15th March 2009 - The Scindia School

15th March 2009 - The Scindia School

15th March 2009 - The Scindia School

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pg 01<strong>The</strong> <strong>Scindia</strong> <strong>School</strong>FORT NEWS<strong>March</strong> 15, <strong>2009</strong> | Number : <strong>March</strong> 908 | WPP 15, <strong>2009</strong> : Regn.No.Gwl.Dn.11| Number : 908THE SCINDIA SCHOOL REVIEW ’09REVIEW ’09Adieu - Batch of <strong>2009</strong><strong>The</strong> weather on the Fort is becomingincreasingly warm. Though the morningsand evenings remain pleasant, the days havestarted turning quite hot. A large number offalling leaves point ominously to the blazingsummers which lie ahead of us.<strong>The</strong> organization ‘Aarambh’ organized amusical evening ‘Hubahu Mannade’ at hotelTansen on Friday,13th February. MrRaja Banerjee’sperformance therewas highly appreciatedand received widecoverage in the local newspapers.On Thursday, 26th February annual housereports of the senior houses were read outat the OAT. One student from each house readout the achievements of his house in thecourse of the year. It was a time to recognizeand reward sporting and academicexcellence. This was followed by a granddinner for all.<strong>The</strong> Rajkumari Amrit Kaur Trophy for theyear 2008–09 has been won by Jayappahouse. <strong>The</strong> trophy is awarded each year tothe house which scores the maximum pointsin English and Hindi Debates and Elocutionduring the year.<strong>The</strong> Atma Ram Sharma Memorial Trophy forexcellence in Hindi for the year 2008–09has been awarded to Abhinandan Singh ofJeevaji house.<strong>The</strong> final of the middle group Hockeytournament was played between Daulat andJayappa house. Jayappa house won 3 – 2.<strong>The</strong> following members of the Social ServiceLeague have been awarded certificates andmementos for their excellent social workthroughout the year :Abhinandan Singh, Keshav Agarwal, RaunakJain, Nikunj Goyal, Palash Agarwal, ShubhamBansal, Lochman Agarwal, Mausoom Dutt,Pathik Bindal, Tanuj Gupta.Schiller Gesellschaft conducted a cartooncompetition for Classes VI-IX. Students madeinteresting cartoons on the theme offriendship and gave them slogans in German.I’m going to miss the wonderful moments thatI spent here. I firmly believe that I’ll have noproblem in facing the world outside thecomforting environs of the Fort as the schoolhas given me the requisite confidence andskills.Raghav SharmaIt has been often repeated that one cries onjoining the <strong>Scindia</strong> <strong>School</strong> and weeps when heleaves. Believe me it’s only now that Iunderstand the exact meaning of these words.Vaibhav AgarwalThis place is just amazing. It gives you yourown space to evolve the way you like. I just cannot find enough words to express how I feelwhen I finally have to leave.Prakhar AgarwalStanding at the end and looking back I havemixed feelings. On the one hand I am extremelysad as I have to leave this wonderful placewhich I will deeply miss. On the other hand Iam excited to enter the outside world and thelife that awaits me there.Prakhar RastogiStanding at the threshold of my school life todayI know that the moments that I have spent herewill be cherished throughout my life. Each andevery aspect of life here was truly rewardingand fulfilling. I am really going to miss eachand every thing of this place which helps tobring out the best in a personChirag SethiAfter having been here for so many years Iknow that I’ll miss school a lot after I’ve left. Ican remember each moment that I have spenthere. I wish I was at the beginning of thisjourney and not the end. For me each andeverything that is present here is a symbol ofone thing or another. One can never ever feelalone here.Abhigyan BhowmickI knew that one day I’d have to leave the schoolwhich was like a second home to me. I’daccepted the inevitability of this day long timeback so today I am neither happy nor sad aboutit. I’ve spent wonderful moments here and amall set to march triumphantly on the long roadwhich lies in front of me.Tanuj GuptaAll these years have gone by so fast it seems asif I’m leaving it a bit too soon. I will alwayscome for Founder’s day.Raj Naveen MaheshwariI am going through a curious mix of emotions.It’s as ironical as a cry of joy. I still rememberthe day my parents left me in the junior school.Suddenly I realised that I was on my own.