Implementation and Evaluation of Complementary Food ... - Nutridev

Implementation and Evaluation of Complementary Food ... - Nutridev Implementation and Evaluation of Complementary Food ... - Nutridev


Performance of the program‣ Provision indicators: sustainability ofproduction units, quality and availability ofproducts‣ Coverage indicators: proportion of thepopulation in the intervention districts thatbenefited from social marketing approachesIndividual visits: 600 to 1200 mothers / month‣ Utilization indicators: sale of the productsSale: 1000 to 2000 boxes of Favina / monthImpact of the programChanges (improvement) in health, nutritionalstatus and feeding practicesrelated to the programEfficacy studyEffectiveness study16

Efficacy studyTam Ky district, 36 villages randomly divided in 3 groups+ nutritioneducationFavina gruel Rice gruel Usual feedingwith Favilase practicesControl group 2 meals/day under supervision No intervention+ Nutrition educationSubjects: 5 months old breastfed infants , 128 per groupEfficacy studyDistribution of meals through canteens (7 AM- 6 PM)17

Efficacy studyTam Ky district, 36 villages r<strong>and</strong>omly divided in 3 groups+ nutritioneducationFavina gruel Rice gruel Usual feedingwith Favilase practicesControl group 2 meals/day under supervision No intervention+ Nutrition educationSubjects: 5 months old breastfed infants , 128 per groupEfficacy studyDistribution <strong>of</strong> meals through canteens (7 AM- 6 PM)17

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