Y - April 19, 2011 - Issue 166 - Y-oman.com

Y - April 19, 2011 - Issue 166 - Y-oman.com

Y - April 19, 2011 - Issue 166 - Y-oman.com

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Dear Reader,We are reminded on almost a daily basis about thedamages inflicted by mankind on our environment,yet still we continue with destructive actions.Many of us are guilty of ignorance or laziness,keeping lights on when we leave the house, leavingthe air conditioning running in empty rooms ortaking the car to the local shop for what wouldbe a five minute walk – everyday acts like thisare causing grave damage to our environment.Being environmentally friendly means changingthe way you live, which is why in this week’s Ywe take a look at recycling and show how we canall contribute to sustaining the world’s existingresources through simple actions. Many of uswill be unaware that there is an organisation inOman who will take away our old newspapers andmagazines for recycling, so in this Y Rated we lookdeeper into the issue of waste paper.Also in the issue, we meet the latest Arabs GotTalent Omani sensation, Shayma Al Mughairy, whohas a special skill you will have to see to believe.We have all the latest Red Bull events including aspecial Xtra Time from Dubai reporting on the RedBull X-Fighters Tour, more interviews with localtalent and all the latest stories from the region.We hope you enjoy the issue.Y Team

This week in<strong>April</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2011</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>166</strong>10RedTwentyfour SevenBull Doodle Art, AEEDC, Friday Brunch17 Check This OutNando's Designer Drinks, Omani Films, Erudite and Film Review24Y-ratedWASTE NOTWANT NOT22 VentureHaramel28 SpotlightTariq Al Khabori and Barka Al Bakri32 Yin-YangEnliven the Colours of Your Lips34 X-tra TimeRed Bull X-Fighters <strong>2011</strong>630SpotlightShaymaAl Mughairy45 ChillaxativeCrosswords, Social MediaSayyida Iman bint Hamad bin Hamood Al Busaidi Editor-in-Chief | Kiran Jay Haslam Managing EditorPaul McLoughlin Work Editor | Karima Farid Chief Reporter | Clint Derric Egbert Sports Writer/Photographer | Jerzy Wierzbicki PhotographerEihab Abutaha General Manager | Feroz Khan Director of Sales & Marketing | Ayman Canawati Logistics ManagerFor editorial enquiries, email info@y-<strong>oman</strong>.<strong>com</strong> | Published by SABCO Press, Publishing & Advertising LLC | Y is a SABCO Media Product.

<strong>April</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2011</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>166</strong>WINNINGLETTERIMMEASURABLE JOYDear Editor,I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to the organizer that brought Westlife herein Oman. I cannot believe my luck of seeing them up, close and personal here in Omansince I've been wishing to see them live in their concert. The concert may have been short<strong>com</strong>pared to what we were expecting since we were aware of their Gravity Concert Tour'sprogram, nonetheless, the happiness they brought to us was immeasurable.May they <strong>com</strong>e back again for another concert next year!Marian N. Videnabe a winner!Each week we are selecting our bestreader’s letter or image, andgiving away fantastic prizescare of Noodle House!Simply email us atinfo@y-<strong>oman</strong>.<strong>com</strong>Value of prizes may vary each week. This prize is not redeemable for cash or alternatives.Only one winner is selected at the discretion of Y magazine.*Proof of Identity is required to claim your prize.READER'S LETTERSENJOYED THE SHOWThe Long SearchDear Y,Dear Y,I was at both Westlife with my family and Neyo's concerts and I was happy to Having moved to Oman fairly recently, I would like to ask if anyone at theread about them both at Y.Y, or any readers, know of a good Omani novel I can read. I have beensearching the usual bookstores and all I can really find are general interestOne <strong>com</strong>ment though about Neyo, is that I would have wanted to be outside in books on the country, many of which I already own. I would love to read thethe gardens as the weather was still good to do that. But anyway, it was a good words of classic Omani writers, and as I don’t know any of their names, andshow and we really enjoyed it.don’t speak Arabic, this is proving to be quite a difficult task.Please help!Everytime I read your magazine, I find out something new which is great as therest of the media seems to be repeating themselves.AnonKeep up the good job![Ed: We will keep our eyes peeled, ask around, and print any suggestionsnext week on our Y Facebook Group page. Stay tuned Anon.]Zahra KamalREADER'S LETTERSA Time forThoughtKeep the NoiseDownEat Good, LiveGoodDear Y,Dear Y,Dear Y,Today, every day I read more about thesituation in Japan, the more heartbrokenI be<strong>com</strong>e. Having visited Japan on anumber of occasions I can honestly sayI have never felt so wel<strong>com</strong>ed by sucha lovely, friendly and polite group ofpeople. Such a calamity on the nationhas hit me to the core which is why Iwould like everyone to remember thevictims of the tsunami and earthquakeand their families, and do all they canto help in their time of need. I wouldlike to extend my condolences to the<strong>com</strong>munity of Japan here in Oman andlet them know that our thoughts arewith them.SimonIn recent weeks I have been shocked by the volume incinemas. No I’m not talking about the actual volume ofthe films but the volume of people in the cinemas who donothing but talk on their phones or their neighbours, ormake such a racket when they leave their seats. I have noidea why they do this when they know perfectly well thatthey are disturbing me or others (some of them even laughwhen you ask them to keep the noise down), but surely thecinema should be more strict on this type of behaviour. Iknow I am not the only one who has <strong>com</strong>plained aboutthis, many of my friends have got so tired and sick ofinforming management with little response that they justgave up going. I am very close to doing the same myself.Please can somebody look into the issue.Best,Cinema GoerRegarding the recent articles in Y about foodnutrition, I would like to thank the team for bringingthis to people’s attention. Eating healthy is a hugelyimportant subject, and with the growth of obesity inthe region, it takes more courageous work to highlightand <strong>com</strong>bat the problem. Continue to keep us all upto date on the usual health happenings and to tell uswhat do many fail to understand – eating healthy isvital to our wellbeing.Best regards,Mrs. WilliamsonPS Also, can you please make a special on the bestgyms available in Oman, for ladies. I have my ownideas, I just want to know the thoughts of others.8

It’s a Doodle!Youth in Oman try their hands at a growing art craze called‘Doodling’, showcasing true talent that could someday give riseto great artistsFor those familiar with bona fide and innovative entertainment in Oman, then Red Bullmight just spring to mind. Red Bull has gained tremendous popularity in a fairly shortperiod of time for their creative, fun, innovative and thrilling events.Attracting young adults from across the country for the Red Bull Doodle Art<strong>com</strong>petition, a popular form of art amongst the youth, Red Bull has successfullyencouraged students from various colleges here in Oman to tap into their drawing/sketching talents to create the most innovative and attractive ‘doodles’.After encouraging entries from 150 universities worldwide, involving over 10,000 studentsarmed with doodle cards and pencils, the Red Bull Team scanned various collegecampuses in Oman collecting students’ entries and to pick out the winning doodles.Colleges to open their galleries to the Red Bull Team were the Scientific College of Design,then the Higher College of Technology, followed by the International College of Engineeringand Management, the Oman Medical College (Sohar) and finally the Middle East College ofInformation Technology, where the overall winners of the <strong>com</strong>petition were chosen on the12th <strong>April</strong>.Judges for the day were Gilbert Sakr, Brand Manager at Red Bull and Pankaj Joshi,Marketing Manager at Al Jenaibi International Automobiles. Varsha, a student at WaljatCollege of Applied Sciences, was the most impressive contestant. Winning the contest herein Oman, Varsha is now set to go head-to-head with some of the best doodlers in theregion. Varsha won a heap of great prizes up including a gift hamper worth 50 rials and,she also gets to represent Oman in the finals of the regional doodle <strong>com</strong>petition.Higher College of Technology’s Bshair al Balushi won second place and Aysha Shafaq Chaudaryfrom Oman Medical College Sohar Campus followed in a very respectable third. Theturnout for the event was absolutely superb and with Red Bull working hard to deliveringthe most exciting and original events, my forecast is that entertainment in Oman will onlyget better.