<strong>Scindia</strong> is just like an escalator. It keeps onadvancing forwards. It is development.Everyone benefits from the growth but the realgainers are those who walk on it.Aditya AkashI loved taking the Saturday morning assembly.That shall remain one of my most cherishedmoments.Sohm BuchasiaI’ll miss this place a lot. Whatever I am todaythe credit of it all goes to the <strong>School</strong>. I reallyfeel sad that once I leave the <strong>School</strong> I’ll not beable to meet my batchmates.Raunak JainIt has been five years in this school and I haveenjoyed some great moments here. <strong>The</strong>re werea few ups and downs but now that the time hascome to leave everything seems good. I amreally going to miss the school, my batchmatesand all those who have helped me, especiallythe Jayaji house which has changed me in andout.Sohiljeet SinghJoined school on 8th July 2002.Leaving school on 21st <strong>March</strong> <strong>2009</strong>.Whether we win or lose <strong>Scindia</strong> teaches us toplay with true sportsmanship every year.Shubham BansalI spent the seven most vital years of my lifehere. I grew up in a place away from home yetwhich became as dear to me as my real home.I will miss these days and cherish the memoriesthroughout my life. Maybe when I come backafter twenty five years just like my dad I too willsay, “Oh! <strong>The</strong> good old days.”Mahaksh SinghI am excited about leaving school because Iwant to face the challenges in the outer worldfor which I have been prepared here.Lochanam AgarwalI thank my batchmates for making my life soenjoyable here. On my subsequent visits as anold boy the places I’d like to visit are Astachaland A.C. (Sciencies I hope you guysunderstand)Ramith Jeev Sahni MerchantI consider myself lucky that I was grantedadmission here. Thank you <strong>Scindia</strong>! When Ientered this great institution I was an immaturechild and now I am leaving it as a responsibleand mature adult. Twenty five years from nowwhen I come here for the Old Boys’ Day thefirst place I’d like to visit would be the library.Mohd. Babar Ali Khan

pg 03Burning Pictures<strong>The</strong>se pictures are so emptyBurning memories of yesterdayThousands of words for all to hearNot one to light the way.And your thoughts are slowly fadingYour hand has since been maimedAnd the tears that were never criedAre aching to be given awayMy love has been singingA sorry serenade from ages passedA mirror showed you who I wasYou’re the puzzle within the glassBroken pieces are disappointingWith each drop of blood stained soulIf I asked you to put them togetherWould you want to make me whole?In every end that detonatesIn every willing wayWould you reap the hate I’ve sown for you?And rap it everyday?And if I asked to be wantedA perfect pose for the brightest flashWould you take a final picture?And love me before it passed?Would you mend that perfect mirror?By sending me away?<strong>The</strong>se pictures are so emptyYour light is just an endingMy reflection is only findingBurning memories of yesterday.Ritwik Sharma, X BDay to Day we only say, we get up,both study and play!And in the night or in the day,<strong>The</strong>re is one thing that we pray.Pray for one thing, to keep problems away!Play with mud, Play with clay,Day to DayAs I look backJust this morning, one person asked me whichClass I belonged to. I calmly replied XI. Afterthe person had gone away, I sat down to think.I have only one year left at school. Yes, I knowit is not the time for me to get nostalgic whenit’s actually Class XII which has just fifteen daysto go. But it still makes me uncomfortable tothink of permanently leaving a place that isnow my home.It seems like yesterday when I had come toschool in Class VIII, as a new boy and today Iam very close to the day when I’ll be passingout from this school. To divert myself fromthese thoughts, I decided to go for a walk. Itdidn’t really help as walking down the ‘AmarJeevan Path’ reminded me of the time gone by.I remembered how this road had seemed soalien to me when I came to the Principal’sresidence for the tea party in Class VIII.Memories of the old Jeevaji house flooded me.Everything I had done there came gushingback to me but I pushed those thoughts awayand moved forward.I see the present batch of Class XII soaking inall the beautiful moments in these last few daysof their stay in school. I completely understandtheir