Oct 13, 2011

Oct 13, 2011

Oct 13, 2011

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9‣ Late sown crops of maize are attacked by fruit borer in Western Plateau Zone ofJharkhand; to control, spray Neem based insecticides @ 2-3 ml per litre of water,preferably on upper parts of the plant.‣ Prevailing weather condition are congenial for the incidence of aphids and thrips onvegetables in North Eastern Plateau Zone of Orissa; spray Dimethoate or Methyl-O-Demeton @ 2 ml / litre of water and for thrips, spray Imidachloprid @ 0.4 ml / litre ofwater. Spraying should be done whenever there is rain free period for at least 6 hours.‣ Infestation of spotted boll worm in cotton in East and South Eastern Coastal Plane Zoneof Orissa is reported; spray 200 LE HNVP along with gur, if it crosses the ETL level of5 –10 % of affected twigs and install pheromone trap in the middle of the field at 1 ftabove the crop height.‣ In North Eastern Plateau Zone of Orissa, the current humid weather is favourable for redand black hairy caterpillar; apply 1.5% Chloropyriphos @ 10 kg in the morning tocontrol it.‣ In some places of South Bihar Alluvial Zone, infestation of gundhi bug in rice isreported; for its control apply Methyl parathion / Ekalex (2% dust) early in morning @20-25 kg / ha.‣ Stages of major crops are mentioned in Annexure I.Animal Husbandry‣ In North Eastern and Central Plateau Zone of Orissa, to control ticks and mites inanimals, spray Butox @ 2 ml per litre on animals’ body and 1-3 ml per litre in the shed.RD vaccine should be given immediately to the chicks which are 7 days old. Toprevent coxidiosis disease, spray antibiotic solution named Kohrsolin-TH in the poultryhouse. Periodic vaccination viz. FMD, HS & BQ may be carried out to protect thedairy animals. Clean and hygienic water should be fed to dairy animals. Keep theanimal shed clean. Produce and use Azolla as animal feed. Feed the milch animals @ 1kg feed in two litres of water mixed in 50 g mineral salt.NORTHWEST INDIA [JAMMU & KASHMIR, HIMACHAL PRADESH,UTTARAKHAND, PUNJAB, HARYANA, DELHI, UTTAR PRADESH & RAJASTHAN] Realised Rainfall: Dehradun district in Uttarakhand and few districts of Jammu &Kashmir received rainfall. Mainly dry weather prevailed during last week in most of thedistricts of remaining States. Rainfall Forecast: Isolated rain/thundershowers would occur over Jammu & Kashmirand Himachal Pradesh during next three days. Mainly dry weather would prevail overrest parts of the region except isolated rain after 24 hours in Uttarakhand. Advisory:‣ As there was no significant rainfall in most of the districts over the region during lastweek, apply irrigation to the standing crops.‣ As weather is favourable, farmers in Delhi are advised to undertake planting of earlypotato and transplanting of cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, tomato chrysanthemum andmarigold and sowing of pea and carrot. Undertake field preparation for sowing of otherrabi crops like wheat. Due to favorable temperature, sowing of early mustard, sarson,radish, french radish, fenugreek and turnip.‣ Farmers in Uttar Pradesh are advised to prepare field for sowing of rabi mustard, gram,potato, alsi (linseed), masoor (lentil), pea, chickpea, barley, berseem, rajma, jai, garlic,early verities of potato and winter sugarcane. They are also advised to continue sowingof brinjal, chilli, lady’s finger and lobia.‣ As weather is expected to be dry during the period, farmers in Punjab and Haryana areadvised to pick the fully matured opened bolls in the cotton crop and harvesting ofmatured rice crop. Undertake sowing of raya and autumn potato till 15 th <strong>Oct</strong>ober and

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