secession Era UnionDan candiihtes camplicp at Berrton and MalvanFive candidates for DePn mination tour state togetherE W Rector ~ y <strong>Arkansas</strong> s Democrat mt behind candidacyDenmatic mndidates speak at Mvern and Hot Sp5n~E W Rector respm to critical clonrments of James MitchellClark County hears Democratic candi &I tesCarcffnents on campiyDanocratic candidates speak at ResoottPrison smn&l bearming leading topic in camplignJ&n G Fletcher cmunen&d ly Siloam Sp-inqs HeraldD H Reymlds, of Chicot Cbmty, will mt seek nominationCandidates meeting engagements across South ArkLetter suggest s inmigration auld slw i£ Huaes reelectedThe gvermr and the Gazette (ed)Candidates speak at Garden. &sass pison sandalCorr espncknts gauge sentiments of vaters in sever dL ar asH M Rector recalls a litue political history on boltingEditorial discllsses criticisn of H G Allis ky Gcrv S P HughesCandithtes are camlaicping in Qmden and EbrdyoeGazette ed denies he was asked t o write anti-Hutbes editoridClark County residents see pison scandal as issue

WTE AGECOzndidates spak at Pine BluEf rdly OYO8/8801 1Ekpreesions of public opinion at Pine Bluff 0$/08/88 01 1Press comments on effect c& pison scanddl on Hucj-ies race 04/10/88 03 4Gov S P Hur&es daims railroads work for his &fat 04/ll/88 01 1J P Eagle, Gov Hughes and J 0 Fletcher spak at Lomke 04/1l/88 01 1State pess cxrmmentsonrespnsibility for Cbal. Hill san&l O$/ll/88 02 2Ed anmers Hu*es question on H G Nlis and Reaonstruction 04/11/88 04 2H G Allis said to have changed f ran Rep to Dem hrty 04/13/88 04 2Willian M Fishback spwks at MonLiaello 04/1l/88 06 3Candidates Em Bm miration attend rally in Fbrrest City 04/12/88 01 1Poll at Ozan &am Janes P Eagle is choice there 04/12/88 01 5Wtarials antinue discussion of p5son scanWs 04/12/8802 2Leading citizens of Lomke state ~ & eences r in campig 06/12/88 03 3Eklitorial pkes fun at Hu#es on B G alis and Reaxwtruction 04/12/88 04 2Gazetteuiticald~@essta~entonHGNlisasaDem 04/12/8804 3Democratic candihtes seek votes in mrianra 04/13/88 01 1ELegarrt reception to honor candiiktes at Helm 04/13/88 01 2Reports f ran different munties on sentiment of the voters 04/13/88 01 4Willian M F!i.&bck wins striw go11 in Fbrdyce 04/13/88 01 4Ress oommerks on responsibility for Cbal Hill outrages 04/33/88 09 1Hdma receives &at ~ndi&tes enth~iastidly 04/14/88 01 1Democratic onfi&tes for rrrmhtion speak at Vannhle 04/15/88 01 3?Mitorials debate respnsibiliiy uf Gw Hughes for wison 04/15/88 04 4Campiq talks heat up in Harrishrg rdly OV17/88 01 1Democratic on&.c$tes discuss Cbal Hill p-ison mpscanhl 04/17/8801 1Gm S P Hu@es insists H G Allis prsecuting him 04/17/88 01 1H e l m aprs to be a Rector stroncjmld 04/17/88 02 2Werner and state board on trial before tbe peo@e (ed) 04/18/88 04 4Candidates get enthusiastic r ecegkion at IBraguld 04/19/88 01 1J&n G Fletcher leads in strm rpll at Jonesbro 04/19/88 01 1Jd?n G Fletcher. Gcv S P Hu*es &kite at Bragould 04/19/88 01 1List= of prdbns issued ky Gov Huc&es to lkjuor liw violators 06/19/88 01 6A f av war& abut 'circulars' (ed) 04/19/88 04 3Contenders for Dem mination spak at Qrning 04/20/88 01 1Gcw Hu*es and the railway axporations (ed) 04/20/88 04 3H G All is mnnection w i railrcads ~ Mind Hu*es attack 04/20/88 04 3Gav Hu@es, Janes Eagle. E W Rector spak at Walnut Ridge 04/21/88 01 2Wfilian FiAback and J&n nether speak at Ibcahontas 04/21/88 01 2Wtorial holckGw Hucjwsresponsihlefor Cbal Hill scandal 04/2/88 03 2A defensive mpig.1 (ed) Og/2l/88 04 2<strong>Arkansas</strong> Gazette accused of wardhg Gw who @leases Repub 04/21/88 04 2S P Hughes &astized for calling H G IUlis a "pimpn 04/21/88 04 2J&n Fletcher anwersHuc&es charge thatGazette favorshhn 04/21/88 04 3Corrpcles £ran state wess on campigl 04/21/88 04 4Editorids &hate Huaes rasponsiblity for wison scandal O4/2v88 04 2Hw it is bne (ed on Cbal Hill iso on camp scand81) 04/22/88 04 2Cbal EKl.1 scandal and 'prsecutionl a€ Gw Hu&es (ed) 04/24/88 04 3Democratic candithtes greeted by large auud at Cbrway 04/26/88 01 3EW mar attacks use c& grison labor outside walls 04/25/88 01 3Candi&tes for Dem ~mmimtion campiig.l in Morrilton 04/21/88 01 1W C Rector mntinues cxiticim of pison under Huaes ad 04/27/88 01 1Ifu*es Ee oE aontinpncy fund to piy J A Watkins attacked 04/27/88 04 2J A Watkins mpied teskimorqr in Qal Hill pison camp ~ s e 04/27/88 04 2Hm the railrmds "persecuted" theGwwnor (ed) 04/27/88 04 3

E W Rector gets enthusiastic greeting at <strong>Russel</strong>lville 04/28/88 01Large amd har s IXm candihtes at Russdlville 04/28/88 01A few aold facts (ed on loss of support by Gov Hu&es) 0$/28/88 04EEtoriQ on Huaes attack on Gazette 04/28/88 04Democratic candihtes for rmnimtion visit IZlri$nelle 0$/29/88 01Phillip Cbunty Dan8 instrua for S P Hu+es 04/29/88 01Gav S P Hucjhes once traveled on railroad pss 04/29/88 04Small politics (ed on gay for Watkins f ran contingency fmd) 04/29/88 04That cry of "persecutionn (ed) 04/29/88 04I-lomke Qunty instructs far J P Eagle 04/29/88 05Cbal Hill horrors disassed in campig stopat Clarksville 05/01/88 01Immense crwd gathers at Qarksville to hear candihtes 05/01/88 01C M Norwood is Union Labor BrIy minee for Governor 05/01/88 03Is this a year to take a d-imce? (ed on 3rd term candiikte) 05/Ol/88 04Democratic ondiates cmpicg at Ozark 05/02/88 01CW Hucjies and Col Rector have hejlted exchange wer a3al Hill 05/02/88 01(2~ Hu+es loses tenper, inmges in vituperation, abme 05/02/88 01Gcw S P Hughes qtaestions the Gazette' s orthodq 05/02/88 04That pitiful "persecutionn dodge (ed) 05/02/88 04E W Rector has strong supprt in Qrway County 05/03/88 02<strong>Arkansas</strong> Democrat defends me a€ fun& to py fcx pison re@ 05/03/88 04E;ditorizil critical cf Gw S P Huc&es 05/03/88 04S P Hucj-es calls <strong>Arkansas</strong> Gazette a 'dirQ organ' 05/03/88 04Camptig.1 for Dem miration mwes to Fort Smith, Van Bur en 05/04/88 01Letter attacks Hughes on railruad pass issm 05/04/88 02The Gwernor and the free pss (ed) 05/0q88 04Dekates h ~ up t between Bm ondidates at myetteville rdly 05/05/88 01hyettevillehearstalk~Dancrandi&tesfarmhtion 05/05/8801EW Rector ray gikases Bennett, Fishhck called evasive OVO5/88 02Z T Bennett is editor of <strong>Arkansas</strong> &thodist 05/05/88 02Z T Bennett polls Dem candihtes on temperance qwstion 05/05/88 02Cambimtions against the peoae (ed) 05/05/88 04Exposing a stupid falsehood (ed) 05/05/88 04Grxr Huc$es charges Gazette adhitted f iating his ad 05/0y88 84J P Eagle seeks truth abut Gazette and Hu&es ad Os/Oy88 04A pmfessioral oEfiaeholderl s test a€ Democracy (ed) 05/05/88 04Bmtorwfile residents tr~ted to interesting discussions 05/@5/88 01Fort Smith Times Editor C E Gmge accused of sending f urgery 05/06/88 01George R Bravn accused of saying Gazette fights Hughes ad 05/06/88 01George R Brown calls upon Gw Hu*es to apologize publicly 05/06/88 01Gm S P Hucjhes apologizes to George R Brown wer accusation 05/=/88 016av S P Hu*es be1 ieves a?ar d s E George a fraud and liar 05/06/88 01Letter purported to be frm George R Brawn may be a f argery 05/06/88 01Letters were received in the mail, Charles E George eays 05/06/88 01Ed says S P Humes used free gasses, rn andgnns railrmds 05/06/88 04That stupid lie abut Mr George R Brwn (ed) 05/06/88 04!Ihe pess and the third term (ed) 05/06/88 04S P Hughes said George R Brown is a whitewashed Republican 05/06/88 04Simon P Huc&es was one a Whig, editwid ~ays 05/06/88 04Charles E George aorhronked ky George R Bram at Little Rock 0Y06/88 04Horace G Allis publi&es opn letter to Gw S P H@es 05/06/88 10Mitordl ments on Democratic mpigr 05/06/88 10Democratic candidates reach Ueka Sp-ing on tour 05/08/88 01Railway psses and mar~rdom (ed) 05/08/88 04

Owners of Fbr t Smith Times ~obe role aE Char1 es E GeorgeWly the Gwermr fell in the trap (ed)Fort Smith Times owner says pper mt r esponsi bl e for 1 etterGcw S P Hu*es writes to editor of Fbrt Smith TimesJanes F Rad says he never saw oorrtrwersial letterEditorials merit on Demmatic race for minationLi*t turned on a bogus displtd~ (ed)The letter that never m e (ed)Why the pople oppose the third term (ed)Report on Dmocratic oandibtes at Eureka Spin9Janes P Eagle rdused to trwd on Sm&y for camplign stopBoqs &arments flay role in oampig.1Incident Aaws hw Democratic ondiiktes eye ea& othaEditorieils merit on campign forgeryCharles E George accused of writing disptch on E W RectorS P Hucjhes has lost strength in Fhilli~. his strongest mA few pints on free gasses (ed)Democxatic candidates r esune canvass at Nwpr tAbut "unfairn warfare (ed)Charles E George seeks witnesses to aE letterChar1 es E George accused of using f aged 1 etter beforeDemocratic ondi&tes visit BatesvilleWriter oppo~ies we o£ prhning per as election deviaeGazette xeporter saotches runor that he stole lr frcm GeorgeJ F Cox explains his role in letter circulated b~ C E GeorgeIs Gw Hwes toting fair! (ed in Fayettevflle Sentinel)Arkadelghia News ed asks if Hughes can carry Dem stanihrdGm Hucj~es and the Gazette (ed in Tewrkam Times)Reprts f fan Democratic primaries in amti-Democratic candickttes speak at SearcyFbmdCLp of editorid. ment on Democratic can&datesSuggestion made that Hucj~es looking to US Senate seatCharles E George favored Iowa tcwn by letwing, hnker q sA campiq of epithets (ed)=torial discusses Hughes and railraad legislationOpposition to third term expressed in editorid.Joint camgaigl ky Dem can&*tes doses at AugustaR B QrlLee gx edicts Janes P Eagle to be Den mineeSem torial corn@. ica ti ons (ed)Beebe hears speches by E W Rector and James P EagleReports ming in £ran Democratic primariesGovernor Simon P Hu@es spaks at Little Rock rdlyHemy M hssie speaks for his mn at Little Rock rdllyW L Terry speaks for Jahn G Fletcher at Little Rock rallyResdts of DePnocratic primaries in swad mmtiesBatesville Guard says Gazette hurting S P Huaes in aontestThe hanikriting on the wall (ed)Railroad men and the Governor (ed)Qal Hill charges trungted up to ham Hu#~es. gaper saysReturns f ran Lkmocratic mLnty ~imariesF D Sryglqr writes on amtest far mhtionS P RucJ~es calls Z T Hedges a Republican'Ihe page undersband (ed)Editorial mrnment on spech by S P H@es in Little Rock

Text of speech of Henry M Rector in behaf OE his sonMore Democratic primary results ming inCandihtes speak in Nashville and W&ingtonC E George disnissed £ran position with Fbrt Smith Tim-Text a€ spech aE W L Terry in behalf of J&n G EletcherGazette makes Eting comments on Gw S P HU#MS mnckctEditorials debate culplbility a€ S P NuZJles in pimn caseBiograBical sketch and &otogragh a€ Jmes P EaseBiogra@iml sketa and photo of Willian M F!i&tackBicqra@ical sket& and @atogra& o£ Jahn G FletherBiogra&ical sketch and Woto of Gov Simon P HuaesBiogr arnica1 sketa and photo a€ ELias W RectorFort Smith Rihe says gubermtarial fidd clearing upC M Norwood acaegs Union Labor Wrtq minationC M Norwood discxxsses issues in his letter of acaeptanePaaski 8unt.y mocrats endorse Jan G EletherReports £ran Dm wianaries in severill mmties receivedSanething abut the Gazette1 s motives (ed)What the result in Pulaski Golnty msens (ed)R B QrILee and E W =or have brief dekteReturns f ra pimari es ming inJd7nson Cbmty mocrats favor reelection of S P Hu#-~eaWillian F'i&hck and Janes P Eagle speak at AtkinsA wild mathanatician (ed)Returns f rcm mocr ati c grimari esWillian M fi&k.~~ck speaks at MulberrySmary af pess aommerrts on Dem campigmat prsecution wns@racy fraud and hwnlxtg (ed)Returns f ran Dem pimariesPulaski Qunty Dems instrue for J&n G nether'Ihe third term oppattion (ed)Results of Ikmocratic primaries arming inGav Hucjhes' free plss (ed in Pine Bluff EYespEhgle)Shall we have a germanent Q££ ice-holding dymsty ? (ed)Repr ts r eived f ran 39 Ikm clalnty mrwerrtionsNtarizds debt@ Hu@es role in Qal Hill investigationS P Hucj~es use a£ free railroad pass still being discussedIhe third term - do not trifle with the po@e (ed)More resats of Democratic county acrmentions r-ivedThe popilar feeling against a third term (ed)Washington and Benton Qunty Dems oppose a third termInstructed delegate munt &ows J&n G Fletcher lea&Table &ms instructions fran 68 countiesMore returns f run multy Dafiocratic cloruerrtionsTame &ws mmty instructions far ~ c Dem h candidateStatistics used to &w loss of support for S P HucJiesEditorial nxmnent: on Gw Hu* es and the rail roadsEditorials oppose reelection of S P Hu*esThird term opposed by Texaxkam IndepndentArtide Claims Jcdnn G Fletcher denied nmination in 1884Table Acws vote case in 1884 in each ao ru3w instructedDem aom ballots 26 times without ramins choice 06/02/88 03Facts far ~jensikle delegates to stu* (anti-~ucJws editorial) 06/02/88 04No third term (ed) 06/02/88 04

ARKANSAS GM EIITE INEX 1888Democrats Mlot 70 times without choosing nomineeThat '%dl in <strong>Arkansas</strong>n (editmias)Democrats cast 85 ballots without making a choiceGazette pints names of instructed delegatesDanocratic mnv deadlocked on nomination after 125 ballotsWillian PI Fishhck withckiws his name f ran bllotingGazette amlyzes reasons for &adlock on Cem mineeThird term oppsition (ed)Third term opposition (ed)Statanent a€ W M Fishhck withdrawing f rcm nodmationGazette lamer s nmhtion of J P Eagle & DmocratsEhotografi of Janes P EagleELias W mar withdrew his name f run Dem nominationJmes P Eagle is Democratic naninee far GwernorVotes -st bj ea& mmty on final Mlot in &mi amThe po@e and the pm.fessioml. pliticians (ed)Col J P Fhgle for Governor (ed)Private dinner given at Mivdaz Me honors Gw HucJ-iesPrcmherrt DePnocrats mmmenk on mination of Janes P EagleUmke celebrates nmimtion of Janes P EagleJanes P Eagle @.edges to enforce state 1ms on liquorCorwq and Pine Bluff Dans r ej dce at J P Eagle minationmmas J Churchill has hi* opinion of J P Eaglemmke expresses pide in mimtion of J P EagleUmke Democrat sings p-aises of Janes P EageVotes that never: m e (ed in hrdanelle mst)Descrieion of wdmme acaorded J P Eagle at LortokeState p-ess comments on Dm minee Janes P mgleJ P Eagle not a pxhilritiomst. kt he is a tmperanoe manRess oolrrments on mination of J P Eagle ly lkmocratsEditorids on Agri Whed support cf C PI NorwoodC M Norwood spaks at Nashville, R G Shaver spaks for DemsNomood the RepM i ~ mask n (ed)Jmes P Eagle ~aised as ri@t sort of candickteC M Norwood harangues crmd at Wlas, Iblk ComtyC M Norwood says his own father hdped turn Mlat boxesEditorid calls Union Labr a scheme to betrq <strong>Arkansas</strong>Union Labor aandichte C M Norwood addresses Benton rallyC M Nomood speaks at LR to cravd made up mostly of NegroesNegroes j eer W L Terry Eran stage at C M Norwood rallyGazette says W L Terry was jeered ky Mack RepublicansC M Norwood speech caLled an orthodox RepUican speechJmes P Ease called successEtil in all his underhkingsDemocratic wheders not deceived (ed)C M Norwood takes his Union Labor message to AtkinsSpeaking tour a€ J P Eagle listed a7/1~88 01J P Eagle and C M ~orwod spk to immense cxwd at Qarendon 07/22/88 01Candi&tesarriveatHe3erammmced, findnoaudienae 07/l3/8801Norwood and his supporters (editorial) U7/14/88 04Fanners and the Union Labor fraud (ed) 07/14/88 04Repr t a€ dli sassion of bcjl e and Nowood at Cl ar endon 07/14/88 04Comments f ran stab ~ e son s race for Gwermr 07/lv88 12Janes P Eagle and C M Norwood speak at Brinkley 07/17/88 01Whinqton Qunty Repblicans en&r s C M Norwood 07/17/88 04

Republican @r!trdl Umun enbrses C M Norwood, ULP candihte 07/19/88 05James P Eag e and C M Norwood spak at Jonesbro 07/20/88 01List of Replhlican leaders who enibrsed C M Norwood 07/20/88 04Norwoodofficially ~~aimedtheRe~iczln candihte (ed) 07/20/88 04Coments ky state pess on ampig and candihtes 07/20/88 0 4Editor armpres mortgqes hdd by Eagle and Norwood 07/20/88 04ESjtitorid. asks if Negroes will be turned over to C M Norwoad 07/20/88 04Series of editorial merhs on Repub endorment aE Norwood 07/21/88 04Gazette makes biting r marks about C M Norwood 0712Y88 04C M Norwood supprts hsiness against farmers, Gazette says 07/24J88 04Janes PEaglelads inpblicprayrx atSeaondBa*ist. LR 07/24/8804Janes P Eagle and C M Norwood campi* at Khobel 07/26/88 03J P Eagle and C M Norwood spak at btmwkh Sping 07/28/88 01Janes P Ease and C M Norwood campig in Nwprt 07/29/88 01J P Eagle reglied to questions of R B CkrlLee were swessed 07/29/88 02atorid notes on EadeEbrwood contestGazette says support for C M Norwood is support for RepAbut. 5,000 hear Bgle and Norwood speak at BatesvilleNorwood as a p-otectionist (ed)Jan A Wlllians sees hop for C M Norwood with Wheel supportWP ~popsal would knkrupt farmers, Gazette klysAbout 3,000 gather at S~arcy to hex candidatesRepuHioan vs Democratic rule in <strong>Arkansas</strong> [ed)Large group of Negroes farm mgle Qub in LittLe RockNegroes form Eigle Qub in Litue RockJames P Eagle gets rcyal wdmme hane at LomkeJames P Eagle and C M Norwood speak at BeebeCharge made that Dems offered pay if Re- enter candidatePress aomments on EagleRxwood contestEditorials rmind Wheders that J P Eagle is a farmerJanes P Ease and C M Norwood address crwd in Little RockShouting hoodlums attern* to dram out Eagle speea at LREditorials on EagleEJorwood campig3W A bmoe raies to report he reused Norwood a anationJaws P Eagle respn& to charges abut his mortgagesCol e and Aman& mar tgages (ed)I m P Lana q says Democrats agreed to mwe meetingAbut 3.000 gather in Cbrwq to hear Eagle and NorwoodPrchibitionist spokesman asks Eagle position on ~&ihitionJ P mgle and C M Norwood spak at Morrilton ptheringR B GirlLee barges Jay Gould firances J P Eagle campigRepblioans raising Norwood campig f mds, Gazette assertsJmes P Eagle and C PI Norwood address crowd at QarksvilleCharge ma* that Bgle subtitutes landlord's lienFayetteville Republican lists 12 rmsons to vate C M NorwoodP C Doolqr denies saying Norwood is good RepublimnGazette acaxsed of calling Democrat Whed ers Republicans1Rw&l Clayton ranarks that Norwood came wer to RepublicansGazette accuses C M Norwood of igoranceJ E Cravens critical of C M Norwood spe& at QarksvilleSmary o£ Ebwell Clayton spech in support of C M NorwoodJ P Eacjle and C M Norwood speak at Bris, Logan CbuntyEditorid on Republican link to C M NorwoodMen who &odd support Norwood (ed) 08/16/88 03

Repul2icans in full charge cb the Norwood campig.1 (ed) 08/16/88 04We and Norwood (ed aampres msts of Dan and Repub ads) 08/16/88 04Jmes P Eagle and C M Norwood speak at Ozark rdlly 08/16/88 04Gcw S P Huaes ctlmptiys hard for Dm candidates 08/17/88 06Clarksville Emmist says Gazette using Powdl Clayton scare 08/19/88 04Editorial ments on Norwood candi&cy 08/19/88 04The logic of idiocy (ed) 08/19/88 04State Whe& and Knicj-its of Labor reEuse Norwood endxsement 08/19/88 08Fort Smith voters hear talks iy J P Eagle and C M Narwood 08/21/88 01Janes P Eagle speaks to large crwd at Eureka Swings 08/22/88 03H L Fletcher says he did not say ballot bxes to be hrned 08/22/88 04Norwood as Chytont s G wernor - Clayton for Semtor (ed) 08/22/88 04Powell Qayton Cknies ranark on Norwood switd? to Republican 08/22/88 04Janes P Eagle k e e ~ up hectic crrmpigl ace 08/22/88 05Jmes P Eagle speaks at Benton 08/23/88 01C M Norwood accused of lying abut H L Eletcher 08/23/88 04Replhl ian ?Digging Time" (ed) 08/23/88 04Candidates address peoae af Benton 08/2$/88 02Repid icans at least $66,500 "short" on scfiool fmd (ed) 08/24/88 04T MGikon dedares for C M Norwood 08/24/88 04W D Battle reports on Eagle sentiment in Beebe 08/25/88 02Gen CLwtonls Eureka Spin9 spech (ed) 08/25/88 04meka Spinqs citizens oertify rept on Clayton ranarks 08/25/88 05M W Benjanin mpres RepuUican and Democratic adn 08/26/88 03Text cf M W Berrjanin speech to Linaoln Club at Little Rock 08/2f5/88 03mble on expenses of Dm and Repub ahinistrations 08/26/88 11Candihtes attend rally at R esmtt 08/28/88 01Col Benj anin's f igring of state expenses (ed) 08/28/88 04C M Norwood qmted as sying he voted far Negro against white 08/29/88 02Powdl Clayton denies mying 'be" in regard to Narwood a& 08/30/88 04Union Grwe whed in Qmay CbLnty encbrses J P Eagle 08/3Y88 01Repuhlioans explain their sup~prt of C M Norwood 09/0v88 02That school fund f al sehood again (ed) 09/02/88 04ELection returns &w Janes P l3aqle sweeptng to victory 09/04/88 01County repxts&mJanesPEaglefar ahmdof CMMorwood 09/0Y8801Janes P Eagle among returns watdxrs at Gazette off ices 09/0s/88 05Returns &ow Janes P Eacjle (Dm) defeating C M Norwood (ULP) 09/06/88 01Returns &au J P Eagle maintains mmfortahle lead 09/U7/88 01Majorily £01: Janes P Eagle grws as Mlots m e in 09/08/88 01Majorities for each can&&te, by oomty 09/08/88 04Jmes P Eagle maintains lead as most amties report reslilts 09/09/88 01Gazette amlyz es maning of d &ion r esd. ts 09/09/88 04Majorities listed for candihtes. ty mmty 09/09/88 04Off iual returns f ran 56 counties 1 isted 09/ll/88 05QEf i~d returns f ran 71 cornties listed 09/12/88 03C M Marwood says he has won election by 700 rmj ority 09/l3/88 04Vcte, ky mmty , for ondil$tes Aau J P Eagl e winner 09/l3/88 05The &£id& vote (ed) 09/14/88 04OEfidal totals received Eran all wunties 09/14/88 04Janes P Eagle carried 52 comties, C M Norwood won in 15 09/16/88 04Vckes mst, b~ Bngressioml districts 09/16/88 05C M Narwood reportedly will amtest election of Janes P Ease 09/18/88 05Article in Ohio prpr mys C M Nmood mzy be defrauded 09/20/88 04Pow dl Clayton d aims C M Norwood defrauded of & ecti on 09/22/88 05

Bet between E B bore. C E Cmninghan still on 10/m/88 04 3Union Labor Rrty arranges returns to &w Norwood winner 10/04/88 04 2VanBurenGramic insists Democrats stole election for mgle 10/15/88 04 2Gazette says Republicans were souroe o£ Norwood votes 10/27/88 04 2C M Norwood will antest election results before Legislature 1l/29/88 05 1MKAMSPS - HE&m BOARDGw S P Hucj~es names a state board of hdth 09/22/88 01 1MR4NSPS - HEmRYsee also Archeology and <strong>An</strong>thropologysee also Civil WarArticle an portrait a€ Robert Qittenden in State Qpitol 04/07/88 08 1&tide r eoomt s o r eer aE Robert Qittenden 04/07/88 08 1Wibw of Robert Crittenden dies in &ntucky 04/17/88 03 2Description of first hane cd <strong>Arkansas</strong> Gazette in LR 04/20/88 04 2First hane cB <strong>Arkansas</strong> Gazette in LR being torn cbwn 04/20/88 04 2Diary a€ Mrs Recta names many residerrts of lW <strong>Arkansas</strong> 05/06/88 01 1Diary aE Mrs Hemy M Rector rearded 1860 camplicp travels 05/06/88 09 1WeWs of histaric Red River flood of 1843 rwtlled 05/13/88 06 1Passenger recalls murder on &earner ~uncille many years ago 06/03/88 11 1Ranains of 8teamer munelle lie bxied in mud at Little Rock 06/03/88 11 1Story of a river trip on the steamer Mxmelle 06/03/88 11 1History of Kellogg Mines in Waski Oounty 07/03/88 05 3Articleonactivitiesof TDW Yonlq chringRemnstruction 07/06/88 03 3Article on activities of Dr C V Meador &ring Remnstruction 07/06/88 03 3Moses Greerwoad, a pioneer of Ark, dies in Mew Weans 08/IT7/88 01 4History of Lukheran Church in Ark 09/09/88 03 3'Ihrivingtarnonce stoodat KelloggMine site in Pulaski Q 09/19/8803 3Zeb Ward bore striking resesnhlance to Fres U S Grant 10/03/88 02 4Mrs Worthen r a l s first Resbyterian symd meeting in Ark 10/25/88 05 1W S mvis recalls untxsral weather in Newton 8 in 1862 I-~JoL/~~ 04 4<strong>Arkansas</strong> Gazette history smarized on its 69th anniversary 11/20/88 05 1A W won, early settler in Batesville area, dies in QliE 11/29/88 04 4ARRWSAS - LAND COmSmNERJanes F mgan w ill seek off ice 03/16/88 02 3Gen Janes F Fagan (editorid) 03/17/88 04 2J W Collarsoe is Union Lilbor Ifirty minee 05/02/88 03 1Table &avs mmty instructions far sacfi andihte 05/3$/88 04 3Table &ws munty instructions for ea& oan&&te 05/30/88 04 3Paul M Cbbb is Democratic nominee 06/06/88 03 1Paul M C b b answers questions of R B QrlLee 07/29/88 02 1R H Pbr&ead is Union Labor Rrty candihte for cffioe 08/10/88 03 3ARKWSPS - LEELPrmREsee Legislaturemmsps - mF6see also RailroadsDetail ed map of <strong>Arkansas</strong> 03/17/8803 2ARKANEW - HARMRCY BOARDCreation af a state hd to be ~oposed to Legislature 12/15/88 03 1ARmSAS - IDLrrICs MD EL Em lDNSsee alm <strong>Arkansas</strong> Attorney Generasee also <strong>Arkansas</strong> Auditarsee alm <strong>Arkansas</strong> Governorsee also <strong>Arkansas</strong> Land Cummissionersee also Arkanras - RdA ic Instruction Superintendent

ARIQLNSFS GAZ ermE INDEX 1888see also <strong>Arkansas</strong> - Secretary af Statesee also <strong>Arkansas</strong> - Tkeasurersee alm GOngress- House - MkDist 04see alse, Cbngress- House - ArkDist 03see aim Dmocratic Partysee also Prchibi tion Rr tysee also Rew ican Rrlysee aim Union Labor BrtyLetter urgesmnsiderationof GenJanea Fbganfor dfioe 02/25/8803Gazette urses Democrats to ursanize immediatelv for dections 03/17/88 04Jahn MU^ &e &aims fraud keeg Rew icans f fan winning 04/11/88 05Smary aE wess merrts on politid topicsS m q aE political m s around stateDemocratic primaries hdd in sweral mmtiesRepr ts f ran Rmocr atic pr imaties in aounti esDemocratic Club fmed in LitKLe RockUnion Labor charges Ems offered Reph money to call aomGroup of Hangstead County Negroes may m&rse DenocratsF&~LIU icans hop to divick &ms, capture stateWiLlim J IXlVal alleges election fraud wides~ad in ArkSmary oE political news frm different countiesSunmary o£ actvities in differert #untiesC M Norwood says his father hd~ed h s turn hllot boxesSunmary aE campiq activities in different arsasPress axmnents on political topicsS~rmmary cb m s aromd stateSunmary c$ gr ess aommerrt: on politid aampiqSumnary of political newsSmary aE plitical activities and commentsSmary of mmments of state gressSmary af news fran the countiesSunmary af rep ts f ran diff ent ar sas of skateRess oormnents on pol itiml issuesSumnary of editarid. mentsSunmazy ~ political m sSumnary cf m s frun various sectionsbund-up of dection m s f ran around the stateRepuhlicztn resolution says Dems steal electionsRepublicans to f idd no state ticket. endbr ses Union LaborSunmary af events in different aomtiesTable a€ state expenses rnder Dan and under Repub ruleS~lllllary af news f ran amtiesRouldup of pol ki cal news f ran differ ent mmti esState mess cxrmments on current topics~mocratic andichtes asked ly R ~-Ckrl~ee to state gositions 07/29/88 02Democratic ondidates ray to questions of R B QrlLee 07/29/88 02Sumnary aE news f ran aromd state 07/29/88 07Surunary of political m s fran differenct areas of Ark ~31,188 03W S =lain opposes uomli&tion of state. federal dedons 08/05/88 02J R Btxq disputes S P Hu&es on oosts of Re@ ahns 08/la88 02The Gm ette and the Whed politicians (ed) 08/17/88 04Rwell Clayton igor ed election results while Gw, ed says 08/17/88 06Fwd1 Qayton voided election in 13 counties in 1868 08/17/88 06Carnmplrison of free s ~ ~ sunder Iln and Re@ ads 08/18/88 02

S A Willians raies to harp on govt mst ulder Repub 08/19/88 04 3J H Berry mntinws Fatest of claims of excessive expenses 08/21/88 03 1S A Willians makes mmprision of cpvt costs 08/21/8803 3Negroes divided between Democrats and Republ imns 08/21/88 04 1Gazette notes that Re- r mrded costs of qvt 08/21/8804 2Rmdl Qayton repxtedly &e cakdnet post if Ark votes Repub 08/U/88 04 2S A Willims revives old schoo3 fmd falsehood 08/22/88 04 2A few wore to colored men who think (ed) 08/2U88 04 4Eke ELiaa Baxter deserts Democrats for Agri Whed 08/25/88 05 2Elisha Baxter makes stinging attack upon Ilmocratic Parw 08/29/88 01 5Qawd of 3,000 hard Gw S P Hu@es speak in Independene 08/29/88 02 3Jeff ermn County Negroes may be intimickted ky whites 08/29/88 02 3Gazette says Eli&a Baxter is in his plitical atage 08/29/88 04 2Press am-tments on priy witch by ELi&a Baxter 08/33/88 02 2EditoriZl cnmment on political wents 08/3l/88 02 3Smary a€ m s f ran around state 09/0S/88 03 1Suppression of Negro voters at Jefferson Spgs denied 09/01/88 03 1Sumnary a€ political m s and comments 09/0v88 02 3Just Mae the hour af victory (ed) 09/02/88 04 3Democrats weeping to victary as election resats m e in 09/04/88 01 1<strong>An</strong>other grsat Democratic vickory (ed) 09/0q/88 04 2Reprts f ran axmties &cw Democrats weeping state 09/05/88 Of 1Returns aontinue to EZ1m Democrats outdistance Union Labor 09/06/88 01 1Alleged election fraudb. irrtimi&tion are false, ed says 09/06/88 04 2?he state elections (ed) 09/06/88 04 3Dems had militia in reserve for political use. pper reports 09/06/88 05 1McCarthy Light Guards were drilling at rwar time in LR 09/06/88 05 1Returns skill &cw Danocrats lading comfortably 09/07/88 01 1Democratic mzjmity grcwing as resuts m e in 09/08/8801 1Fort Smith Jl (Repub) de£ ends Ark against election fraud chgs 09/08/88 04 1A @fasing result (ed on Dmocratic gains) 09/08/8804 2?he result aE the &&ion (ed) 09/08/88 04 2Democrats continue lead as most amties r-rt returns 09/09/88 01 1Editorids armment on rent election 09/09/88 04 1Sunmary & plitical m s 09/14/88 02 2Sunmary o£ news 09/15/88 08 3Cbngressional districk rnaj oriti = (ed) 09/16/88 04 3Democratic majorities (ed) 09/16/88 04 3Texarkam pper says Ark has only Dm and Repub parties 09/16/88 06 4Gazette saysRepuljliaanadns irrtroduedfraudinArk election09/20/88 04 3Many Union Labr vckers shot while at polls, R B QrlLee says 09/21/88 04 5R B ChrlLee tells NY ppr Dems stale election f ran ULP 09/21/88 04 5Mmer a€ <strong>Arkansas</strong> (ed on R B QrlLee lr to New York Press) 09/22/88 04 3Gm S P Hughes &x epring refly to R B CarlLee letter 09/22/88 04 3Mayor Whipple, Blice Chief BotsEord comment on thefts 09/22/88 04 4CarlLee alleges fraud in nunerous mmti es 09/22/88 08 1CarlLee alleges thousands of Union Labr votes stolen 09/22/88 08 1Carl Lee charged that Union Labr men murder ed 09/22/88 08 1Text of CZirlLee lr charging murder, outrage, fraud 09/22/88 08 1Gov S P Hucjhes refutes and rehkes GirlLee dar&rs 09/23/88 02 1manas W Baird takes R B QrlLee to task over allegations 09/23/88 02 1powdl Clwton arrainges Ikms with &age UE dection fraud 09/23/88 02 3Ex-Gm Qwtonv s spech (ed) 09/23/8804 2Gazette ranin* Rwdl Qaytmof dectionfraudinhisadn 09/23/8804 2

Gw Hu*esl ray to QrlLee (ed) 09/23/88 04 2I-kxard County citizens angry wer CarlLee &arges 09/25/88 01 6Rwell Qaytonrenindedof ~susecdmiLitiainelections 09/25/8802 2Fbpe Oomty residents brand R B ChrlLee an irfanous liar 09/25/8802 3JahnHTkiggdeniesChrlLee&argeonMiller8elections 09/26/8801 6Gazette says R 8 QrlLee is a disqsting si*t 09/27/88 04 1Claytont s open 1 etter (ed) 09/27/88 04 2Gazette &uks Chicago capitalist turned down 10 pcl: return 09/27/88 04 2&ell Qayton alleges Chicago atpit& out by fraud3 09/27/88 04 2LeeQunty red&ksmakvigrotlsrespDnse toRB CarlLee 09/27/8805 3W W Qrloss, ULP candidate in Miller Q, reutes GrlLee 09/27/88 05 4Gov Huaes reviews plMic rmrd of Qqton EOwd.1 09/28/88 03 1Gov S P Huaes responds to Ibw&l clwton allegations 09/28/88 03 1Opie Read defends Ark against charges of dection frauds 09/28/88 04 4W J Stwers lr on statements of Ibwdl Qayton 09/28/8804 4Hward County Citizens r&ute dlegations of R B ChrlLee 09/28/88 04 5atorid says Ftwd.1 CZqtm headed gang of mlot thiwes 09/28/88 05 2Fbwdl Uayton's ni*tmare (ed in Ozark Denocrat) 09/29/88 03 2R B QrlLee challenged to pme allegtions in Woodru£f Cb 09/29/88 04 4R B GirlLee r e ats allegations in opn 1 etter 09/29/88 05 1R 3 GirlLee replies to open lr of T W Baird 09/29/88 05 1Reward fmd being raised for arrest of pllbook thieves 09/29/88 05 3R B QrlLee blks to Onion Labor Rrty in St Louis 09/29/88 06 1E;d says worst epithet in Ark is to be mplred to QrlLee lie 09/30/88 03 5QrlLee chalenged to grwe his allegations 09/30/88 04 2E V Ceuell darif ies statemat on respnsibliliw far frauds 10603/88 02 3Powdl Qayton again charges S P Huc$es used milita 10/03/88 03 1Powdl Qqton defends his actions as Gw &ring elections 10/03/88 03 1-ell Qayton recalls defalation Icy Rm state dficials lV03/88 03 1Well aayton reflies to letttx cb Gw S P Huc#es 10/03/88 03 1Ed says R B GrlLee wants Qng to reamstruck Arkanms 10/03/88 04 2Reform must come f ran Dmoerats (ed) 10/03/88 04 2Won Labr mrty tricked RepuMicans. Lockeshrg Tocsin says 10JOV88 02 2R ess asmments on current issues 10/0Ei/88 03 3<strong>An</strong>mering Gov Qayton (ed) 10/05/88 04 2Little River Grand Jury mndemns R B CarlLeels allegztions 10/07/88 03 21;ockeshxg Tocsin asks Wheders to fire R B QrlLee 10/U7/8810 2Bingen Wheeler resolution takes QrlLee to task far renarks 10/1$188 03 2ClarkCounty Whed Cknands renwal a€ QrlLeefran position 10/13/8801 6W L Hward denomces allegations of R B CarlLee 10/11/88 06 1Denunciations of R B Qrl Lee fraud claims mntinw 10/12/88 02 2Wjllian J RIV& urges fellw Union Labrers not t o aid Repub 10/12/88 06 1W H H Clayton. Repub eleckar. speaks at Pine Bluff 10/13/88 05 1W 3 Blackwdl. Jeff hvis spak at Brinklq lO/l6/88 01 1W H B Clayton, Sen Jmes K Jones debate natl issues 10/17/88 01 1Momoe Cbmty residents &ny RB GrlLeeallegationsof fraud 10/17/88 06 1W H H Qayton addresses abut 30 voters at Clarcmcbn 10/17/88 06 2Seratar Janes H Berry, J&n M Clayton spak at Brinkley 10/18/88 01 1Ed cites evidence that Fbvdl Qqton @msty seeks r &urn 10/18/88 04 2W H H Qayton spaks for Repddican andihte at brrilton 10/20/88 01 1W H H Qqton. J&n N Qprt speak at Ju&onia 10/20/8806 1Jeff mvis speaks for Dmocrats at Hazen 10/2l/88 01 1Jeff Eivis, &her Dans spak at Qrlisle 10/2l/88 01 1Press cmnents on issues of the &y 10/23/8803 1

Robert H Ckockett, Janes K Jones speak at Rlssellville rdlly 10/2q88 01 1Col Robert H CLockett. Qrroll Armstrong speak at Ameton 1Ql25/88 01 2Sumnary of political aeiviti es around state 10/25/8803 1Political speches ma& at Clinton 10/26/88 06 1Carroll Armstrong, Robert H Ckockett spak at Atkins 10/27/88 01 1Ouackita Herald urqs la for pll tax pymefit to vote 10/27/88 02 2Bm&p of pol itiml news f ran aromd the &ate 10/27/88 03 1S m qo£

Gomay Log Cabin favors me aE poll-tax for votingMrnSAS - RmTm BcmDsee also <strong>Arkansas</strong> - Contracts and PurchasingARKWSPS - WECN CX)FMSSIDNERSsee Pkisons - <strong>Arkansas</strong>ARIWSIS - EUBLIC INS'IRUCTBDN SJEWINTENDFNT%anas L Qx, aE Morrilton seeks Dan nomirationRof T L Qx (editorial)Prof Thanas L Cbx (ed)Pro£ 0 F <strong>Russel</strong>l seeks Ikm mination<strong>An</strong>raomcanent oE 0 F Rmsell for Ihn nomination0 F Rmsell endorsed by Dmhelle HerzildPro£ 0 F <strong>Russel</strong>l mibrsed by bmke Sdmol BcardSupt Wood E 'Ihanpn swerdy criticized ty Jdm OlrrdlWood E 'Ihmyson failed to amwe mrroll text far sd.lodlsTakile &cws munty instructions for ach candiiateWood E Thanpon is Danocratic nmineeWood E Thanpon amer s questions of R B Carl LeeB B Baker is Union Labor Rre mndi&te for off iceARMSAS - SEIRETARY OF STlYTES L Black is candidate far DeTl mirationB B Chim seeks Can minationEkXtorial p-aises B B ChisnELias B more is candiibte far I)em minationGearge W Terry is Union Labor arty mineeE B bore mt 1st choice c$ hane munty of WashingtonE B Wore withdram f ran race, cites Wa&ington Qunty voteWashington Cb Demos obj ected to 3rd term for any officialWile shows munty instructions for ea&cant3iat.eFayetteville p pr cmmnents on cum vote on E B MooreB B Chim is Democratic naminee for off iceARKANSAS - 1RE2SURERWillian E WoodrlnEf Jr meks Dm nominationPkj or W E Woodruff (editorial)Democrats nchnimte WiLlim E WoodruEf Jr as andiiateWillan E Woodruff anlrwers questions of R B mrlLeemmsps BSIRACr a3Finn mganized in Little RockARKANSPS XRIcuLrnRAL ~SrnATDDNsee AgricultureARRANSAS JND GULF RAILROADProposed line to rm f ran Chiaot Cbmty to Fhlton ComtyARKANSFS mD LaTISfANA RAILRQADTrain wrecks between Hope and Wa&ingtonmKANSPS BsmmN OF PHmas=Cbnvention to meet in Little RockConvention under way in Little RockSmary o£ poceedinq of state aoruBRRANS BAPTISTsee also CDurts - Ark - Circuit Gourt Dist 06AREWNSPS BmET QXI;EEsee CbllegesARIWEaSAS mysee also Disease and Illness

see also Nows Briefs - <strong>Arkansas</strong> CityResuts of municipl deion 04/05/88 01 2ARM= QXLEEsee Qllegesz4RmNSPS amED PRESS FSS~TIIONlhird annual session meeting in Little Rock 12/29/88 08 1ARKANSAS mwsee als3 Tmigration and migrationsee al ED lWrders and Attm&ed Murders - BlmtAgriailtural Wheel minates £dl date of county offices 04/l3/88 01 4Cbntrwersy wear rd-1 o£ &ms to allw Wheelers in fximary 0$/28/88 04 2Agriculturd Whe& makes plitical mirations 05/03/88 02 3Several Whet3 andichtes wit3drm fran aomty-ticketDmocratjc mmty mm hadDesnoaatic county mm heldWhedss have full comty ticket in f iddDemocrats hold primariesDemocratic flag at Mitt flies fra 90-ft poleLarge of Wheders stand ward over hllot bxesWheelers taking depositions in contested election caesGrand Jury amdenns election frauds in the countyFine new fence hilt around courthouse at MittWidence king gathered for &allenge of &-ionARKANSPS CEAF MUTE IhTSKPIUTEHistory aE institution at Little RockIhatcqra* of bildingInbstrial work is dme at Institute at Little RockCh ristmas el ebr ation plannedmmSAS mmCRATsee NavsptprsIWWSAS ECLEKXIC MEMGG XS0Q:ATIDNSmnd annml session meeting in Littl e RockProceedings of &ate mmentionARIWSPS FEMUE CDLLEEsee Cb11-sARKANSAS GAZ ETIT3see <strong>Arkansas</strong> - Historysee Newqaprsl4WUISAS HARIbJOaD MANUEACNIUNG PSSOCIATD3Nsee Wood and Wood ProdxdzsARKANm mmmm a,reailtssee Little Rock - Streetssee Riscrns - <strong>Arkansas</strong>ARNSAS INLUSIRIAL UNIVEFSJ!l!Ysee CbllegesARlWNSAS IMIUSIRUVI UNNERSITY BMCH 03I;lrEEsee (bllegesARWSAS JNUSIRIAL ~ ~ I MEIUOIL T Y IXPARTMENTsee CbllegesARZWKI!S INSWE MYLUMmvid W etrie diesafter being handledrou@ly b~ atten&& 04/1Q/88 03 1J H Cbx charged with murder in death of mvid W Petrie 04/10/88 03 1Text of testimory before axonert s jury in Btrie case 04/10/88 03 1Inskitution paised by Charles lXzdLqz Warner in Harpx's 08/26/88 04 2

Photogram and histay of institution at Lit43.e RockW H l%wtharne esmpes, returns to his hme at Ib@ar GrweChristmas celehation flamedARNQTSAS LUIBERMEN PSSKIATR3Nsee a1 so Rail roadsARKWISE MECaCaL SOCIETYPromedings of convention at Fbrt SmithSociety holding mmerntion in Fbrt SmithARWNSAS STsee also Prchikition WrtyARHWSB MIHrlWD RAILROADLine to be m@.eted to Little Rock and the westJ J Harner mys line will be exken&d to Little RockLitigation over for~osmendsLine to k extended to Little RockJchn J Horner seek to extend rcad to Little RockARMSAS MJBERY COsee Nurseries (Ha ti cul tur e)mKANSPS PE'IXQ,EUM ae Oil and GasARrnSPS IRESe NewspipersARmm WESS BSrnATrnNWeting to be hdd in m federal Udg in Texarkana<strong>An</strong>nml address delivered by Res BettisProceedingr; of convention at TexarkanaList of mebers attendling state aomentionProoeedincp of annual ao nuenti onNew cdf icers elected, v&e to meet at Bakonville in 1889ARIWWAS RQIlBIITD3N LEPGUEsee Xlaholic BeveragesARmSAS IWERsee Bridgessee RiversARmSAS SZHOQ FUR THE BLINDCorrmenment exer Q ses gamedQosing conaer t givenIhotoqram and history of school far ~e hl indChristmas cel &cation flamedARPANSAS SaETY OF EWZmEERS, ARUiIITECPS IWD SUWmRSList a€ pipers to k r-d at 2nd annual meetingProceedin9 of anntlal amenti onProoeedinqs of sand thy a€ annml meetingProceedtiny of dosing session of anntal wnvenrtionARMSFS STmE RECNsee FrisonsARMSAS TEACHERS FSSOQATJDNsee Edxation and SchoolsA R m M 'II30'IHmcKsee also Nwsp~rsARWNSAS WF'IC ASSCCIAT113Nsee RailraadsARmSAS vmEY RaJTEsee Missouri Ricif kc Rail road

ARKANSAS GB EZTJ3 INIEX 1888ARIQINSPS WHITE (XISsee Ckime and CriminalsARMNSIPINsee NewsgapersARMENWS m mwSPssee Ebr ejgn Descent GroupsARrnUR EmNNELsee also kders and Attangted MurdersARIUE;m[TX;, CmFKLLInterviewed on golitics in Gorway Bmty 04/08/88 01 7Comments on theft cf Riiaski Qmty pllhooks 09/20/8803 2Speaks at <strong>Russel</strong>lvfile 10/2$/88 01 1Urges (bmq (bmty mocrats to &and by prty minee 11/03/88 08 1rn'IRCNGf MAsee also Murders and Attmgked MurdersARN'EtCN.3, WXRsee a h Hnks and Attapzed Mm&rsmmm, WALTERsee also Wders and Attemsed MurdersARTMrs Grrie Turner is a LitUe Rock artistASH Fr,mBrid descripion of Sharp Qmty townPSHLEY CXWmsee also Agricul turd Whedsee also Murders and Attensed Murderssee also Murders and Attmged Murders - RmsaurResults of Dmocrati c primaries OsJls/88 01Democratic munty am had 05/27/88 01Fol itical m s of mmty 07/13/88 02mocr ati c primaries held 08/04/88 03ASKEW, BENJAMIN FWEE story circulates that Askew bitten ky rabid cbg 04/20/88 01 2Askew says he was not hitten & cbg, is not Rep candiQte 0q25/88 05 2ASSWL'IS IWD DWXDERLY CCMUCPsee alm ail& en and Youthsee alm Cburts - Ark - Circuit Gourt Dist 05Fr eefor-all in Wal &on f ollws triQl aE Stacy Hwkins 02/2JJ88 02 2Arthur R~ff dmgerously cut ly WadeBindinatJacksoonrflle 04/1W8806 1Three yomg men fined, jailed f m whipping j okester 05/0l/88 02 2T E Mcbrald mwhi&d by Mrs eckel in LR street 05/15/8805 3William Sawyer assaulted by 2 Negroes at LitUe Rock O!j/20/88 01 2&thm Murray and Qlarlee G Nevm fi@t in Pine Blrdf street 05/24/88 08 1N B &rdis attack two families in Ibinsett Cbmty 07/05/88 02 2San Myes &ot Ben Jones &ring arqment at Lanar 07/08/88 03 3B F Everton and daughter attack atty &ring ct session 08/0Y88 02 2Ehil Bvis asaaults "Merda, Billw at Hot Spin9 08/ly88 01 2Ehil mvis gives his account a€ attack on "Mexico Bill" 08/15/88 04 5Atout 100 coal miners at coal W1 try to attack Tan mlan 08/2y88 01 6<strong>An</strong>gel0 mrre sla~Judge E W Kimhall on LR street 09/0Y88 05 1<strong>An</strong>geloEBrresl~dfor $10.000inassdultonJudgeKi~ll 09/OY8805 1Leris Murray arrested in Henmead Co for beating wife 09/0V88 02 2

W B Nally, 3 sons. fi@t with CA Wre at Qmay 09/13/8801 2C D Oliver stabbed ty MK Galden 09/15/88 08 2Rw G G Baker is victim of mknawn assailants at Batesville 09/16/88 02 3About 100 men in Arkadel*ia on pint a€ fi@ting 09/16/88 02 4Trout and Jqrce f anfiies enqge in affray at Qne Hill 09/19/88 01 6Jmes Brockman, Em Bratton exhange dmts at Pine BluEf 09/21/88 01 2Details of BrockmawBratton &ooting scrape at Pine Bluff 09/22/88 02 2auire Wallace and the Ladicks have AOOtouk near Waldron 09/26/8802 2Jury returns verdict of mt qilty in Kimhll-Marre case 09/25/88 05 1G Gillirwater and Mr Porery hiwe &ootout in Ferry Cbmty 10/04/88 05 3Report on cutting scrape at Prairie Grwe 10/10/88 03 1Warren Roberts injured ky Ben MGinness ll/Ol/8802 2County Clerk Han 0 Willims strikes Wfilian IWknzie with gm ll/10/88 05 2San Jones sevady beaten ky mhmn assailants near Newport 1l/2$/88 02 2T M Whittington and Mike Cbhrn f iQlt over politics 11/26/88 02 2Hcme of Qlhoun Qurier ed is object aE attack 11/25/88 09 2Soldtiers arrested at Little Rock for f iating 1l/30/88 05 13vo Negro men fi+t ead-i 0th~~ with axe and razor 1V15/88 02 2Fiat breaks out at Buckvale 12/18/88 02 3Mr Bikop and Mr Unvger have difficxlle at Silaam S ~inp lyn/88 02 2It W E Green charged with beating L G Bcice 12/28/88 01 6ATHLmIC ASSOCIPiTIDN OF LITTLE ROCaStockholders meet. el ect off iuer s 03/02/88 07 4Descrision of rw bat house to be er ected 03/11/88 01 7NEW lxlilding to be largest o£ its kind in the South 04/17/88 01 6W]WLETIGSsee alsosee alsosee alsommssee alsosee alsosee almsee almsee almsee alsoBoto a€Biqdes and BicydingBoxingmot billQmpnies and FactoriesEacation and S&oolsHomingKnic&ts of WthiasNEWS Brids - AtkinsXhysicians and Sur~onsstare house cf E A hrr at AtkinsArticle on Bpe Qtmty twnResU ts of munidpl d ectionsPITKINrn, wIK,IAM Esee also <strong>Arkansas</strong> - Attorney GeneraAddress to Old Hicbry CLub in Little RockWGUSTAsee also Eaotionand S&odssee ala, Methodist Churd~EABCDCK, E Fsee alm Nwseri es (Hm ticul tur e)BAW. FERMNrnDsee also ShootingB#XS. S Dsee also Murk s and Attanfled Mur&r sBAILEY, A Msee also Bankrupt&=BAILEY, MRI'T

ARaSAS GB EILTE INDEX 1888see a1m Frisons - <strong>Arkansas</strong>BAILEY, SHERE PND 00see also Fires and FirenenBAILEY, W WDemmces th&t aE Maski Cbmty pllboks 09/25J8803 2BAIRD, mmlw WBAKER.Letter to C S mi&t on electric power @a& for LitUe Rock 06/28/88 04 5B Bsee a1 so Ar knsas - Rbl ic Instruddon SuperintendentBAKER. e Gsee also Assadts and Disor&rly Qmd~ckBAKER. maStaunch Dem state r q defeated in Betkon Co sirnaryB&D mmBrief article on White Gbmty townBRHK OF EAYEWZLEsee BanksBANK OF LITTLE ROCKsee BanksmKRumaEsWood & Jane men's dckhing store at LR is knkuptAssets of Gray & Clen o£ Rocky Comfort soldB R Willians & Co grocery at LR failsFhil Myers stare at Pine Bluff failsReymldls Brothers Hardkare at Van Buren is attachedC R Barhm & Co lunber mill files bankruptcy pooeedinqsMax Hilb f im at Little Rock is insolventHirsch and Co of Helena goes into hnkruptcyA ktler J~wdler at Helena dosed ty attachmentsNmnoth Sp5.ng grocery of Thanas H Bill failsW A Wilson f inn at Ozark is hnkruptA M Bailey o£ the Red Mill at LR makes an assicpentL S SPlaarin & Co of Clarendon failsFjbd & Co of brim makes an assrigrmentA Waqer Drug Store at Little Rock makes assigmentJchn T Box of Brinkly makes an assig.lm&J&n M Riggar and Co at Okolona makes assignmentHilton & Co of mden makes an assigvnerrtFailure a€ Jan M Riggan at Okolom is a &ockAaron Friednan f inn at Cm&n failsJ D Janes Store at Alma failsMdVedy & Bro of EUm makes an assicnmentRigg &nEection Cb and J E Bailq 6rwery at Ebrt Smith fail 12/05/88 01 1Stock of J J Wiflians at Qrway attached 12/06/88 01 1B Jamh auction house at Fort Smith attached 1YlU8801 1Spar Titmorth store at Rris is hnkrupt 12/1l/88 01 1Dry goo66 and grocery a€ A Block at Texarkana foroed to dose 12/12/88 01 1Linaoln Mills and Stock F2n-n near Varner makes assigment 12/12/88 01 3Several failures and assigrments r epr ted throuc&out Ark 12/12/88 01 3Linmln Mills failure E310cks bclsiness mcnity 12/l3/88 01 6Linooln Mills Mgr W H Hapes distxlsses bnkruptcy of firm 12/14/88 05 1Farmers Wrcantile Assn at Ozark is a failure 12/20/88 01 2Jdm M Strayhorn groaery and dry-gooh stme at Bris fails 12/20/88 02 2H e & Cal&dl store at Nashville fails 1wW88 01 2

H Weinlanb tusiness at H e l m fails 12/27/88 01Morris Wronker Dry Goads Stare at Hdera dosed ky - attachment 12/28/88 01BANKSBuilding assn to be organized at brriltonOfficers of new tuildling as= at mrrilton listedMorrilton Building Asm inaxpratedBatesville Building and Loan As= f ileg charterFirst Mat1 Bank (Pine Bluff) loses suit to Harrover Bank (NY)Gmden Building and Loan assn organizedNew lank at Mrrilton is hing prosperous lxlsinessS@rin@ale Saving and Investment Q files for inaorpxationDardanelly bank organizers 1 iskedOrganizers of new bnk at mranelle listedBank formed at HarrisonIgrker and Worthen f inn in LR dissolves prtrrer&ipW B Worthen & Co is new bnking firm at Little RockSkitistics of M a 1 rcy & Co and WAington Cbmty BankLittle Rock to have anothw banking institutionNm bank oFens at BentornrilleNew bnk at Stuttgar t opens for: hsinessBuilding for new bnk at mr&nelle nears -@letionIlanestead Bld and Lmn Asm farmed at Hot SwincpPine Bluff may get another bankfirst Natioml Bank of Pine Bluff is irmlventDarcknelle to get hildting and loan asmH A Wager establishes a hnk at S~in$aleEfehanics Building and Loan Assn orqniz ed at Little RockFayetteville gets new lankEhyetteville tank to opn with Lafayette Gregg, pesidentBank of hyetteville opns for bsinessBank of Little Rock estaM with opital of $500,000Cjiy Savinqs Bank and Trust Oo opens at Hot SwingsExchange Natioml Bank at LR incrsases its capital stockNw kink at Stuttgart aompletedmFS, JIMsee also Children and YouthmKs, SAMESmsee a1 ;so Murders and Attemged MurdersBrnIST m R asee also allegessee also Gburts - Ark -Circuit Cbmt Dist 06Ehssellville church ranode1 ed and pqer edFirst Bagist at LR to erect new hldg at Louisiam and 12thAbout 30 messengers to attend Southern Bagist CbnvRevival in pogress at Car1id.eList aE Ark messengers going to Southern Bafiist CbnvJosem A Booker mentions kind f eding; toward NegroesSixty conversions reuorckd at QrlisLe &ring rwivdSLnzday School. oonv meets at Negro Bagist Church in LRElistory crE Second Barkist Chutch in Little Rocklhctogra@ cd Seaond Bagist in Little Rock&jar &wid Penn ~saches to large am& at Eureka S~ings<strong>Arkansas</strong> State BaRist anv to meet in JonesboroDavid Penn holds successEul rwivdl at Fkyetteville

