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SDSPRCECATOBFE Version 1Message Definition RecordForSabre Data Stream

Sabre Travel Network, a Sabre Holdings CompanyDate2009-08-04© 2009 Sabre Holdings Inc. All rights reserved.This documentation is the confidential and proprietary intellectual property of SabreHoldings Inc. Any unauthorized use, reproduction, preparation of derivative works,performance, or display of this document, or software represented by this document,without the express written permission of Sabre Holdings Inc. is strictly prohibited.Sabre Travel Network, the Sabre Travel Network logo design, and (names of Sabre TravelNetwork products) are trademarks and/or service marks of an affiliate of Sabre HoldingsInc. All other trademarks, service marks, and trade names are owned by their respectivecompanies.


SDSPRCECATOBFE Version 1 SUBSET OF AIRAALAIRPRICE 04SDSPRCECATOBFE&SDSTEST^AP11&WPPADT/YTH/ADT/CNN/INFTSTSASegment ID ERRMSGNesting Level 0 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 1ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.Segment ID WPSUMTNesting Level 0 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 1Segment ID AUTARRNesting Level 0 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 999Segment ID SELTXTNesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 1Segment ID WPPAXTNesting Level 0 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 999RepeatFactor Description Example006P C 1 999 O 1 Error Message/Error Table Entry& Header006O N 1 999 O 1 Error NumberElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example00US C 1 3 M 1 CURRENCY CODE USD00UJ C 1 999 M 1 TOTAL 23608.10ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example00TD C 1 3 O 1 CARRIER CODE016P C 1 7 O 1 FLIGHT NUMBER028A C 1 999 O 1 SEGMENT NUMBER0289 C 1 3 O 1 BOOKING CODE00SJ C 1 4 O 1 STATUS CODE0288 C 1 999 O 999 FLT FNDR SPECIFIC MSGS0287 C 1 999 O 999 EXTRA ELEMENT0287 C 1 999 O 999 EXTRA ELEMENT0287 C 1 999 O 999 EXTRA ELEMENT00MB C 1 2 O 1 Married Connection Indicator00OE C 1 10 O 999 Electronic Ticket IndicatorElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example0002 C 1 70 O 20 Free form text014N C 1 999 O 5 FREE TEXT DCM MESSAGE01HC C 1 80 O 5 Flight Facts025D C 5 8 O 1 CONFIRMATION /DC TAGElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example00UG C 1 3 M 1 PASSENGER TYPE ADT2009-08-04 10:11 &SDSTEST^AP11&WPPADT/YTH/ADT/CNN/INFPage 1 of 56

SDSPRCECATOBFE Version 1 SUBSET OF AIRAALAIRPRICE 04ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example00J8 N 1 3 M 1 Passenger count 2027E C 1 25 O 1 STATUS027G C 1 50 O 1 EXPIRATION TIME01WI C 1 9 O 1 EXPIRATION DATE027F C 1 10 O 1 PRICESegment ID WPINFONesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 1ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.Segment ID WPCONVNesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 5RepeatFactor Description Example00VW C 1 19 O 1 TYPE INDICATOR00NZ C 3 5 O 1 Point of Sale Override TUL00OF C 3 5 O 1 Point of Ticketing Override TUL00O8 C 3 3 O 1 Construction Currency Code NUC00OM N 1 13 O 1 Construction Total Amount 6121.8801T4 N 1 12 O 1 RATE OF EXCHANGE 97.617000US C 1 3 M 1 CURRENCY CODE JPY001P N 1 13 M 1 Base Fare 59760000Y5 C 1 3 O 1 Equivalent currency code 1 USD00U0 C 1 13 O 1 EQUIVALENT AMOUNT PAID 6109.0000OT C 1 3 O 1 Local Currency Minimum CurrCode00ON C 1 13 O 1 Local Currency Minimum Value0237 N 1 20 O 1 TOTAL TAX AMOUNT 24.100238 N 1 10 O 999 INDIVIDUAL TAX AMOUNT 20.90,3.2001JW C 1 7 O 999 TAX CODE SW,YQI00OB C 1 4 O 999 Ticketing Tax Code SW,YQ01V5 C 1 99 O 999 INDIVIDUAL TAXDESCRIPTIONPASSENGER SERVICEFACILITIES C,SERVICE FEE -01NY C 1 3 M 1 TOTAL FARE CURRENCY USDCODE01NX C 1 13 M 1 TOTAL AMOUNT 2 6133.1000OU C 1 250 O 999 Warning Msg by PassengerTypeMIXED PASSENGER TYPES -VERIFY RESTRICTIONS00UY C 1 60 O 20 ENDORSEMENTS00O0 C 1 1 M 1 Non Refundable Indicator O00A4 C 1 100 O 1 Commission Percent00CC C 1 100 O 1 Commission Amount .0000CL C 1 100 O 1 Commission Cap AmountIndicatorElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example003Z C 1 3 O 1 From Currency code JPY00DZ C 1 3 O 1 TO CURRENCY CODE USD00O9 N 1 14 O 1 Equivalent Amt Conversion Rate 97.830000OG C 1 1 O 1 Equiv Amt Conversion Rate BType018W C 1 3 O 1 Conversion Method for CurrentConversion/2009-08-04 10:11 &SDSTEST^AP11&WPPADT/YTH/ADT/CNN/INFPage 2 of 56

SDSPRCECATOBFE Version 1 SUBSET OF AIRAALAIRPRICE 04Segment ID WPCAL1Nesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 1ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.Segment ID WPCALCNesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 999RepeatFactor Description Example00UH C 1 999 M 1 FARE CALCULATION ON TKT TYO JL PAR6121.88YOWNUC6121.88END ROE97.617ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example003Q C 3 5 M 1 Departure City Code (Board TYOPoint)00FL C 3 5 M 1 Departure Airport Code NRT00SP C 1 4 O 1 SURFACE SEGMENTINDICATOR021V C 1 1 O 1 SIDE TRIP INDICATOR00EX C 2 3 O 1 Expanded Airline Code JL00YT C 1 1 M 1 INDICATOR (GENERIC) O021Q C 1 2 O 1 GLOBAL INDICATOR00GV C 1 5 M 1 CITY CODE PAR00NE C 3 5 M 1 Arrival Airport Code CDG023A C 3 5 O 1 INFANT FARECONSTRUCTION CITY021R N 1 1 O 1 STOPOVER CHARGEINDICATOR021S N 1 10 O 1 CITY SPECIFIC STOP OVERCHARGE00NU C 1 1 O 1 Transfer Charge Indicator00HM C 1 12 O 1 TRANSFER CHARGE00O1 C 1 2 O 999 Surcharge Indicator00OA C 1 5 O 999 Surcharge Type01WT N 1 13 O 999 SURCHARGES00OH C 1 5 O 1 Extra Mileage Allowance Ind00OO C 1 1 O 1 Exclusion Ind/MileageCalculation00OV C 1 1 O 1 Mileage Reduction Pt Ind00G8 C 1 1 O 1 Mileage Equalization Ind0239 C 3 5 O 1 MILEAGE EQUALIZATION OR021T C 1 3 O 1 MILEAGE SYMBOL M021W C 1 2 O 1 MILEAGE SURCHARGEINDICATOR00QJ C 3 5 O 1 HIP CONSTRUCTION CITYCODE0223 C 6 10 O 1 HIGHER INTERMEDIATEPOINT CITY CODES00UI N 1 216 O 1 FARE AMOUNT 6121.88013T C 1 15 O 1 INCLUSIVE TOUR00Z1 C 1 20 O 1 Fare basis code YOW00U9 C 1 11 O 1 TICKET DESIGNATOR00H6 C 1 10 O 1 Snap Designator/Disc Code00HV C 1 5 O 1 Global Indicator for fare TS00L9 C 1 5 O 1 Trip Type Indicator O2009-08-04 10:11 &SDSTEST^AP11&WPPADT/YTH/ADT/CNN/INFPage 3 of 56

