SAA, 1st version - Net!Works

SAA, 1st version - Net!Works

SAA, 1st version - Net!Works

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TransporteMobility – Strategic Applications Agendafrom a traffic control and economic point of view. An example of a cost-benefit analysis for the installation andoperation of dWiSta at a motorway junction in the Leipzig region showed a high benefit ratio depending on thefrequency of events, the traffic load and the detour factors. The results of the investigation consist of specificrecommendations concerning the further implementation of dWiSta in the Leipzig region and of generallyapplicable usage criteria for dWiSta at federal motorway junctions.Use of new technologies for traffic information and guidance systemsThe provision of modern information technology to control traffic has added a new dimension to road trafficengineering in recent years. The current level of development regarding telematics in traffic is characterised byattempts to prove the functionality of numerous technical elements and sub-systems. There has recently been arapid development of private traffic information services which are largely based on mobile radio systems.Analysis of the current developments and demonstrations of their potential for contributing towards an integratedtraffic management system is necessary from the perspective of traffic science, which has to deal with the trafficengineering strategies for the operation of new guidance systems. The aim of the present project [92] was todevelop solid concepts for the use of new technologies in different scenarios.EU project on infrastructure and safety: In-SafetyAlthough new telematic applications are known to enhance traffic safety, specific results concerninginfrastructure-aided systems - especially in conjunction with conventional traffic safety measures - are not yetavailable. This project [93] is meant to investigate how conventional traffic safety measures can be aided througha use of new technologies like driver assistance systems. For this purpose, the Federal Highway ResearchInstitute develops and rates implementation scenarios (road maps) comprising a combination of innovative andconventional traffic safety measures. Based on cost-benefit analyses, the recommended road maps are to supportpublic authorities in rating investments in new telematic systems.Updates of technical delivery conditions for route control stations (TLS)Traffic guidance implemented by means of alternating traffic signs and directions on interstate roads [94] is beingcontinued as part of a program by the Federal Ministry of Traffic, Construction and Housing lasting from 2002 to2007. In this process, it is necessary to update the TLS bodies of rules relevant to system configuration in termsof additionally established applications, technological advancements and accompanying developments instandards. This primarily means an integration of faster data transfer facilities and various communication mediasuch as fibreglass or copper cables and radio links. In addition to opening TLS to promising future technologies,these measures will streamline interaction between traffic and road engineering systems in tunnels so as toimprove identification and management of disruptions.Stadtinfo Cologne Traffic and Parking Data SystemPartnersStadtinfo Köln (City Info Cologne) [95] is a research project financed by the German Federal Ministry ofResearch that centres around the collection of various traffic data to be distributed to diverse platforms includingthe Internet, portable devices such as PDAs and mobile telephones, in-car navigation systems and variablemessage signs throughout the city. The project was implemented over a four-year period from 1998 to October2002 by 15 partners in co-operation with the city of Cologne at a cost of €16.1 million.Traffic Management Centre (VMZ Berlin)The objective of the Berlin Traffic Management Centre [96] (known as VMZ Berlin in Germany) has been torecord and evaluate the traffic situation in Berlin. Specifically, the aim was to integrate all Berlin transport into anefficient city traffic management system. This has included individual and public passenger transportation as wellas commercial transportation.The data gathered has been used to generate comprehensive traffic information and aid informed managementdecisions to improve the traffic situation in Berlin.EuroMetropolisThis initiative [97] combines the topics of traffic information, travel management and networking (e.g. linkingcars with the home and office). The initiative also supports the development of the needed infrastructure:Traffic information: The goal is to provide reliable traffic information throughout Europe. Combined withdynamic, customised navigation services, this results in safer, more efficient traffic flow and a morepleasant and relaxed journey for the driver.34

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