Gw-electJ PEa~eispaof<strong>Arkansas</strong>Ba@istStateCbm 10/3l/8805Messengers arriving in Jomsboro for state oonvention 11/01/88 01Janes P Eagle dected pres of state mrwention 11/02/88 01Surnnary af poceedings of Ba@i& State Cbrzvention 11/02/88 01Mission work is fcature csf state axwention 11/04/88 01Chur& in Logm Cbmty denies it wrote thratening letter 11/17/88 03WRCLIFT, WILLIAMsee also ShootingWEIE IWD SUXdSsee Ship and ShippingBIWHAM, C R, mD CDsee dm BankruptciesBARIIG CRCGSsee also Iron buntain Rail roadBARKER, D Esee also (bngr ess - House - Ark Dist 03BARNE LuM3ER Q)see fires and FirenenBARNS, CMsee also Repkilican mrtyBARNES, Ro?msee aim Murders and Attemgted MurdersBARNES, 'KIMsee alm Murders and Attanged Murders - EgsonBARNErr, WILLIAMsee also Birth Gontrd and AbortionRaRNHILL, C A Csee also Murders andAttm@edMurdersBARREPI', JCHN Wsee also Murders and Attanfled MurdersBASEBALLChicago pcEessioml tern in Hot S~ings for training 03/09/88 01rXldes gay Pbther Hubbrds at LR in charie game 05/24/88 05Memfiis &feats Hot S~ings 05/25/88 01hghis Wets Little Rock 05/3W88 05Smres o£ games gilayed in Ark towns 07/05/88 01Callatin Scott d Hot S~ing, to @ay for New alsans 07/18/88 02Nwpr t defeats mais 07/28688 01Youth killed at Cedar Gla&s when struck b~ basetall 08/08/88 02Dallas &fats Little Rock 09/13/88 04Rofessional @eyers are in Hot Spin* 1l/08/88 02BASHAM, rnN Fsee also Murders and Attemged Murders - CecilBZYTES, M Ssee also AlaoholicBmeTawsmES, NEWT Psee also ml ieBPITESVILLEsee also Bankssee also Cbmplnies and Factoriessee alm Disease and Illnesssee also EthcationandSchoolssee alm Entertaimentsee also Kihappinq

see also News BrieEssee alm Union Labx mrtyBill Arp &scribes leisurely gace in BatesvjlleCity has ppiLation of 2,7 25Surmary of hsinesses and institutions in twnWEWJLLE AND BFXNKLEX RAILROADRmors afloat that railroad to be soldR~gine th ram £ran track killing om manNme aanged to White and Black River RailroadBIYPESVILGE ~~ lND WAIURPITN a3see Cbmpnies and &cl=ariesBPITESVrnE EMTERHIEEsee NewsppersBWlESVlLLE WRI'ER ZWD ELEEIRIC LIGHTsee Waterm E , LUCIUSLsee aim Irrventians and InventorsBAXTER Q3Umsee also Storms and TornadoesReturns in Den ~imariesReturns in Dem pimaryResUl. ts of Dmaxatic primaryBAXTER. ELlSHAsee a3.m <strong>Arkansas</strong> - Fblitics and ElectionsB Msee also Nines and MinerdsBEARSsee WildlifeBEICK, FREDsee also Sex CrimesBnCKUM, G%see al;so Qcime and CriminalsBEEBEsee a1m Qmganies and Fktariessee also E&~tion and S&oolssee also hthodist Churchsee also News Brids - BeebeWsats of mmicipl election 04/07/8801 2Art.j.de on emn and socia characteristics of tam 09/07/88 03 3Brief mention of -era hsiness and prcEessioml men 09/07/88 03 3BEERseeAlmholic BweragesBEES:Z ACLark jailedfcx keepingbees inArkadel*ia city limits 02/24/88 01 2Cburt rllles Arkadelfiia anibbee ardimnae invalid 08/07/88 01 3BEIrnER. H Msee also Murders and Attanged Murders - B &dkBEZILEII, J nsee alm kmocr atic Par &B m mmmE a3see TelmonesB&L, GEOEEWRepublicans name Bell a ~&&ntial dectorBELL, H C

see also Books and WritingBEL, J GEblk County oontxactar disappears mysteriouslyContractor returns to Eblk Comty haneBELL,, J WTestifies in ~ obe CYE Cbal Hill pison campBEU, mmIEsee alm Murders and Attemsed MurdersBELL, U Asee also Murders and Attemged Murders - Bd.1BrnBJrnEBrie€ artide on Yell Qmty town 04/13/88 07BENJAMIN. MWsee also <strong>Arkansas</strong> - GuuernorKit bj missile f run mall by's beall-Aooter sprks runor 11/07/88 04Bean-&ooter scares Judge Bemj anin at mrril ton rdly 11/07/88 04Runor said mob of Demomats had shot Berrj anin down 11/U7/88 04Bullet was fired frcm air mt a slingshot 11/23/88 02Judqe B e anin critiaally ill 11/27/88 01Ehysician amments on effect of trouble at Morrilton 11/27/88 01Judge Berj anin dies of hmrt disease 11/29/88 01Sketcb of life aE Judge Berjanin 11/29/88 01Funeral to be held at fanily residence, eoss and North in LR 1l/30/88 02Hornred ky Little Rock Bar &sociationBENNE!IT? 3CHNsee also Murders and Attmeed MurCkrsBENNEIT, 2 Tsee also AlooholicBeveragessee a1 so <strong>Arkansas</strong> - GovesmrBEN?LEY,m mTestimony in ~obe CE death of ptient at Ark Insane IkylunBENTONsee also News BrieEs - BentonBENrnN C13Umsee alsb migration and migrationsee ala, mrblesee also Mines and Minerdssee aim Murders and Attemged Murderssee ala, RisonsResults of grimary&soLutions gassed ly DemocratsResd ts of Iknocr ati c primaryDemocratic oounty mnv hadDanocratic aunty aom hadArticle on emmic and social. characteristics of the mmtyLisk cd tams and villages in aomtyRol3len wer allwing Shdff F P Galheath to take aff iceChallenge a€ F P Gdltssath right to serve as &=iffGov Hulfies issues ormm as Sheriff to F P GdlkathDecision for Galbath odehated ky friends in BentonviLleBENm CltWRIERsee NewsppersBEN'IDMVJLLEsee also Alaholic Beverages

see also Bankssee also mplnies and Factoriessee also Etbcation and Schoolssee also Fires and Firenensee alsa Methodist Churchsee alao RisonsAr tid e on eaomic and social characteristics of twnBusiness and professional directory af tcwnBrie biog skethes of leading businessmen of tamTam making mary hpwaerrtsBmY, J Rsee also <strong>Arkansas</strong> - Fblitics and Electionssee also Hughes, Simon PBERRY, JAMES Hsee also Bngress - Arkanms Delegationsee also Cbngress - House - Ark Dist 02Ed oornrnent on speech on reduction of federal rwenuesMakes m ay defense aE integrie a€ deckions in SouthObjecks to hi11 rwiving Amy grade of generalRe-election to US Smte endorsed by Ikms at &arkMade an homrary menber of C2.d Hiclcory Qub of Little RockQmptigls for Oongressnan Qifton R Breckimidge redectionMaking speeaes in <strong>Arkansas</strong>Addresses political rdlly at Little RockMdr esses plitical rally at Ebrrest CitySemtor Berry greeted a t Berrtonville. bis hane tamSpnds &y in Little Rock on return trip to WashingtonBHTE. JAMESsee also Murders and Attempsd MurdersBWERPGESsee also Alaohalic BwerauesCbca Qla available in ~itkLe RockBICXLES EWD BICYCLEArkansaw Traveler Qcle Club to stage xaoe in Little Rock %/03/88 03 4Arrangements made for races at Littre Rock C6/10/88 01 4Little Rock racers win tournament 06/19/88 03 1J&n Qvington rides fran Hot Spgs to LR in 10 hrs 09/23/88 04 3B m , RUFUSsee also Murders and Attem*ed Murders - BiddenBE EEOQC.Hotel at Nmktain Brk atop Big Rock nears am@ etion 03/1Y8804 4Ebmtain ark hotel aomfleted 04/08/88 03 1Advertisement far Ebuntain ark rmrt on Big Rock 06/12/88 03 4B E Nsee Mrriage and DivcrceBILL as3see Quesenlxlry, ..WillimBXENsee alsoBIRD, A Wsee almsee alsoBIRTAsee alrsoEib~ation and Schocils<strong>Arkansas</strong> - Au&torUnion Labor mrtyFires and Firenen

ARKANSAS GKZFX'IE SNEX 1888WTEBGECBIRm CD4IRQ.t l!ND ABaRTD3NWillian Barnett charged with prforming abrtion in Fbpe GI 08/08/88 02 2BIRTHSsee also Multiae BirthsBISCDE J EBuys flantationsof Gw S PHucjhesinMonroe andPrairieQBIACK AND REYNCLDG SPWmsee Explosives and Explosions10/07/8804 4BLACK RIVERsee Woad and Wood PrmctsBLACK ROCKsee alm Hotelssee al 93 Wood and Wood ProCbctsBLACK, B CDenounces theEt af EUaski Qunty pollbooksBLACK, S Lsee also <strong>Arkansas</strong> - Secretary of StateBLACHBLlm, S Hsee also Murders and Attemgted MurdersBLACKBWI W JMrnZkHresses Agricul turd Whed on his 68th birthhyBmm. m Hsee also Qpifml RmidmerrtBLACWOOD, J Fsee also Murders and Attemged MurdersBr,AcmOODr J Wsee also Little Rock - Firsnoe and BudgetsLetter on poposed electric li&ts for LittJ.e RockBLACWOOD, JCHN Wsee also Little Rock - Iblitics and EledtionsJXANrnSHIP, mcsee also Sex CrimesBMrnSIP. J Csee alrw, Murders and Attmgted MurrkrsBLmKs. EDsee also Murders and AttmLJted MurdersBIAYTm. R 0Ik Blaycks is youngest gradmte OE NY College a€ &diune 12/01/88 01 5B m ER, J Msee also Missouri Rdf ic RailroadBLIND TEEWsee IUmholicBeveragesELUE LPWSsee ReligionBLUNT, WILLsee ala3 Murders and Attemgted Murders - BlmtBMI BREHsee JewsBNAI =RAE&(LETLE ROCK)see Jwsmmm, J HDemmces theft af Pulaski County pollbooksmm, J Dsee also Murders and Attm@ed Murders - mr ks

BOOKER, J m Asee alsa Bll egesBOOKER, JCGm Asee also Nqroessee also Republimn BrtyBOOK rnD wmmH C BeLl pepxing history cb Qrroll CbuntyBOCNE QUNYsee aJ. so Fbssilssee also Mines and MinerdsDemocratic abnv hadReport f ran Dm pimaryReplblicans decide to enter no ticket in camgaig.lm E M Dsee also Murders and Attangted MurdersBrnWILLEsee also News Briefs - Boonevfilesee also ReligionBORDER CITY LmER 0see Qmpnies and EactoriesBaJMNOT. ELm Ch~ous Cherokee Indian visiting Little RockBaJMN(rr. ELIAS C JRsee also CBurts - US - District of Western <strong>Arkansas</strong>Bmm, JCHNsee also Fires and FirenenBOxmGJ &re and J Boe to fiat at Hackett Citymm, C 0see alsr> Fires and firmenBRADEDRDBrief article on twnm E Y mmsee alsx, Esease and Illnessmlitical sitmtion in muntyReslilts of Denn pimariesDePnocr ati c primaries heldDesnocratic county aonv heldDemocratic rdly held at WarrenJudges in CLw Wnship emnerated of dection frmd chargeDmocratic dub orqniz edMes on election ommi9Fblitical newsmlitical news of mmtyBRPGG, mmsee also Murders and Attempted MurdersBRIYX;, J MQrranents on theEt aE Ailaski GDtmty pllboksBRIY;G, mmTsee also Murders and Attmgted MurdersBRANCH FmmL OXLEEsee allegesBRmlm, C Csee also Murders and Attmged Murk s

BRW'NB, J a N Csee also Gecilogysee also Mines and MinerdsBRPPJ'IZIEII, 3 KPhoto aE Iron Mtn Railroad Land Office Clerk in LRBRmmN, rnNEe also Mxders and Attenged Murders - mi#BRAZIL, WILLIAM Rsee alsn ShoatingBRBXINRILGE CLIFTON Rsee also Bngress - House - Ark Dist 02&de homrary mber cd C[Ld Hickory Qub at Little RockQusading against cotton and petrolem trustsBills on trusts will be pushed & DanocratsBrief Eogra@cLml sketd~ a€ CbngressnartEhotogram o£ QngressnanSou$& by Democrats for: -riff speed-m in mrthsast statesCredited with Warting s&me to adjourn CbngressBRE@JNm. W PTestifies in ~obe of Cbal Hill pi son aampE3RFmAcnW. ALsee also Igrti es and mncresBRICRELL, CRARLES WQarendbn man &savcws any role in Union Labor FhrtyBRICXLEY, JCHNsee a h Mmdxs and Atteed MurdersBRIE ESThird bridge may be hilt across <strong>Arkansas</strong> River at LRBridging the MississipFri (ed)Senators insisted on road for popsed Memghis kidgeStep being taken for Mississippi River bridge at HelenaEhgineers selecting site for kidge at mghisFunds for <strong>Arkansas</strong> River bridge at Cumins app-wed ky CbngBridge across Bayou Meto at Golhan is mmaetedOr&r given for work to start on brighis bridgeRock being hauled ty train for Mmmis bridgeDescription of hidge being hilt at MannisiLengthy article on bridge under anstruction at MemLfiisBRIDEES. mPJsee also Murders and Attemged Mur&rsBRINXLEXsee also aisease and Illnesssee als3 News BrieEs - Brinkleysee also Stms and TormbesArticle in Rural and Workman to feature BrinkleyResults of micipl. dectionsBuilding to be erected in the brned districtSubtantidl brick Mdcp replacing burned-out diskrickBROCX, WILLIAM Hsee also Robberies and Thd tsBIEOOIS, H Wsee also Rchibition FareBEEDOE, wnL#IAMsee also IWrders and Attm@ed Murders

BEEMHWHm OF LrnrnTllVE NINEEMsee LaborBRWN. E Jsee a1 scl Murders and Attemcted - MurdersBRCWN. ERZWKsee a1 so Crime and Criminal srnN. GrnJ3GE mssTalks Arkanas up while visitingrnNr GEOE ETestifies in ~ obe of Cbal HillBEMJWr GrnFGE Rsee also <strong>Arkansas</strong> - GavernorBRCWN. HENRYsee al so Murders and Attemeed Murderssee also Shootin*m N . I Jsee also Murders and Attempted MurdersBmNm IKEsee also Wders and Attmgted MurdersBmN. JAmE PCbnhns theEt of pollbooks in maski Oorntym N . r n Nsee alsr, Murders and Attenned Murk ssee also Robberies and TheftsBrnN. mTERsee a1 so Murders and Atteinged Murders - BrwnB m m , W Hsee alm Rchibition BrtyBEILICE, G Wsee alm HousingBrnNI3IIDGE G Wsee also Pbrders and Attenpted MurdersBRJTALITY AND HARASSME3fT CW!RGESsee also Frisonssee also Prisons - Arkan~;irsERYAN.JCHNLetter to editorBKWNT, mNsee also Murders and Attensed MurdersBFmNT, GmEE wmmmsee ala NegroesBUCK, RWsee also Murders and AttgnRed MurdersBUCKNHisee also News BrieEs - BucknerBUMTrnEsee ala, Assaults and Disorderly @nth&see a1 m News Brie£s - BuckvilleBUDDENBURS EUIKCITJRE FAQIORYsee also Fi tes and fi ranenBUFFALO RIVERsee Ship and ShiMngBUFFALO ZINC AND CDPPERsee Mines and Minerds

BUICE AND 0' KELLY FCUIW4RYsee fires and firenenB m m AND L m B S r n r n Ssee BanksBURCH. S MI2 Burch, a travding physican. fomd to have two wivesBuRrnARD, m I A Msee al so kder s and Attaped Mur&r sB m m msee Robberies and The tsBURIED TREPSUREsee Trsasure TrweBURKE, CHARLEsee &ED Murders and Attmaed MurdersBURKE, WILLIAMsee also Mx&rs and Attmaed MurdersBWSsee Acci&nts and S&e&BUREELWS. JAMESsee also Robberies and TheEtsBURR(WS. IhlBEsee also Robberies and TheEtsBUSSELL, TIBEsee also Murders and Attanged MurdersBUSTED, GIIWLESsee a1 rn Murders and Attemgted MurdersBmm. mlssee dm Mw&rs and Attemgted Murders - KussBDJES, WILLIAMsee a1 sx, mder s and Attenged MurdersBUIBWM, LJBBIEsee alsr, KidmppingBrnM, 'llDMsee alm Robberies and TheftsBYRCBJ, GEDIGE GaRDON LORDStone f ran grave is embedded in wall of Rreka Spqs houseCABmsee also E&aation and Schoalssee also News BrieEs - CabtCABSJ There Gwnq in LR to arrange for cab hsirressLine of Gurrq cab to open for hsiness in Little RockGurney uo begins operations in Little Rockam, H Gsee aim Inventions and InventursCam, HENRY Gsee also Inventions and InvatasCALIWELL, rnVEsee also hrders and AttemFed MurdersmmELL, HENRY CText of addrss at AIU &did Delj menmentListed by Jchn H Rogers as a man of ability and charactermHCUEil UXJNI'YReturns in Dem pimary

CALL, WHMernmes theEt aE Pulaski Cbmty pllboksCALLPWAY, J Wsee also QarkCorntysee a1 so Veterans HanesaMDENsee also Bankruptciessee alrso Bankssee also Episcogal Churchsee alm &tho&& Churchsee also News Briefs - Camdensee also RAiesee alm Waterlinpovenmts being made in tamChMI3EN BULDIX IWD LOIW ASSCXUiTIDNsee Banksm m cHAM3EFt OF aMMERCEBoard of Trade orcpnizedC a m WIYTEIWaRIC; ulsee WatermEBEtL, JAMES Wsee a1 so EntertainnerrtCAMEBE& W Fsee ala, Veterans Hanesmmsee FbodrnELL, G M Dsee also Rimns - Ar kansasCAPITIS LAND AND M I N E a3see Mines and Miner asam& H JrnHrnsee also Cburts - US - District of Western <strong>Arkansas</strong>see also kders and AttemRed Murderssee aim Sex CrimesFtztition seeks ammutation of dsath senten- CIE Jim Lidell lO/03/88 0 2 2HU#I Blackman to Rang in CZ wd and Comty for murtJer 1O/04/88 01 4Death sentence d Janes Liddell awranutted by Gw S P H@es 10J04438 04 4Hu* Blacbrn hanged at Rison for murder of 'Big Sixn 10/27/88 01 1mELL SLetter to editor 06/01/8802 4CARDEN.=ISLEsee alsosee alsosee almwe almsee alsosee alsoBusinessBagist Churd.1Disease and IllnessEhotion and ScRocilsFl res and El ranenNews BrieEs - CarliSleRel igi ondirectory of tamCARUEE. RBsee also Agrinrl turd Wheelsee aim <strong>Arkansas</strong> - Govermrsee also Arkilnlsas - Fblitics and Electionssee also Union Labor BrtySpaks at Newprt political rally

Mutes election fraud claim of RB QrlLeemRRcLL QX7mD9nocratic primaries hddDemocratic aounty cam hddH C Bell pepring histcry of mmtyVoters to decide if ooLnty seat mwes f ran BerryvaleResidents &rate cmmty scrip in effort to end puhlic debtRepublican rally at Eureka Swings hears Rwdl ClaytonRepublicans and Union Labor tickets may fuseSewnd ele&ion to be held on wur~ouse location iss~Green Ebresl: dfers to help pty i£ oourthouse hilt thereCounty seat rmwal voted downCBRRQIL, GRAYsee also Cburts- Ark -Cirarit Cburt Dist 06(91RRCLLr JO3Nsee also <strong>Arkansas</strong> - Puhlic Instruction SuperintenderhCARU'M,GEDEEWsee also Democratic PareCAsAsee also Fires and FirenenW E L Hsee alm Remican IBrQME, TAYtaRsee a1 so Mur Ckr s and Attemged Mur dx sCRSH, C Wsee also Murders and Attemged Murdersmm, 0 B, FAMILYIZlu@ter uses &otgun to run Negro man f ran residenceCRTE. W Hsee also Bngress - muse - ArkDist 01CATHQIC CHUIECWsee alm kdical Fhzilitinu?&being raised to enlarge St Joae&s at Pine BluffKni*ts of llmerica to give picnic at MarmKni*ts of herica picnic at Rlarm attracted large crowdArticle on German Ckthdlic aolomes at atus and ParisBeZl at lvblrison Bluff &ur& Messed & Bishop E FltcperdtdBi&op E&ard Fitzgerdd visits Altus, &Iris, Wrrison BluffBishop Edmrd fitzgerdd hlesses bells at Rris churchQuality aE Morrison Bluff choir is exceaiomlly goodHoly Eu&arist oel ebr ated at Al tusConvent at Rmhontas ckdicatedCornerstone laid fa new church at HelemBrief history of the church in <strong>Arkansas</strong> and Little RockPhotogram of St <strong>An</strong>drews Qthedral at Little RockNew &ur&mm, MA W)see also Ibemsmmm, BELGERsee also MurdersCECIL. G Esee also MurdersCECIL, WZLIANat Pine B l ~ nears f completionand Attemged Murdersand Attemsed Mur&r s

see a1 so mder s and Attemged Murders - CecilcI3mTERIESIronfenoebeingbuiltaromdCo~ederateqavesatHd~ 05/10/8803GAR Demration my pogrrm for LR okervance 05/29/88 03bMand Cemetery mrs challenge actions of LR aff idals 06/10/88 03lin~wments planned for meteries at Wahington 07/17/88 02bnunent for graves of Cbnfdrate dead at Wa&ington ordered 07/17/88 02Rmains of soldiers at LR renwed to QnEederate CPmetery 07/22/88 08CemeteryatHellogg~nesitein~askiQmtymentioned 09/19/8803cmm IOINTsee also ethodist Churcfisee also Wder s and Attempted Murderssee alm News Brids - Centre mintsee alm Tele@~omsResUts of miup1 electionCENTER RrnEsee also Robberies and TheEtsCENTML OXLEIATE INSTl!KJTEsee QllegesmmE mINTsee Center FbintaAmERS OF comasee alm -denChanber of Qnanacesee aim Eureka Svings Chanber cf Cbmmercesee also Little Rock Chanber a€ QrmnercemAmERs, mvIDsee a1 so Mur ders and Attemgted Murders - Chanber sCHrnrnLEsee also Fires and FirenenaAELINE. mTTsee a1 so Mur dlex s and Attaped MurdersrnARLEsrnsee also Murders and Attanged Murders - arkssee alsr, News Briefs - CharlestonamDER, D Wsee also Republican mrtymE?RY, JHsee also Fulaski Cbunty - Eblitics and Ueckionsm1mGo MUGrnESE 03see Mines and MinerdaCnICmLmsee dl so Explosives and ExplosionsBrief descriRion of Yell Qmty twnCHILmEN EeJD mmsee also Accidents and Safetysee aim Kithappingsee also Murders and Attemged Murderssee aim Rimnssee also Rimns - <strong>Arkansas</strong>List aE dfiers of Children's Hme AsslSite purchased for Chil&mrs Hane at Little RockChildrenr s Hane at Little Rock to m we to new quartersRwepion had at new Children's Hme in Little RockWo wcmm arrested for beating 10-yr-ad girl swerdy03/11/88 03CB/lV88 03soon 04/m/88 0504/08/88 0304/20/88 04

Two wanen who beat &ild are fined $15.00Deaf-mute child found wandering streets of Little rockChildren's Hane stockholders meet at Little RockJim Banks jailed at Lake Village fur beating dauater6-yr-cild ahsed child hid in w e for two weeksMrs L W Qy thanks hmrs to Oraans Hane at Little RockYomg child found in street at Little RockCHILIREN'S HCME ASSCCIATD3Nsee Children and YouthCHISM,B Bsee also <strong>Arkansas</strong> - Secretary of StateQ4RISTIA.N mmRevival at Brryville is quite succes&uilElder J J Willimson holding revival at OkoloraRRTival at Evdng Shade bring 30 cornersionsBrie€ history of &ur& in Little RockCEficers of Little Rock Christian Church medEhotoqram cd dlw& in Little RockLittle Rock churd~ to have peaching every niatInterest graving in revival at Little Rock churd~CHRETMWCelebrations flamed at Little RockRaninent Little Rock citizens tell their Christmas wi&CHURCHESsee RdigionCIGARS IWD CIGARE!ITESsee TbkacmCINamm1Artidle on emmic and soddl d-mracteristics of tamCIRCUSESP T Barnun's CLrcus aming to Little RockBarnun visits Little RockCITY MISSIDN BID TRACT SCCIETY (LaTLE ROCK)see ReligionCITY SWIMSS BIWK AND 'IRJST Clsee BanksQNIL REmsee also NegroesCIVIL WAE?Cbrdederateflagof JacksonGuards greservedatJacksonpxt 05/15/8803 2Jackson Guards was kt oo to leave state before ,%?cession 0 5/1v88 03 2Egrt of land on site a€ Prairie Grwe BattleEidd cleared OS/OY88 02 2Shell fomd on Rairie Grwe Battlefield explodes in fire O6/OY88 02 2CLARI3Y. H)see- als, Murders and Attmped Mur&rsamm, JAMES&&remint man celebrates his 92nd birthhyCLARENEONsee also Housingsee also Housingsee als3 Murders and Attempxd Murders - Biddmsee also News Brids - Clarendbn

ARMSAS GAZ EX'IE INDEX 1888see also Robberies and TheEtssee alsr, Wood and Wood Pradtr&sBuildin9 going up all wer tcwnUARK OWNITsee also Agriculturd Whedsee 6193 Murders and Attenged Mur &rssee alm Murders and Attanned MurdersJ W Q11cway rises to &£ense QE Democraq of axmtyResuilts of Ikm pimay electionsResa ts of Dm FimariesRepr t on pol it iol sentimentReturns f ran Democratic primaryReport on popilar vote in Derm primarylate returns in Dem FinmyBmoaatic aounty aonv heldContenders for political offie are in the fieldDePnocr atic primary heL dknocrats hold primariesDenocrats nominate date of off iddsCampip in full swingPolitical issms hot in aomtya a K , m m Dsee also <strong>An</strong>tiqwsam& JAMESBentonville ghysiuan takes his lifeaARK, SQlCBDN Fsee als3Maski Goulty - Blitics and HwtionsCLmK, T Csee a1 so Shootingamx, z Asee dl so BeesCLARWILT-IEsee also Fires and firenensee also Hotelssee also News Briefs - Clarksvillesee also Newspaprssee alsoFar ti es and Dimessee alm Stms and TormdoesNew lxildincp near aomfletion(LARWILLE HERmhJwEFJAI;see NewsptprsQIAREVILLE ERlNTIlG CDsee CbPnplnies and Fa&ori esaAY mmsee alm Almholic BweragesResd ts of Dm pimaryReport on Rm @naryVoters deciding on popsed mwe of munty seatElection called to decide site cb aounty seataAY, P Msee alsr, Murders and Attgnpted MurdersUZURION, m N Msee a1 so Cbngr ess - House - Ark Dist 0 2see a1 so Republican Wr&rnTEAGEC07/14/88 02 2

WTEBGECUAJETON,RSW&Lsee also <strong>Arkansas</strong> - Governorsee also Ongress - House - Ark Disk 01see also Republican BrtyNqo h01A.d not have been given the ball&, Qqton says 05/lu88 01 1Com&sonArkdel~tionandthe~esiderrtiQ nomimtion 06/14/8801 4Defended his amtry while critics fought against it, ed says 08/11/88 04 3Addresses RepuUican meeting in Eureka S~ings 08/12/88 02 2Says C M Norwood came wer to Republican side 08/14/88 04 2Describes his mmersion f ran EBnocrat to Republican 08/15/88 01 5Summary cb p olitid spe& made at Eureka S ~inq 08/15/88 01 5Re* says CLayton to get cabinet post if Ark votes Repub 08/21/88 04 2Denies renark on C M Norwood mit& f ran I=gn to Repub 08/2Y88 04 3Pians reprtedly afoot to make Clayton a US Senator £ran Ark 08/22/88 04 3Says he will investigate stolen pollbooks in Fulaski Cbunty 09/13/88 04 3Clqton active in politics, as are two of his hothers 10/18/88 04 2Q~ton hothers are again at front in Ark politics 10/3U88 03 1Addresses plitical raJAy at Fbrrest City ll/Ol/88 01 1Repull ioans welome Qwton hcme to Eureka Spin* 13/20/88 02 1bgers Republ ican suggests mbinet post far CLay ton 12/06/88 03 2Jmes H Jones -11s CLwton cleanest Repub la&r in Ark 12/23/88 09 1ReF S W &el describes Qaytonas clsanest man in Ark party 12/23/88 09 1Kansas City Gazette discusses possihle ailA.net post 12/30/88 10 1QIPIYIYN, W H Hsee a1 ED <strong>Arkansas</strong> - lbl iti cs and ElectionsQIEBME CDUMsee a1 so limiigr ati on and migrationResults f ran Dem pdmary 05/26/88 01 2kmocratic mmty crow had 05/30/88 01 2mocrats make mim tions far off ices 07/26/88 03 2Blitid rally hdd at Quitman l0/~/88 03 1CLBJELrnD mmsee also IXsease and IllnessReturns in I&n p-imq 05/24/88 01 2Democratic prirnari es hd. d 05/27/88 01 3Dmocratic mrrv held 05/29/88 01 1EEfort begins for renwd d mmty seat f rcm Wile& to Rimn 07/20/88 02 2Dmocr ats hold pr irnari es 07/26/88 03 1Democratic krbeae at New mrkur* draws 1,0000 08/15/88 02 2Democrats hold grand political rally at Kingsland 08/23/88 01 1CLWELAND, JEFFDenomcres R B QrlLee claim cd deckion fraud lo/ly88 02 2QIINEr JAMESsee a1 so Rd igionCLINE. WEL PTestifies in pobe a€ Cbal Hill pison camp 04/0Y88 03 4U INlDNsee alm NEWS B ries - Clinkonam. BENJAMINsee also Byettevilleamsm, JACIBsee also Murders and Attenw ed Mur&rsaDAtseeMines and Minerals

m1VI Hrnsee also Assaults and Disorderly Cbndxksee dl so migration and migrationsee also Nws Briefs - Coal Hillsee also Risons - Atkansassee a1 EK, Sex Crimesa& HILL mNmRsee NewspprsmAL OJL 03see Mines and MineralsamES, W Jsee also Sex CrimesQJBBS. JmL Msee al so <strong>Arkansas</strong> - Land CommissionerInvestigates report of near riots in St Ftancis CbmQma a)LAseeBeveragesaCKF'IGmmmtch hdd on farm near Hot S~ingsOXKRILL, SI'H&BG R JRsee also <strong>Arkansas</strong> - Courts - Suprene CburtC13F'Fl-N.CHmEsee a1 so Cbngr ess - House - Ark Dist 01Text a€ speech to Dem rally at MorriltonCIXMEN. BILLYsee also Murders and Attmped MurdersCDHK SmNsee alm Ibrties and mnesCDLE L Msee &;so Fires and FirenenUXElwN. mCKsee also Murders and Attansed Mur&rs - ColenanJMN Esee also Inventions and InventorsmLTAEGESFki&s croncerning <strong>Arkansas</strong> Inastrial Univ (Am)<strong>Arkansas</strong> Inhstrid Univ &dical &@ ammenoemat setSearcy chosen for site cxf bkkhodist Church f enale collegeSearcy citizens offer ed $25,000 far bthodi st f anal e collegeMethodist fanale all was souat ky several tamsText a€ address of Henry C Wdrdl at AIU lrledical DeWenty young men gradmte frcm AIU Mdcal DeptStudent dies in acci&ntal fall at Southland Coll at H e l mAILJ opns fall term with increased enrollmentNatural gas dismvered on campus of Am at FayettevilleBricks being ma& for new hldg at Ouachita Basi st CbllWollment at AIU at Fayetteville reaches 420Cormencemerrt s&edd ed at Am Bran& Normal at Pine BluffEhds sought to erect lzlilding at <strong>Arkansas</strong> Ba@ist QllegeList ct grahtes in 1888 dass at Little Rock UnivLittle Rock Univ aommencement announcedWcmen's State Ba* Asm leads fund drive for <strong>Arkansas</strong> Ba*Cammencement exercises for Central Collegiate InstituteFifth ammencement pogran CE Searcy allege

Little Rock Univ am-unencanent Fogramailander Smith Cbllege mmenmmt pocjranSweral former.- <strong>Arkansas</strong> In&strial Univ dmni meet in LRAIU skudent reunion at LR is @leasant affairAbut 50 alwd oE Am hold remion in Little RockSmrcy W e and FElndle 811 clommenmm exercisesCammenosnent exercises of <strong>Arkansas</strong> hale Qllqe h&dOmchi ta Bagist Ooll ammencement exercises o&l inedJudsonia raising fmds to reestablish Judson Univ thereDescrigtion of mrranenme at Searq M e and male 811<strong>Arkansas</strong> Female Cbll Alunme Assn meetsDescri@ion of cxmnnencmmt exerdses at LitUe Rock UnivContract let far wnstruction of Methodist mll at SsarcyStone work on <strong>Arkansas</strong> allege Udg nears m@etion<strong>Arkansas</strong> allege cxrmmencment wogranArtidle gives smaries of statistics on AILT at hyetteYiJ.leEhroll~ at AIU rsa&es 425List cd officers and instructors at <strong>Arkansas</strong> Inbtria Univ&wing indderrt at Orachita Ba@ist -11 rdatedStudent accidentally killed playing basetall at AIUWmk in pmgress on new brick Udg at Omchita Baptist CbllContract let for hil&ng Gallway Femde Cbll at SearcyJudson Univ trustees meet, &cide to opn term #is fallPres J W anger: having catalug of OLlachita Ban pirkedList a€ faculty a€ Sercy M e and Fanale allegeFro£ W H Wocihll med presi&nt of Judson Universiw<strong>Arkansas</strong> Female Cb11 munces lecturers for next termWmk uncler way on kuilding for Gallway CbllegeJanes A Booker urges support for Arkanas Bagi st BllegeJmes P Eagle domtes to f md for Arkinsas Baeisk 811A C Millar is president uf Ckntral Cbllegiate InstituteCentral all egiate Institute advertiGallowiry Cbll milding gbing up rapidly at SsarcyMr and Mrs J F Green join <strong>Arkansas</strong> College facultyAbout 20,000 brick laid daily on Gallcwq Cbll hildingAD Pkdical Degt graduated 20 @~ysiuans last ysarCornerstone o£ <strong>Arkansas</strong> Baptist Cbll to be laid t&yIXbard H mfee narned pres of <strong>Arkansas</strong> Industrii3l Univ0 C Gray joins faaiLt at AmSouthwest <strong>Arkansas</strong> Qllege to be hilt at TewrkamJud;on University reopxed with W H W a l as pesidentLittle Rock Univ hires new teachersContract let for Soukhest <strong>Arkansas</strong> Univ IxlildingLittle Rock Univ opns term with 60 cradledIVkdicp11 Dea of AIU orpning loth anntlzl sessionmchita BaEtist opens term with Wks by several. leadersHistory of Little Rock Univ. list of czlrrePrt f acuityPhotogra* of Little Rock University~alla.&y-kuilding at S~rcy rsears &@letion 14/14/88 02Practical engineering course offered at <strong>Arkansas</strong> InWtriaJ. U 10/30/88 02Site purcimsed at Arka&l*ia far bthodist allege 1VlOJ88 02Nsating equipent for Galloway CbLlege arrives 12/02/88 02AIU needs more land far agricultural use. Gav S P Huc&es says 1Z/ll/88 01Gav S P Hu&es gives good reprt on mndition of AJIJ 12/1l/88 01

CXXILm, E Fsee also Inventions and ImrerrtmsWINS, W HCbnanents on thdt of Maski Cbulty pllbooksOXCWED TMERS STmE ASSKlXl?lK)N OF ARIWWASsee Education and Schu0l.sOCIZuM3IA mNrYsee alm AlaohdicBwaagessee also Murders and AttmRed Murders - GarrettAgricultural Whed will make n, pliti-1 endorsementsReturns in Dm ~imaryReport on Dem pixnaryResults fran Dem @mariesPemocratic amty COIN heldDmocratic mmty pimaries hadDemocrats name ticketmmusBusiness and professional directory of tcwnomm rnD mmRmsee a1 so Explosives and Explosionssee also F'i res and firanenPiano manufactory to lotate in Little RockCanning plant to opn at OzarkRogers Lime and Waterwarks Cb files charter pprsNEW mmwess cx, organized at Hd emPlanters Cbmp ess and Storage Q organiz ed at Hd emFinn devdoped at Beebe to Fepxemarl for fertexlizerHeLm Cbmp ess (30 off iaxs electedWork begins on mnstruction of tlzark canning factoryCanning fad ory flamed for <strong>Russel</strong>lvill eFort Smith Soap and Chenical Q files inmrporation ppersWeaver & Sons Wagon Factary at Atkins nears arm@.etionDr EW Cbmty Qnning Go organiz es for lxlsinessWest Fork Canning and Evaporating Co organizedRurssellville arming and maporating Co organizedWeshe and Roes& wagon factory at LR nears com@.etionClarksville Printing Co files inmrpration ppers<strong>Russel</strong>lville indrstries describedNorthwestern Brlor Suit Cb to make furniture at Ebrt SmithPhotogra* ct Thanas Cbtton Press Works a t LitUe RockJchn Wlahan to move his brm factory to Little RockLittle Rock Chair Fhctory organizedCotton csom~~ess being built at Pine BluffWool carding factory nears ampletion at ArkadielfiiaPottery firm to be set up at Little RockSouthern BEElll Rubber Q to bild f ackory in Litlil e RockBatesviLle Qnrring and Evaporating Co organizedIhvis-Reinnan Cb formed at LR by merger o£ two livery firmsCanning factory at &ark begins oyzrationsArtit3.e on DmieWnnan Q at Little RockInter state Railway CDn&r ucti on Q or ganiz edSouthern Hedge Cb organiz edlCanning factory my be hilt at YellvilleIhLssellville arming factory rea* ;far hsiness

ARMSAS GAZ JZCTE INUEX 1888Dra~ Qunty Otnning Faaory in full oprationAhle Wdicine (3 reorganized in fine BluffBox factory at Hdem to be enlargedGnning factory at Rairie Grwe puts up 1,000 cans &ilyBeebe Fruit Evaporating Co being built ty C E PescottWapn factory to be hilt at QrwayLittle Rock Chair C& is a sflendid enterp-ise&sellville Qnning Faatary guts up 1200 cans of beans&ark Canning Factory w s up 6000 cans &ilyArk has added at least 100 factories to her indmtriesCtarksville Ginning Factory puts up 5,000 cans of beansBorder CiQ Lunber Cb to manu€a&ure soap and chanicalsNew atton aomvess nearing oom@,etion at Pine BluEfRochester Soap Oo may m e to LitU e RockM M Mdlure bilding multi-purpse mill at BatesvilleCotton gin and press being built at mrianrraNews of LittLe Rock mfg f innsFort Smith Canning Co puks up large amount a€ foodBuddenberg Furniture may mt r child at LittLe RockFirm at E'ayetteville to mild harrcws and vehidesE$yetteville Rotary Harrw and V&ide incorporatedGlobe Clothing Co files incurpr ation ppersFottery at Evening Shade turns out good qualiw wareArkdel&ia mtton mill makes 2,500 yrdls of heeting dailyVinegar factory at Bentonville mars cxrmaetion=ma Canning and Evaporating Co organizedHop Lunber co being rehilt after destructive fireCarriage and wagon factory at Harrimn r ea* for pmdxtionFoundry and machine &OF at BatewiLle nearing mpletion<strong>Arkansas</strong> IndClstrial Q sues Union Qmqxeas 8Thcmas Cbtton Fress Warks opens for othes: foundry workDenie Lhe co mar Batesville oprates cky and ni#tJ M Willians mills at Evening Shade are boomingHop Ltmker Q back in opration after &stru&ion byStave fa&q at PlcCrory anacys over 200 menWerp5se Printing Co to be sold at auctionList of new entergrises in ArkUnion X g Co has &an rapid grcwthStave m ill at Qarendon begins ~odueionNew inhstries being e&aM throucjhout ArkOJNCDRDIA PISS(lCUW?3Nsee a1 so mrti es and Ihncesmmm, m msee alm Shootingsmmm, rnrnRIAsee also Murders and Attemsed MurdersCDNFECIERZYTE V m S HOMEsee Veterans H anesmEm. J Wsee also CbllegesQ3JERESS - ARMSPS ~ E ~ D C I Nsee also Bepry, Jaws Hsee also Breckinridge, Clifton Rsee alsr, Dmn, Bi<strong>ndex</strong>LerfireWTEEAGEC

ARMSAS GAZ ETIE INDEX 1888see alm Jones, Jan-Ksee alm Md?ae, Thanas Cseealm %el, SamWsee altn Rogers, J&n HSenators Janes K Jones and James H Berry vote for Blair bill 02/25/88 04 4Fditorials mmment on vote on Blair &C bill 02/28/8805 1CKEGIZESS - NCXlSE - ARK DIST 01Featherstom favored for seat by Agricultural Whed 03/08/88 04 1Foi<strong>ndex</strong>ter Dmn will mt seek r ede6tion 03/18/88 04 2Candidates W H Chte and Charles Coffin speak at Harrisburg 06/08/88 01 7Charles Lawrenos and W H Gite seek Denocxatic namination OqO8/88 04 2L P Feathtxskone is ondihte of Agriculturd Whed 04/08/88 04 2W R Elkington withd~ms as candidate for Dan mination Og/08/0804 2ElXtaridl asks what plrty L P Fkatherstone remesews Oq10/88 04 2Featherstolle nominated ty jt anv o£ Agr Whed and K of L 06/11/88 04 2F P Ekatherstorae, Whed c=zlndi&te, declares his indepndenae O$113/88 03 1Corn that mbted L P Featherston was not for that -pose 0$/15/88 04 3L P Featherstom called nobo@'s can&&te OB/15/88 04 3L P Fkatherstone and <strong>Arkansas</strong> Qunty OY20/88 03 3E!ditorial on L P Featherstom candi.&cy 04/20/8804 3me facts abut Mr Fkatherstone (ed) OY22/88 04 3Gen Qffin and Judge Qte smk at Mewport 0$/24/88 01 2Judge W H ate wins most delegates to rmmimting oom 06/0l/880l 2Editorids antend L P Featherstom not M y minated 06/03/88 07 2Judge W F Cate r eoeives Democratic nomiration 06/29/88 01 5L P Featherstom muld t% mthing for Ark, &torid says 06/29/88 04 2Extract £ran spech a€ W H Qte aceNing Dem mination 07/15/88 10 1L PFeatherstone is candihte ob ID plitical arm, edsays 07/99/88 04 2Featherstone ondidacy as Wheder is wrong, pper says 09/W/88 02 2W H Cate and L P Feathemtone spk at Batewrille 09/15/88 01 1Judge Gte, Mr Feathastone speak at Jonesbro to 500 09/18/88 01 2W H Qte addreass voters of Sharp Qunty at A& Elat 09/18/88 03 3W H Cake and L P Feath~stone speak to 500 at Newgort 09/23/8801 4Feathast om &sasses evils, suggests no r anedies 09/28/88 04 2Editorial discusses issues in mnkest 09/39/8804 3Featberstone says he Left Dem IBrty kernuse it is aorrupt 10/05/88 02 3Senttor Jmes R Jones ompigs at Jonesbro fa W H Qte 1v19/88 01 1RepubLican oomm rdtsedtoendorse L PFkatherstone candihcy 10/19/88 04 2Republicans fail to endor s? Featherstone 10/20/88 06 1W H ate, L P Featherstom camptip at H&em 10/21/88 01 2Jackson Coulty Whed endorses L P Featherstone lO/W88 02 4Dist Republicans give Featherstone support, rn end3rsement 10/28/88 01 2L P FeaWxstone reportedly seeks campign funds frm 10/3l,/88 04 3Philli~ UI Repubs r &use to efidorse L P Fkatherskone 1l/02/88 01 1Feathecstolle allegedly made deal to aid John M Qayton in 2nd 1l/03/88 04 2Rmdl Clayton working for election of L P Ratherstme 11/03/88 04 2Xbwell Uqton anmered by Negro Republican leader 11/04/88 01 3C M Norwood campigs for L P Featherstone 11/04/88 02 3Pawdl Qiqton campligm at mrion for L P Fkatherskme 11/06/88 02 2Early returns d-m Qte Ifading 1l/08/88 01 5W H Qte defeats L P EBatherstone 11/09/88 03 1Judge W H ate has majority in &-ion returns 11/10/88 01 5FBjorities for W H Qte holding up lI/13/88 01 1L P Featherstone q s he has hen elected to Qngress ll/15/88 01 5

Official returns fran 12 comties &m Jdm M CLayton ahsad 11/13/88 04 2Comaete, off iudl returns shw Breckinridge won & 832 11/14/88 04 2Jchn M Clayton to anhest election of C R Breckirrridqe 11/16/88 04 2Th&t o£ Mlot box at Plunerville is hsis for challenge 1L/16/88 04 2Um@ete, cff idal returns, by county, &ow Breckinridge won 1l/18/88 02 1Article aralyzes Negro vote for Jchn M CLayton in Jefferson 11/18/88 02 5Article daims Republ iaan fraud in vutes for J M Clayton 11/18/88 03 5Editorid on stden Mlot bx at Plunemille 11/18/88 04 2Looking into the election (ed) 11/18/88 04 2Artide q s 500 illegdl vutes cast for CL~ton in JeEferson 11/22/88 03 1Witorial discusses dmrges of dection fraud 11/22/88 04 2El. brado ppr claims Negroes wet& to Jeff ermn 8 to vote 11/27/88 02 1Union Qmty Negroes allegedly got free Fasage to JeEferson 1l/27/88 02 1Jdf erson election judges arrested for allwing illegal votes 11/29/88 01 6Sweral Negroes charged in Jeferson Cb far illegal votingSuranary d talk ly C R Breckimidge at Pine BluffRe*offer $1,000 for arrest o£ Phnerville Mlct thi&mRES - EUXSE - AFS DIST 03?hams C Mmae to seek redectionD E Barker seeks Dem minationJ&n A <strong>An</strong>slqr is Union Labor candihte in Dist 3D E Barker is candidate for seatThanas C McRae respo- to criticinn a€ D E BarkerD L Barker anavers charges made ky T C McRae in opn letterL P Ross corrects statement of D E Barkermas C McRae joins in elebration of IMn win in ArkResolutions ~assed ky DEms who renominated Thanas C MmaeMr McSae and the Wheder s (ed)Hcw the Union Labr Earty bows to capture electionThanas C McRae to spak at TexarkamJahn A <strong>An</strong>dq may sue those who clasdfy him as allarchistT C McRae greeted at Murf reeshorolhanas C McRae wins r eelectionElection returns still ming inMore &Ledion returns m e inMore amties hard frcmCam@Leter cff iual returns, by aomty, &ow McRae wonCOIGRESS - HaTSE - ZHK DIST 0 4Cbl G W Murghy to seek nomination for seatJchn H Rprs to seek reelectionSuggestions made b~ G W MqhyJ&n H RDgers seeks reelectionG W Mur@-~y discusses timing of Congressional amassJ&n H lbgers nmhted ky Democrats as candihteRoaee&ncg of Bm mnv that rrrmkted Jchn H I r SJdm H Rogers accqts r enmination ly BmocratsJchn H mrs addresses voters at Hot S~inqsJhn H Rqers opposed !y Isaac Meracken far seatJchn H bgers wins reelectionElection returns still ming inMore election returns m e inlvbre amties heard f ranCam@eter aEfi&al returns, by county,COIGRESS - HaJSE - ARK DIST 05J H Ragers won

Democrats S W &el and E P Watson to lx on Nwgnber ballotUmrganized anditions king some appchension to DemsDemocrats to hold corn to select mineeCbnvakion in the Fifth District (ed)E P Watson fledges to withdrav if Repub is ncanimtedE P Watson reEuses to suhnit his name to Dan nominating cowEEtorial expresses regret at decision of E PWatsonJchn Gates is ~obakily Union Labor ondi&te aqinst &elE P Watson ompigs at HmtsvilleS W Re1 is nmhe a€ Ikinocratic BrtyProceeding of am that rerrrmimted S W PselSian W Feel wins redectionElection returns still anning inmre election returns wme inmre election returns me inCornflete, ~fidal returns, ly aounty, &owS W &el wonCT)NERESS - SENWEGw S P Huaes mys he is not candihte for cff icemmE, JCHNsee alsb M.x&rs and Attanpted Murders03NTAMINRTED FOODsee Ebod Contamination and Poisoningmwmwsee Religious OrdersCDWAYsee alsosee alsosee alsosee alsosee alsosee almsee alsosee almsee alsr,see alsosee alsosee al~psee alsosee alsosee alsosee alasee alsasee alsoAlaholic BeveragesAssaults and Disorderly CbndCzctBankruptciesCbmml-iies and mctariesDisease and IllnessEducation and SchoolsEnLertainnerrtFires and FirenenHotelsHousingIndependent Order of Odd FellawsMurders and Attensed MurdersNews Briefs - CorwayEb1 icemic LibrariesReJ, igionRobberies and TheEtsBung Men' s Christian AssociationArticle on twn of Qrww includes several @-i&ogra@~s 03/21/88 05Photogra@ o£ myor Louis C Lincoln 03/21/88 05Dmocrats dmose minees far mmicipl aEf ices 03/30/88 08Resd ts of micipll d ections 04/05/88 01Severd. new tuildings now m&r mnstruction 07/10/88 02Bminess tuilding going up at Rant and North 09/18/88 02m A Y mmsee a1 so<strong>Arkansas</strong> - Blitics and E3 ectionssee alm Cbngress - House - AtkDist 02see a1190 Cbngress - Hause - Ark Dist 02see alm Immigration and migration

see also Rimnssee also FrchiEtion RrlyReturns in Dm pianry 05/24/88 01 3Lkmocratic aounty aow held 05/27/88 01 4Morrilton Sbr mys Negro on Repub ticket spells defat 06/02/88 03 5Dmocr atic nominees named U7/3l/88 01 2Democrats arrange for gala politi-1 rally at Morriltan 08/25/88 01 2Large rally h&d at Morrilton for Democratic candidates 08/26/88 01 1Abut 5,000 Democrats hold rally at Wrril ton 09/0y88 01 2Democrats celebrate return to pwer in county 09/0y88 01 6Celebrating Democrats hold mock funeral for Replbl icans 09/06/88 01 5Alleged election outrages pinted in St Louis Globe-Democrat 09/06/88 05 1Editor d lvbrrilton Star aent in£anous reg to St Louis gaper 09/06/88 05 1Report claimed Dems medmilitia, &ath arsats to win 09/06/88 05 1Dmocr ats holding pol it i d rall ies 10/13/88 01 2Gen Charles Cbffin addresses Dgn rdly at brrilton 1U02/88 03 2Democratic enthmiasn m s hi* on eve a€ election 11/04/88 01 1m A Y r aARLEYsee also Sex CrimesOOWAY, FREDsee also EoliceOXWAY, JOE Dsee alsa <strong>Arkansas</strong> - Iblitics and ElectionsJudgeCbrway addressesplitical rally inHmpteadCounty 08/03/8801 2Spaks at Democratic rally - in Saline Cbunty 08/1v8805 1&, ELEAsee alm Accidmts and Safetyax>EY, Ja3Nsee al sxs Murders and Atteqted Murder smK, WILEYDeserts wife in hulkner Qmty for Spingfidd widrrwCOPELEWD, JIMsee al m Murders and Attensed Murder sCDRN, LEEsee also Murders and Attenaed Murders - CorncDRR3RaL EUNISHMENTsee aim VigilantesCD'EIAM, JAMES RCbmmerrts on theEt of maski Comty pllbooksOOTIONseeAgriculture~~ BELT Ra3TEsee St Louis, Arkanws and Texas RailroadCOTlDN RMTsee also Ihi+ts of Homrsee alm News BrieEs - Cotton Elantmm, GIORGEsee a1 so Murders and At temrjed Murders03UmFErrmTcm E Sullivan arrested on charge a€ pssing bogas money 09/29/88 05 2Three men arrested at Arkadelaia on counterfeiting charge lv2v88 01 5Seventy-five lb of ajunterfeit silver allars found 1vX/88 01 2mKIS - ARK - CIRCUlT OXTR'I'List aE posecutors elected 09/16/88 06 4

UXWS - ARK - CIRCUIT QWKT EST 05Judge George S Cunninc&an assaulted ly Atty AS MeHemn OY19/88 01 2McKennon attacked Judge Cmnincjhan with pcket-knif e 05/19/88 01 2De&iils of &fair bebeen Judge CSmin*an and A S McKennon 05/23/88 06 1Judge G S Cmnincjm writes on diff idly with A S McKemn 05/27/88 04 5A S McKennon fined for assamt on Judge G S Cmnin@mn 12/14/88 02 2COURTS - ARK - CIROU'HT Q3UEYT MST 06 - EMXEIXlTING pFIT)RNEXGerman ppr urges election of Mtert J Lea 05/33/88 04 4Germans want Gray Grrcill &fated because he opposes beer 05/l3/88 04 4Opponentsof Lea rcferredtoas "beer-guzzlindlbtch of LRn O<strong>vl</strong>3/88 04 4Publication in <strong>Arkansas</strong> Baeist aontains German statements O5/l3/88 04 4Robert 3 & says G rq Qrrdl seen drinking in saloons 05/13/8804 4Gray mrroll denies calling Germans "beer-guzzling Dutd~" OV15/88 05 2Gray Carroll makes lengthy reay to Robert J Lea 05/15/88 05 2Walian Nickell critid. CYI BaNist f amtiurn 05/16/8802 3Willian Nickell says Germans swrted Carroll in last race 05/16/88 02 3Wjllian Nickdl writes stinging r h k e to Gray Qrroll 05/16/8802 3Sane Lomke Qunty residents support J J Lsa position 0!5/17/88 04 3J N Hall ments on that "Dutchn muddle 05/20/88 04 4R J nomira ted by Democrats 06/02/88 05 2mm - ARK - SURm OXTmW 3 Wal is Union Labor Rrty minee for Chief Justice Os/O2/88 03 1Manination of W J EuVral ky Won Labr withdramoy.oq-ss 02 2Table &ws oounty instructions for each candihte 05/30/88 04 30 D Smtt is Union Labr FbrW oandihte for Chi& Justice 08/10/88 03 3Union Labor mndihte 0 D Smtt is a Republican, Gazette says 08/11/88 04 2Speculation on sucoesrsor to Assoc Jlzstice W W SmithM T Sanders merrtioned as re@aaement: for Judge SmithSweral mes mentioned as possik3.e reglacement for SmithPine BluEf Bar ~anates W E Hanincpay for vacancyJudge M T Sanders metioned as suitable fa vacant seatFranklin Ibwell sugqmted t o fill vamnqmm - ARK - SUFRm mKr - DECISrnNS02 26 06 1 03 11 02 2 03 18 023 03 25023 0408 02 204 15 02 2 04 22 02 2 04 29 02 2 05 13 02 2 05 20 01 40527 022 06 10022 06 17 022 06 2406 2 07 01 06 1W 08 06 1 10 14 06 1 10 21 03 4 10 28 03 3 11 11 02 111 18 06 1 12 09 02 2 12 16 06 1 12 23 06 3C0UW;T; - US - DIS'IRIm OF EPSTEKN ARMSIPSDewy drives wagon 116 miles to bring prisoner inCOUKE - US - DISTRICt' OF WESTERN ARHWSASJudge Isaac C Bxker rdes in case affecting Indian landsFbur men arrested on charge of killing Jeff Smith in NationJose* Basely dies in f e ra1 jail at Ebrt SmithTWO murders reprted in Indian TerritoryFrimners try to hrn their way out uf jail at Fort SmithThree p5soners escape f ran US jail at Fbr t SmithDeath sentenoe of Willian Alexander mutt ed ky Q evdandJudge Isaac C mr ker r eonnmended commutation for Al exanderMurderers of DepMaraall Willian lrwine arrestedSeva-cil wisoners ought in f ran Indian Territoryfive men to hang for crimesFres Cleveland commutes death senten- of Dick SoutherlandVerdict in murder a€ hrk Garret in Indian Territory

