SAA, 1st version - Net!Works

SAA, 1st version - Net!Works

SAA, 1st version - Net!Works

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eMobility – Strategic Applications AgendaAnnex Acommunity of elderly people. City Halls are becoming conscious of this problem and are studying solutions, forexample by reducing the free car circulation areas. Free car areas imply a revolution in the planning of urbansettings, for example, by imposing new means for transportation of goods, security issues, etc. In this project wewant to analyze and test the idea of incorporating a network of robots (robots, intelligent sensors, devices andcommunications) in order to improve life quality in such urban areas.Well being and personalization30. Delivering Inclusive Access for Disabled or ElderlyMembers of the community (DIADEM). FP6 projectObjectivesThe goal of this project is to provide an adaptable web browser interface, to enable people who suffer areduction of cognitive skills, to remain active and independent members of society. This will be achieved bydeveloping an Expert System (ES) that, monitors the user, adapting and personalising the computer interface toenable people to interact with web based forms. This system will be located on the user's PC and will ensure thatthe many services available over the Internet are open and accessible to as many people as possible, whilstproviding privacy and security. The technology will also be extended into the work place enabling people to be inmore control of their working environment and their working life.DescriptionPlug-in to a web browser that monitors the ability of the user to interact with the system and dynamically offerspersonalisation of the interface to optimise assistance to that specific user. All the service provider needs to do isuse the Web Services standard and provide some fixed meta-level data about the dialogue structure.UtilizationThe project focuses on the problem of accessing services online where the user needs to fill in a form on thescreenEntitiesRTD developers and Public Authorities.WebDIADEM PROJECT. http://www.project-diadem.eu/.31. Mobility for All – The Use of Ambient Intelligence inAddressing the Mobility Needs of People withImpairments (ASK-IT). FP6 ProjectObjectivesThe project aims at establish Ambient Intelligence (AmI) in semantic web enabled services, to support andpromote the mobility of Mobility Impaired people, enabling the provision of personalised, self-configurable,121

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