SAA, 1st version - Net!Works

SAA, 1st version - Net!Works

SAA, 1st version - Net!Works

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eMobility – Strategic Applications AgendaAnnex CEnd Date: 2009-08-31Project Status: ExecutionProject Funding: 2.46 million eurohttp://cordis.europa.eu/fetch?CALLER=PROJ_ICT&ACTION=D&DOC=1&CAT=PROJ&QUERY=011e8a34ec19:c9dd:084937a7&RCN=80203ParticipantsOptimare Sensorsysteme Ag GermanyThe Marine Institute IrelandNorsk Institutt For Vannforskning NorwayCentre De Documentation De Recherche Et D'experimentation Sur Les Pollutions Accidentelles Des Eaux FranceSpacebel Sa BelgiumInnova - Consorzio Per L'informatica E La Telematica ItalyInstytut Oceanologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk PolandRuhr-Universitaet Bochum GermanyUniversita Degli Studi Del Piemonte Orientale Amedeo Avogadro ItalyInstitut Francais De Recherche Pour L' Exploitation De La Mer FranceMeteorologisk Institutt NorwayGkss - Forschungszentrum Geesthacht Gmbh GermanyPlymouth Marine Laboratory United KingdomUniversity College Cork - National University Of Ireland, Cork IrelandCoordinatorContact Person: Name: SANDVEN, STEINTel: +47-55205838Fax: +47-55205801Organisation: STIFTELSEN NANSEN SENTER FOR FJERNMAALINGPOLAR AND ENVIRONMENTAL REMOTE SENSING DEPARTMENTTHORMOEHLENSGATE 475006 BERGENNORWAY60. Monitoring and intervention for the transportationof dangerous goods (MITRA)Background and ObjectivesFunded under 6th FWP (Sixth Framework Programme)Research area: IST-2002- Improving Risk managementhttp://www.mitraproject.info/html/overview.htmlThe objective of MITRA is to prototype a new operational system based on regional responsibilities for themonitoring of dangerous goods transportation in Europe. This concept, derived from the Air Traffic Controldomain, aims at providing the Civil Security centres with a real-time knowledge of the position and contents ofdangerous vehicles circulating in their responsibility area, warning and alert displays in case of dangeroussituations, and crisis management information, allowing intervention teams to react immediately in case of anaccident, with a maximum of safety.MITRA will entail cooperation between different European actors: Civil Security authorities, researchorganisations, industrial companies. The active participation of the end-users throughout the whole projectduration will ensure adequate requirements capture. They will also be involved in the different project reviews(To+ 4, 7, 16, 21). The project will deliver (To+17) a prototype consisting of 3 User Monitoring Terminals, withthe appropriate decision support software modules, together with a Risk-Knowledge platform, containing all293

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