SAA, 1st version - Net!Works

SAA, 1st version - Net!Works

SAA, 1st version - Net!Works

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Health and InclusioneMobility – Strategic Applications AgendaHealthy people: Wellness applications, heart arrest and stroke (interventions and timing ofinterventions).Elderly persons: Monitoring of mobility decrease, constipation, catheters and infections.Chronic patients: Epilepsy, hypertension, asthma, respiratory, smoking, treatment and medication.All of the above systems may include alerting and management support systems which incorporate new tools forprediction, detection and monitoring of adverse event. An alarm represents a change in the status of aphysiological condition or a sensor reading state outside of agreed limits.II.2.2. State of the ArtThe monitoring technology of medical parameters such as heart rate, blood pressure or oxygen saturation ofblood (SpO2) at rest is well established, while getting reliable measurements and diagnosis is very difficult undermobile conditions for people moving around and performing their normal daily activities. This is particularly thecase for non-invasive methods, where monitoring techniques are very sensitive to different artefacts, such asthose appearing when the person is freely moving around, walking for instance.A short description of the existing e-health pervasive services/applications is following:I. Mobile applications to monitor and transmit to a data base cardiovascular and hemodynamicparametersDescriptionMobile application for:oooooHeart Rate MonitorFinger Ring SpO2 MonitorStress MonitoringMulti-parameter HOLTERPulse transit time for assessing arterial BP variationso Electrical measurements of heart activity with dry electrodesThe self-monitoring devices applied for personal health combine smart phones to send accuratemeasurement results to health care professionals in almost real time regardless of the location. Anexample is the use of pulse oximeters to measure blood oxygen saturation (%SpO2) and heart rateto determine the tendency to sleep apnea.The personal treatment can be monitored and quickly adapted to a change in health status.UtilisationThe doctor has prescribed a patient to take e.g. blood pressure, use a weighing scale or aglucometer and other measurements at home regularly for some time period. Smart phones cancollect measurement results automatically and wirelessly from the measuring devices andseamlessly transfer the collected data to the doctor for further analysis.ComponentsSensors for medical data acquisition, smart phonesCharacteristicsResults from measurement devices are forwarded by using mobile networks like GPRS and 3G tothe doctor.RequirementsAvailable where GPRS and 3G networks are available.TrafficDemand for low bandwidth network.EntitiesHealthcare professionals, social security organizations, health ministry.6

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