SDSPRCECATOBFE Version 1 SUBSET OF AIRAALAIRPRICE 04ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example00M6 C 6 10 O 1 Fare Market Charged TYOPAR001A C 1 1 O 1 TYPE OF FARE P00MM C 1 20 O 1 Corporate ID00N8 C 1 20 O 1 Contract Number00NF C 1 4 O 1 Branch00NV C 2 2 O 1 Country of Ship Registry00N5 C 2 3 O 1 Gov Carrier/Primary or 1st joint JL00MD C 2 3 O 1 Gov Carrier/2nd joint carrier00ML C 1 1 O 1 IATA Authorized Carrier00MS C 5 5 O 1 Fare Travel Application Date 18MAY01FT C 1 2 O 1 CABIN Y01V6 C 1 3 O 1 FARE PASSENGER TYPE ADT01PD N 1 2 O 28 RULE CATEGORY INDICATOR 1,8,9,1000MZ C 1 100 O 1 Validity Dt not valid befor dt00N6 C 1 100 O 1 Validity dates not valid after date 18MAY2011028A C 1 999 O 1 SEGMENT NUMBER02A5 C 1 26 O 999 SURCHARGE DESCRIPTIONS02AP C 1 1 O 1 NET FATE TYPE02AQ C 1 1 O 1 PRICING/TKTG RESTR. (CAT35 FARE)Segment ID WPADDLNesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 1ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example00ND C 1 1 O 12 Stopover Ind/unspecified cities017A N 1 3 O 12 COUNT NUMBER01WS N 1 13 O 12 STOP OVER CHARGES00EG C 1 1 O 12 Differential Indicator00G7 C 6 10 O 12 Differential market00H5 C 1 1 O 12 Differential HIF Mileage Ind00FH C 1 2 O 12 Diff HIF Mileage Surcharge Ind00IL C 6 10 O 12 Diff HIF Cities/both class of svc00QQ C 3 5 O 1 DIFF HIGHER CONSRUCTIONCITY CODE00GL C 1 13 O 12 Higher Fare Basis Cd/Diff HIFMkt00H7 C 6 10 O 12 Diff HIF Cities/higher class00QX C 3 5 O 1 DIFF LOWER CONSTRUCTIONCITY CODE00M8 C 1 13 O 12 Lower Fare basis cd/diff HIF mkt00MU C 6 10 O 12 Diff HIF Cities/Lower class01SY C 1 2 O 12 CABIN IND.FORDIFFERENTIAL01WP N 1 13 O 12 DIFFERENTIAL CHARGES006N C 1 1 O 12 One-way Backhaul Indicator00QD C 3 5 O 1 One-way Backhaul ConstructionCity Code00B2 C 6 10 O 12 One-way Backhaul Cities/1st Mkt00BN C 6 10 O 12 One-way backhaul cities/2nd mkt0229 N 1 10 O 12 BACKHAUL CHARGES2009-08-04 10:11 &SDSTEST^AP11&WPPADT/YTH/ADT/CNN/INFPage 4 of 56

SDSPRCECATOBFE Version 1 SUBSET OF AIRAALAIRPRICE 04ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example00CG C 1 1 O 12 Normal fare check indicator002O C 6 10 O 12 Normal Fare Check Mkt009V N 1 10 O 12 Normal Fare Check Charge007I C 1 1 O 12 Precedence Fare CheckIndicator0221 C 6 10 O 12 PRECEDENCE CITIES022A N 1 10 O 12 PRECEDENCE CHARGES00B8 C 1 1 O 12 Country of Origin Minimum Ind00QK C 3 5 O 1 Country of Origin Min ConstructCity Code00CJ C 6 10 O 12 Country of Origin Minimum Cities00DQ N 1 13 O 12 Country of Origin MinimumCharge00GM C 3 3 O 12 Common Point MinimumIndicator00QR C 3 5 O 1 CPM CONSTRUCTION CITYCODE00H8 C 3 5 O 12 Common Point Minimum (1stcity)00HX C 3 5 O 12 Common Point Minimum (2ndCity)00IO N 1 13 O 12 Commom Point MinimumCharge00LG C 1 1 O 12 Circle Trip Minimum Indicator00QE C 3 5 O 1 CTM CONSTRUCTION CITYCODE0225 C 6 10 O 12 CIRCLE TRIP MIN./ROUNDTHE WORLD CITIES0226 N 1 13 O 12 CIRCLE TRIP MIN./ROUNDTHE WORLD CHARGES00M9 C 1 1 O 12 Round the World Minimum Ind00QL C 3 5 O 1 RTWM CONSTRUCTION CITYCODE00MG C 6 10 O 12 Round the World Minimum Cities00MO N 1 13 O 12 Round the World MinimumCharge00MV C 1 1 O 12 One-Way normal fare mimimumindicator00N2 C 1 20 O 12 One-way Normal Fare Min 1stfare basis cd00N9 C 6 10 O 12 One-way Normal fare min 1stcity pair00NG C 1 20 O 12 one-way normal fare min 2ndfare basis cd00NO C 6 10 O 12 One-way normal fare min 2ndcity pair00O5 N 1 13 O 12 One-way normal fare minCharge00OC C 1 1 O 12 Directional Min Check Indicator00QS C 3 5 O 1 DMC CONSTRUCTION CITYCODE00OJ C 6 10 O 12 Directional Mim Check City Pair00OQ C 1 13 O 12 Directional Min Check Amount018M C 1 1 O 1 LOCAL CURRENCY MIN. IMD2009-08-04 10:11 &SDSTEST^AP11&WPPADT/YTH/ADT/CNN/INFPage 5 of 56

SDSPRCECATOBFE Version 1 SUBSET OF AIRAALAIRPRICE 04ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example00QZ C 3 5 O 1 LCM CONSTRUCTION CITYCODE022B C 6 10 O 1 LOCAL CURRENCY MIN.CITIES022D C 1 3 O 1 LOCAL CURRENCY MIN.CURRENCY022C N 1 13 O 1 LOCAL CURRENCY MIN.CHARGES0034 C 3 5 O 999 Segment Tax City Code00JV N 1 10 O 999 SEGMENT TAX CHARGE AMT022E C 3 5 O 999 PSGR FACILITY CHARGE CITYCODE022F N 1 3 O 999 PSGR FACILITY CHARGEAMOUNT02A0 C 1 1 O 3 RETURN SUBJOURNEYCHECK IND02A1 C 1 7 O 3 RET SUBJOURNEYCONSTRUCTION CITY#102A2 C 1 10 O 3 RETURN SUBJOURNEY CITYPAIR#102A3 C 1 7 O 3 RET SUBJOURNEYCONSTRUCTION CITY#202A4 C 1 10 O 3 RETURN SUBJOURNEY CITYPAIR#201JJ C 1 10 O 3 Return Subjourney CK Charge02AU C 1 5 O 999 EXPANDED PFC AMOUNTSegment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 10010001NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 5.10ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 10012001NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 5.60ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 1016**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 6.102009-08-04 10:11 &SDSTEST^AP11&WPPADT/YTH/ADT/CNN/INFPage 6 of 56

SDSPRCECATOBFE Version 1 SUBSET OF AIRAALAIRPRICE 04Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 1007**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 6.60ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 20014101NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 7.20ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 3530**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 7.70ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 3566**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 8.20ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 3601**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 8.70ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 3710**2009-08-04 10:11 &SDSTEST^AP11&WPPADT/YTH/ADT/CNN/INFPage 7 of 56

SDSPRCECATOBFE Version 1 SUBSET OF AIRAALAIRPRICE 04ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 9.20Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 3714**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 9.70ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 3720**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 10.20ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 3737**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 10.70ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 37****01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 11.20ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 4000**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 11.802009-08-04 10:11 &SDSTEST^AP11&WPPADT/YTH/ADT/CNN/INFPage 8 of 56

SDSPRCECATOBFE Version 1 SUBSET OF AIRAALAIRPRICE 04ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 4005**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 12.30Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 4100**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 12.80ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 40857*01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 13.30ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 41373301NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 13.80ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 44620001NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 14.30ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 44621301NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 14.802009-08-04 10:11 &SDSTEST^AP11&WPPADT/YTH/ADT/CNN/INFPage 9 of 56

SDSPRCECATOBFE Version 1 SUBSET OF AIRAALAIRPRICE 04Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 44625701NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 15.30ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 44627401NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 15.80ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 44628601NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 16.40ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 44629401NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 16.90ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 45397801NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 17.40ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 4658**2009-08-04 10:11 &SDSTEST^AP11&WPPADT/YTH/ADT/CNN/INFPage 10 of 56

SDSPRCECATOBFE Version 1 SUBSET OF AIRAALAIRPRICE 04ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 17.90Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 4659**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 18.40ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 4715**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 18.90ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 4751**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 19.40ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 4757**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 19.90ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 4762**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 20.402009-08-04 10:11 &SDSTEST^AP11&WPPADT/YTH/ADT/CNN/INFPage 11 of 56

