Professional Profile - Christian Aboriginal Infrastructure ...

Professional Profile - Christian Aboriginal Infrastructure ... Professional Profile - Christian Aboriginal Infrastructure ...


Dr. Richard G. Herbert B.SC., D.V.M.Professional Goals:Dr. Herbert has worked with First Nation issues and consultation for 10 years. He sat, listenedand learned from First Nation elders, leaders and communities. Dr. Herbert brings into his worka deep understanding of root causes and permanent solutions to problems today’s First Nationcommunities inherited.Dr. Herbert has written meaningful consultation models and worked on harmonizing First Nationculture with national and global interests through these models. He believes that with respect,consultation processes can provide templates to share the land and its resources to the benefit ofall peoples and stakeholders, including those of future generations.Dr. Herbert has been in the Yukon for over 3 years building relationships and providing capacitywhen asked by First Nations. During this time he has acquired knowledge of regional history,First Nation issues, land claim settlements, legislation, litigation, corporate interests and theGovernment of Yukon.History:Over the course of his career, Dr. Herbert has interacted with a variety of First Nations andgovernment agencies including the Taku River Tlingit First Nation, Ross River Dena, GrandCouncil Treaty 3, Fort Frances Secretariat, Lac Des Milles Lac First Nation, Seine River FirstNation, Rainy River First Nation, Nicickoysemenecaning First Nation, Naotkamegwanning FirstNation, Naicatchewenin First Nation, Constance Lake First Nation, Yukon Community ServicesDepartment, Yukon Economic Development Department, Yukon Energy and Mines Department,Yukon Environment Department, Yukon Justice Department, Canadian Food Inspection Agency,Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Ontario Ministry of Northern Development andMines, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Health Canada, Aboriginal Affairs and NorthernDevelopment Canada (AANDC), Canadian Heritage and the Truth and ReconciliationCommission. Dr. Herbert has also corresponded with leaders from the various First Nations andgovernment departments listed above.Dr. Herbert began working with First Nations in Treaty 9 in 1998 regarding dog managementinfrastructure and its service delivery. In 2004 through 2008, he worked in Treaty 3 ontraditional harvest management, traditional trade and commerce, traditional business andtraditional dog management infrastructures. From 2008 to 2010, Dr. Herbert worked to promoteAboriginal infrastructure development and develop a meaningful consultation process able toequally respect the rights of First Nations and the Crown.In July of 2010, Dr. Herbert was brought to the Yukon by the Government of Yukon (YG) tofacilitate a dog management pilot program between the Ross River Dena Council and YG. Afterlaying the ground work for development of the joint program, the YG discontinued the project.From November 2010 until now, Dr. Herbert has worked with the Taku River Tlingit FirstNation, Ross River Dena, Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Dena Naye Ventures, CanNor,Yukon Regional Economic Development, Yukon Community Economic Development,2014-01-07 1

Dr. Richard G. Herbert B.SC., D.V.M.<strong>Professional</strong> Goals:Dr. Herbert has worked with First Nation issues and consultation for 10 years. He sat, listenedand learned from First Nation elders, leaders and communities. Dr. Herbert brings into his worka deep understanding of root causes and permanent solutions to problems today’s First Nationcommunities inherited.Dr. Herbert has written meaningful consultation models and worked on harmonizing First Nationculture with national and global interests through these models. He believes that with respect,consultation processes can provide templates to share the land and its resources to the benefit ofall peoples and stakeholders, including those of future generations.Dr. Herbert has been in the Yukon for over 3 years building relationships and providing capacitywhen asked by First Nations. During this time he has acquired knowledge of regional history,First Nation issues, land claim settlements, legislation, litigation, corporate interests and theGovernment of Yukon.History:Over the course of his career, Dr. Herbert has interacted with a variety of First Nations andgovernment agencies including the Taku River Tlingit First Nation, Ross River Dena, GrandCouncil Treaty 3, Fort Frances Secretariat, Lac Des Milles Lac First Nation, Seine River FirstNation, Rainy River First Nation, Nicickoysemenecaning First Nation, Naotkamegwanning FirstNation, Naicatchewenin First Nation, Constance Lake First Nation, Yukon Community ServicesDepartment, Yukon Economic Development Department, Yukon Energy and Mines Department,Yukon Environment Department, Yukon Justice Department, Canadian Food Inspection Agency,Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Ontario Ministry of Northern Development andMines, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Health Canada, <strong>Aboriginal</strong> Affairs and NorthernDevelopment Canada (AANDC), Canadian Heritage and the Truth and ReconciliationCommission. Dr. Herbert has also corresponded with leaders from the various First Nations andgovernment departments listed above.Dr. Herbert began working with First Nations in Treaty 9 in 1998 regarding dog managementinfrastructure and its service delivery. In 2004 through 2008, he worked in Treaty 3 ontraditional harvest management, traditional trade and commerce, traditional business andtraditional dog management infrastructures. From 2008 to 2010, Dr. Herbert worked to promote<strong>Aboriginal</strong> infrastructure development and develop a meaningful consultation process able toequally respect the rights of First Nations and the Crown.In July of 2010, Dr. Herbert was brought to the Yukon by the Government of Yukon (YG) tofacilitate a dog management pilot program between the Ross River Dena Council and YG. Afterlaying the ground work for development of the joint program, the YG discontinued the project.From November 2010 until now, Dr. Herbert has worked with the Taku River Tlingit FirstNation, Ross River Dena, Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Dena Naye Ventures, CanNor,Yukon Regional Economic Development, Yukon Community Economic Development,2014-01-07 1