<strong>April</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2011</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>166</strong>Friday HappeningsFor many of us working six-day weeks, the first thought on Fridaysis usually ‘time for a bit of R&R’. The Friday Brunch, something ofan institution in neighbouring Dubai, is for many the perfect wayto kick back, unwind and forget about the stresses of working lifefor the day. Over in the UAE, Friday Brunch packages are bountiful,with deals that invariably include free beverages, lunch and accessto the hotel’s beach or swimming pool, for as little as 15 rials. Alena,a resident in Oman who frequently takes advantage of these greatdeals, says, “Friday Brunch in Dubai is glamorous. You have all thecoolest people there, fabulous food and great times. It’s usuallygreat value.”Many hotels have tried and tested thisconcept in Muscat with little success,and this year there were only a coupleof hotels offering the service. ChristophGirsch, F&B Manager, The Chedi Muscat,tells me, “The growing popularityfor the Friday Brunch is due to a verysimple recipe - continuity of awardwinning cuisine and excellent service,plus a perfect location at the Bousharbeachfront.” The Chedi offers something of a niche product here,with a menu that includes sushi, truffle potatoes and free-flowingbubbly (along with its price tag of 45 rials ++ per person), thenobviously this offer is not for everyone. Still, for those willing andable to indulge, it’s proved to be quite a hit.Although The Chedi Muscat brunch formula appears successful, other hotels have not beenquite so lucky. Certain hotels discontinued their Friday Brunch promotions this year leadingmany to question the reasons for this lack of success in Muscat. Friday Brunch enthusiast,Alena, says, “Let’s face it; Friday Brunch is a little pricey here <strong>com</strong>pared to Dubai.” Instead,she organises informal Friday gatherings with friends at cheaper venues, saying, “It’s avery relaxing way to spend the day off, enjoying the weather, the amazing food and good<strong>com</strong>pany.” Rocco Bova, F&B Manager at the Al Bustan Palace InterContinental, believesthat the concept will take time to grow in Muscat. He says, “Friday Brunch still has a lot ofpotential in Muscat. I remember when I first launched it in Dubai about 11 years ago whereonly a handful of hotels were doing it and now all hotels are <strong>com</strong>peting in offering the bestand most innovative brunches. Oman offers so much to do in terms of outdoor activitieslike wadis, beaches, mountains, so I believe people tend to have a preference towardsthese kinds of activities and picnic. However, like everything, this (lifestyle) will evolve andchange.”‘Brunch at The Chedi’ is 45 rials ++ per person, inclusive of beverages and a selection ofdishes from an award winning menu. The Friday Brunch season is soon <strong>com</strong>ing to an endfor this summer, so you have until <strong>April</strong> 29th to try it out. Make your reservation today on24524343 – The Al Khiran Friday Brunch is open to the public every Friday from 12pm to3pm. The 22 rials ++ price tag includes delicious cuisine and soft drinks.12

<strong>April</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2011</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>166</strong><strong>April</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2011</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>166</strong>Inauguration of Oculoplasty UnitSenior Consultant SurgeonBotox Injection:Treatment of wrinklesBlepharoplasty:Treatment of Puffy EyesDacryocystorhinostomy:Treatment of TearingPtosis Repair:Treatment of Droppy LidOcular Implants:Artificial EyesEntropion and Ectropion Repair:Treatment of Old TrachomaFor more information:Call 2469 3738or visit us at Al Sarooj – Bareeq Al Shatti Complexopposite Ministry of Foreign AffairsDriving MishapsDriving back from the officeat any time of the day can bea considerable drive for me.During this time I see kidswho aren’t wearing seatbelts,mothers carelessly holdingphones with one hand and thesteering wheel with the other.Other times I see fathersholding their children on theirlaps while driving and mothers smiling beside them. I wonder ifthese parents know the consequences of their actions and whatcould happen to their children if they make a mistake. I am sureyou all see similar situations on the road, so I asked a few people to‘shout out’ their frustrations on the road.Sara Al Sharji says: “Despite the number of traffic accidents wehear about, many people still act irresponsibly on the road. Evenworse is when children are involved. I can't count the number oftimes I've seen children being carried by passengers on the frontseat, even when there's plenty of room at the back, children are notstrapped in seatbelts let alone car seats. Just last Thursday I sawa child whose head was sticking out of the sunroof while he wasbeing driven around.” MW, who wished to remain anonymous, toldus, “I am currently working to obtain my drivers’ license and drivingaround Muscat and practising is very difficult as it is a distraction.People around me make all sorts of mistakes, and endanger theirchildren.” Send us in your stories to info@y-<strong>oman</strong>.<strong>com</strong>Bankdhofar ATM to Dispense UaeDirhamsBankDhofar recently unveiled a new service within its AutomatedTeller Machine (ATM) at Muscat International Airport, enablingcustomers to withdraw United Arab Emirates Dirhams (AED),offering further convenience to customers.Mr. Faisal Bin Hamed Al Wahaibi, Assistant General Manager,Retail Banking, <strong>com</strong>mented, “Taking into account that many ofour customers travel to the United Arab Emirates, the immediateavailability of Dirhams at the airport is a valuable addition to thewide range of services we already offer. BankDhofar is <strong>com</strong>mittedto making banking as convenient as possible and we are delightedto be able to offer this service to customers.”In the initial weeks since theinstallation of this facility at theairport, customers have beenenthusiastic about the abilityto withdraw foreign currencywithout the need to make aspecial trip to the bank, moneyexchange agent or bureau de change. BankDhofar recognises thatthe convenience factor is crucial as people’s lives get busier.At all BankDhofar ATMs customers can enjoy the speed andconvenience of anytime self-service banking and can withdrawcash, transfer funds and make an inquiry into their account.HIGHJOBEmploymentRateJoin aNEW Specialization inInsurance ORComputingWe also specialize in:• Business & Management• Accounting• Banking• Insurance• Finance• Computing• Human Resources• English Language StudiesHigher National Diploma(HND)For more details call: 96155115 • 98837283Our Affiliates:P.O. Box: 3122, Ruwi. Postal Code: 112. Sultanate of Oman.Tel: 24505843, 24505796, 24502288. Fax: 24505793. www.cbfs.edu.omis an internationally recognised qualification,which is highly regarded by employersthroughout the world.Asia`sBest B-SchoolLeadership Award 2010New Health Findings Unveiled in GCCRadical new findings from Professor Sebastian Ciancio, a leading expert in gum disease and oral health, were presented at AEEDC <strong>2011</strong> held in Dubai recently.The presentation’s objective was to educate the audience about research findings which support the theory that infectious agents in the mouth can play havocelsewhere in the body. The medical <strong>com</strong>munity traditionally believed that bacteria could be linked to periodontal diseases and other health issues. However, recentfindings reveal that bacteria and inflammation may link periodontal diseases to other chronic conditions such as heart disease.The findings also found that victims of systemic diseases, such asdiabetes or heart disease, suggests that there is a local inflammatoryresponse in the gums and thus a systemic inflammatory responsethroughout the body. Treating the individual's periodontal diseasereduces overall inflammation, which may help alleviate some of thesymptoms of other diseases.A study at Buffalo Veterans Administration Medical Center, conducted by Professor Ciancio and colleagues, showed that by using Listerine, an essential oilcontainedin most mouthwash products, twice daily, can significantly reduce peri-implant mucositis. During the presentation, Professor Ciancio said, “Studiesshow that women who have had periodontal disease are more likely to deliver pre-term and/or low birth weight (PLBW) babies. Periodontal diseases are alsolikely to exacerbate inflammation leading to atherosclerosis, a risk factor for heart disease. Positive associations may result from treating periodontal disease asa means of ameliorating systemic diseases.”LG Brings Powerful Cooling Solutions to OmanLG Electronics (LG) has launched the Titan, a premium residential air conditioning model, the Omani market.This updated version of an already successful, high-tech LG air conditioner will deliver powerful cooling made towithstand the region’s often punishing weather conditions.The Titan can blast out cool air over a distance of up to 10 metres, the longest range of any air conditioner in themarket today. The Jet Cool function and the 4-way Swing system enable the unit to blow cool air in practicallyany direction at maximum speed, making rooms cooler in the shortest possible time. Additionally, a specialMulti-stage Tropical Compressor <strong>com</strong>bines a highly efficient motor, with minimised oil circulation and a speciallydesigned resonator and cylinders to ensure powerful cooling even in extreme weather conditions.To ensure that Titan provides customers with the most <strong>com</strong>fortable and refreshing environment, LG has added unique health features. LG’s Air Purifying systemis equipped with special filters that eliminate germs, capture harmful airborne viruses, and removes unpleasant odors. In particular, the plasma filter, whicheliminates germs by burning microscopic dust particles through its patented electric field, represents the latest in LG’s innovation.The Titan is also built to last, an essential requirement in what can be an extremely hot region. The Multi-stage Tropical Compressor is designed to function,unhindered, for 24 hours a day, despite possible sandstorms and temperatures as high as 60°C. The Inbuilt Automatic Voltage Switcher helps the unit respondto unstable power supplies, while the Anti-Corrosion Gold Fin coating makes the unit’s heat exchanger more resistant to corrosion. These factors culminate in aproduct that is built to last longer than others in its class. The LG Titan is currently available in the Oman market.1415

