Oct 03 _Newsletter - Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated

Oct 03 _Newsletter - Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated

Oct 03 _Newsletter - Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated

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The latest Government proposals to rid themselves ofthe Foreshore and Seabed issue is clearly another attemptto crush any treaty rights that Ngäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong> have everpossessed. Grant Powell, treaty claims lawyer, has been traipsingup and down the rohe over the past two months outlining all of the featuresof Ngäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong> land loss over the last 200 years. We have beengiven a black-tragi-comic-scenario on how Ngäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong> have beendispossessed by sheer Government determination, using legislativemeans and in cases of illegal land transactions having these legitimizedthrough acts of Parliament. From an iwi estate of some six million acres,Ngäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong> now only possesses tens of thousands of acres.The latest proposal by Government on Foreshore and Seabed sees thelast vestiges of <strong>Kahungunu</strong> customary rights and land tenure trampledin the push to pacify the pakeha majority in this country. Scare tacticshave been used such as Maori forbidding any non-Maori access to theforeshore and seabed to swim, fish or hold a barbeque. This is blatantrubbish.On the 7th of September a <strong>Kahungunu</strong> hui was held at Matahiwi Maraeto provide a strategic direction for <strong>Kahungunu</strong> to pursue and uphold atthe Crown hui that followed on Friday 12th September. Presenting at thathui were Moana Jackson, Grant Powell and Mereana Pitman. It wasagreed that every hapu should present on their own behalf preceded bythe iwi overview.More than 250 people attended the Crown hui at Omahu including localwhanau and hapu from Mahia through to Wairarapa. Among theGovernment MPs who attended were Deputy Prime Minister and FinanceMinister Michael Cullen, Tukituki MP Rick Barker, Minister of Maori AffairsParekura Horomia and Dover Samuels. They were welcomed througha wave of several tino rangatiratanga flags and unwelcome commentsfrom protestors.42 submitters from 36 hapu and whanau and six community groups weretabled and presented to the Crown, many of whom were rushed throughbecause of the limited timeframe the Crown had scheduled for the meeting.Unfortunately not all submitters were given time to present, leaving thethought that the Crown really didn’t come to listen at all.“<strong>Kahungunu</strong> clearly indicated to the Crown that their proposal isunacceptable”The following list shows submissions that were received by the Crown,indicating the submitter and the whanau/hapu or organisation they represented.Name of submitterMoana JacksonHana CotterMinnie WestruppDigger KarauriaWaipa Te RitoReimana JohnsonBill HodgesMyra McDermottTe Reina TaitBevan TaylorHeitia HihaTe Maari JoeRere PunaChristine TearikiJoanne WhaangaWero KarenaDavid TamatiDennis ThompsonKereni BartlettRobert ClarkMike KaukauJenny MaugerWhanau/Hapu/OrganisationrepresentingNgäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong> <strong>Iwi</strong>He Kuia o Ngäti<strong>Kahungunu</strong> <strong>Iwi</strong>RongomaiwahineWairoa TaiwhenuaNgai Tu/HikairoMakoroPahauweraWaiapapa a <strong>Iwi</strong>,MohakaTe Whanau Pani,Ngäti Hinekura, NgaRauru o Nga PotikiTangoioPetane, Whaakari,Matepu, TangaroaHinepare, MaahuNgai Te RurukuHinemanuRamekaUpokoiriPoporoPaki Paki,PapatuamaroMihiroaHuhutiTe WhatuiapitiHawea, HoriName of submitterBill Akonga,Koro Te WhaitiPare MorrellHaami HiltonIsabel RenataTip TutakiLinnette RautahiMatai BroughtonSam MorrisMihi NamanaHeather MarunuiNiniwa MunroeMereana PitmanUrakiterangi,WaimaramaTe Whanau o MaataHeeniTe Hauke,RangikoianakeWhanau o PukehouPorangahau, NgätiKere, PirereTamaki Nui A RuaPapaumaTumapuhiarangiHurunui o RangiPapawaiKohunuiNgäti Hine kiWhakakiGrant Powell Treaty claimants –<strong>Kahungunu</strong>Brown Kamau Maatua WhangaiMo Ropitini Wairoa DistrictCouncil MaoriStanding CommitteeHoromai Maihi Te Aranga MaraeAtareta Poananga WhanauMurray Chittenden Maori <strong>Incorporated</strong>Ngahiwi TomoanaWhanau/Hapu/OrganisationrepresentingNgäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong> <strong>Iwi</strong><strong>Incorporated</strong>

Ngäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong> <strong>Iwi</strong> Inc. has had a formal relationship with the Hawke’s Bay District Health Board since 2000. Therelationship is based on the Treaty of Waitangi and expressed in a memorandum of understanding between the twoBoards. That document has been reviewed and now more clearly sets out the obligations of both parties to therelationship, including a commitment to regular meetings of the two boards and management with an intent to work toimprove the health status of Maori in the HB DHB catchment. Ngäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong> <strong>Iwi</strong> Inc. has recently restructured itsRunanga Hauora to broaden the base of representation on health matters and provide a united voice when speakingon behalf of Maori in this relationship with the HB DHB. Look out for advertisements and hui in your Taiwhenua seekingrepresentation on the Runanga Hauora. You may have a contribution to make to the <strong>Iwi</strong> in this forum.Parties may not always agree but both have a firm commitment to the kaupapa, which for NKII is strong, vibrant andhealthy whanau.Signing the revised MOU Aramanu Ropitini, General ManagerNKII, Chris Clarke CEO HB DHB, Ngahiwi Tomoana ChairmanNKII and Kevin Atkinson Chairman HB DHB.Tamaki Nui A Rua and kapahakaThe Tamaki Nui A Rua senior kapahaka group were rewarded for their great efforts inthe Regional Senior kapahaka festival, which took place on Saturday 20th Septemberat the Pascal stadium in Palmerston North. The group was formed soon after the Matarikicelebrations earlier this year where interest arose during kapahaka classes run by TeWananga o Aotearoa.Altogether 37 people performed in the group. Linette Rautahi, the Tamaki Nui A RuaTaiwhenua chairperson, said that she was pleased with the groups’ efforts consideringthis was the first time for the majority of the performers to entertain live on stage.Despite the fact that only two senior teams entered the competition, Tamaki Nui A Ruawere pleased to come second overall. Tu meke koutou!Te Wero MaoriPerforming ArtsGroupSir Howard Morrison had thechallenge of selecting 20 of thebest performers from the 2002National Secondary SchoolsKapahaka tournament. Of theselected 20, four students camefrom Dannevirke High School.Raniera Hauiti, Shane Luke, GarthHawkins and Troy Tawhai are all fromTamaki Nui A Rua and were thrilled tobe selected to learn with the experts. Theyoung men have spent a great amount oftime in Rotorua mastering their kapahakaand performance skills. They are keen topursue a career in Maori performing artsand also have a desire to one day teachothers the art of Maori performance.Pictured are: left Raniera Hauiti, andright Troy Tawhai.Hawkes Bay Schools Maori Pacific Island FestivalThe Hawkes Bay 20<strong>03</strong> Primary and Intermediate Schools will be performing at the MaoriPacific Island Festival on the 3-6th November. The week long event will be hosted by PakipakiSchool. Last year the festival was hosted by Te Hauke Primary School and it drew crowdsof people who came to support their children and enjoy the performances. Mark this eventin your calendars and plan to have a picnic while you enjoy the entertainment of our Polynesiantamariki.“Lock into your language”This is a common phrase heard on Radio Niu FM a new Polynesian station 104 FM. TheDJ Mario is amazing and has the ability to speak most of our pacific island languages includingMaori. Every hour he greets his audience with a different greeting, Talofa lava! Kia Orana!Kia Ora! Malo e lelei! Bula bula vanaka! and more. It’s encouraging and makes you feel thebuzz of learning your mother language. Lock into your language and korero Maori.In July, brothers Vince and Wyman Kirk visited Aotearoa to see our beautiful country. Thetwo are native American from the Cherokee Nation, resident in Oklahoma in the UnitedStates of America. Interest to come to Aotearoa grew from a need to retain their languageand a desire to learn how Maori had pursued this same goal. A <strong>Kahungunu</strong> website inquiryled to a tour around parts of <strong>Kahungunu</strong> hosted by Sonia Paul NKII’s Kaiwhakatau Manuhiri.The Cherokee language is spoken by approximately 10,000 people in the Cherokee Nation.Vince said that it was a spirit of survival and perseverance that carried the Cherokee toIndian Territory on the trail of tears and today it is the same spirit leading the Cherokeepeople. The brothers spent time in <strong>Kahungunu</strong> touring around Marae including Waimaramaand Waipatu Marae in Heretaunga. The two had the opportunity to attend a Te Reo Wanangafacilitated by one of <strong>Kahungunu</strong>’s excellent teachers,Kotuku Tomoana. Both recalled being very quietduring the session with Kotuku to avoid gettingfined for speaking english during the class.At a short meeting with the staff at NKII,the two expressed how grateful they wereto see how the Maori language is beingpreserved.

