Lesson 24:Ladybugs

Lesson 24:Ladybugs

Lesson 24:Ladybugs

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spots<strong>Ladybugs</strong> can be red oryellow or orange.Most ladybugs haveblack spots.3

4A ladybug’s bright colorsand spots keep it safe.Animals know ladybugsdo not taste good.

wingleg<strong>Ladybugs</strong> have six legsfor walking.They also have wingsfor flying from placeto place.5

eggs6A ladybug lays its eggson the back of a leaf.Baby ladybugs will comefrom the eggs.

aby ladybugsBaby ladybugs are blackwith light spots.A baby will eat lots oftiny bugs to helpit grow.7

8The baby keepseating and growing.Then it starts to change.The baby will look likea ladybug soon.

People like ladybugsbecause ladybugs helpin gardens.<strong>Ladybugs</strong> like to eatbugs that hurt plants.9

10When winter comes,ladybugs hide underrocks and logs.In spring they willcome out to movearound again.

RespondingTARGET SKILL Sequence ofEvents What happens after ababy ladybug comes out of itsegg? How does the ladybug growup? Make a chart.Talk About ItText to World What doladybugs look like? Where dothey live? What do ladybugseat?11

alsoanythingflowerkindWORDS TO KNOWplacesreadyuponwarmTARGET SKILL Sequence ofEvents Tell the order in whichthings happen.TARGET STRATEGY QuestionAsk questions about what youare reading.GENRE Informational text givesfacts about a topic.12

Level: FDRA: 10Genre:Narrative NonfictionStrategy:QuestionSkill:Sequence of EventsWord Count: 1631.5.<strong>24</strong>HOUGHTON MIFFLINOnline Leveled BooksISBN-13:978-0-547-02772-2ISBN-10:0-547-02772-91032856

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