<strong>April</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2011</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>166</strong>Viano in OmanMercedes Viano makes its way to Omani roads and intothe hearts of car enthusiasts in the countryZawawi Trading Company’s Mercedes Benz in Oman introduces theViano, a vehicle that boasts sports versatility with gripping design thatis sure to bring thrills to MPV enthusiasts in the country. Designed toseat up to eight people in absolute <strong>com</strong>fort, the Viano also offers foldingtables and variable seating that allows passengers to re-arrange spaceas per their requirements.With a clean, smooth interior in both cockpit and passenger<strong>com</strong>partments, the vehicle introduces an impeccable drive system andsuspension, making the Viano experience remarkably <strong>com</strong>fortable andincredibly safe.“The embodiment of Mercedes-Benz’s core values of safety, quality,reliability, <strong>com</strong>fort and efficiency. The <strong>com</strong>mitment to customers thatthese core values represent is innately present in not only the Viano, butin every employee, and in every Zawawi Trading Company showroomthat these magnificent vehicles are displayed. This shared ambition andunrivalled customer focus is why Zawawi continues to deliver the best ofthe best to our clientele from the leading premium car brand in the Omanimarket, Mercedes-Benz,” said Craig Hardie, CEO – Automotive, ZawawiTrading Company at the launch of the Mercedes Benz Viano at the GrandHyatt Muscat.EventsGhedex18th – 21st <strong>April</strong>An international and local higher education exhibition for all involvedin the education industry in Oman – it’s also the first to be approvedby the UFI; the global association of exhibition industrIES. Check itout at Oman International Exhibition Centre this week.COMEX25th – 29th <strong>April</strong>COMEX is in its 21st year now, and stands as the country’s leadingIT, Tele<strong>com</strong>, and Technology Show. Make your way to the OmanInternational Exhibition Centre next week, to find out more aboutthe latest happenings in the world of technology.Royal Oman Symphony Orchestra27th <strong>April</strong>ROSO unveils a Classical Rendezvous at Al Bustan Palace next Wednesday withguests including conductor Simon White, piano soloist Rebecca Taylor and sopranoRobyn Allegra Parton. The orchestra will play Mozart and Mahler classics. Tickets are10 rials including one beverage, and are available at the Box Office, Tel: 24764000.Zouk Model Hunt25th <strong>April</strong>Zouk’s search for models continues at the Crowne Plaza between 9pm and 3am thisMonday. The <strong>com</strong>petition is open to both men and women, so call Indah on 92782416to enter.Expressions of Oman<strong>April</strong> 20th – May 12thFour Omani artists unveil a range of Omani photography, paintings and calligraphy atBait Muzna Gallary, Muttrah.The Viano proves to be more than worthy as a family car; spacious andsleek, this baby is perfect for long distance driving and a fun addition toany home. A powerful engine, yet fuel-efficient, muscular styling andluxurious interior, along with a range of other features make the Viano a<strong>com</strong>plete car and a great driving experience.“The new generation Mercedes-Benz Viano raises the benchmark for<strong>com</strong>fort, design, and driving enjoyment in large-capacity vehicles to awhole new level. Ambient lighting, fresh styling and the exceptionallyefficient 6 cylinder engine give the Viano a more independent characterthan ever before,” said Rod Thomason, Head of New and Used Cars,Zawawi Trading Company.Muscat:24564488Sohar:26846662What is Ozone?Ozone is oxygen with 3 atoms (O3). It is created by theaction of ultraviolet rays on atmospheric oxygen 20 to 30kilometers from earth surface to form ozone layer. It is alsogenerated by the action of the high voltage of thunder(lightning) on atmospheric oxygen near earth. This explainsthe fresh air that we smell following rain. Ozone was foundto be effective in many medical conditions, so ozonegenerators were invented to produce medical ozone.What can Ozone do?• Inactivates Viruses, Bacteria, Yeast, Fungi, Parasites andProtozoa• Stimulates Immune System, Speeds Healing• Cleans Arteries and Veins, Improving Circulation• Oxidizes Toxins, Facilitating their Excretion• Normalizes hormone and Enzyme Production• Reduces Inflammation and Pain.• Scavenges Free Radicals• Chalets Heavy Metal, working well in conjunction withEDTA• Stimulates production of Protective EnzymesOzone Therapy is used in many conditions:A: Non Patients:• Athletes: Stimulates the performance quantitative andqualitative and decreases the recovery period. It is notprohibited• Beauty: General and local weight reduction. Stimulatesskin vitality and elasticity.• To enhance physical and mental performance,detoxification and stress control.B: Prevention:• Reduce the possibility of Coronary Insufficiencyand Diabetes if there is a family history.• Reduce the possibility of <strong>com</strong>plications in cases ofDiabetes.• Ameliorates the Aging process.C: Patients:• Ischemic Heart Disease, Atherosclerosis, CerebralStroke and Peripheral Vascular Insufficiency.Ozone therapy cleans Arteries and Veins,Improving Circulation.• Rheumatic diseases, Vertebral Column DiscProlapse, Painful Back and Joints, MuscleSpasms and Stiffness. Also rheumatoiddisorders.Ozone reduces inflammation and pain.This is because ozone is immuno-stimulant andimmuno-modulator so it is effective in treatment ofmany degenerative diseases and diseases ofdisturbances immune system.• Infected wounds, Diabetic foot, Infected Burns,and Chronic Sinusitis. Ozone is a powerful killer ofmicrobes.• Bronchial asthma, Allergic Rhinitis, Eczema andAllergic Conditions.• Hepatitis “C” virus and Hepatitis “B” virus as ozonehas a powerful anti-viral action.• Adjuvant in Malignancy in <strong>com</strong>bination withchemotherapy and/or radiotherapy• Obesity and hyper-chlesterolaemia.• It is highly efficient in managing exhaustion,nervous tension and pain in general.Ozone side effects: Ozone is the safest lineof treatment known in history provided thatit is used properly by the experienceddoctors.Methods of Application:• Direct injection into a muscle, joint• Insufflation: in the ear, vagina, rectum, andurethra• Injection: autohaemotherapy: By withdrawalof 80-120 ml of blood, adding a calculatedamount and concentration of ozone inoxygen to the blood, then re-infusing theblood again• Transdermal: bagging, ozonated olive oil.• Steam SaunaDr. Mohammed Nabil Mawsouf, MBProfessor of Pain ManagementCairo University – Egyptian Ozone SocietyVice President – International Ozone SocietyConsultant of Ozone TherapyElixir Health CentreSultanate of OmanTelephone: 24571800www.Elixir-Oman.<strong>com</strong>