Several criminals kouat in fran Indian Territory 04/17/88 01Batch of crimhls lodged in US jail 04/20/88 01Phr&als bring in 41 priso~rs fran Indian Territory 04/26/88 01George Mss. Chen D Hill, Jack Crw hanged at US jail 04/28/88 01History cd crime mat 1 ed to execution of 3 crirnhls 04/28/88 01Saems described at hanging of Hal, bss and Crw Oq28/88 01Jeff Hilderkand, mder death sentence, dies in US jail 05/0l/88 01Verdict in case c% 4 acaused in death cb Tan Sp-adling 05/02/88 01Gus Bogles sentenced to hang for mmkr 05/11/88 01Swerzil criminals Ixoucj~t in f ran Indian Territary Os/lV88 01Cburt hsiness suspended baame cf shortage of f rnds 05/22/88 01Whol esal e sent end ng by Judge Isaac Par ker 05/25/88 01GusBogles serb=encedtohangfor murder in IndianTerritory 05/27/8808Batch of comicts being sent to <strong>Arkansas</strong> *nitenbiary 05/3l/88 01Slayers of Texas Deputy Sheriff lad-d in federd jail 06/0l/88 01Tan Shim sekenaed to 8 yrs for murder 06/22/88 01A J Blackwdl charged with murder o£ J&n Rodse in Indian T 06/23/88 01Killing of clourt o£f icids attrihted to fulding shortage 07/03/88 01Ammlt Q£ hanging of Gm Bogles for murikr in Indian Terr 07/07/88 01Gus Bogles made desprate attang to escape on eve aE hanging 07/07/88 01GLE Bogles was 59th victim o£ cpllws at Fort Smith07/07/88 01US I%r&als bring in ~isoners and propre cb slain I@r&zil 07/10/88 01Willim Laer lodged in jail on &age aE murderJoe Mxtin arrested for murder in Indian Territorynot disoovered to rdase ~isoners Eran US jailDaniel Thanpon charged with murder in Indian Terti toryDesperate crimimls f rcm Indian Territory lodged in jailFe&ral jail at Fbr t Smith crwded w i pisomrs ~Amther kt& aE criminals arrive fran Indian TerritoryJudge Isaac C Br ker makes impz essive dnarge to Grand JuryFederal jail at Fbr t Smith contains 144 innatesThree c~micted of attern* to hap pimrsers esap&cap atkin* thwarted Icy yardsSeveral mrrvicts sent to pison in LitUe RockMore federal mnvicks sent to <strong>Arkansas</strong> State BnitentiaryList af pimmrs brouc#t in fran Indian TerritoryRidmrd Smith mnvicted of dihlital mder in Indian TerrSwen pisoners brouc&t in £ran Indian TerritoryMurderer br ou* t in f ran Ind an TerritoryIndian Territory oattlman sent to grimn for rllstlingDr J&n E%cD3ugal acquitted on chg of attang to murder wifeMrs Jahn McDmqal, Jc<strong>An</strong> Taylor arrested after trialLewis Burrws on trid for- killing father-imlm in Territory 09/11/88 01Three men krought in to face murder charge 09/1l/88 01<strong>An</strong>nie Morgan ordered to jail for crrntmpt of court 09/14/88 01List af crimimls sentenced to @son 09/15/88 01Death sentence o£ Bnmaneul lkttersan amnutted to life 09/16/88 01Lewis Burrows sentenced to hang 09/16/88 01List af oonvidzs sent to <strong>Arkansas</strong> State Rison 09/16/88 04Father convicted of killing his own child 09/23/88 01Three men f ran Indian Territory arrested on murder aunt 10/12/88 01W G Sonder mrwi&edl onmurder charge hrou+t in Indian Terr 10/l3/88 01Large nunber Q€ cdfm&rs kou$~t in fran Indian Territory 10/14/88 01Group of criminals brou* t in f ran Indian Territory 10/%/88 01

WTETWO fomd wile of manslaurplter in death a€ JeEf SmithA J Blackwdl rejoices over aaquittal on murder &argeThree murderers sentenced to hangJail oontains WO prisonersJmes Mills convicted of murder in Indian TerritcqFLias C Boudinot Jr to go to trial on murder chargeDewy hrhd T C Wdker kin* in p5soners f run Indian TTrial. af aias C Boudimt Jr begins in federal courtFrank Cap1 lodged in jail on murder &g in Indian NationELias C Boudimt Jr aaquitted of murder chargeMore Indian Territory ~imners 1-d in jailDeputy I%r*al J M I.=nnis Aut in Choctaw Nation <strong>An</strong>@ Weks 12/06/88 01Swecal criminals tarou*t in fran Chickasaw amtry 12/06/88 01ksseys aom icted of mslau~ter 12/09/88 01News of Indian Territory crimes 12/1l/88 01Janes Martin, Indian Negro, mnvidted of rmndauqhter 12/21/88 01MBbrertan, CSWilsonchgdwi~murderinIndianNation l2/2Y8801wmm, JCHNsee also Bicydes and BicydingCOX, TLMorril ton man mentioned as next state Earntion Supt 02/2V88 02cox, Inrm Lsee alsw, <strong>Arkansas</strong> - Mic Instruction Superintendentax, mTERsee also Murders and Attensed Murdersmy, L W (MRS)see al rn Childr en and YouthrnYLE, EZlIsee also Murders and AttanRed MurdersaYLE, WILLsee ala Murders andAttem&ed MurdersCRAGHEaD mI'?IYsee also IYurers and Attmged Murders - HollenanReturns in Ilgn pimaryReturns in Dm pimaryResults £ran DaTl pimqDemocratic mwty mrw hadAgriailtural Wheel puts out date a€ cztndihtesAgricultural Whed mimtes full slate of candihtesDemocrats hald grand rally at Jonesboro-HEAD OXINT'Y SUNsee Nwsgaprs(llU!vrnS, J Esee also <strong>Arkansas</strong> - Gcwernormmm mmsee a193 Murders and Attanged Murderssee also Riversmlitical navs f run CrmfardDemocrats meet. make minationsDemocratic county mnv heldAlma interests want county divi&d into two districtsRepublicans nmimte date of officersmlitiml activity picking up in oountyDemocrats hold grand raly at Five SwinqERGEC

Negroes tald Democrats flamed to blar up their durch house 09/ll/88 04 3Repub1 icans @an qui et str ateqy to carry county 10/26/88 03 1C R ~ mmm GLives on her Saline Cbmty farm most of the time 04/06/88 05 3CREDITUsmy act to be tested in Turner vs alterh house at Helena 02/22/88 01 1mmmr J CTestifies in gxob of &atb a€ peak at Ark Insane Asylun O4/10/88 03 1CRIME AND CR1KINAT.Asee also Cbmterfeitingsee also Qurts - US - District cd Western <strong>Arkansas</strong>see a1m Fires and Firmensee also Ganhlingsee also Kilt.lap@.ngsee also Mur&rs and Attaneed Murderssee alsr, M.~der s and Attmgked Murderssee Fornograghy andOhsr=eniwsee also Etisonssee also Qmntrdll s Guerrillassee also Robberies and TheEtssee also Sex CrimesCharlieWillians, aNegro desperadb, czlpuredat PineBluff 02/23/8801 3Large psse searches for Frank Brown, plbse RorieinStone Q 02/26/88 02 2Sever& Stone (bmty residerks arreed for aiding Rorie 02/26/88 02 2bbn fined, jailed far 10 mins for &o&ing a man 03/03/88 01 4List of criminals wanted by Asif f s in Ark 03/loJ88 04 6Comterf eiter Jim Fuwdl, Cb Qrway Qmty, is under arrest 0$/10/88 01 6FrankBrawnaa~uredaf&rfourysarsof dudingofficers 05/11/8802 2J N Alvimn killed Icy cdficers trying to arrest him Os/ly88 01 1Hot Spdn~ policeman kidapped, &used by gang, rdsased 07/1l/88 01 2Acmunt aE terroristic thrsats ky Ran&lgh Qunty gang 07/15/88 08 3.E R VaucJmn, P N Goetz, H G Gue are victims of Rancblfi gang 07/1v88 08 1Ku4UuxarrestedareOrlBeckum, ClaibGlasm. RankDavis 07/15/8808 1KuXlux arrested include &an Mlinger and Hemy C Hite 07/15/88 08 1P N Goetz poperty destrqted, H G Gue fired upon ky R~fUux 07/15/88 08 1RanIblm Cbmty gang called thenselves Ihillux W/lV88 08 1Copd af warning letter sent to Eli Vau&an by Kufllux 07/17/88 04 5Notmiow outlw m ed Wash MiddLeton shot to death at Jasper 07/18/88 01 2Wash Middleton. native of Nekaton Qunty, has killed 25 men 07/18/88 01 2Charley Ferkins terrorizes Rocky Comfort area 07/28/88 02 2No one dares arrest suns of Wash Middleton in Newton Cbmty 08/09/88 02 2Iifward to b~ p id to W& fiddleton killer 08/09/88 02 2Sonsof Wash Middletonescap jail. areathaneinNwton Q 08/09/88 02 2Ran&l@~ Ootmty gmg called "<strong>Arkansas</strong> White CAp" 11/16/88 05 1Trid of Calvin B&an in Raniblm Cbunty outrages 11/16/88 05 1Trid aE Rank Davis, Qabe Glasgow inRan&l& Cb outrages 11/16/88 05 1Trid o£ Hmry C Hite. Bran Mlinger in Ran&lgh Cb outrages 11/l6/88 05 1Arthur Fbyle attemljs t o hike his way out of jail 12/08/88 03 1CRISP, GEXGEsee also Sex Crimesmmmm mNTYsee also Murders and Attemgked Murderssee also NegroesAsa Hodges, a Reprb, is on Pemouatic t ick t far d &ion 08/01/88 04 3

New clerk apintedFarmer Assessor J W Rooks asks Gw Huc$~es for potectionCRmmlEN- RCBERTsee also <strong>Arkansas</strong> - CapLtol Buildingsee alm <strong>Arkansas</strong> - HistorymOCKETT. mvIDGreat granc2son born at Mittmmm. RtBERT HEklitorial -11s fa Crockett to return to politicsWill mt seek Congressional seatQmpligs for dection of Clweland for ResidentMakes plitiml spech at <strong>Russel</strong>lvilleAd& esses Dmocratic rdly at Appl &on.Ebp? QmtySpeaks far Democrats in Atkins rallyDemocratic Club at Saottsville (Pop Co) named for CrockettSpends 2 weeks in mp and Corway Qmty speaking for IkmsPurchases house in Stuttgart. where he glans to moveCRCGBY. W Esee also Pinnade S ~ings(RCE;S mmmocratic primary hadRmocratic convention hddNEW murtkouse at VannWe clomflebdCR(36rS OXlNPY CH-IQIEsee Newspprsmas. mARDsee also Fires and Firmenma%. HJRAMsee also Fires and Rranenmas. rnLIAMsee alm Murders and Attmged Murdersmmm. EDsee a1 m Sex CrimesAGO U ~ ~see ~ E J D RepuHican BrlyaJFiNmGHAEUZ CHARLES Esee also Agriailturd Whed.see alm Union Labr RrtyIhotogra& o£ Natioral Won Labor candihte for Viae PresCUrnHAM, GEDIGE Ssee alm Qmts - Ark - Circuit Cburt Dist 05QTlsmmGHAM. J Psee also Ud~r s and Attanned MurdersalRTls. GrnIRGEsee also Murders and Atteneed Murdersas3. B msee Quesenbry. WillianCYPERT. JaN Msee also <strong>Arkansas</strong> - mlitics and FJectionssee also Frdibition BrtymE, GDFGEWsee alm Mines and MineralslxJxsee also Methodist Churd~

W P S AND WALCRCN TELEENmE COsee Tele@~onesWLm CDumsee alm Murders and Attensed MurdersEblitical newsDePnocr ati c primari es h d dDemocratic munQ cx>w hddmwasFaUkner Cbmty village gets poskdf iceWNrnrnE GrnJGEsee also Murders and Attemged MurdersDWVILLEBrief artidle on Yell County townrnrnEr,LEsee also Bankssee also Disease and Illnesssee aim Fires and Firanensee alm NEWS Briefs - Dar&nellesee a1 sx, Robberies and Th & tsAxtide on emnamic and socia oonditions of tarnList cd Ixlsinesses and MsinesmenPublic hall and opra house to be hiltUWYNELLE l!ND WESTERN RAILROADArtidles of inaxgoration filedm. E Asee also Atkinssee dla, HousingmvLS. M Ksee aim Qrime and CriminalsWVIS. M Ysee also Murders and Attem@ed Murders - DavisWVZS. zws Lsee also TaxationJIVE. JEFFSpaker at Dmocratic rally in Van Buren BmtyCampigs far Democratic candihtes in Stone Uxmty&esi.dential &lector mndihte sgeaks at BeberAd& esses cravd of 3.000 at Augustamks at rally in Grant CbmtySpaks at Ebrdyoe rallymaks at HazenQlled 'the young Dmoaatic giant a€ the NorthwestTDavis said to be able to captivate au&enaesmvE. W S-1s mwual Newton Cbunty weather in 1862I3AVE-RELNrn Q3see Qmpnies and RctoriesIYWS. A JTestifies in ~obemm. J Msee also Fires and FiranenWY msee NewspipersDm, C Ca€ Cbal Hill pison aamp

Etivate secy to Mj J&n D Adms abmnds with ao fur& 1Q/l3/88 01 5DErn mmTYsee Capibl Funidme&IllwIRssee also Berrjanh, MWsee alscl Disease and Illnesssee alm Insectssee also J&nsn. Rid~ard H (Mrs)see also W&rs and Attempted Murderssee also Queserhry, Williausee also Smtt. A Dsee a1sn Smith. W WAdamst WillAkenes, HenryAlexander. rCelly (Mrs)Illredd, Fkarrtz<strong>An</strong>is, Lewis<strong>An</strong>derson. Bnq. milyArl ingt on. NellieArlington. W TArney, GeorgeAshley, mvidAtkins, EllaAustin, J LBailqr, 'IhanasBailq, W HBales, Aliue LeeBallardL J FBarha. Janes NBxnes, MdieBarnett. N VBar ton. LandrunBates, M W (Mrs)Beebee, R LBeidler. <strong>An</strong>anda JBerry, F GBodEi*, George SBowell, J SBour mrd, J DRwers, RaylxlrnWd, C HBradlq, J WBragg, J&n WBraz &ton. W A,Brewster. LeeBran misyBrmn. EBrwn, W TMa?, JanesBdl~~k, EBurke, J HBurns, G T (Mrs)EWse. Albert EByme, Alexm a y

Qllaway, Jmes LCarberry, Lda&rmi&ial. EkitherCarter. B~gene VaneCastleberg. ChristianChar1 est on. Pbr th aChase, PmasaChurdl, m (Mrs)Claybrook, W P DCluck. ALQyhrne. G A (Mrs)Qqburn, F!wenaCble. Laura COnlbr, J FConn. W G8mr. WillieQnner. Wjlliemoper. Jchn JCboper- NewtCostello, Rid-mrdQmt s, JanQwne. R Lax, Jchn TQwford, Lillie MQim. BenQui se. Janmvis, B BIZiv is, JdmDawmn. Laura EDemrchi. BankDe'4Tampert. J L&m.BurnettDickinson. HarvqDou@~ty, Jchn WDratt. GeorgeIlrees, SoghieTXmhan. J Starr JrDye, LucianWer. Rebeccabqle, VictoriaEchan, VirginiaEEkon. WillianEll inwood, Ful askiEllis, H CBnbry, JuliaEhgli&, J&nEhnis, Jchnmans, WillianFall. Ben Fhrr. 2 P HFEmlkner. GeorgeFears, W TFeeton, Jchn WFenton. Jchn

ARRWSPS GAZ ETl'E INDEX 1888Fergclson- RossFerqson. W TE'idikr. J RF'indlon, Austinfinlq, P FEletcher. Sarah AElian, FslcjeneFoss. CharlesFrman. AlmaEYeanan. NettieGalla&=. Octavia MGalligan. hryGarher. J W (Mrs)Garrison. Oll iverGill. <strong>An</strong>nieGoihin, Nlen MGolden, JackGoman, HenryGrw, W GGreennore, Mry AGregg, Hiran (Mrs)Grq, Willian HGmwdl, J MHacyood, JmesHaines, BillyHall. J&nHall. J&nHall, BrthaHandfor d, Jose@Hankins. QrrollHardy. W AHarrison. SanHart. J&n DHaydbn, RHayes, J M<strong>Henderson</strong>. JimHertzog, Jmes TuckerHesting, Will ianHwitt. Jchn MHicks, mryHiglqr, CarrieHill. Mses D (Mrs)Huaes, George AHunter. mvid&den, mtIngran. BrthaIrvin, Jd?n HJackson. LucyJambon. RichardJanes, Bdle CJmes, HuseJarard, MJarrett. R JJeEf ri es,

Jenkins, W RJoel, J O S ~ ~Jchnson CharlieJchnmn. Walie (Miss)Jchnstone. Char1 esJones, EZisterJones, W HIhdel. WiJXanECeeky. JchnKeeky. John HKenmi rd, R Hfing, Nor ahKing, RobbieKi rten. WilliamKrmer. anma LouisaKreuitzer. E&ardKump --- m)Bhykendzill, RterKyle, MirtbaLa Belle, CharlesLackey. WillianLadell e, (31 arl esLance, FrankLaurie. WiseLaws. C WLayman, Fademr. NancyLegg, WfiliimLepp EklLindxy. W B (Mrs)Litz enberger. JambLivin~ton. A FLong, mllyme, F'rankme, Vernewon, A Wbchin, &ruernlory, S Wbnsfidd. Willh r ks , JesseMxler. LukeEms, mtildabrrs, W A (Mrs)hrtin, EEhahrtin, S Wmrtin, SnortMar ti ndal e. W WMmon. R EFhtthews. WillimMayes, W ZMcAlpine. WMcfallister- Gearge LMcCamon. Jim HMd2iil.q. Janes

Wlintock, ElmerMdkane. JchnMcCrary, EWMcDnid, H FMcmnid, JchnEacDemott. ThanasMcDomld. RHWrq. J JMclWen. FatieMcFadden. NiceMcmdden, MiaMGan, FsaMGinlqr. JackMcGregor. <strong>An</strong>drewMGuire. EttaWuire. HoseaMcKinney, GeargeMcLaualin, EhtPlcLean, S H (Fks)McSwain, Luq&ek, Janes Ebrrick, <strong>An</strong>nie AMer &on. JambMrqer. MAMiller. Jchnfiller. S PMillifin, JanesMills, mcyMoor e. JacksonWler. BerthaPUqhy, BridgetNurmy, J&n A~edqr. PbrgaretNelson. lvadisonOtKellqr, lUva AO'Neal, I*mGOl iv er . Hem i ettaOliver. HenryOrsi. GWander. J J Per ton- Lovici e&en, Helen BpeBrk, W HRxker. GreenFbrker . R Layne, Lewis EPenn. H GRnningt on. George&rkinimn. MsePerq, A JBrry, lllfred

WTEHGECBters, J EFeters, John%dm. UriahPistorcazi, <strong>An</strong>geloPitban. P S (Mrs)RIP. HerbertRatt. Jesse RE l r e . J WFrewette. ELiFrince, SdliePu*, M YR.~qh. MarkEMlen, C A Ws)Puryeau, W WRadakin, J&nRatcl iff. HamseRead, JahnRearan, SFWtor. Charlq SRedding, WesleyRednond, Char1 es PReese, JMieReeves, J ERewes, Janes RRqnol&, W JRichardson. SallieFtigq, QarkRing, JoelRoberts. DinRoberts. J Nbbertmn. JeEfRcqers, Nbettbssner- firm FranciskaRuffin, <strong>An</strong>nieRup, Jan<strong>Russel</strong>l. Willian (Mrs)Ihrtherf ord Archibald Hsdloeles. RankSeamans. MSengle, WanaSwers, Charles JShennan, LanaShockly, ThanasSimmon. LouisSmith, Jabez MSmith, Wen ASneed, C RSotkhdl. (WS)Splngla. JeffS~inger . Char1 esStafford, W J-lings, Zahariah HStanlq, J&EStemens. Bra M

Stevmson. Clara mtter sonStillm. IdaSton&.@ er . RobertStwer. BobStrack, BnmaStrange, JchnStratton. A SStroud, JanSmmerville, (Mrs)Sungter. Gar1 es SSkandy. WilliamSrJitzer. mttieTanner. W WTaylor. OrangeTanple, J&nryTemnt, PhrgueriteTerry, M LakeTerry, RebecaaTerry, nrn!Ihirrionl kraelusThanas, August usIhanas, mttZhan~on. Milton W'Ihan~on. Sue Fbor eTorrqr, FQttie MarherTrigg, MatTrigg, WalianTrimble, Bvid (Mrs)Trotter, JoeTurner. BlakeTurner. Eiviemitly. S GVau*an, J&nWaddell, Lomi eWade. WardWade, Wasdl I%rshdlWalden, TerryWalker. CemgeWalker. TobeWalker. TanWdlace, JoeWalple, Mry ElizabethWalters, EGWard, BdWarren. J JWarren. Jahn JayWarren. MathanWarren. RidmrdWatson. B MWatson. Joci eWatson. Jahn M (Mrs)Watters, BruaeWe, B CWelch, ThanasWTEElGE C

ARFANSAS GAZ E!l?IE INDEX 1888Wdls, Josegh 07 20 02 2West, S P W s) 09 16 05 6Whitaker. Bessy 05 22 01 4White. J M 04 26 02 3Whit~y, hry 07 28 01 3Wiggins. Willian 05 02 05 2WUlett. bxicie 12 04 05 2Williams, Gus 08 03 02 2Williams, J C Nrs) 07 10 01 4Willians, J W (Mrs) 11 13 02 2Will ians, Joe 04 13 02 2Williams, Jahn N 04 12 05 1WLlliansr FtUq 10 30 04 5Willians, Sam 08 14 02 3Wilson. IQry H 03 18 05 1Wilson. 07 12 02 2woodruff. mvid 06 01 05 1woods, Hannah 04 22 01 2Worthy, Wil.liam 06 16 02 2Wri*t, autch" 05 22 03 2Wriat, George H 08 30 01 6Wri&t. hry 06 02 01 6Wright. Pattie 10 23 02 2Wright, T A 10 11 04 3 10 11 05 1 10 12 05 3Yeiser. Jan G 0913 03 1Yell. I8rlmia (Mrs Jmes Yell) 11 13 02 2Yofley, T D W 06 U7 04 4Zeiler. IUols 06 29 02 2DEBT, alNSUMERsee CreditDELWGHTER. Esee also Firesand firmenCIES-IRQUENCY ON DEBTSsee CreditDF,raWIC PARWState oonvention meeting date to be set to&ySunmary of ~ooeeding of state Central Qmmittee meetingCEf icidl call issued far meeting of state mnventionOfficial mll isstled for meeting of state cornentionDelegates arriving in LR for state mhting cowerrtionGubernatwidl ondiibtes take roms at Gpital Hotel.Members of Democratic state aentral mittee 1 istedTable &ws mtnty instructions for eack state o£f iceList af delegates attending state nminating cowCbrr ected and can@, ete 1 ist aE delegates to state mruNotes on Rmocratic state oow rpw getting under wzyCbngresdoml Dist delegates to mtl mnv &osenB B Hu-ns is bn, J EWillians secy of state LEm mmProceedings of lmocratic state asmentionState oomention ogens at Qpim Theater in Little RockDelegates to mtioral convation selectedDemocratic state mnvention hddGazette urges Democrats to organize for campig ahmd

Qndidates nminated far Chief Justice, Trsasurer. Ate GenCorn bllcts 26 times without naming gbermtarial choicebimting speaes made for gubermtaid aandidatesNanhtion of S P Hu*es made by Junius JordmProceedings of state mhting oomationNunination of J&n G Fletcher made ky George W CxuthNunination of Wfilian M Fid~kack made ky J G -theNunination of ELias W Mkor made ky Jhn M HarrdlGubernataria can&&te not chosen after 70 ball& sThe state oomerrtion (ed)Cbnvention becoming unruly after lengthy ballotingGubernatorial. candidate not chosen after 85 ballotsSane anvention delegates leave for hane after 85tA lcallatGazette pints names of hstrudxd WegatesXbgs @aff arm, names uentral state mitteeNanhting corn deadlocked after 125 ballots on GwProueeljlings of mirating wrnrentionWilliam M Rshback withdraws his name f ran namimtionBtoridl. analyzes P-sons for deadlockStatement OE W M Hdbck withawing as contenderConvention ends &adlock, minates Janes P Ease fa GavELias W Rector withdrew fran minations for GovManhating cornemtion mfletes state ticket and aitjournsProceeding of skate minating conventionCl weland Club or ganiz ed at LR to seek election of Dxtocr atsJ H Harrod connnends organizers of Democratic ClubClevdand club orgazined at ResaottClwdand Club of Little Rock meetsGazette urges organization of Qwdand ClukNews of Democratic meetin* in severdl aountiesDemocratic Club organized in Rilaski mmtyOLd Hickory Club organized at Little RockCleveland Club holds meeting at Little RockSpech of IZln W Jones to Qevdand Club of Little RockAllis Bldg in LR to serve as h-@carters of 1888 ompigMembers of Old Hicbry Club at Little Rock are activeMd Hicbry dub holds meeting at Little RockEkecutive aommittee a€ ad Hicbry Club meetsQevdand Club meets at Litfle RockFort Smith Dens hold ratification meetingBarbecue at Hot: Spiny attracts 6.000Large Democratic Club organized at Texarkamad Hickory Qub meets at LRReedings of State Central. bunitteeOpning the Danocratic state armpig (ed)Cleveland Club holds enthwiastic meeting at Little RockOld Nickory and PUlaski (3unty dub hold meetingCLevdand Club organized at Jonesbor oQLd HickDry Qub amen& its constitutionFourche Danocratic Club meetsEhthusiastic rdly had at HackettFranklin Cbtnty llms piss remlutionsE;Igle Democratic Club formed at LomkeCbl Zeb Ward withdrms fran Old Hickory Qub

Qld Hickory Club activitiesRaninent Danocr ats named honorary Qld Hicbry Qub menbersGav S P Hu@es speech to Democrats of maski (bmtyAddress of Democratic State Centrd Qmm to Ark votersDemocratic auks to hold state am in Little Rock in AugLittle Rock wards being organizedPulaski mmty prty pepres for state meetingB F Adair addresses Hendricks Club at InaimpolisOld Hickrq Qub prepring to entertain Dm clubSurrmary cd activities in various ar as of stateOld Hicbrv Club meets in Little RockSmary afAplitid. news frm different amties 08)03)88 03 1Rep C R Breckinridge med homrary Old Hicbry Qub menber 08/0v88 04 4S~eech of Jchn M Harrdl to voters of Nxikgomery Cbunty 08/0v88 10 1Clld Hickory dub has rousing meeting in Little Rock 08/09/88 05 1News of activities in sf£er errt amti es 08/10/88 03 2Reprations made for state meeting of Ihnocsatic dubOld Hickory Qub at Litue Rock holds meetingP D McCullwgh speak at JonesboroW PI Fid~kack speaks at Be&Democratic d& gathering in LR for state rallyEMhusiastic rdly had ky state club in Little RockWe1 mme address of Gw S P Hua es to Tkmocr ati c dukeList o£ delegates attending state Democratic auks oorwComnerrts on clomerrtlion of Democratic d.&sDemocratic dub being organized rapidlyClub organized in sewrd arasText a€ lr f ran U M Rose to Red Bm&m Democratic ClubComty &owing largest gain in Dm votes to receive hmrlhcrnas W Newton med homr ary member of Ebening Shade dubad Hickory CLub meets at Litfl e RockTexk a€ spech Icy Willian L Terry at JonesbroMd Hickory Qub dollates to ydlw fever suEferecs in FlaOld Hicbry Club responds to needs of ydlw fever victimsDr J M Bddl er ad& esses Old Hickory Qub at LitU e RockState Centrd Chtm meets to plan for Qng campigad Hickory Qub enmurages a f d.1 Danocratic votead Hickory Q ub hears sever a1 speakersOld Hickory Qub has rousing good hsiness meetingQnnnittees named at LR to get voters to pallsGazette urges Danmatic duke not to diskand after electionPerpetuate the dub (ed)Old Hickory Qub at Little Rock meetsCUd Hickory Qub to debrate Jackson1 s birthdayDErnNrnIDNSsee also Assaults and Disorderly CbndxckEe also Labrsee also Sex CrimesmIE LTME asee Compnies and JSctoriesDES ARCsee also News Briefs - Des ArcBrieE desuigion of Prairie Cbmty tamDESHA

ARKANSAS GAZCITE INDEX 1888see also Fi res and Ei renenDESHA COUNTYsee a1 so Murders and Attm#ed MurdersRepr t on Dem pimaryDanocrati c munty am hadRepuhl imns namhte candidatesFolitical sitrpation muddled I;y J Rnmyer: Jones rsigmtionDESHA Li%D AND TIlB ER Clsee Wood and Wood ProductsDEUELL,EVsee also <strong>Arkansas</strong> - Fblitics and ElectionsDIWALLS BLUFFsee alsd Independenae myBminess and praEessiora1 directory of tcwnLetter describes hsiness of twnDEVWGHN. J Bsee als~ IblioeUEWEY, EDsee also Murders and AttemFed Murdersmmsee alrso News Briefs - Mittsee also Robberies andTheEtsDEwm FREE Lmasee NewsppersMLLAElD, JIMsee a1 so Murders and Attensed MurdersrnSM3RE E H AResigs as minister to Gor saMinister to Qrsa will visit his haw at &yetteYillemy be named amisor to the king of QrtaMSAPPE~CE CASESsee rJtissing PerlgonsMSmE IWD ILLNESSwe also Rmd Contamination and misoringMmp raging in GomayArkadel@ia has mallpox scareRabid ibq bites two pxsons in Gnter mintPneunonia ~ evdent in Iardanelle ar saRattlesnake bite kills man in Little River Cbmty!bo children die at Des Arc of fluxChild bitten by rabid &g in Sevier CbuntyR-esmtt area experienaes great deal af sicknessSweral oses of dieeria rqgrted at mriamaCase af ma3lpox dismvered in jz$l at Fsrresk CityWhooping cou* has killed sever& infants in Brry QmtyFlux is wevalent in Bradley UxntyYouth killed bJ rattlesnake he oa@t with hire handsDysentery killing children in Logan QmtyDeaths among children at Judsonia beaming frequentMaria has killed several pose in Car1id.e araLittle Rock has mse a€ scarlet feverJ&naon Qmty experiences unusml momt of fatal illnessesDr C E Nash says he trated no mse a€ scarlet fever in LRUnusml treatment wed Ly Boom Qunty ran for slakebite

&laria and chills p-evail in Sharp BmtyGazette urges that LR dean up to maent ydlw feverClevdand Cotmty experiencing sichess. with several deathsCongestion killing Negro residents of HelmYellcw fever makes its appearam at Jackson. KssissiaAppearance of ydlm fever at Jackson. Miss. alarms <strong>Arkansas</strong><strong>Arkansas</strong> City, Hdera. Little Rock to be qmrantinedQmrantine set to head off appearance o£ ydlow feverLittle Rock citizens raising f mdEi £or ydlm fever victimsLittle Rock insists that Pknqhis have a strict qllarantineLetter pinks o& filthy spots in Little RockArkanms City imposes ironclad quxarrtine against ydlw fwLittle Rock Mayor warns Mm&is to keep strict qmrantineLittle Rock aahoriti es WOK k to ward off ydlw feverMetho& king used by kmmis in ydlw fever quarantineYellw fever qmrantine placed in e£f ect at TexarkamFalse runor says Little Rock has 2 cases of yellw feverHelena takes stern measures to keep out yellw fwerArmed qar& erdorce ydlaw fwer qmrantine at H d e mC T Kennedy rdutes runor of: ydlw fwer in BeardlenHealth inspectars to bard all trains aoming to Litle RockS B KirW asked to 1-e LR after arriving frcm fever distsDr Jchn Waters to serve as train inspector at lkmghisLittle Rock residents frilfitened by trmrder £ran fwer &stLittle Rock urged to arrange a sanibry system<strong>Arkansas</strong> City &ores rigid yd.1~fever quarantineBatesville orars sanitary measures to o event ydlw feverBtesville has had sweral cases of malaria with 2 deathsFrost at H d e m lessens fear o£ ydlw fwerBrinkley said to be qmr antined against the worldPaadstone wed to treit wanan hitten !y rahid dogDr T E Mmrell renwes eye cb Dr R P Wri*t at LRSeverzil deaths reported at Ssarcy fran same mysterious causeJamdice f s prevdlerh in Mountain ViewRhmatic patient forced to sleep in old home at Qwer BendChild bitten by rabid dbg is treated with macktoneRabid dog bites several persons at Mmmotb S~ingbd dog attwks Mrs Rolm in Benton QuntyMSWRES. ELLISsee also Murders and Attanljed Murders - DimukesMS-Y OONCUCI)see Asmats and Disorderly Qn&&IXSTILLERIESsee Alaoholic BwesagesMS'IRIQI HEFS&Dsee Wthodtist ChurchMvmmWillian E Gikon seek divaroe £run Delia Weigel GibonDenial made that Delia Weigel Gibon was not virtwusam. A C~mmces thdt of Plzlaski Cbunty pollbooksDOCGCN. rnVIDsee also WildLeems

seeIblicemm0E J Wsee also <strong>Arkansas</strong> - Land Cornmissionermm, PCsee also Republican RrQDORNif ASsee also Wder s and Attem@ed MurdersDORIS, B ETestifies in ~obe a€ Goal Hill pison campDORRIS. 0 ELetter on theEt of pollbooks in Pulaski CbmtyDOSWELL, FRANKLINsee also Cburts- Ark - wane Cburtmm. R EBmmces theft o€ Maski Cbunty pollbooksWUISBY. moMw Msee alm Mxders and Attem@edMurdersmmsee also Murders and Attengted Murderssee alsr, News Briefs - DoverArticle on Ebpe Gomty tamWNEY, IXNNISsee also Murders and Attemged MurdersIRAFCE. C Psee alrso Mines and MinerdsIwuE. J Csee also Inventions and IrrverrtmsM n Gsee Artwmw. rnEsee a19o Murders and Attenged MurdersmEw C X X J ~Political w sDmocr ati c primary hd dResults of Dan twnhip ~imariesDanocratic oounty am heldSocial and emmic characteristics of countyMocr ati c primari es r esul tsDemocrats organiz e for campigRepublicans meet. make few minationsEBd Joms speaks for Democrats at Pbntiaello ralyDRIW mm CANNm a3seeCmrmplnies and mctmiesmmmm- WILLsee also Pllrarders and AttmeedMurdersmm. CHARLES JTestifies in pmbe af Qal Hill pison mpEJFT'IE. A MCbn-ns theft of pollbooks in maski CbuntyDUMMY LINEsee Street Railwaysmm7 C Msee also Murders and Attmeed Murdersmmop, W S

see also Arkanas - Auditormm mmmmmsee alm Qngreas - Mouse - Ark Dist 01lXHvrsareprentsof new katy girl medAlaska RmnDURDON. EHAMsee also Murders and AttmFed MurdersDSTm. Hsee aim Murders and Attmgted MurdersmAC. WILLIAM Jsee aJm <strong>Arkansas</strong> Attormy Generalsee also <strong>Arkansas</strong> - Iblitics and ElectionsseealsoCburts-Ark-SupreneCburtmwsee also Fires and firenenEIY;LE, JAMGS Psee alm <strong>Arkansas</strong> - GaTernorIhotoqra* a€ Q1 FagleArtiCle on hane of Mt &gle in Lomke Cbmtyts RichwoodsDomtes to kuilding fwd of <strong>Arkansas</strong> Bapti st QllegeEhotoqraFfi o£ Mr Ea eIntenrimed while on way to Kentudy for visitIdeas for pimn re€mms discussed in interviewSqs pivate secretary mt yet sel ectedNmes Jchn C England to position of pivate secretaryServing as p-esiikrrt of <strong>Arkansas</strong> Bapist State CbnvElected president of Bagist State CbrrverrtionPurchases old Jchnmn mansion on East: 7th in LitUe RockJPGLE, JAMES P (MFS)Disaays hmor in interviewEARmUAKESWindbws rattled in Randal* Cbu~ty ky earthqmkeBLEX, GImERTsee a1 so Murders and Attanged Murders - EwlqEAST mmsmsee NwsppxEPST ELN(HZA MINING CT)see Plines and MinerasEBmEzER aMEMEETmsee Pkthodist Chur&EICHQLS. S Isee also Eaurders and Attangted MurdersMTECTIC MECeCAL 21SSOClXFlDNsee <strong>Arkansas</strong> Eclectic Medical AssociationEOCINCPEC CDNMTDNSReprt &aus hsiness of Little Rock to be hdthy100 reasons why Little Rock is desiral5I.e lacationGrwth of Little Rock illustrated with statisticsLittle Rock lxrsinessnen expect f dl trade to be kcavym m c IEVELOEMENTsee alm Cbmpnies and hctariesBri*t future a€ city aE Little Rock discussedGrmth ~ Little Rock manuEa&uring called ' astonhhing'Remuroes of Ark praised by Western Catholic at ChicacpROm&p of eaomic activity mound state

E J Itilyn writes on r muroes of LR for manu€acturing 05J27/88 06 2Little Rock emmy gowing 07/21/88 03 1Public survey of greatest needs of Little Rock 08/05/88 03 1Artide on impwan&. grwth and devdopncnt of LitUe Rock 08/12/88 12 I.Pine Bluff making trmendous strides in hsiness 08/15/88 03 1Resources of Ark discussed ty Rd Thanas 12/16/88 02 2EXMONSCN, GEDEEsee also Robberies and TheftsmMSCN. J HseeMurders and Attmged MurdersECRrnrn. H M&munoes theft o£ Pulaski Oomty pollbooks 09/22/88 03 4EmmmPJ. W LLetter on theEt Of pollbooks in Maski Qmty 09/21/88 03 1EWXrnN. w Rsee also Cbngrss- House - ArkDist 01WC24TIDN AND SCHOQSsee also <strong>Arkansas</strong> - Public Instru&ion Superintendentsee alsxr <strong>Arkansas</strong> School for theBlindSmer Normal mod to be organized to edxate teachers 02/26/88 05 1!tYaskwood has na~ school Udg, excellent schools 03/33/88 02 2Atkins closing exercises described 03/18/88 02 3Our W i c schools (editorial) 03/27/88 04 2Cabt s&ool en& session with 3 days of examinations 03/27/88 06 1Little Rock Schoo3 Bd in regular session 04/01/88 03 3Lanar seeks to imgrwe alr~dyfine s&od OqlY88 06 1List CE studerhs to be grabted £ran Little Rock hi* school 04/29/88 03 3Little Rock School Bd transacts hsiness 04/29/88 03 3Henptead County teahers instituke hdd 05/02/88 02 3Statistics on JeEferson Cbunty's 35 diskricts OV12/8802 2<strong>Arkansas</strong> Teachers Asm to hold corn at Dx&nelle 05/13/88 01 4Fetition asks LR diredxrs to seek re-election 05/13/88 01 4Smer Normal. School to be locatedat &tit Jen (Morrilton) 0y13/88 01 5mmke Shod Bd enarses 0 F <strong>Russel</strong>l for PuMic Instruction 0v13/88 05 3MegrovctersatLRoppsere-dectionof Cbhenasdirecior 05/18/8804 3Descrigkion of crommencrement at F%mticello Hi* Schod 05/19/88 03 3Little Rock elects Kraner. ahen and Fletcfier directors OY20/88 03 1Reports on school &&ions aromd state 05/22/88 01 4Augsta has near-riot wer s&ool election 05/23/88 01 1Little Rock puklic s&ools ~epring to end sessions 05/23/8803 1News of schools in Monticello and Jacksomille OV2$/88 02 2L J Brwn makes charges in school bd election at LR Os/Zy88 01 6Descri@5on of dosing exercises of Hot Spin* hi* s&ocil 05/26/88 01 4Little Rock shoal bd hol& r qlar meeting 05/27/88 08 2Smtt Street Hi* Schoal in LR grabtes 13 Os/3V88 05 IUnion Hi* Scfiool at LR holck grabtion Fogram 05/3l/88 01 2Pine Bluff dosing sessions 06/02/88 02 2Bris Academy mes homr students 06/06/88 02 2Colared Tsachers Sbte Asm of Ark to meet in Hderua 06/06/88 03 5Rogran & State Teadms Assn mnv at Bm3melle 06/08/88 05 2ArtiCle on Smer Normal Institute at &tit Jam 06/12/88 03 1Teachers invited to visit site a€ Smer Normal Institute 06/12/88 03 3Artide on schools of Fayetkville 06/14/88 07 2I3cys Training Schod. to t3e estakd at Searcy 06/15/88 02 2

DATEIXECSt luaryls Aca- at LR holds 37th arrrrmencremerrt exerciseMorrilton e-ertains teahers who are visiting Petit JeanCongress asked for land &ration for Smer Normal SchoolSt hry7s Aallemy of Hot Spin- doses 7th termClosing exercises at Hambrg Hi* S&dComnenment at Rock Spings Academy (Drew Cbcnty)State Teaci~ers Asm asmbling in hrdmelle for cowProceedings of <strong>Arkansas</strong> Teachers Asm mnvention<strong>Arkansas</strong> Teachers Asm mw meets last &y at Mount NebJanes Jor&n elected pres of <strong>Arkansas</strong> Teachers AsmJosiah H Shinn named secretary of <strong>Arkansas</strong> Teachers AsmLamtion of Smer Norma School witched to Pbmt NeboHarrishrg closing exerdses draws large acwdBentonville hxilding fine new schodhouseSharp Qmty Teachers Institute hddTho high schools at Bjngen mnsolicktedQurt suit seeks to retain Normdl School at &tit JeanCt rules Nmd. School mn be opera-d at hbtnt NeboLittle Rock School Bd lists tead?ers and adrs to be hiredJ W ClLmstead retained as pincipll at BeebeDxritain View Atadmy trains most trsaaers for Stone QtntyCornerstone laid for fine new kuilding at ArkadelghiaRarie Grwe Instituke is EkyetteviLle Disk Msthodist schoalTeachers Normal Institute hdd at EkrryvilleChildren in Bazen school escape mad Ibg in dassroaCorway plans to ere a fine new hildingTbestory hick s&odlhouse to be hilt at RogersTeachers institute hdd at HarrislxlrgDistrict normal institute hdd at QarksvilleTeachers institute had at BatesvilleRmtogra* a€ St &ryfs Female Academy at Little RockTeachers institute in session at DermottFree shod systgn was estabd ly Legis in 1867Haygood Senirary for colored stu&r-ks to be@n fall ternHaygod Sendry is at WaMmgton. Hagstead Comtyhthodist District School at Prairie Grwe mmgiletes bldgTeachers institute had at WarrenBeebe schools opn term with 100 enrcdledhering Shadle hi* school term to openSunmary a€ ~oaeedings of LR S&ool Bd meetingDistrict Normal Institute for Eblk and Montgomery Cb hadNew hilding going up at CarlisleStuttgar t hi1 ding new schoalhouseS&ool fund as appx tioned am@ ng counti esFay&teYille dhooses H M Wach for suptTea&ers assiged to schools in Little RockWo apportionments of school fmd are made annlallyLittle Rock schools openClbt schools set o~mng dateMineral. Spin* Hi* S&od opns termCarlisle has new Luilding under aonstructionFroceedings of Little Rock Schod Bd meetingPetryville enrollment low because a€ cotton-ficking seasonWrishrg school opns fall term

Methodist &ur& to locate its hi* school at kkadelghiaFayetteville enrolls 590 pupilsStatistics on Hot Spin* sd-roals~sellvillenrolls abut 300 pupilsPine BLUE has 818 ppils enrolledProceedings of Little Rock School Bd meeiingWrening Shade enrolls abut 70 palsSouthwestern <strong>Arkansas</strong> Teachers Assl meeting at TexarkamCenter Fbint (Ehard County) has fine hi@Proceedings of Little Rock school bardbntiaeLlo Hi* Schocil has over 300 studentsBenton has avg attendance of 275Batesville enrolls 278 studentsmARm. GASmsee a1 so Murders and Attemged Murdersmm, J7HNsee also Mrders and Attmged MurdersEIWJ!RlX, F'ICKsee also Murders and AttanRedMurdersErnARE. s1msee alm Murders and Attenped MurdersEL DOmsee also News BrieEs - El Cora&Resats of miup1 dectionEL, RE0see alsoE5 res and Fi renenarm. mxsee also Frimns - <strong>Arkansas</strong>EtrnrnNSsee alm <strong>Arkansas</strong> - Eblitics and ELectionsELEKTlDNS - ONTESW AND MSRYEDsee alsosee alsosee almsee alsosee a1msee alsosee almsee aimsee aimsee alsw,see alsosee almsee also Woodref Cbmtys&oal<strong>Arkansas</strong> - Guvermr<strong>Arkansas</strong> - Blitics and Elections<strong>Arkansas</strong> CbuntyQngress - muse - Ark Dist 01Qngress - House - Ark D ist 02cbmq CbmtyLogan QlntyMiller CbmtyMonroe QmtyNwada CbmtyRiLaski. GOmty - Iblitics and ElectionsSt Francis CountyE ~ ~ D- N -D S ALLE~D~~Se Elections - Contested and UsptkedEtEmRIC m msee also Little Rock - Contracts and Purdmsingsee also Little Rock - Street Li*tssee al~jo - N d e mJames A Fbnes explains delay in use aE incaniksoent lightJanes A Fbnes is =&dent a€ LitKle Rock Electric Li&t C&Westinaouse R.&ric Co disputes stat-nmenks of J~&A Fbnes 03/18/88 05Little Rock Cify Cbuncil votes to me electric street lists 03/21/88 0175

ARFANSAS GB ETlE INDEX 1888Electric lists turned on in Fayetteville 0$/29/88 02 3~a~etteville aMme with new dktric lights 05/05/88 01 5Qrrtract let fa setting poles in LR for lic-hts 05/24/88 03 1ELtxkric street li*ts for Little Rock urged ly Gazette 06/01/88 04 2Little Rock to advertise for hi& for electric li@ts 06/08/88 03 2Electric li+ts for the city (ed supports li*ts for LR) 06/17/88 04 2Masomy dm being built across Sping River at FWmnoth Sp-ing 06/19/88 02 2List: of praons in LR who object to electric street li*ts 06/20/88 03 1Little Rock Ciiq Cbundl debtes ~e a€ dectric lists 06/20/88 05 1lhanas W Baird rqrimands Mayor Whip@e wer petition 06/2l/88 03 1Petitions po and con on LR @an for street lights 06/2l/88 03 2I@re names added in owsition to electric li*ts far LR 06/2Y88 03 1Mayor Willian G Whipae states his position 06/22/88 03 2&tition of Little Rock citizens f moring electric 1 icjhts 06/22/88 03 3Oppbnentsof dedxicli~tsfor LRpo~questionsfor myor 06/23/88 03 1Conununications ~o and a n on electric li@ts for LR 06/26/88 03 1LittleRockBca~dof PUblicMfairs reammends electric plant 06/26/88 03 5Letter oE CS mi*t on electric per @.ant for LitKLeRock 06/27/88 02 2Little Rock CiQ Council fails to settle matter OE listing 06/27/88 05 1Electric li&t question settled & 1;R Mic Mfairs Board 06/28/88 04 4LR officials sugaredt on oontract, Thanas W Baird charges 06/28/88 04 5%

WTEHGE CrlLTcrwn laid off in lots, to be opnded for settlanent soonMew tarn in Lomke Gomty is gravingJCHN CENGWD,see also Eager Janes PmIs. J Msee also Cburts - US - District aE Western <strong>Arkansas</strong>ENTERTAIN W Tsee also ReZ igionMiss PK esmtt @eases L itu e Rock crwdJosem JeEPer rson perf oms at Little RockGilmore kind attracts large crowd to Little Rock aonoertThatricals to be given in Glerwood Park in Little RockMattie Lee Price cf Aha. itis@kys musml strengthCapital Theater at LR to cdfer 52 attractions this seasonCapital %cater at LR to offer season tickets at a disamtDrana "Pearl a€ Srmcy " presented at LitU e Rock thmterMarthy Gmr& hold f md-raiser for yellav fever victimsCorway gids had kocm brigark entertaimentJanes W Qmpbl1 has prrwers similiar to mttie Lee RiceCay- pppr sp5nkl.d on concert stage at BatesvilleFestival at LitUe Rock is benefit for ament schocilsmom aumSt Fhilli~is Negro churd~ at Little Rock<strong>Arkansas</strong> Diocese meeting in b r i mBishop B N Fierce pesides at Diocese meetingC H Roctar offers to pur&ase fine cmqan for TrinityRoctor offer o£ organ-atingent on ofher funds beGg raised 06/27/88 04Cbrnerstone aE Zlrinity Qthed~al laid 08/21/88 05Rcrtograytz of Christ Epismpl Church in Little Rock 09/23/88 11RriEb off icid.~ of Christ Episcom in Little Rock 09/23/88 11ad landark chur& hldg being tarn &wn at -den for new ch 10/W/88 02Cornerstone laid for St Jdm's at Gunckn 12/06/88 01Fbundation being laid for St Louis E@Lscopl at Hot S~ing 1g06/88 02ESSEX, m msee also migration and migrationsee also mrties and mncesEhoto o£ Iron Mtn Railroad Land Carmnissi.one~ 06/10/88 02Ekpresses outrage at th&t a€ Rilaski Q3mty pol1b0oks 09/14/88 03Eum smmssee aim Bagist Churchsee also fires and Firenensee als Housingsee alm Murders and Attengted MurdexsEUm SEUNGS CHAPBER OF ~ ~ C EBcard of Trade organizedEVENING SWADEsee also Christian Churchsee also Cbmplnies and Factariassee also News Briefs - Wening ShadeBrie descriGion of twnWAN, IARKER CEnaxrages inhstries to looate at CLarendonEXHIWGE NATDNAL BZNKsee Banks

MEaJTJDNSsee Capital PmidmentEXPLQGIVES IWD EXPLCGIONSSt- pipe explosion at Pine BluEf factory injures 2 menEoiler explosion at Bryant Lunber Mi11 kills one manExplosion at Bqmnt Lunber Mill was in Jdfermn CbuntySeveral men injured when spsk f dl into kg of gclnpderBoiler at Wilson & Bruton sawmill near Jasper explodesEkplosion at Wilson & Bruton mill killed two menCigarette &opp?d into emgty whisky barre3 causes explosionBlack & Rqml& sawmill explosion kills one manFOwder explosion wounds small boyFw&r explosion at Chickalah kills one man. inj ur es twoDetails of gunpwer explosion at aickalahmsrrms mD mIRS<strong>Arkansas</strong> invited to hawe efiibit at St Louis ExpositionIb~e Cbmty Ftiir Assn farmed to panote mmty ?airFailrcads aid in collecting ehikiits for St Louis Expositionmte exposition m q be had at Little Rock this fallWork begins on organization of -sitionat Little RockCommittee wants gran&r State Exposition than eve beforeLetter &sasses i&a oE a prmanent state expsi tionPlans for state expsi tion being pushedBoard of Directors decked for state fair apxitionNorthest <strong>Arkansas</strong> F$ir at E$yetteville canelledArticle on popsed state exposition at LRLittle Rock will kme no state expsition this ysarE2psition mamgers ma& decision t o hold no state fairCblored In&stridL Sbte Fair Assn holding 3rd annual fairWestern <strong>Arkansas</strong> and Indian Territory mir to open<strong>Arkansas</strong> has fine exhibit at St Louis ExpositionSouth <strong>Arkansas</strong> Fhir opensPlans for annual Southwestern <strong>Arkansas</strong> air are cxrmpletedReport on fair at WarrenWhite Qmty mir being had at JudsoniaFair at Ebrt Smith was a successArtid e on South <strong>Arkansas</strong> hi r at WarrenHelena @wing fine fairSouthwestern <strong>Arkansas</strong> mi r opens a t HopReport on Eastern <strong>Arkansas</strong> Fair at HelenaReprt on Southwestern <strong>Arkansas</strong> Ehir at HopeSouthwest <strong>Arkansas</strong> Fair errj qrs good attendmeReport on Eastern <strong>Arkansas</strong> Fair at HdemBKl1 Arp Iby attracts 5,000 to fair at HopeNorth <strong>Arkansas</strong> Fai r opens in HarrisonReprt fran Buthast <strong>Arkansas</strong> Bir at Morhicellomstern <strong>Arkansas</strong> mir at Haem closes 5th annml &cwSoWest <strong>Arkansas</strong> mir at Hope has sucuessEul nnCrowd at Montiaello fair addressed ty J E BradLqrReprt on fair at Monticello<strong>Arkansas</strong> ammended for St Louis Exposition ehitdtFACTQRIESsee Cbmplnies and hctoriesmm. JAMES F

see also <strong>Arkansas</strong> Land Commissionersee also Ar kan~s - Eblitics and ElectionsEAGIW. W T. rnMILLsee also fires and firenenFxGI r n Ksee also Murders and Attenged Murdersmme Expositions and FairsmmNssee also Wildl.ife&LSsee Accidents and SafetyFARMERS mmTnE BSOCIATIDNsee also BankruptciesEARmsee AgricultureEAULRMER OXTWsee also Murders and Attmeed Murderssee a190 Eblioesee also Risonssee aim ShockingArticle meitions large nunber aE ~aninentresidentsnlmtrations of residences, stores in aomty and CorwayLengthy artide on resources and attractions of Fhulkner QCorrespondent ments on political thinking in countyDemocrats hold meetingReturns in Dm pimaryRestilts frm Dem FirnaryDemocratic mmty mnv hddQdron Tamhip divided into f ive townhipRepublican rally ends in rat between C W Cbx, J R WfiliansL)einocr ati c pxirnari es heldDemocrats and Republicans nminate sates of mndi&tesUnion Labor ~ r w holds ' primariesRepuhlimns fill out their munty ticketRepbl. icans and Whed ers camt agree on fusion ticketUnion Labr and Repuhl icans combine to f m ticketUnion Labr Fhr* and Republicans are at od&Judge Louis C Lmaoln Fepring ehitit for St Louis ExpoFAYEWILLEsee aimsee aimsee alsosee alsosee alsosee alsosee alsosee almsee alsosee almsee alsoBanksBagist Olm&Cbmpnies and FactariesE&ca ti on and SchoolsEdmtion and SchoolsElectric PowerMemarial IByOil and GasReskyterian Chm&Starms and Torna&esStreet RailwavsI N Stewart gets 25-yr bntract to li@t streets with gas&tide on emmic and socia characteristics of tcwnFinancial statistics on institaions in city

Brief sketctles of pmninent residents of cityBminess directory of J7hyetteviLleList QE bsinesses in city(3.Q sued by Berjanin Qcar for impAsonnent for debtERYEWIUE RUTPRY HARRW IWD VEHICLE CDsee Cbmpnies and FactoriesFEXEIERS'IONE. L Psee also Gongress - House - Ark D ist 01EELLCbJS. SAMJELsee also HuntingtonE!mGUrn, rnVEsee alm Negroesmum. EDsee a1 so Murders and Attmged Murders - BlmtE'ERGUSCN. H?!RRYsee also Murders and Attmrjed MurdersmUSCNp T 0see alsc, Fires and FirmenEESTlVZVlSsee also Fbreign Descent GroupETED, MYsee alm Murders and Attenged Murders - BrwnE!IESrD* 'XOMsee a190 Murders and Attmrjed MurdersETELD, W Wsee alm maski County - Eblitiu; and ElectionsrnELCG, JIMsee also Murders and Attmaed MurdersFTGIFlSsee AssaUts and Disorderly an&&FILES. A Wsee allso <strong>Arkansas</strong> - AuditorFXNN. JESSEsee a1 so Murders and Attmsed Muc ders - ThanasRRES AND ETREMENInsuranae adjusters at work in Brway after fire last weekLittle Rock's Defianae Cb aelehrates 34th yr a€ serviceFine residence on Westwer @antation near H d e a hrns3Wl house in Argerka is destrqedAfsmist attangs to kurn Qrww hane of G W BruceFire destroys 17.000 ft af lunber at mill near BucherDwdling on @.antation of Mrs M L Morrison hurnsIWrison ghntatian fire was set by arsomstBuilding destrcyed at Little Rock union deptResidence cd Jdius Bidlingneier at mrlisle &strayedThree aottages hlrned in Ebrt SmithELegant r esidenoe o£ Judge Mathe Sanders at Hd. ena hrnsGin house QE Judge W illis at Harrishrg burnsJoe Jchnmn residence at Texarkana destruyedRedden- of Mr J RGiles at Hop hxrnsLittle Rock's EBt Qdxrne Fire Cb aelekates 21st kirth&yFine hotel at Mmmoth Swing burnsRotert W Harper residenoe near mr&nelle destrqredHandsme residence a€ A C Steel at Lockeshrg destrcyed

Little Rockg s Torrent Cb oeleixates 21st adversaryHandsome residence a€ C 0 Brack at LR brnsIncendi hl med for hr ni ng of C 0 B rack r esi &nceStables of <strong>An</strong>gel0 Mrre and Roadle at LR destrcyedResidsce cB Gen N B &are at Osage Mills (I3entor-1 Co) burnsResidence of <strong>An</strong>Mo brre was &aged when stables hrrredFour stores and a house brned at RxtiaSchoolhouse at Union City (Perry Cb) burnsResidence af Jose* Leikr at &ark destrqedGhcchio Hotel and Saloon at Te~srkana hrnsResidenoe of J W mwmn at Texarkam hrnsGage Jackson hane at Bentomfile brnsW P Cbx & Bro saw mil1 in Logan Cbmty brnsMoses Fennington mills at Waldron destrqredTelarkana residence a€ FA Gl&d.l destrcyedLittle Rock f irenen hold annml my By pradeHot S~inq fire &strcyed gas works, new gymnasium. hatelHot Swinq suEfers loss of two hsiness blocks in fireWmill aE L M Cble near Jonesbxo turnedOrder of Iherican firenen muncil formed at Little Rockhis Saw Mill in Qevdand County lxlrnsLittle Rock sending 2 delegates to Sollthwestern Firenen CbnvStore cb: E Delauater in Ombita Qmty robbed and hrnedWo s~~pcts arrested in D&au*ter store fireResidenae owned ky A W Brnell in Searcy krns'Ihree &dling houses at Jonesboro turnResidencx of & Scales at Searcy destroyedResi&nce of J E IQrtin in Fhulkner Co hrnsSeveral milding &strcyed at Lake CityDr Jmes Sales loses residencle twie within weekWo hsinesses &strcyed at Hot Spin*Old Benef idd Hatel tilock at Texarkam turnsHane a€ W H Byors at ALm destrqedMuntain View resi&nce af Ms Alice Rwdli hrnsRevdli hcme was f irk ever lost by fire in buntain ViewWogany Hall. a fisreprtable house at Pine Bluff, krrnedDudlq E Jones Cb at Little Rock destrqredErie Teleone Cb operator was asleep when fire call @aedLittle Rock fire destrqs f omdry a€ Buioe and OIICelleyLitUe Rock fires believed work of armmeResidence of mry J Reed in Owchita Qmty turnsLarge portion of mragould destrqed by fireG R Prim residence at Qarksville turnsRragod.d rising £ran her ashes~rrticello hane of W F Slmons destrcyed ty fireJ M Pittman residmce in IX ew Cbunty hrnsSchoolhouse near Warren &strayed ty arsonistLittle Rock delegates r e on Firanenus Asm aomMargificarrt residence ct€ J E arbtrick at Hamhrg burnsW T mgan lunber mills near Texarkam hxrnMbert Murey barged with hrning schoolhouse near WarenAttide stresses need for dectric alarm system in LRCam schoolhouse hrnsResidenoe af Hiran Qoss near G-in hrrns

