Operations Review (Part 1) - Anglo Platinum

Operations Review (Part 1) - Anglo Platinum

Operations Review (Part 1) - Anglo Platinum

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Precious Metals Refiners (PMR)S A F E T Y53No lost-time injuries were recorded in 2002 and the PMR’s fatality-free record remains inplace. A NOSA 5-star rating was maintained for the twelfth consecutive year and PMR wasawarded the prestigious and internationally recognised NOSCAR safety award for the eighthconsecutive year.In addition, a BBS initiative was launched and is currently at anadvanced stage of implementation.P R E C I O U S M E T A L S R E F I N I N GLocated in Rustenburg, the PMR, in terms of size, technology andrecoveries, remains the world leader in the field of PGM refining.Refining services are provided for all Group mines and associatedjoint ventures.Final concentrate from the MC Plant at RBMR and metallicconcentrates from four mine concentrators are refined to highdegrees of purity and fabricated into various product forms tomeet customer requirements.Production of all metals during 2002 was higher than the previousyear as a result of increased volumes from upstream operations.Recoveries were the best recorded in PMR’s operating life andwork in progress was the lowest measured since start up in 1989.The PMR capacity expansion project (refer to the Overview ofProjects on page 58) is well advanced and construction hascommenced as planned.Tapping platinum powder intothe melting furnace at PMR forthe casting of platinum bars.Checking critical temperaturereadings on the recently installedglass vessel section at PMR(installed to increase capacity ofexisting equipment).51

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