SDSPRCECATOBFE Version 1 SUBSET OF AIRAALAIRPRICE 04ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 4763**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 21.00Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 4884**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 21.50ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 4904**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 22.00ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 49096*01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 22.50ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 49213*01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 23.00ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 4917**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 23.502009-08-04 10:11 &SDSTEST^AP11&WPPADT/YTH/ADT/CNN/INFPage 12 of 56

SDSPRCECATOBFE Version 1 SUBSET OF AIRAALAIRPRICE 04Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 5211**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 24.00ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 5263**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 24.50ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 5419**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 25.00ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 55999901NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 25.60ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 56****01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 26.10ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 5*****2009-08-04 10:11 &SDSTEST^AP11&WPPADT/YTH/ADT/CNN/INFPage 13 of 56

SDSPRCECATOBFE Version 1 SUBSET OF AIRAALAIRPRICE 04ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 26.60Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 67590001NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 27.10ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 676***01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 27.60ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 6011**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 28.10ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 60****01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 28.60ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 69999*01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 29.102009-08-04 10:11 &SDSTEST^AP11&WPPADT/YTH/ADT/CNN/INFPage 14 of 56

SDSPRCECATOBFE Version 1 SUBSET OF AIRAALAIRPRICE 04ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 69****01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 29.60Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.Segment ID WPPAXTNesting Level 0 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 999Segment ID WPINFONesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 1RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 6*****01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 10.30ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example00UG C 1 3 M 1 PASSENGER TYPE YTH00J8 N 1 3 M 1 Passenger count 1027E C 1 25 O 1 STATUS027G C 1 50 O 1 EXPIRATION TIME01WI C 1 9 O 1 EXPIRATION DATE027F C 1 10 O 1 PRICEElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example00VW C 1 19 O 1 TYPE INDICATOR00NZ C 3 5 O 1 Point of Sale Override TUL00OF C 3 5 O 1 Point of Ticketing Override TUL00O8 C 3 3 O 1 Construction Currency Code NUC00OM N 1 13 O 1 Construction Total Amount 6121.8801T4 N 1 12 O 1 RATE OF EXCHANGE 97.617000US C 1 3 M 1 CURRENCY CODE JPY001P N 1 13 M 1 Base Fare 59760000Y5 C 1 3 O 1 Equivalent currency code 1 USD00U0 C 1 13 O 1 EQUIVALENT AMOUNT PAID 6109.0000OT C 1 3 O 1 Local Currency Minimum CurrCode00ON C 1 13 O 1 Local Currency Minimum Value0237 N 1 20 O 1 TOTAL TAX AMOUNT 24.100238 N 1 10 O 999 INDIVIDUAL TAX AMOUNT 20.90,3.2001JW C 1 7 O 999 TAX CODE SW,YQI00OB C 1 4 O 999 Ticketing Tax Code SW,YQ01V5 C 1 99 O 999 INDIVIDUAL TAXDESCRIPTIONPASSENGER SERVICEFACILITIES C,SERVICE FEE -01NY C 1 3 M 1 TOTAL FARE CURRENCY USDCODE01NX C 1 13 M 1 TOTAL AMOUNT 2 6133.102009-08-04 10:11 &SDSTEST^AP11&WPPADT/YTH/ADT/CNN/INFPage 15 of 56

SDSPRCECATOBFE Version 1 SUBSET OF AIRAALAIRPRICE 04ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example00OU C 1 250 O 999 Warning Msg by PassengerTypeYTH NOT APPLICABLE - ADTFARE USED - VERIFYRESTRICTIONS00UY C 1 60 O 20 ENDORSEMENTS00O0 C 1 1 M 1 Non Refundable Indicator O00A4 C 1 100 O 1 Commission Percent00CC C 1 100 O 1 Commission Amount .0000CL C 1 100 O 1 Commission Cap AmountIndicatorSegment ID WPCONVNesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 5ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.Segment ID WPCAL1Nesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 1Segment ID WPCALCNesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 999RepeatFactor Description Example003Z C 1 3 O 1 From Currency code JPY00DZ C 1 3 O 1 TO CURRENCY CODE USD00O9 N 1 14 O 1 Equivalent Amt Conversion Rate 97.830000OG C 1 1 O 1 Equiv Amt Conversion Rate BType018W C 1 3 O 1 Conversion Method for CurrentConversion/ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example00UH C 1 999 M 1 FARE CALCULATION ON TKT TYO JL PAR6121.88YOWNUC6121.88END ROE97.617ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example003Q C 3 5 M 1 Departure City Code (Board TYOPoint)00FL C 3 5 M 1 Departure Airport Code NRT00SP C 1 4 O 1 SURFACE SEGMENTINDICATOR021V C 1 1 O 1 SIDE TRIP INDICATOR00EX C 2 3 O 1 Expanded Airline Code JL00YT C 1 1 M 1 INDICATOR (GENERIC) O021Q C 1 2 O 1 GLOBAL INDICATOR00GV C 1 5 M 1 CITY CODE PAR00NE C 3 5 M 1 Arrival Airport Code CDG023A C 3 5 O 1 INFANT FARECONSTRUCTION CITY021R N 1 1 O 1 STOPOVER CHARGEINDICATOR021S N 1 10 O 1 CITY SPECIFIC STOP OVERCHARGE00NU C 1 1 O 1 Transfer Charge Indicator00HM C 1 12 O 1 TRANSFER CHARGE00O1 C 1 2 O 999 Surcharge Indicator2009-08-04 10:11 &SDSTEST^AP11&WPPADT/YTH/ADT/CNN/INFPage 16 of 56

SDSPRCECATOBFE Version 1 SUBSET OF AIRAALAIRPRICE 04ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example00OA C 1 5 O 999 Surcharge Type01WT N 1 13 O 999 SURCHARGES00OH C 1 5 O 1 Extra Mileage Allowance Ind00OO C 1 1 O 1 Exclusion Ind/MileageCalculation00OV C 1 1 O 1 Mileage Reduction Pt Ind00G8 C 1 1 O 1 Mileage Equalization Ind0239 C 3 5 O 1 MILEAGE EQUALIZATION OR021T C 1 3 O 1 MILEAGE SYMBOL M021W C 1 2 O 1 MILEAGE SURCHARGEINDICATOR00QJ C 3 5 O 1 HIP CONSTRUCTION CITYCODE0223 C 6 10 O 1 HIGHER INTERMEDIATEPOINT CITY CODES00UI N 1 216 O 1 FARE AMOUNT 6121.88013T C 1 15 O 1 INCLUSIVE TOUR00Z1 C 1 20 O 1 Fare basis code YOW00U9 C 1 11 O 1 TICKET DESIGNATOR00H6 C 1 10 O 1 Snap Designator/Disc Code00HV C 1 5 O 1 Global Indicator for fare TS00L9 C 1 5 O 1 Trip Type Indicator O00M6 C 6 10 O 1 Fare Market Charged TYOPAR001A C 1 1 O 1 TYPE OF FARE P00MM C 1 20 O 1 Corporate ID00N8 C 1 20 O 1 Contract Number00NF C 1 4 O 1 Branch00NV C 2 2 O 1 Country of Ship Registry00N5 C 2 3 O 1 Gov Carrier/Primary or 1st joint JL00MD C 2 3 O 1 Gov Carrier/2nd joint carrier00ML C 1 1 O 1 IATA Authorized Carrier00MS C 5 5 O 1 Fare Travel Application Date 18MAY01FT C 1 2 O 1 CABIN Y01V6 C 1 3 O 1 FARE PASSENGER TYPE YTH01PD N 1 2 O 28 RULE CATEGORY INDICATOR 1,8,9,1000MZ C 1 100 O 1 Validity Dt not valid befor dt00N6 C 1 100 O 1 Validity dates not valid after date 18MAY2011028A C 1 999 O 1 SEGMENT NUMBER02A5 C 1 26 O 999 SURCHARGE DESCRIPTIONS02AP C 1 1 O 1 NET FATE TYPE02AQ C 1 1 O 1 PRICING/TKTG RESTR. (CAT35 FARE)Segment ID WPADDLNesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 1ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example00ND C 1 1 O 12 Stopover Ind/unspecified cities017A N 1 3 O 12 COUNT NUMBER01WS N 1 13 O 12 STOP OVER CHARGES00EG C 1 1 O 12 Differential Indicator2009-08-04 10:11 &SDSTEST^AP11&WPPADT/YTH/ADT/CNN/INFPage 17 of 56