feelings and I stand counting my daysdown to the sad day when I will bid goodbye tomy home SCINDIA!Tarang Tripathi, XI ELife is gull of ‘ask and say’All there is- Can? What? Why? Or May?Don’t get bothered on what to say,Don’t take tension and live a happy day.Anmol D. Singh, VIII DOLD BOYS’ NEWSAmlan Bhattacharya (Ex Sh) who passed out after Class X in 2003 visited the <strong>School</strong>. He ispresently pursuing final year computer science from BITS Pilani Goa. He has also completedpost graduation in Mathematics from the same institute.Contact: Amlan BhattacharjyaAH-4, Room no. 348BITS, Pilani - Goa CampusNational Highway - 17BZuarinagarGOA - 403726Mobile - +919823745461Our heartiest congratulations to Mr and Mrs Shinde on the marriage of their daughterGarima (Ex Ja, batch of 2000) to Manas on February, 26th February. We wish the newlymarried couple a long and happy married life.Vikram Misri (Ex Sh, batch of 1981) is currently serving as deputy High Commissioner to SriLanka.QuizSpotlight on Space<strong>March</strong> 15, <strong>2009</strong> | Number : 908THE SCINDIA SCHOOL REVIEW ’091. Who discovered the appearance of Hailey’sComet?2. What is it that can suck light?3. Which is the nearest Galaxy to the earth?4. Which was the space shuttle which blastedwithin seconds of take off?5. How thick is the Milky Way?6. Which galaxy is called an egg galaxy?7. Which is the brightest star?8. Which is the biggest Asteroid?9. What is the sun’s age?10. Which planet rotates the fastest?<strong>The</strong> answers will come in the next issue.Rohan Khandelwal, VII AAnswers to Quiz of 1st <strong>March</strong> :1. Horse racing(Royal Western India Turf Club)2. Unchained Melody3. Vermicelli4. Genealogy5. On a fork; it is a prong of the fork6. Red Adair7. Finnish and Swedish8. Indonesia9. Vietnam War10. <strong>The</strong> DragonEditor’s note :Please submit your answers to Nishant Ranaat the earliest. <strong>The</strong> first all-correct entry willwin a chocolate.OPINION POLLWould you have the courage toparticipate in a reality show like‘Roadies’ ?16%No14%Can’tSay70%YesNumber of students who voted : 160QUOTE :Goodbyes are not forever.Goodbyes are not the end.<strong>The</strong>y simply mean I’ll miss youUntil we meet again!— Author UnknownDID YOU KNOW ?u Your stomach has to produce a new layerof mucus every two weeks or it will digestitself.u Chewing gum while peeling onions will keepyou from crying.u Celery has negative calories. It takes morecalories to eat a piece of celery than thecelery has in it to begin with.u Men can read smaller print then womencan; women can hear better.u It is impossible to lick your elbow.u <strong>The</strong> State with the highest percentage ofpeople who walk to work: Alaskau <strong>The</strong> average number of people airborneover the US any given hour: 61,000u Intelligent people have more zinc andcopper in their hair.u If a statue in the park of a person on ahorse has both front legs in the air, theperson died in battle. If the horse has onefront leg in the air the person died as aresult of wounds received in battle. If thehorse has all four legs on the ground, theperson died of natural causes.u <strong>The</strong> dot over the letter “i” is called a tittle.u Because metal was scarce, the Oscars givenout during World War II were made ofwood.u <strong>The</strong> number of possible ways of playing thefirst four moves per side in a game of chessis 318,979,564,000.u <strong>The</strong>re are no words in the dictionary thatrhyme with orange, purple and silver.Nimish Pahuja, VIII ATechno News :Cinemizer plusCarl Zeiss announces the updated version ofits ZEISS Cinemizer video eyewear calledCinemizer plus.<strong>The</strong> new Cinemizer offers high-resolution LCDscreens .When viewed from a distance of 6 feetit appears as a virtual 45-inch screen as theresulting images are optically tuned.This latest version also lets you plug in thirdpartyheadphones. <strong>The</strong> eyewear is equippedwith 3D mode for viewing 3D content.<strong>The</strong> made for iPod certification makes itcompatible with all Apple iPods video as wellas also iPhone/iPhone3G.<strong>The</strong> price is not yet announced.Tuhin Pandey, IX D

