Operations Review (Part 1) - Anglo Platinum

Operations Review (Part 1) - Anglo Platinum

Operations Review (Part 1) - Anglo Platinum

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and employees, which are fullyrepresentative and chaired bythe business managers.Furthermore, senior and middlemanagers at most of thebusiness units underwent transformationtraining, withparticular focus on managingdiversity, teamwork andperformance optimisation.As the Group participatesin more joint ventures, thistraining will increase inimportance.The expansion will create asignificant number of newemployment positions between2002 and 2006, bringing withPRODUCTION Pt oz (000’s)Full marginRefinery margin onlyBUILD UPDURATION0202030304040505060657Production forecastit challenges for recruitment,training and development andthe need for proper talentmanagement. To facilitate this,a Group HR plan has beendeveloped and a specialistrecruitment function hasbeen established within theProjects Division.Please refer to Volume 2, theSustainable DevelopmentReport for an in-depth reviewof HRD.P G M P R O D U C T I O NThe planned build-up ofproduction to a rate of07 083 5003 0002 5002 0001 5001 000BRPMModikwaRPM UG2 Ph1TwickenhamRPM TailingsJV’s & other3,5 million refined platinumounces by the end of 2006 wasaffected as a result ofdifficulties experienced withthe Department of Minerals andEnergy (DME) in processingapplications for mining authorisations.After re-planning anew production profile wasannounced in November 2002.Providing no further delays areexperienced in the processingof applications, an annualproduction rate equivalent to3,5 million refined platinumounces can still be achieved bythe end of 2006.An agreement has been signedwith the DME which will bothsecure the granting of themining authorisations necessaryto achieve the planned build-upand satisfy the requirements ofthe Mineral Resources Act andCharter.<strong>Part</strong> of the agreement reachedwith Government involved theTwickenham and Der Brochenprojects areas on the EasternLimb. It is envisaged thatempowerment groups holdingmineral rights adjacent to eachproject area will contributethose rights to the respectiveprojects. A 50:50 joint venturebetween the empowerment39

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