SDSPRCECATOBFE Version 1 SUBSET OF AIRAALAIRPRICE 04ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example00G7 C 6 10 O 12 Differential market00H5 C 1 1 O 12 Differential HIF Mileage Ind00FH C 1 2 O 12 Diff HIF Mileage Surcharge Ind00IL C 6 10 O 12 Diff HIF Cities/both class of svc00QQ C 3 5 O 1 DIFF HIGHER CONSRUCTIONCITY CODE00GL C 1 13 O 12 Higher Fare Basis Cd/Diff HIFMkt00H7 C 6 10 O 12 Diff HIF Cities/higher class00QX C 3 5 O 1 DIFF LOWER CONSTRUCTIONCITY CODE00M8 C 1 13 O 12 Lower Fare basis cd/diff HIF mkt00MU C 6 10 O 12 Diff HIF Cities/Lower class01SY C 1 2 O 12 CABIN IND.FORDIFFERENTIAL01WP N 1 13 O 12 DIFFERENTIAL CHARGES006N C 1 1 O 12 One-way Backhaul Indicator00QD C 3 5 O 1 One-way Backhaul ConstructionCity Code00B2 C 6 10 O 12 One-way Backhaul Cities/1st Mkt00BN C 6 10 O 12 One-way backhaul cities/2nd mkt0229 N 1 10 O 12 BACKHAUL CHARGES00CG C 1 1 O 12 Normal fare check indicator002O C 6 10 O 12 Normal Fare Check Mkt009V N 1 10 O 12 Normal Fare Check Charge007I C 1 1 O 12 Precedence Fare CheckIndicator0221 C 6 10 O 12 PRECEDENCE CITIES022A N 1 10 O 12 PRECEDENCE CHARGES00B8 C 1 1 O 12 Country of Origin Minimum Ind00QK C 3 5 O 1 Country of Origin Min ConstructCity Code00CJ C 6 10 O 12 Country of Origin Minimum Cities00DQ N 1 13 O 12 Country of Origin MinimumCharge00GM C 3 3 O 12 Common Point MinimumIndicator00QR C 3 5 O 1 CPM CONSTRUCTION CITYCODE00H8 C 3 5 O 12 Common Point Minimum (1stcity)00HX C 3 5 O 12 Common Point Minimum (2ndCity)00IO N 1 13 O 12 Commom Point MinimumCharge00LG C 1 1 O 12 Circle Trip Minimum Indicator00QE C 3 5 O 1 CTM CONSTRUCTION CITYCODE0225 C 6 10 O 12 CIRCLE TRIP MIN./ROUNDTHE WORLD CITIES0226 N 1 13 O 12 CIRCLE TRIP MIN./ROUNDTHE WORLD CHARGES00M9 C 1 1 O 12 Round the World Minimum Ind2009-08-04 10:11 &SDSTEST^AP11&WPPADT/YTH/ADT/CNN/INFPage 18 of 56

SDSPRCECATOBFE Version 1 SUBSET OF AIRAALAIRPRICE 04ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example00QL C 3 5 O 1 RTWM CONSTRUCTION CITYCODE00MG C 6 10 O 12 Round the World Minimum Cities00MO N 1 13 O 12 Round the World MinimumCharge00MV C 1 1 O 12 One-Way normal fare mimimumindicator00N2 C 1 20 O 12 One-way Normal Fare Min 1stfare basis cd00N9 C 6 10 O 12 One-way Normal fare min 1stcity pair00NG C 1 20 O 12 one-way normal fare min 2ndfare basis cd00NO C 6 10 O 12 One-way normal fare min 2ndcity pair00O5 N 1 13 O 12 One-way normal fare minCharge00OC C 1 1 O 12 Directional Min Check Indicator00QS C 3 5 O 1 DMC CONSTRUCTION CITYCODE00OJ C 6 10 O 12 Directional Mim Check City Pair00OQ C 1 13 O 12 Directional Min Check Amount018M C 1 1 O 1 LOCAL CURRENCY MIN. IMD00QZ C 3 5 O 1 LCM CONSTRUCTION CITYCODE022B C 6 10 O 1 LOCAL CURRENCY MIN.CITIES022D C 1 3 O 1 LOCAL CURRENCY MIN.CURRENCY022C N 1 13 O 1 LOCAL CURRENCY MIN.CHARGES0034 C 3 5 O 999 Segment Tax City Code00JV N 1 10 O 999 SEGMENT TAX CHARGE AMT022E C 3 5 O 999 PSGR FACILITY CHARGE CITYCODE022F N 1 3 O 999 PSGR FACILITY CHARGEAMOUNT02A0 C 1 1 O 3 RETURN SUBJOURNEYCHECK IND02A1 C 1 7 O 3 RET SUBJOURNEYCONSTRUCTION CITY#102A2 C 1 10 O 3 RETURN SUBJOURNEY CITYPAIR#102A3 C 1 7 O 3 RET SUBJOURNEYCONSTRUCTION CITY#202A4 C 1 10 O 3 RETURN SUBJOURNEY CITYPAIR#201JJ C 1 10 O 3 Return Subjourney CK Charge02AU C 1 5 O 999 EXPANDED PFC AMOUNTSegment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB2009-08-04 10:11 &SDSTEST^AP11&WPPADT/YTH/ADT/CNN/INFPage 19 of 56

SDSPRCECATOBFE Version 1 SUBSET OF AIRAALAIRPRICE 04ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 10010001NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 4.10Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeSegment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEEMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 10012001NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 4.60ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 1016**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 5.10ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 1007**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 5.60ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 20014101NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 6.10ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 3530**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 6.602009-08-04 10:11 &SDSTEST^AP11&WPPADT/YTH/ADT/CNN/INFPage 20 of 56

SDSPRCECATOBFE Version 1 SUBSET OF AIRAALAIRPRICE 04Nesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 3566**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 7.20ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 3601**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 7.70ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 3710**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 8.20ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 3714**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 8.70ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 3720**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 9.20ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 3737**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 9.702009-08-04 10:11 &SDSTEST^AP11&WPPADT/YTH/ADT/CNN/INFPage 21 of 56

SDSPRCECATOBFE Version 1 SUBSET OF AIRAALAIRPRICE 04Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 37****01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 10.20ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 4000**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 10.70ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 4005**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 11.20ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 4100**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 11.80ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 40857*01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 12.30ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 4137332009-08-04 10:11 &SDSTEST^AP11&WPPADT/YTH/ADT/CNN/INFPage 22 of 56

SDSPRCECATOBFE Version 1 SUBSET OF AIRAALAIRPRICE 04ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 12.80Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 44620001NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 13.30ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 44621301NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 13.80ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 44625701NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 14.30ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 44627401NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 14.80ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 44628601NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 15.302009-08-04 10:11 &SDSTEST^AP11&WPPADT/YTH/ADT/CNN/INFPage 23 of 56

SDSPRCECATOBFE Version 1 SUBSET OF AIRAALAIRPRICE 04ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 44629401NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 15.80Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 45397801NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 16.40ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 4658**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 16.90ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 4659**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 17.40ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 4715**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 17.90ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 4751**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 18.402009-08-04 10:11 &SDSTEST^AP11&WPPADT/YTH/ADT/CNN/INFPage 24 of 56

SDSPRCECATOBFE Version 1 SUBSET OF AIRAALAIRPRICE 04Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 4757**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 18.90ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 4762**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 19.40ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 4763**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 19.90ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 4884**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 20.40ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 4904**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 21.00ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 49096*2009-08-04 10:11 &SDSTEST^AP11&WPPADT/YTH/ADT/CNN/INFPage 25 of 56

SDSPRCECATOBFE Version 1 SUBSET OF AIRAALAIRPRICE 04ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 21.50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 49213*01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 22.00ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 4917**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 22.50ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 5211**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 23.00ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 5263**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 23.50ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 5419**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 24.002009-08-04 10:11 &SDSTEST^AP11&WPPADT/YTH/ADT/CNN/INFPage 26 of 56

SDSPRCECATOBFE Version 1 SUBSET OF AIRAALAIRPRICE 04ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 55999901NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 24.50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 56****01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 25.00ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 5*****01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 25.60ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 67590001NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 26.10ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 676***01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 26.60ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 6011**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 27.102009-08-04 10:11 &SDSTEST^AP11&WPPADT/YTH/ADT/CNN/INFPage 27 of 56

