Botany - Solapur University

Botany - Solapur University Botany - Solapur University
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45.3 Periderm, Lenticels and Annual rings.5.4 Basic structure of wood and its types.6 Anomalous secondary growth 076.1 General account6.2 Anomalous secondary growth in Bignonia and Dracaena stemPaper-VIPLANT ECOLOGY1 Introduction 031.1 Holocoenotic nature of environment1.2 Climatic factors1.3 Edaphic factors1.4 Water as a factor1.5 Ecological amplitude2 Population ecology 062.1 Concept2.2 Density2.3 Natality and Mortality2.4 Age distribution of population2.5 Carrying capacity – Brief account2.6 Population Regulation: -By abiotic Factors – nutrients, moisture, food availability.By biotic Factors – competition, predation, density3 Community ecology 043.1 Introduction3.2 The form and structure of communities3.3 Classification3.4 Physiognomy3.5 Community characteristics3.6 Concept of species diversity –α, β and γ

54 Ecosystems 084.1 Introduction4.2 Concept and types4.3 Components and Organization4.4 Biogeochemical cycles – Nitrogen, Oxygen, Carbon, Hydrologic, Sulphur &Phosphorus4.5 Trophic organizations – ecological pyramids, food chains,Different types of food chains.4.6 Trophic organizationsAutotrophy, Heterotrophy, Decomposers.Ecosystem productivity – Primary, Secondary, Gross, NetEnergy flow in ecosystem,5 Ecological adaptations 065.1 Concept5.2 Xeric, Hydric and Mesic adaptations5.3 Adaptations in relation to soil5.4 Ecads, Ecotypes and Ecoclines5.5 Adaptive significance of photosynthetic pathways6 Ecological Succession 056.1 Concept and process6.2 Primary and Secondary succession6.3 Hydrosere and xerosere7 Plant indicators 037.1 Plants as indicators7.2 Role of indicators in environmental monitoring8 Phytogeography 058.1 General principles8.2 Phytogeographical regions of India(As per Chatterjee and Mani)

54 Ecosystems 084.1 Introduction4.2 Concept and types4.3 Components and Organization4.4 Biogeochemical cycles – Nitrogen, Oxygen, Carbon, Hydrologic, Sulphur &Phosphorus4.5 Trophic organizations – ecological pyramids, food chains,Different types of food chains.4.6 Trophic organizationsAutotrophy, Heterotrophy, Decomposers.Ecosystem productivity – Primary, Secondary, Gross, NetEnergy flow in ecosystem,5 Ecological adaptations 065.1 Concept5.2 Xeric, Hydric and Mesic adaptations5.3 Adaptations in relation to soil5.4 Ecads, Ecotypes and Ecoclines5.5 Adaptive significance of photosynthetic pathways6 Ecological Succession 056.1 Concept and process6.2 Primary and Secondary succession6.3 Hydrosere and xerosere7 Plant indicators 037.1 Plants as indicators7.2 Role of indicators in environmental monitoring8 Phytogeography 058.1 General principles8.2 Phytogeographical regions of India(As per Chatterjee and Mani)

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