SAA, 1st version - Net!Works

SAA, 1st version - Net!Works

SAA, 1st version - Net!Works

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eMobility – Strategic Applications AgendaHealth and InclusionTrafficThe traffic will depend on usage which in turn is dependent on health needs, location and healthprofessionals‘ qualification and experienceEntitiesDeveloping Countries, Health Ministry, Public and Private Healthcare Providers, Medical EmergencyServices Organization, Military, Social/Home care providersTechnical CharacteristicsTime dependencyTime-based or non-time-based.Delivery requirementsReal timeSymmetry of the connectionSymmetric or asymmetric.Bit rateSeveral kbpsII. Mobile Robotic Tele-ultrasonographyDescriptionend-to-end mobile tele-echography system [46] [43] to perform real-time robotised tele-echographyto remote patients.Utilisationfor population groups that are not served locally, either temporarily or permanently, by medicalultrasound experts.ComponentsExpert site: dedicated pseudo-haptic fictive probe instrumented to control the positioning of theremote robot and emulates an ultrasound probe that medical experts are used to handle - betterergonomy.Communication media: wired and wireless links.Patient site: 6 degrees of freedom lightweight robotic system and its control unit.RequirementsReal-time end-to-end communicationEntitiesDeveloping Countries, Health Ministry, Public and Private Healthcare Providers, Medical EmergencyServices Organization, Military, Social/Home care providersTechnical CharacteristicsDelivery requirementsReal timeSymmetry of the connectionUplink (from patient site) more demanding due to medical video transmission.Bit rateMinimum 210 kbps patient-to-expert, 16kbps expert-to-patientMaximum transfer delay300 msIII. Real-time transmission of medical data from an ambulanceDescriptionThe purpose is to allow the transmition real-time of a patient‘s medical data from the ambulance tothe hospital.UtilisationEmergencyComponentsoECG and other vital signals13

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