SAA, 1st version - Net!Works

SAA, 1st version - Net!Works

SAA, 1st version - Net!Works

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Enabling TechnologieseMobility – Strategic Applications AgendaoooProtocol and mechanism: The protocol used between a management server and a mobiledeviceData model: The data made available for remote manipulation, for example browser and mailsettingsPolicy: The policy decides who can manipulate a particular parameter, or update a particularobject in the deviceUtilisationThe Device Management Working Group defines management protocols and mechanisms thatenable robust management during the entire life cycle of the device and its applications over avariety of bearers.ComponentsA management authority is an entity that has the right to perform a specific DM function on adevice or manipulate a given data element or parameter. For example, the network operator,handset manufacturer, enterprise, or device owner may be the authority or share authority formanaging the device.CharacteristicsOMA DM Protocols are explicitly bearer independent and agnostic to underlying transport betweenthe device and the server.RequirementsManagement authorityDevice must offer support for OMA DM Technology.TrafficAny kind of applicationEntitiesManagement authorityVI.4.3. R&D ChallengesService continuity is key in the deployment of new services, such as remote health monitoring.In order to support a seamless mobility between different radio access technologies and provide servicecontinuity, technologies introduced in the previous section need to be adopted.For the successful deployment of new services in the context of heterogeneous wireless networks, three mainchallenges have been identified:Seamless handover between different radio access technologies in order to provide permanentlyconnected applications.Interoperability between different available solutions for seamless mobility.Remote monitoring and management of mobile applications to enable remote configuration in mobiledevices, retrieval of management information and detection of events and alarms generated on theclient side.VI.4.4. Matrix Serv. & Apps. vs. Techs., End User Issues[233][234][235] technologies make it possible to improve service accessibility and usability, since services can beaccessed from different radio access technologies, and also from a wide range of devices, from mobile devices tolaptops.On the other hand, OMA DM provides a complete set of protocols to improve performance and reliability ofapplications running on customer devices. OMA DM makes it possible to perform a wide range of over-the-airmanagement tasks on user terminals.78

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