Drawings submittal for each gate shall be one (1) complete set of original copy and five(5) sets of blue prints signed and sealed by the Design Engineer.6.1.8 UTILITY RELOCATION PLANSDuring the design period prepare Utility Relocation Plans showing the position of allexisting utilities including electric and telephone poles and cables, water mains, etc.,which as a result of improvement and/or new construction, will have to be relocated.The proposed new position of utilities will be shown on the Relocation Plans in red.6.1.9 QUANTITIESCompute all construction quantities for each entry/exit gate to an accuracy of +/- 10%and prepare Bill of Quantities (BOQ) in the manner and form specified by CDC.6.1.10 SPECIAL PROVISIONPrepare written specifications for specific items of work or methods of construction,measurement and payment.6.1.11 UNIT PRICE ANALYSISPrepare detailed analysis of all application unit prices using cost indices, rental rates,etc. divided into local and foreign exchange components.6.20 CONSTRUCTION PHASEThe activities of the Designer-Builder for the construction phase would include but not limited tothe following:6.2.1 PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION/CONSTRUCTIONThe Designer-Builder shall carry out and complete all items of work within the scope ofworks in accordance with the approved plans and specifications.6.2.2 ENGINEERING SUPPORT SERVICESThe Designer-Builder shall prepare approved major modifications/changes in design, ifany, during the construction implementation.6.2.3 PROGRESS REPORTSThe Designer-Builder shall prepare daily activity reports, weekly and monthlyaccomplishment reports supported with progress photographs and S-Curves to monitoractual progress status report and to be used as basis for progress billing.7.0 TERMS AND CONDITIONS7.1 The Designer-Builder, upon request, may be provided as advance payment the amount equal tofifteen percent (15%) of the total contract price upon the submission of an irrevocable standbyLetter of Credit of equivalent value issued by an entity acceptable to the agency.

7.2 The cost of the Design-Build Services for the SCTEx-CFZ Entry/Exit Gates shall be fixed pricecontract. Any extension of contract time shall not involve any additional cost.7.3 The Designer-Builder shall prepare Detailed Cost Estimate for the project: one (1) set for theDesign Phase and one (1) set for the Construction Phase to establish a unit price of the pricecontract based on the approved proposed Project Outline and this TOR.7.4 The Designer-Builder shall commence work within (7) calendar days from the date of receipt ofNotice-to-Proceed. The design and construction of the project shall be completed within 150calendar days from the date of effectivity of the Agreement.8.0 REPORTS TO BE SUBMITTED8.1 The Designer-Builder shall submit five (5) copies of the following reports and document, all inEnglish, with a general format and content acceptable to CDC. These reports shall besubmitted in accordance with the schedule included in the technical proposal approved by CDC:8.1.1 CONSULTANT’S COMMENTSCovering the CDC’s preliminary studies and basic design criteria to be submitted withinfive (5) days after the issuance of Notice to Proceed.8.1.2 SURVEY DATA REPORTComplete data for site, topographic, geotechnical, and geological surveys, coordinatesand elevation references, power supply and other requirements as may be deemednecessary.8.1.3 SOILS AND MATERIALS REPORTSummarizing the results, analysis and evaluation of the soils investigation for theparking area, and other facilities.8.1.4 GEO-TECHNICAL REPORTSummarizing the results, analysis and evaluation of the soils investigation for theparking area and other facilities.8.1.5 HYDROLOGY REPORTSummarizing the hydrological studies, their locations, conclusions drawn from studies,and design data for culverts, drainage channels, and slope protection works.8.1.6 QUANTITY CALCULATIONSComplete calculations for every item of construction work specified in the Bill ofQuantities.8.1.7 DESIGN REPORTSummarizing the basis for the design presented and including all design calculationsproperly indexed.

7.2 The cost of the Design-Build Services for the SCTEx-CFZ Entry/Exit Gates shall be fixed pricecontract. Any extension of contract time shall not involve any additional cost.7.3 The Designer-Builder shall prepare Detailed Cost Estimate for the project: one (1) set for theDesign Phase and one (1) set for the Construction Phase to establish a unit price of the pricecontract based on the approved proposed Project Outline and this <strong>TO</strong>R.7.4 The Designer-Builder shall <strong>com</strong>mence work within (7) calendar days from the date of receipt ofNotice-to-Proceed. The design and construction of the project shall be <strong>com</strong>pleted within 150calendar days from the date of effectivity of the Agreement.8.0 REPORTS <strong>TO</strong> BE SUBMITTED8.1 The Designer-Builder shall submit five (5) copies of the following reports and document, all inEnglish, with a general format and content acceptable to CDC. These reports shall besubmitted in accordance with the schedule included in the technical proposal approved by CDC:8.1.1 CONSULTANT’S COMMENTSCovering the CDC’s preliminary studies and basic design criteria to be submitted withinfive (5) days after the issuance of Notice to Proceed.8.1.2 SURVEY DATA REPORTComplete data for site, topogra<strong>ph</strong>ic, geotechnical, and geological surveys, coordinatesand elevation references, power supply and other requirements as may be deemednecessary.8.1.3 SOILS <strong>AND</strong> MATERIALS REPORTSummarizing the results, analysis and evaluation of the soils investigation for theparking area, and other facilities.8.1.4 GEO-TECHNICAL REPORTSummarizing the results, analysis and evaluation of the soils investigation for theparking area and other facilities.8.1.5 HYDROLOGY REPORTSummarizing the hydrological studies, their locations, conclusions drawn from studies,and design data for culverts, drainage channels, and slope protection works.8.1.6 QUANTITY CALCULATIONSComplete calculations for every item of construction work specified in the Bill ofQuantities.8.1.7 DESIGN REPORTSummarizing the basis for the design presented and including all design calculationsproperly indexed.

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