[PDF] Directory - Aetna Medicare

[PDF] Directory - Aetna Medicare [PDF] Directory - Aetna Medicare

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■ We do not encourage denials of coverage. In fact,our utilization review staff is trained to focus on therisks of members not adequately using certainservices.Where such use is appropriate, our UtilizationReview/Patient Management staff uses nationallyrecognized guidelines and resources, such as TheMilliman Care Guidelines ® to guide theprecertification, concurrent review and retrospectivereview processes. To the extent certain UtilizationReview/Patient Management functions are delegatedto IDSs, IPAs or other provider groups ("Delegates"),such Delegates utilize criteria that they deemappropriate. Utilization Review/Patient Managementpolicies may be modified to comply with applicablestate law.Only medical directors make decisions denyingcoverage for services for reasons of medical necessity.Coverage denial letters for such decisions delineateany unmet criteria, standards and guidelines, andinform the provider and you of the appeal process.For more information concerning utilizationmanagement, you may request a free copy of thecriteria we use to make specific coverage decisions bycontacting Member Services.You may also visitwww.aetna.com/about/cov_det_policies.html tofind our Clinical Policy Bulletins and some utilizationreview policies. Doctors or health care professionalswho have questions about your coverage can write orcall our Patient Management department. The addressand phone number are on your ID card.Concurrent ReviewThe concurrent review process assesses the necessityfor continued stay, level of care, and quality of care formembers receiving inpatient services. All inpatientservices extending beyond the initial certificationperiod will require concurrent review.Discharge PlanningDischarge planning may be initiated at any stage ofthe patient management process and beginsimmediately upon identification of post-dischargeneeds during precertification or concurrent review. Thedischarge plan may include initiation of a variety ofservices/benefits to be utilized by you upon dischargefrom an inpatient stay.Retrospective Record ReviewThe purpose of retrospective review is toretrospectively analyze potential quality and utilizationissues, initiate appropriate follow-up action based onquality or utilization issues, and review all appeals ofinpatient concurrent review decisions for coverage ofhealth care services. Aetna's effort to manage theservices provided to you includes the retrospectivereview of claims submitted for payment, and ofmedical records submitted for potential quality andutilization concerns.Medicare Advantage Grievance ProcessAetna is committed to addressing members' coverageissues, complaints and problems. If you have acoverage issue or other problem, call Member Servicesat the toll-free number on your ID card. You can alsocontact Member Services through the Internet atwww.aetnamedicare.com. If Member Services isunable to resolve your issue to your satisfaction, youcan request that your concern be forwarded to theMedicare grievance unit, or you may write to theaddress in your area listed in the Evidence ofCoverage.If your issue is regarding a denial of a claim ordenial of coverage for a health care service,please refer to the Medicare Advantage AppealsRights below for more information.Medicare Advantage Appeal RightsAs a member of an Aetna Medicare Advantage plan,you have the right to appeal any decision resulting inAetna's failure to provide coverage for or pay for whatyou believe are covered benefits and services. Theseinclude:■ Reimbursement for coverage of emergency orurgently needed services, or out-of-area dialysisservices.■ A denied claim for coverage of health care servicesthat you believe should have been reimbursed byAetna.VIII

■ Coverage for an item or service that you have notreceived but which you believe should be covered.Any decision to discharge you from the hospital ifyou believe it is too early to do so. (Note: In thiscase, a notice will be given to you with informationabout how to appeal to a Medicare QualityImprovement Organization (QIO). You will remain inthe hospital while the QIO immediately reviews thedecision. You will not be held liable for chargesincurred during this period regardless of theoutcome of the review. Refer to your Evidence ofCoverage for the QIO in your area.)■ Reduction or terminations of coverage for whatyou feel are medically necessary covered services.Aetna has a Medicare Advantage Standard AppealsProcess and a Medicare Advantage Expedited AppealsProcess. Following is a general explanation of theseimportant processes.Assistance With AppealsIf you need assistance understanding or following theMedicare Advantage Appeals Process, you can getassistance from a friend, lawyer or someone else.There are also groups, such as legal aid services thatcan help you find a lawyer or give you free legalservices, if you qualify.You may appoint an individual to act as yourauthorized representative by following the stepsbelow:■ The individual can be a relative, provider, friend orsomeone else. (Note: A physician may request anexpedited appeal on your behalf without beingappointed as your representative.)■ Give us your name, your Medicare claim number,Medicare identification number and a writtenstatement that appoints an individual as yourrepresentative. For example, the followingstatement will suffice as an appointment ofrepresentative: "I {your name} appoint {name ofrepresentative} to act as my authorizedrepresentative in requesting an appeal from Aetnaregarding denial of coverage for requested servicesand/or payment."■ You must sign and date the statement.■■Your representative must also sign and date thestatement unless he/she is an attorney.Include the signed statement with your request.Medicare Advantage Standard AppealsProcessAetna must notify you in writing of any decision(partial or complete) to deny a claim or service. Thenotice must state the reasons for the denial and alsomust inform you of your right to file an appeal. If youdecide to proceed with the Medicare AdvantageStandard Appeals Process, the following steps willoccur:1. You must submit a written request forreconsideration to Aetna. Please refer to theEvidence of Coverage for the appropriate addressin your area. You must submit your written requestwithin sixty (60) calendar days of the date of thenotice of the initial decision. The sixty (60) day limitmay be extended for good cause. Please include inyour written request the reason you could not filewithin the sixty (60) day time frame.2. Aetna will conduct the reconsideration and notifyyou in writing of the decision, using the followingtime frames:■ Request for Services: If the appeal is for a deniedservice, we must notify you of the reconsidereddecision as expeditiously as your health requires,but no later than thirty (30) calendar days fromreceipt of your request. We may extend thistime frame by up to fourteen (14) calendar daysif you request the extension or if we needadditional information and the extension of timebenefits you.■ Request for Payment: If the appeal is for adenied claim, Aetna must notify you of thereconsidered decision no later than sixty (60)calendar days after receiving your request for areconsidered decision.Our reconsidered decision will be made by aperson(s) not involved in the initial decision. Youmay present or submit relevant facts and/oradditional evidence for review either in person or inwriting to Aetna.www.aetna.comIX