Dr. Richard G. Herbert B.SC., D.V.M.Committee on Abuse in Residential Schools Society (CAIRS), Whitehorse <strong>Aboriginal</strong> Woman’sCircle and the Canadian Whitehorse Multicultural Association. Projects ranged from acquiringfunding from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (Memorial Monument Program), HealthCanada, Women’s Directorate and Community Development Fund, to regional business modeldevelopment, consultation protocols, community infrastructure development, monitoring courtcases, preparing Chief and Council briefs, drafting letters for Chiefs, work on the Faro Minereclamation project, healing programs, justice programs, municipal infrastructure developmentand First Nation administration development.Dr. Herbert is currently the Chief Executive Officer of two charities he founded in 2007, one ofwhich is <strong>Christian</strong> <strong>Aboriginal</strong> <strong>Infrastructure</strong> Developments (CAID). Dr. Herbert works throughCAID to provide capacity to First Nations.Experience:July 2010 - Present in Yukon:Transboundary ClaimsMiningo Currently working as capacity with the Taku River Tlingit First Nation (TRTFN)and Camp Yukon on the YG-proposed Atlin Lake campground. This workincludes work on the Yukon transboundary portion of TRTFN’s comprehensiveclaim and the YESAB evaluation process (2013-0113).• Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Board: PublicConsultation on Atlin Lake Campground #2013-0113 by Dr. R.G. Herbert. Public Consultation Comments: Proposed Changes to Class 1 Quartz Programsand Placer Land Use Operations by Dr. Richard G. Herbert. Worked towards developing a local and regional economic infrastructure for theFaro Mine reclamation process.Oil and Gaso Worked on respectful initial engagement of First Nations by explorationcorporations and on frameworks for meaningful consultation.Indian Residential Schools (IRS) and Healing:o Worked with the Committee on Abuse in Residential Schools (CAIRS) Society tosecure funding to keep healing and support programs operating;o Worked to develop, fund and coordinate building a traditional prayer circlememorial with Ross River to honour IRS students and promote healing; and,o Worked to secure funding for the development of a healing program on violencefor First Nation women.Community Core <strong>Infrastructure</strong> and Capacity Development:2014-01-07 2

Dr. Richard G. Herbert B.SC., D.V.M.o Worked towards creating missing or insufficient community infrastructures andthe human resource capacity to operate core infrastructures; and,o Worked towards acquiring funding for missing capacity.Traditional Knowledge:o Worked towards acquiring funding for Traditional knowledge programs.Meaningful Consultation <strong>Infrastructure</strong>:o Worked towards developing a cultural consultation protocol through Elderconsultation;• Practical Meaningful Consultation in Canada by Dr. R.G. Herbert. Control <strong>Infrastructure</strong>:o Worked towards developing a pilot dog control program with Ross River and theYukon Government to establish needed dog control infrastructure for First Nationcommunities in the Yukon.Education:• Report I Research and Preparation: Ross River Dena Council – YukonGovernment Dog management Pilot Program by Dr. R.G. Herbert.• Report II Expansion of Research and Preparation: Ross River DenaCouncil – Yukon Government Dog management Pilot Program by Dr.R.G. Herbert. Worked to develop an after school program for grades 1 to 8 in Whitehorse withthe Canadian Whitehorse Multicultural Association through the CommunityDevelopment Fund program.2004 – June 2010 in Ontario:Meaningful Consultation <strong>Infrastructure</strong>:o Meaningful Consultation in Canada: The Alternative to Forced <strong>Aboriginal</strong>Assimilation by Dr. R.G. Herbert. Working Papers on Meaningful <strong>Aboriginal</strong> Consultation in Canada: Overview byDr. R.G. Herbert. Working Papers on Meaningful <strong>Aboriginal</strong> Consultation in Canada: Step 1 –Nation Consultation by Dr. R.G. Herbert. Meaningful <strong>Aboriginal</strong> Consultation in Canada: A Review of the First Nation,Inuit, and Métis Right to Consultation and Accommodation on Wildlife ResourceManagement and Hunting as Defined by Common Law by Dr. R.G. Herbert. Newsletter - Treaty #3 Consultation on Wildlife Management and Trade -February 18, 2009 by Dr. R.G. Herbert. A Model for the Reconciliation of Canada with its Indigenous Peoples:Restoration of Missing <strong>Infrastructure</strong> Phase 1: Pilot Program Development by Dr.2014-01-07 3