Schoolhouse near Waldron burns 07/24/88 02Steam gin and grist ma1 & L B MrZbI.lald hrns at Wd&n 07/26/88 02Steam gin of Jahn E&ards in Drw a3unty hrns 07/ 26/88 02Little Rockt s Kraner Hose Cb holds meeting 07/26/88 04Tcwn of Greenbrier in E$ulkner Qunty destroyed 07/28/88 01Buddenberg Furniture &ct ory at Little Rock destrcyed 08/08/88 05Arsonist hrns krn of J D Jones at Waldron 08/09/88 02Buddenberg Furniture estimates its losses in fire 08/09/88 03Stem mill of Baily. Sherig h Co near Warren hrns 08/12/88 02Stable CIE A R Wycuu* of Batesville destroyed 08/14/88 01Arsonist d2strcys Rank Baker Store at &&a. Independen- Cb 08/14J88 02Six barns recently hrned in Batewale arm 08/22/88 02Hope Lunber Oo loss in fire put at $40 -000 08/23/88 01Hone o£ Jose@ ooker at Birta. Yell Cb, hrns 08/2y88 06Marlkook residence UE E3~ard Cross hrns 08/33/88 02Iko fires at Tewrkam destroy large amount of voprQ 09/07/88 01Depot at Dyer hrned 09/1l/88 02E T Cbok store at Chmplqolle brns 09/16/88 02hW21odist Church and acadmy at Yellville brned ky arsonist 09/16/88 02Fruit evaporating plant at Siloam Spin* hrnsGarland County aourthouse brnsfire &&rcys f eedouse at BatonVillain &strcys hrn of Holder Hu-ns in RAk ComtyJoe PQuinn Dry Goods Oo store in Little Rock destroyedFrane hilding iksttcyed in Eureka SpingsFire that destrcyed J PQuinn store hrned two other hldgsResponse aE fire De* to Quinn fire raises questionsQq & Sons gin and mu1 near &an hrnsGin o£ R G Austin in J&fer;son Qunty hrnsW H Jones may be trapd beneath mllaped walls at LRResitknce cb Samuel Kirkpatrick at IQmolia hrnsQtton gin of J C ICersey kns in Fhillip Cbuntymains of W H Jones fomd in rubble at Little RockT 0 Ferqson gin at Glenme (Philli~ Cbunty) destroyedFire destrcys prt of Barnes Lunkr Q m ill at Van BurenWo & ell in^. livery stable txlrn a t FultonResidence a€ W J Sigler near Jonesboro hrnsHutel and postoff ice at Nettleton destroyedhlven hsinesses destroyed ky fireResidence at Mvern hrnsSawmill of A D WoahI.1 near Benton bsnsSouthern Hotel at Pine Bluff destrcyedTwo residenoes turned at WddronResidmce &strayed at Ckocktt's BluEfResidence aE L C Jones at Leslie enter destroyedCottin gin of E;d Ross in Ehillip Oounty &strayedWge portion of tam of Han@on brnsMre details on fire at Namptonfive Wn Street kusiness houses in Little Rock hrnedLoses and insuranm mverage in Little Rock fireLittle Rock has outgrown its fire &@, editorial saysFire destroys fifteen lwsiness Hdgs in Eur &a Sp3.ngsRogers has volunteer fire de*NEW atton gin of J&n Bmen at Newport destroyed

C H Lblbeer Eked Wholesaler at LR loses his f innResidenae of Dr P T Quarles near Sarcy lxlrnsmeka Spring lost 79 houses in recent fireMelrose Qtton Mills at <strong>Russel</strong>lviLle hsavily damagedResidenoe cb Dr Gogart near El Lgso bxnsJeff Lee charged wim atton th&t, hrning of &it(bok ginMelrose Oottan fills fire at <strong>Russel</strong>lvfile lsaves 150 joblessLittle Rock Comwess Cb sues Iron Mtn Railroad over fireResidence of S Bender lxlrns in fiillip CbmtyStore at Temrkam dimaged heavilyGin of Blmt & McNeely lxlrnsIron bmtain wins suit krou@t ky Union Chqx ess CbWo stares at IVexander ckstroyedArticle meions dmages in fire at Alexander!bo more Litfle Rock ksiness houses qtted ky fireCotton gin of Mrs Fhzette Scull hrns near Pine BlldfRanan candle igites large amount aE atton at HmlxlrgFditoridl calls for better Eire potection at Litae RockLetter dls for pid I&* at Little RockLetter on wark of vdmteers, need for *id foreLosses and insurance in most rent Little Rock fireLittle Rock Volunteer fire Deg paised for its workLitCLe Rock firenan asks pobing questions of cityBarn, windill and horses of IX R L Ebwers hrned at ResmttStare at Hdena hrns. seueral others dmagedDept at Noble Lake hrnsFIRST NPITIDNAL BPNK (PINE BLUE'F)see BanksFISHsee WildlifeETSHBACK, WILLIAM Msee alao - <strong>Arkansas</strong> - GwernorResidential &&or mndihte speak at Pine Bluffmkes plitid talk at BrinklqSpeaks at lhnocratic rally at BeebeIhotogragh of Mt- Fi&backSpeaks to large crowd at WashingtonIllness muses cancellation of Hot Spings speechAddresses voters at Little Rock on important issu~lsFITZGEFU%D. ELWARDsee also Qtholic ChurchFTrZ amIcK, L Asee also Ftimns - <strong>Arkansas</strong>ELKS IWD EPBLrnsee Civil WarELEWX, mcKsee alm Murders and Attensed MurdersFLEIIMER. H Lsee alm <strong>Arkansas</strong> - Gavermr%eft a€ Rilaski Cbunty pllboks &mmcedFLEIWEIZ. JEFFFbotogragh aE mtton @antation near Little RockFLEIICHER. rnNGsee alm <strong>Arkansas</strong> - Governor

Denounces theft cb Maski Cbmty pollhooksmoon3see RiversE];ms'ISJ WVestal is flcrwer and plant grmerFLYNN. WILLIAMsee alm Murders and Attmged MurdersQuses arrest: of Hot Spgs Eblie Chief 13 E HartFONB Bmmsee also Little Rock - Buildings and Off icesFONES. JAMES Asee als3 Electric PawerFWDRaiHe and Owen aant turns out large mt a€ oandy at LR<strong>An</strong>thony Socher charged with violating olecmargrine liwRaihle and Owen Candy Factory at LR Ric&ly successEulEDOD c€)NT~ATrn ND FOErnIxW R Jenkins dies of food poisoningSweral. LR resi&nts barme ill after drinking buttermilkFOOD KILSCNINGseeEbod Contamiration and FoisoningmmmLittle Rock Univ seeks opponents for its f oothall teamFORD, L Dsee also AgricultureF O m asee also ReligionrnRIlYCE, mEL Wsee also HousingFOREEN DESCIENT GRCXJRsee also Cburts - Ark - Cirarit Cburt =st 06Turners entertairmerrt at Little Rock is erjqrakile affairRev Nerqrarian may stab Armenian colony in ArkGermans in LR sponsor TurwFestArtidle on TurwFest had at Little Rock Q GermansArtide on German Cltholics at Altm and in Logan CbmtyFORESTS IWD FORESTRYsee alm Wood and Wood ProductsEORREST CITYsee also IQli*tsTm@arsee also NewspprsEDRRESrT, ERANKsee also NegreosmRsm MINING MD Rmam msee Mines and MinerdsFORT smmsee also Bankruptciessee aim Cbmpnies and Factoriessee also Rres and firenensee also F'r ee and Acaegted Order of Mwonssee also &mariQ mysee also kthodist Churchsee also &thodisk ChurchEe also News BrieEs

see also Newspprssee also Presbyterian Churchsee alm Treisure TrweResats of micipl. dectionsEORT SMITH PND IXRIXWELLE RAILRQADSteel rails arrive for anstru&ion of trackFORT SMITH mD G m RALROADSurv y crE line has keen mrna etedFORT SMITH SOAP AND CHENIQ4L COsee Cbrnpmi es and FhctoriesFDRT SMITHr m15:RID rnrnELLE RALRrnWTEPresident Thanas Boles ~ opses to hild line =on 03/30/88 01Interest in kilding line renewed at mrhnelle 06/06/88 02Janes K Perry discusses benefits of line to Western <strong>Arkansas</strong> 07/1w88 04FOSSILSGage Rrks mearths mastodon tooth at Gaither Rn (Boom Q 07/1v88 03FOURDI OF JULYsee Independmx myFOEEL WEIURsee aim W m e and Criminalssee also Rimmmmm mmsee also Murders and Attemged MurdersIblitical newsReturns in Dan pirnaqResults of Desn pimaryDmocratic prirnari es hddDemocratic mmty cow hadLkmonatic primary resd tsUnion Labor BrIy rmnhtes slate aE crounty candidatesDemocratic rdly and brbecue held near IUberryDeanocrats close mplicp w i big ~ rally at OzarkNews of young ment s Democratic clubERASER. JAMES HDemunces theft of Maski (bLnty pollbooksmE€!Na CRDERssee alm k ee and Acoeged Or&r OE bsonssee aim Independent Order QE Odd FeLlwssee aim Ehi*tsTan@arsee a1m mi*tsof Momrsee also IQ1i*ts of PythiasmCG rnD SWINILJNGsee also Elections - Contested and Dispttedsee also modLizzie <strong>Russel</strong>l akndoned ty her new huskand, Janes MinorGeorge Taylor CIE Hazen. claims he was ordered to lave armGearge Taylor used ruse to desert his fanjly3 H Merriman arrested on fraud chargesResidents of Jomskcwn at Hot Sp5nqs victims of hoaxFREE MD ACCEPTED O m OF MASCNSInstallation of a€£ iers at Lonoke is asasant occasionaff icers installed at Harrisburg lodgesalored Masons Grand Lodge meeting in Ebrt SmithBaer Msanic Tmae at Fort Smith m&r aonstructionE E C

Grand Lodge a€ <strong>Arkansas</strong> meeting in Little RockList a€ df icer s of Grand LodgeGrand Lodge meeting in Little RockGrand Lodge krquet hddGrand Lodge m@etes its hsiness w i a &leion of cdfioersFREEMAN'S MPRESSsee NewspprsERENCHMS BAYXIsee also Sex CrimesERmY. JESSEsee al sw, Mmikrs and Attmged Murders - Gilmr eERQTrn. JAmbBde an homr ary manber of Md Hicbry Club of Little RockRe-futes charges made against him by St Louis Globe-DemocratFRQGT. C ETestifies in ~obe of Qal Hjll &xison campERUD PPJD VEE!EBLESLarge acreage aE vegetakles @larked in Ikw CbmtySmeltzer fruit farm near VanBuren called a mode1 farmBeebe has &ippd 9000 boxes of pacbes this seasonW e s rot in NW Ark or&ards bemuse trans~ortaion lackingJ?RY, R Msee also Murders and Attemgted MurdersFZTLLm. G Wsee aim Murders and Attemged MurdersFuLmsee also Fires and F'irenenBminess and professiord. directoryF'UL'ION mmsee also Storms and TornadoesReturns in Dm wimaryDmocratic munty mnv heldDmm ats hold primaryFULIDN. J BDenomces theft of Maski Cbmty pollbooksEURBUSH, W Hsee a1 so Negroessee also Replhl i~an IQrQGAM)IS, m msee also Risons - <strong>Arkansas</strong>GAFrnRD, J Asee also Rimns - MkansasGl+umExm, F Psee also Benton QmtyGALLmAY FEM!LE CDLLEEsee QllegesG=(WAY, CHARLES Bsee also &tho&&GAFBLING&ur&Closing of Live Stock Assn mu#k ty LR &ur& leadersLetter denounces Live Stock AssociationEureka Spings raiding gamhl ing rocmsYell GOmty officers cagur e 15 gmhlers in Qr&n BottcmGanbling houses at Pine BluEf raided

More aap dens in Pine BluH raidedJeEf er son County Aerif f turns f aro hnk puU idyGANS. JOE P, IXY G m CJ3eRetail StoresGARIBmm, JAMESsee also Libel and SlanderGEWND OOUNITYsee al st, Oil and GasReturns in Dan ~imaryIkmocratic mmty aonv h&dAgricultural Whed mimtes slate of ondihtesDemocratic primaries h d. dPure Em's Ticket famed to dlefsat DemocratsDemocrats and Republicans dekate in Hot SpinyCourthouse Ckstrcyed ly fireQurthotse may hwe been hrned in interest uf whiskey rmGARLmD, WGUrnS H UJmes K Jones &£ends action of &ty Gen A H GarlandAttacked by W H Stewart a€ Nwa& on land suits f UedArtidle mentions farmite boks of GarlandMade an honorary mmber a€ (2.d HiCIGDry Qub of Little RockMg of road f ran Little Rock to Hanhy HillRoper route to Hmhy BillGmLIWD, rnEYBu*ter aE AugustusGarlandmakes social deht inWast.lington0$/24/88 03 4GARLrnD, J Tsee also Rd igionGARRrn. JOsee also Murders and Attemged MurdersGASsee Oil and GasGZYTES.JCHNsee also Cbngress - Jibuse - Ark Dist 05WB, TOMsee Gaddis, ThunasGAY, C6QiRsee also Murders and Attempted MurdersGBXa;Imi SUWWsee GeologyGBXGYState Gdogist Jchn C Branner writes on Ark minereilsState Geologi-1 Survey finds no p&ous metals in ArkGEOEE, CWmES Esee alsn <strong>Arkansas</strong> - GcnrermrGERARD, J A&scribes tour of BMop E'itzgerdd to Qtholic churchesGERMANS IN R?FANSASsee Qurts- Ark -Circuit Cburt Dist 06see Foreign Descent GroupsGJBB, M K WSandidge and Gibb firm inspcts rnineriil lands for bgessGIBBS. M Wsee alm maski Oounty - Iblitics and ElectionsGIBSCN, T M

see also Manorid. myGILrnRE; mISsee a1 so I W ckrs and Attemsed Murders - Gilmr eGIBIESsee GypiesGIRCN, J JEe also Flxders and Attengted Murders - HarrdlGET, J CCbmay aott on byes di sasses AK k pol iti cs and cropGIVENSf ED Lsee aim NewsppersGWCD, QlAlBsee also Qime and CrimiralsGLERSrn, L Dsee also RestaurantsGLENN, Sa.4see als~ WildlifeG ~ am= E msee also EWkd es and CampniesGOmZ, P Nsee also Qime and CriminalsGOFF, GEUIGEsee al Murders and Attensed MurdersGrnDEN. GB3EEWsee a1 EO &&rs and Attegted MurdersGQIMANsee also News BrieEs - GaldnanGrn TEMBARSFour lodges recently organized in ArkmE. LrnEsee also Murders and Attemged Murdersm D , JAYsee also <strong>Arkansas</strong> - GclvermrGCaA, B msee also Wder s and Attaqted MurdersGRACE, W Psee alm RchiEtion BrtyGRACIE, JCHN Me Frimns- <strong>Arkansas</strong>GMAM, G Ssee alsc, Mines and MineralsGRAND ARMY OF THE RERJBLIC<strong>Arkansas</strong> veterans pepre to attend natioml meetingList uf menbers £ran fine BluEf qing to mnvGRmm mwIblitical newsResU ts of Dem pimaryDemocratic primaris hadDemocratic aomty am hddDanoclratic mmty corn hadDemocratic primary decbion hadDemocratic mnunty mnv heldDemocratic nomimtions far county off icresDemocrats hold xdly

WTEBGE CFolitid rally hdd at SherihnGrand hrbeare and pol iti aal rdly h&dGRANT, JEFFsee a193 Almhalic BeveragesGEWT, ULYSSES Ssee also <strong>Arkansas</strong> - HistoryGRWTES. IRAAsee also Murders and AttemFted MurdersGWES. LWIsee also Sex CrimesGWES. LBPlsee also Murders and Atteqked MurdersGwm. JCMN Asee also HotelsGREEN. C Msee also RepElican RrtyGREEN. WILLISsee alm Mur&rs and Attangted MurckrsGREEN6 RIERsee also Fires and RrenenGRmE CDuWsee also RimnsReturns in km ~imaryReturns in Dem pimaryDmocratic aounty oom hadDemocrats f om Cl wdand ClubGREENEL WILLISsee also Murders and Attempted MurdersGREWOODsee also Mines and Minerdssee aim Murdxs and Attmgked Murderssee also Oil and GasGREEWOOD, mESsee also <strong>Arkansas</strong> - HistayGREG, LAFAYETIIEsee also BanksGRIFrn, JaINsee also Murders and Attansed Murders-sm, -see also FoliceGUHL'AMUA EIINJFG 03see Mines and MineralsGUE, B Gsee a1 so &ime and CriminalsGUNIIER* maas MGDndemns theEt of pollbooks in Maski OountyGMEY, J TlB)DOREsee also CakGus BLPSS PND aosee Retail StarsGYPSIESIko cramp of qypies near LomkeHACI(ETTsee also Boxing

see also VigilantesHACBETT CITY, G l ? AND ~ EPSTWN ~ RAILRQRDCharter fjled for new railroad to mal fields=,see also Murders and Attengted MurdersHlU, J Nsee also Cburts - Ark -Circxlit Qurt Dist 06see alm Rd igionHAI;LUM, JCHNOpns off ice in MemmisText af speech at DeVallls Bluff on qTthianisnHNmUH:see als~ Edxation and Scfiodssee alsb Fires and Firenensee alr;r, Hotelssee also Murders and AttenFted Murderssee also Nws Brids - HanhrgHAEIIL. H JTestifies in ~obe a€ Cbal Hill @.son campHAMtL'mN. GREENsee a1 so Murders and Attenfied MurdersHAMILrnN. EM;HTestifies in pobe d 8al Hill pison campHAPDL JCUNsee &so ShootingHAMKIND, WILLIAMsee also Murders and Attmged MurdersHAEnLPrONsee also Fires and FiranenHANGER. mTERMK Hanger kames hngerously illwhilevisitingWis~nsin 08/11/8808 2Hm2msee mpLtal PunidmefitHmm. m msee also Murders and Attem&ed MurdersHAPPY HCLLtCW SWEET RAILWAY 03e Street RailwaysHAREWIN RTO CDsee Wood and Wood Pr odCzct sHARmX, ZHOEWSsee alm Ar&itecture and ArchitectsHARDYsee also Murders and Attemsed MurdersHARGm. mAl?LESTkstifies in grok of Cbal Bill mison camp 04/04/88 03 3HARKEY,J MLetter to editor fran <strong>Russel</strong>lville xesiiknt 02/25/88 03 2Will hap locate site for IDpe Cbmty Eair Ixlildinqs 03/1l/88 06 1Demmces th&t oE plllmoks in Uaski Cbunty 09/14/88 05 1HARPER, RfBERT Wsee also fires and firenenmm, J Wsee also Murders and Attensed Murders - Harrdlm&L, JCHN H

ARKANSAS GBETIE INDEX 1888see alm BliceHARRELL, JCHN Msee also Democratic FarWLetter on bogus &arments in ybernatorial campign OVloJ88 08 1EPnotqafi a€ Ql HarrfAl 08/05/88 10 1Text a€ pl itical spe& deliver ed at Mount Ida 08/0V88 10 1ELigibiliIq as psidentid dectm CLfared up in US Senate 08/10/88 04 5mmmNT mmNGsee also Murders and Attemged MurdersHARRIS, GEDEEsee a1 EK, Murders and Attemsed Mur&rsHARRISF JAMESsee alsoMurders and Attemged Mur&rsHARRISr JOEsee alm Murders and Attanged MurdersHARRISBUR2see also Ehcation and Sd~oalssee also Pi res and Firanensee also Free and Accreeed Order of Phsonssee dm NWS BrieEs - MarrishrgHARRISCNsee also Aloohdlic Eweragessee a1 so Bankssee also Ormplnies and F'actoriessee also Negroessee al st, TelemonesEbur brick bsiness homes to be hilt this smerNew censls shws ppilation of 1291HARRBCN, W Dsee also Inventions and InventorsHARROD, JAMES Hsee a3 so Democratic Paresee also Maski County - Bliticr; and ElectionsReports on trip to easkern statesHART. 3 Esee also E!lynn, WillianHAKVE, rnSEsee a190 Etisons - <strong>Arkansas</strong>HrnEY, RIsaLLAmaski Cbmty resident is 103 yrs oldHEZEY, CHESTERsee also Murders and AttanFed MurdersHPSSE!IT. JAMGS Bsee alst, Re1 igion-? SAEfsee aha Murders and Atteqted MurdersHAEOCX) SEMINARYsee Ehcation and Shoal sHAYNES, SAMsee also Murders and Attmged Murdersmmmr W Hsee also BankruptciesHAYS, G AQnsnent on theEt of EUaski Qunty pollbooks

HA=, JIMsee also Sex CrimesHA2 ENsee also Robberies and TheftsBusiness and professioral direct-H m f W Hsee allsoInventions and InventorsH EB ERsee also NEWS Bricifs - H e rsee also NemprpersReslil ts of miupif. d &ionHELENAsee alsosee alsosee alsosee alsosee alsosee almsee alsosee alsosee alsosee alsosee alsosee alsosee alsosee alsosee alsoof cityAlcrohalic BweragesBankr: upt ci esBridgesQtholic ChurchCaneteriesCbllegesCbmpnies and mctoriesasease and IllnessFires and FirenenMurders and Attm@ed MurdersProstitutionRiversStreet RailwaysUS - Pub1 ic Buildings and OfficesWatermss meeting nominates ticket for city af icesResats of rmnicipl dectionsStreets li@ted with electric li@ts fa first timeW EH ~ ~ ,see also Cburts - Ark - Suprene QurtTenders mall barquet to Gw S P HuaesHEnmTEAD mmsee also Eckcation and Schoalssee also liranigr ation and Ehigr ationsee also Flxder s and AttmFted Murikr ssee also Storms and TormbesReturns in Dm @mazyPzt1xns in E m ~LmqJmes P Eaa e is &oia of Dems far GwernorDmocratic wlnty aonv hadNegro independent RepuMicans may endorse Dgn state ticketDemocrats have karbecue and political rallyGrand krbecue and Dmonatic rally hddResults of DEsnocr ati c primaryRepuhl imns nombate a munty ticketLengthy article describes eaomic and socizil resourcesSane errors in artide on amnty axreedBEMBSTEAD, myHeaded prcj ect to get weather sicpal flag for Litae RockHENRY, E Bsee alao Rohibition BrQHENS EY

~ ~ S GAZETITI A S INDEX 1888see also News Brids - HendqrHWrIT, rnN KFormer House Spaker Hewitt diesHIORY EZAINSsee alm Murders and Attemged MurdersHICIF, . XEHUA ENRYCowhided Negro who relsed to ply bill at Hicks store 10/34/88 02 2HICEVILLEsee alsr, Storms and TarnadoesHEH SCHOQISseeHEWER mmTmseeHBSHTWW, JCHNsee also NegroesHILB,E&cati on and School smil eges and Univer si ti esMmsee also BankruptciesHrn, mvID Psee also <strong>Arkansas</strong> - Eblitics and ElectionsHILL, m Nsee also Murders and Attemsed MurdersHILL, W Fsee a1 so Maski Cbunty - ml itics and EJ. ectionsH ILLHCUSE, WHEEL EFtsee also blnzder s and Attangked MurdersHILtDN, GESE Asee also Alaholic BweragesHINET mEDsee also RepuUiaan RrtyHmCH mD QOsee BankruptciesHmEr HmRY Csee also Wme and CriminalsWOEESr PSAsee also Qittenden GountyHOGUE, HARRYsee a1 rn Murders and Attmeed Murders - WilsonHQrnESS CHUmESState Holiness crowention had at &&&st Church in &ark 1Q/27/88 02 2HQLfWAY, E Hsee also Mm3x-s and Attempted MurdersHQLCWEtiL, EAACPhermnenal spotted Negro child of Illm muple dies 07/11/88 02 2Spotted child had been ehibited all wer the US 07/11/88 02 2HCLLY GRXEsee also Robberies and TheftsH a y , MlTsee alm Murders and Attemgted MurdersHQLWOODsee also bthodist QmchHOMESTEAD BUILarnrS IWD Lrn ~SrnSIDNsee BanksHrnCTDEsee Murders and Attemgted Murders

m Y HILLsee Garland, Augustm HillHWFER, P 0Testimony in wobe CIE death aE pti& at Ark Insane AsylunHOE%see a1 rso El res and F5 ranensee alm Housf ngsee also News Briefs - HopeResd ts of micipl d ectionsWsiness and prafessioml directory, descri@ion of twnmEe LmER 03see Cbmpnies and Factoriessee fires and FirmenHOPERELDsee.also <strong>Arkansas</strong> MidlandRailroadHOIWBROOK, JAMESsee also HousingHOR'ION, ARrnURsee also Murders and Attm#ed MurdersHOGPITALSsee &dial FacilitiesHOT SERING mmWork resunes on new amthouseFrogress being made on new murthouse aonstructionReturns in Dem pimaryDemocratic mmty mnv hadQuraouse at Mvern almost ready for useDemocrats hold grand rally at IW.vernm smmssee also Bankssee also Baseballsee als3 Education and Schoolssee also E@.saopll Churchsee a193 Fires and Firenensee also Housingsee alm Medical Ekcilitiessee aim bthodist Churchsee alsro Murders and Attemgted Murderssee also NEWS BrieEs - Hot Swingssee a1 so Oil and Gassee alm Religionsee also Riverssee a1 so Street RailwaysCbngress provides far use of excess hot water f ran sgringr;New bath houses nearing comgiletionResuts of micipl dectionsTckvn claims pmation of 14,000J Rrrryer Jones wants hthhouse exclusively for NegroesIlennrryer Jones &aims Negroes &ut out: of use a€ spin*Jdm Ma=uire u&ts hot hths with his rmveryDescribed ky Charles Ihdlty WarnerNayor Kimball exonerated fran &arge oE aiding liquor sales

HOT SHInGS RAILROADPassenger train wrecked near WvernH m ssee also Big Rocksee also E5 res and Ei rmensee also Mount Nebsee aLm Restaurants&attl s Hotel mw own at Little Rock1 s union depot 03/1l/88 05 2Cbrtunercid Hotel at LR changed to Baker Hotel 011/01/8805 1Gimcchio Hotel and Saloon at Telarkam hrns 04/28/88 01 2Stock co being formed at Jonesbro to hild 3-stw hotel 06/28/88 02 2TrUlock Hotel at Pine Blrdf sold to (%ens and Woodson 05/20/8804 4Democratic gubernatcrid can&&tes take roans at Gapital 05/29/88 01 3Hatel Trulock at fine BluEf opens mder new mgnt 06/03/88 02 2Hotel to be hi1 t on block r e&ntly Ixtrned at- may 06/17/8801 5bn injured criticzllly in fall fran window of Oaklfaf at LR 06/2/88 05 1Large kick hotel at Pbmnoth Swing campleted 06/212/88 02 2New hatel under aonstrudsion at QarksvLLle 06/29/8802 2Large 2-story hick hotel being built at Eomke 07/20/88 02 2Hotel Trdock at Pine BluEf to add 28 roans 07/26/88 02 2Hatel Trulock at Fine Bluff is leafing hatel 08/1v88 03 1Francisco Hotel. at Qrway undergoes repirs 08/15/88 06 1Threestory brick being built at Wynne 08/17/8802 3Black Rock to have large 3-story kick hotel. 08/31/88 02 2New brick hotel j tst mmpleted at Rogers 09/19/88 02 2Derning Ho~lse at Little Rock sold to J&n A Gravett lo/09/88 05 1fine new hotel opns at Qarksville 10/14/88 02 2Southern Hael at Pine BluM destrqred ky fire 11/l3/88 01 7Ntw hotel at Lomke nears completion 11/22/88 02 1Nw hotel under mnstruction at wkadelfiia 12/0l/88 02 2Large hutel to be hilt at Hamhrg 12/07/88 03 1HavSE, C Gsee also Murders and Attempted MurdersmsE, JEEW Wsee also maski Comty - Blitics and EleckionsAddresses Old Hickory Club at Little Rock 10/27/88 01 5HaJSrnRatograms of residenoes in Cbrway and FWLkner Bmtysee am Old Ladies Hane (Little Rock)see Rwerty and the morsee also Veterans HmesJmes Hornikook Ixlilding fine new hane in Little Rock 02/25/88 03 1Janes Hanibrook house to be hilt with dl-<strong>Arkansas</strong> materia Ow25688 03 1J S Wilsbn hildng rgsidenoe on Ront St in Cbrwq 03/03/88 02 2Shelter Ear handess persons to be opened at Littl. e Rock 03/03/88 03 3Substantial dvdlings being erected in <strong>Russel</strong>lvjlle 03/09/88 02 2Mmy nw residences being built in Rogers 03/13/8802 2Rmto a€ residence OE E A Ihrr at Mkins 03/3v88 02 3&terial for hane hilt iy Fwbert Qittenden was f ran OB/17/88 03 2Samuel W Fbrdyce to Exlild fine residene in Hok S~inqs 04/20/88 03 1Several new &&ling houses under wnstruction at Qarendon 0Y08/88 02 2J L White hilding handsane residence in Hope 05/09/88 02 2Sweral rsew residenoes going up in Jonesboro 05/12/88 02 2fhotogragh o£ residene a€ Cbl J HMcCarthy, LinaolnAve, LR 05/13/88 15 2

Fra€ M Savage building 2-story r&&nce at Little Rock 05/27/88 03Bagist Rwivalist W E Rnn hilding fine hane in Eureka Spg3 07/20/88 02First stone house in Eureka S m is that of W E Rnn 07/20/88 02W E &nn house has stone frm grave of poet Lord ByronFine residence a€ L B Lei& in LR dmst f iniAedMrs Olive A &&on hildting fine residenoe at LRResi &nce aE J B Bateman in LR is ma etedThanas Hmdng desiqing severdl residlenoes in Little RockBrick work being done on resibnce aE Dr Southall at LRList uf new residences under construckion in Little RockOva 400 houses have been hilt in Pine Blldf this yarR R Barnett erecting fine &elling at RincetonStuttwrt has 24 new housesDr J M McIntob enlarging his Beebe xesideneHane for mfortmate and friendless wanen urged for LRPhotogra& o£ residence a£ Jdm D A&ms at Little RockCld J&mn mansion on East 7th in LR sold to J P EagleDr Gann hilding nice residence in SheridanThirty houses are under construction at RogersHWIS. A Csee alm ShootingmARD mmsee al~jo Murders and AttemGed Murders - GreolpryLengthy article on e aomic resources of aomtyReturns in &in pimaryReturns in Em pimaryReturns in IHn pinaryDemocratic mmty mrxv heldDemocratic amty mm hadAgricultural Whed mes can&&tes for mmty off icesDemocrats hold political rdlyDemocrats sel& mmty ticketH(WARD, W LDemmces election fraud allegations of R B QrlLeeHCWELL. R HLetter on theft of pollbooks in Fulaski amtyH(WELL,T Ssee also MurCkrs and Attensed Mur&rsWDDLErnN, R Emmmoes thfft of Ftilaski Cbmty pllhooksmn;INs. B B%ckografi of I!& Hudns. dm of state DEmocsatic mllvWDErnS, mm GReturns to Dallas, Ark, to liveEHIECNq J Asee also Prisons - <strong>Arkansas</strong>Testifies in poke of 8al Hill wism m pJXJECN, 0 Bsee also Mur&rs and Attmsed MurdersMImCN, m msee a1 so Murders and Attemsed Murders - Hudsonmmm, A Jsee also Murders and Attenged MurdxsHUFFMAN, N B

ARIQWSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1888WTEE%E COLTeskif ies in ~obe a€ Cbal Hill pison

WTEX E CHUNIIER. JaNTestifies in p-obe OEOoal Hill pimn campHum. W RLeaves bequest to Fbcahontas Public SchoalEILTNTmsee WildlifemmxmGrwth a€ twn has been ranarkahleSamuel Fellows faled first tree to clear tansiteTcwrn is only 1-y~old, has 1500 residentsCoaL twn in sehstian Qunty graving rapidlyKJNISVILLEsee alm NewsBriefs - Hmtsvillewmms, R LLetter cN tariffs and commercem, WlLIAMsee dl so Murders and Attemged MurdersILLMESSsee Ri.sease and IllnessIMMIGRIYIIIIDN AND EMIGRIYTDNLee Cbmty enmurages settlers to me to that arsaFear expr essed that wrong class of peoa e may be attractedGazette amtends immigrants are cd hiaest classLogan H bats is Fes of Ark State Bureau of Irmniqation<strong>Arkansas</strong> amended by Imisiana pper for effortsCorway Cbunty to hold immigration mnvakionHanpt ead Co mty holds irmigr ati on cb mentionPulaski Immigration Baard meetsImmigration mwaerrt becomes more pmar &ilyLee Qmty Bureau meetsLogan (Brnty wepires for amwention&dimn Cbmty orgmizes an imigration hr auS-te immigration Lxlr sau is a very hsy glaceFaulkner Qmty to receive 13 Wisaonsin faniliesCounty society being organized in Union CbmtyIowa resi&nts flan to mwe to ArkanmsLarge nunbers of immigrants aoming to White a3mtyPermanent: society organized in Qrww CountySettlers mntinue to chooe <strong>Arkansas</strong> for hcmesFaU her Oounty has mu& inter esk in ~anoting imnigr ationJefferson Qmty en~~uz ages inxnigrationJdmsm Oounty gxanotes immigrationLee (btmty p epir ed to receive settlersMadism Cbulty Bur tau ready to receive immigrantsClhrne Cbmty Immigration Bureau orgartizedRogers grcmoted as good tom for settlersSmary ~ activities of state lhnigration BureauPhillip Bunty Inmigration Bureau now at workPulaski Cbmty Immigration Bur mu is at workhny rqwsts received fran ptentidl higrantsGarland County hreau in full operationMeeting held in mulkner Qtnty to Fanote imigrationImmigration mnve.ntion held in Bp QmtyPoinsett Cbmty holck immigration mruerrtion

mphlet pmred ky state Immigration Bursau 03/16/88 03Lee Cbunty activdy seeks settlers for area 03/18/88 03State Immigration Bursau off ice is bsy aace 03/18/88 03Jackson Qunty suppol- ts imigr ation mwenent 03/20/88 05Kansas immigrants mmhg to Ark in 03/21/88 03Demand for farm land in Ark grming 03/22/88 03Artide on incressing inter& in imigration to Ark 03/23/88 05Kississippi Cbmty inmigration lxxreftu organized 03/24/88 03State Inmigration Burmu working for immigrants 03/2$/88 03Nunerous delegations arming to state limiqration Bureau 03/25688 02Prcmotiion by state hreau mntinws at fast pce 03/~/8801Montgomery QwlCy enamrages immigration 03/28/88 05Irquiries pour in to state Immigration Bureau 03/30/88 01Sane cf tbe atlxactions of Ark for hane seekers 03/3l/88 02Interest in Ark continues 04/01/88 03State Irnnigration Bursau work has been successful 04/03/88 05Devd.opnerrts in immigration drive 04/0q88 05Prmckion of Ark continues 04/05/88 05Activities of state Immigration Bureau described 04/06/88 05Excursions king nary pospective settlers to state 04/07/88 05Urge pim@l et pinked by railroad pranotes Ark 0$/08/88 03Jdm =lure ~ag~s pospcts &ould k told of deckion fraud 04/1l/88 05Logan H Facts defends Ark and her immigration work O$/ll/88 05Immigration Bur-u organized at Mitt. <strong>Arkansas</strong> Cbmty 04/13/88 02News f rcm state Bnmiqration Bureau 04/l3/88 05Mor e settlers aoming to Ark daily to f ind new bes 04/1q88 03Many land hyers arming to Beebe arsa aE White Qunty 04/15/88 06Many irquiries received Iqr State IrtPmigration Bureau 04/20/88 05New Ybrk firm to aid in turning irrmigration to Atkansas OB/21/88 03Requests for information pours into State Immigration Bureau 04/26/88 03Excursion train rms fran lllimis to Stuttgart twice monthly 04/27/88 02Large nunbers of haeseekers arrive at state Burmu 04/27/88 03Table af lands available fur hmestead or chmp sale 05/02/88 05migration ms smariz ed 05/08/88 03State Immigration Burau off ice is hsy Naoe O!j/11/88 03Agents for Indiana group seeking land in Arkanas O!j/12/88 03Mgr H L RmmM denies state lweau operated for benefit of LR 05/12/88 03100 reasons wly Little Rock is desirable location 05/13/88 14~auragmerrt of settlers aolltinues 05/18/88 03Fadx abut Little Rock and vicinity 05/26/88 03Interest: in Ark oontinues at high level OV3W88 03F D Sryglqr brings 15 grospective settlers to Goal Hill 06/09/88 02<strong>Arkansas</strong> Cbunty Burmu meets 06/14/88 01Randal* Qmty receiving many settlers fran the North 07/01/88 03Hemy immigration frcm Kansas to Ark repxted 08/1q88 02Immigration expected to increase greatly this fall 08/12/88 08Globe-Democr at mys hllot box fraud hinders dwdopnent 09/l3/88 02Locak kure~iu wdl-organized to meet nee& 09/16/88 02Election frauds mzy deter immigration 09/18/88 05'Ihanas Essex assures north en men th q will be safe in Ark 10/03/88 05Wagon trains of settlers arriving in <strong>Arkansas</strong> Qmty 11/22/88 02mdve Georgia f milies settle at Gun Spiny (White Qmty) 12/0y88 02INWTsee Sex Crimes

INDEPENrnCE mPJrYsee also Mines and Mineralssee also Murders and Attensed Murders - Lustersee a1 so Oil and Gassee aim Wety and the Iborsee also Starms and TornabesDemocratic mmty convention hadDemocratic multy corn hadDemocratic mmty mnv hadMocr ati c Club holds rdlyAgricultural Whed mes uxmty ticketIEaDEPENrnCE myS&&leof activities in Little Rock araCelebration a t Litfle Rock describedCelebration at Little Rock is large. orderlyFbrt Smith crel ekxatesCelebration in lhundle townshipCelebrated a t DeValll s BluffPresoott oelebrates with hrbecueINErnrnT ORDER OF ODD m wsAbut 200 LR peofle went on excursion to OxwayGrand Lodge in session a t Ebrt SmithGrand Lodge elects off iaers at Fbr t Smith meetingmmmssee also Archealogy and <strong>An</strong>thropologysee also Qwts - US - District cf Western <strong>Arkansas</strong>INmr STEXTEsee also RisonsmMmYsee Mntal Health and DisordersmsmsBu£falo qats killing livestock i n CLarhn armWasp sting kills child in Otrrdll QuntySpider bite almost wed faw to W illian LangEordINSDLLMENT BLMFGsee CreditINSUmCELicense uf Southern Hcme Insurance Cb rwoked in ArkThe Ehmotas Life Asm of Little Rock grws rapidlyUnion Bmpess Cb sues Londm. Liverpol and Globe Ins OoINTEESTlYTE RAZWAY CON~CI'JDN CDsee Unnpnies and hctariesINVENTIONS mD INVEN'IORSE F Collett and Elkard Scott granted pterhsIWerks grardted J W Shd.1. Sid Smith and J C BakeH G Qdy and B L willianson reoeive ptents on imerrtionsCharles Smith and W H Hard receive ptents for inventionsW D Harrison and W R Nolley issmd patentsWillim H Cbste and Willian Racer reaeive pltentsDio Lewis gets ptent for fabric turfing machinehci~ L Battle and Henry G Ch* issued patentsPatents go to Jchn E Ql man. htti e A Van AlstineIRCN JDUNTAIN RAILROADsee also Rres and Firenen

see a1 so Robberies and TheftsFYei&t train wrecks near BeebeA H J&nson wins suit against STL. IM. and S Rail roadArticle explains suit OE A H JchnsonArticle on railrcad shop at Baring Crossmane cb gassengel: train thrwn frcm trackEt eight train and mssenger: train all i& near EhobelLengthy artid e on &dopent a€ Iron Momtain Rail roadPermit amwed for erection of frd*t depot in LRTrain wreck kills cnnckdor. irjures two other menSuit filed against line Icy amtractorsWreck near Nwport blocks tracksSeveral &age suits filed over aotton fire a€ last ya1:NEW timetahl e establiaedCam~bI.1 train wreck near WynneIRCN CWEsee Mines and MinerdsWWr HWmDsee also HihappingIVCRY, BIRDsee alg~ Murders and Attanged Murders - BiddenDARD OO&fNPYsee also Murders and Attangted Murderssee also Eaxrcjlers and Attmned Murders - Bd1Democratic primary hddDmocratic county aow hadJACECN UXNIYsee also Itmigration and migrationsee aim Landsee also Murders and Attensed MurdersDmocratic dub reorganizedReturns in Dem pima.ry&turns in Dm p.imaryDemocratic aounty convention hadLarge rally of Democrats hdd at NewportSeveral Dermocratic dub formedblitical ondicktes speakR B QrlLee speaks at Newport rallyJAc!Rrn GrnEseeCivil WarJACKSO% GAYsee also Murders and Attmgked MurdersJACISCN, JAPESsee also ShootingJACISCN, JAMES Asee a1 so Murders and Attmeed MurdersJACESa'lVrnEsee also Ecbcation and Shoalssee also News Briefs - JacksonvilleJAQ3BSr NMRmsee also Mxders and Attanged Murders - JambJAILSsee RisonsJAMES, FFWK

see also Qmntrdl's GuerrillasOnae-mted outlw going to Cincinnati far qtthias mrwJ m r J Dsee also Bankruptcies@nhns thdt cf pollbooks in maski ComtyJAMES,J ETestifies in pobe of Qal Hill pison campJMFmsee also Crime and Criminalssee also Explosives and ExplosionsJEFFERSOIsee also News Briefs - JdfersonJEFFERSCM mmsee also Cbngress - House - Ark Disk 02see dsr, Edxcation and Schodssee also Explosives and Explosionssee also Murdxs and Attangted MurCkrs - Thanassee also Murders andAttm@ed Murders - Jamksee also Murders and AttmRedl Murders - hmnsee also Murders and Attgnged Murders - Brwnsee alsr, Blimsee alsa Rimnssee also kchibition RrtyResa ts of Dwr pimariesReturns in Dm pimaryResdts of km pimaries disputedDemocratic amty mnu hadDePnocsatic aomty oonv heldPolitical rally -ad picnic had at RedfiddPine Blu£f EPlyor H K W hite involved in qmrrd wer politicsSwerd men drcw pistals &ring qcarrd wer politicsSharing comty cff ices with Repub called off ky DmsRepublicans hold cornentionRepubLican county anvention hddJ m Y , JMOlWsee also Murders and AttanFted MurdersJENCEY, J Jsee also Murders and AttemFted Murders - JenaeyJENKINS. L MTestifies in ~obe cd: 0x1 Hill pimn ampJENNKS, TEitOlWSsee also Oil and GasJFWELL, J Wsee alm Mines and MineralsJB7SB'mi Israd at LR dianisses Rabbi S EisenbergJEWrnsee also Murders and Attemged MurdersJmE. J ROrrranents on thdt cb Maski Cbmty pollbooksJCBSsee LaborJCHN H BUNKS (SIIP)see Ship and Shipping

JCHNEm mumsee also &migration and Emigrationsee a1 EO RismsEe also Prisons - <strong>Arkansas</strong>see alm Storms and TormdoesReturns frm Dem pimary OV20/88 01 1Returns in &in pimary 05/23/88 01 1Dmouats favor redection of Gw S P Hughes 05/23/88 01 2Returns in Ikm p5mary 05/25/88 01 2Democratic aomty am held 05/27/88 01 3Report on D m ~imaries 07/33/88 03 1Crmd of 5,000 gathers at Qarksville for Ikmocratic rdly 08/26/88 01 1JCHNrn. A Hsee also Iron Mountain Rail roadJUdNSCN, H Psee also Brties and lanoesJrnNrn, HARRYsee also Murders and Attmged MurikrsJa-INSCN, HENRYsee alsx, Murders and Attemged MurdersJCHNrn, m HTestifies in ~obe of Cbal Hill pison oampTestifies in gcob cd Cbal Hill p-imn ampJaNSCN, RICHARD Hsee also <strong>Arkansas</strong> - HistoryJMNSCN, RICBARD H (MRS)Member a€ paninent Ark politid family diesMrs Jchnson was a member o£ the Newton fanayFunerdl @am amulaedmetzil servies hdd. hrial. made in munt HollyWmorid trihte to Mrs <strong>An</strong>nie Newton JahnsonJmESr CLAYsee also WildlifeJ a E S p IANsee also Murders and AttanNed MurdersJCNES. DW WAttorney Genera pesented handsme caneText cd spe& to Cl evdand Club of Little RockCDJrn& mmm E.see E5 res and fi renenmE3, J Rsee also RdigionJCNE, JAMES Ksee also <strong>Arkansas</strong> - Iblitics and Eled5onssee also Qngr ess - <strong>Arkansas</strong> DelegtionTells hwnaow story on ponmciation of mes 03/03/88 04 4Defends A H Garland f ran criticisn wen: land suits 06/03/8809 1Telrt~speecfisupportingestabofUSDe~~Aqiculture 06/24/8812 1Washington Press ammends Semtor Jones 07/10/88 03 2EZIdeanhonorarymber of aLdHickory Qubof LittleRock 07/21/8804 5Letter on political issues 07/28/88 03 3Calls for pobe uf dlleged cotton bagging trust 08/1q88 04 4To@c of Semte speed is Whed ers and politics in Ark 09/28/88 02 2Remarks on subject o£ excessive taxation 09/30/88 03 1

Seratar Jones' spxh (ed)Charles E Omnin#mn respnds to speech onWheerlersr ULPCams etes pl iticzll trip through Southwest ArkAcWeses plitical rally at Little RockAddresses political rdly at Ebrresk C5.QFeatured speaker at Dem rdly at TexarkamSemtur hoping for DEsnouatic natl mj oriwCalls Ebwdl Clyayton deanesk menber of Repub Party in ArkJCNES, JFSSEsee alsr, RlieJCNES, JCHNsee also Robberies and TheftsmEs, M YLBughter of Senator Janes K Jones to spend winter in EuropeJCNESI EWLMiller a3mty resident speaks at rally in Hapstead CountySpeaker at Democratic rdly in Saline Quntysee alsoJCNES, SAMsee alsosee &soJCNES, T Hsee alsoJmm, W Hsee alsoJCNESr W Ssee alaoJCNE, WMDsee alsamESBm0see alsosee allsosee alsosee alsosee aimMurders and AttmFed MurdersReligionMaski Bunty - Blitics and ElectionsFires and FirenenNewton CbmtyMxders and Attan@ed Murdersfires and Fi renenHatd sNews BrieEs - JonesboroNewsgapersResbterian &ur&Swerd new hiidinp in flaming stageIbur new hsiness houses under mnstructionFine opera house to be hiltJcRmN, JAMESsee also Eckcation and SchoailsJQZWN, m ssee aim Democratic FartyAddresses meeting of state Dmacratic clubsJOKE EAMILYsee a ls Assadts and Disordmly Conik.ukJUIXASMsee JewsJUCGCN UNIVERSTFYsee QllegesmCNmBrid artide on White Gomty tam and its hsinessmm, SAMsee also Murders and Attmgted Murders

MSPS CITY, AREQINSPS END LaJIS M A RAILROADSurv y work being done in <strong>Arkansas</strong> 04/18/88 09Beebe ~tizensvute $25,000 if lineishilt tothat point 05/2Y8801Roposals called for on work on <strong>Arkansas</strong> division 09/16/88 03KANM CITY, FDIiT SQTT MD MEIYEIIS RAEROADLine to be formed ly merger of two railroads 04/2s/88 03KAV~WGH, mmM MDisscusses resmrces of Ark while in Frankfort. 07/20/88 06KELLEY, JEIN Wsee also Murders and Attmged MurdersKELLUX MINm mD MILLING 03see Mines and MineralsKELLY, HZIRRY ERiscusses Itismvery a€ strong gas wdl at Fbrt SmithKELLY, JOEsee alm Murders and Attensed MurdersKENSrnBrie€ artide on townKERSEY,J Csee also fires and Firmenmmm, HENRYsee alm Murders and Attanged MurdersKEYS, GEDXGEsee also Murdxs and Attmgked Mur&rs - KeysmmmmNssee also Murders and Attaqked MurdersEscapd mmict Jack Thorn abducks &uater fran foster hane 06/1?/88 04Wat Luster had custody af Thorn d8ughter at Batesville 06/14/88 04Jh 3nith. Hward Irving kidhap 11-wold child at LR 08/15/88 05Shi~ and IN ing kithapped child of Libbi e Buxbaun 08/15/88 05Smpects released a£ter Bwbawn &ild returned to mother 08/15/88 05K I B U . EWsee also Assaults and Disorderly (bnactm, GEDa:Esee alsoKIK, JCHNsee alsoKTNGZrnDsee alsosee almRobberies and ThdtsMurders and Attemged MurdersMurders and Attmeed MurdersRobberies and TheftsruRI3Y. S Bsee also ai~ase and IllnessKliRKPATRICK, J EResidence at Hanhrg burnsKLrn, amE5see al s Murtkr s and Attemped MurdersKLINE. m Ksee a190 Robberies and TheftsIQ7EEPT, C SLetter on electric power plant for Little Rock 06/27/88 02KNEm OF HamOkolom lodge gives brquet for 200 guests 05/16/88 02organized at Qtton Plant OV17/88 02LitUe Rock has new lodge med West End Ihiats of Homr 08/12/88 03

ARKANSAS GH EXTE IWEX 1888WTEAGECLittle Rock lodge installs officersIWzm OF Lz43oRsee also Cbngress - House - Ark D ist 01see a1 so LabrState mnvention being had in Ebrrest CityProceedings of state asmhly at Ebrr est CitymIGm OF PYl'HIASCha#er instituted at PhrianrraOff iaers of lodged in Little Rock installedDivision organized at MorriltonLodge to be organized in AtkinsProgram uE Grand Lodge meeting at Hot Spin*Large crawd watch drill at Glerwood Park in Little RockUniform Rank instituted at brriltonArcadia Lodge organized at AtkinsState Grand Lodge meeting in Hot SpingsGrand Lodge errj qing hospitality o£ Hot S~ingsVan Buren lodge gives krquet for visiting KniatsOfficers of Grand Lodge d eedGrand Lodge acfjourns after grand Ml. uff icers installedSpech o£ Jdm Hallun on tenets of wthianisnE&ly Lodge at IZlrdmelle installs offiaersKNEH2.3 mmmQmmandery to be organized at Ebrrest CitySixteenth annual and we CE Grand Cammandew meetsEQrquet hdd ly Grand CommanderyOEficers of Grand aommandery d eed and installedWCNLES, PAsee also maski Qmty - Ibl itics and ElectionsWOXVILL Esee aim Storms and TormdbesKRAMER, EREDERICKsee also maski Cbmty - mlitics and ElectionsmmE, NICKEntertains friends before laving on tour & mopemss, mmEsMxders and Attm&ed Murders - Kusssee al EDLARCEE LmJBee also Ehysicians and Surgeonsmmsee also Mines and Mineralssee also Street Railwayssee also Union Labx E$rQIQli@ts of Labor leader hanged in effigy at Ebrrest CityLomnotive Rigineers Union at LR ak4rses railroad strikeHfiqy hanging of mn Fraser Tanson enibrsed ky R of L localWarkmen on EUaski Cb Courthouse object to use aE mrwictsContractor fires all masons workins on PuTaski. murthouseDischrqed masons r e@.aczd on Rdasl& aourthouse prqj ectCarpnters at Little Rock will work 9 hrs Fer i$y orilymm BANNERsee also NewsplpersLAFALLY, B EKilled while maqiling railroad car at Gifford

fAFAYETI!E mmsee a1 so Murders and Attemned MurdersReport on political activitesReturns in Dm pimaryDmocrats i&ru&for skate officialsIkmocratic oounty am hadAgridtural Whed puks o& mmty ticketDemocrats choose mmty ticketDemocrats make mhtions for mmty off ioesRepublican ticket medLAKE CITYsee also fires and RranenLAmRsee also AlaoholicBa~eragessee also &cation and Schoolssee a.l so Wders and Attemeed Murderssee also NEWS BrieEs - Lana.Results of mid@ electionMmKsee also Presbyterian Chur&LANWTER, JCHN R I3Cbmments on th&t of Maski Cbmty pollbooksrnDOld SpniA land grant cited for daim to Oil Wou* bttansUS Suprane a settled Spnid~ Land grant daim in 1878Tahle & lands, ly aomty, available for cheap saleXhilbrook h& rs lose suit claiming title to most Q£ LREhilbrook suit thrcwn out ky US Sqyene OourtWatalula quatters have never filed claim to hanesteadsWataltilirarea settlers often lose hanes throua cardesmessLi'WFDRD, W HEmmces th&t of Maski Cbmty pollbooksLRSLEY,Ern Psee alm Agricultural Whedsee allso Newspperssee also Union Labr IBrtyBadly tr sated at MaJprt by drunksm y , RCLANDsee al lso Murders and Attanged MurdersLPWRENCE mmsee also Murders and AttenFted MurdersWmk begins on new courthouse at RmhatanCornerskone laid for new murtbouse at Rmhal;anList o£ artides plaoed in courthouse aornerstoneDePnacratic aountv aom hadmocrats ncanim*te county ticketAgricultural Wh& puts out a ticket for mmty offiaesPolitical rdly hdd at Black RockLPWRENCE, am6see alsa Qmgress- Home - ArkDist 01IPWRENar SILPSsee a1 so Missing PersonsLHSr JEFFsee &I. so Wders and Attemged Murders

