Trade Integration for the Americas: What Can Economic Analysis ...

Trade Integration for the Americas: What Can Economic Analysis ...

Trade Integration for the Americas: What Can Economic Analysis ...

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23REFERENCESMarcelo Paiva de Abreu, “A Agenda de Negociações Comerciais do Brasil,” Palestra porocasião da comemoração dos 75 anos da Faculdade de Ciências Econômicas da UERJ,Rio de Janeiro, outubre de 2005.Mohamed Hedi Bchir, Yves Decreaux et al., “MIRAGE: A Computable GeneralEquilibrium Model <strong>for</strong> <strong>Trade</strong> Policy <strong>Analysis</strong>,” CEPII Working Paper No. 2002-12(December 2002), 58 pp.Centro de Economia Internacional (CEI), Alternativas de Integración para la Argentina:Un Análisis de Equilibrio General, Estudios dle CEI No. 1 (Buenos Aires: Junio de2002).Comunidad Andina, Analisis del Impacto del ALCA en la Comunidad Andina (Lima:Secretaria General de la Comunidad Andina, 2003).Jo-Ann Craw<strong>for</strong>d and Roberto V. Fiorentino, “The Changing Landscape of Regional<strong>Trade</strong> Agreements,” WTO Discussion Paper No. 8 (2005).Gabriela Cuadra, Alan Fairlie y David Florián, “Escenarios de Integración para el Perú enla Economia Mundial: Un Enfoque de Equilibrio General Computable,” PUCPIn<strong>for</strong>me Parcial, Julio 2003.Gabriela Cuadra, David Florián y Alan Fairlie, “Escenarios de Integración para el Perú enla Economia Mundial,” PUCP, Presentación hecha em Power Point en Septiembre2003.Shantayanan Devarajan and Sherman Robinson, “The Influence of Computable GeneralEquilibrium Models on Policy,” International Food Policy Research Institute, TMDDiscussion Paper No. 98 (August 2002).Angelo Gurgel and William Tyler, “Brazilian <strong>Trade</strong> Policies: Some Observed andEstimated Effects of <strong>the</strong> 1990s Partial Liberalization,” UERJ Working Paper, January2005.Glenn Harrison, Thomas Ru<strong>the</strong>r<strong>for</strong>d, David G. Tarr and Angelo Gurgel, “Regional,Multilateral and Unilateral <strong>Trade</strong> Policies <strong>for</strong> Growth and Poverty Reduction inBrazil,” published in Brazil as “Políticas de Comércio Regionais, Multilaterais eUnilaterais do MERCOSUL para o Crescimento Econômico e a Redução da Pobrezano Brasil,” Pesquisa e Planejamento Econômico, Vol. 33, No. 1 (Abril 2003), pp. 1-60. Also published as part of World Bank, Brazil – <strong>Trade</strong> Policies to ImproveEfficiency, Increase Growth and Reduce Poverty, Report No. 24285-BR (Washington:World Bank, 2004).

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