SDSPRCECATOBFE Version 1 SUBSET OF AIRAALAIRPRICE 04ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example00U0 C 1 13 O 1 EQUIVALENT AMOUNT PAID 4581.0000OT C 1 3 O 1 Local Currency Minimum CurrCode00ON C 1 13 O 1 Local Currency Minimum Value0237 N 1 20 O 1 TOTAL TAX AMOUNT 13.600238 N 1 10 O 999 INDIVIDUAL TAX AMOUNT 10.40,3.2001JW C 1 7 O 999 TAX CODE SW,YQI00OB C 1 4 O 999 Ticketing Tax Code SW,YQ01V5 C 1 99 O 999 INDIVIDUAL TAXDESCRIPTIONPASSENGER SERVICEFACILITIES C,SERVICE FEE -01NY C 1 3 M 1 TOTAL FARE CURRENCY USDCODE01NX C 1 13 M 1 TOTAL AMOUNT 2 4594.6000OU C 1 250 O 999 Warning Msg by PassengerTypeMIXED PASSENGER TYPES -VERIFY RESTRICTIONS00UY C 1 60 O 20 ENDORSEMENTS00O0 C 1 1 M 1 Non Refundable Indicator O00A4 C 1 100 O 1 Commission Percent00CC C 1 100 O 1 Commission Amount .0000CL C 1 100 O 1 Commission Cap AmountIndicatorSegment ID WPCONVNesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 5ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.Segment ID WPCAL1Nesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 1Segment ID WPCALCNesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 999RepeatFactor Description Example003Z C 1 3 O 1 From Currency code JPY00DZ C 1 3 O 1 TO CURRENCY CODE USD00O9 N 1 14 O 1 Equivalent Amt Conversion Rate 97.830000OG C 1 1 O 1 Equiv Amt Conversion Rate BType018W C 1 3 O 1 Conversion Method for CurrentConversion/ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example00UH C 1 999 M 1 FARE CALCULATION ON TKT TYO JL PAR4591.41YOW/CH25NUC4591.41END ROE97.617ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example003Q C 3 5 M 1 Departure City Code (Board TYOPoint)00FL C 3 5 M 1 Departure Airport Code NRT00SP C 1 4 O 1 SURFACE SEGMENTINDICATOR021V C 1 1 O 1 SIDE TRIP INDICATOR00EX C 2 3 O 1 Expanded Airline Code JL00YT C 1 1 M 1 INDICATOR (GENERIC) O2009-08-04 10:11 &SDSTEST^AP11&WPPADT/YTH/ADT/CNN/INFPage 29 of 56

SDSPRCECATOBFE Version 1 SUBSET OF AIRAALAIRPRICE 04ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example021Q C 1 2 O 1 GLOBAL INDICATOR00GV C 1 5 M 1 CITY CODE PAR00NE C 3 5 M 1 Arrival Airport Code CDG023A C 3 5 O 1 INFANT FARECONSTRUCTION CITY021R N 1 1 O 1 STOPOVER CHARGEINDICATOR021S N 1 10 O 1 CITY SPECIFIC STOP OVERCHARGE00NU C 1 1 O 1 Transfer Charge Indicator00HM C 1 12 O 1 TRANSFER CHARGE00O1 C 1 2 O 999 Surcharge Indicator00OA C 1 5 O 999 Surcharge Type01WT N 1 13 O 999 SURCHARGES00OH C 1 5 O 1 Extra Mileage Allowance Ind00OO C 1 1 O 1 Exclusion Ind/MileageCalculation00OV C 1 1 O 1 Mileage Reduction Pt Ind00G8 C 1 1 O 1 Mileage Equalization Ind0239 C 3 5 O 1 MILEAGE EQUALIZATION OR021T C 1 3 O 1 MILEAGE SYMBOL M021W C 1 2 O 1 MILEAGE SURCHARGEINDICATOR00QJ C 3 5 O 1 HIP CONSTRUCTION CITYCODE0223 C 6 10 O 1 HIGHER INTERMEDIATEPOINT CITY CODES00UI N 1 216 O 1 FARE AMOUNT 4591.41013T C 1 15 O 1 INCLUSIVE TOUR00Z1 C 1 20 O 1 Fare basis code YOW/CH2500U9 C 1 11 O 1 TICKET DESIGNATOR CH2500H6 C 1 10 O 1 Snap Designator/Disc Code00HV C 1 5 O 1 Global Indicator for fare TS00L9 C 1 5 O 1 Trip Type Indicator O00M6 C 6 10 O 1 Fare Market Charged TYOPAR001A C 1 1 O 1 TYPE OF FARE P00MM C 1 20 O 1 Corporate ID00N8 C 1 20 O 1 Contract Number00NF C 1 4 O 1 Branch00NV C 2 2 O 1 Country of Ship Registry00N5 C 2 3 O 1 Gov Carrier/Primary or 1st joint JL00MD C 2 3 O 1 Gov Carrier/2nd joint carrier00ML C 1 1 O 1 IATA Authorized Carrier00MS C 5 5 O 1 Fare Travel Application Date 18MAY01FT C 1 2 O 1 CABIN Y01V6 C 1 3 O 1 FARE PASSENGER TYPE CNN01PD N 1 2 O 28 RULE CATEGORY INDICATOR 1,8,9,10,1900MZ C 1 100 O 1 Validity Dt not valid befor dt00N6 C 1 100 O 1 Validity dates not valid after date 18MAY2011028A C 1 999 O 1 SEGMENT NUMBER02A5 C 1 26 O 999 SURCHARGE DESCRIPTIONS2009-08-04 10:11 &SDSTEST^AP11&WPPADT/YTH/ADT/CNN/INFPage 30 of 56

SDSPRCECATOBFE Version 1 SUBSET OF AIRAALAIRPRICE 04ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AP C 1 1 O 1 NET FATE TYPE02AQ C 1 1 O 1 PRICING/TKTG RESTR. (CAT35 FARE)Segment ID WPADDLNesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 1ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example00ND C 1 1 O 12 Stopover Ind/unspecified cities017A N 1 3 O 12 COUNT NUMBER01WS N 1 13 O 12 STOP OVER CHARGES00EG C 1 1 O 12 Differential Indicator00G7 C 6 10 O 12 Differential market00H5 C 1 1 O 12 Differential HIF Mileage Ind00FH C 1 2 O 12 Diff HIF Mileage Surcharge Ind00IL C 6 10 O 12 Diff HIF Cities/both class of svc00QQ C 3 5 O 1 DIFF HIGHER CONSRUCTIONCITY CODE00GL C 1 13 O 12 Higher Fare Basis Cd/Diff HIFMkt00H7 C 6 10 O 12 Diff HIF Cities/higher class00QX C 3 5 O 1 DIFF LOWER CONSTRUCTIONCITY CODE00M8 C 1 13 O 12 Lower Fare basis cd/diff HIF mkt00MU C 6 10 O 12 Diff HIF Cities/Lower class01SY C 1 2 O 12 CABIN IND.FORDIFFERENTIAL01WP N 1 13 O 12 DIFFERENTIAL CHARGES006N C 1 1 O 12 One-way Backhaul Indicator00QD C 3 5 O 1 One-way Backhaul ConstructionCity Code00B2 C 6 10 O 12 One-way Backhaul Cities/1st Mkt00BN C 6 10 O 12 One-way backhaul cities/2nd mkt0229 N 1 10 O 12 BACKHAUL CHARGES00CG C 1 1 O 12 Normal fare check indicator002O C 6 10 O 12 Normal Fare Check Mkt009V N 1 10 O 12 Normal Fare Check Charge007I C 1 1 O 12 Precedence Fare CheckIndicator0221 C 6 10 O 12 PRECEDENCE CITIES022A N 1 10 O 12 PRECEDENCE CHARGES00B8 C 1 1 O 12 Country of Origin Minimum Ind00QK C 3 5 O 1 Country of Origin Min ConstructCity Code00CJ C 6 10 O 12 Country of Origin Minimum Cities00DQ N 1 13 O 12 Country of Origin MinimumCharge00GM C 3 3 O 12 Common Point MinimumIndicator00QR C 3 5 O 1 CPM CONSTRUCTION CITYCODE00H8 C 3 5 O 12 Common Point Minimum (1stcity)2009-08-04 10:11 &SDSTEST^AP11&WPPADT/YTH/ADT/CNN/INFPage 31 of 56

