Strategic Indicators Report: Results - Ontario Hospital Association

Strategic Indicators Report: Results - Ontario Hospital Association Strategic Indicators Report: Results - Ontario Hospital Association


Indicator 5: Health Information Technology AdoptionOverviewIndicator: HIMSS Analytics Electronic Medical Record Adoption ModelSM (EMRAM) Score for OntarioAcute Hospital CorporationsRationale: Advancements in the adoption of e-Health technology is a necessary precursor to making significantgains in the areas of integration, better outcomes and efficiency.Baseline: 19 acute hospitals advance at least one EMRAM stage from Q4 2009 to Q3 20103-Year Target: 50% of acute hospitals (61) advance at least one EMRAM stage since Q4 2009Indicator Definition and CalculationElectronic Medical Record Adoption ModelSM (EMRAM) score tracks hospitals progress along the 8-stagecontinuum toward creating a paperless patient record environment.Self-reported data on the status of implementation across numerous clinical technologies and applications areapplied to a methodology that generates a hospital index score between 0 and 7. The methodology assignspoints for achievement of “live and operational” status on individual technologies on an eight-stage linearpath to having a fully-electronic medical record. The EMRAM methodology is proprietary to HIMSSAnalytics. Hospital results are audited before the highest two stages (6 and 7) are awarded.• All application capabilities within each stage must be operational before that stage can be achieved.• All lower stages must have been achieved before a higher level will be considered as achieved.• A hospital can achieve Stages 3-6 if it has met all of the application requirements for a single patientcare service (e.g. single nursing floor, cardiology service).Using the rules above, additional points are given for the implementation of applications in stages higher than theone fully achieved by the healthcare organization. In this fashion, other implementation paths than thoseprescribed by the stages can be taken into consideration for correlation with quality and financial research.OHA Calculation of Baseline and ResultsA count of the number of Acute Hospital Corporations up one or more stage(s)Data SourceOHA eHealth Technologies and Applications Inventory, Q4 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012OHA eHealth Technologies and Applications Inventory provides individual acute hospital scores on adoptionranging from Stages 0 to 7. Ontario hospital EMRAMSM score data is collected by the OHA. December2009 (Q4) scores currently exist for hospitals representing over 90% of Ontario’s hospital beds. OHA has arobust approach to ongoing data collection and reporting. Data was used in 2010 Ontario Health QualityCouncil (OHQC) Report and can be compared to results from the rest of Canada and in the US.Strategic Indicators: June 2011 -- Page 14 of 24

Data AvailabilityEMRAMSM scores are generated and provided to Ontario hospitals on a quarterly basis throughout the calendaryear. Q4 scores will be available in February each year.BaselineQ4, 2009HIMSSAnalyticsEMRAMStageAcuteHospitals (Q42009)AcuteHospitals(Q32010)ChangeStage 0 25.4% 18.9% -6.6%Stage 1 8.2% 4.1% -4.1%Stage 2 24.6% 27.0% 2.5%Stage 3 38.5% 40.2% 1.6%Stage 4 3.3% 9.8% 6.6%Stage 5 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%Stage 6 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%Stage 7 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%# of Acute Hospital Corporationsup one or more stage(s)19(15.6%)# of Acute Hospital Corporations 122TargetsYear 1 (Q4 2010) – 20 hospitals advanced at least one stage since Q4 2009Year 2 (Q4 2011) – 40 hospitals advanced at least one stage since Q4 2009Year 3 (Q4 2012) – 61 hospitals advanced at least one stage since Q4 2009Targets based on 1/3 of 50% of hospital corporations (approximately 20) advanced at least one stage each yearSupporting Strategies and ActivitiesProvide quarterly benchmarking and peer comparisons and improve measurement, strategic planning and goalsetting through the following online tools:• eHealth Technologies & Applications Inventory (online data entry interface)• eHealth Applications Viewer (online data portal)• Hospital-specific status reports made available each quarter• Quarterly communications/marketing and one-on-one effortsStrategic Indicators: June 2011 -- Page 15 of 24

Data AvailabilityEMRAMSM scores are generated and provided to <strong>Ontario</strong> hospitals on a quarterly basis throughout the calendaryear. Q4 scores will be available in February each year.BaselineQ4, 2009HIMSSAnalyticsEMRAMStageAcute<strong>Hospital</strong>s (Q42009)Acute<strong>Hospital</strong>s(Q32010)ChangeStage 0 25.4% 18.9% -6.6%Stage 1 8.2% 4.1% -4.1%Stage 2 24.6% 27.0% 2.5%Stage 3 38.5% 40.2% 1.6%Stage 4 3.3% 9.8% 6.6%Stage 5 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%Stage 6 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%Stage 7 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%# of Acute <strong>Hospital</strong> Corporationsup one or more stage(s)19(15.6%)# of Acute <strong>Hospital</strong> Corporations 122TargetsYear 1 (Q4 2010) – 20 hospitals advanced at least one stage since Q4 2009Year 2 (Q4 2011) – 40 hospitals advanced at least one stage since Q4 2009Year 3 (Q4 2012) – 61 hospitals advanced at least one stage since Q4 2009Targets based on 1/3 of 50% of hospital corporations (approximately 20) advanced at least one stage each yearSupporting Strategies and ActivitiesProvide quarterly benchmarking and peer comparisons and improve measurement, strategic planning and goalsetting through the following online tools:• eHealth Technologies & Applications Inventory (online data entry interface)• eHealth Applications Viewer (online data portal)• <strong>Hospital</strong>-specific status reports made available each quarter• Quarterly communications/marketing and one-on-one efforts<strong>Strategic</strong> <strong>Indicators</strong>: June 2011 -- Page 15 of 24

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