Dr. Richard G. Herbert B.SC., D.V.M.R.G. Herbert. A Model to Establish a New Framework for <strong>Aboriginal</strong> Economic Developmentin Canada by Dr. R.G. Herbert. Re-establishing Indigenous Culture and Prosperity by Dr. R.G. Herbert. Development <strong>Infrastructure</strong>:o Newsletter - Treaty #3 Consultation on Wildlife Management and Trade -February 18, 2009 by Dr. R.G. Herbert. First Nation Rights and Turkey Harvest-Management in Ontario by Dr. R.G.Herbert. Traditional Deer Harvest-Management in Treaty #3: A Response to Harmonizewith the MNR's Human-Deer Conflict Strategy by Dr. R.G. Herbert. Traditional Wildlife Harvest-Management in Treaty #3: A Response toHarmonize with the MNR's Human-Wildlife Conflict Strategy by Dr. R.G.Herbert. Re-establishing Traditional Trade and Commerce & Improving CommunitySocial Capital in Treaty #3: First Nation Veterinary <strong>Infrastructure</strong> ProgramBriefing, Grand Council of Treaty #3 National Assembly October 10, 11, & 12,2006 by Dr. R.G. Herbert. Re-establishing Traditional Trade and Commerce by Dr. R.G. Herbert. Newsletter - The Reestablishment of Traditional Trade and Commerce - May 31,2006 by Dr. R.G. Herbert. First Nation Veterinary <strong>Infrastructure</strong>: Grand Council of Treaty #3 NationalAssembly, October 05, 2005 by Dr. R.G. Herbert. (Food and Dog) <strong>Infrastructure</strong>:o First Nation Dog Control Issues in Ontario: Why is There a Problem? by Dr. R.G.Herbert. Newsletter - Treaty #3 Consultation on Wildlife Management and Trade -February 18, 2009 by Dr. R.G. Herbert. Dog Control Clean-up and Maintenance <strong>Infrastructure</strong> Diagram by Dr. R.G.Herbert. Re-establishing Traditional Trade and Commerce & Improving CommunitySocial Capital in Treaty #3: First Nation Veterinary <strong>Infrastructure</strong> ProgramBriefing, Grand Council of Treaty #3 National Assembly October 10, 11, & 12,2006 by Dr. R.G. Herbert. Interim Dog Control Strategies by Dr. R.G. Herbert. Animal-related Public Health Crises in First Nation Communities by Dr. R.G.2014-01-07 4

Dr. Richard G. Herbert B.SC., D.V.M.Herbert. First Nation Veterinary <strong>Infrastructure</strong> Model Program: A Brief Overview by Dr.R.G. Herbert. Treaty #3 First Nation Veterinary <strong>Infrastructure</strong> Project: Frequently AskedQuestions and Answers by Dr. R.G. Herbert. Newsletter - Treaty #3 First Nation Veterinary <strong>Infrastructure</strong> Development -January 09, 2006 by Dr. R.G. Herbert. Update on Treaty #3 Veterinary <strong>Infrastructure</strong> Program: Surplus Wild DeerHarvest and Dog Control Programs by Dr. R.G. Herbert. First Nation Dog Control <strong>Infrastructure</strong>: Introduction by Dr. R.G. Herbert. First Nation Dog Control <strong>Infrastructure</strong> Workshop: Agenda by Dr. R.G. Herbert. Treaty #3 Pound and Animal Bylaw Control Proposal by Dr. R.G. Herbert. First Nation Veterinary <strong>Infrastructure</strong>: Grand Council of Treaty #3 NationalAssembly, October 05, 2005 by Dr. R.G. Herbert. First Nation Veterinary <strong>Infrastructure</strong>: Meeting Notes by Dr. R.G. Herbert. in Northern Ontario:Practiced Veterinary Medicine and Surgery:o Practiced as a solo practitioner and owned a veterinary hospital as a soleproprietor.o Questions Associated with Proposed Changes to the Criminal Code - Veterinary<strong>Infrastructure</strong> by Dr. R.G. Herbert. Information:Languages English (100%)French (65%)AddressEmailWhitehorse, Yukonrherbert@caid.caPhone 867-334-86282014-01-07 5

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