SDSPRCECATOBFE Version 1 SUBSET OF AIRAALAIRPRICE 04ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example00HX C 3 5 O 12 Common Point Minimum (2ndCity)00IO N 1 13 O 12 Commom Point MinimumCharge00LG C 1 1 O 12 Circle Trip Minimum Indicator00QE C 3 5 O 1 CTM CONSTRUCTION CITYCODE0225 C 6 10 O 12 CIRCLE TRIP MIN./ROUNDTHE WORLD CITIES0226 N 1 13 O 12 CIRCLE TRIP MIN./ROUNDTHE WORLD CHARGES00M9 C 1 1 O 12 Round the World Minimum Ind00QL C 3 5 O 1 RTWM CONSTRUCTION CITYCODE00MG C 6 10 O 12 Round the World Minimum Cities00MO N 1 13 O 12 Round the World MinimumCharge00MV C 1 1 O 12 One-Way normal fare mimimumindicator00N2 C 1 20 O 12 One-way Normal Fare Min 1stfare basis cd00N9 C 6 10 O 12 One-way Normal fare min 1stcity pair00NG C 1 20 O 12 one-way normal fare min 2ndfare basis cd00NO C 6 10 O 12 One-way normal fare min 2ndcity pair00O5 N 1 13 O 12 One-way normal fare minCharge00OC C 1 1 O 12 Directional Min Check Indicator00QS C 3 5 O 1 DMC CONSTRUCTION CITYCODE00OJ C 6 10 O 12 Directional Mim Check City Pair00OQ C 1 13 O 12 Directional Min Check Amount018M C 1 1 O 1 LOCAL CURRENCY MIN. IMD00QZ C 3 5 O 1 LCM CONSTRUCTION CITYCODE022B C 6 10 O 1 LOCAL CURRENCY MIN.CITIES022D C 1 3 O 1 LOCAL CURRENCY MIN.CURRENCY022C N 1 13 O 1 LOCAL CURRENCY MIN.CHARGES0034 C 3 5 O 999 Segment Tax City Code00JV N 1 10 O 999 SEGMENT TAX CHARGE AMT022E C 3 5 O 999 PSGR FACILITY CHARGE CITYCODE022F N 1 3 O 999 PSGR FACILITY CHARGEAMOUNT02A0 C 1 1 O 3 RETURN SUBJOURNEYCHECK IND02A1 C 1 7 O 3 RET SUBJOURNEYCONSTRUCTION CITY#102A2 C 1 10 O 3 RETURN SUBJOURNEY CITYPAIR#12009-08-04 10:11 &SDSTEST^AP11&WPPADT/YTH/ADT/CNN/INFPage 32 of 56

SDSPRCECATOBFE Version 1 SUBSET OF AIRAALAIRPRICE 04ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02A3 C 1 7 O 3 RET SUBJOURNEYCONSTRUCTION CITY#202A4 C 1 10 O 3 RETURN SUBJOURNEY CITYPAIR#201JJ C 1 10 O 3 Return Subjourney CK Charge02AU C 1 5 O 999 EXPANDED PFC AMOUNTSegment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 10010001NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 2.60ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 10012001NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 3.10ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 1016**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 3.60ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 1007**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 4.10ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 20014101NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 4.602009-08-04 10:11 &SDSTEST^AP11&WPPADT/YTH/ADT/CNN/INFPage 33 of 56

SDSPRCECATOBFE Version 1 SUBSET OF AIRAALAIRPRICE 04Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 3530**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 5.10ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 3566**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 5.60ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 3601**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 6.10ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 3710**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 6.60ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 3714**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 7.20ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 3720**2009-08-04 10:11 &SDSTEST^AP11&WPPADT/YTH/ADT/CNN/INFPage 34 of 56

SDSPRCECATOBFE Version 1 SUBSET OF AIRAALAIRPRICE 04ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 7.70Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 3737**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 8.20ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 37****01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 8.70ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 4000**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 9.20ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 4005**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 9.70ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 4100**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 10.202009-08-04 10:11 &SDSTEST^AP11&WPPADT/YTH/ADT/CNN/INFPage 35 of 56

SDSPRCECATOBFE Version 1 SUBSET OF AIRAALAIRPRICE 04ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 40857*01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 10.70Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 41373301NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 11.20ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 44620001NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 11.80ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 44621301NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 12.30ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 44625701NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 12.80ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 44627401NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 13.302009-08-04 10:11 &SDSTEST^AP11&WPPADT/YTH/ADT/CNN/INFPage 36 of 56

SDSPRCECATOBFE Version 1 SUBSET OF AIRAALAIRPRICE 04Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 44628601NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 13.80ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 44629401NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 14.30ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 45397801NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 14.80ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 4658**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 15.30ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 4659**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 15.80ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 4715**2009-08-04 10:11 &SDSTEST^AP11&WPPADT/YTH/ADT/CNN/INFPage 37 of 56

SDSPRCECATOBFE Version 1 SUBSET OF AIRAALAIRPRICE 04ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 16.40Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 4751**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 16.90ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 4757**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 17.40ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 4762**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 17.90ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 4763**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 18.40ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 4884**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 18.902009-08-04 10:11 &SDSTEST^AP11&WPPADT/YTH/ADT/CNN/INFPage 38 of 56

SDSPRCECATOBFE Version 1 SUBSET OF AIRAALAIRPRICE 04ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 4904**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 19.40Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 49096*01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 19.90ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 49213*01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 20.40ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 4917**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 21.00ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 5211**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 21.50ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 5263**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 22.002009-08-04 10:11 &SDSTEST^AP11&WPPADT/YTH/ADT/CNN/INFPage 39 of 56

SDSPRCECATOBFE Version 1 SUBSET OF AIRAALAIRPRICE 04Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 5419**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 22.50ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 55999901NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 23.00ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 56****01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 23.50ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 5*****01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 24.00ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 67590001NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 24.50ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 676***2009-08-04 10:11 &SDSTEST^AP11&WPPADT/YTH/ADT/CNN/INFPage 40 of 56

SDSPRCECATOBFE Version 1 SUBSET OF AIRAALAIRPRICE 04ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 25.00Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeSegment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPPAXTNesting Level 0 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 999Segment ID WPINFOMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 6011**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 25.60ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 60****01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 26.10ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 6*****01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 26.60ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 6.90ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example00UG C 1 3 M 1 PASSENGER TYPE INF00J8 N 1 3 M 1 Passenger count 1027E C 1 25 O 1 STATUS027G C 1 50 O 1 EXPIRATION TIME01WI C 1 9 O 1 EXPIRATION DATE027F C 1 10 O 1 PRICE2009-08-04 10:11 &SDSTEST^AP11&WPPADT/YTH/ADT/CNN/INFPage 41 of 56

SDSPRCECATOBFE Version 1 SUBSET OF AIRAALAIRPRICE 04Nesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 1ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.Segment ID WPCONVNesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 5Segment ID WPCAL1Nesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 1RepeatFactor Description Example00VW C 1 19 O 1 TYPE INDICATOR00NZ C 3 5 O 1 Point of Sale Override TUL00OF C 3 5 O 1 Point of Ticketing Override TUL00O8 C 3 3 O 1 Construction Currency Code NUC00OM N 1 13 O 1 Construction Total Amount 612.1801T4 N 1 12 O 1 RATE OF EXCHANGE 97.617000US C 1 3 M 1 CURRENCY CODE JPY001P N 1 13 M 1 Base Fare 5980000Y5 C 1 3 O 1 Equivalent currency code 1 USD00U0 C 1 13 O 1 EQUIVALENT AMOUNT PAID 611.0000OT C 1 3 O 1 Local Currency Minimum CurrCode00ON C 1 13 O 1 Local Currency Minimum Value0237 N 1 20 O 1 TOTAL TAX AMOUNT 3.200238 N 1 10 O 999 INDIVIDUAL TAX AMOUNT 3.2001JW C 1 7 O 999 TAX CODE YQI00OB C 1 4 O 999 Ticketing Tax Code YQ01V5 C 1 99 O 999 INDIVIDUAL TAXSERVICE FEE -DESCRIPTION01NY C 1 3 M 1 TOTAL FARE CURRENCY USDCODE01NX C 1 13 M 1 TOTAL AMOUNT 2 614.2000OU C 1 250 O 999 Warning Msg by PassengerType00UY C 1 60 O 20 ENDORSEMENTS00O0 C 1 1 M 1 Non Refundable Indicator O00A4 C 1 100 O 1 Commission Percent00CC C 1 100 O 1 Commission Amount .0000CL C 1 100 O 1 Commission Cap AmountIndicatorElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example003Z C 1 3 O 1 From Currency code JPY00DZ C 1 3 O 1 TO CURRENCY CODE USD00O9 N 1 14 O 1 Equivalent Amt Conversion Rate 97.830000OG C 1 1 O 1 Equiv Amt Conversion Rate BType018W C 1 3 O 1 Conversion Method for CurrentConversion/ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example00UH C 1 999 M 1 FARE CALCULATION ON TKT TYO JL PAR612.18YOW/IN90NUC612.18END ROE97.6172009-08-04 10:11 &SDSTEST^AP11&WPPADT/YTH/ADT/CNN/INFPage 42 of 56

