Strategic Indicators Report: Results - Ontario Hospital Association

Strategic Indicators Report: Results - Ontario Hospital Association Strategic Indicators Report: Results - Ontario Hospital Association


Optimising Health Human ResourcesIndicator 7: Staff EngagementOverviewIndicator: Overall Staff Engagement ScoreRationale: Recognized indicator of a healthy workplaceBaseline and Target: To be established within 3 years. As no provincial-wide standardized assessment currentlyexists, no baseline exists and its use as a strategic plan evaluation indicator is limited. However, given therecognized importance of staff engagement and its relationships to quality of care and patient experience,OHA is committing to the implementation of a standardized staff engagement assessment tool and willestablish the baseline and future target within the 2010–2013 Strategic Plan timeframe.Indicator Definition and CalculationA single score measure of employee engagement. Employee engagement integrates the constructs of jobsatisfaction and organizational commitment. Two job satisfaction items, when combined with the 3commitment items plus an item rating the organization as a place to work will provide a robust overallmeasure of engagement in a multi-item scale. First wave data will allow validation of multi-scaleengagement measure.OHA Calculation of Baseline and ResultsTo Be DeterminedData SourceOHA-NRC Picker Employee Experience Survey indicatorsKey survey questions that will contribute to the score:1. I am proud to tell others I am part of this organization.2. I find that my values and the organization’s values are similar.3. This organization really inspires the very best in me in the way of job performance.4. Overall, how satisfied are you with your current job?5. How frequently do you look forward to going to work?6. Overall, how would you rate ____ as a place to work?The scale will first be validated and statistics techniques will involve confirmatory factor analysis and reliabilityscaling.Strategic Indicators: June 2011 -- Page 20 of 24

Data AvailabilityAnnuallyBaselineTBD through assessment of first wave data in 2011TargetsYear 1 (2011) – Baseline prediction established from first wave participantsYear 2 (2012) – Assess engagement results from minimum of 50% of member organizations (note: organizationstypically survey every two years, so comparative information will be in Year 4)Year 3 (2013) – Assess ongoing engagement resultsSupporting Strategies and ActivitiesCurrent State• Work with Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care to establish that the survey or subsets of itsindicators fulfill Excellent Care for All Act (ECFAA) requirements. OHA facilitating meeting with theMinistry of Health and Health Quality Ontario to establish common strategic path for thestandardization of employee and physician surveying and advice to hospitals on short term QIPapproaches.• Competitive pricing: lowest common price point available to sector; group benefits plan membersoffered further discount.• Promote quality and performance improvement capacities of the comprehensive assessment.• OHA Quality Healthcare Workplace Framework including model and progressive awards program• Discussions to ensure a subset of common indicators meet Accreditation Canada requirements as theyupgrade their mandatory Worklife Pulse tool.ResultsThe goal is to define the calculation of the indicator and have the baseline in about 18 months.Strategic Indicators: June 2011 -- Page 21 of 24

Optimising Health Human ResourcesIndicator 7: Staff EngagementOverviewIndicator: Overall Staff Engagement ScoreRationale: Recognized indicator of a healthy workplaceBaseline and Target: To be established within 3 years. As no provincial-wide standardized assessment currentlyexists, no baseline exists and its use as a strategic plan evaluation indicator is limited. However, given therecognized importance of staff engagement and its relationships to quality of care and patient experience,OHA is committing to the implementation of a standardized staff engagement assessment tool and willestablish the baseline and future target within the 2010–2013 <strong>Strategic</strong> Plan timeframe.Indicator Definition and CalculationA single score measure of employee engagement. Employee engagement integrates the constructs of jobsatisfaction and organizational commitment. Two job satisfaction items, when combined with the 3commitment items plus an item rating the organization as a place to work will provide a robust overallmeasure of engagement in a multi-item scale. First wave data will allow validation of multi-scaleengagement measure.OHA Calculation of Baseline and <strong>Results</strong>To Be DeterminedData SourceOHA-NRC Picker Employee Experience Survey indicatorsKey survey questions that will contribute to the score:1. I am proud to tell others I am part of this organization.2. I find that my values and the organization’s values are similar.3. This organization really inspires the very best in me in the way of job performance.4. Overall, how satisfied are you with your current job?5. How frequently do you look forward to going to work?6. Overall, how would you rate ____ as a place to work?The scale will first be validated and statistics techniques will involve confirmatory factor analysis and reliabilityscaling.<strong>Strategic</strong> <strong>Indicators</strong>: June 2011 -- Page 20 of 24

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