<strong>April</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2011</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>166</strong>Allow me to introduce these six designer drinks from my own tastingexperience:Refresh MintRefresh Mint was the first drink I tried and it was good. Although itmight look like your usual ‘lemon mint’, this gives your taste buds agood second guess. The drink looks refreshing and minty; perfectlynamed and perfectly blended. I can see myself ordering this drinkon a hot day.Words Karima Farid | Photography Jerzy WierzbickiCitraBasically Citra syrup mixed with Sprite. It tasted like somethingthat you can drink with any dish. It’s garnished with slices of freshIt was a rather out of the ordinary interview, as it involved tryingorange and it gives you an extra taste of orange for a change. Iout six different drinks. Nevertheless, I had a blast trying eachwould definitely order this again.and every one of them, and I am still having a very hard timepicking out my favourite drink. We were sitting in a place that isCinnacino Coolcherished by people all over town. A place that has friendly staff,I loved it because it had all the ingredients I adored. Vanillaexcellent service, good food and also very ‘cool’ drinks – wesyrup, white chocolate powder, ground cinnamon and cappuccino,were at Nando’s. Y was invited exclusively to try out the chain’severything sweet in one place! It was light, sweet and gorgeouslynew ‘Designer Drinks’. These drinks were launched at the perfectput together. This will surely warm your soul, especially during antime; to cool us down from the summer heat that has alreadyafternoon snack of the perfect dessert dish.kicked in. The drinks turned out to be an excellent addition totheir wonderful food menu. From my experience, these drinksCoconut crushrepresent colour, sophistication, style and coolness.It looked heavy, but was extremely light and tasted amazing. Beyondmy usual love for coconut, I really liked the taste of coconut. It wasWe spoke to Jannat Moosa, Marketing Director at Bin Mirzafresh, cooling and authentic. I liked the smell and the ‘kick back’ itInternational (BMI), about Nando’s. She told us that BMI wasgives you. I will order this drink again and again.established by Hani Ali Mirza (Jannat’s husband), Partner andManaging Director, in January, 2004 - it has since be<strong>com</strong>e aCitrus Blissleading international brand that caters to the Omani people.This drink is probably Citra’s older sister. It’s more mature andJannat is a Bahraini national, and has been living in Omanhas a secret ingredient that you will love, but fail to recognise –with her Omani husband for the past eight years. She is awanted something a bit more. So Nando’s worked with Coca Cola, andtells us about what happens with the drinks, saying: “You know it can begrapefruit. If you have ever tried to make Mojitos at home, then trysophisticated w<strong>oman</strong>, who knows her job really well. She is verythey came up with these ‘Designer Drinks’. They are called designer drinksdifficult to sell drinks with food, rather than a soft drink, like introducing anout this drink – it’s the perfect recipe.easy to speak to and, I must add, has a gorgeous taste in clothes.She tells me, “I am here to represent the Bin Mirza International,because they are supposed to be in fashion right now. These drinks arerefreshing and they are different from each other. So whether you areall drinks menu. But as part of the launching plan, we are motivating ourstaff to do this and it is going really well, so far. We have a good trackingIce Chocospressoas the Marketing Director. I am handling all the brands underlooking for something fruity with a coffee base, or something milky, it is allsystem with the drinks to see how they are moving. We do recipe reviews,This drink is shaken and not stirred and that makes it even cooler.BMI. Under the umbrella of BMI we have Nando’s, Second Cupavailable here. We are also able to control the sweetness of these drinks,and always ask for feedback. Our staff go through an internal <strong>com</strong>petition,The drink is topped with foam and the bottom has chocolate sauceCafes, BreadTalk, CinnZeo Bakery Cafes and Bread Talk, at theto cater for anyone with diabetes.”so whoever sells the most designer drinks will win something at the end ofthat is absolutely lovely. This drink is usually sprinkled with roastedmoment, but there’s more to <strong>com</strong>e in the future.”six weeks. So, it is a whole cycle, as we are pushing drinks, people will knowcoffee beans or cocoa powder; mine was with cocoa.So now, rather than going to Nando’s just for good food, you can also stopthat Nando’s has a good promotion and people will <strong>com</strong>e back. Our dailyJannat mentioned that these drinks were introduced to Nando’sin for drinks. The second outlet is soon opening in Muscat City Centre, andbriefings are not called that, instead they are called ‘moments of pride’; theI would like to thank Jannat and Nando’s for their invitation.as a result of extensive research. She says, “At Nando’s we havenow you can all stop by for drinks while you shop. Hussain Daaboul, thewhole system is situated in a way that will motivate everyone. ”Readers, do check out these cool new drinks, they will blow yougood food, a good atmosphere and good desserts, so we wantedOperations Manager for Nando’s Oman, recently joined the team and heaway.good drinks, too. Rather than normal juices and soft drinks, weWe asked a few customersat Nando’s to pick one ofthe six new drinks from atray and tell us what theythink.Farida Al Mamary tryingCitrus Bliss“It’s nice... I feel the freshnessand the citrus taste in it. I wouldlike the sugar level to be less,but other than that, I would likeFran Taylor tryingCitrus“This drink isslightly sweetand has a hint oflemon too. It isCathy Buen tryingRefresh Mint“It is very minty, maybetoo minty.”Abdullah Al Busaidi trying CoconutCrush“This is really good, and it tastes likereal coconut. It looks attractive andhas a beautiful aroma with it. It is alsovery light.”to order it again.”fine.”18

<strong>April</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2011</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>166</strong> <strong>April</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2011</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>166</strong>EruditeDispatchesMichael HerrThere have been plenty of journalists who have put themselves in mortaldanger for a good war story, but few have been able to portray it with theaccuracy and rawness Esquire writer Michael Herr achieved with 'Dispatches'.Written in <strong>19</strong>77, 'Dispatches' could be said to be a review of Herr’s experiences followingthe war in Vietnam a few years earlier, but with such vividness and urgency in his style, itwould appear the writer borrowed heavily from the notebooks he carried with him during the tour.Herr focuses on the siege (a word the writer tries to avoid) of Khe Sanh, a fortified military town whichwas under constant attack from Viet Cong forces. These accounts portray the US soldiers in their most humanform - vulnerable, scared, homesick, and occasionally sadistic. Interspersed in the clogs of war are lyrical referencesto songs of the time, such as Jimi Hendrix’s ‘Foxy Lady’; indeed, listening to a Sixties soundtrack while reading the work willonly make the experience more authentic and enjoyable - and don’t forget to light up some joss sticks.Film ReviewTheGeneralOnce panned, andnow consideredto be one of thegreatest films ofall time, ‘The General’ is a monumental achievement in cinema, particularly when you consider the timeit was made. Filmed in <strong>19</strong>26, the film puts many modern movies to shame in terms of dialogue (yes, eventhough it’s a silent movie), plot, and most of all, stunts. Director and lead role, Buster Keaton, was not onlya <strong>com</strong>edy mastermind but one of the finest and bravest stunt actors in history, with a devotion to his filmsthat bordered on the insane. Most memorable from the film is a simple fadeout scene, where Buster sitson the coupling rod of a train while it slides out of view – an incredibly straightforward looking act which isprobably one of the most dangerous stunts in cinema. One slipup and Keaton would have been mincemeat.Stunts aside, the film won wide praise for its attention to detail (including the most expensive scene insilent film history), genius <strong>com</strong>ic moments and a r<strong>oman</strong>tic subplot that will excite the butterflies in yourstomach.Tackling the Swimmer’s ItchThe stunning shores andbeaches of the Sultanatehave contributed heavilyto the country’s boomingtourism industry, and thesea has been a secondhome to many Omanisand expatriates residingin the country. But, justlike anywhere else inthe world, the sea isalso home to other livingcreatures too, like birds,snails and of course, fish,that tend to leave behindmicroscopic parasites. These parasites sometimes cause an allergic skin reaction calledCercarial Dermatitis, better known as a ‘Swimmer’s itch’. Swimmers, may sometimesexperience a tingling, burning or itching of the skin, which later breaks into small reddishpimples that gradually disappear in time.The 'Swimmer’s itch', however, is not a life threatening allergy and can happen even infresh water such as lakes, ponds and even in swimming pools. But to save yourself itchytroubles, here are a few things you can do to ease the pain:• Apply corticosteroid cream to the skin after bathing• Cooling the skin helps to reduce the rash• Make a paste from baking soda and water and apply to the rash for relief• Use a good anti-itch lotion. Calamine lotion helps to reduce itchiness• Ensure you don’t scratch the rash area because this may cause the rash to be<strong>com</strong>einfected. If itching is severe, consult a doctor.Swimming in a marshy area is the most likely place for people to catch Swimmer’s itch,particularly pools left over from past floods that you may find close to the beach. For thosejust swimming in the sea, then ensure you properly dry yourself with a clean towel andshower thoroughly immediately after leaving the water as this helps reduce the chance ofinfection. If you’re lucky enough to own a swimming pool, simply keep it well maintainedand chlorinated and you shouldn’t have anything to worry about. For the rest, just followthese tips and you can enjoy the beauty of Omani waters without any worries of rashes.Omani Films Shown at 4th GulfFilm Festival in DubaiThe fourth Gulf Festival willshowcase a selection of Omanifilms this week, ending Wednesday,<strong>April</strong> 20th. The Gulf Film Festivalis currently being held at DubaiFestival City, and will feature 153films from 31 countries over thecourse of the festival. The Omanifilms on show this week include‘The Desert Angels’ by Khalid AlKhalbani, a joint Omani-Kuwaitiproduction ‘Human Remains’which follows the return of a Kuwaiti ex-Guantanamo Bay detaineeto his native land. Another Omani production featured is the roadsafetyanimation ‘Accident’ that delves into the trauma caused byroad accidents. Other Omani films on show include an adventuredrama‘Raneen’, the experimental film ‘Before Sunset’ and theclever <strong>com</strong>edy, ‘Style’. Festival Director Masoud Amralla Al Alisaid, “Inspiring talented youngsters from the region to pursue theirambitions in filmmaking has been one of the founding objectivesof the Gulf Film Festival. We are happy to see the region makingenormous strides, as demonstrated by the seven films from Oman,which underscore the rich talent base the Gulf region has.”The festival is supported by Dubai Culture & Arts Authority andis held in association with Dubai Studio City. More details on thefestival are available online at www.gulffilmfest.<strong>com</strong>.

