OXFORD HOUSE - North Carolina Department of Corrections

OXFORD HOUSE - North Carolina Department of Corrections

OXFORD HOUSE - North Carolina Department of Corrections

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<strong>OXFORD</strong> <strong>HOUSE</strong>THE SELF-HELPSOLUTION TO DRUG ANDALCOHOLREHABILITATIONHERE is WHO I AM AND IAM A SUBSTANCE ABUSER» Admitting the problem is the First step in Drug andAlcohol Rehabilitation. Programs such as AlcoholicsAnonymous and Narcotics Anonymous <strong>of</strong>fer initialsupport.» Some individuals choose detoxification or a 28 dayRehabilitation — if they can find or afford theseservices.» In many cases, individuals detoxify in criminalcustody.I'VE BEEN SOBER FOR 28 DAYS,NOW WHAT???» Most substance abusers in need <strong>of</strong> rehabilitationhave created a lifestyle based on their substancefixation; and it results in isolation from reality.« Once detoxified, individuals are forced to face areality that in most cases will not fit; and it leads torelapse.» Recovering individuals need balance: a supportsystem without creating a dependent situation.» What sort <strong>of</strong> rehabilitation facility exists that is goingto create this self-help support system that isneeded for a successful recovery? Look no further...

<strong>OXFORD</strong> <strong>HOUSE</strong>HOUSING, FELLOWSHIP, SELF-RELIANCE, SELF RESPECT, ANDMUTUAL SUPPORT FORRECOVERING INDIVIDUALSWHAT MAKES <strong>OXFORD</strong><strong>HOUSE</strong> DIFFERENT?THE <strong>OXFORD</strong> <strong>HOUSE</strong> MODEL, SUPERIOR RESULTSFOR THIRTY YEARS» The house must be democratically self-run» The house membership is responsible for allhousehold expenses» The house must immediately expel any memberwho uses alcohol or drugs.TELL ME MORE..* Oxford House started with one house in Silver Spring, Marylandin 1975.* They have since spread throughout the world and there arenow 1,123 houses.* People can live in an Oxford House as long as they are drugand alcohol free and contribute to House solidarity whichincludes an equal amount <strong>of</strong> the household expenses.* Residents stay as long as they think they need Oxford House.Residents move on when they believe it is the "right thing todo".* Houses available to both men and women, and women withchildren.

WHY IS MY INVESTMENTGOING TO BE WORTH IT?<strong>OXFORD</strong> <strong>HOUSE</strong> RESIDENTS ARE MORESUCCESSFULOther privately run substance abuse rehabilitation facilities andgovernment mandated programs yield a major difference insuccess rate <strong>of</strong> their patients.- 20% success according to Dr. George E. Valiant, (NaturalHistory <strong>of</strong> Alcoholism Revisited Harvard University PressCambridge, 1995, P.300)In Contrast two studies released at the annual meeting <strong>of</strong> theAmerican Psychological Association in Washington, D.C., Aug.18, 2005 and conducted by a team <strong>of</strong> researchers at DePaulUniversity's Center for Community Research (CCR) concludethat recovering substance abusers who live together in selfgovernedOxford Houses attain a phenomenal abstinence rate<strong>of</strong> 65 to 87 percent, This is in contrast to published evidencethat a majority <strong>of</strong> substance abusers rdapse after treatment.GROUP HOME LIVING INFRIENDLY NEIGHBORHOODSWHERE ARE <strong>OXFORD</strong> <strong>HOUSE</strong>S LOCATED?» Oxford Houses are situated in prosperous,friendly neighborhoods throughout the nation.» Houses located in 40 states includingWashington, DC. Worldwide in Canada andAustralia.<strong>OXFORD</strong> <strong>HOUSE</strong>S AROUNDTHE COUNTRYNumber <strong>of</strong> HoMBM Per SJBI*1-10 ° 11-Z8 • 0*1 = «-T5 = 7«-1M> ' Ov»r 10O °