SDSPRCECATOBFE Version 1 SUBSET OF AIRAALAIRPRICE 04Segment ID WPCALCNesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 999ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example003Q C 3 5 M 1 Departure City Code (Board TYOPoint)00FL C 3 5 M 1 Departure Airport Code NRT00SP C 1 4 O 1 SURFACE SEGMENTINDICATOR021V C 1 1 O 1 SIDE TRIP INDICATOR00EX C 2 3 O 1 Expanded Airline Code JL00YT C 1 1 M 1 INDICATOR (GENERIC) O021Q C 1 2 O 1 GLOBAL INDICATOR00GV C 1 5 M 1 CITY CODE PAR00NE C 3 5 M 1 Arrival Airport Code CDG023A C 3 5 O 1 INFANT FARECONSTRUCTION CITY021R N 1 1 O 1 STOPOVER CHARGEINDICATOR021S N 1 10 O 1 CITY SPECIFIC STOP OVERCHARGE00NU C 1 1 O 1 Transfer Charge Indicator00HM C 1 12 O 1 TRANSFER CHARGE00O1 C 1 2 O 999 Surcharge Indicator00OA C 1 5 O 999 Surcharge Type01WT N 1 13 O 999 SURCHARGES00OH C 1 5 O 1 Extra Mileage Allowance Ind00OO C 1 1 O 1 Exclusion Ind/MileageCalculation00OV C 1 1 O 1 Mileage Reduction Pt Ind00G8 C 1 1 O 1 Mileage Equalization Ind0239 C 3 5 O 1 MILEAGE EQUALIZATION OR021T C 1 3 O 1 MILEAGE SYMBOL M021W C 1 2 O 1 MILEAGE SURCHARGEINDICATOR00QJ C 3 5 O 1 HIP CONSTRUCTION CITYCODE0223 C 6 10 O 1 HIGHER INTERMEDIATEPOINT CITY CODES00UI N 1 216 O 1 FARE AMOUNT 612.18013T C 1 15 O 1 INCLUSIVE TOUR00Z1 C 1 20 O 1 Fare basis code YOW/IN9000U9 C 1 11 O 1 TICKET DESIGNATOR IN9000H6 C 1 10 O 1 Snap Designator/Disc Code00HV C 1 5 O 1 Global Indicator for fare TS00L9 C 1 5 O 1 Trip Type Indicator O00M6 C 6 10 O 1 Fare Market Charged TYOPAR001A C 1 1 O 1 TYPE OF FARE P00MM C 1 20 O 1 Corporate ID00N8 C 1 20 O 1 Contract Number00NF C 1 4 O 1 Branch00NV C 2 2 O 1 Country of Ship Registry00N5 C 2 3 O 1 Gov Carrier/Primary or 1st joint JL2009-08-04 10:11 &SDSTEST^AP11&WPPADT/YTH/ADT/CNN/INFPage 43 of 56

SDSPRCECATOBFE Version 1 SUBSET OF AIRAALAIRPRICE 04ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example00MD C 2 3 O 1 Gov Carrier/2nd joint carrier00ML C 1 1 O 1 IATA Authorized Carrier00MS C 5 5 O 1 Fare Travel Application Date 18MAY01FT C 1 2 O 1 CABIN Y01V6 C 1 3 O 1 FARE PASSENGER TYPE INF01PD N 1 2 O 28 RULE CATEGORY INDICATOR 1,8,9,10,1900MZ C 1 100 O 1 Validity Dt not valid befor dt00N6 C 1 100 O 1 Validity dates not valid after date 18MAY2011028A C 1 999 O 1 SEGMENT NUMBER02A5 C 1 26 O 999 SURCHARGE DESCRIPTIONS02AP C 1 1 O 1 NET FATE TYPE02AQ C 1 1 O 1 PRICING/TKTG RESTR. (CAT35 FARE)Segment ID WPADDLNesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 1ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example00ND C 1 1 O 12 Stopover Ind/unspecified cities017A N 1 3 O 12 COUNT NUMBER01WS N 1 13 O 12 STOP OVER CHARGES00EG C 1 1 O 12 Differential Indicator00G7 C 6 10 O 12 Differential market00H5 C 1 1 O 12 Differential HIF Mileage Ind00FH C 1 2 O 12 Diff HIF Mileage Surcharge Ind00IL C 6 10 O 12 Diff HIF Cities/both class of svc00QQ C 3 5 O 1 DIFF HIGHER CONSRUCTIONCITY CODE00GL C 1 13 O 12 Higher Fare Basis Cd/Diff HIFMkt00H7 C 6 10 O 12 Diff HIF Cities/higher class00QX C 3 5 O 1 DIFF LOWER CONSTRUCTIONCITY CODE00M8 C 1 13 O 12 Lower Fare basis cd/diff HIF mkt00MU C 6 10 O 12 Diff HIF Cities/Lower class01SY C 1 2 O 12 CABIN IND.FORDIFFERENTIAL01WP N 1 13 O 12 DIFFERENTIAL CHARGES006N C 1 1 O 12 One-way Backhaul Indicator00QD C 3 5 O 1 One-way Backhaul ConstructionCity Code00B2 C 6 10 O 12 One-way Backhaul Cities/1st Mkt00BN C 6 10 O 12 One-way backhaul cities/2nd mkt0229 N 1 10 O 12 BACKHAUL CHARGES00CG C 1 1 O 12 Normal fare check indicator002O C 6 10 O 12 Normal Fare Check Mkt009V N 1 10 O 12 Normal Fare Check Charge007I C 1 1 O 12 Precedence Fare CheckIndicator0221 C 6 10 O 12 PRECEDENCE CITIES022A N 1 10 O 12 PRECEDENCE CHARGES00B8 C 1 1 O 12 Country of Origin Minimum Ind2009-08-04 10:11 &SDSTEST^AP11&WPPADT/YTH/ADT/CNN/INFPage 44 of 56

SDSPRCECATOBFE Version 1 SUBSET OF AIRAALAIRPRICE 04ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example00QK C 3 5 O 1 Country of Origin Min ConstructCity Code00CJ C 6 10 O 12 Country of Origin Minimum Cities00DQ N 1 13 O 12 Country of Origin MinimumCharge00GM C 3 3 O 12 Common Point MinimumIndicator00QR C 3 5 O 1 CPM CONSTRUCTION CITYCODE00H8 C 3 5 O 12 Common Point Minimum (1stcity)00HX C 3 5 O 12 Common Point Minimum (2ndCity)00IO N 1 13 O 12 Commom Point MinimumCharge00LG C 1 1 O 12 Circle Trip Minimum Indicator00QE C 3 5 O 1 CTM CONSTRUCTION CITYCODE0225 C 6 10 O 12 CIRCLE TRIP MIN./ROUNDTHE WORLD CITIES0226 N 1 13 O 12 CIRCLE TRIP MIN./ROUNDTHE WORLD CHARGES00M9 C 1 1 O 12 Round the World Minimum Ind00QL C 3 5 O 1 RTWM CONSTRUCTION CITYCODE00MG C 6 10 O 12 Round the World Minimum Cities00MO N 1 13 O 12 Round the World MinimumCharge00MV C 1 1 O 12 One-Way normal fare mimimumindicator00N2 C 1 20 O 12 One-way Normal Fare Min 1stfare basis cd00N9 C 6 10 O 12 One-way Normal fare min 1stcity pair00NG C 1 20 O 12 one-way normal fare min 2ndfare basis cd00NO C 6 10 O 12 One-way normal fare min 2ndcity pair00O5 N 1 13 O 12 One-way normal fare minCharge00OC C 1 1 O 12 Directional Min Check Indicator00QS C 3 5 O 1 DMC CONSTRUCTION CITYCODE00OJ C 6 10 O 12 Directional Mim Check City Pair00OQ C 1 13 O 12 Directional Min Check Amount018M C 1 1 O 1 LOCAL CURRENCY MIN. IMD00QZ C 3 5 O 1 LCM CONSTRUCTION CITYCODE022B C 6 10 O 1 LOCAL CURRENCY MIN.CITIES022D C 1 3 O 1 LOCAL CURRENCY MIN.CURRENCY022C N 1 13 O 1 LOCAL CURRENCY MIN.CHARGES0034 C 3 5 O 999 Segment Tax City Code00JV N 1 10 O 999 SEGMENT TAX CHARGE AMT2009-08-04 10:11 &SDSTEST^AP11&WPPADT/YTH/ADT/CNN/INFPage 45 of 56