HaramelWords & Photography Jerzy WierzbickiIn Oman, there are a lot of magic places,and sometimes these locations are closerthan you can imagine. Last weekend Ivisited a very quiet and closed fishingvillage called Haramel – the trip itselfwas like going back in time. Mr. AbdulRalph Wood, who has lived in Haramelfor several years, showed me around thevillage with a real passion for the secretsof this settlement. The village has a longhistory and locals have always beendirectly connected with the sea or withfishing. For a long time Haramel wasclosed off from the mainland due to itsgeographical location. Back then, therewas only one way to reach the village - byboat. This specific situation enabled thelocal <strong>com</strong>munity to retain many of its oldhabits. Adult men sit around and repairnets, or tend to work on boats. Small kidsare kept busy catching squids or sail smallboats and kayaks in the water. Everythingwas quiet, as per custom. Haramel is theperfect place for a weekend walk with aspecial spirit that makes it worth even thebriefest of stop-offs.How to get there:Go to Sidab and behind the village you willfind a junction on your left hand side. Takethis turn and after 2km you will reachHaramel village.

One such example of <strong>com</strong>munity in action isGreenweek, an initiative organised by a group ofstudents at Sultan Qaboos University to collect paperfor recycling and encourage people to think moreabout their environment. Either Al Hassan, one ofthe group members, says, “It all started off whenwe were brainstorming for project ideas for theannual Engineering Gathering here in SQU and thequestion arose, ‘where does all the paper go?’" SoGreenWeek came about, and the group set aboutorganising drop-off points for students to disposeof waste paper. She says, “Boxes were distributedeverywhere in SQU to offices, labs, copy roomsetc, and these boxes were used to collect paperand then sent to be recycled.” Eithar adds, “(Wecollected) more than a 100 boxes of 90,000 cmcubed capacity and sent it to an appropriaterecycling <strong>com</strong>pany. The public's response was abit surprising; we weren't expecting such positivefeedback and interest in the project from studentsor faculty members.”Obviously, the public appear to be eager torecycle their own waste products provided theoption is available to them, and Eithar speaks ofsuch a positive response from the public fromthe start. “Boxes were half-full from day one,and we extended it for another week, and thenanother - paper just kept <strong>com</strong>ing in. More andmore people ask about the boxes and whetherthe project will be<strong>com</strong>e a permanent fixture inSQU. This is a great encouragement for us totry and make recycling a habit with everyonehere in SQU.” Still she believes a lot more can be done, saying, “Generallyspeaking – not just in Oman – the paper industry in extremely large andmaking paper (itself) is not efficient. The average yield of pulp from a treeis only 50 percent,” she says.Eithar goes on to point out that “Approximately 324L of water is usedto make just 1kg of paper. Think about the paper you use in your dailylife – tissues, newspapers, magazines, notebooks, even pizza takeoutbox. Hundreds of thousands of tons are used daily in the Sultanate andwhere does it all go? Nowhere! It's such a sad fact that the environment'streasure that can be used over and over again and issimply wasted.” Ways in which this can be tackled isby raising more awareness of the damage caused bythrowing away recyclable materials and “making iteasier for people to recycle by having easy-to-get tocollection points.” Eithar concludes by saying, “We arean almost waterless, treeless country that needs everydrop of fossil fuel for its in<strong>com</strong>e, so why the waste?”However, even the printing presses in Oman are beginningto tackle the problem of waste, with Graeme Selby, GeneralManager of Mazoon Printing, telling me, “We (Mazoon)consume on average about 60 tonnes of paper per week,and wastage is approximately 3 tonnes per week. Ourpercentage of actual 100-percent recycled paper varieson the client and demands, but we do use more and morenowadays. All paper used by the printing industry is infact environmentally-friendly and is manufactured usingmodern farming methods that ensure regular croprotation. For each tree used in the manufacturingof paper one is replanted and allowed to mature. Itis in the paper manufacturer’s interest to use thesemethods.”He adds that any waste paper produced by the pressis collected by a waste disposal group and recycled.Graeme makes a rough guess by saying, “Wastageoisapproximately, 2.5 to 3 tonnes per week by eachof the 7 medium to large presses in Oman.” Ofcourse, the absence of recycling plants in the countrymeans that there is still considerable damage to theenvironment due to the logistics involved in recyclingpaper – paper is exported for recycling and thenimported for production. However, Graeme adds, “Ouradvanced printing machines create very little waste formaking print ready and with regular maintenance andservicing waste is kept to a minimum. We constantlymonitor our wastage use and keep within <strong>com</strong>panyand industry standards. It is an important issue to us atMazoon, for both environmental and economic reasons,and we put every effort into waste management.” Paperis likely to be used more and more in the future, and asthe population continues to grow, self-sufficiency is thekey to keeping wastage as low as possible. Nadir tellsme that he would like to thank everyone contributing torecycling so far, and if you would like your waste papercollected then you can call or send an SMS message to histeam at 97072911. Better still, why not get your colleaguesto round up the waste paper for collection from youroffice, or your neighbours’ waste from one spot. After all,recycling is about <strong>com</strong>munity action and uniting people,not just saving the world."…almost no material is beingrecycled in Oman – no metals,no plastics, no newspapers ormagazines"