Taakaro Taakaro Holiday ProgrammeSam Christie and Gevana Dean of Sport Hawke’s Bay were busy over the SeptemberSchool holidays encouraging tamariki to play sport. Children 5-12 years of age enjoyedlearning the skill of team sportsmanship and good attitude while playing small blacksrugby, wheelchair basketball, flag tag, hockey, softball and many other sports. A groupof <strong>Kahungunu</strong> children who attended the holiday programme who were not particularlysport orientated came away from the programme enthused to push play and give it ago. Each day the children were awarded with a certificate for participation and giveaway prizes for extraordinary effort. Proudly sponsored by He Oranga Poutama, SportHawkes Bay and Meadow Fresh-Fuel for life.<strong>Kahungunu</strong> Inter-Taiwhenua SoftballTournamentOn Saturday the 27th September the <strong>Kahungunu</strong> Softball Tournament took place atAkina Park , Heretaunga. Tournament organiser Chubb Tangaroa said that the daywas a great success. There were two sections in the tournament, wahine and tane.The overall winner of the wahine section was Tamaki Nui A Rua with Heretaunga andWhanganui A Orotu drawing at second and Wairoa third. The men’s section was wonby Heretaunga with Whanganui A Orotu second and Tamatea third.The main aim of the tournament was to create an opportunity for participation and tobring <strong>Kahungunu</strong> Softball alive to prepare for the 2005 Inter iwi sports tournamentwhich will be held here in <strong>Kahungunu</strong>.Murihiku Taura here<strong>Kahungunu</strong> whanau who live in Invercargill-Murihiku now have a taura here representativeon the Ngäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong> <strong>Iwi</strong> <strong>Incorporated</strong> Board. Paora Ropiha was born and bred inPorangahau. Employment drew him to Invercargill at an early age where eventually hemarried and raised his family. A few months ago curiosity got the better of Paora and hedecided to attend a <strong>Kahungunu</strong> hui. There he met quite a few <strong>Kahungunu</strong> whanau and itwas also at that same meeting where Paora was nominated the chairman of the MurihikuTaura here group. Since then, Paora has attended the September board meeting and atthis stage his main goal is to keep the <strong>Kahungunu</strong> people in Invercargill informed of activitiesin <strong>Kahungunu</strong>. We currently have 31 registered members who live in Invercargill, howeverPaora says there are so much more who are not yet registered.The Ngäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong> <strong>Iwi</strong> <strong>Incorporated</strong> BoardThe board consists of a chairperson, deputy chairperson, two Kaumatua, tworepresentatives from the six taiwhenua and one taura here representative from TamakiMakaurau, Kirikiriroa, Te Upoko o Te Ika and now Murihiku. Meetings are held on thefirst Friday of each month and are open for members to attend.<strong>Kahungunu</strong> Sports AwardsThe <strong>Kahungunu</strong> Sports Awards this year will be held at the Pettigrew Green Arenaand will feature a kaleidoscope of <strong>Kahungunu</strong> sporting achievers. Nominations aresought from whanau, hapu and sports clubs. Nominations close on the 31st <strong>Oct</strong>ober,so please get in early to nominate. The evening will provide a stunning keynote speaker,a fabulous dinner and superb entertainment. Come along and enjoy the evening andachievements of our <strong>Kahungunu</strong> sporting achievers. Tickets are available from NKIIor Sport HB. For more information contact Sam Christie or Gevana DeanPh: 06 845 9333Celebrating Maori Women Champions“Wahine Toa”This years' Aotearoa Maori Sports Awards will take place on Saturday the 29th ofNovember in Auckland. The event will pay tribute to past and present Maori WomenChampions from around the motu. Inquiries about nominations can be directed to SamChristie of Sport Hawkes Bay: Phone: (06) 845-9333 Mobile:(021) 265-0769Email: samc@sporthb.net.nzHeretaunga Park Community and ConferenceCentre OpeningThe Heretaunga Park Community andConference Centre will celebrate it’s grandopening on Friday the 17th <strong>Oct</strong>ober 20<strong>03</strong>.Located at 821 Orchard Road Hastingsand formerly remembered by locals asthe DB Heretaunga Motor Inn, stands theHeretaunga Park Community andConference Centre.The centre has been redeveloped overthe past 5 years and occupied by TeTaiwhenua o Heretaunga since February2002 it accommodates most of theservices provided by the Taiwhenua,including a wide range of health, social,educational and training services. Thefoyers of the building are bright andcolourful and promote the work of<strong>Kahungunu</strong> artists.