ARKANSPS GAZ ETTE INDEX 1888msm. JAMFSsee also mrtiea and lknoesLAY, SQINsee also Mxders and Attemged Murders - LayLEA, KB ERT Jsee also murts - Ark -Circuit Cburt Dist 06LER WAsee also Murders and Attengted MurdersLEPIIWERMAN, LELrnDCondemns theEt a€ pollbooks in Fulaski CbmtyLEmE!l?Im, J FTestifies in poke cb Coal Hill nison campLEE: CDUNPYsee also Immigrationand migrationReport on Dm ~irnaryReturns f ran Rm pimaryDermocratic mmty crow hadResa ts of Ikmocratic primariesLEE JEFFsee alm Fires and firenenLEE.see als Murders and Attengted MurdersLE BLWltTREInfluence of our Gwernor on legislation (ed) 04/28/8804 2List of members of 27th Genera AssemHy 09/14/88 02 3Sumnary of ocm~tions of menbers of Gener d Assem6l.y 10/13/88 04 3Jem Loucjdmrou& seeks job of Saate enrolling clerk 11/13/88 05 3LEI;SLXKJRE - HmSEB B Hudgins is candidab for House Speaker 11/28/88 04 1R S Chaytar is candidate far House Clerk lV29/88 01 4LEIBm, JCGERIsee alm Fires and FiranenLEIP, S Psee alm Brnograghy and OkcenityLEIEERI G Asee also Prisons - <strong>Arkansas</strong>LESLIE mTWsee also Fires and firanenLLWELLrn, BOn]see also Wder s and Attemged MurdersLEWIS, mIEL Wsee also NegroesLWTE, DIOsee also Inventions and InventorsLmm, ERANKsee a1m Murders and Attemgted MurtkrsLEWISI JERRYsee a1 so Murders and Attengted MurdersLEWLSVILLEsee also News Briefs - LwisvilleLIBEL, mD SLmmsee also NewsgapersJanesGariMdifined$lfor slander d C J EWcellatLR 12/05J8801 6LIEWRIES WD LIBRARIANS

see a1 so FUEL ic LibrariesLrDDrn, JAMESsee ala, @pita1 RmidmentLIDELL, JIMseealso Qpital <strong>An</strong>ihentLrnSsee CkeditLINalLN mm JAILsee PrisonsLINCDLN MILLS BND STOCK EFiRMsee also BankruptciesLINalLN, mmEs Jsee also IBrties and mnesLINCDLN, LATE Csee also mulkner CbmtyFhotogragh CE Cbway q a rLmmsee Alcroholic BeveragesL m m swmWater has hi* lithia crontentLlTI'LE MISSCURI RIVERsee RiversLITILE RIVERAgricuLtural whed rwnhtes slate cd officialsDmocratic primaries hadLITKE RIVER mNIYReturns in Dem ~imaryAqiatltural Wheel p&s out full Whed ticketReturns frun Dm grimariesDGPnocsatic aomty am heldAgricultural Wheel did not put out date of ondihtesLDTLE ROCKsee alsosee alsoEe alsosee aimsee alsosee almsee almsee alsosee alsosee alsosee alsosee alsosee almsee alsosee alsosee alsosee alsosee alsosee alsosee alsosee alsosee aimBankruptciesBanist ChurchBaselrallBicyCles and Bicydingc=lkQtholic ChurchCemeter i esChristian Cl~ur&CircusesDisease and IllnessEmmic CondtitionsELectric PowerEntertairmmtEpis03pl Chwd-~Fires and FirenenFor &gn Desaent G rowGanM ingHotelsHousingJ€wsKithaengLana

see aimsee alsosee alsosee almsee almsee alsosee alsosee alsosee alsosee alsosee alsosee alsosee alsosee alsosee a1msee almsee alsoMdical EkilitiesMemorial mymtplodist alurchMurders and Attemged MurdersOld Ladies Hme (Little Rock)Brties and DinesIbverly and the morResbyterian Uwr&ic LibrariesRdigionRestaurantsRetail StoresSex crimesStorms and TomadoesTel efionesThanksgivingWatermat aE AdBrns-Additionsee also Lutheran ChurchEUture of city is bricjht if citizens work togetherPlat o£ Jones and Worthen Ads tionLXTllLE ROCK - BUILDIEJGS MD OFFICXSDescrigtion of bat house to be hilt ky lkhletic AsmFh&ogra@ af Nlis BuildingEbnes Bros Bldg at bin, Sand being r anode1 edPh&o a€ Iron Mtn Railroad Land Degt Off iceArtide on new hildinq mder wnstructionFones Bros kuilding 4-stcry brick on min in LRWr e new hildings mder constructionPhotogram a€ Union &potEhotogram o£ Bard of Trade BuildingLITTLE ROCK - CMY OOUKtLsee also LitU e Rock - RA itics and ElectionsProceedin9 of Cbmcil sessionCbmcil acts on several itms on agenC4Council in &ort sessionComcil apgrwes Lse cB dedtric street li*tsProceedings of Gouncil meetingNew City Cbrncil takes offie, organizes for workCouncil has hsy session as officials are selectedCbuncil attends to large amomt of hsinessProoeedings of OxxidlComcil mnsidxs petitions and resolutions. &bites f bnceQuncil h ~ rpti s tions. &f sa ts Blackwood ordinanceCouncil holds long session. acmrnaihes littleComcil meets on Tam Brand? antractAppwal a£ more f mds for Tcwn Bran& work amwedCouncil disposes of bcklog of workQundl &kiting use of dedxic per for street li@tsFails to settle dispte wer li*ting of LR streetsPrweedinq~; of 8uncil meetingProceeding of CbunulODuncil amdders severdL petitions f ran citizens&titions of dl kinds pour in to City Qm~l

nTEAGECOotnul grarrts prmission for Iron En Railroad f rd#t depot 08/08/88 05 2Gouncil holds short session 08/15/88 05 1Short session hdd 08/22/88 05 1Smary o£ Quncil actions 08/29/88 04 4Froceedincg of Ciw Cbmel 10/03/88 01 6Roceedings of meeting 10/10/88 05 1Roaeedings of Council meeting 10/24/88 03 1Proceeding of City Qunul 10/31/88 03 1Business transacted ty @mu1 is smarized lV07/88 05 1Short meeting hdd 1l/21/88 01 6Cbuncil transacts important hsiness 12/05/88 05 1Cbmcil acts on petitions. apgxwes acoomts. other hsiness 12/19/88 01 6Council am&Cts hsiness. &sasses waterworks 12/23/88 08 1Proceedings of aouncil meting 12/23/88 08 1LTPTLE ROCK - COlEtRA~S IWD HJEeMASIMGE W Rrker alleges myor Whip@ e issued $27.000 in bonds 05J22/88 02 2Full discussion of aontrwersy beteen Earker and Whime 05/22/8802 2The el&rfc li@t question (ed) 05/22/88 04 2W L Terry cnrrecks statanent attrihted to him 05/23/88 03 1Mr YW W Br ker and the myor (ed) 05/26/88 05 3Ehgineer says work on Town Branch artdf mt suitable 10/17/88 03 1J R Miller asks that work on akdf be accesed ll,/OL/88 04 4Arbitration to be used in dispke wer at-cdf work 1l/02/88 03 4MA Orlopp Jr discusses contract for city atoff 11/02/88 04 4LZITLE ROCK - DFSCRIFClON MD IMERESSDNSFrank Lesliels for mr& 17 contains fsature on ciQ 03/08/8805 1Elmtogram aE street scene 08/05/88 09 3Charles IXXdlq Warner describes city 08/29/88 03 1Photogra* of mrkhan Street &ows German Natl Bank hldg 11/2v88 03 4R~F of MmuEactur ers Record cWi*ted with Little Rock 12/01/88 01 5LITILE ROCK - ECDNOMIC WELORENTsee Eaomic IkvelopnentLDTLE ROCK - ETNM03 AND BvIx;E!EReposed ordinance would kr warrants unless f mds available 05/10688 04 2?he-Blackwood ordimnce on warrants (ed)OVlY88 04 3The Blachood ordinanae (ed)Ward W Br ker oomments on Blackwood or dimnoeJ W Blackwood disasses his popsed ordinance on warrantsBlackwccd ordimnce Ckfeated by Crily Cbur~cil.Etkard Parker letter on Blackwood ordinanceLTITLE ROCK - FIRE EEPIRmsee Fires and FiranenLlIlTLE Rrn - HEISLrn BQllRDBcard organizes, begins workLITI'LE ROCK - MAEMp of dty d~ws ~ocks. railroads, major featuresL m E ROCR - WrnRsee also Little Rock - Contracts and PurchasingLITI'LE RCXX - OFFTCIALSCity oEficers d-iosen ky Cify QmcilJ T O'Hair resiqs as city trsasurerL m E ROCK - EoLrrICj rnD ELEgIONSWhat they want and must hwe (ed on aldermen selection]

ARMSAS GAZETIE INEX 1888IATEIXECNcmina tions for aldermen being made 03/14/88 04 2Dms namimte Jchn W Blaclcwood, Ck eed T Walker . D R Wing m/14/8805 1Re- ioans making namina ti ons for &men p si ti ons 04/01/88 01 4Letter critid rb Myor W G Whipae and plitical handMlls 06/01/88 01 7&ard W Br ker dis&ses qua1 ities nee&d in aldermenRepU ioans divided over mina tions for al &menMayor W G Whip@e reflies to criticim a€ his actionsD R Wing and Jan W BlacloJood win aldermen postsGreen Than~on and C T Walker decked to City CbuncilEditorial. ament on aldermen eleionHiran RobMns Claims big money helped *fat him for CbmulElkard W mrkez aorrtinues fuss with hyor W G WhimeMayor W G Whime delivers state a€ the city addressLITTLE IZm - HJE3LIC BUILC[INGS AND OFETCESProposal fur new city hall gets favorable recegionCity Qmcil to stu* feasibility aE hilding new city W1New city hall would be at fock aE b in StreetS S Wassell suppr ts gcoposed new city M IL m E ROCR - EUBLIC HZOFERTYList o£ cily ~operty leased for pivate weLI!ITLE ROCK - SIREET LIGHTSThe gas qmstion one more (editorial)Myor W G Whime discusses the gas questionPulaski Gas Li*t Q wesents its cmmunication to bardA question of amtracts (eilitorial)Eldward W arkex: disputes statgnmks of myar WhiseCity ~esents its 03mrnmications to the 9s ampmyCiiy Cbmcil votes t o use electric listsOrdimnoe gwides for prchase of pwer @ant for listsMayor Willian G Whime discusses electric street li*tingFinn aEf ers to ~11dectric liat @lark to ulyBib drawn t o favor om system. mpny rep: saysLIIITLEROCa - SIR-CegilorahZe anditions exist in front of OlpLtol Building<strong>Arkansas</strong> Industrid Cb gets pving antractMcadamized streets to be hiltWest Mxkhan pving not acmrding to antract, letter -caysPaving wcrrk on mrkhan not fini&ed, ammissioner points outPaving of 11 blocks nears myil etionPaving proj ect am@, etedLIflTLE ROCK AND CHWTlW RAILROADOEf icers elected, sans made to begin wcrk on poj ectLDTLE ROCK AND alRT SPlITH RAILROADsee Mi,ssouri Bcific Rail roadLEFLE ROCK AND HOT SHIIMSS RAltROADBuilding of road enmuragedLITTLE ROCK AND MEMEHE EWLRCbADBrakeman killed near MemmisLl!ITL E ROCK ARSENKArsenal is scene of Blocher-Stone weddingPhatogram a€ tuildinqs and groundsIron fen- runs along front of groundsLl!I'TL E ROCK CHAIR CDsee ampnies and E$&ories

LI!FPLE ROCK CJUWER OF COMMERCEEditorial urges Board of Trade to beme mme ad5veBeard of Trade beaming more activeList of directors of Little Rock Board of TradeDirectors of LR Board of Trade meets. transacts bsinessBoard of Tkade directors meet. transact hsinessMembership meets. dislcusses sweral. aoncernsList af officers of Little Rock Board of TradeRoaeedlings of Board of Trade meetingProceedinqs of Bcard of Pa& meetingLITTLE ROCK CITY MISSIDNsee also Risons - <strong>Arkansas</strong>LD.TLE ROCK ~ ~ E Q3 S Ssee Fires and FiraenLlIITLE ROCK D?iILY FRGRESSsee NwsgaprsLIT'TLE ROCK EnTTSO5l ELEICPRIC LIGHT l!ND P(3WER 03see Eleckric PowerLlTlTLE ROCK ELEXTRIC LlGKT 03see Electric WerLlIITLE ROCR GWDE CDsee al ;so Rock and StoneLETL E ROCK J ~ RAILROAD ~ Nsee Missouri Bcif ic RailroadLITTLE ROCK RWLIC LIBRARYsee WiLic LibrariesLlTlLE ROCK UAmTERSEYseeCbllegessee FoothllLXJTLE RXK, MISS ISSIPPI RIVER AND TEN RAIL-Wreck near LR kills one man. irj ur es anotherJury believes =it& was thraun opn to wreck trainLDTLE, E Lsee also FbliceL m m , R Dsee a1 rn ReligionLIVE S!KlCK ASSOCIATIDNsee GamUingLIVESTICKArkanssas stock breeders association formedBuEfalo wts killing livestock in (Xarentbn ax=mYD. JCHNsee also mliceLOANSsee also Ckeditm GWEEZNMENTRoster o£ mmty aff icers elected Set 3. 1888lacKm3msee also fires and firanensee also News Briefs - Lmkeshrgsee also TelefionesLGM amsee aim &migration and Rnigratiansee ~EED Mines and Mineras

WTEE E Csee also Murders and Attemged Murderssee also Prisonssee also ShoatinqsIxmacratic primaries hddDmocr ati c primary hadDemocrats hold nminating cornDemocrats select delegates to state aonvResd ts of Bm pimaries in LoganAgricultural Whed mks political minationssee also Ili~ase and IllnessDemocrats hold rallyAcmmt r qtd Negroes driven Eran polls. one killedDemocrats cpther at Rris to aelelcaate election winReports of violence were untrue, only poblen was at IhbLinLCbJEIW. M JTestifies in p-obe cb (bal Hill pimn campmomsee alln, Ehcation and Srhoalssee also Eke and Accegted Order ct kmnssee al m Gypi essee alm Hotelssee alm Nws Briefs - I;omkeJanes P Eagle r eaeives warm wdaome hmeArtide on social and eaorwmic dharacteristics of tamBdness and pro£essional directory a€ tammom OW=see a1 so <strong>Arkansas</strong> - Ebl itios and Electionssee also Mines and Mineralssee also Murders and Attemned Murderssee alm WildlifeMocr ats hold county anvationArticle on social and emmic characteristics of mmtyPhatcgrafi of courthouse at LomkePhotograN cf scene on Prairie Longue in Lomke QmtyDmacrats hold wdnrme hane cer enory for Janes P EagleRepuhlioan meeting hdd in arlisleIkmocr ati c primati es h d dDemocrats hold rdlyBlitical news fran GirlislernT PERSmssee Elissing Per sonsLXXK;H3rnaZH. J msee a190 LegislatureLOUISIANA, iRPPIWSZS AND MISSUJRI RAILROADLogan H bats elected presidentStockholders meet at BrinUq. dect dfimrsWE EMNKsee also Murders and AttemRed MurdersWE, JCHNsee aim Murders and Attemeed MurdersLwm, W MBmunces thdt & Pulaski Cbmty pollbooksL[WE 3fHN KTestif is in pobe of anditions of G0al tXill prison camp

L m , MARKsee also Murders and Attanfled MurdersLUCKETT. IBLIX Gsee also Murders and Attaped MurdersLUCKETT. SAMJELsee also Murders and Attmped MurdersLuCKINi3ILLI JASmsee mder s and Attmgked MurdersLmmsee wood and Wood Pro&& sLUSTER, MARKsee a1 so Mxders and Attansed Murders - IusterLUSIIWT msee also KiChappingL m m CHUmIlkscription of mu German Lutheran aurcfi hldg in Little Rock 0qU7/88 05 1German Lutheran Church bld at Little Rock dedicated 0$110/88 05 1E5 rst church in Ark was organized at Fbr t Smith in 1868 09/09/88 03 3Historid sketch cd Geman Lutherans in Ark and LR 09/09/88 03 3List af Lutheran Churches in Ark 09/09/88 03 3Pfiotogra& aE German L*heran Churdn at Little Rock 09/09/8803 3List of Lutheran colonies in Ark 09/09/88 03 5LYNCRIP;IGsee also Sex Cximes16-y~dd Negro named Graves lynched for rape of child 08/28/8801 5Victim aE Graves was &u of Josefi A Tdly o£ Swier Cb 08/28/88 01 5LX)N, AWsee also <strong>Arkansas</strong> - HistoryMABB, WE Asee also Actors and ActressesMRY, HBERTsee also Murders and Attaped MurdersMACK, L LJudge Pkck praised as a kind-hsarted manmmsa OXTmsee also Alaohalic Barsagessee alsw, Enmigration and migrationsee alm Mur&r s and Attem*ed Murders - Cecilsee als Hur&rs and Attempted Murders - Wilsonsee a1 so W dler s and Attmgted Mur &r s - Rafh erDePnocrats hold mass meeting at HuntsvilleReport fran Em mnvPolitical news fran mmtymlitical news of countymDE;mmsee RLsease and IllnessmmIAsee also Fires and Firmasee aim News Briefs - hgoliaMMLOY, JCHNsee als3 Murders and Attmfied Murdersmvmsee also Fires and Firmensee also Wthodist Church

see ala, News BrieEs - Wvernsee alm Reskyterian &w&Results of municipl dectionsmmm sHCmsee &LsoFires and F5 ranensee alm Hotelssee alm News Briefs - hmnoth SpfngTwn &ows pxgress with much hilding going on~rnE81YIEZ JAMES JLetter on popsed electric liats for Little RockMANSAELDTwn inaor p r atedMARsee also <strong>Arkansas</strong> - Map;see a1 so Little Rock - Phpsee also Rail roadssee a1 sf, Street Railwayssee a1 so Wood and Wood Pr odxct sM!U?BLE-posit a€ oryx in Benton Qmty to be workedLocation of oryx caves in Benton Qmty given in detailOnyx deposit in Benton Cbmty is located in Bear CaveOryx to be qtarried by <strong>An</strong>erioan Onyx CoMARDISp N Bsee also Assaults and Disorderly Qn&&m m Asee aim Bankrupkciessee also Rkase and Illnesssee also Kni*ts of Pythiassee also News BriesEs - brimmmsee also NegroesIYmrnN coumsee also Mines and Mineralssee als3 Prisonssee as3 Sex Crimessee also Ship and ShiHngsee also Storms and Torna&esRepublicans hold their first cx>m since Reclonstructionsee als Storms and TormdoesResd ts of Democr ati c primar i esReplhlimns name ticketCbLnty !t!reisurer Mike Wolf disapgeaxsDeficit a€ $1,000 fomd in accbunts of Mr Wolf~UESS. J W 0see also Murders and Attanped Murdersm. JAPlESsee also Murders and AttanFed MurdersME, m&10see almsee almsee aimsee alsoMmRIPI;E rnDAssaults and Disorderly CbndxkFires and FiranenAzlaski Cbunty - Bl itics and EL ectionsShootin*MVma

see a1 so Ek auds and Sw indl ingsee alm Weddincls~b. R Pwright &&d at searcy with ~ g m yDr Wri*t pns pen while awaiting trial at SsarcyRotogra* u€ DL R P Wri*t, who is charged with bigamyPitiful andtition of Ik R P Wright in Searcy jailAccount & trid cB L L Loggins at Searcy on Mgmy chargesL L Loggins sentenced to 5 years at hard laborL L Loggins used alias Ik R P Wright in <strong>Arkansas</strong>Phutogra@ of L L Loggins. ~incipl in him caseL L Loggins enters pison to begin serving termFrank B CJood marries F'llss Burke at Eureka Spgs illegallyFrank Wood used first wife to entrap seamd ink0 MgmyMRRSH&LI DAVEsee aim Murders and Attenged Murderssee also Robberies and TheftsPRRSHALL, J CAddr esses meetjng of state Demou atic b ulxMARSHKL, S NLetter on Little Rock-meet Hme toll raadmTmq CWARLES Fsee also maski Colnty - Ibl itics and ElectionsMARTIN, ma&Fka Ridge resident is rmarkaI5l.e for one of his agemTmT R Tsee also ShootingMRTlNI RWsee also Tawti onMWTlN, 'MmBsee alm <strong>Arkansas</strong> - Attorney General.M!UlTWIW.IEMew tam sp5.n~ up at manganese mine in Fulaski CbmtyTcwn is awned by QpiW Land and Mining CoMwvmt GrnIGE ARAI hrvin hastily laves Mulberry to avoid arrestMINVTJ-ILEBrie£ desafsion of Yell Cbmty tamMASCN, B WDenounas thet of A;zlaski Qunty pollboolcsMFSCN, HENRYsee also Fttrder s and Attaneed MurdersMrn, EDLEsee also Murders and AttemGed Murders - MsonMESEX, Jsee also Murders and Attengked MurdersWTIHWS, JACKsee also Murders and Attgnged MurdersmmEWsy JAPsee also Murders and Attemyjed Murders~~ EWS, JEFFsee alrso Murders and Atten@ed MurdersraUMEIl;E (SHIP)see also <strong>Arkansas</strong> - Historymy, HAR.RY

see also ReligionMOQIB, JESSEsee alsr, Murders and Attempted Murders - RansawMCDBTHY LEHT GUPRCGsee MilitiaMCmRrnY, J Hsee also Housingsee alsa Rrti es and DancesEbrtrait of McCartlry to hang in armory at Little RockWCQIArn,W Ssee aI.m <strong>Arkansas</strong> - Iblitics and ElectionsMCCLURE, J W DCorranent on theft of Pulaski Qmty pollbooksMCQIURE, JElNsee also <strong>Arkansas</strong> - Ibliti cs and Electionssee also lhigr ation and Emigrationsee also Republican hrtyMCOXLW J Csee also M.r&xs and Attemped MurdersMCCDY, KLEHsee also Murk s and Attensed Murdersr4ccRAmr ISAACsee also Umgr ess - Mouse - Ark Di st 0 4see also Union Labor: artyMCCRIsW, B Bsee also kthodist ChurchMCIXCRYsee also Osm~anies and EWxriesMCCULLOXH, P Dsee dl so mocr atic PartyMCIXVID, rPlVIDsee also Murders and Attengted Murders - Ehsl qMCIXVID, GmKEsee also Murders and Atteqted Murders - Bsl eyMQIDN&DwFtmer US Smtor from Ark critically ill in New YorkMGAUGHY, W Lsee a1 so Mur dler s and AttanFted MurdersMCGEE. NQdNsee also Murders and Attangked Mur&rsEEHEE W Lsee a1 so W&rs and Attemgted MIX dersMCILrn AND 00see BanksMcZLVEEHs SAmELsee also Murders and Attensed Murders - Mcllvei*KIWNIW, A Ssee also Cburts - Ark - Cirarit Cburt Ust 05McKEmCN, ASsee also Cburts - Ark -Circuit (burt Bist 05mmDMrnZIF,,see also Murders and Attemged MurdersMCKENZm, WILLIAMsee alm Assaults and Disorderly Qn&&

MQILR& a NAddresses political raly at Ebrrest CityMa!IArn, ARrnURsee also Elulder s and Attensed MurdersMU!?AIRT WZLEsee also Murders and Attm&ed MurdersMqaULSrnN, m Ksee also Robberies andTh&tsM a , 'Mm Csee also Cbngress - House - Ark D ist 03Editorial on Mae stand on Blair edxaation hillDisasses federal aid to edmtion billsSpech in Qng urging puhlic lands be reserved for hanesteadsStops briely in LR on way kack to Wa&ington. D CHouse psses bill supported by McRae on pxhlic lan&Wled to Ark kg iLlness of wife and m&h erMErnRT CVsee also <strong>Arkansas</strong> - HistorymaNJIa BUIZIMIG PND LORN PsSoCIATroNsee BanksMEMCU ~QLllfIESE;d W Brkr wants impwenents at Pulaski Gounty HospiWMedical societies work for impwanerhs of Fulaski Hospital&ard W Brker discusses charity hosp for Little Rock=ard W Brker letter on charity hospi. tal far Little RockLetter urges work on &xi@ hosp at Little RockWork progressing on Chariw h0spi.W in Little RockDelay in work on Charily Hosp at LR explained by W RrkerWork on Charity Hosp at LitU e Rock progressingRanuters hop to erect suitable Mdq for Charity HospAdams Home at Hot S~inqr; to beme a sanitariunCharity Hospital nears mm@letion at Little RockSisters of Charity to oprate Qlarity Hosp in Little RockCharity Hospi. tal to open in Little Rock shortlySisters of Mercy arrive to open Charity HospitalArtides of inaxpxation of Charity Hospital cf Little RockCharity HospiW at Little Rock prepres to receive ptientsDelay in o~ndting Charity Hospital at LR explainedCharity Hospital nearing oompLetion. &nations being madeCharity Hospital nears ampletion. Ed W Ehrker saysFine vege-ble gardm Fawn at Rzlaski (bmty JBspitalDescriRion of UmriQ bsp at Little RockI'nMCmE IWD Hmmsee also bdical FacilitiesmmOCK, C Hsee also Murikrs and Attangted Murders - NdlockMEEK, J Asee also Negroessee alrso Fulaski Cbmty - Iblitics and ElectimsMELLIXER, VZWsee alm Crime and Crimiral sMImE CDTRlN MILLSsee fires and FirenenmmRm my

Manmi al my oberved at Littl e Rock cemeteriesDear ation of Bnfederate graves at H e l m describedProgran for GAR oerenomes at LitUe RockDear atkon By okserved at Fort SmithFayettwille cerenory attracts crcwd of 6.000Terarkam okserves E.lemarial ByText: af address of T M Gikson at Natioml Gemeteq in LRMEMRIIS EPJD LITTLE ROCK RAZRClADR K DaJ ~ y no s extension until Legis haom- f ridyAwsed of frei#k rate dli scrimination against Little RockQansEerr ed to LitUe Rock and Memais Rail raad CoMEMEHIS, LlTTLE ROCK AND IMDI TERRJ!I'ORY RWILEEQADArticles of inc~rpration filedmvey of route aomfletedWxkmen daring riat-cb-wq near Hot Sp-ingsRailroah at Hot Spin- in disputeInjunction suit filed at Hat Sgincp to halt interf erenoeE!i*t at Hot S~ings mntinwsCordcrwersy at Hot S~inqsettled in murtRailroad magnates hold up work on Hot S~ings railroadsRail road magnate aorrnnents on muddle in Hot SpingsProUens at Hut Spinqs still not settledWork on railmad kegins northsast a€ Hot SgringsCbnstrubtion of line begins at Hutd-iinsont s GapWork resunes on railrcad at Hot SgringtllWD!L HE2%'M #ID MSCREFSInsane man creates stampde on Hot Sgrinqs streetsInsane wanan hrns to death in Baker Qmty JailMWRIMW, J Hsee al m Rauds and SwindL ingMERRIWB?FElIB, LIMEsee also KlaohaLic Beveragesl'mmOMST QNRasee also Cbllegessee also Eaotion and Schoalssee also &win, George AMvan Methodists plan to Mild new church soonArk Con€ of &I3 J3pisaogal Church opens in Little Rock<strong>Arkansas</strong> Cbrd er ence meeting in Ebenezer Ch in LRBiAop Gmles B Gdlway visiting Ark churhesRooeedincp of <strong>Arkansas</strong> Cord of Wthodist Episc ChurcfiCommittees named ky Ark Cord during 3rd &yls sessionProcreedin* of 4th &y o£ Arkanas Cbrferenoe<strong>Arkansas</strong> CbnE lists pstard assi~lmentsBihop Charles B Galloway to dedicate Montiaello dnurch15th and Center &ur& in Little Rock to hfld new churdnWinEieldMenorizil to be name aE new hldg of 15th. Center ChRw B I3 Mrm, of LR changes rnenber&ip to Christian Churdn 04/03/88 05District Herdid is &thodist pblication 04/13/88 02Fine raew bldg nears ampletion in Pine Bluff 04/l3/88 02Hot S~ings Methodists to hild on thdr oorner lot 04/20/88 03Bentonville churd7 added 19 mbers la* Smhy 04/29/88 02Camden Wthodists pepring to lxlild nw dwrd.1 05/06/88 02Beebe Wthodists oom@eting fine new hick chur& bldg 05/12/8802

Rev J&n R Sanders holds successE~ revival at Center mintCorberenoe at NasZlvjlle attracts large crowdBricks being burned for new churd.1 at ZcbrriltonBen Watson. an aged Mind minister. ~mches at Pine BluffPine Blu£f congregation mwes to new hildingFine Bluff church &dates new kuildhgLarge crmds flock to Nwprt to hear Rw Joe JonesCornerstonelaying cerenory for Wirdidd at LR s&e&ledWarren Church has oonduded a successE~ revivalNew hilding comaeted at mllasAbut 2 -000 attend campmeeting at HollywoodRevival being had at NaShvilleChurch and am- at Yellville Lxlrned Ly arsonistEbez emr campeeting sees 86 professions of rd igionFirst Pkthodist Church at Fbrt Smith mars ampletionwingdale &ur& hilding new praonageIhotogr a@ cd F5 rst Wth Wsc Q~ur& South in Little RockHistory of First bthodist E@sc Church South in Little RockNew hilding in Ebrt Smith dedicatedAuqsta rwival adds 25 mmbers to church<strong>An</strong>nd mrf cf lkthodist Rotestant Church had at NEW SalaList a€ &legates at LR Cbn€ OE M E Church, SouthPrmeedings of LR (3rd a€ M E ChurdI, SouthProceedinss of LR Cbn£ o£ M E Church, South~rooeedin$ of 4th &y o£ LR Qmf aE M E Church, SouthList of appnts in Little Rock Cord of M E Churcfi, SouthProaeeding of final &y a€ session of Little Rock Con€<strong>Arkansas</strong> Qn£ aonvenes at Fort SmithProcreedin9 of <strong>Arkansas</strong> Cbrd of M E ChurdI, SouthList c& appintrnmts by <strong>Arkansas</strong> (3rd of M E Churd~, SouthWhite River Q3rd o£ M E Church, South is meetingProtracted meeting being had at church in BeebeList: uf appintmerrts ma&ky White River QrberenceModson church is gift a€ J P Steen fanily cf Little RockMWJLLE JCGEHCorates land, fin& for library and gym at Pine BluffMIDILrn, mwsee a1 so bhr der s and Attanged MurdersMImm, WISHsee also Ckime and CriminalsMILBUFN, J Hsee also ReligionMILITIAFropow1 mde to organize a state militiaMoCarthy Gmr& meet for drillMcCarthy List Gmr& make their first appearanceCol W L Terry pesents mlors to MoCarthy Lilfit GuardsCapiW City Guards allege they were chsated at MemghisMcfarthy Light Guar& ping to Mxmt Neb for trainingMoCarthy Li*t Gmr& encamped atop Momt NebMdJarthy Li*t Gmrds back in LR a£ter encampnerrtCornpry of lbrrilton Gmrds organizedWTEHGEC

McCarthy Li&t Gwrds enterbined at hane aE J H McCarthy 08/28/88 01 6MILLAR. A Csee a1m CbllegesMILLER Qumsee also Murders and Attemsed Murderssee aim Murders and Attemgted Murders - Calmansee alm Murders and AttanGed Murders - Beidlersee also Storms and Tor radbesRepublicans t o had cow anventionResults of Dan pimaryReturns in DePn grimariesResults of Dem pimaryDemocratic county aonv heldDmocratic convention meetsDemocrats &oose candi&tes for off icesRepH, imns hold meetingDemocrats active in oampstignRuling in 1886 contested election aase rqintedRuling said totals were valid when Mlots missingMILLER, ABsee also maski (bmty - Wl itirs and Electionsm E R r EmNKTestifies in ~obe of Cbal Hill ~ i m camp nMILLER, J Rsee also Little Rock - Cordxacts and PurchasingMILLER. JAMES Rsee alm Prisons - <strong>Arkansas</strong>MILLER, Lmmee a1 so Murders and Attaped Murder sms, PNDERSmJsee alsr, Ful aski Cbmty - Ebl itics and ElectionsMINERAL SWESsee also Edtcation and Schoalssee aLr;x, NwsBriefs - Mimral Sp5ngsmmssee Mims and MinerdsMINE WD MrNERALSsee alm Risons - <strong>Arkansas</strong>Rich silver mine reportedly fomd in Lonoke Qmty 02/21/88 02 2Age a€ Steel phi iaed article on Little Rock iron ore 02/28/88 06 1Article on Little Rock iron ore 03/17/88 08 1Article on Whit Foot nickel mine in Saline aunty 03/18/88 03 3Coal trade o£ <strong>Arkansas</strong> graving rapidly 03/20/88 05 1Rich vein of wal discmered on Flat Top Mtn in Logan Cbunty 04/01/08 02 3Vein af mad. near Bris was fomd on farm aE 3 W Jwell 04/01/88 02 3Striking miners returning to coal mines at Goal Hill 04/06/88 01 2Coal Oil Cb to begin work in Scott Bunty soon 04/14/88 02 2BuEfalo ZincandCoppr Q operates at Rush Qeek, Mrion Cb 0q17/88 02 2FbrmanMining &R&ction Cb formedto oprate in bntgcmery 04/20/88 05 1Assay of arm fran Wt Foot Mine is enmuraging 04/22/88 01 1Guatarndla Mining Co organized to operate mines at Bar 04/22/88 05 1Vast beds of iron and manganese 3 ie worked near LR 04/26/88 03 1Saline Qunty Mining Association formed 05/06/88 01 4Rid mal beds said to lie near Austin 05/06/88 03 1

ARKANSAS GAZfPIl3 INDEX 1888WTEEWE CRid vein of aoal &samered in Eblk Comty OV09/88 02Saline Cbunty Mining and Imgrwenerrt Q names officers 05/1l/88 03Zinc ore f ran Mrion Qmty Aippd to St Louis 05/12/88 02kvelogmerrts in mining regions 05/17/88 05Figures on ooal in <strong>Arkansas</strong>. amties where deposits found 0Y19/88 03Gibb and Sandidge finn will examine lands far pospctors 05/20/88 03Four lead mines disaovaed in Sharp Cbmty 05/22/88 03Brief histay of Rabbit Foot Mine in Saline Cbtmty 05/24/88 02Jahn C Brmr writes on wcfk of gedogical survq 05/27/88 14Hu'itington mines en@xy 119 men 06/03/88 02Laad mine being r eopmed near Pr ai ri e Grw e 06/06/88 02Northwest <strong>Arkansas</strong> fining Co at work in Washington Qmty 06/07/88 02Rich ore beck in Ark disused in artide 06/13/88 03Marion Cbunty exited over possible gold find 06/14/88 01News of dwelopnents in Arrtimony Ci4y mining arsa 06/17/88 03Eight m mines o~ened near Bear 06/19/88 02Large nugget o£ ao-r and silver mined near Hot Spincy 06/19/88 02Devdopwnts in mangrese mining discussed 06/23/88 03Survey being made of minerd zones of Sovier. Hward and mlk 06/2$/88 09Railruad being hilt to coal fidds of Omchita Burity 06/26/88 01Capital Land and Mining Co dzvelogng manganese mines near LR 06/26/88 05?he mineral born (ed) 06/ 28/ 88 04Mrs D T Lee finds large mppr and silver nugget in yard 06/29/88 02Interest grws in Fletd-m manganese range in Fulaski mmty 07/0l/88 03History o£ KeLlog Mines north GE Little Rock given 07/03/88 05Capital. Land and Mining Co leases manganese land fa devdop 07/U7/88 04lvanganese furnace to be set up at BrtinWe 07/07/88 04Coal discovered at MooreEidd in Indepndence Qunty 07/10/88 02Railraad spur being run to Ouadita Bmty ma1 £id& 07/loJ88 02Quip& arrives for Huntington ma1 mines 07/l3/88 03Wta Qal Q seeks miners to work at Rtssellville 07/15/88 03Rich depsits of 0x1 lie beneath Greerwood U7/19/88 02Jose* Knott Hews up rich silver specimen at ~ohomtas 07/20/88 02Capitalists visit raew silver discoveries in Rancbl* Cb 07/22/88 07ValuaMe lad deposits fomd on White River in Benton Qunty 08/08/88 02Fraud and iqoranae Maned for r e@s of gld and silver 08/09/88 01Future of Ark depends onmining of a&, mangmese. iron 08/09/88 01Wdand silver not found inArk, Geologiml Survqr reports 08/09/88 01Millions of &llars hilve been spent on precious mews search 08/09/88 01Sune 'ypldl mines were ody extinct hat-spin*State Geological Su~vq finds neftka gold nor silverLost Louisiam Mine IxrbUe hrst with popr assays!X Joe ESining Co reports mpper depsit in Boone QmtyTools arriving for zinc mines in bhrion QuntyGeorge W m e chastizes J C Branner statement in reportbj C P make loses hewily in bntgwnery Cbunty minesFrank W Gibb sustantiates exposures ma& ly J&n G Branner:Nickel and cobalt taken £run Saline Bmty minesMangnese f urmce to be hilt in maski CbuntyLetter chdllenges Branner on d-ialk and grafiite depositsLost Louisiam Mine wners reject reprt of Jchn BrannerLost Louisiam owners my S P Hu@es to be had acmmtahleHiran Robbins disgutes report o£ J&n C Brannel:Kellogg Mine is 200 ft deep, pod~cles galena ores

Miners and prospctors Fatest against reprt aE J C B r m rActxlr acy of J C Brannet r epr t d~& endedViqrous potest made at Huk Spgs aginst Brmr reportKansas and Texas Cbal Cb opmng new AaEt at HackettJ&n C Branrier repr ts on RabMt Foot Mine in Saline QuntyCbal miners on strike in two mines at Cbal HillMimrs challenged to ~ o d m gold to grwe reg wrongBar buntain Miner daims rich ares exist in bntgornery CbChad-iita Qmty coal mines opemng upWillfan F Roberts Sr critical OE Jahn Bramxl s f indinqsG S G rahan says state gealogi st ma& poor cfi eck of ml k CoHistory of the Kkllogg mines in maski GountyKellogg Mines may again he aaoed in o~erationReprter says not all mines in Montgomery Qurity are f raudlsWillim F Roberts Sr dliscusses reprt of Dr BrannerChicago bQnganese GI pepring to begin miningSilver and Lead Mining Co to work Kellogg MinesCoal miners end 6-week strike at Qal Hill without gains&st Elmra fining Co to operate in Garland, ~ntgcrmery CbArticle on Cbssatck mineral. zones in Southwest <strong>Arkansas</strong>Dr Branner answers m e rharges and criticismsKellogg Mining and Milling Co formed to work Kellogg rangeHuge dab of ma1 on dnLsacy at Fort SmithStamp mill. other madinery recd for <strong>An</strong>erican fining CoSmary af mining activity ms in Beon areaHerbert Strickland describes minerals in Bear C5.W &stNEW ma1 fidd found within five mUes of QarksvjlleJmes T Ward awns Blk Comty mangnese minesKellogg Mines ore ydeds 112 a s of silver to the tonHanptead County has valuahiZe deposits of greensandFine v&n of ma1 struck near -denFine bed of limite found near SteyPlensWork on manganese mines south cd: IBlls to rmmeMINQR,JAMESsee alm Ekauds and Swindlingmssm EERSmssee als Bell. J gsee ~LSD Fixion Gomtysee also .'Schmidt,Johnsee alst, Vibbert. <strong>An</strong>nieDiu@ter aE J J Willims lost in Sharp Cb for 4 daysJ C Silver~orn disappears f ran Little Rockmuster aE J M Iharris of Timbo. missing fran haneMiss fiarris left hane with Silas LwrenceSilas Lawrence faces charge aE slaying Miss EharrisMISSI??,SIPI?L mumsee al so Irrrmigr ati on and Ihigr ationsee als3 Murders and AttenFted MurdersReturns in Den pi-Democratic aounty loom heldMISSISSIPPI: RIVERsee Bridgessee RiversMISSCUM WQFiC RAILROAD

see alm Rail roadsLittle Rock and Fbrt Smith Railroad directors chosen 0$/27/88 03 3Double &ily train ~uc$t for LittleRockand Ebrt Smith RR 06/28/88 08 1JMBlazer files &age suit against LittleRock JmckionRR 08/10/88 06 1Suit ky Blazers Claims train farced then to jump f ran hid- 08/10/88 06 1More mssenger trains needed on Little Rockqor t Smith rm 08/24/88 04 220 cars in ditch near &ark 09/22/88 05 1Labor troukilernay be kewingonLittleRockand Fbrt Smith RR10/06/88 05 4Change in pmxmjer servioe betweenLRand FortSmith mu#-it 10/W88 03 5QEf icial cxmm\ents on rail road matters 10/2q88 05 1Semnd tr <strong>An</strong> to k put on Little Rock to Ebrt Smith route 10/2$/88 05 2MITQIEZ;,Esee also Republican IBrwm(HEZIL, mmmsee also MurCkrs and Attemged MurdersMITaEW;, JAMESsee also <strong>Arkansas</strong> - GwermrDemmces theft a€ Maski Cbunty pollbooksMITa-Irn, mmsee alm Murders and Attm@ed MurdersmmM, 0 wsee also N-oesMIVELAZ, mIS Lsee alscr Fbemssee also RestaurantsMIVELAZ, FETENow associated with McKibben Hotel in Fbrt SmithmExsee aim TrsasureTrwemROE mmYsee also Murders and Attanned Murderssee also Murders and Attensed Mwder s - Wadesee dm Stoms and TormdxsRepublicans hold munty amverhion 0$/08/88 01 1Demm ati c primmy held 05/06/88 01 4Danmatic aounty aom hdd 05/08/88 01 5Democratic split feared 05/08/88 02 2Democrats divided in county 05/13/88 01 2Democrats sending two Wegations to state aonr 05/24/88 01 3Dmocratic mmty mnr had 05/3l/88 01 5Ticket called "Fair-Dividen put out ky Dems and Re- 07/1v88 01 2Stright Danocratic ticket rmmjnated 08/09/88 01 5Emocrats hear tdlk by Willian M FiAhck 08/15/88 01 1Justice denid in aurts mless prty is a Wheder 08/31/88 02 3Clar endon is scene of killings &ring politicad rally 09/04/88 01 6TWO men killed, two wounded in hlw pol itiaal a£f ray 09/0$/88 01 6Jim Dillard, critically mded, Ixou*t to LR for his safelq 09/06/88 05 4Harding Harrington killed ky Willian Smith over election talk 09/08/88 01 4mNmE C TLetter on th&t of pollbooks in Maski CbuntymNmq W Asee also <strong>Arkansas</strong> - GoverrrorrnZOMERY mumsee alm Alcuhalic Beverages

ARKANSPS GAZ IIiEX 1888see also Imnigration and migrationsee also Murders and Attmged Murderssee also Negroessee also Eblicesee &so ShootingsLetter on political f ding in amtyLkmocr ats hold aomty meetingMmcrats hold rally at Mount I&M J N ~ ~ C mmm ~ ~ Y ,see alm Shootin-MINTICELLOsee also Ehcationand S&oalssee aim Fires and Firmensee alm Methodist Chur&see aim Negroessee also M e ~ Briefs s - Mmticrellosee aim Storms and TormdbesSocial and emmic characteristics of tarnBusiness and prcfessional directory uf twnm, JUDGEsee also Sex CrimesM30RE A Csee also WCkr s and Attemaed Murdersm R E C Csee alm Murders and Attansed Murdersm R E ELW Bsee also <strong>Arkansas</strong> - Secretary of StateElms to reside in Little Rock permanentlyMOORE. H HFtosperous Swier Oomty farmer deserts fanilym R E JACRSCNsee also Disease and IllnessmEhEm, H Fsee also Murders and Attmeed MurdxsMOIGm, !IHmAddresses meeting of state Danocratic dukeMOEMW, Gsee a1 so Murders and Attmsed MurdersrnRRTLrnNsee also Bankssee also Ihiats of Fythiassee also Methodist Churchsee aln, Militiasee aim News BrieEs - Pbrriltonsee aim R-byterian Churchsee alm TohamResults of miciagil. dectionsBusiness houses mder cnnstructionFolitical rally attracts large crwdKIRRIL'KN BUILIXTNG ASS(XI?lTlDNsee BanksM3RRL5, GEDFGEsee alm Murdzrs and Attanged MurdersIQRRISOl BLUE'F

ARIQINSPS GAZ ELTE INDEX 1888see also Qtholic ChurchPDRFtISCNr M Lsee also Fires and FiranenmRR3Nq T BLetter on plitid issuesmm, AGEsee a190 Murders and Attmgked MurdersMXJND BUILDERSsee Ar& dogy and <strong>An</strong>th roplogyIWNT HQLYsee alm News BrieEs - bmt Hollymum rnsee also Na~sBrids- bmt Idamm NEB0linpzwenents have been made at resortSeveral. sunmer resicknoes being built on mountainSwenteen residences have been hilt this S~ingLarge nunbers of sunmer visitors p esentChosen site uE Smner Normal SchoolLarge hotel and several cottages to be hiltMilitia amqmy fran Little Rock encampd at bmt NebPrcrninellt Little Rock residents errjay cnol keezes of NebMcCarthy Guar& entertained on momtainSumit -ark Hot& Q sans hotel, store. livq, otha bldgsRemrt mdlerg~ing subtanti&. im~wanentsantract for big hotel let to Had & Lucas and Ca* EvansMOUNT =TIT JEWsee &tit JeanEDUrnAIN EM0see also NwsplpersMlUNTAlN HOMEsee also News BrieEs - Pbmtain HaneCity incorporated, cdfiuals electedmmm rnsee Big Rockmmm vmEYHotel thronged with visitors to health resort near Hot SpgsList o£ cyests at hotelKWmm vmsee also Disease and Illnesssee alm Eacation and Schoolssee also fires and firenensee alsr, News Briefs - bmtain ViewM3eJNTAIN VIEW RAILROADLine planned f ran Hot Sp5ngs to Ecbuntain ViewM)'JrS'IDNb W Hsee also RaigionIWELLW, mamsee also Murders and Attmeed MurdersMfLTIEE B3R?HSMrs Wfilian Saarrmons gives birth to quadrugiletsWMRSsee Ri ease and IllnessBURDEW MD ~ ~ P T MUJXEFS Q 3

see alm <strong>Arkansas</strong> - Histmysee also Ebl iaesee alm Risons - <strong>Arkansas</strong>Eli and Will Coyle indicted at bbgoliaW S OdLrm and a Negro med Reese oxwickedBo* of wcman and by found in <strong>Arkansas</strong> River at RedfiddI;fmnanel Amour arresked for killing at brimReprt cb body of dl carrier in wdl may be a hoaxBo* of man fomd at Auri&, Rairie CbuntyGage Pieroe sou*t on murder chargeCourt rdes George Willians must serve ful iso on termJ&n Bridges charged in child1 s &athWanan believed thrwn into <strong>Arkansas</strong> River at Little RockS DBaggs acquitted in Qark County murder caseHazvqr Smifh kills man at dmoe at EliLtonUniderrtif ied kody found in Little Red Rivex near SearcyJap Matthews sent to pzison for murder in IBpe QuntyLizzie Trdim cfigd in &ath of infant in Little RockMrs Lizzie Trdine is not mother af ixfant that diedSkeleton fomd in Kellog Mine &a€t in Maski CbuntySkeleton rnw be young gi J~I. who disappeared 11 yrs agoMum BID ATTEMPTrn MUIIDERS - ALMANDWRicfiard dies of stab wounds at hand of unknown assailantAlexantkr killed kq A J Ri&ard at BOBm m mD ATTEMPFED MURCWS - mmmWoodru£f Cbmty dewy &=iffhot. womdedWocdru£f Cbmty deputy reooveringMuR13ERS END ATTEMPTED MURDERS - WlKINSHot Snings police sgt killed ky BryerMJRDERS END ATTEMPTED MURaERS - BARWBaker. a Negro. dain at Rob Rcy ky Louis Seabrook, whiteMuRllBs FND ATTEMPTED MrJRI3WS - BARNES, RoM?wBarnes assassinated at farm near Ibver. Ibpe CbuntyIntended victim a€ Jeff Mtthews was Jahn WilliansJeff Matthews arrested for slaying of Rcman BarnesmFmEE3 rnD ATTrnPTED I'm= - BEIIILER, H MCr Beidler &at dxvn ky Ed Spar at TelzarkarwFrank Spear. father a€ Fd Spar. had fou+t with Dr BeidlerFull details of poblens that led to slaying of Llr BeidlerIndictment returned against Ed SparTrial cd Ed Spear delayed until next term of oour tEd Spear rdsased on bndMUBIERS IWD ATTEMPTED IUIURJXRS - BEL, U ABell seriously Wurd & Riley in bard ComtyM J m PND A'JTEMPCED IWRDEXS - BENI!lE!JT. JU3N (MRS)Mrs Bennett beaten to &ath W - her huslztnd in &digon Cbrnty 06/21/88 02 2I " u m mD ATTENPTED MrJRmxs - BrnIS. JAMESBettis shot to death by Allen BakerMURXS MD ATTEMmED MURlXS - BIDEN- RJEUSBidden &ot by Bird Ivory at QarendonMUREFS IWD A!CTmETED MURDERS - BLACIMOMHut$ Blackbrn sentenced to hang for m u r kHu* Blackhrn hanged at Rimn for murder aEMUlUEFS IWD ATTmED MURIERS - BLAQWOOD. J F10/26/88 05 2Blackmon 10/27/8801 1

BRMSPS GNE!FPE INDEX 1888Blackwood killed ly Jasper Luckenbill in WoodruEf mmtyBlackwood was a Union Labor Rrty mndihte in WoodruEf CbParticulars of slaying of BlackwoodTci& QE Jaspr Luckenbill beginsJasper Luckenbill gets 21 years in pisonWKEEG WD ATTEMPPED MJRDEXS - BllWKENSlIP. J CBlankenhip stabbed to dea* bj J Mas-in White QmtymRI=ERS AND ATTrnED MUFmRs - Ew!NE, EDBilly nym tries to kill Blanks at Little RockGazette aamments on Ehooting a££ r q at Little Rock stareMURDERS IWD ATTFJGTED MURCWS - BLUNT. WILLEd Ferwson on trial, for murder aE Blmt in <strong>Arkansas</strong> CbuntyEd Fercgson amvicted, gets 10-yr ~ i m senten= nEd Fergson to seek new -idm- IWD m m E D mROIERS - BCtmHot Sp-ings plicgnan kiihap~edl, alxlsedCfficer mes How brathers as his kidmpprsCif icerrs kihaprs were Akin txothersHoupt brothers tried and acquittedMJIU3ERS AND ATTEXPTED MURlXRS - BRFGG, ~~Bragg critically wounded by Sm Q Sevier at -denMJRIXRS EWD A!I?IXWTED MUFTGS - BRICKEX. JWNC C Bran& assaiilts BdcklqMr BricUqr dies of injuriesCoroner's jury rues in oseMURlXRS BID AT'i'EMPTED MURCIERS - 3HMPa. I JBrawn killed by sowiwlw Ed Truett in Bpz QuntyDetails of slaying of BramEk3 Truitt held for Grand Jwy actionBJR Cbunty Grand Jury icporee casem m IWD ATTEMPTED Mum - m N . FETERRter Brwn killed by my Held in Jefferson CblntyMURDERS mD ATlmlmED MURDERS - BRUmDGE. G WBrmdidge killed by W L McGauc$y in JeEferson CbmQParticulars of killing of BrundidgeThree suspcts in Burke slaying arrested at HardySuspcts in murder aquittedMum mD ATrrnED mRDERS - BURHE, WILLIAMBurke &0t to death by G E Cecil at <strong>Arkansas</strong> CiwMJRDBS IWD ATTEMPTED MUFKfBS - BUSI'ED, UfMRLE!!Willian Brooks charged in rnurckrIwRDEZs AND ATTEMPTED Mum - BUIRESS, mmMBtntress slain ly G W Wler at GreerwwdMuRrERs FWD ATrEMPTrn IwREms - aIWELL, rnVER W Buck gets p5mn term in slaying at MmticelloR W Buck gets pimn sentence in murder atternsMuRLms mD ATrrnED M u m - CARTERGreen Fbrest man atacked with axebmDERs IWD ATTrnPTED M u m - CASH, C WFblitics said to i3e behind murder OE Cash by R E RichardsonEblitics not involved in slaying, letter says

Robert E Richardson found imcentMU= MD A'lTmED MUEEFS - CAU'IHRCN, BEERJoa Smith. a Negro. sentenced to hang in Smtt Qrnty~~ AND ATJXMPTED MURLlBS - CECIL. WlILIAIUICecil critidlly wounded ky Jdm F Ba&an in IWison CbmtyCecil recovering, J F Bashsn still at-largeWfilim H Ckul diesMURDERS IND ATTEMPTED MURIERS - CHAIBERS, IlVIDGeorge Keys claims he killed Chanbers by accidentMURDERS MD ATllEMaED MU- - CHILIERS (W)Mrs Wlders critically injured by MKS Bradlqr at LmarMURXRS EJD ATTEMPTED MURagiS - CLAY, P MClay killed ly htt ArmstrongMU= WD ATT~ETEDCline cyilty in killing in Qrrall Cbmty 17 yrs agoClinkbeard reaeives prdon f ran Gov S P Hu@esMU= IND ATI'EIMPfED MURDERS - CLaJSm, JAWMURC~ERS - amwmClousen murdered at Hot Spings(3arl es EU&n acquitted in killing of CLousenMJEfXS MD A'ITEMrmED MJRDERS - C OLm- MCKColenan &at bj Mr Chapae in Miller QmtyEnURaERS AND ATTEMPTED MURlIiE3 - COLLINS. CLAYRanklin Qmty Sheriff mllins was killed in 1871Willian Hamnond aquitted in killing of Sheriff Cbll insI"LJRllER3 IWD AmmmED MURDERS - CONELING, QISmIABeth Gaza to stand trial. for 1883 Lwrence Qmty awingMUICDERS IWD ATTEMPFED MJRlXRS - CORN, LEELee Cbrn &ot ky Joe Wise at LittiLe RockQrn in critical condition. ht may recoverHearing held for Joe WiseEYRDERS EWD ATITMPTED MURDERS - 0Xl-t GZOSESimon Shons accused of killing of QunterMJm IWD ATT-EDMUmERs - mas, WILLLAMSuspects in case freedMU- FND A'ITMETED MU- - CUM, D4NCurry and Alkrt Reid ezhange hotsMUFUEEG ZND ATEWTED MURIXRS - DAVE. HARRYGreen Ellison gets l+yr sentenae for Chlachita Cbmty murderMIRlXRS PND ATTEMPfED MUREW - DEWEY, EDDewey eriomly cut by Taylor QseTaylor Qse wins acquittalMJRlXRS fND A'ITEMPTED MURlXXS - DISMJKES. ELLEEllis Dimukes critically wounded by Simmons near WqoliaMURDERS IWD ATTEMPTED MUFXlBS - DONELSCNIIK R D Nickelson attangs to kill Rmelson in JeSf erson CoMJRLXRS P3SfD ATTEPPWD MURJXRS - DOFVN- A SPink Fbgg ordered t o serve fa1 sentencePink mgg enters pnitentiaryBilly nynn reprtedly seriously illBilly Elynn asks hil. rdctionMJRLm?s rnD AZTEMETED m m - DORSEXGarland County m killed ky Justice of the Rae LmMURDERS END A?tTWETm MU= - DOUSY, THOMM MRwsbj seriously hurt by ML- Blakely

MTRDERS AND ATIEMFTED MURaERS - DRADIIYmad& fatally cut by his kct4.ler at =maMUFEERs AND ATTEMPTED MURLlBW - DRENNER, mE10/28/88 06 1Ilk enner and Ben Romtr ee dmt each other 07/2q88 02 3MU-S ZWD A'ITEMPTED MLJRTlBS - DUNCAN, C MC M IXn?can and Elkha Wayne &o& ea& other 08/05/88 05 1Repbrt says C M Emcan is recovering 08/07/88 04 6MURCWS lWD ATTEXH?ED MURERS - DURDDN. =HAMIXlrdon stabbed seriously ky Sanpn Banks 10/21/88 01 6MURJXRS ZWD A'ITEMPTD MU- - DU1STIN. HLhstin seriously wounded by Mr Grif f it!a 08/02/8802 3MUHDERS PND ATTEMPTED MURDERS - =LEY, GaBERTEaslq beliwed killed by M-vid brathers over tridl 12/04/88 01 1Charred bdv fomd in locr buried in f idd of M-vid hothers 12/06/88 01 1David ~dhvid led office& to location of Etsltyls bodyMURIXRS WD ATTEMX'ED ~~ - EKRQIS, S IJ Cboesy, J Mlcy, J Cbmand on t rid in slayingSuspcts gil.=d g-rilly at trial at Hanhrg, FsNq CbmtyMUHER3 IWD ATTEMPTED MURERS - BCHQS7 SIIllicit liqmr des behind mur&r aE EcfiolsWill IXlckworth was intended slzqing victimMURDERS ZND ATTEMPTED MOFCEEG - EDMN(;TDNEddington escaped murder attempt at TQnlinsm. Satt CoThirteen arrested in attack on Eddington- EmoNSCM, J HTrial o£ E J Brcwn and J&n Cbnim under way at Pine BluffTestimony in tri8 mntinuesMJRT2ERs AND ATTEMPTED m mMJmERs mD ATTrnED MURDERS - mm, SrnN&ards killed by Rick Aiken at TexarkamMTREFS IWD ATTEPETED MURTJEX - FEXUSCM, HARRYFerqson &ot by Fd Clar* at Center minkMURDERS 2WD ATI'EMaED MURDERS - FIELIE, JIMFields killed ky Mr Brignan near AlmaPkn reprtedly quarrded over a wananFTJHXMI RND ATI'EMITED MURDERS - FLDEW, PRCKFlaning shot by Walter Oox at Pine BluffMURLXFS PND A'ITEME!FED MURERS - GAREEGDNegro youth beaten to death Iy his father at RisonMJRDERS PND ATrrnPTED Mum - m EITGarrett dies of irfjuries sdfered in fiat at WaldoMURlXRS AND ATTEMp'rED MURDERS - GARRETT, WILLIAMGarrett seriously wounded ky Mr KeithDetails of qmrrd mat led t o stabking of GarrettWill im Garw ett survives stabbingKlRlXRS IWD ATTEMPTED MURIIWS - GAY,C 6 mGay killed ky Bob Tanner in Lomke BuntyBob Tanner charged with mandau@terBob Tanner r d eased on bondMJRDERS mD A l ' T MURDEFS ~ ~ - GILM3RE mfSGilmore killed b~ Jesse Frisky in Union QmtyAPaD ATTEMPTED Mum - GmE, LEWISMU=Gore mitcally stabbed by Eldridge in Swier QmtyIULJRERS 2NDATTmED MURllERS - GRAVES, IRA AGraves killed by J&n Griff en, a Negro

MURIXRS IWfD A'ITl3MPCED MU= - WES. L nH G Barson charged in murder attan*Blmer Lee lost life &ring fiat that killed GravesMJRDERS lEJD A!I"TEMPITED MJRIEW - GRECWYMurder atten* and suicide was in Howard CountyMJ-Tate kills himself dter critically wornding GregoryPND ATTENWED ~~ - GRLSHCLMGrand Jury disnisses DeVau@n and ProuseMJRERS IWD ATTENPTED MURDERS - W E, IRA AJchn Griffin sought in slaying of GrwesEILTm ZWD ATTEMPTED Mum - HmLm, !IHoMMHanlon Ehot ly J C Mcf2ollun at Hat SsingsMJRDERS PND ATTmED NUFlJERS - H?RRELL, J WAssassiration attern@ made by J 3 Gipson in Saott BmtyMURlXES &ID ATTENPFED MUFEES - HARIImmN, HlRlYXHarrington killed bj Willian SmithEZIRERS mD ATTENPi'ED MUFXEFS - HARRIS? GEDSEHarris killed & hdf brother at Trenorit House in Little RockFerry Wlmay found and arreed in slayingPerry Callaway aapitted of murder chargeMUREXIS AMD A'I'I'mED MURDERS - HARRlS, JAMESTrial UE George Hanfiton to be at ByettevilleTrial of Green Hanilmn beginsMlRDERS PMD ATTEMPTrn m m- HAYNES, SAMHaynes killed ky Henry Jchnson a t HamhrgHenry J&nson arrested for murder a€ Haynes in Ashlq CbuntyEZIRIERS IWD ATTEMPTED MURDER3 - HCLLJ3RNllr Nollman stabbed to &ath by son in Cr ai@ead CotmtyMUREEM ZWD ATTEMPTED MUREEFS - IXLLY, MWHolly dies after kick ky Dennis RwneyMJHXRS ZWD A ~ ~ ~~ E D - H0R'X3Nf ARTHURAcmmt a£ &tying of Horton in Qark Co by 5 other Negroes<strong>An</strong>derson Mitchell anong those arrested in killingDan Jonesr Robert Braggr George hndridge, Wm Green arrestedWillis Green named as actml killen: a€ HortonWash Wdlker, five others clonvicted of murder:<strong>An</strong>derson Mitchell. Bin Jones. Willis Green to hangSuprene Qurt stays executionMIREEFS ZND ATPEMPTED MURDERS - I%W&IL. T SHmdl escaFes assassimtion attem*MlRD[ERS lWD ATTEMm'ED MURLERS -at El Ibrado0 Baillip Cbunty deputy &at ky Smtt ChaaineMURCWS END A!lTEblPPED MU= - ElUEUSf, !Il3CWSHuckon stabbed by Thanas Wlen in Greme CbmtyMJRDEW IND A-ED Mt?RlXRS - HTMEIRE!iS. =TIEDies a£ter being lured into woods, sexually &sedKatie Hun@rqrs, 13. was resident of RaskwoodDetails of rageslaying of &tie HunghrqsJanes <strong>An</strong>deraon and Robert SmervUle arreskedMURDERS MD AmmED MURLEW - JACRCbJ, CLAYJoe Harris gives himself up in slaying caseky drunksKilling of Jackson r ul ed sel He£ enseMJRPERS AND A'ITENPFED MUREFS - JACKSCN, JAMES AJackson charged in 1883 death aE his 12-yr-old daucjhter