spotlightA Helping HandWords Karima Farid | Photography Jerzy WierzbickiHaving a physical disability or any impairment, particularly one that limits and gas industry. He tells me about how he beganmobility, is extremely challenging. However, when you are blessed with taking an interest in diving for the disabled and thethe support of individuals like Tariq Al Khabori, life certainly be<strong>com</strong>es a lot development of this project: “Omanis are known to beeasier.very good swimmers. With 1,700 kilometres of pristinecoastline in Oman, there is no doubt that the country’sIt is a beautiful act to help others, especially when you do it with passion. people are naturally good swimmers. But what aboutGiving back to society is an act of kindness that is needed all over the the ones who are disabled? Although I didn’t thinkworld, and we met a group who are doing just that, and deserve the of this, it was Stefanie Trier who opened my eyes togratitude and utmost respect from society as a whole for their selfless acts. something exciting and new for the disabled: diving!I could not imagine them swimming, so how couldBarka Al Bakri is the w<strong>oman</strong> beside Tariq in the photographs, and she is I imagine them diving? I agreed to the idea and wehere to tell us briefly who she is and what she is doing. As they both spoke started working on this exciting project. Along the wayto my admiration towards them grew, and I told myself that a few pages inour magazine would not do them justice, I would probably need to write abook!Barka is a modest and inspirational w<strong>oman</strong>. She is currently a NationalRepresentative for the International Association for Volunteer Efforts. Shesays, “I have known Tariq since the 80s and together we have tried to(highlight) a <strong>com</strong>munity issue. In the second half of the 80s we started asmall group for children with special needs at the Women’s Association.What we did initially with Raya Saif Al Riyami is that we started anevening group which included handicapped children from Khoula HospitalChildren’s Ward. They were either abandoned or disabled – at that timewe didn’t have an orphanage. The aim of the gathering was to shareand raise awareness about all of the cases and that’s how westarted in <strong>19</strong>84.”Eventually the group got bigger, and naturally they wantedto be registered so they could open an account. Theylater set up the Welfare of Handicapped Children, andthat was the FIRST NGO that served children withspecial needs in Oman, and Barka was one of thepeople behind it. She adds: “Raya Al Riyami is theone who was the force behind this from the start.”We will soon be speaking to Barka in more detailabout her own personal journey.Tariq Al Khabori is a great social entrepreneur andthe perfect example of individual social responsibility.He’s a well known name amongst the citizens of Omanfor this work. Currently Tariq holds the title of ‘DisabledDiver Coordinator’, and his journey with the physicallychallenged began in <strong>19</strong>84 after a long career in the oilwe got all the necessary permission(we needed) and also included adoctor from Germany (as part of theteam). From then on things startedhappening for real... I would liketo take this opportunity to thankCaptain Said and all the teammembers that made this happen.”Stefanie Trier, one of the foundingmembers and a diving instructor,said: “During my long time ofteaching I have <strong>com</strong>e acrossseveral handicapped students.One of them had only one leg.Although I was sceptical at thestart and thought that he would notbe able to keep up with the otherstudents, I was very surprised thatthe handicapped person turned outto be one of the best students onthe course - extremely disciplinedand eager to do all the exerciseswith a high performance level. Thisexperience motivated me to be<strong>com</strong>ea diving instructor for handicappedpeople.”OeGTH c/o A – 1160 Wien, Seeboeckgasse 17/2Tariq Jawad Jaffar Al KhaboriTeam CoordinatorOman Dive Challenge for disabledP O Box 1872 Postal Code 112Muscat Sultanate of OmanDear Tariq,The first dive challenge for thedisabled was held in March 2009at the Oman Dive Center, inMuscat. According to Tariq, it wasmagnificent and a dream <strong>com</strong>etrue for many. Due to its successand the huge interest, the Ministryof Sports asked the dive challengeteam to organise such events on aregular base, in the different citiesof Oman. The ODDA organizedthis challenge for both Surand Salalah during2010. In <strong>2011</strong>, a diveevent was held inNizwa from 13th –16th March – this was the 4th Dive Challenge in Oman.PresidentDr. med. Roswitha ProhaskaSeeboeckgasse 17, A-1160 WienTel.: + 43 699 <strong>19</strong> 44 23 90e-mail praesident@oegth.atMuscat, March 18th, <strong>2011</strong>Taking part second time in the Dive Challenge for disabled as a Diving & Hyperbaric MedicineConsultant, I am so impressed about the sports activities and the empowerment these people.Also the sports festival for disabled in Nizwa was a great experience for me. We don´t havesuch big events for handicapped in Austria.During the Dive Challenge in Nizwa our team had already 58 people in the water, for exampleblind, paraplegics from polio, from accidents, and from other diseases. That was a big successfor the participants and for the supporting team also. The handling of the participants was goingon in a very professional way, so that we as diving physicians could learn much about “divingwith disabled” – projects.Because of the importance of the medical aspects of diving with handicaps, I would liketo present the out<strong>com</strong>e of the diving events at the next congress of the EUBS (EuropeanUnderwater and Baromedical Society) to be held in Poland this August. The organisationand the particular experience of the team members ( instructors, assistants with specialqualification for diving with handicapped ) should be a role model for other countries.It would be a great pleasure if you support this presentation in the way, that yourplatform also can mentioned on the poster.I would be really happy to present this activities to the European Medical Societies!Best regardsDr. Roswitha ProhaskaPresident ofAustrian Society for Diving and Hyperbaric MedicineÖsterreichische Gesellschaft für Tauch- und Hyperbarmedizin – ÖGTH www.oegth.atZVR – Zahl 343814917Bankverbindung: Dr. Angelika Flynn – ÖGTH, Ärztebank BLZ 18130, Konto Nr. 50093290000Tariq told us about the team members who make this diving experiencehappen. “Dr Roswitha Prohaska is a dive instructor and also thePresident of the Austrian Society for Diving & Hyperbaric Medicine.She basically takes care of the safety issues… and the medicalexams and questioning. Then, depending on her evaluation,all is <strong>com</strong>pleted. It is a tough job, but surely it is worthevery minute of it. Each disabled diver needs upto three instructors to support him at a time.Andrea Blinzler, a physiotherapist working inMuscat, is also part of the team and eagerto improve the life of handicapped peoplein Oman with water therapy.”It’s inspirational to meet people whodo so much for others, as it reallygets you thinking of different waysto give back to the <strong>com</strong>munity.I would like to thank both Tariqand Barka for their time, and Iam looking forward to meetingthem again, as I am certainthere is much more that wecan talk about.

