SAA, 1st version - Net!Works

SAA, 1st version - Net!Works

SAA, 1st version - Net!Works

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Annex BeMobility – Strategic Applications AgendaDuration: 30 monthsProject Cost: 3.46 million euroContract Type: Cost-sharing contractsEnd Date: 2002-06-30Project Status: CompletedProject Funding: 1.48 million euroTo encourage travellers to make use of different modes of transport, the switch from one means of transport toanother has to be smooth and easy. This requires reliable and efficient communication between the differenttransport modes, in order to provide multi-modal services with a high level of quality, reliability and timeliness.The TRIDENT project aims to establish mechanisms for the sharing and exchange of common and reusable datato enable and support multimodal services.Website unavailableParticipantsMinisterie Van De Vlaamse GemeenschapAgenzia Per I Trasporti Autoferrotramviari Del Comune Di RomaMizar Mediaservice S.R.L.S.T.A. Societa Trasporti Automobilistici Societa Per Azioni - Agenzia Per La Mobilita Del Comune DiRomaTransport, Infrastructure & Telematics NvRegie Autonome Des Transports ParisiensLa Poste Suisse Car PostalMva LimitedWest Yorkshire Passenger Transport ExecutiveVlaamse Vervoermaatschappij De LijnCentre D'etudes Techniques De L'equipement-MediterraneeB+S Ingenieur AgBelgiumItalyItalyItalyBelgiumFranceSwitzerlandBelgiumFranceSwitzerland20. E-PARKINGBackground and ObjectivesProject detailsProject Acronym: E-PARKINGProject Reference: IST-2000-25392Start Date: 2001-08-01Duration: 24 monthsProject Cost: 2.8 million euroContract Type: Cost-sharing contractsEnd Date: 2003-07-31Project Status: CompletedProject Funding: 1.09 million euroThe E-PARKING project will develop an analysis of the most appropriate security architecture system required touse a mobile phone or any other device equipped with Bluetooth technology as a method of electronic bookingand payment.The project will research on the generation of an easily deployable system for parking space optimisation.To this effect, E-PARKING aims at including new user-friendly and safe technologies in the booking and sellingprocess of parking spaces in order to increase competition and productivity in such an important every-dayactivity.146

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