Roman Sheidel Returns To SDWT - San Diego Woodturners

Roman Sheidel Returns To SDWT - San Diego Woodturners

Roman Sheidel Returns To SDWT - San Diego Woodturners

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<strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> <strong>Woodturners</strong> Page 6 January 2012December 2011 - Christmas Party!by Mavis Porter & Pat SaundersAt 8:20 on December 10th, theart studio was dusty and full ofpartially completed ceramics; by10:00 am it was party time.The empty spaces of Nottinghamwere spruced up by the ceramistsat the art center. Roomwas created for the upcomingarrival of the “Turners”. DonOwen arrived with a truck fullof tables which were distributedby willing volunteers. Thechairs quickly followed. Theplace still looked pretty bare andordinary, however when KarenFreitas arrived with table cloths,pine cones, and other decorationsthe transformation quicklyhappened, it looked like partycentral. Beautiful bowls, madeby members, were filled with avariety of nuts for the nibblers.aboutthe greatcomingeventsfor nextyear. Nanlooked asif she hadbeen hitby a truck(actuallya surgeonwitha scalpel) but performed herduties with her usual aplomb.tempting and rather evil deserts.One slice of cheese cake couldsubstitute for a whole meal; andit was worth every bite.People drifted in with wonderfulgoodies to eat which Pat Saundersarranged appealingly whileBrian busily supplied delectabledrinks. Gifts of turnings andturning toys made it look as if<strong>San</strong>ta had dropped in.Our glorious leader Nan hada brief meeting where all thehelpers and committee memberswere thanked and Sally told usAfter announcements, the feastingbegan. A huge line snakedaround the room and led out tothe side room where the foodwaited. Although appetiteswere whetted by the wait, therewas more than enough food foreveryone. The fare featuredwonderful home-made foods andscads of shrimps followed by(Continued on page 7)

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