World in MotionWords Karima Farid | Photography Jerzy WierzbickiBefore I begin, I would like to thank MBC4for launching this TV programme in the firstplace. Arabs Got Talent launched on January14th, <strong>2011</strong>, and has been scouring the ArabWorld for talent. We all followed this talentedgirl eagerly through her journey with MBC4’sArab Got Talent. Shayma Al Mughairy is anOmani girl who is living with her family inAbu Dhabi. She is the third sibling out of fivebrothers and sister and was one of the twelvefinalists of this exciting TV programme.During her first appearance, this Omanisensation struck the audience and judges asshe swiftly drew a Leonardo Da Vinci imageusing sand, in only two minutes. This was the firsttime the Arab World had witnessed such a gift. Thissuccess promoted her to the semi-final round. Inthis appearance, she shared a story on what washappening around the world at time, she describedin sand the unrest in the Arab world, with hope ofa safe ending; it was a beautiful demonstration. Iwould personally enjoy watching her draw on sandfor hours. The participants were given two and ahalf minutes.In the final, Shayma was one of the twelve finalists,but did not advance as it all depended on voting.Nevertheless, Shayma Al Mughairy is alreadya winner as she managed not only to enter ourhearts with her stunning personality, but she als<strong>oman</strong>aged to integrate a new scene for art in theworld of talent for us. Y had the pleasure of meetingShayma, and her proud mother, Um Shayma, oneon-oneto ask her a few questions about her excitingjourney with this TV programme. Her mother tellsme that Shayma is an excellent student, and hasalso won three different prizes on a national level inthe UAE. She is extremely talented, has a fun andlovely personality and most importantly, she is youreveryday sixteen year old – with an upgrade! We gotto know her a little better through these questions.Please tell us, how did you start with the art ofdrawing with sand?I was always good in art from a very young age, butwith drawing on sand, I started four years ago at theage of 12. My art teacher in school introduced thisart to me, as she believed I had a talent for drawing.So my beginning was great, as I started with smallportraits. And as I grew up, I started participating inshows and exhibitions and slowly this art grew withme. I started creating little stories and scenariosthat I would draw.How did you learn this art form?Initially, my teacher showed me visual CDs to startwith. I basically watched and learnt their handmovements, how they draw wings, the amount ofsand used at a time, and even the way they held thesand- it was exciting for me. I was a fast learner, andafter I learnt the basic steps, I started progressingand growing on my own. The first time I touchedsand, it felt strange to me, but today drawing withsand is a big part of my life – it feels natural.What inspires you? What do you like to draw?I love drawing different scenarios and my thoughtsand basically translate them into images throughsand. My favourite part is drawing differentpersonalities and features, even famous people.The only reason that I didn’t draw His Majesty SultanQaboos bin Said is because of the time frame I wasgiven on the show. I would need more time to makeit perfect, after all, His Majesty is very important tome and this country and drawing him would be mypleasure. Every second counts.Who has supported you?My whole family has been very supportive,especially my mother. After they knew that I haddeveloped an interest in this area, they createda space for me to work at home, and got theinstruments I need for the art. They also helpedme create a timetable that I can follow at home andfollow up on a daily basis.What kind of instruments do you need, and whatsand do you use?I use soft desert sand. I use a table which has a lightboard, and then a white piece covering it. Then, thatis covered with transparent glass, and that is whereI draw. Then I use an overhead projector to increasevisibility and to add further artistic aesthetics.How did you enter Arabs Got Talent?In the beginning, I had no idea that this showwas about to be aired and that they werelooking for talent. But my mother’s cousin,Souda Al Ismaily, who I consider my aunt,called my mum and pushed me to join. Soafter my mother saw the advertisement shegot excited, and urged me to join. After I sawthe advertisement, I thought it might be a joke.I never imagined it would get this big. So Ichecked their website and participated with anentry video, and that promoted me to my firstappearance after a two week wait. (Then) itstarted getting serious.You are famous now in the Arab World. How areyou coping with this sudden change?Living with fame is something that I haven’texperienced so much yet, but with time and as Iget out of the house, people are already startingto recognise me and ask me for my autograph. Iwanted people to know me through my art, and notonly my name or personality. I want my life to go onas it is, and live like the sixteen year old that I am.What are your hobbies?Swimming, volleyball and cooking- I love cooking.What would you like to tell our readers and theArab World?First of all, (our conclusion from) Arabs Got Talentis that Arabs are talented, and unfortunately manyof these talents are hidden and people don’t knowabout them. We must try to bring out talent on morethan one platform. I am eagerly waiting for part two,which will bring out even more talent. So thankfully,this programme did its part to bring out thesepeople, and we must continue to do that. I wouldlike to tell all parents to support their children in whatthey love and are talented to do. I would especiallylike to thank MBC4, Nawras, Oman Mobile and AlWisal for all their support; I would also like to thankall those who voted for me.Shayma Al Mughairy is indeed talented, and gettingto know her was a pleasure. One of her momentsof pride was participating in the launch of OmanMobile’s new logo. Shayma is currently on thesearch for some kind of glue that can allow her todraw pictures and stick them. If anyone would liketo lend a hand in this search, or get in touch withher for sponsorship or invite her to cultural events,then please contact her via me at karima.farid@y<strong>oman</strong>.<strong>com</strong>- as her family requested. Shaymadeserves the support of the Sultanate of Oman, andI wish for all who are able to do so to support thisOmani talent.

Clint Derric EgbertWe all love good colour on our lips, so this week we check out five differentlipsticks, balms and glosses. Here is our opinion. All products featured onthis page are purchased and tried so if you are interested in them then don’thesitate to contact us at info@y-<strong>oman</strong>.<strong>com</strong>.112345Chanel Coco Rouge Shine LipstickI love the Chanel Coco Rouge Shine Lipstick so much; Ithink I want the whole collection. My latest purchase isLibetre, which is a beautiful coral shade which looks goodon any <strong>com</strong>plexion. It gives you the perfect pout!Le Rouge Ecrin, Jewel Lipstick Compact byGuerlainThis lipstick is long lasting, and even when it fades, it usually resultsin a nice colour and your lips won’t dry out in the process. Thecolours are absolutely gorgeous.Estee Lauder Tender Lip BalmThis is perfect for everyday wear, and I am having troublefinding this product as it is currently out of stock. Ihad a new stick that I have never used and the onlydownside I thought was that it doesn’t seem to last forvery long.Dior Addict LipstickThis is a lipstick that is not only soft and smooth, but also moistensyour lips just like a balm would. It leaves you with a glossy appearance,without any stickiness, and works like magic.Clinique Long Lasting Lip glossAs I am always on the lookout for long-lasting lip wear, this <strong>com</strong>es as a nice addition. It ismoistening, pretty and <strong>com</strong>es in <strong>19</strong> different shades. Find your perfect colour.5324Magic Wand Remote ControlIt’s not as easy as being Harry Potter, but if you think you have a good memorythen there’s no harm in trying out the new Magic Wand Remote Control.Presenting 13 <strong>com</strong>mands stored in the device’s memory, all you have to do ismake simple ‘wand’ movements to change TV channels, recode TV shows, fixvolume controls and much more – it’s sure to bring out the Harry Potter in you!The device is capable of working on stereos, sky boxes, televisions and mostinfra-red supported gadgets. The wand also gives a signal when it recognisesa <strong>com</strong>mand by vibrating and is equipped with a battery-saving auto-poweroffapplication that <strong>com</strong>es into play if the device is inactive for more than 60seconds. For more information, go to www.reevoo.<strong>com</strong>.Wouter Scheublin Walking TableMost tables have legs, but not ones that walk! The new Wouter Scheublintable, however, is an incredible exception that is capable of walking from oneplace to another, with just a gentle push. Carved from walnut, these tables area limited in number – eight to be precise – and are true examples of beautifulengineering. Although I don’t see any reason to own a walking table, apart fromthe fact that it’s a bit of a head-turner, I do believe this could really pave theway for some really funky furniture in the near future. To believe the brillianceof this device, you will have to see it in action, so follow this YouTube link:http://www.youtube.<strong>com</strong>/watch?v=mBOdZ6nhDJg&feature=player_embedded.G-Forms’s Extreme SleeveAs fantastic as a device the iPad may be, there havebeen many questions as to its durability, especially withbeing a portable gadget. And so, if you intend to keepyour iPad in a good condition, you may want to protectit with G-Forms’s Extreme Sleeve. This casing is madefrom foam making it very, very tough and can absorb90 percent of the force of impact when hit or dropped.Priced at $59.95 (23 rials), the Extreme Sleeve mightput you back a few bucks, but it is sure to save you alot of money in repairs if you are a bit of a butterfingers.For a video demonstration of how this fantastic productworks, log onto http://www.youtube.<strong>com</strong>/watch?v=RjacWefOnbk&feature=player_embedded or check it outdirectly at www.g-form.<strong>com</strong>.Demy Kitchen Safe TouchscreenRecipe ReaderThe Demy Kitchen SafeTouchscreen Recipe Readeris definitely a device for allwannabe chefs out there.Capable of storing up to 2,500recipes and preloaded with250 recipes, this deviceis equipped with a 7-inchtouchscreen and an intuitivegraphical navigationinterface that makes ituser-friendly and fun touse. The Reader can alsobe connected via a USBcable for the transfer ofdata. Made from tough plasticand with a splash-resistant design, the gadget canbe cleaned easily with a damp cloth. However, spending$200 (77 rials) on a recipe book does seem a littleinsane, but if your passion for cooking is so, then this isdefinitely something you can make good use of. For moreinformation, go to www.amazon.<strong>com</strong>.33

