Implementation and Evaluation of Complementary Food ... - Nutridev

Implementation and Evaluation of Complementary Food ... - Nutridev Implementation and Evaluation of Complementary Food ... - Nutridev


Situation analysis‣ High prevalence of growth retardation, irondeficiency anemia and vitamin Adeficiency in infants and children inVietnam‣ National plans of Action for Nutrition1995 - 2000 / 2001 - 2010, andits corollary "National Plan of Action forFood Fortification in Vietnam 2001-2005".Local situation analysissurveys• Nutritional status deterioratesin early life• Too early introduction of foods• Insufficient use of special transitional foods• Use of inappropriate complementary foods oflow nutritional quality• Absence of appropriate quality, low costcomplementary foods• Weakness of nutritional knowledge (andpractices) of mothers4

Local situation analysissurveys• Weakness of income but interest forprocessed complementary foods• Willingness of local authorities• Strong “social network”• Interest of potential producers• Large range of local raw materials• Use of boiling water• Existing low-cost technology, large range ofpackaging producersObjective of the Fasevie programTo promote the use of adequate feedingpractices and complementary foods by infantsand young children in population with limitedeconomic resources in three provinces of thecentral region of Vietnam (Ha Tinh, Da Nang andQuang Nam) to reduce stunting by 10% andprevent micronutrient deficiencies in infants andyoung children in two years after start ofimplementation.5

Local situation analysissurveys• Weakness <strong>of</strong> income but interest forprocessed complementary foods• Willingness <strong>of</strong> local authorities• Strong “social network”• Interest <strong>of</strong> potential producers• Large range <strong>of</strong> local raw materials• Use <strong>of</strong> boiling water• Existing low-cost technology, large range <strong>of</strong>packaging producersObjective <strong>of</strong> the Fasevie programTo promote the use <strong>of</strong> adequate feedingpractices <strong>and</strong> complementary foods by infants<strong>and</strong> young children in population with limitedeconomic resources in three provinces <strong>of</strong> thecentral region <strong>of</strong> Vietnam (Ha Tinh, Da Nang <strong>and</strong>Quang Nam) to reduce stunting by 10% <strong>and</strong>prevent micronutrient deficiencies in infants <strong>and</strong>young children in two years after start <strong>of</strong>implementation.5

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