MU- MD ATTEMP;rED MURTXRS - JA(XIBS, =ANNathan Jamb Wieved murdered in JeEferson 8mtyWRlERS IWD A'ITEMPTED MUMXFS - JEFERY, JMOnYbuth rnurckred in Bard CountyIWREFS RID ATTEMPTED MU= - JENCEY, J JBbrril ton r &dent murdered in OhioE 9 m rnD ATrEMPTED Mum - rnNSCNMr Jdnnson &oL mm&d ly man rwned EageElCTKDERS Z!ND ATTEMPTED MURDERS - JCBNSX, CYRUSJchnson hot, irj urd by W T Gribble in Garland ComtyMURUEIS IWD ATTEMPJlED MLTRERS - JULIEN, SAMJd.ien hot to dleath Iy J&n W Barrett in Wlas CbuntyKilling of JU ien ruled j usti£ idMURDEXS AND ATTEMPTED MURCIERS - KETINER, HENRYSam Jones on trial in Benton CountyMURDERS JBID ATTEPPCED MUFtDEW - K Ia, JOMNKing shot to death by G brganer at Little RockFuneral senrice hddG Morganer acquitted of murder chargeMUFdXFS &ID ATI'FNETED MURERS - KUSS, CHPRL ESMr & Mrs Charles Kus murdered at their Plilaski Cb haneMurderer a€ Kuss family still ak-largeKillas of Mr & Mrs Huss not knownNegro med Louis Butler charged with EQlss murdersMum END ATTrnPrrn MURDERS - LAIRDMr BarrM.1 arrested for murdx Laird at Eureka SpingsMJRDERS PND ATTEMPTED MURERS - IBIS. JEFFKilled ky Gaston E&ar& at FbrdyceIas was killed ty broth=-iwlw, Pick E&xdsmRDERS rnD AmmED Mwm - LAY, m MJ W Simmons killed Lay, who attacked him at WinchesterJuzy rril es Simmons killed Lay in sel £-defensePND ATrEMPTED MURmRs - LEA W AEZT-shllas Cbmty is sene of killing of Rm Walker. W A Leabbb attack on Rogers boys led to killing of LeaMurderers of W A Lea still at largeHerbert WiLlians arrested in Le aseDavid Rogers, Herbert Willians, Jan Willians involvedDetail s of kill ing of W A La and Tm Wal kerGeorge Morris involved in W A Lea oser'LJm rnD ATrrnED Mum - LEVISbbther charged in murder aE her infant in Eblk ComtyWRDERS mD ATTrnED MU= - LEWIS. JERRYNegro desferaib as~assirated at ~i&ry ELainsMURLEW PPaD ATTEMPFED MURJXES - WE, FRSIKDoky fomd near CbrwayCoroner rules Lwe was murderedHlFUERS l!ND ATTEMPTED MURlXRS - WE, JCHNC A C Barrhill charged in 1887 murder at Eureka SpinyMJRERS BJD ATT-ED MURDERS - LUGS, MtCHAELLucas killed by Albert Smith in Sebstian OoLntyZUbert Smi~arrested in KansasAlbert Smith returned fran PansasEVRERS AND ATTEPIPTED MU= - LUCKETT. FELIXWTEIXE C

Body found in western <strong>Arkansas</strong> CbmtySamuel Luckett &aged in slayingPartiailars of Luckett killingSixnuel Luckett gets 15 years in pisonmms rnD ATTEMPTED MURDERS - LUSrER, MARKLuster &ot, womded by R C Allen at BatesvilleMIRlXFG IPaD A?TEMPTED MURDERS - MUQUESS, J W 0Lucien filler attmpts to kill mrquess at Hd enaMUHXRS reJD ATTEMETED MU- - MI JAMES&rr stabbed Q Frank Lewis in White mmtyMJRDERS IWD ATTmED MURClERS - NAFSmL, DIVEIQrshall killed ky Sm Ndson near Ozan &ring mob attackNF?DERS FND A ~ ~ MU-S E D - EJPISCNGreen Ellison and Ward Jones charged in dea~ a€ MasonmRCeRS rnD ATTEMPfED MURDERS - mm, MXIEBson shot to h th at Plmi Bayou by Taan BarnesWRlXFG END ATTEMPTED MURDERS - MWY, EFGLISHAssault on McCoy at Ebrt Smith will wove fablMCJRERS PND ATFEMPfH) MURDERS - MGEE EJ&IANMee cut by Bqd Lewdling near CbrwqmRDERs rnD ATrEanarn MURDERS - MGRECRMaregor &ot by mm med PateKJRlERS PND ATI'ENPl?ED MURDERS - MCILVEEE-I. WELAttan@ ma& to assassirate Mdlvei* at Van Bur enmmw mD ATI'rnPTED MURDERS - McKEm IE. EDGeorge Ransey darged in 1879 mder aE McICeraieWFXERS RVD ATI'E%fPTED MIJRDEXS - MCNAIR, WaLEArtfiur Maail kills father who was beating Mrs W illis MdWr 03/13/88 05Willis McNai r was pminent Negro r &dent a€ Little Rock 03/13/88 05MURKERS JYSlD A'lTENE'ED MURDERS - MX&0CK, C HPkdlock cut severdy ky J W Pritrfiard in Saline Cbunty 11/23/88 02Mum rnD Ammm MURDERS - MTDrnrn, rnMAlbert hbry apgeals mnviction to state Suprme Qurt 03/03/88 02Albert mbry gets 5 yrs in iso on for mulknex Cbmty killing 06/14/88 05MIRDEXS IWD ATTEMPTED MURDIERS - MITCHELL, WILLIAMMitcfidl badly wounded ky Joe Violett 08/loJ88 02MJRDERS rnD ATrEMPIIrn MURms - MIORE, C CMoore critically wmded in &fray 08/28/88 03Moore killed ky Roberts at <strong>An</strong>timony City 09/01./88 01MDore dies of ij uries irYElicted ly Dr Roberts 09/02/88 02M J mMorgan killed ky E H Bollmay at Lonoke 09/16/88 01MUJ3DERS IWD ATTmED MUFtERS - MIELLEIZ, CHARLESJ&n Brown convicted in attack on Mueller 10/3V88 03rnD Ammm MuRrms - mH;m. H FMJRDERS RID ATTEMPTED P f l l m - MJRHY, BAACNegro murdered near EL Exado 07/19/88 05m m rnD ATrrnED Mum - MIm, H DmR.. IWD A!tTEMPrED MuJ3mm - NaLEY, W BMadison Rims gets 15 years in @son 09/l6/88 02A C Moore fomd not guilty in case 09/18/88 02MIRIERs rnD ATTEMrmED MU= - Q, IVER. A JOliver seriously injured ky Tbn asnore 09/25/88 01MURDERS ND Ammm MURDERS - WENS, moms(%ens assassiiirated ky Lmis Sims in Sebstian Qmty 07/26/88 01

WTEFAGE CMUIUlERS mD A'ITENE'ED MU= - IRRRER, DOLM (W)Mrs Rrker reportedly killed by her hmhnd, Ibl* RrkerMJRDEXS iY!lDA'ITBWTED MU= - EaRICj, W JRrks Shot h n at Charleston by J D BollingDetails of killing of Capt W J BrksMURlXX mD ATTEMPTED MURDERS - EETI'ER, JIMWtter killed by IUlen Baker. a white. in Ckmfard Countym m FND ATTEMrnED mRDERS - IRIUIEZjMrs Ehillips, a wiw, &@ in death d her inEant at Lwdlmms AND ATTEMPTED MuRIms - KIRTER, &LENIhu*ter c£ mrter acquitted of murder dargeEZI- rnD ATTrnED MUFDEW - IRmR HIGipn arrested fa Rather murder in mdimn Cb 20 yrs agoI'9.J- IWD A'l?mMmED MURDERS - RPGm, JCHN MSear& mder wzy for Jdm W Kelly for mur&r in Union CbultyMURERS PND ATTEMPTED MURIXRS - M W R CLARKPraninent Ashlq Cbunty resident stabbed Jesse lW%bb!LJRDERS m13 ATTrnED Mum= - RHODES. DICKDink Sneed faces murder trial in &ath cf modesMURDERS JND A'JTEMPTED MUFEBFS - RIQHZRCGa, LEERichardson shot ky Nand Born in Fulaski CbuntyMURTXFG IWD A-ED ~~ - FSDCLER i a e hot @Gwathney mar BrinkleyWRmRs ZWDATT~EDMUNERS - mmm, EMJim and, E M Rokr ts escap murder attar@Ebland Larry &arged in &ooting incidentWalter and Osar: Armstrong implicated in caseM J m IWD A!lTEMPfED MURDERS - mERSr HARRYRogers &ot ky Ben Richardson at JewtavnMJRCERS mD A+ITEPmED PIUm - RaJLrnS, WE;Gwernor asked to commute sentence aE Hamnett W d l sHaranett Wells gets death sentence in slayingMUFCERS PND ATTEMPTED IWFUIERS - RC6CD. CaCKRosa killed ky Caesar Cllie in Ikw CountyMURDERS IWD A'ITEMPTED Mum - mNegro murdered near Tuckeman, Jackson CbuntyMURIXRS l!ND A'ITmED MURDERS - RJDY, GEDFGE HRudqr killed at Ru*. Ckiwfard CountyJ P CunningSlan examined in case, freedEZlRDERS ND ATTEMPTED MU- - W'IQERFORD, mVISRutherford critically injured in affrayMURDERS IPaD ATI'E%IIPTED MURDERS - SCDTT. TROMS FChester H a s l q , Negro, is suspect in &laying of Sa~ttSmtt was manager of &&a Lunber CbSmtt died of hart disease, mt foul gayMJMERS BID A'JTEMPTED MURDERS - SIMPS(TJ, RTLLABill Fields arrested in killing of Simpson in Aeey CbuntyMmDER!3 PND ATTrnED MuFcmS - SLEIDGE SELBYSl edge hot by Henry Brown, a r dativeMU= IWlD ATTEMPTED MURDERS - SMITW (REU)Rev Smith hot by irate father of young gidMJmERS AND Al'Trnrn MU= - SMITH, amD3Rindpls in case are all Negro residenks of Pine Bluffmia killed ky Jake Rihardb and Jim Odell

M7m rnD ATTrnPTED Mum - SMITH, T LArrest made in killing of With and J ~I Bratton in 1881 ll/28/88 01 4Sus~ect: arrested was not Jchn -1, who is mu&t in slaying ll/28/88 01 4EnlCTRERS IND ATTEMPTED MURERS - SMITH? WILLIAM @FS)Willizn Bnith allegedly attwged to kill his wife OyU7/88 08 3Mums IWD ATI'rnPTED MuFans - SNW, mmTS m&at to &ath & George Goff in Folk County 06/09/88 02 2KJRIERS l!ND A'ITmPfED MWF3XW - SCU'IHARD, WILLIAMSouthard killed by Wheda- Hillhouse in Logan Cbmty 06/26/88 01 5EZIm AND ATJ!EMPTED Mum - mm. ALLEN (MRS)Attacked, rapd slain, yomg daughter crif5cally jnjur ed 05/30/88 01 7Attacks on Stokes family occurred. in Mississippi Cbunty 05/30/88 01 7Suspects areGecgge Curtis, JackMatthaus, J&n King, - T Field 05J30/88 01 7Three suspects are white. one is a NegroYoung son af Mrs Stokes also murdered by attackersGeorge Curtis and Tan ESdds freed of chargeK i l l a s identified htti e BdlVictim &.led Mrs Stokes Allen in artideTension rming hi* in Osceola over aim=MJFmRs BID ATTEMPTED m m - moms, mH3Planas stabbed to beath iy Jesse Finn in JeEferson CbmtyMU- arJD A'PTEMPTED MURDWS - 'IRAMMEL, JCWNAssassinated while leading raid on bntcpmery Cbmty stillsTrmd was Deputy US I%r&dJ&n Tranmel called a fear1 ess manMontgomery Cbunty residents renain silent on dayingRe@ says Tranmd atused local fanily to get informationSlayers of Ranmel circulate story ahout abe czf fanilyFbrrtgomq (bmty residents aid officers in slaying probeR M Ry enaounters moowhiners in I%ntgrmezy CbmtyFbonshiner Billy Cbgnen arrestedFbr e moond-iiner smpects capr edOfficers say dl moMiner suspects now mder arrestS~aspects r el eased a£ ter hmringSheriff G G Golden discusses slaying caseMum rnD ATI'EMETED Mum - mmER, GrnWSETurner &at by C G House at WaldronMTm ZWD ATTrnrn MURDERS - VIrnRY? WILLIAMFrank Pate arrested for murder d VictoryMJRlXRS AND ATTENPCED MUFXERS - WAD?,Wade killed by 'Ihanas J Sde at QarendonIqJRDERS AND AlTElMPTED Mum - mm. mCRWalker killed when aon&ctm threw him £run mcrving trainmRCIERS AND A!lmJm'ED M u m - WALL. CwtWall killed by DDck Spmcer at EgraguldWall killed & Jack Spznce at hragouldMIFDERS IWD ATI'EMPTED MU- - WBLLACE. WILLJAMIke Brwn acquitted of d-iargesMD A T P ~ ~ EMUW3ERS D - WXSq WIUMSheriff J W B Robinson shot. Negro ky-stander killedWalls killed fy Jim Dillard at Qarendon. worn& ]nillardMUREFS IJND ATI'mED MUIUERS - WARDWard found guilty in murder uf his mother in Lee CbmtyGeorge Ward wts pison term of 15 years

MUREW AND A'ITEMRED MUXERS - WHIITE, m N(1)white shot by Joe RellyMURIlERS IWD AWmED MURIIERS - W ' E - JCMN (2)White killed by Charles Willians at OscedaMURDERS lPBD ATIEMP!CED MIJFXEEB - WHJTfiAXER. JOEWhittaker kiled iy Willian ylde in Lafayette CbmtyWhitter was stabbed to deathM J m AND A'rT-ED MuREmS - WfZLrAEat, RUNEJchn Hill accused of murder cb WilliansMJRCWS IWD A'rTEHPlXD MUREEFS - WILLIAW. RC8ERTWillians killed ky Willian Bm&ard at HaemIUI;TREFS AND A ~ ~ MURIXRS E D - WIGSCN, IYWIELWfisun stabbed ky Jdm Thornton at BarkerMIRDERS IND ATTmED MURlXR.S - WILSCN, W CWilson seriously cut by Harry Hogue at Fancher. mdimn CbHarry Hocge arrestedMUREFS IWD AZlfENPTED MURUWS - WOOD6- m, GEDFGE @lRS)Janes Willians mnvicted of 2nd degree murderMURDEliS IWD ATTENETED MU-SGeorge Woods attacks wi£e with axe in Swier CbuntyGeorge Woods attenpd suicide a£ ter attack on Mrs WoeMTFtlXRS MD ATI'EWFED MURlERS - WFCGJilT, EUGENEAccounts of killing of Wri@t by M T Thanas in White QmtymmMJFUXRS mD ATTEMPTED MuRDJ%s - mN;,Yomg shot by George Satt near El Dora&MJREEE,mmD Hsee alm allegesMJREHY, G Wsee alm Bngr ess - House - Ark Dist 0 4MJREHY, GEDlGE Wsee alrso Cbngras- House - ArkDist 04Addresses Dsnocratic rally in Little RockAddresses meeting of state Democratic clubConates $100 ConEederate bill to RepuMican

ARKANSAS GAZ E!FI'E INIIEX 1888WTEIWECI@SHvIUEsee also Almhcil ic Beveragessee alm Pkthodist Churchsee also News Briefs - F&hvjlleResdts of municipl d -ionDescri&ion of town, list of bsinesmsWD3NAL WHEEL ENTERIREEsee Newsgapersmm GIssee Oil and GasmE, J Esee a1 so ShootingsNEE. C M SRBank president at Pine BlMf is insolventNEELEX, A Msee also RepuHican mrtyNEROEsee also ArkanEtas - Garernorsee a1 so Arkanas - Ibl itics and Electionssee also <strong>Arkansas</strong> Qlor ed Press Associationsee also Cbllqessee also Cbngress - House - Ark Dist 02se aim Cbrway Cbmtysee alm Qime and Criminalssee aim Episaopl Churchsee also Lynchingsee also Murders and Attansed Murikr ssee alsw, mlicesee also Reprhlican Brtysee alm RepuUican mxtysee alm Sex Crimessee it193 Union L&r EbrWwe also White. TWWhite r &dents at Buckville (Montgomay Cbmty) harass Negro 03/27/88 06 1Claim made that Negroes trated cruelly in Rragmild Og/2l/88 04 5Letter says Bragroud reg exaggerated. ht has some truth 0$/27/88 03 2Zlocal oEf idals checking camaaint EBragould Negroes 0?/28/88 05 2Reuben Nwds has r enarkau e memory 05/02188 02 2Gaeg Wdlington Bryant replies to Rwdl Qayton on vote 05/1l/88 01 1Should not have been en€ran&ised, Rmd.1 Qayton says 05/1y88 01 1Jose* ABooker mentions kindrdations betweenraces inArk 06/01/88 05 4Qraditions better in Ark than othe Southern states. lr says 06/03/88 10 1Rnanci ption my cel ebr ated at Pine BluM 06/15/88 02 2H d m Negroes to elebrate enantziption p-oclanation 06/30/8802 2C~ittenden Qunty Negroes order whites to lave mmty 07/12/88 01 5EYcminent Negroes at PEirion call far calm to avert trouble 07/12/88 01 5Armed whites drive Negro ringlsaders out uf &xion 07/13/8801 3Crittenden Cbunty Negro aff icehalder s had keen indicted 07/U/88 01 3GCN S PHu#-ieswaitsfor afficial mtice on Q-itten&n Qmty 07/l3/88 01 3Whites &termined to rid Critten&n OD of Negro rule 07/13/88 01 3Nqro rule in Qcittenckn said to be at an end 07/14/88 01 2Details of race IxouU e in Critterden Qunty 07/1$/88 03 1.

Negro &puties help keep pea= in Mxion 07/1$/88 03Streets of Marion ptxolled Ly armed white men 07/16/88 03Let the law take hold (ed on &ittenden Cbunty affair) 07/14/88 04Peaae restared to krian and Crittenden Comty 07/1F/88 01Crittenden officials say whites wrote thrats to thenselves 07/17/88 03Dave Ferqson, J W Raooks, 0 W Kt&m ousted frm Crittenden 07/17/88 03Ousted Crittenden Cb officials ask Gw Hughes to intervene 07/17/88 03Crawfordsville (Crittenden Q) suEfered reign of terror 07/18/88 01Militia~pniestokfarmedinQitte&ntokeeporder 07/18/8801Morefa&sclonerningreoerrttroUesinQittendenBtnty 07/18/8801Colored citizens testify on rent Crittenden Cbunty troubles 07/18/88 03Editorial on rent Qittenden Qrnty ~oblas 07/18/88 04Critterxkn Cb woblans not radd, Negroes in LR antend U7/19/88 04Gcw Hu@ies cromended ly Negroes far murse with Ocittenden Cb 07/19/88 04Negroes meet in LR pss severQ remlutions 07/19/88 04Grand Jury investigating affairs in Qittenden Cbmty 07/19/88 06Crittenden Cb Grand Jury reportedly returned 40 indictmats 07/24/88 01ClarksviLleHer&.d-Jourml wantsseprate carsfar Negroes 07/26/8802Runor says ousted official lynched in Qittenden Cbunty 07/25/88 01ReyortaElyn&inginQitte&nCbmtywasafabrica~on 07/26/8801Deposed Crittenden Cb officials pose as martyrs, ed says 08/01/88 04TenthousandNegroes celebrate Bnanciptionat H e l m rally 08/03/88 01Club farmed at LR to swrt momat J P Eagle for Gwernor 08/03/88 05W H Ebrhsh led in forming club to supprt Jmes P Bgle 08/m/88 05Einanciption By celebrated in Fort Smith 08/0788 01Runor of impnding race war at Wahseka Fwes gromdless 08/24/88 02Da16.d W Lewis, ex-judge a€ Crittenden Q, arrested at Marion 11/13/88 01Negreos attmpted to went arrest ~ Lewis at MarionNegroes attack Rank Ebrrest. a white man, at Mxionmrsats made ty Negroes to kill all whites at MarionWhite med Frank Fbrrest kills J&n Bi*tuver at MxionGov S P Huaes goes to Crittenden O, to investigate ~ohlmsFace csorflick hrdy mntained at Elclnticello mrdrontationState Rew Ik J A Nek firvors repeal oE 14th. 15th an&Iqor ant sdf rage (ed)NERWIUEsee ArkaaeZghiamsm, SAPlsee also Murders and Attengted Mur&rssee Robberies and Th fftsN m msee also Fir- and Firmensee so Robberies and TheftsNWAUi OXTNIfYsee also VigilantesLengthy artide on ecomic and social anditions in mtmtyEditorial amnent on article on mmtyDmocr ati c naira ti ng corn he1 dDemocratic primary remlltsDmocratic county mnv hddDmocrats name candidates for mmty aff icesPolitical rally hdd at Rw&ls MillBallat box far Leke !kn&ip stolen on election ni@tEditorial on theEt 05 Leak !tkn&ip Mlots

ARIQSMSPS GA!ZEX"E INDEX 1888WTERGE CDEsnocrtic: rally had at ResaottNW SAZEMsee also Methodist ChurchNIWMW, CHmES Gsee a1 so Assaults and Dimrderly (bnd~ctNEWrnRTsee also Fkthodist Chulcfisee also News Briefs - NewportNEWS BREES0 Lisked here are citatims to hi& m sitansNEWS BRIEE!S - RLEZWDER12 2l 02 2ms Bmm - &MA07 04 03 2 10 14 02 2NWS BRIEE!3 - AR2 ENTA0228023 0303023 0306082 0307043 031602303 21 03 1 03 23 05 2 03 25 05 3 03 31 06 1 04 07 05 20418 06 1 04 21 05 4 06 03 04 4 06 10 04 4 07 08 03 107 12 02 4Bmm - ARrnDELHIAm s02 22 02 2 03 cn 05 1 03 09 01 3 m n 06 1 04 08 02 z05 05 02 3NEWS BRIE= - PRMSAS CITY04 05 08 1NEWS BRIEFS - A[rKINS03 11 06 1 03 18 02 3 04 21 02 2 04 26 02 2NEWS BFSEES - BATE5VlLLE07 10022 0926 043NEWS BFtIEES - BEEEE02 26 02 2 03 08 02 2 03 18 02 2 03 25 03 1 04 01 02 204 15 06 1 04 29 02 2 05 03 02 3 05 06 02 2 05 18 02 206 07 02 2 06 22 02 2 06 28 05 1 08 04 02 2 09 16 02 209 26 02 2 09 29 02 2 10 07 02 2 10 14 02 2 10 20 03 210 28 06 1 12 01 02 2 12 09 12 1NEWS BmES - BEN'IDN03 (35 02 3 04 06 02 2 04 17 02 2 04 24 02 2 05 04 05 206 24 02 2 11 25 03 5NE'7S BmES - rnWILLE05 03 02 2NWS BFUEES - BRINKLEY02 26 02 2 03 18 02 2 03 28 02 3 04 17 02 2 04 22 01 605 06 02 2NEWS BRlElS - BUCKNER03 07 02 2 03 13 02 2 03 29 02 2 05 0902 2NEWS BmES - BUCKVILLE03 02022 03 27 06 1 06 23 022 07 26 022 0913 0431103033NEWS BRIEFS - CABOF02 28 02 2 03 a;l 02 2 03 20 02 2 03 n 06 1 04 26 02 209 02 02 2 09 20 02 2 10 14 02 3 10 28 06 1 12 25 06 1NEWS BRIER - CAMEN02 25 02 2 10 17 02 2J!MS BFtlEES - CAF&ISLE03 14 02 3 03 23 02 2 04 18 02 2 05 01 02 2 05 03 02 31q18/88 03 2

~ ~06 27 05 3 08 02 02 2 08 08 02 2 09 26 04 4ms BmFS - cmm EOINT02 23 02 2 03 08 02 3 03 29 02 2 04 07 08 4 04 26 02 205 18 02 2 09 18 02 2 11 15 02 2NEWS BRIEFS - CHARL EIDN09 16 02 2NEWS BRIEFS - CLAREMDON02 28 02 2 04 08 02 2 04 14 02 2 04 26 02 2 05 08 02 207 14 02 2 10 06 02 2 12 14 02 2NEWS BFCEFS - CLARWILLE03 17 02 3 10 14 02 2NEWS BRIE= - amm02 28 02 2 08 09 02 3NEWS BDES - COAfi H m05 29 06 1- COwz4Y0223 022 02% 024 03 03 022 03 09023 CB 1402303 22 02 2 03 28 02 2 03 30 08 1 04 01 05 5 04 06 02 204 11 06 2 05 03 02 2 05 22 03 1 06 10 03 3 06 17 01 507 10 02 2 08 15 06 1 09 18 02 2 09 26 02 2 09 30 03 510 05 03 1 10 13 051 10 20 03 2 10 24 02 2 11 15 02 212 21 02 2ms BRIE=m sBRIEFS - 00- ELANT05 17 02 2m S BFUEES - DARMELE03 03 02 3 04 19 02 2 05 16 02 2 06 06 02 2 06 16 02 207 12 02 2 10 23 02 2NEWS BRIEFS - DES ARC03 23 02 2 04 04 06 1 04 07 08 4NWS BRLEES - DEWITT03 28022 0413 022 0420 03 1 0427 022 0503 02205 18 02 2 05 23 06 1 09 16 02 2 10 31 02 2 11 22 02 112 01 02 2NEWS BFZEE - DCWER03 02 02 2 03 22 02 2NEWS BRlEES: - EL DOIW33JlEMS BRIEFS - EMMF,'IT04 24 02 2 04 26 02 3NWS BRU3FS - WEND82 SHAD3NEWS BRIEFS - mRT SMITl03 07 01 3 10 17 02 3 12 23 02 3NEWS BRIEES - GQCMAN03 13 023 03 21 022 03 27 06 2 0407 083 0517 02206 U7 022 0926 044 11 29043MIWS BRlEEs - m UB;03 09 02 2 04 13 02 2 04 27 02 2 06 22 02 2 12 07 03 1NWS BRIEFS - EIARRISBUH;03 11 06 1 0.3 l3 02 3 04 04 06 1 04 29 02 2NEWS BRIEF!3 - HEEER03 03 02 2 04 14 02 2

NEWS BRIEF!3 - HENSLEY03 2402 2NEWS BRIEFS - Horn04 08 02 2 05 09 02 2 09 07 05 4NEWS BmES - m SIRINGS02 21 02 2 02 22 02 2 02 23 02 2 02 24 03 2 02 25 02 20226 022 03 02023 03 03 022 03 06 023 03 0802303 09023 03 11 06 1 03 16 023 3 17 022 03 18 02 205 03 02 2 07 29 03 1 10 04 01 1NBG BRIER - ENEVILLE03 02 02 3 03 09 02 3 03 22 02 2 03 30 08 1 04 07 08 304 13 02 2 04 26 02 3 05 03 02 2 05 24 02 2 11 15 02 211 15 02 2 12 06 02 2 12 13 05 1 12 27 02 2NEWS BRIEES - JACKSWILLE03 07 02 2 03 10 02 2 04 11 06 1 04 15 06 1 05 05 02 305 24 02 2 06 24 02 2 07 ll 02 2 11 01 02 2NEWS BFSEFS - JEFFERS(Ta02 24 03 1NEWS BRIEES - JCNESBWO04 13 02 2 05 06 02 2 05 15 02 2ms BFUEES - LmnR04 11 06 1 07 08 03 3NEWS BRIEFS - LEWISVILLE03 02022 0401 022 0405081 042003 1 06 23 02208 03 02 2 08 09 02 2 08 19 02 2NEWS BmFs - IQcHEIS13m06 # 02 2ms BRIEFS - mom02 21 02 2 02 24 03 1 03 CE 02 2 03 09 02 2 05 15 02 207 Ol 03 5 07 24 02 2 11 22 02 1 12 13 02 2NEWS BRLEE - MNCLn03 13 02 3 Q3 18 02 2 03 24 02 2 03 25 03 2 03 30 08 104 13 02 2 07 08 03 3 10 04 05 4NWS BRIEE - WVERN02 22 02 3 03 10 92 1 03 15 02 2 03 17 02 2 03 21 02 203 2503 1 04 11 06 1 10 07 02 2 1207 03 1NLWS BmES - M?MVDTH SIRIN203 15 03 2 04 04 06 1 04 12 02 2NEWS BRIEES - MM3IANNAm s02 21 02 2 07 14 02 2 10 20 03 1BRIEFS - MrNEFsL SERrnS03 17 02 3 04 19 02 2 05 03 02 2 08 09 02 2 09 26 04 310 31 02 2NLWS BRIEFS - P DJYTL~O03 03 02 3 03 10 02 1 03 17 02 3 CB 22 02 3 03 28 02 304 01 02 2 05 24 02 2 06 08 02 2 08 26 02 2 09 02 02 209 16 02 2 09 28 08 1 10 05 03 1 10 11 03 1 10 20 03 111 15 02 2 12 02 02 2 12 20 02 2NEWS BUFS - BDEnDRRIL!ION02 22 02 3 02 26 02 3 M 08 02 2 03 U 02 3 04 27 02 209 29 02 2 10 04 05 4 10 24 02 2NEWS BTUEF?S - MXlNT HGLY02 21 02 2NEWS BRIEFS - KUNT IIN

03 1502 2 0406 022 0411 06 2NEWS BRIEFS - KXJmAIN HOME06 26 01 5 10 17 02 2 12 08 03 1NEWS BRIEES - mumm v m02 26 02 2 03 09 02 3 03 23 02 2 03 28 02 2 05 11 02 209 14 03 2 09 28 08 1 10 17 02 2NEWS BRIER3 - NlSHVILLE02 21 02 2 03 21 02 2 03 25 03 2 04 01 02 2 04 07 08 305 16 01 2 05 23 06 1 U7 20 02 2 09 15 08 1 10 03 02 210 1402 2 12 13 02 2NEWS BNEFS - NWIORT04 17 02 2 12 20 02 2NEWS BRIEFS - ODLCNA03 02 02 3 04 07 08 3 04 26 02 3 05 16 02 2 06 27 05 210 03 02 3 11 03 03 3 12 02 02 2 12 12 02 2NWS BRIER -02 22 02 2 03 11 06 1 04 07 08 3 05 05 02 3 07 18 02 208 16 02 2 10 07 02 2 12 01 02 2 1207 CQ 1 12 23 023NEWS BFUXFS - CEARK02 24 03 2 03 08 02 1 03 23 02 3 03 29 02 3 04 11 06 204 27 02 2 05 12 02 2 08 08 02 2 10 11 03 1 11 04 02 2NEWS BRIEES - MIS02 23 02 3 03 16 02 2 03 29 02 2 04 20 03 I. 06 06 02 206 15 02 2 06 27 05 3 10 24 02 2 12 20 02 2 12 28 02 2NEWS BRIEES: - PERRYVILLE02 28 02 2 03 11 06 1 03 16 02 2 03 22 02 3 03 25 03 104 07 08 4 04 26 02 3 06 24 02 2 07 07 02 2 08 08 02 209 26 02 2 10 04 05 3 11 08 02 2 11 15 02 2NEWS BRIE= - FINE BLUFF022403 2 02 26 023 00 02023 a3 07 022 03 0902310 03 02 2 11 20 02 1 12 06 02 2 12 230 2 3NEWS BRIE= - mRTmOQ 26 02 2NEWS BRIEFS - m wm0411 C!6 2NEWS BFXFJS - IRAIRE GRWE05 25 02 1 U7 06 02 2 08 19 02 2 09 26 02 2 09 29 02 211 04 02 2NEWS BRIE= - HZEQ3TT03 20 02 2 04 05 08 1 04 18 02 2 05 03 02 3 05 10 03 3NEWS BRI%ES - RINCEXON05 15 02 2 05 17 02 2 07 l3 03 2 09 07 05 4 10 03 02 2NEWS BRIEFS - RWEMXN SERNS07Ol036 0722051ms BRIEES - RICHrnND04 07 08 3 04 20 03 1NEWS BRLEE!3 - RTSa05 09 02 2 05 23 06 1 05 24 02 2 09 18 02 2NEWS BRIEFS - RERZ aOMFDRT

03 22 02 3NWS BRIEFS - ROGERS03 11 06 1 03 I3 02 2NEWS BIUEFS - FUSSELLV3UE02 25 02 2 03 09 02 2 03 11 06 1 03 23 01 1 03 28 02 305 22 03 1 06 14 01 5 07 24 02 3 11 25 03 5NEWS BRIER - smCY03 25 03 2 04 06 02 2 06 05 02 2 06 10 03 3 06 15 02 2NEWS BRIXES - WERIM03 24 02 2 04 18 02 2 05 15 02 2 12 02 02 2NBJS BRIE= - SILtOAM SWNS06 07 02 2NEWS BRIEFS - m A Z ; BILL12 20 02 2NEWS BRIEFS - =Em H m09 04 02 2NBJS BFmm - rnZPIRRwA11 09 01 6NEWS BRIEFS - ~IWm03 13 02 2 03 2'7 06 1NEWS BRIEIE - UJXDN mTY04 26 02 3NIWS BmFS - UNIZ)NTWN04 18 02 2NEWS BRIEES - WW BUREN09 21 02 2 10 18 06 1 10 20 03 2 12 21 02 2NWS BRIXFS - VD3LA03 15 02 2NEWS BRIEES - WLHICN02 21 02 2 02 2403 1 02 26 02 4 03 03 023 0414 02 204 26 02 2 05 03 02 2 09 26 02 2NWS BRIEE - FfMREN03 07 02 2 07 14 02 2 07 21 02 2 08 19 02 2 09 15 08 110 04 04 4 10 09 02 2 10 13 05 1 11 13 02 2 11 20 03 112 02 02 2 12 08 03 1 12 23 02 2 12 29 02 2NEWS BRIEFS - WASHlTG1DN04 15 06 1 07 17 02 2 07 24 02 2 10 04 05 4 10 09 02 2NEWS BmES - WET IOINT04 11 04 2 07 08 03 3 12 20 02 2NEWS BRIEES - YELLVJLLE04 17 02 2 04 24 02 2NEWSWEERSsee also <strong>Arkansas</strong> Qlared Press Associationsee also <strong>Arkansas</strong> Ftess AssociationArgenta Incident rwived by Sam Weadd.1O C Luckig begins pkilication of ArkansianTimes Printing Co at Ft Smith organizd to @i& 2 pprs<strong>Arkansas</strong> Gazette sued for libel bj Qld Orachard makersIntoxicating power a€ Clld Or&ard is question in Libel suitCrai#xad County Sm begins mication at JonesboroClarksvfile Herald4omml formed Icy merger cf two ppers<strong>Arkansas</strong> Ress suspends publicationEd L Givens named asmciate ed of <strong>Arkansas</strong> Gazette<strong>Arkansas</strong> Gazette a€£ ers to dub with all state newsppers

mitt has new pkdication called JXstrict Herald 04/13/88 02First hane of Arkanms Gazette in LR being torn lbwn 04/20/88 04bks A F Livingston operates Morrilton Star since husband died 06/24/88 02<strong>Arkansas</strong> Democrat mwes to its new hilding at Smtt. PEtrhan 04/2q88 05Smary a€ m s of state ~ ess 04/28/88 03Western Torch is new pper at Qarksville 04/28/88 03National Whed Ehter~ise sold to I m PLanglq 012/29/88 04East Arkansian at Forrest City suspends pllalication 05/03/88 02Rogers Republican begins pblication 05/09/88 02Maqolia residents to testify in Old Orchard Ci&r suit 06/28/88 05Federal judgerulesinfmareGaz&binOldCider suit 06/29/8804Testimony in Old Orhard libel ase against Gazette 06/29/88 05DeWitt Free Lance to begin plblication soon 06/30/88 02Opinion of Judge H C Cal&r&l in Old Orchard Cider case 07/01/88 02Argument aE George H Sanders in Old Orchard libel case 07/0l/88 03Hard cider and the la (ed) 07/01/88 04St Louis Repuhl ic article on Old Orchard Cider suit 07/03/88 02Gazette amments on winning of Clld Orachard Cider case 07/03/88 04State p ess oommerks on Old Cider and the libel suit 07/08/88 03&St's Flying Needle at Warren suspnds publication 07/08/88 03Toilers Advocate is name aE Aqriculturd Wheel rarer at Heber 07/14/88 02<strong>Arkansas</strong> Baptist @l eased that-~az ette won 1 ibel- &itCLarksviLle HeraldJourrral beabmes a daily?he &ate courts and cider (edlFerryville Democrat to begin pubLicationBatesville merwise begins publicationFr egnan1 s Expr ess mw es f ran Har ri shr g to wnneSpirit oE Hop is new plhlication at Hope<strong>Arkansas</strong> Toothpick kegins puhl ication<strong>Arkansas</strong> Toothpick is 1 iterary and hunorous pprClarksville Eaomist suspnds publicationkkor Banner at Ozark suspx& publicationLittle Rock Daily Progess to beame r ecglar newspper<strong>Arkansas</strong> Gazette qra&es runored sale, dange to RepublicanDay Dmn begins pblication in Little RockCross Cbunty Chroni.de suspnds pkiliationSaline Cburier changes m e to Benton OourierWynne Ri-w Isegins puhl ica ti onMomtain E&o at Yellville suspends pkilication<strong>Arkansas</strong> Gazette okerves its 69th hirth&y<strong>Arkansas</strong> Gazette history smarizd on 69th anniversaryCoaL Hjll Monitor begins micationNIWrnN mmsee also Qime and Criminalssee a1 Explosives and Explosionssee aim Tan Thunb Spin*Democratic axmty mrrr hadW S Jones describes trip f ran Reartan Spin- to JasgerRepublimns win all mmty uff ices as C M Norwood top FagleIblitical ms of mmtyH ~ vslawfall y was reaorded on 0& 22, 1862 in mmtyW S mvis recalls wenk during Civil War in 1862Nmm. m m Wsee also Dgnoaatic Pare

NIaEm, tmILMsee al;so Cburts - Ark -Circuit Court RLst 06NICKELSCN, R Dsee dl ;so Murder 8 and Atteneed MurdersNmLE LAKEsee also Fires and FirmenNQILEY, W 3see alm Murders and Attaped MurdersNmEYf W Rsee also Inventions and InventorsmmESr A R m S MrNm Q3see Mines and MinerdsNCRrnESrn HUuJCW sum Q3see Qmpnies and FheoriesNQR'110N7 A JTestifies in grobe of Qal Hill prison mpNCEWOODf C Msee alm <strong>Arkansas</strong> - Governorsee also Cbngress - House - Ark D ist 02see alm Omgress- Nouse- ArkDist 02see also UnionLabor mriyIhutogra@ a€ Union Labr candichte for Gw of ArkNQWOD, JAMES&scribed as a wealthy aanter a€ Henptead ColntyNIGENT. MTHETestifies in wobe cf Qal Hill wison campNIB ERIES ( Hf3XTICUL'IURE)Descrigtion of operations of <strong>Arkansas</strong> Nursery Q at LRB-toto of E F Batcock, mcy of <strong>Arkansas</strong> Nursery CoO'HAIR: J Tsee also Little Rock - CIEfic5al.ssee also Maski Qmty - Eblitics and ELectionsO'HEIRA. msee also Religioncn3mARIFssee Deathsa3SrnITYsee Ibrnogramy and Obcenityom FEmCWssee Indepnderrt Order a€ Odd FellavsOaJM, W Bsee al rn Murders and AttmFed Murderson, JND GPSDisoovq cd naturbl gas at Greerwood creates excitmentReChction in p-ie cannot be made became of heavy mstNatural gas discovered on Arkansad Inastrial Univ om-Petroleun found in large quantities in Smtt (33unt.yMain find of coal oil is in SoWestern Sacltt mmtyArtidle on oil and gas depsits of Soott Qmty<strong>Arkansas</strong> Ektroleun (3 names off iaers<strong>Arkansas</strong> Eetroleun Cb organized to explore for 9 s and oilThanas Jennin~ seeks devd.olpr af bis land at FayettevilleList uf wners of Smtt Cbmty oil mpnyUnion Oil Cb of Fbr t Smith files inax prati on gapers

WTE E EC<strong>Arkansas</strong> Wtroleun Cb elects directorsPetrol eun eep f run ground near Prairie GrweUnion Oil Cb leses 15,000 acres in Prairie Grwe armStandard Oil 8 reportedly seeking leases in Scott Cbrnty<strong>Arkansas</strong> A3troleu-n Cb exploring in Smtt CbtntyExperts Mieve large 9s fidd lies mder Fulaski CbuntyHiran &buns instrlanental in sear& for gas in maski Co<strong>Arkansas</strong> Eetsoleun Cb ready to begin drilling in Scott. mlkArticle on natural 9s dismvery near Little RockInterest Awn by aapitalists in exploring Hot Sgincp araNatural gas deposits are at GreerwoodExploration to begin at Camp Scruqgs (att Qmty)Clil reprtedly was found near Fort Smith in 1849Correspondent says oil runs f ran earth near Prairie GrweNew gaworks at Hot S m Llses either coal or pineGas pocket struck by well-drilling crew at Pine BluffStrong gas wdl brou*t in near Fort SmithGas well at Ebrt Smith furniaes 50,000 cubic ft pr &yOil well in Saott Cbunty readws de@h o£ 1.000 ftHarry E Mly describes rich gas w d l at Fort SmithEkploration for oil to be made at Qve Sp-ing (Benton Cb)E3ploration being made in Independen- Qunty for gas or oilOIL ?Rmwsee also LandOrnLrnAsee also axistian Churchsee al.rn Khi@ts of Homrsee also News Eries - OkolomOLD LADES HOPlIE (LmE ROCK)Gmrdians report on work of hcmeLbrations ma& & generous citizens of cityChristmas okervedaJD ORCWARD CIDERsee alm NewsgaperscLm=mINEsee FbodOLI1VER, A Jsee alm Murders and Attangted MurdersOLLlE, (aESARsee also Murders and Attenged MurdersONYXsee mrUeORCW OF AMERICAN ~R~see Hres and FirenenCIREHmse Children and YouthOGPCE MILLSsee also Fires and FirenenOiS CM&Asee also Murders and Attensed Murders(XIACHITA BAPTIST QXLEEsee QllqsCrJAGIITA mmsee also Agriculturd Whed

see aim Murders and Attenged Murders - Davissee also Risonssee also Shootingssee also Storms and TamdoesReturns in Dem ~imaryRepr t on Dan grimaryDemocratic clounty anvention hddDemocrats select ondihtes for wmty dficesUnion Lahor EBrty in ooLntyRJAGIITA RIVERsee Riverssee Ship and ShippingalrrA mlxl asee also Ek-isms - <strong>Arkansas</strong>CWENS, ?HOWsee also Murders and Attanned Murdersoz ANsee a1 so Fires and F!i renensee also News BrieEs - &anTrxJn inoorprabd 07/26/88 05 1DescripAon of twn. bsiness and professional directory 1v22/8802 5C&MKsee alm Bankruptciessee also Cbmpnies and Factariessee also ares and Firmensee aim News Briefs - &arksee aim NwsplpersmGmr rnN Msee also Murders and Attm@ed MurdersWmTmsee ArtWLmOGysee FbssilsmMER, mP;Isee also Cbngress- House - ArkDist 02HuwDEssee aln, E5 res and F!i ranenERRKCULDsee alm Fires and Firenensee alm NegroesWRDONsee RisonsEARSsee also Qtholic Chur&see alm Edxation and Schoolssee dl= News Briefs - WrisZRRLS, CHOCFZW AND LITILE ROCK RAILROADJ?rospcts for hilding road f ran Rris, Texas to LRArtide on men who hck construction of lineCorlj; of engineers engaged in surveying 1 ineWRKER AND WCW'MEMsee BanksERRm, mm (MRS)see a1 a Murders and Attaneed Murders

WTEWlGECWRRER,HWARD Wsee also Little Rock - Contracts and Purchasingsee a1 so Littl e Rock - Fimnoe and Budgetssee also Little Rock - Iblitics and Electionssee also Pkdical Facil iti esDisputes statenent a€ myor WXme on gas aontrad:EARHER, ISAAC Csee also Gourts - US - District of Western <strong>Arkansas</strong>Listed ky J&n H Rogers as a man of ability and charadxrPARKER, MaJudge rules Brker w ill to standmm, GEDIGEsee aim Ebssil sIARE, W Jsee also Wders and Attemsed Murders - Brksmm smmswing near Warren attxact severdl sunmer visitorsIARCLEsee -ismsPART= rnD mNcEsLWn H Roots hcilds recegion for ministers at LR haneUwn prty at Simon Cbhn hme in LR horrors Miss HesseJ H MtXar~y entertains militia cr, at Little Rock kaneCbnaorsa Assn at LR holds 20th annml M l&j and Mrs W E WoodruEf give two rtxqtion at LR hmeReflion given bj E N Harrten hornred May Gleason at LR hmeImprial German Club (Little Rock) entertains mmbersLitUe Rock society entertained by German QubMr and Mrs Z eb Ward, Jr enterlain with card partyMrs C J Linooln holds reception at elegant Linaln mansionMrs Zeb Ward entertains with lm&eonGeorge F Roedl hcme is scene o£ recegkion in Little RockW J !thanpons give spendid recqtion at LR haneYomg ladies hold Leap Year prty at Little RockCol & Mrs Logn H Roots enterhin club at their LR hmeCol & Mrs Thcmas Essex errtertain friends at LR residenaeMr & Mrs Janes Lawn entertain Imperial. German Club at LRMr and l<strong>vl</strong>rs W H Ward entertain at their LR residenceKni*ts of Bthias give hrquet at Qarks<strong>vl</strong>lleHane a€ Dr A L Brqsaches is sene of Gman Club priyMrs H P Jchnmn gives region at Little RockPA'ITER3~'S BLUFFsee also Storms and Tor m&esIATTY, m Ksee also Murders and Attmged MurdersBUNE, E Jsee also FublicLikariesLetter on LR resources for manufacturinglZ3RCE, lWOL83N Bsee also Fires and FiranenPEARSCN,H Gsee als3 Murders and Attemaed MurdersPEEL, SAMWsee also Cbngress - House - Ark Dist 05

Qlls Well Qayton cleanest Repub in Ark parqPmmmTmmsee PrismsEm, mvIDsee also Ba@ist Churchm, J Tsee also Republican Brtym, W Esee also Housingmmm (rnSE3) MILLSsee Fires and FirenenPERKINS, CIIARLEXsee also Qime and CriminalsFERRY mumWork on new aourthouse aontinues Oz/ZsJ8802 2Result of DePn pimary 05/2Y88 01 3Returns Eran km pimary 0 5/23/88 01 1Repvhlicans and Union Labor mmt agree on joint ticket 08/08/88 03 2Strange dw el opnent among three pol iti cal Ear ti es 08/25/88 06 1PERRY. J m Ksee a1 so Fbr t Smith. Earis and DxdBnelle Rail roadPWRYVIWlEsee also Christian Churchsee also News BdeEs - Brryvillesee also Religionsee alao ShootingResat OEPERRYVmE m mmsee Newsppersnunicipl. dectionsFERSCNAL LWSsee CreditmIT JrnChosen site for Smer Nmnd School 05/l3/88 01 5Ilesaision of butif ul and unuslal fsatures of arm 06/1Y88 03 1Lengthy article on lkmt &tit Jean ara 06/12/88 03 1Photo af G?&r FUls at Stit Jean 06/12/88 03 2Ehoto of via frcm atop &tit Jean Fbtntain 06/12/88 03 2PETILJS, JmN Jam3Grave a£ former Gw Of Mississippi is in Ark conrfidd 06/10/88 01 3R A Little wns plantation near Tdkc where Bttw is hried 06/10/88 01 3Ranains may be rnwed to Little Rock cemetery 06/10/88 01 3Mississippi frien* mey hwerenainsreturnedtothat state 08/16/88 04 5HARRE, J Msee also Missing Per sonsmELPS, J W~ranents on theft af maski Cbmty pllboks 09/20/8803 1PHENOMENAsee also EntertaimentHILANmR s m 05LLEEsee CbllegesHILBIEOOK LIWD CLAIMsee LandPHILLIES CDumsee alm migration and Ehigr ation

see also mars and Attemgked Murderssee also Prisonssee also Stms and Torm&esIkmocrati c primary held 04/29/88 01Democr ati c pr ima6 hddDemocratic faction wants to work with RepuMicansDemocrats and Republicans agree to divide mmty off iuesEIYSICIAWS AND SUE EONSsee also <strong>Arkansas</strong> Eclectic Medical Associationsee also <strong>Arkansas</strong> Medical SocietyLucien La Rose arrested at Atkins on charge of quackeryDr Lucien La Rose says he was meray selling medicineDr C E Nash fined at LR far mt reparting scarlet fwer aseDr C E Nah says he bated no s&l& fever caseDr R 0 Blqdes is yomgest grad of Mew Ybrk Coll of WdidnePIERCE, GB3FGEsee also Wder s and Attmpted MurdersPIERCE, H Nsee alm Efismpl ChurchBirhop Pierce going to EuropemERmN, JrnEsee dm AgedHKE mmsee also Murders and Attemsed Murderssee also RiversRmocratic County Gentral Cbrran meets. el &s delegatesPINE BLUFFsee also Bankruptciessee also Bankssee also Catholic Churchsee also Qmplnies and Ehctoaiessee alm Eamic Devdopnerrtsee also Edmtion and Schoolssee als3 Ganhlingsee aim Hotelssee a193 Housingsee alm Wthodist Umrchsee also Murders and Attensed Murderssee alxi Nws BrieEs - Pine Bluffsee a193 Mews Briefs - Pine BluEfsee also Rhl ic Librariessee also Stms and Tornadoessee also ThanksgivingResats of midpl deckionDmocrats hold ward meetingENE BLUF'F, HImm MD ARRiDELEHIA RAILROADArtide af inwrpration filedPIrnAaaE smmsIhotogragh o£ Pinmde S~incyresort north cd a3mayW E Crow to opn famous resort on Jme 1HmTrnDCINSsee AgricultureR- a)mESs rnD SmmE Q3see Cbmpnies and Factories

Emmsee also lbisoning and Pbisons&UM3lIG &ID PLUEBERSF&gitz & Hucj~es grmbing service opns at Little Rockmwmssee also Catholicchurchsee also Sex CrimesRIDE'Ihoucjks and Visions. ky TX R P WricjhtArkansias, by Mrs MA QtoHe Feeds Them All. By L L Mivdazmmsm mNrYsee a1 so Immigration and Ehigr ati onNew safe installed in county courthouseDemocratic mass meeting h d dDemocratic mass meeting ends in mass aordusionIkgridtural Whed maniratesfull &ate of county offidalsPOISmING rnD POISmssee alm Acciikrrts and Safetysee also Fbod Conhimtion and PoimmngGirl dies after eating plants mistaken for wild onionsAtten@ made to poison f mily d MKS Hamnonds at Gurd3nFOLICEsee also Crime and Criminalssee also MmCkrs and Attengted MurCkrssee alm ShootingsCbrwq luarshd J&n H Hamdl kills E L Litue, a NegroCamden yoliceman Rairwater Aoots. kills Jesse JonesMficer Rairwater was attanping to arrest Jesse JonesFad her De-i es J T Witt. Jan Lluyd seriously womdedFred Corway mded by Deputies Witt and Llcyd in mdknerJan L Llqd was shot by fdlw Bputy J T Witt in FaulknerUqd and Witt were attem@ing to arrest Red ComwPosse ordered to bring Fred Corwq in dead or diveFadher Ceguty John Lloyd rmvering f ran injuriesJefferson County deputies set upon ky Uoodhomds~ntgornq Cb deputies kill Grissam. sound Newt P BatesMr Rouse and J B DeT7aucJ-m f aoe &ages in killing GrismNewt Bates acases Montgrmery deputies of slaucjhter attern*Hot: Swings Ebliae Chi& Hart indictedHXIK COUNTYsee also Mines and Mineralssee a1 so Murders and Attemged Murderssee also Oil and Gassee aim PrimnsAgricultural Whed wtes not to p& out politiml ticketProoeediw of Dmocratic conventionResU ts of Dem pimary d @&ionsReturns £ran Dem mass meetings&fnocr ati c rally ha dmu TAXsee <strong>Arkansas</strong> - Ibl itics and ElectionsHML, JCHNsee also Murders and AttenFed Murders - Snith

HK)l+H(XISESseeIOPE mmsee alsosee alsosee alsosee alsosee alsosee alsosee alsosee alsoFine newIbverty and the IborAlaoholic Beverages<strong>Arkansas</strong> - Blitics and ElectionsBirth ODntrol and AbortionMurders and Attangted MurdersRimnsRel igionSp5ngsStms and Tornadoesaourthouse beins covered with tin roofLengthy article onem&icandsocial. conditionsin cnunty 03/30/88 02 1M9nerous candichtes have filed for o£f ices 04/06/88 01 3Democratic mnvetion hdd OVl3/88 01 1Results of Dem ~imaries 05/15J88 01 1Fteturns in Dan county p-imaries OV19/88 01 3Returns f ran Win pimary 05/20/88 01 1Cbunty dficids ;we to quarters in new courthouse 05/2y88 03 1Democratic county mnv had 05/27/88 01 3Democrats nominate date of cdf it5aI.s 07/17/88 01 3Col mkrt B Crockett Qrrdl armstrong spak at Smttsuille 10/28/88 01 2mFE mm mIRsee Expositions and FairsEORNOGRAIHY AND CBSCENITYGearge Wekter af LR d-mged with sending obaene mail 06/30/88 04 3S P Leig charged w ia sending okscene material through mail 09/U7/88 05 4S P Leep examined and bound over for grand jury 09/15/88 08 2IORTER, ALLENsee a1 s Murders and Attemged Mur &rsRlRTlAsee alm Fires and Firenensee alm Nws Briefs - EbrtiaPDSTl!L SERVICEArticle lists new aEf icres and new postmasters apptd 06/13/88 05 4Rxhasters apinted in Ark C%/lg/88 01 4R G E9ymond charged witb hwoper mailing of items 06/17/88 01 7<strong>Arkansas</strong> pstal matters 07/04/88 01 2WarddaLe c&f ice estatilihed 10/I1/88 03 2Crcmwdl established, Whitcramb discontinued 10/18/8806 1Smary c6 pstal m s in Ark 11/07/88 03 1Strangers Hme is new off ice in Lavrenoe Cbunty 11/11/88 03 4Q€f ices fisaontinued at Little Star and Hati 12/0~8802 4EOTWH SULHUR SERlEJGSArrivals at hdth resort 07/29/88 09 3List a€ smer guests at resort 08/05/88 09 1List a€ cpests at hotel 08/24/88 02 2EWERTY AND THE m Rsee also Housingsee also Pkdical mcil iti esHme for destitute wanen aanned at Little Rock 06/03/88 03 4Indepn&nce Cbmty poor-house has 17 residentsH S %her appal s for aid for the deserving poorWilliam Tucker urges puU ic to r enmber the poor