At the recent Waka Toi and Creative NewZealand Awards Ceremony held in Wellington,two of our <strong>Kahungunu</strong> kaumatua, Hana Cotterand Tamangaro Tomoana received awards inthe Ta Kingi Ihaka Section. Nga Tohu a Ta KingiIhaka have been presented annually since 1986.Past recipients have included kaumatua and kuiamai i Te Hiku o Te Ika ki te Punga o te Waka whohave made a major contribution to strengthening thecontinuity of Maori culture through their support,advocacy and promotion of nga toi Maori. Ten awardsin all were presented during the ceremony. Dame TeAtairangi Kahu presented the awards. <strong>Kahungunu</strong>whanui were well represented with a support groupof around 40 <strong>Kahungunu</strong>-ites who travelled down totautoko our kuia and kaumatua.Promoting our <strong>Kahungunu</strong>Rongomaiwahine artistsThe recipients of theTa Kingi Ihaka Awards arefrom left to right:Reihana Parata,Patricia Grace,Waiariki Grace,Hana Cotter andTamangaro TomoanaGifted Sands 2004 will celebrate the 4th annual promotion of mainly Ngäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong>and Rongomaiwahine artists and crafts people through exhibition and wanangaworkshop programmes. The summertime event is based at Ruawharo Marae, Opoutama,Mahia from January 2 - 18 2004. Organisers of the Wananga programmes will beoffering 30 popular workshops to participants. All tutors are of <strong>Kahungunu</strong>Rongomaiwahine descent. Workshop placements are limited and early registrationsare encouraged. Accommodation for workshop participants is available in Mahia.Posters and brochures advertising the event will be out around the motu in November.For more information contact Mahea TomoanaPh: (06) 8375 050 or email: maheas@xtra.co.nzThe Heretaunga Taiwhenua brings thecommunity prideCamberley Community proudly sponsored by Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga transformeda 10 metre trailer into a theme park full of giant sized birds. The giant sized birds werea portrayal of the street names in Camberley, putting Camberley on the map.Organiser and designer Wayne Marsh andassistant Traci Tuimaseve were pleasedto see their creation afloat at theHawkes Bay Blossom Paradeon Saturday the 6th September.It was quite stunning. Even therain fell from the birds as if fromsilky feathers.The Community Float won theoverall Community Award forthe 20<strong>03</strong> Festival. All that hardwork paid off. Way to goHeretaunga!Ngäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong> <strong>Iwi</strong> <strong>Incorporated</strong>Elections 2004Want to be the Chairperson of Ngäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong> <strong>Iwi</strong>?Want to represent your Taiwhenua at the Ngäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong> Governance Board?Want to be involved in the exciting world of <strong>Iwi</strong> politics?Want to ensure that the plans and policies made for Ngäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong> are based onthe needs and aspirations of whanau and hapu?Ngäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong> has a 3 tier election process which provides for mandated representationfrom the mana whenua and includes representation of taura here.Triennial elections are underway in your Taiwhenua.FIRST: You need to have the mandate of your marae/hapu through an election processto secure a position on the Taiwhenua Board.SECOND: Taiwhenua Board members are eligible to stand for the Chair and DeputyChair, of their organisation. These are the people who progress to the NKII Board.This election is conducted by postal vote. You must be a registered member, over 18years, with current address on the NKII database.THIRD: Only Taiwhenua representatives on the NKII Board are eligible to stand forelection of the Chair and Deputy Chair of Ngäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong> <strong>Iwi</strong> Inc. This election isconducted by postal vote. You must be a registered member, over 18 years, with currentaddress on the database.To allow for the greatest participation in the elections we need to have our databaseas accurate as possible. There are over 13000 people registered with the iwi. It is vitalthat we have your correct address and your date of birth to enable you to vote.Please contact our office and update your records. You can make any inquiry aboutyour own personal information by calling the office and speaking with Naumai RopitiniPh (06) 8762 718 or email: naumai@kahungunu.iwi.nz<strong>Kahungunu</strong> MerchandiseAvailable for purchase at the Ngäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong> <strong>Iwi</strong><strong>Incorporated</strong> office are <strong>Kahungunu</strong> products. For moreinformation contact the NKII Office (06) 876 2718toll free 0800 524 864Item Colour CostPolo shirts White, maroon, royal blue $25.00<strong>Kahungunu</strong> Ka Waiata Music CD $25.00Diaries A5 navy blue English $10.00Maori $18.00Beanies Grey, black, navy blue $12.00one size fits allCaps Black $15.00Vests Black with gold trim $50.00Medium,Blue with grey trimxl, xxxl,Black with red trimNKII Logo Stickers Small $3.00– transferable Large $7.00<strong>Kahungunu</strong> Flags Red, blue, yellow $120.00

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