Strategic Indicators Report: Results - Ontario Hospital Association

Strategic Indicators Report: Results - Ontario Hospital Association

Strategic Indicators Report: Results - Ontario Hospital Association

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Leading Governance ExcellenceIndicator 8: Adoption of Governance Leading Practices for QualityOverviewIndicator: Time spent by hospital Board on discussing quality issues (full Board meetings)Rationale: This measure is to support the accepted correlation between time spent discussing quality at theboard level, and a board’s focus on quality improvement. It also reflects the recognized need to enhanceboard performance in patient safety and quality.Baseline: 20% of a full board meeting spent on discussing quality issues3-Year Target: 25% of a full board meeting spent on discussing quality issuesIndicator Definition and CalculationThe provincial average of the average percent of a board meeting spent of quality andpatient safety by each hospital.OHA Calculation of Baseline and <strong>Results</strong>Provincial Average Calculation:Numerator = Σ (Average Percent of a Board Meeting Spent on the Quality and Patient Safety Issue forResponse Category * Number of <strong>Hospital</strong>s in Response Category)Denominator = NNotes:Response Categories for Average Percent of a Board Meeting Spent on the Quality and Patient Safety Issue: 0%,5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 35%, 40%, 45%, 50%, More Than 50%, Don’t Know (Note: “More than50%” is counted as “50%” in calculation)N = Total Number of <strong>Hospital</strong> Responses – Total Number of “Don’t Know” ResponsesData SourceOHA/GCE Governance Survey, Question 7.2: On average, approximately what percentage of a board meetingis spent on the quality and patient safety issue?The OHA, along with its Governance Centre of Excellence (GCE) released the 2010 OHA/GCE GovernanceSurvey in May 2010. The 2010 survey builds on baseline information on governance policies and practicesof hospital boards collected in the 2007 survey. The survey also helps measure the progress hospital boardshave made in the uptake of leading practices in a broad range of areas, and provide members the opportunityto share and detail their governance issues and challenges.<strong>Strategic</strong> <strong>Indicators</strong>: June 2011 -- Page 22 of 24

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