■ We do not encourage denials of coverage. In fact,our utilization review staff is trained to focus on therisks of members not adequately using certainservices.Where such use is appropriate, our UtilizationReview/Patient Management staff uses nationallyrecognized guidelines and resources, such as TheMilliman Care Guidelines ® to guide theprecertification, concurrent review and retrospectivereview processes. To the extent certain UtilizationReview/Patient Management functions are delegatedto IDSs, IPAs or other provider groups ("Delegates"),such Delegates utilize criteria that they deemappropriate. Utilization Review/Patient Managementpolicies may be modified to comply with applicablestate law.Only medical directors make decisions denyingcoverage for services for reasons of medical necessity.Coverage denial letters for such decisions delineateany unmet criteria, standards and guidelines, andinform the provider and you of the appeal process.For more information concerning utilizationmanagement, you may request a free copy of thecriteria we use to make specific coverage decisions bycontacting Member Services.You may also visitwww.aetna.com/about/cov_det_policies.html tofind our Clinical Policy Bulletins and some utilizationreview policies. Doctors or health care professionalswho have questions about your coverage can write orcall our Patient Management department. The addressand phone number are on your ID card.Concurrent ReviewThe concurrent review process assesses the necessityfor continued stay, level of care, and quality of care formembers receiving inpatient services. All inpatientservices extending beyond the initial certificationperiod will require concurrent review.Discharge PlanningDischarge planning may be initiated at any stage ofthe patient management process and beginsimmediately upon identification of post-dischargeneeds during precertification or concurrent review. Thedischarge plan may include initiation of a variety ofservices/benefits to be utilized by you upon dischargefrom an inpatient stay.Retrospective Record ReviewThe purpose of retrospective review is toretrospectively analyze potential quality and utilizationissues, initiate appropriate follow-up action based onquality or utilization issues, and review all appeals ofinpatient concurrent review decisions for coverage ofhealth care services. <strong>Aetna</strong>'s effort to manage theservices provided to you includes the retrospectivereview of claims submitted for payment, and ofmedical records submitted for potential quality andutilization concerns.<strong>Medicare</strong> Advantage Grievance Process<strong>Aetna</strong> is committed to addressing members' coverageissues, complaints and problems. If you have acoverage issue or other problem, call Member Servicesat the toll-free number on your ID card. You can alsocontact Member Services through the Internet atwww.aetnamedicare.com. If Member Services isunable to resolve your issue to your satisfaction, youcan request that your concern be forwarded to the<strong>Medicare</strong> grievance unit, or you may write to theaddress in your area listed in the Evidence ofCoverage.If your issue is regarding a denial of a claim ordenial of coverage for a health care service,please refer to the <strong>Medicare</strong> Advantage AppealsRights below for more information.<strong>Medicare</strong> Advantage Appeal RightsAs a member of an <strong>Aetna</strong> <strong>Medicare</strong> Advantage plan,you have the right to appeal any decision resulting in<strong>Aetna</strong>'s failure to provide coverage for or pay for whatyou believe are covered benefits and services. Theseinclude:■ Reimbursement for coverage of emergency orurgently needed services, or out-of-area dialysisservices.■ A denied claim for coverage of health care servicesthat you believe should have been reimbursed by<strong>Aetna</strong>.VIII

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