Words & PhotographyClint Derric EgbertRed Bull really doesgive them wingsGrit, Glitter and Guts muddle up to make the Red Bull X-Fighters one of the sweetestconcoctions, which has left Motocross enthusiasts thirsty for moreThe sound of revving engines and whizzing Australian Jackson Strong’s unfortunate crash in thewheels have always given me the thrills, qualifiers while performing a back-flip bungedbut experiencing the world’s best freestyle up his chances of <strong>com</strong>peting in the mainmotocross riders blaze the X-Fighters circuit event, due to injury. The next dayin Dubai last weekend did something very was an early one, with spectatorsspecial for me, sending my adrenalin levels already lining up outside theinto zone ‘crazy’, not to mention that being arena by three in order tofuelled by icy chilled Red Bulls.catch a good seat, eventhough the gates onlyRousing an audience of 15,000 spectators, opened at six. While ridersracers Danny Torres, Andre Villa and Nate prepared themselves forAdams pushed the limits of gravity tothe evening show, windsextremes. Soaring some 15 metres into the began to pick up andsky at super speeds, not only did they do rumours of rain startedjustice to the sport of freestyle motocross, to be<strong>com</strong>e a concern.but also bewitched the spectatorswitnessing an event like this for the first time “I hope to get throughin Dubai.the course well,especially in the firstMy encounter, however, with these high round; go well on theflying daredevils began a day before the tricks and stunts, and haveevent at a press conference at the venue, a good time doing it. I aim towhere the media got the chance to mingle be of good <strong>com</strong>petition to Natewith the racers.Adams, who is the crowd favourite fortonight. The wind is definitely going to“After making the big jumps, the freestyle be a problem, and I’m hoping it willalmost feels easier. Now that I have a baby go away,” Robbie Maddison tells Y.boy, however, it does scare me becausewe know what one bad crash can do. I’m “It’s going to be a great show,back to represent Australia and Red Bull,” the wind shouldn’t be a problemsaid Robbie Maddison at the conference. because we are used to racing inNate Adams, who was the <strong>com</strong>petition’s windy conditions, but heavy rainfavourite and defending champion, has would definitely stop the show,”shifted from a 2-stroke to a 4-stroke engine, Lance Coury tells me before theand claimed that he was practiced and race.ready.With the arena packed and raring to go, it wasFollowing the conference, riders geared up time for the highflying action everybody was anxiously waiting for tofor the qualifiers which was dominated by begin. With the sky welling up with rain, it wasn’t long before slightAndre Villa who posted the highest score drizzles began to shower down on the arena, but fortunately thisof 436, followed by Levi Sherwood with was not enough to stop the show from going on. Riders took to the432.5 and Nate Adams in third with a score track, enthralling audiences with death-defying stunts in a two round34 of 429.<strong>com</strong>petition to reach the knockout round of the <strong>com</strong>petition.35

Spain’s Danny Torres, Andre Villa(Norway), Nate Adams (USA) andAussie Blake Williams went on tobattle it out in the final stages of the<strong>com</strong>petition, belting out a series ofnerve-wrecking routines with stuntslike the ‘Whip’, the ‘Ruler’, the ‘RockSolid’ and the ‘Cordova Flip’, alongwith various other tricks.Eventually it was the Spanish flyerDanny Torres who walked away withthe top prize, earning himself 100points, with Norwegian Andre Villafollowing in second with 80 points.Last year’s champ Nate Adams wasable to clinch the third spot with 65points, but says that he isn’t happywith his performance as he looks toup his standards in the next leg of the<strong>com</strong>petition.“It feels great to have won. I’m gladthat people enjoyed themselves,and all the riders were great tonight.It was fantastic,” Danny Torrez toldY after his dramatic victory in theDubai leg of the <strong>com</strong>petition.“I’ve known Danny since he wasfifteen; his arms would barelyreach the bike handles then,but he would ride; I knew fromthen that he would go on tobe<strong>com</strong>e a great rider,” saidVilla at the media meet afterthe <strong>com</strong>petition. “He doesn’ttalk much, but I’ll give him a fewdrinks and he’ll be smiling,” hewent onto joke.The Red Bull X-Fighters are nowscheduled to race in SouthAmerica next, where they willbe leaping into the Braziliancapital Brasilia for the first time.There will also be action in Romeon June 25th, Madrid on July16th and in the new EuropeanFootball Championship stadiumin Warsaw on August 7th. Thefinal showdown will take place inAustralia on September 18th.Final ResultsRed Bull X-Fighters<strong>2011</strong>, Dubai1. Danny Torres, Spain – 100 points2. Andre Villa, Norway – 80 points3. Nate Adams, USA – 65 points3. Blake Williams, Australia – 55 points4. Levi Sherwood, New Zealand, 45 points5. Eigo Sato, Japan – 35 points6. Robbie Maddison, Australia – 30 points8. Adam Jones, USA – 25 points9. Takayuki Higashino, Japan – 20 points10. Robbie Adelberg, Australia, 15 points11. Lance Coury, USA – 10 points12. Jackson Strong, Australia – 5 points36 37

<strong>April</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2011</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>166</strong><strong>April</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2011</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>166</strong>Westlife Live in Muscat3839

<strong>April</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2011</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>166</strong>Beaconhouse SchoolSystem Annual DramaFestivalOPPORTUNITY KNOCKS!SABCO Media is a cross platform of media vehicles with a key focus on radio, print, andoutdoor media. We have aggressive growth initiatives to ensure we continuously offer strategicand cost effective media choices to all our partners, listeners, readers and advertisers.We are now looking for talented individualsto be part of our organisation.AssistantAdvertisingMANAGERSManage and maintain accounts with a key focus on sales and managing opportunities,ensuring goals are achieved. At least 3 years media sales experience, multi-tasking,and problem solvingMedia SalesEXECUTIVESAssist with handling specific media product sales, servicing clients, ensuring weeklyand monthly targets are met. At least 2 years work experience, with a strong historyof delivering results.SABCO Media employs a well structured incentive schemethat can further enhance your in<strong>com</strong>e levels. Enjoy generous <strong>com</strong>pensation,the best benefits in the industry, and the excitement that <strong>com</strong>es with achievingprofessional success.If you would like to be part of our growing team, please send your resume immediately tohireme@sab<strong>com</strong>edia.<strong>com</strong>42Telephone: (968) 24426 900 | Fax: (968) 24426 925info@sab<strong>com</strong>edia.<strong>com</strong> | www.sab<strong>com</strong>edia.<strong>com</strong>

<strong>April</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2011</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>166</strong>KFWS • MindGymFebruary 21, <strong>2011</strong>Place a letter in the empty boxes in such a way that eachrow across, each column down and each small 9-box squarecontain all of the letters listed above the diagram. When<strong>com</strong>pleted, the row indicated will spell our a word or words.Without rotating the small squares below, try to arrangethem into the pattern shown in the diagram so that thenumber next to each large triangle equals the sum of thefour numbers in that triangle.Download your FREE copy at www.y-<strong>oman</strong>.<strong>com</strong>NOW AVAILABLE IN BARKA, ALL THE WAY TO SOHAR!—1—Ayman Canawatiayman.canawati@sab<strong>com</strong>edia.<strong>com</strong>Feroz KhanTel. 97768900feroz.khan@sab<strong>com</strong>edia.<strong>com</strong>Sudipto MojumderTel. 94051770sudipto.mojumder@sab<strong>com</strong>edia.<strong>com</strong>45

KFWS • MindGymFebruary 21, <strong>2011</strong>Each week we are asking our readers to take part in a topical discussionvia Y Magazine's facebook page.Join the group and you might see your <strong>com</strong>ments printed in next week'sissue!This week:What has been your favourite novel this year?Nass Al Abdul SalamHmm...i think the Arabian novel ((A Nationality) by Mr. Moataz Basim:) itswonderful !Assim Abdullah Al-Saqri"The Lost Symbol", by Dan Brown..KFWS • MindGymFebruary 21, <strong>2011</strong>Paroma Banerjee Dasgupta"THE KITE RUNNER" by khaled hosseini and "SHANTARAM" by gregorydavid roberts.....enjoyed both of them.Fatma MakkiThe Dark Side of Love by Rafik Schami - a story about three generationsof a family in Damascus.Avni PawaniEAT , PRAY , LOVE by Elizabeth Gilbert - a story of self-discovery througha journey across Italy , India , IndonesiaKFWS • MindGymFebruary 21, <strong>2011</strong>Saad Nasser Hamidi"Matterhorn" by Karl Manlates. Great NovelSOLUTIONSCROSSWORDletter boxtry squares

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