<strong>March</strong> 15, <strong>2009</strong> | Number : 908THE SCINDIA SCHOOL REVIEW ’09 pg 04Religion is the root cause of terrorismFORIf there was no religion then there would beno terrorists and no people fighting in thename of God. Why do people fight in the nameof religion? It is only because they think thattheir religious beliefs are getting jeopardizedby the followers of some other faith. This leadsthem to resort to extreme cases of violencelike riots and mindless bombings in which100’s of people die. <strong>The</strong> conflictsbetween Hindus and Muslims are wrecking thesocial fabric of India. Similar instances ofreligious intolerance can be found in othercommunities and countries too. People shouldget over narrow considerations of community,society or religion and consider themselveshumans above anything else.Terrorism is affecting normal life andspreading fear in the hearts of common folk.<strong>The</strong> terrorists are not aliens. <strong>The</strong>y too areordinary men like us. <strong>The</strong>n what is it that incitesthem to resort to such extreme cases ofviolence. Some of the reasons I feel could bepoverty, lack of education, abused childhoodthat results in anti social behaviour when theyAGAINSTTerrorism often appears to be motivated byreligion. We are constantly bombarded byimages of people committing atrocities onbehalf of their God. This in my opinion is highlyparadoxical. All religions teach that divinity ispresent in all forms of life, so to destroy life isto destroy that which is divine. How then canreligion be a factor in a terrorist’s motivationfor killing?Terrorism is the name given to any act of warwhich is unjustified in the eyes of theinternational community. No religion justifiesmass-murder in its teachings. No religion saysthat we should kill or murder people. <strong>The</strong>seare just cowardly acts hidden behind thefacade of religion.Religion should not be considered as a causefor terrorism because it is the actually thepeople behind the religion who decide how toact in its name. We have to remember that allreligions have one imperfect aspect - Humans.It is humans who choose to participate in suchdiabolic acts, not the religion to which theybelong. <strong>The</strong> only connection that religion haswith terrorism is that it is the vehicle of thosewho have a political agenda.grow. A very important role is also played bythe wrong teaching of religious beliefs.<strong>The</strong> Muslim fundamentalists in Kashmir wantto separate from India and are getting helpfrom Pakistan in such activities. <strong>The</strong>y areindulging in the most gruesome acts of terror.Should such mindless massacre be allowed inthe name of religion? One can find extremistsand separatists in different parts of the countryall working for this so called independenceand they try and justify these nefarious activitiesin the name of religion.I truly believe that the actual cause is the lackof education, orthodox religious beliefsand unemployment. If people have a job andfamilies to look after, will they have the timeand inclination to become terrorists? <strong>The</strong>ywould mind their own business. Those whohave no work imagine they have been wrongedand behave irresponsibly and indulge interrorist activities. Terrorism is spread of terroror fear by people who believe it is the mosteffective tool for sending a message about theirTerrorists have no religion. <strong>The</strong>y have an aim,an agenda. Apart from the Pakistan sponsoredterror groups, the vast majority of them arenon-Muslim. Sri Lanka’s LTTE, made up largelyof Tamil fighters, is a ruthless guerrilla forceand peace is a far cry for Sri Lanka. Even CentralIndia’s naxalite militant groups or those in theNorth-East are largely of ethnic domination andreligion is not their calling. So terrorists aremade but religion is not the foundation. <strong>The</strong>yare formed and developed using religion asthe hammer to drive the nails of extremehatred, which is a strong motivator.When religion is twisted and skewed to preachthat hating those who do not believe as you dois correct then it is not the religion itself butthose that peddle hate that create terrorists.How else could you convince anyone thatbecoming a suicide bomber is the right thingto do? <strong>The</strong> use of eternal reward, which is abasis of many religions, is skewed to the pointthat sacrificing oneself in the cause isglorification of their God and self.Faith brings hope, joy, happiness, a onenesswith the universe. <strong>The</strong> so-calledown cause and belief. <strong>The</strong>se people would goto any length to prove