SDSPRCECATOBFE Version 1 SUBSET OF AIRAALAIRPRICE 04ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example022E C 3 5 O 999 PSGR FACILITY CHARGE CITYCODE022F N 1 3 O 999 PSGR FACILITY CHARGEAMOUNT02A0 C 1 1 O 3 RETURN SUBJOURNEYCHECK IND02A1 C 1 7 O 3 RET SUBJOURNEYCONSTRUCTION CITY#102A2 C 1 10 O 3 RETURN SUBJOURNEY CITYPAIR#102A3 C 1 7 O 3 RET SUBJOURNEYCONSTRUCTION CITY#202A4 C 1 10 O 3 RETURN SUBJOURNEY CITYPAIR#201JJ C 1 10 O 3 Return Subjourney CK Charge02AU C 1 5 O 999 EXPANDED PFC AMOUNTSegment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 10010001NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 1.00ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 10012001NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 1.50ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 1016**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 2.00ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 1007**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 2.602009-08-04 10:11 &SDSTEST^AP11&WPPADT/YTH/ADT/CNN/INFPage 46 of 56

SDSPRCECATOBFE Version 1 SUBSET OF AIRAALAIRPRICE 04Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 20014101NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 3.10ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 3530**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 3.60ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 3566**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 4.10ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 3601**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 4.60ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 3710**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 5.10ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 3714**2009-08-04 10:11 &SDSTEST^AP11&WPPADT/YTH/ADT/CNN/INFPage 47 of 56

SDSPRCECATOBFE Version 1 SUBSET OF AIRAALAIRPRICE 04ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 5.60Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 3720**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 6.10ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 3737**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 6.60ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 37****01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 7.20ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 4000**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 7.70ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 4005**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 8.202009-08-04 10:11 &SDSTEST^AP11&WPPADT/YTH/ADT/CNN/INFPage 48 of 56

SDSPRCECATOBFE Version 1 SUBSET OF AIRAALAIRPRICE 04ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 4100**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 8.70Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 40857*01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 9.20ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 41373301NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 9.70ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 44620001NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 10.20ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 44621301NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 10.70ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 44625701NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 11.202009-08-04 10:11 &SDSTEST^AP11&WPPADT/YTH/ADT/CNN/INFPage 49 of 56

SDSPRCECATOBFE Version 1 SUBSET OF AIRAALAIRPRICE 04Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 44627401NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 11.80ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 44628601NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 12.30ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 44629401NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 12.80ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 45397801NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 13.30ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 4658**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 13.80ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 4659**2009-08-04 10:11 &SDSTEST^AP11&WPPADT/YTH/ADT/CNN/INFPage 50 of 56

SDSPRCECATOBFE Version 1 SUBSET OF AIRAALAIRPRICE 04ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 14.30Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 4715**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 14.80ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 4751**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 15.30ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 4757**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 15.80ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 4762**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 16.40ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 4763**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 16.902009-08-04 10:11 &SDSTEST^AP11&WPPADT/YTH/ADT/CNN/INFPage 51 of 56

SDSPRCECATOBFE Version 1 SUBSET OF AIRAALAIRPRICE 04ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 4884**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 17.40Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 4904**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 17.90ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 49096*01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 18.40ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 49213*01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 18.90ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 4917**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 19.40ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 5211**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 19.902009-08-04 10:11 &SDSTEST^AP11&WPPADT/YTH/ADT/CNN/INFPage 52 of 56

SDSPRCECATOBFE Version 1 SUBSET OF AIRAALAIRPRICE 04Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 5263**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 20.40ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 5419**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 21.00ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 55999901NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 21.50ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 56****01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 22.00ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 5*****01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 22.50ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 6759002009-08-04 10:11 &SDSTEST^AP11&WPPADT/YTH/ADT/CNN/INFPage 53 of 56

SDSPRCECATOBFE Version 1 SUBSET OF AIRAALAIRPRICE 04ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 23.00Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID WPTFEENesting Level 1 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 50Segment ID PRDATANesting Level 0 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 1RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 676***01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 23.50ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 6011**01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 24.00ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 60****01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 24.50ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA 6*****01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 25.00ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example02AG C 1 4 O 1 SERVICE TYPE OB0404 C 1 7 O 1 FUNCTION CODE FCA0149 C 1 15 O 1 ACCOUNT DATA01NK C 1 18 O 1 MONETARY AMOUNT 3.402009-08-04 10:11 &SDSTEST^AP11&WPPADT/YTH/ADT/CNN/INFPage 54 of 56

SDSPRCECATOBFE Version 1 SUBSET OF AIRAALAIRPRICE 04ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example00CA C 5 9 M 1 Departure Date (Seamless 18MAY2010Availabilty) CPA00OZ C 5 9 O 1 Last Date to Ticket003X C 1 4 O 1 Last time to ticket002B C 1 4 O 1 Time to Ticket value002I C 1 4 O 1 Time to Ticket Indicator00Z7 C 1 250 O 999 Free form text VALIDATING CARRIER -JL,VALIDATING CARRIER -JL,EACH CNN REQUIRESACCOMPANYING SAME CABINADT,VALIDATING CARRIER -JL,REQUIRESACCOMPANYING ADTPASSENGER,EACH INFREQUIRES ACCOMPANYINGADTPASSENGER,VALIDATINGCARRIER - JL00KJ C 1 8 M 1 location of request KK61/TUL00T0 C 1 19 O 1 LOCATION CODE HDQ022G C 1 2 M 1 DUTY CODE *022H C 3 3 M 1 AGENT SABRE SIGN-ON DUTY N97CODE017X C 1 1 M 1 Area Agent signed in to A01CB T 1 6 M 1 TRANSACTION TIME 1011A023B C 1 9 M 1 TRANSACTION DATE 04AUG01MC C 2 24 O 24 BOOKING CLASSES FORWPNC/WPNCB01PZ C 2 4 O 24 CLASSES NOT AVAIL. FORWPNCS00DX C 1 10 O 1 Validating Carrier JL029D C 1 999 O 1 BANNER028W C 1 999 O 1 STATUS UNRETAINED029F C 1 999 O 1 EXPIRATION DATE027G C 1 50 O 1 EXPIRATION TIME029G C 1 999 O 1 PRICE SYSTEM02BD C 2 24 O 1 BOOKING CLASS FOR DIVIDEPARTYSegment ID PRDAT2Nesting Level 0 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 1ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example017X C 1 1 M 1 Area Agent signed in toSegment ID PRMLNENesting Level 0 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 17ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example00BD C 1 6 O 1 PROMOSPOT NUMBER00VA C 1 5 O 1 LINE NUMBER01WK C 1 30 O 4 FREE TEXT01PG C 1 10 O 1 LOGO/GRAPHIC ID002H C 1 2 O 1 Line of Business2009-08-04 10:11 &SDSTEST^AP11&WPPADT/YTH/ADT/CNN/INFPage 55 of 56

SDSPRCECATOBFE Version 1 SUBSET OF AIRAALAIRPRICE 04Segment ID DSPFMTNesting Level 0 - Mandatory/Optional Flag O Repeat Factor 999ElementIDDataTypeMin.SizeMax.SizeMan./Opt.RepeatFactor Description Example015F C 1 2 O 1 SEQUENCE NUMBER00PP C 2 3 O 1 CARRIER CODE019E C 1 999 O 1 Free Text Promo Messages2009-08-04 10:11 &SDSTEST^AP11&WPPADT/YTH/ADT/CNN/INFPage 56 of 56

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