Botany - Solapur University

Botany - Solapur University Botany - Solapur University
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SEMESTER IVPaper -VIIPLANT PHYSIOLOGY1. Mineral nutrition 051.1 Role of Minerals:Criteria of essentiality of elements,Role of macro (P, K, Ca) and micro (Fe, Mn) elements,1.2 Mineral – nutrient uptake6A) Passive uptake – Diffusion, Cation exchange, Donon equilibriumB) Active uptake – Role of cell membranes, Carrier mediated uptake,Phospholipids hypothesis2 Photosynthesis: 102.1 Introduction and significance2.2 Photosynthetic apparatus2.3 Photosynthetic pigments, accessory pigmentsPhotosystems – reaction center complexesPhotochemical reactionsEmerson enhancement effect.Electron transport pathway in chloroplast membrane.Photophosphorylation2.4 Dark reactionsCalvin cycleC4 cycleCAM3 Transport of organic substances (Phloem Transport) 043.1 Definition of Symplastic transport3.2 Phloem loading and unloading3.3 Mechanism of translocation in phloem (in brief),Mass flow hypothesis,3.4 Source sink relationship:Assimilate partitioning –a. During vegetative phaseb. During reproductive phase

74 Respiration: 064.1 Introduction4.2 Structure of Mitochondrion4.3 Glycolysis4.4 Decarboxylation – Conversion of pyruvate to Acetyl Co-A4.5 TCA cycle4.6 ETS in mitochondria4.7 Oxidative phosphorylation5 Nitrogen metabolism 055.1 Introduction5.2 Nitrogen cycle5.3 Biological N 2 fixation – Definition, types & organisms involved5.4 Mechanism of Biological Nitrogen fixation5.5 Significance of Biological Nitrogen fixation.6 Growth. 106.1 Introduction6.2 Phases of growth6.3 Grand period of Growth6.4 Reproductive growtha. Photoperiodism – physiology of floweringb. Florigen conceptc. Vernalization6.5 Phytohormones.Discovery, chemical nature & practical applications –i) Auxins (IAA) ii) GibberellinsIii) Cytokinins IV) Ethylene V) Abscissic acid

SEMESTER IVPaper -VIIPLANT PHYSIOLOGY1. Mineral nutrition 051.1 Role of Minerals:Criteria of essentiality of elements,Role of macro (P, K, Ca) and micro (Fe, Mn) elements,1.2 Mineral – nutrient uptake6A) Passive uptake – Diffusion, Cation exchange, Donon equilibriumB) Active uptake – Role of cell membranes, Carrier mediated uptake,Phospholipids hypothesis2 Photosynthesis: 102.1 Introduction and significance2.2 Photosynthetic apparatus2.3 Photosynthetic pigments, accessory pigmentsPhotosystems – reaction center complexesPhotochemical reactionsEmerson enhancement effect.Electron transport pathway in chloroplast membrane.Photophosphorylation2.4 Dark reactionsCalvin cycleC4 cycleCAM3 Transport of organic substances (Phloem Transport) 043.1 Definition of Symplastic transport3.2 Phloem loading and unloading3.3 Mechanism of translocation in phloem (in brief),Mass flow hypothesis,3.4 Source sink relationship:Assimilate partitioning –a. During vegetative phaseb. During reproductive phase

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