what they believe in.People fall prey to blind faith or fanatics due tolack of awareness which results from absenceof education. Sometimes people join thebandwagon for overcoming poverty as they arepromised financial gains. Still further there arepeople who would do such an act for the sheerpleasure of adventure or experiment, or justto try and see the effect.Terrorism which has its roots in religion ismore difficult to combat as most perpetratorshave been brain washed thereby making themmore dangerous. <strong>The</strong>y are so blinded by theglare of religion that very easily they can bemade into a pawn to serve the nefariousdesigns of other vested interests.<strong>The</strong>re can be little doubt that today’s brand ofterrorism is about religion.Terrorists are born due to dissatisfaction,corruption nourishes them but it is orthodoxreligious beliefs which give them the fire whichsoon turns into a destructive conflagration.fundamentalists (’extremist’ is a much moreaccurate term) see themselves as truebelievers, yet they are always the ones who missthe fundamental concepts of their religions. Ifspreading fear and controlling people’s viewsare at the very heart of religion, then it is easyto see why bigotry is so common in modernsocieties? We are quick to accept the religioussmokescreen which hides the agenda ofterrorists. This acceptance is rather worrying.Why? Because this allows us to think that peopleof the same religion, which the terrorists claimto believe in, are dangerous too…… whichin turn creates an atmosphere of distrust. Thisgives people with extremist beliefs moreammunition for trying to justify terrorist attacks.In this way the perceived link between terrorismand religion causes terrorism to be selfperpetuating.Terrorism is rampant in the world today. It istime to stop focusing on religion as the rootand recognize its true nature. It is only byproperly identifying the beast, that we can beginto tame it.Mohd. Taha Khan, IX APublished by : <strong>The</strong> Principal, <strong>Scindia</strong> <strong>School</strong>, Gwalior Plates by : Mr Dinesh SiriahStaff Editors : Ms Puja Pant, Dr B.S. Bhakuni, Ms Raksha Siriah Technical Support : Mr Jitendra JawaleEditor-in-Chief : Nishant Rana Printed by : Deepak Screen and Offset Printers (P) Ltd., GwaliorSenior Editors : Prithvi Khanna, Vaibhav Aggarwal, Tarang TripathiAsociate Editors : Rishabh Jain, Ujjaval Agarwal, Kartikeya Bhargava, Tuhin Pandey, URL : www.scindia.eduYashraj Nain, Shashank Singh, Swarn Sadana, Taha Khan OLD BOYS’ SITE : www.scindiaoldboys.comArt Editor : Ojasvi Singh <strong>March</strong> 15, <strong>2009</strong> | WPP : Regn.No.Gwl.Dn.11Correspondents : Ronit Borpujari, Nimish Pahuja, Prateek Bhalotia, Feedback : review@scindia.eduAditya Sharma, Manas Pant, Sansrisht Bhatia Price : Re. 1If undelivered, please return to : <strong>The</strong> <strong>Scindia</strong> <strong>School</strong>, Fort, Gwalior - 474 008 (M.P.)gm¢gm {Xdggodm _mZd H$m gma h¡,godm _mZd H$m hma Ÿ&godm H$aZm h¡ nwÊ` _hm,godm gÀMm ì`dhma Ÿ&qg{Y`m ñHy$b g_mO godm g§K {nN>boN>… XeH$m| go AnZo H$V©ì` H$m {Zdm©h H$aVohþE g_mO H$mo EH$ ZB© grI Ed§ àoaUm àXmZH$a ahm h¡ Ÿ& g§K H$m EH$_mÌ CX²Xoí` Jar~,µOê$aV_§X Ed§ A{e{jVm| H$mo ghm`Vm àXmZH$aZm h¡ Ÿ&ha df© H$s ^m±{V Bg df© ^r a{ddma 8\$adar <strong>2009</strong> H$mo àmMm`© lr EZ.Ho$. Vodm‹S>rHo$ _mJ©-Xe©Z VWm S>m°. ~r.Eg. ^mHw$Zr Ho$g§MmbZ _| gm¡§gm {Xdg Am`mo{OV {H$`m J`mŸ&Bg ew^ Adga na {ejm {d^mJ ½dm{b`a Ho$ghm`H$ g§MmbH$ lr XrnH$ nmÊS>o` _w»`A{V{W Ho$ ê$n _| CnpñWV Wo Ÿ& Bg {Xdg Ho$Adga na N>mÌm| Ho$ {bE 100 _rQ>a H$s Xm¡‹S>,~moam Xm¡‹S>, b§~r Hy$X, D±$Mr Hy$X, H$~S²>S>r VWmañgm H$ñgr Am{X à{V`mo{JVmE± VWm N>mÌmAm|Ho$ {bE añgr Hy$X, _Q>H$m Xm¡‹S>, VrZ Q>m±J H$sXm¡‹S>, b§~r Hy$X, D±$Mr Hy$X, H$~S²>S>r VWmañgm H$ñgr Am{X à{V`mo{JVmE± Am`mo{OVŸH$s JBª &Cn`©wŠV à{V`mo{JVmAm| Ho$ Abmdm`wdH$m| Ho$ {bE 2 {H$bmo_rQ>a H$s Xm¡‹S>, Jmobm\|$H$ Ed§ Yr_r gmB{H$b MbmZm VWm _{hbmAm|Ho$ {bE _Q>H$m Xm¡‹S>, Må_M Xm¡‹S> VWm gwB©-YmJm Xm¡‹S> Am{X à{V`mo{JVmE± Am`mo{OV H$sJBª Ÿ& EH$ Am¡a {deof à{V`mo{JVm d¥Õm| Ho$ {bE50 _rQ>a H$s Xm¡‹S> Am`mo{OV H$s JB© Omo Xe©H$m|Ho$ {bE EH$ {deof AmH©$fU H$m Ho$ÝÐ Wr & Bgà{V`mo{JVm _| gÎma gmb go D$na Ho$ H$B© d¥Õm|Zo ~‹T>-M‹T>H$a ^mJ {b`m Ÿ& Bg Adga naA{YH$ go A{YH$ g§»`m _| Amg-nmg Ho$ Jm±dHo$ bmoJ Ed§ ñHy$br N>mÌ-N>mÌmE± CnpñWV Wo Ÿ&à{V`mo{JVmAm| Ho$ g§nÞ hmoZo Ho$ ~mXàmMm`© lr EZ.Ho$. 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