RIWJLL.JIMsee also Crime and CriminalsRXERS. R Lsee also Fi res and H rmenmmmsee also News Briefs - Ebwhatanmmm.: Q Bsee also Union Labor RrtymmIE mmsee also Murders and Attengted Murderssee also Murders andAttm*ed Murderssee also Risonstbnouatic primary hddRestilts of Dm ~imaryArtide on emmmic and social characteristics of ocltntymmSE GIEWEsee alm News Briefs - Rairie Grwesee also Oil and Gassee alm Resbyterian ChurchArticle mentions sweral residents and Lusimsses of twnArtide on emnamic and socia daracteristics of tamTown is inmr pr atedTwn has been inaxpratedPRAIRIE GRWE INmITUTE:see also EdLzation and SchodsERAIRESAxtide and photo of Lomke Cbunty pairiesm Holmsee HotelsEMIT, RCBERTGsee also Sex CrimesHZESBDERl-AN CHURCHCunberland Presbyterians tuilding new &ur& at Fbr t SmithErst Chm& at LR aquires fine new pulpitNew pulpit at Little Rock First Resly horrors Tharias R WdchCmkerland Presbj Church bldg in Jonesbro dediaatedhyettevjlle Cumberland Pres a? has success£ul revivalCumberland Prestyterians have f he church in MorriltonCumberland Qlurch organized at Lanark, Bradley CbmtyArtide lists severd members of Cunberland Ch at LRPfiatogra* of Cunberland Presbyterian Qlurcfi at LRRev A R &nnedy leaves pastarate o£ 2nd Presby in LRHistury a€ first PI esbyterian. urganiz ed at LR in 1828Riotoqram a€ first Fresbyterian in LitUe RockPrairie Grwe church organized with 13 menbersNew Udg at IWLvern nears armaetionMrs L B Worthen recalls first symd ever had in <strong>Arkansas</strong>Proceedings of &md of Ar kan& meeting 10/25/88 05Sjmd of <strong>Arkansas</strong> aonvenes at Seaond Presky Ch in Little Rock 10/25/88 05Proceeding of meeting of Wrnd of <strong>Arkansas</strong> 10/26/88 05Proceedings of Symd of <strong>Arkansas</strong> meeting 10/27/88 03Symd of <strong>Arkansas</strong> ends session at Little Rock 10/28/88 04Rev W F Jamk deposed f ran ministry by Eking Presbytery ll/(n/88 03Cumberland Pr eskytery in session 11/17/88 03

mESQ3TTsee also Nws Brids - ResmttList cd hsinesses in townBrief Eog sketches of swerd residents givenRestilts of micigal dectionsFftESam, E Esee also Chpmies and EbctoriesRESIDENTIAL ELMITD3Nsee aim <strong>Arkansas</strong> - Blitics and HectionsRICE, IWTfIE LEEsee al ED EntertairmentERmm (SHIP)see Ship and ShippingIRmCE1X3EVsee alm Housingsee alm News Briefs - Rincetonsee alm News BrieEs - Etincetonsee also Rd igionHiIsmERSsee RisonsI.RE(3NSsee also Cburts - US - District cd Western <strong>Arkansas</strong>Ehakner Qmty jail in deporatile conditionThree pisoraers escape f ran Lincoln Cbmty JailInhumane trmbnent cf insane man in Pulaski Oo Jail revealedSteve Irman on t rid for mietrsatment a€ Fulaski innateGrand Jury investigating J&ferson Cbunty convict farmPrisoner esapes £ran Prairie Cbmty JailNew steel cages installed in Pulaski Qmty JailJeEfermn Qunw oorivick farm is wdl-m.Qs Samett saysNew jail at Waldron nears armgiletionA 3 Fbyil escapes f ran Union Qunty jailThree aonvicts escape frcm Maski Chmty bmBerhonville jail being hilt a€ rative stomContracting of FhUkner Cbmty aruicts groves a failureWo 17-yr-old girls sent to aillip Qmty Prison &rmFblk County kuildting fine new jailSix innates of Cbrway CbLnty Jail break outLouis Black escapes f run OLachita Cblnty JailDan Carr returns to Morrilton to finis out termwe btes esaps f run Jhnson Cbmty JailJchn CLmnin&an esaps frm Logan CDunty Jail at RrisWeslqt Lee &ot by Fulaski aunty Jail gmrdr; at &ockadeNegro dies at Ihillips Cbmty conrict farm £ran smstrokeInnates escape E rcm Greene Cbunty jailSix prisoners escape f run jail at HarrisonRimners assault jailer, escap fran Benton Qmty Jailmat maover ed to murder Folk Co Sheriff, free Arthur FbyilWillian Tucker urges r&igious work among prisonersBoom Cbulty Sheriff and j ail= acquitted in j ail escapeRisoners escape frcm Chicot Cbmty Jail at Lake Villa-Five ~isomrs escape frcm Jedferan Cbmty JailJail at Yellville txoken opn, two p5soners escapeEscap f run Ibpe Qtnty Jail Warted

ltvo men escap f rrn jail at Des Arc 10/18/88 06 1maski Bunty ~isoner attangs suicide 1l/05/8805 3&cape attern* at Pine BluEf halted 1l/09/88 02 2Insane wanan dies in Fulaski Cbmty Jail ll/10/88 05 1Sekastian C~unty Grand Jury critical a€ crwdng in jail 11/15/88 02 1Train robbers escape £ran jail at Rison 11/2v88 01 1lhree pisoners escap £ran Fulaski Cbunty Jail 1v05/88 01 6Contract let far new jail at Batesville 12/07/8803 3Insane wman hxrns to death in Baxter Cbmty Jail 1Y08/88 03 1New Eblk Colnty Jafi near completion 12/13/88 02 3five pisoners k e k out a€ JeEfermn Cbunty Jail 12/1q8804 3Ouachita Herald wants prbns bd. mtif ication of gardons 12/15/88 04 2ERI;ScNS - ARmwGw Huc&es mmmutes several sentenes for good con&& 02/23/88 08 3Ummissioners pobe trs~ttrnerk Q€ p5.soners at Qal Hill 03/13/8801 5Qmicts work Coal Hill mines under terrible aonditions 03/13/88 01 5Ettt Bailey accused of killing fellw axwick at Cbal Hill 03/l3/88 01 5lvbse Harvq, Charles Willim~, h x Elder victims at Qal Hill 03/l3/88 01 5Robe finds four men have been killed at Cbal Hill camp CG/13/88 01 5Warden J A Gafford acased of cruelty in Qal Hill case 03/U/88 01 5Diabol ical outrages at Uml Hill (editorid.) 03/13/88 04 2Corway Qunty sends three aornricts to pimn 03/l3/88 05 1J R Miller aEfers reward for arrest of J A Gafford 03/14/88 04 2Coal Hi11 horror bring3 andemmtion lq Ark citizens 03/14/88 05 3J A Ga£ford cagkured at Mmtgomery, Alabama 03/20/88 04 4JCGaffordwas not theman ca@ured inAlatma as reported 03/21/8804 3Coal Elill horrors still being probed ly iso on missioners 03/23/88 01 1Frank Tolbert was killed at Qal Hill ky ?ram Gaddis 03/23/8801 1Severdl mnvicts went hrd-oot all whiter at OoaL Hill 03/23/88 01 1Tan Gaddis or&red to kill Tolbert by Warden J B Scott 03/23/88 01 1War&n 3 B Smtt said to have ken more cruel than Gaffad 03/23/88 01 1Ihe Qal Hill horrors (editorid) tI3/23/88 04 2J A Gafford Miwed to be hiding in FJ.ori& wanp 03/23/88 05 4Ooal Hill conuict camp called ' H ell in <strong>Arkansas</strong>' 03/2q88 01 3Coal, Hill convict camp mnsists of 140 innates 03/26/88 01 3Cruel whippings reprted by griaoners at Qal Hill 03/2q88 01 3Descrision of hmrible conditions at Ooal Kill camp 03/24/88 01 3Findings of penitentiary ammissioners in Cbal H ill pobe 03/24/88 01 3Gcnr S P Huaes is on pnel imestigating Coal Hill ampund 03/2q88 01 3'Ihe Cbal Hill hukalities (editmid.) 03/2$/88 04 3Order a€ Gw Huaes will p-otect ~isoners who testified 03/24/88 05 1H G Allis revims Coal Hill horrors, tries to fix blane 03/27/88 01 1Carmaissioners order warden fired, ahses at Cbal Hill halted 03/21/88 02 2State board1 s report on Qal Hill (editorial) 03/27/88 04 3<strong>Arkansas</strong> CbLnty sends 4 mnvicts to prritentiary 03/28/88 02 2Penitentiary Board replies to strictures of H G Nlis 03/29/88 01 5<strong>Arkansas</strong> Industrid. Co f urnihed warden. wrds for Cbal Hill 03/3W88 05 1Reflections on Ouib Cbal Q3 in r eprt are withdrawn 03/30688 05 1Cbrrection was made cb rrmrment on Ouita Cbal Cb 03/3l/88 01 1Bdy of mnvict Rank Colbert found in mine at 8al Hill 03/31/88 01 4Frank Colbert believed mur&red to pevent dismvery 03/3l/88 01 4Cbal Hill (~3nvict s being r etur ned to pni tenti ary in LR 03/31/88 03 1Coal Hill horror fully rwded to citizens of <strong>Arkansas</strong> 03/3l/88 03 1Convict camp horrors that led to Qal Hal expose 03/3l/8803 1

No r emrd found of inspecti on of pem tenti ary and camps 03/3l,/88 03 1Prohlens have existed at other aoruick camp in the plst 03/3v88 03 1Coal Hill residents had reprted conditions last Sping 03/3Y88 03 2Editorial mments on Cbal HiLl outrages 03/3l/88 03 3More facts and views (editorid,) 03/3~8804 2H G Xllis argues cwnmrs not armflying with state law 04/0l/880l 1Prisonscanchl beaominglea&ngtopicinracef~ governor 04/01/8801 3Jchn G Eletcher w a s irmates ke# inside pisbn wdls 04/01/88 02 2Lengthy artide details outrages and horrors at Qal Hill O$/Ol/88 03 1Inspctions were made ky Ummrs, derk says 04/01/88 03 2J&nson Qmty r&&nks tell what thq know of scanhl 04/01/80 03 2Scanal &sassed in editorials of state gx ess 04/0l/8803 2Gov Hu@es points out that H G Allis owns hare a€ Gazette 0q03/88 03 1Gav Hucjws sees dterior motive on prt of H G Allis 04/03/88 03 1H G Allis amtends Gw Rucj~es and Commrs hare rnt t3ne &ty 04/03/88 03 1Prison Qmmrs critical CTE Gazette reporting of scanM 04/03/88 03 3H G Allis mntinues ar~punenk that Cbmnrs failed thdr drty 04/03/88 03 4Gcw HucJ~es should hawe sent inspector to Qal Hill, ed says 04/03/88 04 2Prison inspections are a farce, <strong>Arkansas</strong> Gazette aontends 04/03/88 04 2Guvrxnorrs explmtion and charge (ed) 04/03/88 04 3Criwford Comty sends axwi&s to pison 04/03/88 05 3H G ZVlis argues that Qmmrs failed to m a y with state lw 0+'0B/88 01 3Attorneys Buster and Sryglq ment on 1887 probe a€ mp 04/04/88 01 5missioners reEusedto go tocoal Hill in1887, re@ says 04/06/8801 5Cbmmrs made new rules in response to 1887 investigation 06/04/88 01 5Qmmrs sent George W Willians to ~obe p5mn camp in 1887 0q0$/88 01 5E;ditoriaZ rage continues over Qal Hill scandals OYOq88 01 6Artide details ~aroceedings of 1881 Coal Hill h-igation 04/04/88 02 1Coal Hill residents potested against 1 easees last ymr OY04/8802 1<strong>Arkansas</strong> Inastrial Cb called 1887 charges mtrue 04JOV88 02 2Text Q€ testimory takenat Cbal Hill in1887 by GWWiLlians 0q04/88 02 2RtXl fa&s abut the oonvict camp (ed) 04/04/88 04 2Mmroe Cbmty sends convicts to pemtentiary 04/0q8805 3Tcm Gaddis arrested on charge UE killing Frank Tolbert 04/04/88 05 6Coromr'sjmy fh66TmGad~syil~afdeathaf~lbert 04/05/8801 1Candiihtes for Gwanor dismss scans in amn~aig.1 talks 04/05/88 01 3Lengthy letter disamses iso on scan&1 responsibilie OYOy88 02 2Ebr e testimry f ran 1887 investigtion of ma1 Hill camp 04/05/88 03 1Turning on the li@t (ed) 04/05J88 04 2TheGwernor and theGmette (ed on politid aspeas) 04/0y88 04 3Disassion of scandal mntinues in camplig.1 far Gwermr 04/06/88 01 1Testimory in investigationof Coal Hill mnvict campin1887 04/06/88 03 1Report of Ftirson Qsrrmrs after 1887 probe of Cbal Hill camp 04/06/88 03 2Coal Hill residents meet to celebrate rgowal uf aorwicts 04/06/88 03 4Fixing the respodbiliw (ed) 04/06/88 04 3G A Leipr, ex-warden at Cbal IiUl camp, arrested 06/06/88 05 1Testimoxly fixes r eslpnsi El ity far murder of Cblber t 04/07/88 03. 1Mtdberry residents pass resolution mndemning brutality 04/07/88 01 5Respnsibility for mnvict horrors aaed on Qmmissioners 04/07/88 02 2Conkract between state and leasees of p5son (text) OYU7/88 03 1State lease aorkract is with L A Fitzptrick and J F Tawnsend OB/U7/88 03 1H G All is contention that Qrrnnrs failed to f ollw 1- 04/07/88 03 3J A Hudson, ex-warden at Ooal Hill. arrested, ht esmpd 0qW/8805 5Qal %ll, a review af the facts (editorial) 0$/08/88 04 2

Little Rock City Mission seeks cr sati on of a t &ormatoryFleEormatory would serve needs of j wenile off en&rsState iso on r#rw has over 50 youths age 12 to 20State Fess oontinues mmments on Cbal Hill sandal?helm andthe mldfacts (edon Cbal Hill sandal)Candihtes for Gw speak on ~ fson scanwWnion of stab pess on Cbal Hill horrors sunnarized-ell Qayton discusses need for rlgorm in talk to mnvCoiwicks are working in brickyard on Sunday, report saysF&@ alleges hloc&oun& are trained by &&ng convictsJ PBuster. FD Sryglq insist p5son bd respordhleWitorid ments mntinue on Cbal Hill horrorsWorking of pisoners on Sunhy explainedState pess blanes @son bd negligence for @a1 Hill &fairLetter on atrocities at Cbal HillRess continues amnnent on outrages at Qal HillFMitori&s dekate responsibility a€ Gw Hurp1es for pisonsCbal Hill scandal dehted by Dem ondihtes far GwermrEk-wartkn G A Leiper granted hi1 while awaiting tridGovernor and state M on trid before the po@e (ed)Use a€ mrrtingency fund to Fepre Cbal Hill regk questionedRimn scmW mrrtinues as topic in politid amplig.1Sekstian Qmty sends group of aorwicts to pimnGW S P Huaes exten& clmency to sever& onvictsE C Rector attacks use UE convict labx o&&de wallsConvicts wed to dear timberland west Q£ Little RockCoal Hill pimn camp horror still discussed in oampig.1Circuit (X at Qarksville to ~obe Cbal Hill &fair<strong>Arkansas</strong> Industrial Cb pys fmds to state trmsury -Jackson Qmty sends bat& cf mmi&s to pism 05/16/88 05Grand Jury canmt get testimony about G A Ldpr OV11/88 01Ebl itics may be behind missing testimory on G A Leiper 05/11/88 01Grand Jw fails to indie G A Leiper, %mas Gaddis, Ed Hall 05/12/88 01Inkerviw-with F D Shryaq on 0361 Rill outragesG A Leipr says graat injustice &me himbR-y no indictmerrts were fornd a ~inst Leipx and yardsDim& farce followed @astly tragedy (ed)Foranan says Grand Jury had all evidence in G A Leiper case<strong>Arkansas</strong> Danocrat advocates end to leasing of mnvict labr<strong>Arkansas</strong> Ikmocrat fed s emu* has been said abut Oal HillEZnreka S~inqs E&o says @a1 Hill charges trunped upBusiness imwwes at Coal Hill after pimners rmovedConvie dmt, killed trying to escap stockade at RlarmJchn Bisso was killed at FEdm ly trusty Jan St:ewardPhillip county sends four oomicts to ~nitentiarySeveral aowi&s pr&ned ty Gov S P HucjhesGw S P Hu&es pr&ns S J Cbwan of horestealing chargeDr G M D Cantrd.1 inspcks ~ison stockades, mkes reportImpwed aonttitions ordered at m e ornick farmsCummins Frison Ounp r eoeives good rating f rcm By sic5 anScme pison camp operators dispute plrt of Qntr dl reportJohn M Graue to speak to pniterrtiary bd abut reportJan M Gracie ~ays overcrwding is only pohlan at his farm%vo aonvicts i rrjured while working in Little Rock street

ARKANSAS GZ42 ETIE INDEX 1888WTEBU;E CGw Hulfies plrdons two boys £run Jchnson CbmtyGav Hucj~es prdcrns two innatesGcrv S P Humes pr&ns two mnvictsGow Hughes plrd3ns 15-yr-old Jose& ShahqWo cmwicts gar&ned by Guv S P Hucjhesfiller Qunty &miff kings in three aonvictsW H &St, 80, prdoned bj Gcw S P HughesG

El-ors selected by mnvention 07/06/88 05Proceedings of Ark state wwention 07/06/88 0 5Judge J N qprt antends no prty wer hilt on single issue 07/10/88 04W H Brwning says no political prty needed U7/ll/88 02No third party neaessary (ed) 07/13/88 04W P Grace mndemned f amation of third prti es only last year 07/17/88 0 4Rev H W Brooks &clines to serve as FY&ibition elector 07/19/88 06Denial. mde that mllv was called to form political prQ 08/08/88 06George Thornkur+ re@.ies to card on phibition mnv 08/1V88 02ERCGTITUTrnMMinnie Williams operates kagio in Hdena 05/29/88 06Girl dies at house of <strong>An</strong>nie Bazzd.1 at Pine Bluff 09/21/88 02mmmE IOlSmINGsee Ebod Contamination and PoisoningHlBLIC BUILIXES JWD OFETCESsee US - Fubl ic Buildings and Off icesRlBLIC LSBRRRIESFhds being sutscribed for library at Oorway 03/09/88 01E J Byne lanerrts lack of adeqmte library in Little Rock 06/10/88 11Jose H Mille &nates land, funds for Pine BluEf library 1V28/88 02EUBLIC OPINrnN mD SUWESISOpinions of almost 300 persons on Little Rock's greatest need 08/0E5/88 03PUBLIC smmssee =cation and SdmciLsIZlBLIC UTILITIESsee a1 rn Td eghonesHJusKT mmsee aim Archealogy and <strong>An</strong>thropologysee also Jmmigration and migrationsee also migration and migrationsee a1 so &dial mcil iti essee a1 sc, Murders and AttenFted Murderssee also bders and Attenpted Murders - Kusssee also Itismssee also Frimnssee also l?r&ibition RrtyDePnmatic centr &l cxrmmittee meetsHJLASKL CDUNltY - FIMIWCE MTD BUDGlT5mmty Clerk's repart on aounty finanaesCbmmissioners reprt county kooks in escellent anditionRJLPSHI: mm - OFFLCZALSsee alm Assaults and Disorderly Cbn&&HJLRSKI CWm - m m1a IWD EGrnDDNSRemicans sel-ing delegates to county ameationRepuBlicans select delegates to state mrwmmty Qerk Ham 0 Willians seeks 3rd termmbert Watkins Worthen will not run for SheriffDePnocr ats make minations for aEf icesProceedings of Democratic County aonrerfiionFred Kr an- to seek off ice of SheriffDemocrats hold nomirating cornerrtionProceedings of Dan Cbunty oonvList oT Dmocratic delegates to state aomentionDemocrats &ci& on method to use in nomhting candihtes

Maski Democratic Club seeks prty hmoryJdm G Yeiser withdrws fran raae for assessorFetition asks <strong>An</strong>derson Mills to seek off ice cb Sheriff<strong>An</strong>derson Mills agrees to seek Den mirationCandidates for mmty oEf ioes speak in Ebur&e %MipCandichtes speak at Agricultural Whed knrbeme at Joynerg sZeb Ward asks if <strong>An</strong>derson Klls once supprted W S CaiverRe* on km meeting in Fbur&e WnshipDemocrats hold rally in Little RockGearge W Muray addresses Democratic rallyList cd meeting places for Lmocratic primariesResd. ts of Danocr ati c primariesAdditional returns f ran Democratic primariesDemocrats naninate strong comty ticketRepublican and Union Labr will nominate a '!Peo@.e1 s TicketwRepublicans to hold county cornerrtion to name mndihtesProceeding of Repzb and Union Labr mmentionsRephlicans, Union Labr arty form fusion ticket<strong>An</strong>gello Mxre gans to call a straiat-Republican mmt<strong>An</strong>gelo mrxe withdraws £ran Repub corwention in disgustPA ~~les, J E Rector, M W Gibb spak up at Repub cowThe Repblican amty ticket (ed)Democrats and Republicans holding comty meetin*Dmocrats appoirrt ward and tavnship arrranittxesList af dection judges!the palitid sitmtion in Maski (ed)Democrats to all mmty aom of DPsnocratic dubStrai@t Republicans naninate aomty ticket headsd & hrre<strong>An</strong>gelo mrre flyer addressed to Negro votersDemocrats obje to manner of selection election judgesSmary of pl iti cal activities ly Dems and RepubJudge W F Hill on his maod of selecting election judgesCampiqing by county candidates gets in f uI.1 sing<strong>An</strong>gdo Wrre making vigorous mwass for SheriffSmary UE political newsfive men decline to ace* strai@t Remican minationsEbl iti cal activ iti es sunmariz edEBlitid news of amtymlitical news of aounty<strong>An</strong>gel0 Mxre ~ yhe s was not boucj-it off 4 yrs agoSeverd men wa. names off <strong>An</strong>gelo Mrre slate<strong>An</strong>gelo Wrre expresses mnEi&noe in election as SheriffRoundup of politid news on eve a€ deckionOur amty ticket (ed)Summary a€ plitical news and cementsRepublicans sem to be carrying cotnty in early returnsLengthy repr t on election, apprantly won ty Re- icansResults of election still in &uk as returns tricKle inGazette says Denaocrats have only thanselves to blme in lossResdts of d &ion still mknwnTheft of pll bks frm derk's office called an outrageClerkp s vault broken opn, 9 twmhip pollbooks stolenJ H a-ry, other ~epuh, had been lokging about derk off- 09/07/88 05Stealingof pllbooks oondemnedby Democrats, RepuUicans 09/07/880516 1

Leading Repub hold meeting, demma theft af pollbooksRllbook thdt demunced iy leading citizensRepuhl icans see theEt as effort to defraud than Q€ el &ionRepb1im-s want Pinkerton detectives to investigate theEtsRepublican charge that Dems stale pllboks ~otestedGazette calls for thorou* pobe o£ stolen pollbooksClerk1 s off ice robbery still an mfathmed mysteryFiml Mlot box receivedJose* W BBe strongly mndmns steal ing el ecti on materi &L sGm S P Huc@es strongly mnhns robbery uE pllbooksJanes H Harrodd demmces th&t of pollboksGazette says pollbook thdt not a politiml matterThe deckion in Fulaski (ed)Isaac Wolf aondemns theEt of p~llbooksUrnif id& results &as RepuU icans won aounty (Sf icesUnofficial returns indicate OtHair defeated <strong>An</strong>derson fillsPraninent residlents demunm pllbook theEt outrageZeb Ward, B D Willians, J&n G E!Letcher denom- thdtsJanes Mitd-~dl, H L Fletcher denounce pollbook th&tsSmary ct pas arrmnents on pollhook theftsPreachers denounce theft of pollhooksCanvass being made of Maski. Cbmty returnsRev T J Shdton calls pllbok th&t a sin against GodCanvass of returns pstp~dto 61-1: up m e poblensDemocratic dub at Brinklq denounaes pollbook theftRunor says 159 ballots missing f ran A&ley lhmhip boxA B Miller armmends Gazette for strong arrti-t5&t standDemocrats demmce pllboks thdt as an outrageLayers say hplicate pollkooks may be lsed for mnvassingLet justice Ice &ne fed)The came cf Dmocr ati c wsakness (ed)Ebwd.1 Qayton says he wLll imestigate stolen p~llbooksPranbnt Democrats crontinue to demmm thdt oE pollbooksDemocratic ticket &dared elected ty aanvassing boardDuplicates of stden pollkooks not accegted bj kd as returnsHan Wfllims, Sol F Clark, Charles F Martin are election bdPulaski Qmty returmng M completes its workGazette pints moff iual tally aE vates for ea& candihteThanas Essex expresses his outrage at pollooks thdtGov S PHucj~es offess reward far arrest of pollbook thirvesThe resat in RiLaski )ed)Fop Qulty Denocrats demmce theft aE pollbooksProdanation of Gw Huaes offering rward for arrestState ~ess mmments on th&t aE pollboksDmocsatic press of Arkanms denounces stealing of pollbooksH H Wtaken asks citizens to aid reward fund in theEt caseT H Jones files notice u& antest c& dectionlkmocratic press mntinues to denounce t31eEt a€ pollbooksPranhnt state Legislators call for wobe aE theft%&t cf pollbook &nomc=ed ky Chmn of Dan Cbmm in GarlandA M Wfie, pcminent Democrat. ~ ~ thefts n sJ T O'Wr aontests loss to <strong>An</strong>erson Mills in Sheriff raceGlobeDemocrat ammen& outrage &wn ky citizens over theftState R ~ F J A Meek wants pcobe aE pllbook thdts

Cbmments of ~ e soutside s Ark on th&t d pllbooksArkanms p-ess aontinues to denomce election fraudLR police chi&, many iktectives in city are RemicansJ E Rectar will antest election o£ W W F5d.dDemocratic &aimen condemn theEt of dection rnateriasJ&n M Rose hints he p&ers fraud to Negro hjnationLetter on theEt of &&ion materidsYoung Democrats of Fkanklin Cbmty oondmn thdtDemocratic leaders latent: thdt of pollbooksComments of K ess on el ecti m fraudsHot Sgrings News a&ises new Dem a€£ icers to rag?Ibllbooks may have been stolen to alter vote on liqmr Ealesfine Uu£f Fr ess- l3gl e oondemns el ecti on outr ageDmocratic laaders aondemn stealing of pollbooksCourt haring contest a£ Legis el-ion in aountyFCi campres Rw&l Clayton ammet to dwS rdxking sin 09/2y88 03 3Praninenb Dmomats denomae theEt a€ dection materias 09/22/88 03 3Police Chi& says Sheriff panised 4 deputies to qaxd ballat 09/22/88 04 4Pranhnt Dsnocrats demmce stealing of pollbooks 09/25/88 03 1Eleckion judge cb Big Rock testif is in grebe 09/2i/88 03 2Gazette defends its volune aE miterial demmcing thdts 09/28/88 04 2T A Bncey expresses outrage at pllbook stealing 09/29/88 03 1Contested election far axmty trsasurer is being heard in ct 10/05/88 05 1Editorids disagreewith suggestion that h s not take ctfioe 10/09/88 04 2JoneeGlidewdl mntest case being heard in aourt 1Q/09/88 05 1Judge reuses restraining order in Jones-Glidewdl amtest 10Jl3/88 08 1Three missing pollbooks found in kallot boxes 10/14/88 04 2Three missing pollkooks hwe been in hllot hoxes all dong 10/14/88 05 130~s gets favorable decision in Jones+Glidkdl contest 10/15/88 01 5Pieces of hrned pollkooks and ballots reportedly found 10/15/88 04 4Jone*Glidewell contest case wXl1 rest rntil &rch 10/17/88 01 6Court finds for 0' Hair in Or Hair-Mills amtested election 10/18/88 04 4Rector-Field contested election case hits snag in aourt 10/19/88 08 1W W Fidd ruled winner Q£ Rector-Field contested election 10/20/88 04 3El3itarid.s on theEt aE pollbooks at recent deckion 10/2l/8811 1Charge of Judge Joe W Fkrtin to Grand Jury cn stolen ballots 10/23/88 03 1<strong>An</strong>derson Mills morn in as Sheriff 10/3l/88 04 3Nw afficials sworn in 10/3l/88 04 4Gnvassingbdfinds irregularitiesingenelectionreturns 1l/U/8804 4Contested assessor case ends with Britton &dared winner lZ/l8/88 04 3HILASKI: mm - RlBLIC BUTZt~SmD OFF!Imssee also LaborKJLFSKT mm - SEIIIFFsee IUaski Cbtmty - Bl itia and EltxtionsEULASRI COUNTY HCSPI!C&see kdical FkcilitiesICTLPSKT GE LEHT 0see a190 Little Rock - Street Li@tsHlLASRI SEDR'ISMEN'S amsee also WildljfeIUrnHMENTsee ELL=Lynchingsee also VigilantesJo&m Memy Hicks amhided Negro who refused to my bill 14/30/88 02 2

HI=, C Jse alm Libel and SlanderPURYEAR, W Wsee alsr, Suicides and Suiude AttemgksQUA=see ImpstersQUZWrnELLt S GumamRank Janes is among smviving mankrsQUARLES, P Tsee also Fires and FirenenQUEENBW, WILLIAMDistinqiAed Ark writer and poet dies in MismuriQmsenkury was knuwn under pn name, %Bill Cush "e NegroesRACER, WILLIAMsee dm Inventions and InventorsRPGMD, E Dsee alm Agridturdl WhdRAlBLE AND WEN CANlX EACJ.'ORYsee FbodRAYLrnAD6see also <strong>Arkansas</strong> Firanseealso <strong>Arkansas</strong> - Governorsee also Ax kansas Midland Rail roadsee also <strong>Arkansas</strong> and Chodm~see alsosee aimsee alsosee alsosee alsosee alsosee almsee alsosee alsosee alsosee alsosee alsosee a190see &sosee alsosee als,see almsee almsee aimsee alsosee alsosee alsoand BudgetsZBilroad<strong>Arkansas</strong> and Gdf RailroadBatesville and Brinkley RailroadQtton Belt RailroadDxdanelle and Western RailroadFort Smith and Gurdon RailroadHackett City, Greerwood and Eastern RailroadIron Muntain Rail roadEinsas City, Arkansls and Louisiana RailroadIQnsas Ciw, Fort Satt and Memghis RailroadLittl. e Rock and Hot Spings Rail roadLouisiam, <strong>Arkansas</strong> and Mismuri RailraadEknqhis and Little Rock RailrmdPkqhis, LitKle Rock and Indian Territory RailroadMissouri Rcif ic Rail roadbuntdin View RailroadRris, Oloctaw andl Litt3e Rock RailroadPine Blldf. Rinaetm and Arkadelyt.lia RailroadRobberies and TheftsSt Louis, <strong>Arkansas</strong> and Texas RailroadTawtionTr anspr ta ti onWhite and Black River Rail roadMap shcws location of railroads in Ark tG/17/88 03 2EELtorial calls for 1- fran Little Rock to wddron 04/13/88 05 1La fixing maximum prssenger far es ughdd b~ feder a1 mur t 0 4/17/88 01 4<strong>Arkansas</strong> TraEEic Assl has disintegrated 0$/18/88 09 1

WTER4GE CArkankls Tr&f ic Assn set rates for hipping 04/18/88 09 1<strong>Arkansas</strong> Traffic Assl not dead, J A Woodson says 04/19/88 01 6Gov S P Hu+es attacks rail road corporations in campig1 04/20/88 04 3Map &ws mads hilt or @ m d in Ark 05/l3/88 10 1Train makes fast run fran Texarkam to Little Rock 05/22/88 05 1Ihotoqra* o£ Little Rock Union Depot 08/0l/88 03 2see also Mm@is, Little Rock and Indian Territary Mlroad 0&/2v88 01 7Lewis W i l q arrested Ear attens to wreck Hot Spin- train 09/18/88 04 4Missouri Jhdfic accused of disaimina tcsy rates for LR 10/06/8803 1<strong>Arkansas</strong> Lmbermen' s Assl seeks m a e cars for &ipent 10/12/88 05 1Corway residen!zs m@ain that aotton not being mwed 10/13/88 03 1Iron M x assures Gw Hughes it tries to mwe poiis rapidly 10/l3/88 03 1see also Stuttgart and <strong>Arkansas</strong> River Rail road 12/06/88 06 1Interstate Qmmerce Qmm hears aomflaints of ticket policy 12/16/88 10 1R?MSWR CLmKsee also Murders and Attmeed Murders - kmsaur:-EX, GEDlGEsee alm Murders and Attenfled MurdersRlNlXLL, BENTestifies in pobe of Cbal Hill pimn armp 04/06/88 03 6Testifies in pobe OE (bal Hill pison amp 04/05/88 03 1mmm amsee also Crime and Crimhlssea also EarthquakesAgricultural. Whed will send no delegate to Union Labor mrnr 04/23\88 01 1Returns in Dm 05/25/88 01 1Democratic oounty oom had 05/29/88 01 1Riper urges do~ngcourthouse at niat to keep goats out OV29/88 06 2Fumsee Sex Crimessee Sex CrimesmENm SRNSsee also News BrieEs - Ravenden SpingLetter describes beauty of arsa OV03/88 05 2Sunmer r wrt rapMLy filling with tourists 06/2$/88 02 2List of visitors at resort 08/0v88 09 1Rrn, OEE PWork comgilimerked by Qniczlgo Phil OYO6/88 04 2Ik€ ends Ark against charges of &t ection f rau& 09/28/88 04 4rn ESTIYTEGw S PHuaes sellshis plantations in Pbnroe and Prairie Q 10/[n/88 04 4REnFER, BENTestifies in wobe d Cbal Hal pison camp 04/0v88 03 2FmmRFbwation is 640 07/29/88 07 1=R, ELM Wsee also <strong>Arkansas</strong> - GovernorRBCMR, HENKY WSIEsee alsosee algoREcmR, J Esee almsee a1 soRJmoR, JrnN<strong>Arkansas</strong> - Governor<strong>Arkansas</strong> - J3istqmaski Qmty - Eblitics and ElectionsRepublican IBreK

see also Reputiliain BrtyRED RIVERsee RivesREWINE, A JDemunces theft cd Fulaski Cblnty pollbooksCioarmert=s on theft cb Pulaski Comty pllbooksREFOFMTDRIESsee Frisons - <strong>Arkansas</strong>REILLY, P FLecture at Pine bluff wdl-receivedREG IONsee aim Bapkbst Churchsee also Ba#ist Churd~see also Qthalic Churchsee a1 sx, Christian Churchsee also Episaopl Churchsee also Episcopl Churcfisee alscr Holiness Churchessee also Jwssee also Lukheran CI-1urt3-1see also Methodist Churchsee Etlm kthodist Churchsee also Presbyterian olurcfisee al EO Bung Ken' s Ql ri sti an Asmci ationR D Littleton fined in Stone (bunty for working on SmdayLetter critical QE skate law restricting Sm&y salesRstors Assx5ation af Little Rock reorganizedWaldron has had quite a rdigiots rwivalSuccessful rwival had at BoonevilleRevival at Qrlisle cre~ltes grmt interestWstors As= Itisasses &cws held on Sunhy in LitUe RockPproceedinqs of Rstars Assxiation of Little RockChurch dtrctrine to be &bated by J R Jones, J H MilkurnJ R Jones is member a€ Chiskian Q-iur&, Milhrn a BagistLetter aE ray to Ristcrs Asm on Sm&y &wsRev T J Shdton rad papr at l%tstms Asm on Sm&y &amPresention of Gilmoref s Band on Sm&v &£en&d 0!$13)88 10T J Shelton says no wcacher asked tgspzak at Sm&y concert 05/13/88 10Janes B Hassett niticisn a€ lbstors Assn on Sm&y &aws 05/13/88 15T J Shdton lr responds to 3 B Hassett on Suniay okservance 05/18/88 06Letter on antention between Rw T J Shd ton. J B Hassett Oy20/88 04Janes B Bssett r qily to T J Shdton on the Sabbath question 05/27/88 12Rw Sun Jones to hold r evivdl in Hot Sping 06/03/88 02Harry my revival in Cbrway called a failure 06/1v88 03Janes B EJassett pens his final rey to Shdton on Sabbth 06/10/88 10T J She ton 1 ists books Hassett hould r md 06/17/88 03Rev James Qine holding revival at Prinoeton 06/19/88 02J H Milkurn and Rev C W W i l e to &hte at Oblona 07/20/88 02Bqr mangelinst Rev N Or Hara holding r evivi3l at Jonesboro 07/2l/88 02Revival at Smby (Bradley Cbunty) brings 30 corwersions 08/05/88 06Rev T J Shdton dekates Christian Science at Eureka Spin9 08/10/88 05Camp meeting at Biwell S~in- (Selrastian Cb) drws 4,000 08/1q88 02Mineral mings camp meeting sees 25 conversions 08/14/88 02Pre&er arrested in Npit at Faimorrt. Benton fBtnty 08/14/88 02

RR~ Smith expecked to reaver f ran &ot worn& 08/16/88 02T J Shdton. H C WadWl debte Christian Science for 10 days 08/19/88 05G W &inn artide on evangelizing 09/02/88 11Revival at Beebe attracts much atterkion 09/12/88 03Mrs<strong>An</strong>derson mnchcts successEul rwival inRaniblB Gbunty 09/38/88 02Frutracted meeting under way in Cbway 09/18/88 02Religious r wival in Beebe drew rm& attention 09/25/88 02City MissionandTract Society atLRseeks to s~eadGospl 10/33/8801Mrs <strong>An</strong>derson toms Northeast Ark prmching and lecturing 1v27/88 02Rw Harry doses successEfl rtwival at Ferryville 10/27/88 02Ratracted meeting at Cedar Gladles cr aates much interest 11/03/88 03J N Hall, Ba@ist. to dehte J T Garland, Christian 11/~/8803J N Hall-J T Garland &bites to be at Mi11 Creek (Pow Cb) 11/U7/88 03Group of Fbreoe ~agans wor&ip Jupiter 11/24/88 02Dr H R Withas alleges he saw mic officials beak S e t h 12/E/88 03Garland County Clerk Mayston denies allegations of Ik Withers 12/06/88 03B RWithers sans to sue W H Muyston over pt&il.i&ed ranarks 12/08/88 03Reprt a€ Rev Willian Tuck on missiomry work in LR 12/16/88 03RELEIDUS CWUERSsee also Gtholic ChurchItmmL, M Lsee also Immigration and higationRENOsee also VigilantesREEUBLIM ARTYRill ip Cbunty Repuhl icans meet 03/23/88 01A M Nedq and D W Ellimn named delegates t o mtJ. aonv 0$/10J88 01Jdm M Qayton, Eked Hines named delegates t o ratL aom 04'10/88 01C M Barnes and C N Rex named delegates to mtl mm Ola/lo/88 01List aE munty delegates at 4th Gong Dist mmention 04/1o/88 01Prooee&ngs of 4th Qng Dist meeting to select cnnv Wegates OB/10/88 01J&n A WLllims, J E Rector med delegates to MU. corn 04/11/88 03J&n mure addresses meeting of state Repuhl ican mm 04/1V88 03Pawell Clayton makes stinging attack on Dgn IBrty at arrv Oq11/88 03Powell Qqton pesides at state Republican Brty mnv Oq/lI/88 03Proceedings of meeting of state Republican Cbnvention 04/11/88 03State aowention a&@s severd resolutions 04/1l,/88 03Delegate W H Ehrbsh walks out a€ aomention 0$/1l/88 03List a€ delegates atixrding state aowention 04'11188 03Powdl Qayton, Logan H Roots are delegates to ratl corn 0$/11/88 03Republican state cornention (editoria) 04/11/88 04C M Green and J T Eknn named delegates to natl aonv 04/1V88 04Nanes of ~EW state central. committee 0?/1l/88 05W H Fkh;zsh reflies to renark of Jchn Melure 04/1y88 01Elitor ments on Jchn McCIure and lrdmsg of 186&74 04/1V88 04E Mitchd and D W mauder elected delegates to naU aom 04/13/88 01Jose* A Booker takes strong exception to speecb a€ J W1ur e 0 $/15/88 06Fort Smith Republicans ratify mtl ticket w i prade ~06/29/88 01Harrison and Morton Club farmed at LittLe Rock U7/07/88 05NoNiggersneedamy (edonall-whiteHarrisonClubatLR) 07/08/8804Praninent Negroes obj eck to all-white Harrimn Club ~7/08/88 05A G Cunnincjm potests against all-white Harrison Club 07/08/08 05Caustic wmment=s f ran leading cola ed Rep- on Harrison Qub 07/10/88 03NegroRepuk tomeetatLRtodisassHarrisonQ~poliq 07/10/8803

ARlWX3hS GAZ E!ITE INDEX 1888Harrison CLub disausses criti~m over all-white policyEaane of Harrison Qub changed to Lincoln CLubReplhZican campig in <strong>Arkansas</strong> (ed)Negro Repuh organize a Harrison and Morton Club at LRNegroes pledge rot to support menbers of all-white dubJckn mure to address Linaoln Club in LitlAe RockLinaoln Q ub constitutionFditorials amunent on exclusion of Negroes f ran Linaoln ClubLinmln Club meets in Little RockNo state ticket wU1 be f idded, support goes to Union LaborPresidential dectors not: yet selectedState @ntr al. Qmm meets, edr ses C M Norwood for GwAddress of J&n McC3,u.e before Ljnmln Qub in Little RockJ&n MuZLure says prty must mwe aww frcm Negro to grcwMcClute ~ ywhites s will stand together against NegroesRepudiation of faithful Negroes decried ky GazetteW H ELlrhlsh critical a€ speech cb Jan McClurePress armments on Jahn Mlure and the Nqo voteLincoln Club meets at LitU e RockLincoln Club hears L H Qse and P C Doo1qrJahn K Rector xeviews Jchn McClure' s s-ed.1 on the NegroWillian G WhipgiLe addresss Linmln Qub in LitUe RockPresidentid &&ms chosen in meeting in Little RockIbwdl Clayton addresses Lincnln Qub in Little RockHenry M Cboper denies white Remican organization @.mdRErn'IS AND SIRSsee al sr, Big Rocksee a190 Hot Smingssee also Lithia Swingsee alar Pbmt Nebsee also muntain Vdlleysee also ZBrnd.1 Sp-in*see also &tit Jansee also Pintlade Spingssee also Btah Sul@wr Sgringssee alm RavendenSpingssee also Searcysee also Sul@ur S~ingssee also Sulpur Sp-ings (Benton Cbmty)see also Tcm 'Ihunb SpzinqList cb Little Rock residents at smer @ac=esRETWrn?SL D Gleason opening restaurant at mrkahm, Louisiam in LRRegular menu of QpiW Hotel Restmrant of L L Mivelazmm rnREsee also Agricultural Whedsee also BankruptciesStore a€ Isaac Wolf and Bro at Little Rock desaibedJoe P Quinn IXy Go& store in Little Rock hrnsGm Blass Co at LR to go into wholesale jobbing businessFones Brothers Hardvare at LR aweciates fire degt workWIvAT,Ssee Bagtist Churchsee Christian Church

see kthodlist Churchsee Resbyterian &ur&see Rdigionm C Nsee also Remican RrtyREWKLIG BROMERS HARWAREsee also BankruptciesRrnQE, D Hsee also <strong>Arkansas</strong> - GovernorREmaJDG, mmMr ReyrrDLdF; looking after his railroad interests in Hot S w lVlV88 01 1EMODES. mCKsee alsoRICE, PNfWEVsee alsoRICE, G WCbndannsRICE, JOEsee alsoRICfIrnCGrn,see alsoRIrnrnCGrnrsee alsoRICHrnrSrn,see alsc,RImmsee alsoEanders and Attemfied Mur&rsRobberies and The€tstheft of pollbooks in Fulaski OomtyMurders and AttesnFed MurdersBENMurders and Attangked MurdersLEEMurders and Attmsed MurdersR EMurders and Attengked Mur dsrsNews Bri&s - RidmondRIEbE. IWESCNsee also Murders and Attmgked MurdersRISCNsee also Murders and Attaped Murderssee also NewsBriefs- RisonICwmsee also Bridgessee also Shi~ and ShippingHelm interests seek federal aid to save riverhnkMississiH River atvein at Helena enangers gropereEhgineer s check need for hnk stat61 iz ation at HeLRed River rising rapidly at UtonS m q cf needed impwenerks at Helm ampletzedMississippi River is hi* at HelenaWhite River werflws kinks in Iks Arc areaMississippi. out of its tanks at <strong>Arkansas</strong> CityFlooding by Tcwn Branch in Little Rock still not abatedLevee hreaks near OscedLa allows Mississippi River to floodPlans and estimates for permanent imgxwment of White River<strong>Arkansas</strong> River on a ham in Bmhnelle areaRed River wraking havoc in Texarkam araRed River on a rmpge in Nton areaIron hidge at Wton thrmtened by floo&atersPlantations along Red River in sW Ark heavily -agedFloodb in SW Ark hdt trainsHistoric Red River flood of 1843 described

Red River flood is largest sine 1843 OFi/l3/88 06 1Water mver ed most Red River flankations ky 4 to 10 ft 05/l3/88 06 1Alma area uf Qavford Comty hit 13J diaskrous flooding 05/18/88 01 4West Fbr k of White River flooding after h~avy rains 05J18/88 01 4West FbrkofWhiteRiver is5 miwideinWa&ingtonCbmty 05/18/8801 4Flooding along trihtaries of <strong>Arkansas</strong> River described 05/19/88 01 1Great destruction reprted £ran Ebrt Smith dmnrivtx 05J19/88 03 1Little Rock merchants seek work on Town Branch cutoff 05/2v88 01 5The board and the at&£ (ed on Twn Bran& work in LR) OV26/88 05 2Flooding of White River in Bakesville area dbes mu& damage OyZ/88 06 3Contract for work on Tmn Branch at LR to be re-let 05/29/88 03 4Little Rock City Oouncil apprwes funds for Tam Branch 06/01/88 02 2Sweral farmsalongWRiteRiver inWhite Cbmty areflooded 06/01/88 06 1Little Mismuri werflws north d Okolom 06/02/88 02 2Little Red River on a hxm in White mmty 06/02/88 02 2Pike amty suEf ers hamily frm Little Missouri flooding 06/03/88 02 2hmnry dam king built across Sping River at lhrmoth S~ing E/19/88 02 2Zhe Wmfiis bridge and the r i v interests ~ (ed) 06/19/88 04 3Phillip Golnty Ck @ol& LEW on assesanent for levee work 06/28/88 01 1Ouarhita Rives out of banks in Cm&n ara 06/28J88 03 3Dike at Eagle Bend on Arknsas River is mmfleted 06/30J88 08 3Mississippi still rising in Wdem ara 07/0l,/88 01 1Saline River flooding r epor ted U7/0y88 02 3G-@ H S Taber estimates obst cd river im~avanents 07/17/88 01 6Hel em flooded ly heavy rains, rising rivers 08/3l/88 02 2Cloud hrst at Hot Sp<strong>An</strong>g wreaks awful havoc on city 09/0l/88 01 1Descri@ion of mful deskruckion at Hot: Sp5.n~ 09/01/88 01 1mging flood we@ d.>wn gorge through Hot S~ing 09/01/8801 1Six persans drown as waters inmate Hot Sgings 09/01/88 01 1HaysFerry@tooperaWktweenEbrtSmi.thandVanBrnen 09/01/8805 2Ihrtidars of grmt disaster at Hot Spings 09/02/88 01 1Bocming White River destrcys bats at Batesville 09/0v88 01 6Hot Spin* mayor says Wage reports exaggerated 09/0v88 02 2Sragboat r awes obtructions f ran Black River 10/14/88 02 4Smgboat at war k on White River 10/18/88 01 6sMc&oat dsaning out White River 11/02/8802 3Prop2rly wnerswill sue Hdem for failure tornaintainlweell/16/88 02 1Black and St Rands River being cleared of obtructions IY16/88 03 2Black River opened to navigation to Ibaar Bluff 1~1l/8802 2Irrpwtmmt works at Haem to be delayed 12/20/88 01 1ma, mCKGets 90 day im~i sorment ll/Ol/88 04 5ROAlX ZWD TRAFETCTurnpike being built fran Litfle Rock to Sweet Hcme Oyl8/88 03 2Turnpike to be built at Little Rock 08/2qJ88 03 1Little Rock-Weet Hune road is a tall raad 09/30/88 02 4Rcad f ran Little Rock to Sweet Hme is best in Ark 09/30/88 02 4Famsee also Murders and Attangted MurdersRCBBERIES IWJD THEFTSsee also Dean, C Csee aim fires and firenenhnville safe robbers wUl go to penitentiary 02/21/88 01 1George <strong>An</strong>derson, George Edonson oonvicted in Ihrnzille case 02/21/88 01 1

Horsethief ca@ur& near PresaottStaq Hiwkins mmicted in Logan Cbrnty safe robbery caseRailroad car furglars ca$ured at Little RockSafe aE Brockirway & Eaton at Hazen cracked & LxlrglarsWin named Muray arrested for railroad car th&ts at ArgentaPPsm seardws for prty that robbed train at Kingsland<strong>An</strong>drew Rice charged w i stealing ~ hase near DeWittDescriFion of two men who robbed train at Kinglandby and Malone kug Stor e at VannM e robbedReward offered far train robber, Rannk Klinehdbl ~h Abr anson st or e at Holly Grw e tur gl ariz edhsked men attar@ to rob r ailruad off ie at NettletonAttm* made to hrcjlarize J H Bxnell 6 Co at SearqTcm Wilson saloon in Cbrway I=urcjLarizedJchn Jones, &irk IrMcQuiston charged in train robberyStainton & Meain st or e at Elmnett robbed of $500Burcjl.ars brak opn safe aE A C Seals stare at AlmaHorse tMeE owrating in Hward CotntyJ R Jdngs accxlsed of being horse thiefTurmr Bros stare at Temrkim IxlrqlarizedHorse thi& cafiured near <strong>An</strong>timory CityH W and J D Fbrt to get second tridl in Logan Cbmty caseSuspect in mail th&t at Waldron fleesStQlen wagon and team rmvered at Little RockMules stden in Washington CbmtyFrederick stare at Rairie Center robbed & lxo g~nmenJ E Extin stare at Cbrway kurglarizedTcrn Bynun, 15, arrested in Ibp Cbunty for theft CIE rmleJ&n Brown arrested for attsnpzed robbery at IWUmantWillian H Brock arrested on charge c& train robberyHorse thiwes arrested at EfirisBand of Texas cattle thiwes arrested near Hot Spin*Della Rwdle arrested at Hot Spg for steeling $1,000Horse thief cagured in Nwa& QmtySafe at LEGrande Hotel at Fort Smith robbedRL FhxwdI indicted for mail robberyEYank mine allegedly killed detective in Chicago, escapdEkank KLine follmed for years by Sheriff Watkins worthenRube and Janes Burxcxvs, William L Brock charged in train caseChloraEorm used in robbery atten* at Hot S~ingsBurglars adAve on Soott St in Little RockBurglars strike several residents in eastern Little RockGemge King charged in robbery o£ IZlr&nelle storesLittle Rock' s West End plagued with robberiesMrse thief arrested in Montgomesy CbuntyDave MarAall killed while braking into Sm Ndmn hmeThree masked men rob Iron Rn pssengers at DimBurglars strike three Little Rock hsinessesCLarenan store af L S Shea-lu & Bro robbedStage robbed near KingslandBurglar fires two &ots at man in Little Rock haeFost~Ef ice at Kingland robbedDetails of stage robbery mar Kin~landWill ~~l &con& with money, team and wagn

Mack Stalling arrested on charge of horsestealingPostoff ice at Told robbedJ H Snowckn arrested in theft a€ mail at Center RidgeR H Snowden is ghysician, minister and merchantPostoffice at Star CLty hrglarizedJ H Smwden bmd over on thdt charges, whi& he deniesArticle on Wick Stallings casefrill ip Na& and Jim <strong>An</strong>derson arrested for LR theEtsBurglars ellter Nic Kupferle Saloon at Little RockBurglars enter Hopon & Bro store at Rocky QmfortLewis Stottermyer arrested in comection with LR hrglariesHenry Warf idd arrested for horse stealingSafe a€ Iron Momtain Railrcad hlmn open. robbed at C$m&nRmBlNS, HIRAMsee also Little Rock - Rditics and Electionssee a1 ;soOil and GasRrnERB, EMsee also Murders and Attenged Mur &r sRaD3Es Jm Csee a1 so Murder and Attensed MurdersRu3m!ls, N AMethodist minister is father of 25 childrenR03ERW. WILLM F SRsee also Mines andMimrdsRrnrnrn, J WBsee also Murders and Attmped MurdersxBINsm, PETER Jsee alm Shootin-ROCK AND SWNEsee also MarueLittle Rock Granite 8 to qmrry fra Eburche momtainIEDCK SRmS ACAmMYsee Earntion and SchoolsROCKY CDEPFORTsee alsosee altx,see &SOsee alsoROGERSsee alsosee alsosee alsosee alsosee alsosee alsosee &LEDBank uptci esQime and CriminalsNews Bri&s - FacQ QmfortRobberies and Th&tsBmpniea and mctoriesEdnttion and S&dsRres and firenenI3utel.sHousingNews Briefs - FQgersWaterEbur kick lxrsiness Uds mder anstru&ionArticle on emnomic and social characlteristics of tmnBusiness and pra€essional diredxq cf cityBrie biog sketches of hsinesmen of taJnROGERS RJmBLIrnNwsppersA A CWrites on events of Civil War era in ArkseeROGERS,

Ebrmer Qngresnan f xm <strong>Arkansas</strong> mwing to Orl jforniaROGWS, DXVIDsee also mders and Attmsed MurdersROGERS,HARRYsee alm Murders and Attensed MurdersROGERS, JWN Hsee also Cbngress - House - Ark Dist 04Mfers kill to reorganize federal judiciaryCbngr esman discusses tax reform in lr to Old Hickory ClubAddresses political rally at Little RockLists Judges H C Gil&ldl, Isaac Parker as men of dmracterFKLLIMS, MXEsee al so Murders and Attmged MurdersmR3. JWsee also Qittenden Buntysee also NegroesFans. B Ghlkr CIE Logan H and P K Roots dies in Illinoismms. mm Hsee also migration and migrationsee also Louisiana, <strong>Arkansas</strong> and Missouri Railruadsee al EO Rrti es and mnessee also Republican FRrtyPranotes devdopnent cd <strong>Arkansas</strong>Elected secr etav a€ Riocesan Cbmcil cd @sap1 &ur&Serves as ambssador ctE goo&Jill for Ark during trwdsPuts dwdoperrt state ahmd of politics in interviewInterviewed on political situationSterl ing qml iti es ~aised bj W S 2miasRQZIE, I&Esee also Qime and Criminalslmsm~z mcxsee alao Murders and Attensed Mur&rsRCG& J Msee a1 so ShootingsRC6G J(IIN Msee also Plilaski Cornty - Bliticr; and ELeckionsRCGG URN MEntertains Char1 es IXldLq Warner at Little Rock haneLetter on potective tarrif s and trustsLetter respndr; to Rose skatments on tariffsAddressed Old Hicbry Club at Little RockRQSS, J ADemmces th&t aE Maski Cbmty pllbooksRurrm. mRY Hsee al m Maski Cbmty - Bl itics and EL ectionsServes as pesident a€ Maski Sportsnenv s QubRUJNiREE, BENsee also Murders and Attan#ed MurdersRaJNIREEZ W CPraninent Pine Blu€f resident arrested for murder in TexasRWERBrie descrision of Yell Qmty town

mELL, GEXGE Fsee also Egrties and mnoesmm, GEDEE Hsee also Murders and Attenfied MurdersRUSSELLI LZZEsee aim Frauds and SwindlingRUSSELLI 0 Fsee also <strong>Arkansas</strong> - Putalic Instruction SuperintendentEn] SSELLVJILEsee also Ba@ist Churchsee also Cbmmnies and E$ctoriessee also Fires and Fi rmensee also Housingsee alm Nws BrieEs - FtussellvilleAr tide on hsimsses and hsinessnen of twnHarm Bros pepring to ere& large kick mildingrnSSEUVILLE (XNNING AND NAEORW1m a3see Cbmplnies and FbeoriesRJrnrnEDRD, m<strong>vl</strong>ssee also Elurders and Attanljed Murders - Ehrtherf ordSALESMENsee also Trwdess Rotective AssociationSIVrINE mmsee a1 m Mines and Mineralssee also Maders and Attmged Murikr s - IWlocksee also VigilantesDePnocratic primaries hddDmocrati c primary re& tsDemocrats favor Jdm G Fletcher for GwPolitical news fran muntyDanocrats hold grand brbecue and political rdlySALINE aXlNJ!Y MINIK ASSOCIATDNseeMinesand Mineralssmm, JCMN Rsee allso lkthodist Churchsmm, mmmsee also Fixes and FirmenSANm,mmEw Tsee also Qurts- Ark - Suprene QwtSANMEE: CHARLES Bsee alsc, Gibb, Rank Wmms W D Lrn BSOCIATrnNSsee BanksSCALS, JAMESsee also Fires and Firmen=MIDI!, JCHNZUtm resident wan&irs away fran h eCbrrrmits suicide while in insane mnditionSCHOCL B(XtEsee Edxation and SchoolssmmsseeEdm tion and S&oolsSCDTT mumsee aka Assaults and Disorderly CbndClct

see alm Mines and Mineralssee also Murders and Attem@ed Murderssee a1 so Oil and GasCemocs ati c primari es h el dDemocratic primary heldmliticdl rally heldSkmocratic primaries hadmTr, A DScar& mder way for forenan on Townsend farm in maski Cbbc& CE Saott f omd in wooded ar saCoroner's jury finds no foul play in death of ScottSCDTT, mms95-yr-old man rides wagon to Maqolia to votemw, mmDsee also Inventions and Inventassmm GmLPITINsee aim BasehllSCOW, GKIEEsee a1 EO Murders and Attengted Murderssaw, J Bsee also Risons - <strong>Arkansas</strong>SCX)TI: JOEWashington, Ark, reddent is musin af Res HarrisonSam, 0 Dsee also Cburts - Ark - Suprcme Cburtsmm, 'Mm Fsee dl so Murders and Attensed MurdersSCDTI;SVrnEsee also Stms and Tormaessmm, IXXIEsee aim Murders and Attensed MurderssmE, cMw Jsee also Murders and Attangked Murders - WadeSEARCYsee also Cbllegessee also Fires and Firanensee also News Briefs - SeaxcyAccrommo&tions for sunmer visitors are goodBrid article on White Cbtnty tam of 1200 peogesmcy mmWork begins on rrew stone aour~ouseNEW amthouse being built at FBr&;hallSmCY MALE JFJD F'EIHTiE COLLEEsee CbllegesSBASTIAN mmsee a1 g, Murders and Attmged Mur&r ssee also R-ismsLarge nunber o£ candidates in fidd for aficesRepublicans ncaninate slate of officersDemocratic primary hel dDemocratic namimting corm meets at GreemoodArticle on resrrurces of ocruntysmmm SCBoQls

seeEacation and ScbocilsSrnrnrnNsee Sex CrimesSWIER mmsee also Lynhingsee also Murders and Attanljed Murkssee also Sex CrimesAgriculturd Whed makes nminationsRetmns in Dm pimaryDmocrats hold meetingAgricultural Whe& aounty ticket medswm, m m E HCbndemns th&t aE pollbooks in llaski CbmtySBJIER, SAMQsee also Murders and Attemped MurdersSM CRIMESsee also Murders and AttanFed MurarsWillian Walker on trial far rape of Viney bckwoodFbbert G Pratt, of Ftxlmhorhas, charged with incestGage Qisp &arged in rape o£ 8-y~old girl at aal HillGeorge Qisp narrcwly esmpd lynching at Bal HillGeorge Qisp taken to state ~ i m fur n safekeepingb b boarded train at Qal Hill in &fort to lynch G QispPbre details on Ckisp rape case at Cbal Hill<strong>An</strong>other attem* made to lynch George Ckisp at QarksvilleMob took over railroad switch in effort to lynch G CrispGearge Ckisp sent to Ebrt Smith far safekeeping OVlV88 02 2Fred Beck charged at Qal Hill with rap of 10-yr-oLd girl 0v29/88 06 111-yr-old raped at Liue Rock ky Judge Moon, both mlored 06/10/88 01 4Gearge Crisp mmicted of raping 8-y~old Huddl eston girl 06/10/88 03 3George Crisp gets death sentence in rap of child 06/13/88 08 1Ihree-y~dd girl ravihed by Char1 y Cbrway, 14, a Nqo 06/26/88 05 2Negro med Alexander arrested for attmpted rape of white 06/27/88 04 6Death sentence of W J Qates ammuted to life imp-isormmt 07/03/88 04 4Sanity Q£ W J mates questioned by several pcminent citizens 07/03/88 04 4Doc Blankenship darged with aimirval assaut in FBrion 8 07/15/88 03 5Ed Crwd.1 sent to Smtt Q to face leyrcold rap charge 08/11/88 06 1Polly Skartz, Bungt s victim, amtracts vener &L disease 08/2q88 01 6Robert Bmg assaulted Pally martz at Argenta 08/24/88 01 6Wbert Yomg, Negro, &arged in attaqted rap af 7-yr-old 08/24/88 01 6Mkrt Young barely escapes lynd-iing by mob at Argenta 08/2!?/88 05 3Robrt G Ratt fomd guilty, gets 5 yrs in pison 08/%/88 02 216-y~old Negro named Graves raps 5-yrold Tallq child 08/28/88 01 5Plob lynches Graves for rap uf child in Sevier Qmty 08/28/88 01 5Victim aE Graves is &u of Josem a Tally 08/28/88 01 5Negroes in Sevier Qmty said to appcwe of Graves lynching 08/29/88 02 2mrticulars of mime uf Lwi Graves and his lynching 08/29/88 02 2Victim cb LEV^ Graves not expeaed to live 08/29/88 02 2Pracher sent to p5-n fran Logan 03 for assadt of cfiild 09/19/88 02 2mber t G Fratt oomicted of as~ult on his awn huqhter 09/23/8804 5Wman assaulted ky Negro in hrion Cbmty 10/06/88 02 2Jmes Shipnan arrested on incest &age in Ranklin Qmty 10/11/88 03 1Jim Hays &arged with rap o£ Mrs Mcbnald at Fort Smith 10/18/88 06 1Dolly Wlson mn€esses he falsely accused Ward Crawdl 10/28/88 04 6