WHERE DO <strong>OXFORD</strong> <strong>HOUSE</strong>RESIDENTS COME FROM?DIVERSITY IN PRIOR RESIDENCE AND HOUSING**«ApartmeolOwnedHouseRentedHouseRantedRoomJail/Prism*HallwayHouseHomeless34IB132602633.3183'"1924110.3'2457.715-4ii-218.216. 13431949IG-l4.56.732.218 j15.614-849.634.09.617-016-33.012.633.,14411 J13.8638.8# This chart displaysthe prior residence24.2 <strong>of</strong> individualsentering Oxford242 \ Houses. Diversity <strong>of</strong>Geography.21-23«15.2.j * But for an OxfordHouse many <strong>of</strong>these individualswould likely return toone <strong>of</strong> these places -an almost certainrecipe for relapse.COST TO YOUR STATE« Many Oxford House residents' last address was a penal facility.• States spend significant amounts to fund inmates every year.Examples per inmate are:- <strong>North</strong> <strong>Carolina</strong>: $24,016- Texas: $19,071.25- Louisiana: $17,144» With Oxford House inmate cost is reduced dramatically.• State contribution for each Oxford House resident averages$326.37 a year.<strong>OXFORD</strong> <strong>HOUSE</strong> - ANINVESTMENT NOT AN EXPENSE' t Oxford House <strong>of</strong>fers a dramatic reduction in cost.• Because Oxford House has superior outcomes, a burdensomecost is converted to a productive investment.

Oxford House Criminal JusticeInitiative Pilot Projectin <strong>North</strong> <strong>Carolina</strong>« Our purpose is to assist inmates insuccessfully transitioning fromincarceration to becoming responsibleand productive members <strong>of</strong> societythrough a partnership with the NC<strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong> Correction, NC<strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong> Health and HumanServices and all other availablecommunity resources.Our Plan <strong>of</strong> Action In <strong>North</strong><strong>Carolina</strong>To mentor re-entering individuals byarranging for house interviews, assistingthem in getting established in an OxfordHouse, and providing assistance withobtaining necessary community services toensure their successful transition.» To educate individuals and institutions on theOxford House model and the value <strong>of</strong> OxfordHouse living through orientation seminars atvarious <strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Corrections</strong> Facilitiesand Criminal Justice Programs.First Year Data* Criminal Justice outreach staff hasinterviewed 65 and placed 36 men andwomen in Oxford Houses. Staff andOxford House Volunteers have providedvarious needs when requested by ex<strong>of</strong>fenderentering the Oxford House. Staffand/or Oxford House Volunteers call orhave face to face contact weekly with eachex-<strong>of</strong>fender.

ISummary» Placed« Raleigh» Garner» Greensboro» Durham» Cary« Charlotte» Morganton« SraithfieldOf DataFor First Year36 * Average Age 3916 « Males 304 « Females 63 » Caucasian 165 » African American 20151!19Program ActivitiesMet with DOC Research & Planning staff regularly to discuss thestatus <strong>of</strong> the program.Programs have been established at the following correctional facilities:Wake CorrectionalRCCWCentral PrisonNCCIWEvergreenWayne CorrectionalDart CherryAvery MitchellCharlotte CorrectionalJohnston Count}' CorrectionalTyrell CorrectionalRe-Entry Needs* All needed some type <strong>of</strong> support servicessuch as: Transportation, Drivers License,Mental Health Services, and Assistancewith finding employment, Food, HouseholdItems, Clothing, and Assistance to 12 StepMeetings,

Preliminary DataSecond Year* Over 135 inmates screened* Placed over 70 men and women into OxfordHouses across <strong>North</strong> <strong>Carolina</strong>.« Individuals have lived clean and sober inOxford House for up to 15 months as <strong>of</strong>April 2007.Factors To Be Considered InScreening Potential Clients:» Is the individual willing and able to live in ashared housing arrangement?Has the individual shown reasonable behavior intheir present setting?» Has the individual expressed a determination tosucceed in his/her own recovery and is he/shedetermined for recovery?» Does the individual have a recovery plan whenhe/she is released?» Is the individual employable?INVESTMENT IN <strong>OXFORD</strong> <strong>HOUSE</strong>is AN INVESTMENT IN THE FUTUREOF A PROSPEROUS SOCIETY» The cost to society <strong>of</strong>drug and alcoholaddiction is measuredin both dollars andhuman misery. Statefunding <strong>of</strong> OxfordHouse, Inc. is aninvestment to helpdramatically reducethose costs. We al! seethe cost and feel themisery. Through OxfordHouse we are helpingto solve both.

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