ARMSIS GAZ E!J!TE INDEX 1888Edrard Crave11 has been under death smtenoe sine 1878Robert Yomg serhenaed for atmeed rap af Argenta childWillian Willians to hang for rape of dderly manExecution of WiLlian Willims ordered by courtFr endman's Bayou mob kills Negro who assaulted white wmanDetails of lynching of Jim Smith at Frenchmanls BayouGeorge Crisp dies in US Jail at Fort SmithGeorge Crisp may mt have been guilty a€ assault on childNegro arrested in Pulaski Cbunty for assault of childJesse Blanken&ip hdd in rape caseJ&n Bahr amwicked at Fbrt Smith of incestSHz4RP mumsee al ED Mines and Miner a1 ssee a1m Missing Personssee alsr, Storms and TorradoesArtid e on politicsResU ts of Dem ~imaryDemocratic am hadResults of Dm pimariesReturns in knocratic primaryAgricultural Wheel makes plitical naninationsDemocratic mmty aonv heldDemocrats hold primariesDemocratic ticket met3Dmoctats have @acky at hTening ShadeBlitictll news f ran aurityReport on plitical rally at Evening ShadeSmary cb dedtion newsCbmty seat renwal awin being agitatedbening S he is scene oE free-for-all fight on election dayG W Wser was in middle of &dng Shade affrayArticle on eaommic and social resources of mmtySHAVER, RGsee also <strong>Arkansas</strong> - GcrvernorSHm, J HCbments on theEt a€ Fulaski Cbmty pollbooksSHELL, J Wsee also Inventions and InventorsSH&'IDN, T Jsee al EO ReligionDemmoes th&t of Maski Cbmty pollbookssHmIWNsee alm Housingsee also Nws Briefs - SheridmSHJNN, G Wsee a1 sr, Rdigion9.IINN. JAMES HWill hdp locate site for Ebpe Comty Fair bildingsSHINN, JCEIAH Hsee alsr, Edtcation and SdnoalsLetter to teasersHI^, JAMESsee also Sex CrimesSHIPm BYWrnER

ARPlANSFS GAZ ETlE INDEX 1888see Ship and ShimngSHIFS AND SHIFFIXsee a1 so Tr anspor ti onSteamer 5&n H Blanks arrives at Oimden f ran New OrleansSteamer "Princen enters river trade at QrmdenBarge loaded witb aottan seed sinks abve Little RockBoatloads of are are floated dmn Buffalo to White RiverBcats ascend White River as far as Oakland, mrion CbuntyCa* T B Stalling hilding steamboat for upper White RiverSteamer J P Eagle being built at BatesvilleSteamer Gw &gle is now in we in theWhite River traikBssener steamer St Auclllstine sinks near Rmahontassteam& Rite Adms hr& in Mississippi River with lives lost 12/25/88 02Additioral details on hrning of skeamer Ihte Adams 12/25/88 01sI3OOTmssee also Assaults and Risor&rly Cbnductsee aim Crime and Criminalssee aim Murders and Attemged Murk ssee alm Negroessee alm EbliceHenry Brwn accidentally wounded at Lomke 03/06/88 02Yomg son of J M Cble accidentally hot to death 03/11/88 01Ferdinand Baa wounded accidentally & pLstal CE <strong>An</strong>gelo Marre 03/21/88 01<strong>An</strong>gela Mrre found not guilty cf orrying concealed gm Og/Oy88 05Dr A B De1oad-1 seriously womded in acci&nt 04/06/88 01Willian LaCbtts injured in hooting accident 04/l3/88 02F A Summers loses leg in hulting accident 04/2E5/88 04Mrs Thanas Barnes hoots at wanan found with her hustand 04/29/88 02Elder Smith &at at Negro meeting at Mineral -in* 05/03/88 02R J Jarrett killed in hmting acciderrt in Jeffferson Comty 0yll/88 01Prof T C CLark shot his assailant, who escapd into woods 05/18/88 08Prof T C Clark slightly womded ky would-be robber in LR 05/18/88 08R T Martin exchanges &uts with Negro med Jmes Jackson 0v23/88 01Child killed at Spingdal e when yn f dl £ran wall 05/%/88 01Son of Urkn Cbnditt acdikntally killed while hmting 06/01/88 06~~ inspector hot at in Fkmkgornery Cbunty 06/09/88 01Child shot &ring hmting trip in Lonoke Cbunty 06/29/88 02George Mmre &ot Nollie Blair in Yell Cbrnty 07/0q88 03Shooting scrape reported at Cbngo House in LitKLe Rock 07/0y88 03&s min& bntgomery attengts to &oot Bud Jones 07/123/88 03Bter J Fbbinson fires &ots at man found at hane of ex-wife 07/1E5/88 08Negro gid hot in arm in Oracfiih Qunty 07/28/88 02Jd3n Hamn, WilLian Bardift e*ange &ots in Logan County 08/03/88 02Willian R Brazil &I& by J E Nd.e ~roucj~ mistake 10/20/88 03Bullet fired throu* windm oE J M Rose r esitknce at LR 1l/07/88 04Negro &oats white voter who wfil not support Republicans 11/10/88 02!No Negroes engage in &outing scraFe at Warren 1llloJ88 02A C Hwis of Fadkner County hoots Negro stealing cotton lVll/88 10Henry Tatun Aoots three other Negroes &ring argment 11/15/88 02Several fiats fired into &or o£ Fresmtt Hcayme offie 11/16/88 02Pine Bluff pliceinan fioots Negro resisting arrest 12/20/88 02EWy of Robert Waller fomd in woods near Cbmay 12/25/88 01Robert Waller beliwed to be man A C Hwis &ot 12/25/88 01Bullet fired into bedrocm cf Ik A R Banks at Pine BluEf 12/26/88 01

SHrnLEY, F Dsee also Risons - <strong>Arkansas</strong>SIBLEZ, GDFGEsee also <strong>Arkansas</strong> - Attorney GeneralSICKNESSsee Emse and IllnessSELER. W Jsee also Fires and FirmenSILKCulture in Ark enmuraged ky L S CkoeierSILOAM SRmSsee a190 Fires and Firenensee also News and News BriefsArticle on Benton Cbtmty tam and its resourcesBusiness and professional directory of tamBrief: biog sketches of hsinesmen of tumSILW SPRIXS TELEEHCbaE 03see TelemonesSEVERsee Mines and Minerdssnvm rnD Lrn MINm asee Mines and Mineralsszvmmm, J csee also Missing PersonsSI-S, J Wsee a1 m Murders and Attenged Murders - LaySI3mNSl s1msee alm Murders and Attenfied MurdersSIm. rnNG BDenounces theEt aE maski mmty pollbooks 09/22/88 03 3SrnNS, A JMountain Hane man abolved of murder cfiarge in AlabErma 12/08/88 03 1sm. LEWISsee also Murders and Attemped MurdersSISTERS OF MERCYsee a1 so &did FhcilitiesSLANDERsee Libel and SlanderSLmEl SHELBYsee alm Murders and Attemgked MurdersSLrnNSl W FResidenoe a€ former US Qngresman hrnsAd& esses meeting of state Dmo~cati c clubswmxDisease and IllnessseeS m m W FKUIIT EARMseeFruit and Vegetablesm. lVlBERTsee also Murders and Attemged MurdersSlTEl, CHARLBsee also Inventions and InventasSMITH, HARVEYsee alrx, Murders and Attengted MurdersSMITH, JBEZ M

ath aE Judge Jabez M Smith (editarial)hlvern mourns death crE Smithmm, JIMsee also Ki-MngSMITH, JGHsee a1 ;so Mu der s and Attanged MurdersSMITH,smsee also Ihvmtions and InventorsSMITH, T Lsee alm Murders and Attmged Murders - ShiithSMITH. W WAssociateJustice af ArkSupreneCburta~atLitfleRock 12/19/8801 4Death cb W W Smith (ed) 12/19/8804 1Littl e Rock Bar honors menory o-E Judge Smith 12/20/88 03 1F'unerdl hddfor Judge Smith at Christ Church inLittleRock 12/21/88 03 1Resolutions of respect acbgted Icy Little Rock Bar 12/23/88 14 1SMITH, WILLIAMsee also Murders and Atteneed Murdierssmmsee!Ibbaca,SFDOTE, GEOEE Psee also Union Labor areSMETlB JGsee alm Democratic RartySmKEBITEsee Disease and IllnessmAaESsee Disease and Illnesssee WjldlifeSNEED MNKsee a1 so Mxdlers and Attanpted MurdersSNW, RCBERTsee also Mursrs and Attmged Murdersmwm, J Hsee also Robberies and TheftsSoms, CWARELSsee a1 so Accidents and SafetySOCIAL HILLsee also News Briefs - Socia HillSOCIETY EOR 1WE IRWENTIDN OF CRUELTY TO ANIM?GSsee <strong>An</strong>imalsSOFT JRINRSsee BweragesSWILL& RCBERTsee also Murders and Attemgked MurdersSCU'IHARD, WILLIAMsee also Nuder s and Attmgked MurdersSaJ'IWWN BF&Lt RIBBER CDsee Cbmpnies and RctariesSaJ?HERN HEIXE 03see Cbmplnies and FactoriesSWEIERISl HUNE INSJMCE Q3e InsuranceSWIHERN TELEEH~E 03

see TelemonesS(XJ?HLlND 001;LEEsee CbllegesSUJ'IWEST ARWSPS aXlLEGEsee CbllegesSaT'MWEsTEm PINE PSSOCIATlDNsee Wood and Wood Pro&ctssmssee Resorts and Spssmm, EDARKANSAS GNEPlX INDEX 1888see alsrr Wders and Attansed Murders - BeidlerS-,M MLetter aondmns theEt of pollbooks in Maski OxmtySrnCER, DOCKsee also m&rs and Attmged MurdersSPTRIT OF HOPEsee News~persC Es m ,BITEEAGE CDLee also Suicides and Suicide AttmgtsSWWmEsee also Banksee also &thodist ChurchSrnINGmLE smm AND INVETMBJT asee BanksSHIIR@Ssee also Hot Spingssee also Resorts and Splssee alsn Sulpur Sp-ingsIbpeCblntyhasseveral. spin~withmediunal~oprties 03/30/8802 5SEW RIVERsee Riversam=see LandSmGLEY, F Dsee also limnigr ation and migrationST FFUWCIS aXTmDePnocratic munty am h6I.d 05/27/88 01 2Democrats glace strong ticket in fidd far wmty offices 08/05/88 01 3Acc~mt UE deckion troaes in aounty 09/06/88 05 1Fusion ticket a€ Republicans and Union Labor aarq mmty 09/06/88 05 1Swm men yarding ballot bms injured when fired upon 09/E/88 05 1List a€ the 7 men wounded in Ranks mnrrkip shooting 09/07/88 0 4 3Negroes believed to be respnsihle for &ooting poll. watdws 09/07/88 04 3Editor &es not think Wheders made wise rhoice in aandihtes 09/16/88 06 4ST JOE MlNIP;IG 0see Mines and MineralsST LCUIS IWD SIW FWNCISCD RAILROADCars mashed in wreck near hyetteville 07/15/88 03 5Effort made to wreck passenger train near hns€idd 09/04/88 02 2LitU e Rock enmurages branch to that city 10/2l/88 04 3Branch to Little Rock may be hilt 12/11/88 05 1ST LaJE 5 : m Nsee Expositions and FairsST LWE, ?RRWS?S JND TEWS RAZ-

JREQSNSPS G M m INDEX 1888see alm Robberies and TheEtsAl th eirner branch being r api dLy awnpl etedBranch to Little Rock to be completed wiain 10 daysArticle on line f ran IlltheLmer to Little RockCotton Belt Route completed to Fort Worth(Xmpletion of (btton B a t to be celebrated in Little Rock%TO trains oollide at GundenCattle train wrecks near LewisvjlleSerious accident occxlrs at Rob RoyST LaJlS, IRm KRJNECN ZWD SaT'Dlm RAZROADsee Iron Momtain RailraadST WRY' S ACADEMY (HUT SB3NGS)see Eihcation and S&oolsST MY' S ACWXMY (LITTLE RO(J0see Edmtion and SchoolsSTNLJGS, WCKsee a1 so Robberies and TheEtsSTRiLKS, TBsee also Ship; and ShipgtngSTrnrnD WINE CDsee AlaohoLic BeveragesSTAR CtTYsee also Robberies andTheEtsSJ!ARR,BELLEGives rattlesnake necldaoe to Bentonville mansmmsee Robberies and TheftsSrEEL, A Csee alm Fires and FirenenSTEWrnT, I Nsee also EayettevilleSTONE mmsee alm Crime and Criminalssee alm Missing Personssee also Re1 igionsee also VandalimRAitical news £ran oomtyDemocratic munty mnv heldIblitical news £run aomtyDemocratic ticket listedPolitioal rally had at Mountain ViewHmE, a msee also <strong>Arkansas</strong> - Au&tmSIDm WD mmACOE5Union Cbunty suffers &inage Era stmMonticello struck by wind stmPine Bluff -age not serious when storm struck cityExkern Omhita CDLnty struck by tarnibMiller Qmty suffers heavy losses in tCXm&r hailstormHanptead County pelted with hew egg-siz e hail stonesmrion and Baxter Qunties dmaged & tornadbHouses Mwn dmn in Ihoxville, ather damage reportedLitU e Rock and Ehoxville receive strong winds, heavy hailClarksville, Fbttersonl s Bluff, SmttsviLle damaged

Starm weep though Jdmmn and Pop Qmti esFayetteville hit by hmvy rain and windsYellviLle arts suEfers hage f ran hi& win&W S Jams describes eleckri cal stm on Newton Qmty mtnBrinklqz suffers me &age frcm strong win&. crop ruinedHicksville dmaged by hi* windsSharp and Indepmdenm Cbunty hit ly hail. hi* windSane &image &ne in Batesville arm by strong win&Timber destrcyed on St Francis River in Ihillip QmtySmall tarn& touches Wn in Bay armCydone meep over: EUlton Qunty ruining crop and housesAsh mat (Sharp Qmty) arm raked by torma windsmRY, ISAACTestifies in pobe of Qal Hill p-ison campSIORY, JIM TOMEnmurages holding of &ate expo& tion at L ittle RockUrges pcmotion of Irkansasmw, W JLetter reEutes Well Clayton statments on election f rau&SJRF;YHm, JCMN Msee also BankruptciesS'IREEC RAILWAYSHam Hollw Street Railway Cb to operate in Hot SwingFeikrd. ct. rues on pwer aE LR to grant exclusive ri@tsFayetteville to have street railway within a yarbp &ws street railways in Little RockExtenion to west hdging devdop Little Rock suturbLitUe Rock Electric Railwq Cb to operate electric carsPhutoqra* c& dectric tars lsed at Little RockEledxic railwqs at Little Rock known as the Dumy LineLittle Rock formally opens sew ice on electric mrsPranjnent citizens of LR ride on first cars on Dumy Linemree WS fined for @acing oktrud=ion on LR tracksMan killed while hoarding moving car at Little RockLittle Rock Street Railway making im~wenentsDrivtxs on Citizens Sbeet Railway Q at Helena strikeSIR-,see alm UnionLabor artyS'IRIKESsee Labrsee Mines and Minerdssee Street RailwqsA Jsee also Wm&u£f, A M, Rinting CoSrnDEBAKER, P EWagon manuEacturer visiting in LitUe RockMr Studebaker favorably h~essed with Little RockSIUTIISrnTsee also Bankssee also Eacation and Schoolssee also HousingEicj~t new hi1 ding under anstr uctionSIUrnrnT rnD A R m w RIVER RAERO.Stockholders meet, elect ohficersSUICTDES FND SUICIrn mmsWTEM E C

WTE EAGE CDLJ A Vail found dead in hotel at NaavilleC E Swatt takes his life at Fort SmithWW Azryear attenas to take his life at QrliaeJanes Qark takes life at Bentorrville hmeT J mnn attemgts suiciik by standing in fro& of trainMrs McIbmld attem@s suicide at Little Rock hotelWanan drwns herself near HdenaVide Kimberlin take her 13e at Eureka Spin*Ndlie Burke takes her life at Little RockAdol* Wyms takes his life at Hot Sp-ingsChippie Bailq kills herself at the Owl's Nest in LRMiss E Wton takes her ljfe in Ran&l@ QuntyJack Swtt takes his life in Ferry CbuntyJack Smtt suicide was restilts of death of wifeNdlie Arlington takes her life at Pine BluffJ&n Brcwn mmmits suicide at Evening ShadeDetails on J&n Bravn suicide mseJan Ell- attemgks suici& at HackettW W Furyau kills hi& fJanes N Barhm kills himselfGrrie Turner drams herself at LitU e RockCarrie Turner fmerd hdd at LEU, hxridl was in OaUandDr J W C Weans kills himself at Ebrt SmithWilliam J Haile hoots himself to kth at Little RockFrank Wylie cummits suicide at Hot Spin9Youth med J E Rewes hoots himself to deathMrs lvary Guest hangs herself in Lawrence Cbmtymfvm. lDM Esee alsr, QunterfdtingSZILH-IUR SERIMGSArticle on mediciml spin* in Benton CbtntySZIZEf3UR SHIlXS (BENTCN OXJNIY)Eleqrk new kth-house mmaetedSTMMER N mSCHoa.,see E&ration and SchoolsSUNIIY rnD SMBm mswmQEsee ReligionSUR2ERYsee Disease and IllnessSwmz, FOLLYsee a1 so Sex Crimesmm Hrnsee also News Briefs - meet HaneSWIFT'S FLYING NEHLEsee NaJsppersS3NIY;OGUlS IND JmEH CEWERSsee JwsTBERp H Ssee also Itwer ty and the EborTALLY, JaSERl Asee also Sex CrimesTZWKERSJEY, 0 DTestifies in ~obe uf Cbal Hill prison campTANNER, BCB

see also W&rs and Attmged MurdersTAPFAN, JAMES Csee also US - Wic Buildings and Off icesTmuM, HENmsee also Shootin*TZWTIDNsee also AgricultureRuling of Judge H C Q1&&1 on tax forfeiture lm in ArkJames L hvis dsmsses rding on tax f orf dtureR W mrtin discusses tax title issuesJanes L Divis replies to letter uf R W RrtinCourt hearing dispke wer taxes on St Jchn's Coll WoFertyCorraTlissioners assessing taxes on rail roadsMore assesments of railroads madeAssesanents of rail ma& increased by ammissionersTAYLQR. C MLeading Democrat gives his views on politi-1 issuesTAYLCW, GmEEsee a1 93 EL auds and Swindl ingTAYLCW, S PIAddresses state meeting of Democratic dubsTEACHERSsee Edrcation and SchoalsTELERXNESLine nearly mm@ eted f run Center mint to LockeshrgBell Tel qhone Q sues Southern Tel eghone CbBell vs Southern suit being heardBell wins suit against Southern Tel emoneSlilcem S~ings Tel efione Cb organizedHarrison residents canoe1 service after rates raisedHarrison is without telefionesGazette says Erie Oo gives miseraUe service in LRLittl e Rock subcriber mgiLains abut poor =miceDallas and Waldron Tel@one Cb inmrporatedPbr e armaainb against Erie Tel e&one at Little RockCrossed electric wires knock out Little Rock tde@omsSouthern TeLeone Q loses ri*t to operateTE3mnmaseeAlmhdic BwaagesTERRY W U n M LResents alas to MdZarthy Li&t Gmr&TERRY, GmEE Nsee also <strong>Arkansas</strong> - Saretary aE StateTERRY, WILLLAM Lsee also <strong>Arkansas</strong> - GovernorEhotogra@ af Mr TerryCol Terry and r weme r &am (ed)Discusses his vote at Dgn mnv on tariff rdction popkllAddresses meeting of state JXmocratic dutxText of spech at mocratic rally at JonesboroTEXARKANAsee alsofires and Firmensee also Hotelssee also Plremarial mySATE M E CDL

ARBANSPS GAZEXTE INDEX 1888see also News BrieSs - TkxarkanaLengthy artidedescribesemnandsocid mnditionsof dly 03/1[)/8805 1Resfits of midgal dections 04/0$/88 01 1TEXAS AND MSAS a& a3seeMines and MinerasmmRSGm;TNGFroclanation of Gw S P Hu&esWervanae at Little Rock describedCelebration at Pine BlefmmER MD HiAirWsee Emtertairmerkmmssee Robberies and TheEtsTH@ms m m RESS WcRme Cbmplnies and Factories'MOEWS. DDLHsee als~ Murders and Attanped Murders - lhanasTHOWv MTe Murders and Attanfled MurdersTHOMAS, W SHas dmrge of Ark ehibit at St Louis ExpositionT'wmFsCN" t-M;H FAddresses meeting of state Imocratic dubsmmm, W Jsee alsoEarti es and IknaesTHOMSCN, m Esee also <strong>Arkansas</strong> - Public Instruction SuperintendzntBIOMESO?, ZACKsee al so Van Bur en QmwZHOWCN, mN FRASmsee Labr'EiaRN, JACKsee allso KidmpgdngrnCWNBrnH, GrnFGEsee also Rchibition BrtymmN, m Nsee also Murders and Atternfled MurksTHmssee also Van Z ad, J M'MUM. rnEm3REsee aim VigilantesTIILLW. J NArticle on state serator fran Washington CbuntyTIM3 msee Wood and Wood Prod~ctsTIM30see alm VandalisnTIMES ERINTItG CT)see also NewspipersTOBACCDbrrilton ordinance knns selling cigarettes to minors OsJ29/88 06 2'IDILERS AWrnTEsee NewsppetsTmBERT. m K

see also Frisons - <strong>Arkansas</strong>mwsee also Robberies and TheEtsTOLTECNfw tan gilatted a t site uf Toltec Mom& in Pulaski Cbmty 03/28/88 05 1TOM T'fIUM3 SIRhlGSSp5nqs in Newton Cbunty drw visitors to hat31 resort 07/07/88 0 2 2mHMmEssee Storms and TormdoesrnSrnD, 3 Fsee also Risons - kkansasTwx UrnNSsee LahrWFTC ACCTDEWS &ID SAFETYsee Accidents and Sa£*?RAPIMEtr JCHN Dsee alzr, Murders and Atternfled Murdersm SRlRTXrrnsee aim Chbsee also Rail roadssee also Skip and ShippingRailroads and pcket oo ficj~t for Pine Blef ootton frdat 11/29/88 02 1?TZAsmOODsee also Mcation and Schoolssee also Murders and Attanged Murderssee also Mews BrieEs - 7Yaskwood'I!tuwELm HZOTECrWE ASSrnrnrnNRoceedings of meeting of Ar kansas DivisionmFPSURE: 'IRWElbMve %xican silver cbllazs mearthed at Fbrt SmiaIRE, JCHN Hection fraudCeni es R B GirlLee allegation ofTRINITY EF!CSCDlRL C4THElXAL (LDTGE ROCK)see EQ$saogal ChurchTRClJT, JIMsee also Asmilts and Disorderly (bnckctTRUEIT, msee alsoTUCRER, WILLIAMsee also RimnsrnB0rnS m Ttm3mseeTUIWER,Murders and Atteqted MurdersShip and ShippingBRG Gsee also Creditmmm, BLAKELittle Rock resideW dies in St LouisRmeral services hdd at Little RockrnRNER, (ARRIEsee also Artsee also Suicides and Suicide Attm@sTURNW, GEDFGEsee also Murt%rs and Attanped MurdersTURNER, JESSEWrites lengthy article on Robert Crittenden

wmESsee WildLifeUNlIlN CITYsee also News Briefs - Union Citysee also Fires and firmenUND3N 03mESs asee InsmaneARMSAS GAZEITE INDEX 1888UNJDN WNIYsee also linmigration and migrationsee alm Murders and Attemsed Murderssee also W&rs and Attem*ed Murders - Gilmr esee alm Risonssee also Stas and TormdbesReturns in Dxt pimaryResults f ran Dan pimariesDemocratic mmty mrnr hadDemocrats sel ect ao unty ti cke tDemocratic nominees for aomty off ices 1 istedDamats &w md.1 errthusiaanDmocrats hold hrbecue, hear speeches at HillsboroReprt says Eagle ~illting office in El Ibrado sackedNws of political activityMfices of ESigle were slckedUNmN Lmm mTYsee also <strong>Arkansas</strong> - Attorney Gmeralsee also <strong>Arkansas</strong> - Auditorsee also <strong>Arkansas</strong> - Govermrsee aim Arkansm - land Commissionersee also <strong>Arkansas</strong> - Fuhlic InstrudAon Superintendentsee alsa <strong>Arkansas</strong>- Secrehry of Sbtesee alsr, Cburts - Ark - Suprene QmtNew prty will mmimte full slate of state aandicktes?he Union Ldmr mrty fraud (editorial)Randblm 8 Agricultural Whed to send no delegate to aorwC M Norwood is candihte for Gwermr, A W Bird for AuditorIsaac Ndl-acken serves as chairman of state wmIsom P Lancjlq, Q B Ryner decline miration for Secy UE StList cf candihtes nanimted by state wmentionList of delegates, & mmty, at state oomerhionNegro delegates allwed to sit within hr for mnsdtationProceeding of state axwention of new prQR B CarlLee, Charles E axulincjmn are delegates to mtl cowPlatform o£ ULP in <strong>Arkansas</strong>Gage Sihlq mhted for state Atty Gen, has not: acceeedGearge W Terry is nominee for Secy cd StateJ id Ibllarsoe is minee for state Land ComissionerProceeding of state anvention of ULPW J R~val is nominee for Chi& Justice, <strong>Arkansas</strong> Supreue CtProceedinqs of state aonventi on of Union Labor Bar tyQ B Rymr aplains his reusal af minationCbmmittee named to select Mane cd ticket, fill vacanciesNcmira tion of W J Wal changed to Attorney GeneralRoceedings of fiml &y aE state mm&ionReplhlians may form fusion prtq with ULPWTE X EC

ARMS% GAZEIITE INDEX 1888WTE N E CCharles E Cunningham is can&&& for vice pesonULPticket 05/17/88 01 3Ncminee Charles E Cmnin*an is resident a€ Little Rock 05/17/88 01 3Gazette anranents on nomiration of &arles Cmminy)lan OV18/88 04 2C M Norwood accepts nomiration f QK Gwermr 05/20/88 12 1Interview with marles E cu3nin*an OV23/88 01 2George P Smoote says ULPwould be better served as Dems 07/08/8810 1C E Cunninghan thinks prty may <strong>Arkansas</strong> 07/113/88 04 2Qrmments on campip 07/14/88 02 3C E cunnin@~an takes his ompig.1 to Searq 07/17/88 03 3Gazette says Union Labor was a fraud f ran the beginning 07/22/88 04 2R B GxrlLee says Agri Whed resolution eqmls ULP endbrment 07/29/88 04 4C E Qnnincjmn reaeives mdi~ified wdanne at Batemrille 08/09/88 02 3Party aomQletes naming of ticket fa state uEfices 08/10/88 03 3Pr esidential candihte A J Str eeter speaks at Littl e Rock 08/10/88 05 1Mr Str &er airs his igorance (ed) 08/1l/88 04 2Presidential candickte AG Streeter speaksat<strong>Russel</strong>lville 08/14/8801 2A J Six eeter spea kt at Camden 08/3l,/88 01 1AJ Weeter s~aks at For&- 08/31/88 03 1A J Str eeter campigns in M&ville, Ark 09/01/88 01 3Executive mittee in cauaxs at Little Rock 09/19/88 05 1Party mes pr&&ntial dectors 09/20/8803 3Willian J IxlVd discusses his irrvdvenent with ULP 10/12/88 06 1Willim J mVal urges prly rot to aid RepulA. icans 10/12/88 06 1Charles E Cunninaan says ~i&edintemiew mstly forgery 10/27/88 02 2mat "confi&rrtidn circular (ed) 10/28/88 04 2m N On, PNDGPS a3seeOil and GasUrnNS, mmsee LaborUNIDNrnsee also NEWS Briefs - UniontwnBrief ikscrision of Ckwford County tam 04/18/88 02 2UNlVERSITIEssee CbllegesUS - FEIXEML IXS'IRICP CIXTRTseeQurts - US - Distriot CburtUS - OFETcIAtSmailation on filling off ices in Ark under RepdAican a d ll/ll,/88 08 1US - HJBLIC BUILCeNGS MID OFFXCESGen James C Tappn leads effort far govt hld in H e l m 02/22/88 01 1mngress awwes $75,000 for federal Mdg a t Hdera 04/06/88 01 2President Cleveland siqs Ell for H e l m hilding 0$/1B/88 01 2Hdena debrates securing of fe&ral tuilding 04/2v88 01 1Step taken toward construction of federal hldg at Helena lV06/88 01 1Texarkana federa bldg should be on state line, ed says 12/07/88 03 3URJRYseeCreditVal ALmmE,see alsw,VZN BURENsee alsosee alsosee alsosee alsoIwrTIF, AInventions and InverrtmsBankr mci esAres and FirenenMurders and Attanged Murders - McIlvei*News Eries - Van Buren

WTERGECVAN BUREN UIUNTYDgnocrats favor J P Ease far Gwermr Os/22/88 01 3Resfits fran Dan pimarfes 05/23/88 01 1Democrats insku& for state candidates 05/26/8801 1Danmats hold raly at Qinton 08/0ly88 03 1Democrats name munty ticket 08/09/88 02 3Sheriff Zach Than~son ikpsed f os mwfessance in off ice 08/25/88 01 6Zack !l%rxngson pribned, reinstated ky Gav S P Hu@es 08/2f5/88 04 5Voters trsated to political discussion at Clinton 10/26/88 06 1WW ZIWLT,J M& Van Zandt ordered t o lmve Barrettsville area 09/16/88 03 5VPNCE, C DHarrison youth grahtes with high honors f ran West mint 06/X/88 01 5<strong>vl</strong>NYsLEMTimb watermelon pt& destruction brings arrest of 8 persons 08/1Q/88 02 2W r n Esee ala, Robberies and The tsVW(;HAN, E Rsee also Clime and Criminalsvmm* W HTestifies in pobe aE @al Hill pison cmp 04/04/88 03 5VENBLE, M PCbndemns th&t of pollbooks in Pulaski Oomty 09/19/88 03 1VESTAL, J Wsee also FloristslmrJiKmSUxfederates hold re<strong>vl</strong>ion at Bateslrille 11/08/88 02 2r?mEmNS HOMESCbnfederab sol& ers hcme may be estaUiAed &/OW88 06 1W E Woodruff, W F Campbell, J W CUliway raising f mds 06/02/88 06 1VIBBERT. RNNIEGirl disapprrs f rm her hane i n Independence Cbunty 08/28/8803 1VICK, J Dsee also Almhdlic BweragesVIrnRY, WILLIAMsee a1 so Murders and Attmged MurdersVII;IL~TESsee also Lynchingsee alm NegroesJack Shegherd, a Rem Negro, whipped, =&red to lsave mmty 05/22/88 03 1Masked men whilrped Jack Shegherd for indecent ant%& 05/2Y88 03 1Sweral SalineQresiderrtsarrestedforfloggingoffm&r 08/10/8802 2Thhre Thurman taken fran jail at Hackett, whipped ky rob 08/15/88 01 4Negro takenfran haminNevada Cbunty, baten for stealing 09/18/88 02 2Letbr orders I3r mnids to lcavewaveland, Yell mmty ll/17/88 03 1Letter to Dr Rdds not written ky Bagists, &ur& says 11/17/88 03 1VDJLAsee alm News Brids - ViolaKDLrn, JOEsee a1 so Murders and Attemaed MurdersVflJLmssee Musical Instrunentsm HARTEN, E Nsee also Egrties and &noes

A R ~ S P S G X Z m INDEX 1888wmmmsee also Assadts and Disorderly Cbnductsee also Fires and Firenensee also News Briefs - WEildronsee also Rd igionTwn has 14 dwdling houses and a Basist &ur&Building going on in twnWALKER. CRmTsee also Little Rock - Fblitics and ElectionsWKEK MCKsee Kl ED hrders and Attensed MurdersWZ%KER. IDMsee a1 ED Fhr ders and Attenped MurdersWPLRER, W Hsee also Murders and Attesngted MurdersWBLRER, GJ1LLIAMsee also Sex CrimesWAGKINGbBt& held at Hne BluEfWALL, OmTAsee also Murders and Attemsed MurdersWlbLACE, WILLIAMsee also Mur&rs and Attemsed Murdersm L m , zmammther d Gen Lw Wallace lectures at Eureka SpingsLectures on wcmen suEfrage at Qtton RantwaLLm, Ro3ERTsee also ShoctinqsWALLS. WILLIAMsee a193 Murders and Attanned MurdersW&WT lREEBrieE descri@ion of Yell aounty settlenentWRLTWHCUSE CHARLIES Asee also Q c d tWARDI GFROGEsee also Murders and Attenfled MurdersWARD, JAMES Tsee a1 EO Mines and MineralsWMD, W Hsee a1 so Ear ti es and DancesWARD, ZEBsee also Agriculturesee a1 so Democratic Partysee afs3 Brties and l2ncessee alrx, Maski Cbunty - Bliticr; and ElectionsGmfletes his watemorks waject at Little RockMember of Ftdaski Oomty TXn delegation to state aonvDemmces theft of Fulaski County pollbooksmvors use of mnvicts to manuEacture jute baggingDiscusses hming jute bagging made & convict la&rQ1 Ward has striking r esemblane to Fres U S Grant(31 Ward reaaced Grant in receiving line at Little RockWard was reaognized by a Negro who had knuwn him wwiouslyWP31DI ZEB JR

ARKANSAS GAZ E;TTE INDEX 1888see also Wrti es and mncesWar& entertain at Little Rock hanemm, CHmEs mmEYDistingiEfhed writer is in Little RockGuest a€ U M Rose in Little RockPraises hi* quality a€ <strong>Arkansas</strong> Inktne AsylunArtide on dty uf Little RockArticle on <strong>Arkansas</strong>mENsee alsoWthodist Churchsee also NEWS Briefs - Warrensee also Newsplpersmmr JOEsee alm Murders and Attmged MurdersWPSHING'ICINsee also Cemeteriessee also E&oation and Schoolssee also New BrieEs - WaAingtonSocial conditions of twn describedJ3usiness and professional. directory of tmnWASHINXIDN COUNTYsee alm Mines and Mineralssee also R&ibition r$rQsee also Riverssee also Stms and Tarm&esReturns in &m pimar,yDemocratic mmty mmerd=ion instructs its delegatesEEIitorid discusses fine qualities of mmtyArticle on eoomic and social characteristics of oomtyList of tavns and villages in mmtyDemocrats dose campigr for mmty officesWXHINGTDN CDUNfY BPNKsee BanksWFSSaJL, s Ssee also Little Rock - Public Building and Off icesm&msee also LandwmwRogers to be furnihed water f ran Rianond SpringsCamden Waterworks Cb files ar ti d.es of incorpx ationBatesville Water and Electric Lirfit Q organizedCol Zeb Ward coma etes his waterwar ks at Little RockContract let for waterworks system at OlmdenHune Water to extend its water lines in Little RockAmlysis &ws drinking water af Little Rock is dangerowRogers to haw waterworks in operation soonLithia S ~ing water to be @Laced on marketHdem to have waternarksWW SUPELYsee WaterWPITrnS. J Asee a1 so <strong>Arkansas</strong> - Gwverrnrwmms, Fmmsee also Murders and Attmged Mul&rs

wms, W CCbndemns th&t cf Maski Omky pollbokWZTPSCN, E Psee also Bngrees- House - ArkDist 05WELrnDsee also VigilantesWAYNE, ELISHAsee also Murders and Attengted Murderswmmsee also Storms and TormibesChart aE Phr& tenpratures in LR 1875188'7 03/24/88 08Chart of Mil wather in LR fran 1879 to 1887 04/0g/88 05Sigzal £lags to fly at LR to indicate wealher forecast 05/20/88 09Hi* temperatures reaxdled at Little Rock 08/01/88 01Hot wether aonkinues at Little Rock 08/U7/88 04Heavy rairSd1 dxs immense &age in Rxlaski mmty - 08/30/88 05Newton Cbtmty had heavy snowfall on Oct 22, 1862ly01/88 04Sicpal Serviae will serve any tam with telegrafi service 12/25/88 02WEPNER END SCNS WECN FAORYsee Cbmpnies and FkictoriesWEBSTW, GKIFGEsee alm Ibrmgraghy andobcenitywEDI2IIGsCbuple annome at wedding thqr are alrsad wedCouple married in Sebastian Oounty aornfiddCouple married while sitting in kugwGroan insists Democrat perf m his wedding<strong>An</strong>drews, Leo M to Nettie PittsArmstrong, Janes P to mnnie JchnsonBakcock, Will to Willibert VaughnEWtran, George to Nice Jones&&an, Jchn P to hdia MilkeyBatman, J B to Hattie HoltamanBay less, W R to Zoe StarlingBeard, Janes R to Lizzie Fr eertanBeate, lala toBeavers, J J to Mrs J J Beavers, after divorceBell, S T to <strong>An</strong>na W astonElennett, W E to Jessie IbpB a s , Q1 to Ruth IfidandBeuch, M to Naa WilliansBickart, Jake to Jessie ElleBirding, Fass to Laural BnnBlocher, Jmes H to Laura R Gantt 06 33 04 3Bond, Sterling Prioe to JUia Ehgli* BlocherBrandon, Henry to Elor ence GrayBrmster, Crawell to Claudia MonroeBrwn, Robert Joqh to <strong>An</strong>nie RrkerBrcwn, Wfilian to IU ice WallBurkett, S to IWs E C LanbertonButl~n, A A to ms&a AtkinsEWts, Jose& B to Bene BrmllByrne, L A to Ldie HaniltonCallaway, Lee to Nettie Savage

Qmda, R W to mggie GillespieCassinelli, L D to Elizabeth BertdLlaClaykook, Nathan F to Zula HollandQok, H G to Lilly WiedmannCbffin, Charles H to Nettie PhxfiddCOIUE~, W R to Effie A BaileyCbopr, W H to Georgia WilliansmQrl ey, J E to Susie Gat1 inCoud~, W T to Qucy WlieCowan, R L to lhud SloanneCraig, W H to <strong>An</strong>nie hisCrane, B D to mttie E mvisCromoe, George to Nettie SmoteCyprt, T J to Bessie WillihrdDavis, Thanas Je£ferson to Aman& BllinsDoroua, W C C to Mrs M e BirdDou*ten, B F to Jessie BaranD3Wd1, H E to Sallie B QrterDurhan, C E to IUm Harrisonhgle, Joe P to Minnie Sandersmrp, L P to Olllie GageMends, J L to Willie RagdaleWards, J M to Wttie FerqsonEhgl&art, Klbert to Rosa Leai n , to Betti e mttonEking, EZober t to mr~a RobertsFarran, Jmes to Hattie NevilsFitzhu*, Charles to Miss Charlie WalesFlgning, Frank to hgae GrerfiddFloyd, Robert to Miss GallaherR man, Robert A to Louisa E Heat31Frost, Henry to Lula mnerFurlw, Tcm to E2mmi.e AtkinsonGarrt, J G to Lem LewisGarrett, J F to Fhde SlackGarrett, to BenderGarrison. W A to Eva AdamsGarrison. W A to Eva WmsGarvq, G T to <strong>An</strong>nis UsseryGabs, DA to Mte MatthewsGates, mve A to Ihte mtthmsGatl in, Wmoe to Fanni e VernonGee, Janes D to Willota SmithGikon, Willian E to Delia WeigelGlass, Char1 es to Bettie WillimsGoo&rin, Y F to Lour mia MGoucj~Grarrt , Jodie toGraves, W H to Olive McFaddenGreen, Eck to Melissa HallGrdield, W L to Qra B AkinGrisard, W H to Kitty Barf iddGlillidge, T B to IU ice LanbHafer, S V to Minnie Mnees 07 10051 07 I3 083Wairston, George P to Pbllie Hendrick 1107032

Hale, agar 0 to Addie MerrillHall, H J to Fate KellianHansell, R C to bggie LockHarkins, Dan to Aggie Bell wlorHart, E G to Minnie SpiresHakins, J H to Lyrah HaniltonHqnes, J Frank to Sareh MulhollandHenniger, Will to Xlie Ne~cmbHill, W H to Mattie Sdlersfirs&, J B to mra EbllockHollenkerger, F B T to Jsan CravensJXdmes, T E to mien LoflinHon, mnid to NxggieGainesHorn, IEobert to Lillie RobbinsHornberger, W M to =fie Norf leetHwardr IBn J to Mrs 3 J BarnesHudan, 'Ihanas to Miss RuckerHu*es, George Reds to Rosa Katherine BdnJaaok, C H toJones, B D to Josie BrdearJones, John McE to <strong>An</strong>gie RogersKeaton, F W to Rebecca LaneKellan, R F to &ma BroahaxKellogg, J to Mrs M H SandfordKidd, F W to All ie Grif fyMfaly, Thanas to hbel brganLani er, Janes F to Josi e Rmseybucjilin, Thanas J to NLnnie B FlcydLau&lin, Thanas to Minnie FloydLee, Arthur E to Miss Jennie FbllesLee, J S to Exine 'PindaJ.1Lin&ey, J C B to Miss Hu&onLittle, Hosie to <strong>An</strong>nie &omsLayd, Turner to Miss Jbie WrightIrport, J&n to mggi e Windl eWrongr, Will to Ldia RogersMrtin, Charley to Eunice BradleyMartin, lZin H to Genwra Fhstif sbrx, Nbert to bm ParonFQthw, W F to hw Jmys, T G to Lula Jchnsonhys, WW to M E OliverMcBride, toNettieP$rrMUllouCJIr Janes to mttie BravnMcmrland, Narris to Jessie MilsterMaJchnmn, to Miss H L QmgbllMcKelcy, H A to mnrbe QavensMcEheelqr, J M to <strong>An</strong>nieWebbMutt, Frank to Ellen &llqMitchdl, W F to Lulu WardNithell, to Fbttie ByrunMoor e, Ebgene to Luil u Whi tesi deMosky, Willie to Ella Dewberry-my, Wardlaw to Rose WilsonWTEBGEC

WTE X E CMurghy, Will S to mude SmithNsal, W M to firgaret RedEordaiver, Mgar to Minnie BallewCamstead, Ed to Ollie LmonOlmstead, J W to Qaudie HarrisOEwald, lhanas to Laura Hiltonmen, Muis H00Fer to Me&r a Louise lippersonBrker, A J to A& HollowqRttimn, R W to Sallie WilhrnPi cke tt. (Dr) to Lem AbingtonPi Will to Tennessee O hPillcw, mbert to Lwie SmfieyPlunmer, Ernest E to Stella Jones&dl, BLIC~ to SLE JOESPrice, Janes H to Lucy NewaombQwrles, R W to Minnie HynesQuertermous, B F to Mrs Willie QuertermousRqland, W H to Mrgaret UrquhartRather. Henry C to Lila Red JabheRal, J E to Alice Bt&mReaves, Wjllian L to Hattie Hobonbed, George Jr to Mary 301 esRicktts, Harry P to Mry H mshidlRdinson, E to Ethd BeardRoserhm, C A to <strong>An</strong>nie M EkrkinsSatterf idd, W T to Josie HmtSchihtl., J&n to <strong>An</strong>nie KisnerSharp, Sirm to Miss FloydShell, Char1 es R to Miss GrwesShelton, W P to htti e Griff jnShidqr, R M to mnnie BardenSimnons, J A to MIS M J wrightSmith, JB to Mrs J ESanfcrrdSouthwor~, (DL-) to Wrie GatesSpncer. Willian E to Ella BonnerStafford, Jahn to Lillie QaypaolStevm;son. J E to Ebmie UphaStevenson, Jose* to Rnma HmlqStone, MA to Sara MdUmrrtStone, W P to bttie E WUliansStrauss, Mxx to mttie &bSturgis, J M D to h-s BlakelySullivan, Jchn W to Qrrie EattersonSuttl e, James E to Delia WdlTabor, B H to Mamie HaniltonTaylor, Jesse to Lizz ie Moyston!Eiylar, T J to Miss ME JenkinsPlanas, Beam egard to hggie WitherspoonTober, E A to Mie L RandellTobey, S H to Ollie EhrksTraxter, J H to Susie Hirs&f ieldVantrsase, Stemen to StribUingVinsel, Frank to Alma amWaLdraEf, C H to Nannie J Lms

ARRWSAS GHE!ITE INEX 1888WTEAGECWard R to Mrs M E Jmgkin 11 23 (B 1Watson, Henry E to bggie Hanilton 04 27 01 1Webb, J&n to Belle G reene 0607031Wdla-, Willian to Louisa filler 0517 01 6Wesch, Willian to Mggie Ritter 08 1205 6Wicker&an, Valentine to Zurdka Griffy 05 30 05 2Willims, AB to <strong>An</strong>nieG Ebllerton 06 17 05 1Willims, Charley to Lillian Howdsn 12 23 02 2Willians, Sam W to Ljzzie Francis 06 01 05 1Willians, Shennan B to bry M Scrugg 12 14 01 6Will ims, Turner to Lizz ie Blackwood 07 01 01 2Wood, to Edith Rodxx 05 03 02 3Wright, Lee to Miss bore 10 21 06 2Yager, Wry 06 01 05 1mm, N Msee also Emation and S&oolsWELQfr m m Rsee also Presbyterian murch Og/lY88 03WELmEL, m ssee alm Murders and Atterrified MurckrsW&FAE?Esee also Medim1 Facilitiessee also Ebverty and the BorWELLS, HAMMEWsee also lhrders and Attangked MurdersWEST FORKArticle on eaomic and social dmracteristics of tmn 06/14/88 06W T FORK CANNING IWD WAIORlWING (33see Ormplnies and EktariesWEST EOINTsee Ztlm NewsBrieEs- West mintwESm TORCHsee NewspprsWES'IXIVER RlWTPITmNsee - Fi res and Fi rmenWHIPEE, WIUMGsee also LittJ. e Rock - Contracts and Purchasingsee also Little Rock - Blitics and Electionssee alslo Little Rock - Street Lic&tsWHZS KEYsee Naohol ic BweragesWHJ!TE AND BLACK RWER RAILROADCampry inaxprated to txlild railroad 03/0~8803New m e for Batesvfile and Brinkl y F?ailroad 1W10/88 03Directors order merger with Batewale and Brinklq Railroad 12/02/88 03WHDE WMNsee also migr ation and migrationsee also M u der s and Attmeed Murder sCburt quare has been ornmented with bade trees 03/25/88 03Agriailturd Whed putting out mtnty ticket fa. &fices 04/21/88 01Agriculturd Wheel mimtes candihtes for county uffioes 0561v88 01Returns in Dem 05/24/88 01Democratic mmty corn hdd Ora/29/88 01Democrats numinate ticket 07/17/88 03

WTERGECNegroes give hrbeme, hear political talkNews of pl iti czll activ iti esArtide on eclomic and social cimracteristics of mmtyWHEE RIVERsee Riverssee Ship and ShippingWHITE. H Ksee also JeEfermn QuntyWHITE, H KIIGsee also <strong>Arkansas</strong> - Iblitics and ElectionsWHITE, JCHNsee dso Mxders and Attmgted MurdersWHITE, T WQrwieed of illegal cobatitation, sent to aorwict fannHad pledged in rent electim raae to abl i& oornrict farmWte was once a menber a€ the <strong>Arkansas</strong> LegislatureWHITmEAD, FWWKIEMiller munty gifl determined to go to semiraryWHITNEY, F MTestifies abut &a* of gatient at Ark Insane AsylunWHIIITAKW, JOEsee also Murders and Atteneed MurdersW H r n r n b S HAddresses plitiml rally in Hanptead CountyAddr esses meeting of state Democratic c9 ubWHmmm, T Msee aI.m Assauts and Disorderly OondizctwILm1FEFulaski Spor tman' s Club h d panote ~ m e la observanoeBlack bear killed in Lomke Q was first in 25 yrsRwar d offered at Hardy for amniter s of f i&Turtle ou&t in Lonoke Cbunty wei*ed 94 pun&Bear and panther pmling around Mountain ViewLarge bear killed near Dm%meleCatt3e king killed ky wild animal in Bennett Mill areaLarge Back bear killed in river bottms at BmlmZlleWild animal fri*tens r esidmts at B m t t Mill, Yell CbmQHunting party kills 151 squi rrds in Tndependlence CbuntyLarge wolf killed in Yell Qunty ky Tan JamayI M Worthington takes 117 bass f ran aimt Qunty strmReport ~ays wildcat killed young child in Crew CbuntyHunting party to seek livestock+illing panther at MknViewnree wolves killed in Ouachita CbmtySol. G l m uses bre hm& to cagture beaver at Gold CreekJackson ElDore killed b~ rattlesnake he cauat with hare handsDavid Codson kills huge mugar in Stone QuntyGar cauEfit at Judsonia was 6 ft long, weiaed 150 lkW e falam sent fran mris, Ran-, to Qay Jones at LRPanther carries off yard-dog of W H mvis in Lee CbuntyLarge rattlesnake killed on bunt NeboFalmn belonging to Qay Jones diesDeer dying of black-towe in Brry CountyEiat rattlesnakes killed in one nest in Union QmtyChildren kill deer in Saline Cbunty

Bear killed at Des Arc wei*ed 700 porn& 10/28/88 06 2Robert Femr kills bear w&*ing 400 Ik 1v30/88 02 2Bar weilfiing 286 lb killed near Gar1 and City 11/17/88 03 2Dr mas, uf Bad mob drums ptlrther that attacked him 12/08/88 03 2Large gray agle killed 12/09/88 12 2mEY, LEWISsee also Rail roadsWILLIAPE, rnIEsee a1 m Murders and Attemgted MurdersWILLIArn. B Dsee alm Agricultural Whed.Demmces theEt of Fulaski Cbunty pollbooksWILLIAm, QImESsee also Murders and Attmged Murderssee also &isms- <strong>Arkansas</strong>wruam. mARLIEsee also Crime and CriminalsWLLLlAPE* GB3R2Esee alsa Murders and Attengted MurdersWILLJAPE, HAM 0see also Assaults and Disorderly Cbn&ctsee also Ailaski Uxmty - Eblitics and ElectionsWILLIN%, HERBERTsee also Murders and Attengted MurdersWII;LIAI'E, J Esee also Democratic PartyWILLrAm. JJsee also BankruptciesWILLIArn, JAMESsee also Murders and Attem$ed Murders - Woo&W-IAE, JIMsee alm Murders and Attansed MurdersWILL-,;KHNsee also Murdlers and Attemsed Murdxsmnm, JCHNAsee also <strong>Arkansas</strong> - Wernersee also Republican RrtymmIUE;, Ru3ERTsee also Murders and Attanged MurdersWILLIAl'G* S Asee also <strong>Arkansas</strong> - Blitics and ElectionsWILLIAE, WKTNSTestifies in pobe of Qal Hill p-ison m pwmmm, WILLIAMsee also Sex CrimeswIL,LIAECN, B Lsee also Inventions and InventorsWILLS mD ESTrnESsee aLso F&rker, PktxmSbIlRE, W WFbrmer Ark Supr me Ct justice dies in Wahington, D CWILSCN ZND BI;U'lDN S?WMII,Lsee also Explosives and Explosionswzm, MJEL

WTEEEE CDLsee a1 so Murders and Attmged MurdersWIJ-ISCN, J Esee also HousingWILSCN, W Asee also BankruptciesWILSCN, W Csee also Mxders and Attemged Murders - Wil sonWINEsee Almholic BeveragesWINFTELD, A RMemorial servioe fa Rev Wirfidd had at Mvernwm, D Rsee also Little Rock - Iblitics and EhctionsWEE, JOEsee a1 ;sowmm, H Rsee also ReligionWIII'T, J Tsee a1 so Ibl icewaE; EAACMurders and Attanned Murders - Cornsee also Re~il StoresCbnknns theft cf PLilaski Cbunty pollbooksrnF, MIKEsee aim brim GomtymvEssee WildlifeWCMN'S CNRISTIAN TEMEFSNCE UNDONState mrrverrtion had at WopPbst dficers retained in election at state conventionState heaauarters open in Little RockWCOD AND WOOD PROZXJmSTimber lands of Ark sem jnexhaustikd eSouthweskern Pine Assn organized at TeXarka~<strong>Arkansas</strong> Harlkood Manufacturing Assn organizedThree ltmber mills oprating at TraskwoodDe&a Land and Timber Zb f il es arti cl es of inmr por ati onShip timber being rafted down White RiverHuge lumber erherpise may loaate at Pine BlrdfFMt o£ 175,000 Et of lags kought out aE Black RiverCag Whybrk shipping 1,500,000 ft aE walnut logs t o EuropLarge stave factory being hilt at Qar&nGm S P Huaes asks Iron Mkn Railroad to furnish mare carsTen large mills located at Black Rock, Lawrence CbmtyHardman and Co of Judsonia exports lunberArtiCLe on hardkood reserves of <strong>Arkansas</strong>Map of timber resources of <strong>Arkansas</strong>Railroads pessed to swly cars for hipent of lunberLunbemen Asm rnw f il e damage suit aginst r ailroack<strong>Arkansas</strong> Lunbermen Assl amittee discusses railcar &atageIrmnense track in Ark lunber carried onmm, W Hsee also allegeswoomum OOumsee also Mur&rs and Attapzed Murdxs

MKANSPS GAZEITE INIXX 1888IIPLTEINECWheaersand Khi*tsof Labr put out joint ticket for dfiae 05/19/88 01 3Report f ran Desn pirnaryCombination ticket a€ Wheders and IQli@ts of LaborReturns in Dan pimaryDmocratic county am heldmocratic mmty cum hadDemocratic rally hddDemocrats hold grand rally at Riversidemo WoockuEf Cb men charged with interfering with electionThree election judges arrested for failure to hold electionwccmuFF, AM, RINTrn QTtvdve inters go oul: on strikeWOOHZUFF, WILLJAM E JRsee also <strong>Arkansas</strong> - Wtmwrersee also Rrti es and IZlnaessee also Veterans HanesW O O E D GrnIGEsee also Murders and Attmged MurdersWOOECNr J Asee also Rail roadsmIXIIZE, W T&nornoes th&t CE Rilaski Cbunty pollbooksWmKsee LaborWCR'IREN, mERT WPITKLNSsee aim maski Cbmty - Iblitics and ElectionsL L Thcmpn sues Sheriff aver wat& taken in train robberySheriff Warthen retires f ran @ic li£emmENn W B, ZWD asee Banks-KC, EENEsee also Murders and Attensed MurdersWJ3EflT, R Psee also Marriage and DivorcemKER, mRREsee ala BankruptciesW W Esee also Holtel sWYNNE RIEPWsee NfwspprsWISE. 'MOMW HCbn-urtents on the€t aE Rilaski CbLnty pollbooksYANCEY, T AOutraged & theEt of pollbooks in Pulaski CbuntyYARNELL (A J) AND COsee also Robberies and TheftsYELL4 OXTmsee also Ganhf ingsee also Vigilantessee &gbWfidlifeLengthy artide on eaomic and social aspects of aomtyFburcbe Le FWe Valley reeourcesmlitical newsAqialtmal Whed mirates mmty slate

Report on Dem pimaryReturns in Dm pimaryDemocratic primaries indiaate choices far state dfiaesDemocratic munty arnv hddDemocratic county ar~vention hddDmocr ats f m Bandam ClubWhed hrbecue at Fhrtinville hears plied mndi&tesDemocrats hold primary electionsDemocratic rally held at hrhnelleDmoaats had big rally and parade at IaranelleYELLal mERseeDisease and IllnessY&LVILLEsee also Cbnpnies and Factoriessee aim Fires and Firenensee alm kthodist Churchme aim News BrieEs - YellvilleXMLEX, T DWsee a1 so Arkantas - HistoryJudge Yonley dies at Eureka SpingsThe late Hon T D W Ybnl q (ed)Cbrrection on artide on the late Mr BrilcyWN; MEN'S CHRISTIAN ISSaXATIDNCha$erS-te cmwention meeting in Ehyettevillein Qmay rents roans for its workCorway &a@er r eaeives abut 700 volunes for its 1 ibraryNews of Little Rock chaaerA S G3l&ell med state serxelarymN;, &Emsee also Murders and Attempted Murdersmm, Ra3ERTsee also Sex CrimesmmseeChi1 dr en and YouthZ mcsee fines and Miner Q s

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